The Good Economy
The Good Economy
The Good Economy
Bo Cutter is Senior Fellow and Director of the Next American Economy project at the Roosevelt
Institute. Robert Litan is Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Dane
Stangler is Vice President of Research & Policy at the Kauffman Foundation.
The future is like a corridor into which we can see only by the light coming from behind.
Edward Weyer Jr.
The idea that the future is unpredictable is undermined every day by the ease with which
the past is explained.
Daniel Kahneman
The New Entrepreneurial Economy: A Future History1
The twenty years between 2020 and 2040 turned out to be the best twenty-year period of US
economic performance since the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s.
Productivity grew at slightly more than 2 percent per year, overall economic growth
grew at 3 percent per year, and real per capita growth rose by 2 percent per year.
After continued decline to 2019, labor force participation grew steadily, reaching
new highs in the mid-2030s.
Federal debt held steady at about 60 percent of gross domestic product, due to
entitlement policy reforms (including a higher retirement age) and rapid rates of
economic growth.
The nature of work in America changed substantially. Employment grew even as large chunks of
the service economy were increasingly automated. Once-synonymous concepts like work and
job became dissociated from each other. American citizens bore more personal responsibility
for health insurance and retirement planning.
Indeed, the very language that characterized economic commentary in 2016 had, by 2040,
shifted. In addition to work and job, new meanings became attached to words like career,
wage, education, safety net, and factory. Significant individual adjustments and policy
reforms were required, but it was all accomplished without economic or political disaster. This
was a marked departure from what many people expected from trends that were evident in 2016.
What happened?
Eight Surprises
A version of this section was also published by the Kauffman Foundation in February 2016.
The economic resurgence that began in 2020 was driven by eight surprises and their
(1) Technological change continued at a rapid pace and, especially, the implementation and
application of new technologies increased.
Technological advances such as cloud computing, mobile applications, nanotechnology, and
artificial intelligenceall of which existed in 2016came together into a new business system,
a new platform for economic activity. This enabled significant productivity growth as well as
high rates of entrepreneurship.
(2) The importance of scale became inverted in business organizations.
A confluence of economic and social trendsincluding the new business system and a search for
meaningful workfinally dealt a blow to command-and-control management structures and
the large corporations that housed them. The large numbers of entrepreneurs who were enabled
by the cloud and smartphone took apart large, integrated industries such as finance and human
resources. The advantages of scale were thus substantially diminished by technology, and the
application of artificial intelligence to the law of business organizations further diminished it.
Equity markets reinforced this and began to penalize mergers and acquisitions.
(3) The number of jobs declined but work remained abundant.
While millions of people continued to work in what would still be considered traditional jobs,
millions more put together portfolios of work based on contracts, temporary assignments, and
portfolios of skills. The nation stopped seeing W-2 employment as the pinnacle of work, and
new employment classifications came into being that legitimized different ways of organizing
work to the benefit of employees and employers. Other policy reforms, in response to changing
family structure, also buttressed these changes.
(4) New services revolutionized the organization of workers.
Benefits such as health insurance were finally decoupled from employment as more Americans
moved into those new working arrangements. This change was also pushed by new companies
that appeared in areas like individual marketing, work-life balance, and education and career
management. Individuals now have greater responsibility for managing insurance and pensions
and balancing family care (children and elderly relatives), but they are not alone in doing so.
Organizations that had previously existedlabor unions, consulting firms, temp agencies, and
talent agenciesnot only adapted but also thrived, and are among the biggest scale employers.
(5) Two educational revolutions gave another boost to educational attainment.
The democratization of secondary and then postsecondary education in the twentieth century was
a major force behind rapid productivity growth and innovation. Those waves hit plateaus in the
second decade of this century but, in the 2020s, two new waves of education democratization
began to crest. As a result of budgetary pressures and changes in social policy, early childhood
programs and targeted school programs received funding increases. Driven by a variety of
motivations, the United States renewed its commitment to developing its children. At the same
time, an industry boom in lifelong learning services took off, catering to postsecondary, midcareer, and late-career workers. Labor market demands for continuous skill upgrading drove this,
as did an increasing supply of new accreditation and credentialing services.
(6) Political dynamism returned.
In 2020, the federal government ran out of money. Not in absolute terms, of course: massive
amounts of revenue were still raised and the government continued to fund entitlement programs.
But that year, discretionary spending disappeared: all anticipated federal revenue for the
foreseeable future was fully allocated to entitlements and interest payments. Under pressure from
China and a stagnant domestic economy, federal lawmakers overhauled taxes, entitlements, and
spending. This hastened the decoupling of benefits from employment and reclassification of
different forms of employment, and opened the way for devolution of political power to states
and cities.
(7) Cities and states became greater forces for policy experimentation and economic
During the 2010s, the realities of knowledge-based work had already underscored the importance
of physical proximity, even in an economy dominated by bits and electronic information.
Demographic trendsnamely, immigration, aging, and the millennial generationcontinued
to sharpen differences between geographic regions. Helped by governance reforms at all levels,
cities and states experimented with a host of new policy ideas. Like the new technologies that
were transforming their economies, cities became platforms of activity, and a new generation of
comeback cities contributed to higher levels of growth. State legislatures, prompted by
business and resident lobbying, helped loosen land-use restrictions, which unleashed a wave of
productive activity in the old and new economies.
(8) Economic mobility rose; income inequality declined but remained high.
Because of the two educational revolutions, changes in social policy, and changes in
employment structures, economic mobility increased. This raised the odds that any given
individual, irrespective of birth position, could rise (fall) up (down) the income ladder. Ones
starting position still influenced the odds of such mobility, but other factors helped make birth
less determinative. At the same time, however, some of those same changes in structure and
policy meant that the returns to capital and labor still continued to be concentrated near the top of
the income distribution.
The word that probably best describes all these changes is disaggregation. The twentieth century
was the American Century largely because of a continuous process of aggregationover a long
period of time, manufacturing and services came to represent a large set of associated functions
that were optimized around efficiency and commoditized products.
But that trend reversed itself. Changes in technology and changes in policy unbundled, or took
apart, giant swathes of economic activity. Mass specialization, customization, and
entrepreneurship became the order of the day.
The overall economy that emerged was very different than the economy we knew in 2016; better
than we expected back then, but certainly not perfect. There was more work but not always
packaged as jobs. More mobility, but individual entrepreneurship was required to achieve it.
More income, but it was volatile so economic security eroded for many Americans. Yet
disaggregation across many areas enabled individuals to take greater control of their economic
destinies and adapt, albeit unevenly, to the changes.
