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Expansion Loop qj — GHAPTERFIVE T oes eet tt CURE £1 Syme oe EXPANSION LOOPS AND EXPANSION JOINTS tt rrgure sa Noone! to. oops. Because this loop arrangement may change the entre pip acajou, Cane west te lope soar ih snpliiedclcaton of tomaprepts (Fig 12) teat sage ofthe project. Guides on bh sce ot the tao, show as Gy and Grin Figure 53, are important fr proper fenctorng ot ops because guides direct the expansion ito the bend, tong the is ote pipesmce vols shiting the tne sides. A prectl problem often encountered is interfeence, when sullen gap was 90 Frovided fori th espn, The gap afer considering insulation on oth ines, Should eager than he digerental expansion aelbows E and assbown intigue Str To avld ioterterenc,gap>(Qx2~ Axi), where Art and S31 ic eparsions occuring inte same detion a the same Un. SeeFgeBsowng spree nd ao the eno ‘Cauton shouldbe exercise in calculating the differentia expansion he inne oop isnot opetaing and rat 10. To thi cae, te acta! gp es 89 ownin Figure 55 Figere 3a shows hat widhou guides the oop expansion ‘Soedrecsd prope igure 3.60 shows thatthe pipe occupies (known as take) ce ete or toe pig po Thi ewe desea te “As descrived earlier in Chapter 1,two devices used toimprove the flexibility of Jing ate expansion loope and expansion joins. This chapter will deal with hese two topics in more detail EXPANSION LOOPS Loops provide the necessary leg of piping in a perpendicular direction to ‘Dasttb the tgrmal expansion. They sre safer when compared with expansion amt but take moce space. Expansion loope may be symmetrical (Fig 5.1) or sonsymametrical (Fig. 5.2). Symmetrical loops are advantageous 10 use Peneuse lep H (Fig. 51) is used efficiently to absorb an equal amount of Capansion from both directions. The bend length 2 is given by: n= W428) on Sometimes nonsymmetrical loops are used (0 utilize the existing support steel or to Iovate the loop at road erossings. Vertical direction supports are ‘roviged to suppor the gravity weight at the caleulated span as discussed in Chapter 3. Horizontal loops (bend length either fat or horizontal) would nced ‘ow more supports when compared with vertical loops in the bend length pordon, as shown by supports 5,5 in Figure 5.3. The optimum ratio of height pet width can be estimated and used. ‘i ‘When severa piping loops are laid side byside ona pipe rack, the size of the ‘oop including the ratio height per width may be modified to lay the loops one fos the other 2s shown in Figure 5.3. But the final size of exch loop (bend ength) must be larger than the calculated bend length. otter and larger lines are placed outside as outer loops because the longer height HY is needed. Smaller lines with lower temperatures are placed asinside lis. . L = SS FIGURE 5:3 “Layout ia pla of many horronl lope, 2 FIGURE 54 Gap egsirement wth bth ines ot fAGURE SS. Gap roqremen inner or maler loop + 1 etetion (Pipe ak with ane tasageton FIGURE S6 (0) Need or guides consol eect hoot enough ees FIGURE 5.7 Tice-imenlonlhrzotl oop. cy expansion Loops 8s FIGURE 5. Verte lope a rosd cong “Three-dimensional loops (Fig. 5.7) are widely used because this arrange ment does not block the routing of low temperature lines under the loop. The Usual raiser height is about 3f. The loop bead length Ls is also taken here as T= W+2H without giving credit forthe two raises. ‘Vertical loops are placed at road crossings and sometimes are nonsvm~ metrically loeated due t0 the location of the road. Vertical guides may be recessary to keep th line vertical as shown in Figure 5.8. Stresses and Loads in Loops Cation of Ses and fads ta lopt-by the M, W. Kellogg method (reference 3 in Chapter 1) follows. ‘Sample Calculation Given a loop of 20a, OD din. thick ASTM A-135, Grade A pines KeL is 20. Guides are located 10 ft on either side of the oop, so that L = 40 (t. The distance between anchors A’ and Bis 100 ft (Fig. 5.9). The line temperatures 25°F and is used for oil piping. Find a)" The required height of KL and (0) The forcesacting atpoint 4’ and Band the moments acting at points Aand B. FIGURE 59. Suess tay Tee unit inet themal expanon for cabon