This is the story of how we might get there.
rises steeply, the labor market deteriorates for almost everyone, and economic dynamism steadily
diminishes. The country fragments along social, economic, and geographic lines. This scenario
roughly resembles that sketched by Tyler Cowen in his book, Average is Over, in which the top
20 percent of the countrys population thrives in an economy demanding strong IT skills, while
the bottom 80 percent without these skills ekes out a living, primarily serving the top 20 percent.
Significantly, the New Entrepreneurial Economy garnered the fewest votes among the three
scenarios. In this scenario, productivity grows rapidly, gains are widely shared, and inequality
falls because of a strong rise in economic dynamism. This refers to the process of business entry,
exit, growth, turnover, and reallocation; a process we will explore further.
The Roosevelt Institute had follow-up meetings on the three scenarios, one in January 2015 and
the final one in May 2015. The relative rankings of the scenarios didnt change. The New
Entrepreneurial Economy still came in last.
This scenario is the core of what in this book we call the Good Economy. It is not outlandishly
optimistic; nor is it unattainable.
But, listening to the Roosevelt conference participants over the course of these meetings made us
realize that, in the public discourse today, the case for an optimistic, yet realistic economic future
has not been well made. Instead, there are variations of pessimism and optimism that fall into
hyper camps.
The hyper pessimists, identified with Northwestern University economist Robert Gordon, posit
that the remarkable growth of the twentieth century cannot be repeated.3 At best, the American
economy will grow at a rate between 1 and 2 percent per yearpaltry when compared against
the historical average of 3 percent per year. In the eyes of the hyper pessimists, todays digital
and information technologies will not add up to the impact and benefits of past breakthroughs
such as steam power, the internal combustion engine, electricity, and indoor plumbing. The case
for extreme pessimism about future economic growth has been strengthened by lackluster
economic performance during the past several years even after an extreme amount of monetary
liquidity has been pumped into the American economy. If we cant manage to grow in the
presence of free money, so the case goes, then something must be fundamentally broken.
At the other end of the spectrum are the hyper optimists, who look at information technology and
see unbounded growth (though not necessarily equitable distribution of that growth). According
to this view, exponential growth in computing power cant help but generate inexorable
technological progress that will transform health, energy, transportation, and pretty much
everything else. We have reached the second half of the chessboard, in the persuasive analogy
of Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, authors of The Second Machine Age.4 Leading
proponents of the hyper optimistic viewwhich include Brynjolfsson, McAfee and Peter
Professor Gordons new book, The Rise and Fall of American Growth, was partially funded by the Kauffman
Foundation, where two of us have worked.
One of the authors participated in the Roosevelt meetings described previously.
Diamandis, author of Abundancelook at the same set of facts today as Professor Gordon, and
reach radically different conclusions.
Gordon and other pessimists look around and see an aging population, a decade-long slowdown
in productivity, and subpar educational achievement and conclude that the basic drivers of
economic growth and standards of living will be nothing but quiescent for the foreseeable future.
Brynjolfsson and McAfee, Diamandis, and other hyper optimists look around and see selfdriving cars, rapid advances in robotics, and medical breakthroughs, and conclude that were on
the cusp of an unimaginable golden age. The subtitles of their books speak to this unalloyed
optimism: work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies, and the future is
better than you think.5
For historical evidence, hyper optimists point to the transition from an agricultural to industrial
economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The United States did not
experience mass unemployment then, so why should the transition to an exponential digital
economy be any different? The hyper pessimist reply is: why should we expect it to be the same?
In an odd way, it may actually be easier to be either hyper pessimistic or hyper optimistic. Both
perspectives rely on extrapolation of current trends. Both make assumptions that are open to
challenge. The hyper pessimists appear to assume that humans (or at least Americans) have run
out of ideas and we will be unable to repeat past episodes of adaptation. The hyper optimists
appear to assume that nothing can impede technological change and that the transition from
today to the science fiction future where everything works out finegrowth, opportunity, more
equalitywill be mostly frictionless.
Our approach in the chapters that follow is inspired by Steven Johnsons notion (adopted from
Stuart Kauffman) of the adjacent possible:
The adjacent possible is a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present
state of things, a map of all the ways in which the present can reinvent itself. Yet it is not
an infinite space, or a totally open playing field. The number of potential first-order
reactions is vast, but it is a finite number, and it excludes most of the forms that . . .
[currently exist]. What the adjacent possible tells us is that at any moment the world is
capable of extraordinary change, but only certain change can happen.6
Forward progress, as Johnson and Kauffman and others have described it, proceeds not in leaps
and bounds but by one door leading to another door. This is a good metaphor to apply to the
American economy and its future. We face a series of doors, each opening to another set of
doors. Nobody can predict what the future will look like after a few sets of doors have been
Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, The Second Machine Age: work, progress, and prosperity in a time of
brilliant technologies (Norton, 2014); Peter Diamandis, Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think (Free
Press, 2012).
Steven Johnson, Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (Riverhead, 2010), 31
(emphasis original).
opened and passed through. Judging by popular media and the work of the hyper pessimists and
optimists, we either face doors that only lead to economic doom, or were going to jump right
past any adjacent possible into an ineluctably rosy future.
We have written this book to focus attention on a different adjacent possible, one between these
two extremes that we believe can legitimately be labeled a Good Economy. It is at handwe
just need to figure out what doors to go through. Which, of course, is easier said than done.
The Good Economy scenario we describe here was labeled the New Entrepreneurial Economy
scenario at the Roosevelt events in recognition of the vital role that entrepreneurs have played in
American economic growth generally, and particularly in periods of dynamic, broadly shared
growth. We believe that such a scenario can be consistent with other features most people would
associate with a Good Economy: steady growth, opportunities for upward mobility across the
socioeconomic spectrum, and improvements in living standards.
Actually, for most people, a Good Economy has much more specificity than thatthe felt
experience of economic growth often has little to do with aggregate numbers reported by the
Commerce and Labor departments.
Aggregate economic data necessarily gloss over most of the variation that gives the economy its
dynamism. Individuals gauge their economic well being by their present state of affairs and the
economic trajectory they perceive themselves and those around them to be on. This is
determined by an individuals skills, opportunities, and barriers, as well as the performance of
specific sectors of the economy for which their skills are best suited and the economic condition
of the geographic area in which one resides. And at any one time, of course, there will be certain
segments of the population that are doing worse or better than the macroeconomic statistics
indicate. Take, for example, the 1950s and 1960s.
These decades still hold totemic importance in contemporary American politics for the left and
the right. Economic growth rates were mostly strong in both decades, and they are associated
with halcyon days of strong job creation, a rising tide for most Americans, and American
economic dominance in the global economy. Indeed, judging by the tenor of much economic
analysis weve read, our goal as a nation should be to resurrect nearly every single aspect of
those decades.