seal 3) 47 oe) rm St aca = in = 1850p anoring cose permision 0.03 ae ong! jin etileney _ LS. : ees ipa > Enter in Figure 5.10 with 0.0531 : wer in Fibers ‘yacurve represnting K,~ 0.5 ana down othe value of Kay : f= tego AB wins OSD. Kad. i therefore 40% 032 = 12.80, pear Sys we ae 28 Fr Fe = 108A (3) 62) () The moment of inerda for 20in. OD » in. thick pipe = M457 wos 1a 14573 eaionaae Enver in Figure 5.11 with Ky= 05 and Ka= 0.22. ‘Read Ay= 055 y= 0.86 Fag= Fan = —68,300%0.55%37,60010 (esing Eq. 5:2) Mage Meg =#273.000% 0.86235 000 eb (osing Ea $3) -Thenomograph presentedas Figure 5.12 may be used wo estimate the is of no a eptotion oop, Out of the four arrangements of singl-plane expansion rhage Bhown, type Ais popular due tothe ease i fabrication wing stnen® sored ecg pipe lengths. Other arrangements require pipe bending 10 {2 specific configuration Te amiving et the nomograph, the following were’assumed: we atari used is the guided cantilever formula given by Eq. 1.3. Ke FIGURE 5:10, Daign of oop wing M. W. Keg at. Leg required: pEDa = a3) Expansion oops 89 tocecatai? aL Tl f\ Te — |) ak 2 . : 733 ES "41 + wh pies ul pape 24 = ba. FIGURE 5:12. Nomogegh © detemine loop se. where Sq = 20,000 pii B= 29% 10° pi {4 = expansion to be absorbed by the loop, inches D=nominal diameter, inches (Note that Eq. 1.3 uses outside diameter) L= Distance between guides. ft tance between anchors, ft z= Bend length required to absorb expansion, ft Example eee 1. Find the size ofthe loop to absorb expansion in 200 fcof 12 in. carbonstee! pipe at A00°F. Assume height to width ratio. Ke 6 MW ators “Total expansion = 200(0,027) = 5.4. FIGURE 511. Moment and forces ino ws 90 xponsion Loops and Expansion Jia ee on je 513. Exinsed lop sae ting nomeecaPh. Using the nomogsaph and assuming a sraght ine starting from» 16 in ed ero a 5.4, expansion, read bend length La as SO. diame then La = 2H + W = SOK, Thus Hm Wo 17 ft make ing La" 51K ‘By caleuation seaRTO ASA. Taa@oo00)“* “The estimated loop size is given in Figure 5.13 12. Using the Kellogg method, calculate stress, foret, and moment in the CSEE Jon oop shownia Figure 5.14. The pipe diameter 6 in sch 40,the (Ceeratare i 450°F and has carbon ste! piping. Use Figures 5.10 and nerve atthe solution. This problem isthe same for which results Sue presemedin Chapter 1, Tabe 13. Herethe problemiscolvedstep by sep. z ‘Tne expansion coeficient for carbon steel at 450°F: (appendix AD) os1sinJtt eh Ll [Eee | [IGURE 5.4 Suess and lone caleslaton wing Kelors method. Expansion Lo 1 For Ky 0.5 and Kz 0.5, from Figure’5.10, read L?S,/10? DA as 0.03 Bo kna~K = 4401-05) = 10 Deflection A = 200(0.0316) = 6.32, 0p =6.625 suress= § = 0.030010 8 TF Moments and Forces Using Figure 5.11, reads As02 | A= 05 where KOS Ks 05 1=28.14i04 Axial orce at anchor (Eq. 5.2% = 58416 Moment at guides (Eq. 53) wats : a 1070.5108.145.6.329 600 = 5558 (1 A ie. te moumesis conn me Now: First subscript denotes direction; second subseript denotes toch Signs are those of fores and moments acting on anchors (se Fig. 5.15) EXPANSION JOINTS: In 1984 expansion joins were allowed in nuclear piping design except for the JASME Section If, Nuclear Clase 1 Code. Subsection NB-3671.2 states that ‘Cipunsion joins are aot allowed in Clas 1 NB nuclear components. Past ‘Sidents with expansion joint installations are of concern from safety point stviw: Expansion joins are used to absorb axial compression or extension fasta offset and angular rotation. As per standarés of the Expansion Joint fanuiactores (eference 1), torsional rotation should be avoided on the bellows because torque produces high stress levels in bellows. TDpancion joins can be broadly classed a sliding and flexible, There isa relanve motgn of adjacent parts ia the case of sipping joint. Slip joints, ‘Rive joint and ball joints are grouped under sliding joints Dresser coupling sar Visuulie couplings are a few trade names of joints ofthis type. Sting joints are also known as packed joins because packing to contain internal issue without leakage isnecessary. Fleible expansion jis may be further Ficided into bellows joints, metal hose, and corrugated pipe (references 2 and 