But, while those decades might have been halcyon, they were also quite unusual and cannot be
To start with, the US economy bestrode the globe in the 1950s and 1960saccounting for nearly
40 percent of world economic outputin a way that it never will again. Europe and Japan were
economically devastated and it took two decades for them to catch back up to the United States.
Today, so-called emerging markets account for half of world economic output, and political
change coupled with free trade has brought billions of people into a widening web of global
commerce. On balance, this has been positive for the US economy, and continued globalization
offers even greater benefits for a healthy American economy. Any economic strategy premised
on rolling back this progress is pure fantasy.7
More importantly, those totemic decades were not high points of inclusion, opportunity, or
equity. While the macroeconomic data from that period tell a story of enviable growth for the
economy as a whole, one-half of the populationwomenwas mostly kept out of the labor
force. Poverty was persistently high. And minorities, especially African-Americans, were denied
full participation in the economic mainstream, an injustice that boiled over during those golden
sixties. Women now make up almost half of the American labor force and they outpace men in
educational attainment. African-Americans have made considerable progress since the civil
rights revolution, even though by many standards the revolution remains dramatically
Yet we believe that the United States can once again achieve the rates of economic growth
experienced during those years. This time in a globalized world; this time for all our people.
Annual rates of economic growth can again be around 3 percent, with occasional periods even
higher. The fruits of that growth can be broadly shared and provide all Americans with a solid
shot at upward mobility.
But the Good Economy of the twenty-first century will look and feel much different from the
economy many Americans are accustomed to. The nature of work has changed enormously, for
example, and will continue to evolve, which includes a changing definition of what a job
means for many Americans. And the notion of steady growth will assume new meaning. If
upward mobility increases, that may mean that downward mobility might increase by some
degree. Economic dynamism implies change, and change means discomfort for many people. As
we heard one elected official quip, the only thing people hate more than change is the way
things are.
In many ways, however, we have no choice but to embrace and actively work toward realizing
the Good Economy scenario we outline here. Many of the most significant challenges facing the
United States and other countries todayhigh public debt, climate change, inequality, and so
oncan only be addressed with an economy growing at much faster rates.
There is, of course, no shortage of efforts to rebalance or realign or rewrite or re-fill-in-the-blank
the US economy. A standard approach is to develop a list of policy prescriptions that would
presumably remake the American economy, and then hope that by the power of persuasion the
political gridlock in Washington can be broken. If only Washington could see the light, wed be
able to overhaul the economy.
The French refer to Les Trente Glorieuses, which refers to the three decades of rapid economic growth from the
end of World War II to the mid-1970s.
We try a different approach here. Why not imagine first what a Good Economya realistically
more optimistic future than the conventional wisdom now projectsactually would look like
over the next quarter century, with the intention of at least getting a wide number of people to
agree on some desirable outcomes? Imagination can be powerful, the equivalent of an athlete
envisioning how he or she is going to perform before going out and actually realizing that vision.
Imagination also can facilitate agreement in the beginning on ends, and then foster a desire to
meet part way to agree on means.
We believe that political debates are likely to be much more civil and constructive (or at the
minimum more so than the debates of the last fifteen years), if all participants start first by
discussing and even trying to agree on outcomes.
The Good Economy presented in this book has both incremental and radical features. It is
incremental in the sense that it is consistent with major trends underway today. But it is also
radical because some of what it will take to get from here to there represents significant changes
in policies and trends from those prevailing today.
We believe we have a choice: it is within Americans power to choose which future scenario
they would like to build, and make the decisions necessary to realize it.
In the next chapter, we discuss the dark side of the adjacent possible, and explore the bad
doors that are currently open to a pessimistic future. Even well short of hyper pessimism, there
is in fact a very realistic and plausible case to be made for dismal economic future.
Subsequent chapters discuss economic growth itself and how it happens, and then describe the
micro-structure of the Good Economy, as well as the set of open good doors that we must try
to go through. We also explore some implications of the Good Economy, including some big
issues that must be addressed satisfactorily if the Good Economy is to be realized. In other
words, how do we open the doors to the Good Economy?
We conclude with some thoughts about the nature of the transition from the relatively sluggish
economy of today and the past few years to the Good Economy of tomorrow. Realizing that
favorable outcome, we believe, will be easier if American citizens and their public and private
policymakers have a vision of what it looks like and what changes are necessary to make it
happen. Our book is written to assist all those who agree with this objective.
Editorial, The Ho-Hum Economy, New York Times, August 2, 2015, ; Editorial, The Six-Year Slough, Wall
Street Journal, July 31, 2015.
and 1990s, and the unipolar moment of the 1990s. Todays declinist spasm, then, is just another
ebb in the cycle. We are told that the United States is too old and mature, that the American
Century will inexorably give way to the Chinese Century, if it hasnt already. The United States
doesnt make things anymore, has forgotten how to make things, even. All the good jobs are
gone, destroyed by technology or outsourced to foreign countries. The middle class has been
unwound, and were on our way to an economy of a few elites and a mass of serf-like service
workers. Mass technological unemployment is right around the corner, and our irretrievably
failing educational system can do nothing to stop it. The litany of decline can be spun out
Are such concerns overwrought? Sometimes, but there are several reasons for taking the
pessimistic case very seriously. These, in one sense, represent doors we all wish would stay
The so-called recovery from the Great Recession has been agonizingly slow and desultory.
While monthly job growth has been relatively steady for the last four years, it took six years to
recover all the jobs lost during the recession. The unemployment rate has fallen steadily, but a
high percentage of Americans remain underemployed, and long-term unemployment remains an
unacceptably large component of unemployment. Meanwhile, other employment measures have
been worryingly flat. The labor force participation rate has fallen steadily since the early 2000s,
and fell especially steeply during the recession and recovery. Economists have concluded that
most of this fall is due to an uptick in retirements and more Americans claiming disability. A
non-trivial portion, however, is also due to completely discouraged workers, and many of those
entering retirement have done so prematurely because of a poor labor market.10
Even the types of jobs that have been created during the past several years appear to be cause for
concern. What economists call job polarization appears to now be a feature of the US
economy, with fewer middle-income jobs being produced, and many more low-income jobs
generated. Polarization, of course, implies two ends of a spectrum, and researchers have found
that relatively more high-income jobs are also being produced, though at a slower pace than in
the past.11
Short-term trends may not justify pessimism if they remain just that: short-term. A sluggish
recovery from the Great Recession was partly expected because it stemmed from a financial
crisis, and it takes longer to bounce back from a financial crisis than an ordinary recession.12
And job polarization trends could be discounted if put into a context of broadly shared gains.13
But, there are serious concerns about the ability of the US economy to generate innovation and
See, e.g., Shigeru Fujita, On the Causes of Declines in the Labor Force Participation Rate, Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia, February 2014, at file:///Users/dstangler/Downloads/on-the-causes-of-declines-in-the-laborforce-participation-rate%20(4).pdf.
David H. Autor, Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation,
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2015.
Carmen M. Reinhardt and Kenneth S. Rogoff, This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
(Princeton, 2009).
Stephen J. Rose, Was JFK Wrong? Does Rising Productivity No Longer Lead to Substantial Middle Class
Income Gains? Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, December 2014.
growth over the next few decades. Some observers, like John Fernald at the San Francisco
Federal Reserve, project a return to the relatively steady but flat productivity growth that the
United States experienced from the early 1970s to the mid-1990s.14 We experienced a surge of
productivity growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s but, according to Fernald, that largely
reflected the initial burst of information technology production and application, a burst that has
now at least paused, if not ended.
Economist Robert Gordon has made the most rigorous and persuasive case for pessimism.15 For
Gordon, the United States faces six headwinds, or obstacles that will hamper growth. These
When Gordon adds all this upor, rather, subtracts it all from our historical rate of growththe
results arent heartening. He forecasts real economic growth of only 2 percent per year for the
next twenty-five years, with productivity growth of 1.3 percent, 0.9 percent annual growth in per
capita GDP, and only 0.4 percent annual growth in real income per capita for 99 percent of the
population. What these numbers mean in terms of actual lived experience accords with the
John Fernald and Bing Wang, The Recent Rise and Fall of Rapid Productivity Growth, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, Economic Letter, February 9, 2015.
See Robert J. Gordon, Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds,
National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 18315, August 2012,; Robert J. Gordon, The Demise of U.S. Economic Growth: Restatement,
Rebuttal, and Reflections, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 19895, February 2014,
phrases we listed above: stagnation, slow growth, stalled, etc. Our linguistic descriptions, it
appears, reinforce the case for long-term pessimism.
As if these headwinds were not reason enough for gloom, Gordon points to another, larger
challenge: a reduction in the ability of the United States to innovate. There will be no potential
savior of economic growth to buffer the effects of the headwinds because the information
technology revolution pales in comparison to prior waves of innovation. The first Industrial
Revolution, driven by steam engines and railroads, and the second industrial revolution, with
electricity, plumbing, and the telephone, completely transformed life for most people. Computers
and the Internet have been important, says Gordon, but lack the transformative punch of the first
two industrial revolutions. This means most Americans face an epochal decline from the US
record of the last 150 years. Even those observers who are slightly more optimistic than Gordon
and expect the American economy to grow at higher rates still project an increasingly bifurcated
economy in which an economic elite wins and living standards mostly stagnate for everyone
We disagree. For reasons articulated above and explored below, this kind of growth accounting
does not tell us much about growth.17 There is an alternative economic narrative to Gordons that
holds much greater hope for renewing economic dynamism and setting America once again on
the path to the Good Economy. Were not suggesting, for example, that population aging will
suddenly reverse itself, or that climate change will simply disappear. Instead we argue that the
context, the setting for these challenges and others, will improve.
We believe there is another set of doorsanother adjacent possiblethrough which the
economy could proceed. We need the willingness to visualize this alternative future, and the
willingness to take the necessary actions to open some doors and close others, to at least raise the
probabilities that this more optimistic adjacent possible will develop.
Tyler Cowen, Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (Dutton, 2013).
Others contend that Gordons statistical premises are flawed, particularly the reliance on standard productivity
measures. See Amar Bhid, The Demise of US Dynamism is Vastly ExaggeratedBut Not All is Well, Working
Paper, Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, January 2015,
countries from Japan to South Korea and Taiwan experienced rapid catch-up growthover the
last thirty years, China has best exemplified movement toward the frontier.
At the frontier, economists then often talk about static efficiency: namely, how to maximize the
allocation of resources at a given point in time, given available technology. Many economic
policiessuch as deregulation of prices and entry in industries where competition can thrive
are designed to achieve static efficiency. But making the most out of any given amount of labor
and capital at the frontier is not the same as achieving sustained growth or expansion of the
frontier itself.
In fact, as Professor William Baumol has estimated, the movement of the frontier outward brings
benefits orders of magnitude larger than movement along the frontier: analyzing the last one
hundred years of American growth in per capita income, he finds that all of the improvements in
static efficiency added up year by year would sum to about $5,000 per person over a century, a
figure that pales compared to the benefits of growth, which would sum to about $1.5 million per
person.20 Or, put another way, economic historian Deirdre McCloskey has quantified the
magnitude of growth in rather stark terms: In 1800 the average human consumed and expected
her children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren to go on consuming a mere $3 a day.
Nowadays, you probably spend about $100 a day.21
Understanding the distinction between movements along the frontier and outward shifts of the
frontier itself, however, does not tell us how the frontier expands. The story of economic growth
is typically told in terms of technology, geography, law, and so onall important, to be sure, but
the unprecedented takeoff in wealth and growth that began around 1800 did not in large measure
occur because of the accretion of inputs, by which we mean more people, even more educated
ones, and more machines and buildings. Growth has been generated most by improvements in
technology, or continued innovation. Furthermore, and here we draw on the work of several
scholars, frontier-expanding economic growth also originated in such ineffable sources as a shift
in language, a specific social environment, the proper channeling of entrepreneurs, and a division
of labor between large and small companies.
Yale Professor William Nordhaus has shown the difficulty, for example, in using traditional
measures of economic output to track innovation. Its one thing to say that wages or output have
grown by X percent per year for a sustained period of time. But they have limitations: the
essential difficulty arises for the obvious but overlooked reason that most of the goods we
consume today were not produced a century ago.22 The invention and spread of automobiles,
the rise of the personal computer, progress in medical treatment, the diffusion of air
conditioningthese are what push the frontier outward, and these are what we cannot easily
capture through conventional data and static efficiency analysis.23
The way many of us talk about growth also hinders our understanding of it. Few people make the
moral case for economic growth anymore. And almost no one thinks in terms of the economic
development of America. Instead, the case for economic improvement is made in instrumental
terms. How will we create jobs for everyone? How will we pay for all these entitlements weve
promised everyone? Instrumental questions are good questions. But when we frame growth
exclusively that way, it is inevitably perceived to be basically about numbers and an incremental,
steady phenomenon, which just requires sound management through monetary and fiscal
As an example, consider the last thirty years. For a quarter-century, from 1983 through 2007, the
United States experienced a sustained period that has come to be called the Great Moderation.
With the exception of two mild recessions, the country enjoyed steady growth, low inflation, and
a rising standard of living. Credit for this achievement has typically gone to the Federal Reserve
for its management of the money supply and interest rates. Yet this same period also witnessed
the explosion of information technology and its diffusion throughout the entire economy, driving
massive productivity gains in nearly every sector. The Fed, wonderful as it is, had nothing
whatsoever to do with this tumultuous change, which is really how innovation and expansion of
the frontier really comes aboutin fits and starts, often with much disruption.