3). : “The following are terms ised inthe design and specification of expansion join (ce Fig, 5-16 for yzabols use for some of the terms}: [Main Anchor. A rain anchor must be designéd to withstand the forces and ‘moments imposed upon iby each ofthe pipe sections to which the anchor is tached. In he case of a pipe section containing an expansion joint forcesand oments wil consist ofthe thrust due o pressure (Eq. 5.4), the force required {o defiet the expansion joint (Eq. 5.5), and the frictional forces due 10 pipe “Signment ides and supports. When a main anchor i fostalled atthe change ‘St direeton of low, the effectat the elbow ofthe centrifugal thrust due to flow (Eq. 5.6) must also be considered. Inermediate Anchor: An intermediate anchor divides a pipe line into {individual expanding pipe sections each of whichis made flexible through the tse of one oF more expansion joints, Expansion soints 93 PS er eres UNEREA OHNE JOU a Bo sarmcice ae mr ie 3 mone al 2S pre atcrenr Ss. = ‘nee 2B ere neon FIGURE S16 Types o raion Jt nso te Epon J Manone Directional Aichor: A directional anchor or sliding ancl igne chor or siding anchor is one designed 10 absorb loading in one direction while permitting motion 2 ile permit ‘in another Bellows: The flexible element of an expansion joint consists of one or more corrugations and the tangents, if any. 94 expansion L9ps end Expansion Jats Bellows Material: A lst of metal bellows materials is given below: ‘Temperature Range *F (epecified by ASME Section VIII) Bellows material 306 stainless ste! 30010750 316 stainless steel 30010750 321 stainless steel 300 t0 1500 347 stainless steel 3000 1400 Nickel 200, 300 10600 Monel 400 300 10 900 Inconel 600 250110 1200 Inconel 625 25010 1200 Jncoloy 800. 2500 1500 Incoloy 825 25010800 ‘squirm in a Bellows Expansion Joint: A term employed to denote tl ‘courvence of instability due to internal pressure and. is predominately ‘associated with joins of 20. diameter or smaller. Flexiilcy of an Expansion Joint: This can be increased by thinner bellows anust sil be able to withstand the presure, increase in numberof bellows, and by multiple bellows ‘Extemal Cover: A cover used to protect the exterior of the bellows from foreign objects, specially when the joints buried underground. Tntetnal liner or sleeve ie used for the following: 1. where it is necessary to minimize frictional loss ‘where flow velocities are high (for steam lines when velocity exceeds 1000 f/eminfin, of diameter in lines upto 6-in. size) 3, when abrasive materials are present ‘4. when there is reverse or turbulent flow ‘5. for all high temperature applications 6. forall copper elbows ‘When lateral deflection or rotation s present, the liner must be suficently smaller in diameter to provide the necessary clearance. : ‘Tie Rods: These are rods or bar devices for the purpose of restraining the expansion joint from the thrust due to internal pressure. The number and sie of the rods depend upon the magnitude of thrustforee. Tierods may alsoact as, Seflection limit rods. “Types of Expansion Jones 95 Equalizing or Reinforcing Rings: These help to reinforce the elbows against infernal pressure and help to maintain the desired shape of the elbows. Guides: Guides are important parts of expansion joint performance. ‘TYPES OF EXPANSION JOINTS (see Fig. 5.16) Swoun Bxrseion Jou: Te simplest fom ot expansion joint of single bellows construction, designed abeot lof the movement othe pipe Section in which ci ial Dovste Exenrsiow fon: "A double expansion joint consis of to bellows Joined by common coonector which isanchored to ome rigkpecotthe installation bymeansofan anchor bce. The encor bse may be etached {bth commam connector either at instalation or atime oranstatore. Each bellowsacts as asings expansion jintadabeors the movementol the pipe section in wichita installed independently of the ote bllows Double expansion joint should not be confused with universal expansion joins Ieremtiy Guigeo Exeaow Jone: An internally guided expansion joinc signed to provide sal guiding witin the expansion jt by corporating heavy telescoping internal guide seve, with or without ther lbasing ngs Ne fan sly ed