In short, growth is not about steady or constant accumulation of capital or knowledge resulting in
the smooth expansion of gross domestic product. It is a chaotic, jumbled broad process that
cannot be explained or predicted by reference to changes of a few tenths of a percentage point in
a single productivity measure.
To give another example, as this chapter is being written, obsessive attention is being given and
more will be given to how rapidly the Federal Reserve will raise short-term interest rates now
that it has finally jumped off zero in December 2015. The pace of future increases may be quick,
or it may be slow. One thing is clear: a gradual schedule of quarter-point increases will add little
or nothing to Americas long run rate of economic growth.
What worries us most is what economist John Haltiwanger and others have found about the US
economy: that economic dynamism has fallen steadily in the United States since the 1980s, a
change which if true has profound implications for growth and mobility. Economic dynamism
is the term used by economists to refer to the collective process of business entry and exit, firm
growth and shrinkage, and the movement of workers between jobs. This process, which can also
be called churn, is what drives productivity, wage growth, and job creation. And,
unfortunately, the US economy appears to have grown less dynamic, particularly since 2000.25
On this point, in fact, we agree with Professor Gordon, who argues against the idea of economic growth as a
steady process that creates economic advance at a regular pace. Robert J. Gordon, The Rise and Fall of American
Growth (Princeton, 2016), 2.
Steven J. Davis and John Haltiwanger, Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance, National Bureau of
Economic Research Working Paper 20479, September 2014, See also Ian
Hathaway and Robert E. Litan (2014), A Less Dynamic Economy: Whats Going On? Third Way, March 10,
2014 (with Ian Hathaway),
One dimension of economic dynamism is worker reallocation: this is the pace at which workers
change jobs. This type of movement enables wage growth and career advancement as workers
move up the ladder and find better matches. Another dimension is job reallocation: when highperforming businesses expand and low-performing businesses shrink, jobs are thus reallocated
from the latter to the former. This drives overall productivity growth. Faster job reallocation also
helps improve labor market outcomes, especially for those at the margins of the labor force.
Both types of reallocation, however, have been falling since the 1980s, and that decline
accelerated after the year 2000.26 These declines have hurt wage growth, job creation, and
productivityone estimate suggests that the US economy is today getting one percentage point
less productivity growth from reallocation than in the 1980s.27 That is a very significant
difference. Falling economic dynamism partly helps explain sustained declines in the labor force
participation rate and employment-population ratio. The labor force participation rate is five
percentage points lower today than at its peak in 2000, and is at its lowest level since 1977.28 The
employment-population ratio, meanwhile, is also five percentage points lower than in 2000, and
is at its lowest point since 1984. If workers do not move around at the same pace looking for new
opportunities, and if jobs do not shift to more productive firms, there are fewer labor market
entry points. The harm has been worse for young workers and men with low levels of
educationthe long-term effects of declining economic dynamism could soon begin to show up
in lower rates of economic mobility.
So, in considering Americas economic growth, the task must be to figure out how the economic
frontier can keep expanding; how economic dynamism happens; how great leaps in living
standards can happen. For insight into this type of economic growth, we turn to a set of
observations from several different economists whose work stands apart from what masquerades
as growth policy in Washington.
Growth Theory for the Good Economy
By any measure, the rise in living standards over the past two centuries has been mind-boggling.
From afar, economic history has looked like an ice-hockey stick lying on the ground. It had a
long, long horizontal handle at $3 a day extending through the two-hundred-thousand-year
history of Homo sapiens to 1800, with little bumps upward on the handle in ancient Rome and
the early medieval Arab world and high medieval Europe. Then, suddenly, that horizontal
handle became a wholly unexpected blade, leaping up in the last two out of the two thousand
The pace of progress has also not waned, accelerating after 1900 compared to the already-rapid
pace of the 1800s. In 1900, it took 101 minutes of work for an American worker to afford three
pounds of tomatoes; by the end of the century, it required only eighteen minutes of work. It took
John Haltiwanger, Top Ten Signs of Declining Business Dynamism and Entrepreneurship in the U.S., Paper
prepared for Kauffman Foundation New Entrepreneurial Growth conference, June 2015.
Ryan Decker, John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda, The Secular Decline in Dynamism in the
U.S., mimeo, 2014.
See Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, at
Deirdre N. McCloskey, Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Cant Explain the Modern World (Chicago, 2010), 2.
eighty minutes of work in 1900 to afford a dozen eggs; a century later, only five minutes.30
Keeping a 100-watt light bulb on today for three hours per night for a year produces 1.5 million
lumen-hours of light, and it takes the average worker only a few minutes of labor to earn that
illumination. One hundred years ago, getting that much light would have required burning
seventeen thousand candles, and the average worker would have had to toil almost one thousand
hours to earn the dollars to buy the candles.31
Why and how did the economic frontier expand at such an unprecedented pace?
In the midst of this transformation, two economists noticed that something new was happening.
In 1879, Alfred Marshall published The Economics of Industry, his first book. Considered by
many to be the father of modern analytic economics, Marshall conducted an intense study of
English factories to figure out how productivity grew and wages rose. This was a marked
contrast to his predecessors: The chief fault in English economists at the beginning of the
century was not that they ignored history and statistics. But their most vital fault was that they
did not see how liable to change are the habits and institutions of industry.32 Marshall put the
business enterprise, particularly its need to evolve in order to survive, at the center of
explaining innovation and growth. It was an ongoing discovery process: The constant search to
find efficiency gains multiplied over hundreds of thousands of enterprises throughout the
economy over time raised average productivity and wages.33
Over thirty years later, Joseph Schumpeter took Marshalls observations several steps further and
put the entrepreneurthe person who initiates the enterprisefront and center in explaining the
process of discontinuous change that characterizes frontier-expanding growth.34 For Schumpeter,
economic growth could be explained not by the accretion of more of the same inputs, but by
what later economists would call better recipes: Add successively as many mail coaches as
you please, you will never get a railway thereby the essence of economic development
consists in a different employment of existing services of labor and land.35 This economic
function was not abstract or magical, but was carried out by individuals, by entrepreneurs.36
Marshall and Schumpeter made important breakthroughs in understanding why, in contrast to
previous centuries, the economic frontier was rapidly expanding around them. But their insights
also pushed the question further back: if the activities of the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurs
Time Well Spent: The Declining Real Cost of Living in America, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Annual
Report, 1997,
William D. Nordhaus, Do Real-Output and Real-Wage Measures Capture Reality? The History of Lighting
Suggests Not, in Timothy F. Bresnahan and Robert J. Gordon, The Economics of New Goods (Chicago, 1996).
Sylvia Nasar, Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius (Simon & Schuster, 2011), 84.
Nasar, Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius,84.
Nasar points out that Schumpeter actually spoke to Marshall about his developing interest in how economic
growth, or what Schumpeter called economic development, occurred. See also Thomas K. McCraw, Prophet of
Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction (Belknap, 2007).
Nasar, Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius, 190.
Nearly a century later, Daniel Spulber put the entrepreneur at the center of his mathematically formulated theory
of the firm, with firm creation as the centerpiece of economic activity. Daniel F. Spulber, The Theory of the Firm:
Microeconomics with Endogenous Entrepreneurs, Firms, Markets, and Organizations (Cambridge, 2007).
creation, the firm, were central to understanding growth, then why did growth suddenly take off
in the nineteenth century and not before? What had prevented its prior emergence?
The answer was not that there had been no entrepreneurs before the 1800s: entrepreneurs of one
kind or another have existed in every civilization.37 But the environment in which entrepreneurs
operate determines, in William Baumols typology, whether their activities will be productive,
unproductive, or destructive.38 Something must explain a change in the environment that
permitted entrepreneurial activity to morph into a productive process of innovation,
discontinuous change, and frontier-expanding growth. For this explanation, we turn to three
economists whose work is relevant to not only historical understanding but also contemporary
analysis. The insights of McCloskey, Edmund Phelps, and Baumol are the foundation of our case
for the good economy today and the economic growth it will require. Their work forces us to ask
different kinds of questions about todays economy.
Their explanations for why the trajectory of economic growth turned sharply upward
McCloskeys horizontal hockey sticksare not exactly obvious, and do not fit neatly with
technical or technocratic approaches to growth.
McCloskey locates her explanation in language and thought, arguing that innovation caused the
Industrial Revolutiona contention that is not controversialand that talk and ethics and ideas
caused the innovation.39 Economic factors were important: coal, trade, printing, financial
innovation, and so on. But none, says McCloskey, drove the inexplicable leaping out of the
frontier. Ideas, however, can explain it:
In particular, three centuries ago in places like Holland and England, the talk and thought
about the middle class began to alter. Ordinary conversation about innovation and
markets became more approving. The North Sea talk at length radically altered the
local economy and politics and rhetoric. In northwestern Europe around 1700 the general
opinion shifted in favor of the bourgeoisie, and especially in favor of its marketing and
innovating. People stopped sneering at market innovativeness and other bourgeois
It was speech, then, not material changes in foreign trade or domestic investment, that caused
the radical shift. And not just idle chatter about markets and new ideas, but speech and thought
about dignity and liberty.41 A new dignity was accorded to the bourgeoisie and the freedom
to venture forth. Dignity made the activities of the bourgeoisie honorable and acceptable; liberty
David Landes, Joel Mokyr, William J. Baumol, The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient
Mesopotamia to Modern Times (Princeton, 2010).
William J. Baumol, Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive, and Destructive, Journal of Political
Economy, 1990.
McCloskey, Bourgeois Dignity, 6.
McCloskey, Bourgeois Dignity, 7.
McCloskey, Bourgeois Dignity,at 9. The venue for such talk also mattered. A good case can be made for the
prominence of coffee and coffeehouses in nurturing the processes described by McCloskey. See Steven Johnson,
The Invention of Air (Riverhead, 2008), and Where Good Ideas Come From (Riverhead, 2010).
allowed their innovations to find a marketto prevail often enough against the arrayed forces of
the status quo and its incumbents. Both were necessary for modern economic growth.
Unleashed, dignity and liberty gave rise to a vast laboratory in which thousands and thousands of
economic experiments could take place. The result was the vertical leap of the hockey stick blade
astounding, unprecedented, unexpected, the greatest surprise in economic history.42
That experimental laboratory needed more than casual conversations about dignity and liberty to
generate a continuous process of innovation. It also required something systematic, what
Edmund Phelps calls an imaginariuma space for imagining new products and methods,
imagining how they might be made, imagining how they might be used.43 That space,
undergirded by dignity and liberty, creates economic dynamism.
We must also understand the concept of an economys dynamism. It is a compound of the
deep-set forces and facilities behind innovation: the drive to change things, the talent for
it, and the receptivity to new things, as well as the enabling institutions. Thus dynamism,
as it is used here, is the willingness and capacity to innovate, leaving aside current
conditions and obstacles. The advent of the modern economy brought a
metamorphosis: a modern economy turns people who are close to the economy, where
they are apt to be struck by new commercial ideas, into the investigators and
experimenters who manage the innovation process from development and, in many cases,
adoption as well. New business ideas come only to those who have been observing at
close hand some area of a business, learning things about how it works and giving some
thought to the possible size of the market for a new sort of product in that area or to the
prospect for a better method of production; plausible business ideas rarely come to those
remote from any business.44
This is more than a distributed process of experimentation; it is an entire system.
The explosions of economic knowledge in the 19th century must be the effect of the
emergence of an entirely new kind of economy: a system for the generation of
endogenous innovation decade after decade as long as the system continues to function.
Only the structuring of these economies for the exercise of indigenous creativity and
pathways from there to innovationfor what has come to be called indigenous
innovationcould have put these nations on steep paths of sustained growth.45
This system, fueled by ideas of dignity and talk of liberty, characterized by discovery and the
drive for improvement, eventually evolved a distinct division of labor that sustains the
generation of endogenous innovation over time. This is what Baumol calls the innovation
industry, and he identifies two complementary mechanisms of innovation. First, smaller firms
are responsible for a disproportionate share of the breakthrough inventions. Second, their larger,
more established counterparts specialize in incrementally improving the most promising of the
radical innovations.46 The large firm uses innovation as a crucial means of competition and is
driven by the innovation of other large firms into a kind of innovation arms race. Large firms
spend most of the United States research and development (R&D) dollars but in order to reduce
risks they operate bureaucratically and conservatively.
On the other hand, small, entrepreneurial firms work in a much more free-wheeling and
imaginative way, take much higher risks (with higher risks of failure), and produce far more
revolutionary breakthroughs:
A substantial proportion of the revolutionary new ideas of the past two centuries have
been and likely will continue to be provided by independent, innovative entrepreneurs
operating small business enterprises. Evidently, small entrepreneurial firms have come
close to monopolizing the portion of R&D activity that is engaged in the search for
revolutionary breakthroughs.47
This interactive dynamic helps sustain dynamism and innovation.48 And it is this built-in
dynamism and innovationbuilt into how the system works at its corethat is for Baumol,
Phelps, and McCloskey the true source of growth.
As these lines of thinking suggest, there is a tradition of thought, a set of well-developed
hypotheses about economic growth, that is quite different from and out of fashion with
mainstream economics. This tradition argues that the causes and drivers of economic growth are
very different than mechanistic growth accounting would suggest.