epson Joint doesnot alniante te neces of using adoqite exten ee yo using ae al-pipe Unevinent Exrarsion Jon: A univer expasion joint contains: wo Tellows by a. common connector fr the puspose Of aborting sry combination of the three besie movement tet i, axial moverent Ista! defleedon, and angular routon. Univeral expansion jon are scaly rise with mire stbare he movement between the te bellows ofthe expansion joint and sable the common comestor. “This definition doesnot imply that only a double bellows expansion jit can abeorsniversl movement He Exration Jone: Ahingedexpanson joint contiosone bellowsand ‘designed to permit angelarotaion none plane only bythe we of= pac of pins through hinge plate attached to the expansion ot ces. The Woges and hinge pins mast be designed to restrain tie thrst Ot the expansion join due to ineroal pressure and exteancous forces, where Spplicabl. Hinged expansion joists should be sed insets oft o tree cease wag Exrastosou _A sung expansion joints disignedtoabeor tera efection tndfor angular txavon in one, plane: Presse thst and extraneous forces ae fetained byte use ot pai of swing bars each of shih is pinned tothe expansion joint end: 96 Expansion Loops and Expanson Joints ans Exeavssow one: A gimbal expansion joint is designed to permit Gm ar any pan by the oe of par of ges afc 108 an at tong gimbal sing. The gimbal rng. hinges, and pins most be Same fo renin the thrust of the expansion joint due to internal tigre tod extrancous forces, where applicable Prasune Basanceo Exenrsios Jone: A pressure balance expansion joint seaencd to absorb axial movement anor lateral defection while Saiki the pressure thrastby means of tie deviesinterconnecting the Tow bellows with an opposed bellows also subjected to line pressure. Tit Tre er expansion jr fs normaly used where a change of direction WESiaz runt piping The ow end of «pressure balanced expansion Sant sometimes contains two bellows separated by a common connector, ‘thi ease it caled a universal pressure balanced expansion joint PRESSURE THRUST FORCE “The static thrust F, due to internal pressure is given by Ba, S42 Reap 64) were a effective area corresponding to the mean diameter of the cor rugations, sq in design line pressare based on most severe condition, pst “The force requited tocomprées the expansion jointin the axial direction Fr ‘Fm (aia spring constent)(amount of eoripression) 5.5) “The centsifugal thrust F, at the elbow due to flow is given by: where A /= internal area of pipe, 9 in ‘p= density of uid, Its V=velocity of flow, ft/sec ig acceleration du to gravity = 32.2 Usec* = angle of bend Figure 5.17 shove the elbow where a main anchor és located. The desion FIGURE S27. Anchor force at om: exercises 37 anchor force should include pressure throst,centcifugal thrust, friction at Supports and guides, and fore® to compress the bellows, Example Using the EJMA (reference 1) equation, calculate hydrostatie examination test pressure ifthe design pressure is 125 psig and design temperatures SOOTE. ‘The bellows material i carbon stecl ASTM AS3 Grade B. where Pe Thus P, L “The test pressure is: (using Eq. 2.7) PS, nash lesign pressure = 125 psig ‘Sirallowable stress of bellows material ac test pressure (70°F) = 20,000 psi (S. from Appendix A3) Se=allowable stress of bellows material at design temperature of 00°F = 18,900 psi (S, from Appendix A3) [Pia | 198.4 psig, EXERCISES {a) Size the expansion loop for the following conditions: Diameter = 16. standard weight Material = AS3 Grade A Distance berween anchors Wut of pipe length 0b Temperature =750°F Span =25 () Caleulate the force at anchors for shoes with Teflon slide plate. (6) Calculate the force at guides. 20 (@) Design the expansion loop, by equation, with loop height to width ratio as 1 2 Distance between anchors =225it ‘Temperature = 800°F Span=20t Diameter = 12in, standard weight Material = AS3 Grade B (b) Calculate the force at anchors for shoes with stel on steel (6) Calculate the force at guides. (a) Calculate the thermal expansion at A and B in the piping system given in Figure 5.18, Material A106 Grade B at 750°F.

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