In contrast, mainstream economics assumes, implicitly, that economic growth is a steady
incremental process occurring in a relatively unchanging economic system and best analyzed
through growth accounting by adding and subtracting tenths of points of various kinds of
We do not believe this. We believe it is important to think in terms of systems. Growth is a deep
process that was initiated, as McCloskey makes clear, by significant cultural changes allowing
different ways of thinking and talking about enterprise. In other words a different system began
to emerge. This system then evolvedas Marshall, Schumpeter, Phelps, and Baumol have
arguedover 200 years with new structures and systemic processes that demanded and fostered
creativity, innovation, and change, the real ingredients of economic growth, through the
mechanisms of entrepreneurship, the constant birth and death of business enterprises, and
ongoing competition between those enterprises.
When we think of economic growth in this much more systemic way, we are enabled and forced
to ask different questions. Questions that are not even remotely about small puts and takes to a
mechanistic unchanging given economy. The right questions (and policies as we will discuss
later) are inquiries regarding the social and political underpinnings of growth as much as they are
about the standard economic inputs and outputs. They direct our attention toward language, the
social environment, the division of labor between firms, and the right structuring of
entrepreneurial activity. And if the right question to ask about growth is, as we said earlier, how
can the economic frontier keep expanding, then the answer has to be found in these issues of
structure and system.
We believe that what is happening in the US economy today is the emergence again of a new
system. We see an economic or business system as being in some ways an integral whole; driven
by particular technologies, composed of specific kinds of institutions and processes and values;
requiring changes in education; and often catalyzing changes in government, politics, and
society. Change and disruption almost inevitably accompany the emergence of a new economic
and business system. Real economic growththe movement of the economic frontierdoes not
occur as a steady, incremental, almost-inertial aspect of an unchanging system.
What is happening today has happened before. In the nineteenth century and through the first
half of the twentieth century, the American reaction to the successive appearance of steam,
electricity, and internal combustion was the emergence then of a new business system, an
entirely new platform of economic activity.
This produced the factory system, a multi-decade process of adaptation to the efficiencies of
manufacturing, distribution, logistics, and everything that came with it. It required the notion of
the job, a new educational system (the high school movement), new policy structures (the
welfare state), and new political responses. In one sense, decades of public and private
investment can be seen as building out the full platform of the factory system. This business
system endured for a century. It involved disruption and change, which was the object of much
criticism and brow furrowing, just as is todays disruption and change. But it yielded vast
improvements in standards of living, in health, and in life expectancy. It was a marvel, but we
tend now to think that this must be the system rather than a system.
This is all happening again. This time the new thing, the new technological change driving us, is
information technology. These technologies began to be important in the 1960s. They evolved
quickly through the 1970s and 1980s, becoming more and more significant as Moores Law (that
the performance of integrated circuits doubles every eighteen months to two years) ground away.
These ongoing changes pushed out the US economic frontier, raised our rate of growth, and
began to affect other sectors of the economy. Then, starting in the first decade of this century,
information technology mutated into very different forms, which began to reshape the economy.
These developments were obscured by the Great Recession but began to be apparent as that
ebbed. The combination of enormous increases in computing power, the Internet and then the
Internet of Things, and cloud computing as they converged, represented changes in costs and
factors of production every bit as substantial as and even more pervasive than the industrial
revolutions of the nineteenth century.
It is our view that these changes in information technology are leading to the birth of a new
economic or business system. This new system will force economic change as broadly as did the
emergence of the factory system 150 or so years ago. It is leading to social changes as substantial
and pervasive as that system, and it will push out the US economic frontier, powering higher
growth for at least the next twenty-five years. In the next chapter we will describe this new
Lets return to those Roosevelt Institute pollsit was easier to make a negative case concerning
the economic future rather than a positive case. And as we have outlined in Chapter 2, Professor
Robert Gordon has made a formidable negative case. He argues, first, that the United States faces
major headwinds to immediate near-term increases in actual economic growth. And then he
argues, more fundamentally that we will see a long-term, perhaps permanent reduction in
economically significant innovation and therefore a permanent reduction in potential growth
another way of saying expansion of the economic frontier.
Gordon argues further that todays computer and Internet technology revolutions simply do not
have the economic punch of previous eras of technology change, concluding that information
technology will not have the productivity growth impacts of earlier technology revolutions that
led to the Industrial Revolution and what we have called the factory system.
We have no quarrel with the obstacles to growth that Gordon lists. But we also think that they
are either short term, solvable by sensible public policy, or can be turned into opportunities for
growth rather than headwinds to growth.
But we do disagree with how the analysis of Gordon and others views the economy and how it is
changing today. They see change as individual products and their impact and do not consider
social systems, and economic structure, and, equally importantly, changes in systems and
Our own sense is quite different. We suspect that products of the current industrial revolution
and the ways they are integrated through cloud-based computingwill be considerably more
significant and life changing than Gordon forecasts. For example, the smartphone and its
ecosystem of apps are as fundamental as any earlier Industrial Revolution product; the trio of
drones, driverless cars, and robotics will be as paradigm shifting as anything those earlier
industrial revolutions yielded. We see in this trio and many others exactly the sort of catalytic
chain reaction that Phelps saw in the first stirrings of modern economies.
More to the point, we look at those earlier technology and economic revolutions and conclude
that beyond all of the product innovations what occurred then was a more profound innovation:
the development of a new economic system. And we see that happening again. In our view,
simple growth accounting fails to see what is actually happening to the economy today.
We conclude this chapter by returning to Professor Benjamin Friedman whom we quoted earlier
on the importance and moral consequences of growth. The whole point of our book ultimately
has a policy purpose. As we said in an earlier chapter, we want to visualize the Good Economy
in the hope this exercise will facilitate the creation of policies that raise the odds the Good
Economy will actually emerge.
The thoughts of Friedman on this topic are extremely relevant:
There is often a grudging aspect to the recognition that achieving superior growth is a top
priority. As a result, especially when faster growth would require sacrifice from
entrenched constituencies with well-established interests, the political process often fails
to muster the determination to press forward. The all too frequent outcome, in low- and
high-income countries alike, is economic disappointment, and in some cases outright
We think that in specifying what real economic growth, the kind that increases the economic
frontier, is, we have also identified why developing and sustaining a coherent public policy to
promote growth is hard.
Most of what passes for growth policy is little more than cheerleading: developing growth policy
is far harder than most acknowledge, and involves much greater depth than has typically been
displayed. The hard truth is that if growth is really the kind of system change we argue, then
economic growth policies will always involve changing significant institutions; allowing
disruptions to occur; and tradeoffs between the old and the new. There will always be
innumerable spokespeople for the particular institutions or industries being disrupted; rarely will
an actual spokesperson for growth be in the room when such tradeoffs are confronted.
Thus, while economic growth sounds nice as a political phrase, the reality of growth
immediately makes it politically difficult. We will return to this broad theme again.
investment for another half century, and will inevitably bring with it social and cultural change
of the same magnitude as did the emergence of the factory system.
The first half of this chapter will focus on the technology trends we can clearly see today and the
clear impacts they are already having. The second half of this chapter is intentionally speculative
and will describe the new business system that is emerging and its implications.
The emergence of this new business system is largely positive. But we are also realists. The birth
of this new system will not be easy and it will not be problem free. In the next chapter we will
discuss the hurdles to that adjacent possible future: what needs to happen for that adjacent
possible to fully materialize; and what challenges will the new system pose to Americans who
will live and work within it?
The Good Economy: Whats Already Here
Software is eating the world. So declared entrepreneur and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen
in 2011: more and more major businesses and industries are being run on software and
delivered as online services.51 The insatiable appetite of computer code has become a mantra far
beyond the world of Silicon Valley technology. This simple insight is a source both of unbridled
utopian fantasy and depressive anxiety about the future of jobs and human agency.
Five years later, reality has gone beyond Andreessens observation. Software is penetrating
further into all sectors of the US economy, including those previously thought to be immune to
The decades-long reconfiguration of American manufacturing by the pressures of technological
change and globalization is by now a familiar story. Vertically integrated companies have used
technology to chop up their production process and manage supply and distribution chains that
extend across thousands of miles and hundreds of companies. All manufacturing sectors are
reducing labor costs and numbers of employees. Whereas Boeing, for example, handled most of
the manufacturing and assembly for its passenger jets internally in the 1960s and 1970s, today
scores of different companies in different places are involved in manufacturing a jet. But change
in manufacturing continues: it is on the edge of another significant reconfiguration.
And now the unbundling process that hit manufacturing twenty-five years ago is making its
way through the massive service sector, which makes up three-quarters of American economic
As more data get generated and collected and analyzed for a given service activitysuch as
accounting, law, or retailthat activity becomes more of an informational commodity. When
something becomes a commodity, it is more subject to digitization and algorithms, and less
dependent on human activity. The process is self-reinforcing: digital data collection leads to
digitization of the activity, which precipitates even more data collection and so on.
This industrialization of services is already creating new modes of value creation and new
Marc Andreessen, Why Software is Eating the World, Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2011.
platforms for economic activity. It also promises huge productivity gains, because the service
sector has long been subject to Baumols cost disease, whereby productivity growth potential in
services was limited:
Fully automated systems offer the greatest potential productivity gains. Because they rely
on digital systems, the power, efficiency, and affordability of algorithmic services can be
expected to improve in accordance with exponential increases in computing capabilities.
As chips improve and multiply, and the networks they form become exponentially more
powerful, the possibilities for fully automated digitized services expand dramatically.52
The future of the service sector is in the algorithm, and this opens up massive new possibilities
for entrepreneurship and innovation and growth. It also has a downside, of course, which we
address in the next chapter.
We are only in the earliest stages, moreover, of this algorithmic revolution and its consequences
for services and other sectors.53 A relatively new driver of continued change in services is the
development of cloud computing. Most people have experienced the cloud in the form of
services such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, and iCloud. But beneath the surface, cloud
computing is developing into what UC-Berkeleys John Zysman and others call a dynamic
Zysman, also a participant in the Roosevelt Institutes Next American Economy initiative, thinks
cloud computing will develop into its own production environment, innovation ecosystem, and
marketplace. The industrialization of services, through continued advancement in IT capabilities,
is one illustration of this. And, like other utilities, cloud computing will give rise to new
platforms of entrepreneurship and value creation. This is one reason why so many companies
from different sectorsGoogle, Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce, Cisco, telecommunications
firmsare competing for different parts of the cloud computing ecosystem.
Another implication of the algorithmic revolution and the transformation of the service economy
is the rise of the gig economy. This describes the ability, using mostly new tools of
technology, for companies and individuals to accomplish work through a series of gigs, or
short-term assignments. Because we believe the gig economy will be a fundamental aspect of the
new business system we will discuss it in more depth later on in this chapter.
The gig economy and the ability of individuals to harness the power of the cloud through the
click of a button (or tap of an app) have also been driven by the increasing ubiquity and power of
John Zysman, Stuart Feldman, Kenji E. Kushida, Jonathan Murray, and Niels Christian Nielsen, The ICTEnabled Digital Transformation of Services, in Dan Breznitz and John Zysman (eds.), The Third Globalization:
Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century? (Oxford, 2013). See also Philip Auerswald, The Code
Economy (forthcoming, 2016).
Hezekiah Agwara, Philip Auerswald, and Brian Higginbotham, Algorithms and the Changing Frontier, in Adam
Jaffe and Benjamin Jones (eds.), The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy (Chicago,
Kenji Kushida, Jonathan Murray, and John Zysman, The Gathering Storm: Analyzing the Cloud Computing
Ecosystem and Implications for Public Policy, Digiworld Economic Journal, 1st Q 2012.
smartphones. The rise and spread of the smartphone has been stunning in its size and speed: from
zero just a decade ago, now two billion people around the world have one, and that might double
in the next five years.55 Penetration has already reached over 50 percent in North America, and
the rest of the world will rapidly catch up in the next two decades. The power of an entire
mainframe computer, which used to represent the frontier of computing, now resides in more and
more individual pockets, not to mention the additional capacity allowed through the access the
smartphone allows to the cloud. Smartphone potential and popularity have even prompted some
observers to predict the demise of tablets such as the iPad!
The smartphone has already created an entire class of companies and activities that did not
previously exist: mobile apps. There are now hundreds of companies building apps for
smartphones and tablets for every kind of pursuit you can imagine. These go way beyond the
games or idle activities many people still associate with apps. Mobile enterprise apps are a fastgrowing category and now attract hundreds of millions of dollars in fundingthis includes
productivity apps, payment apps, and apps for specific sectors like retail and health.56 The app
ecosystem is so large, in fact, that it has spawned an entire industry of app enablers, who assist
with things like development, monetization, and user acquisition.57 Economist Michael Mandel
has estimated that the app economy now accounts for around 750,000 jobs all over the United
States, and if current mobile app trends continue, that number will only grow.58
Further, smartphones and increases in computing power have created a new class of
entrepreneurs: those who optimize underutilized assets. This is best exemplified by companies
such as Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb. Many other startups are bidding to be the Uber of (fill in the
blank). Most will no doubt fizzle. But what they represent is something more powerfulthe
ability to extract value from things, such as cars and spare rooms and entire buildings, that have
typically been treated as depreciating assets.
We can also already observe this in the integration of sensors into all sorts of physical artifacts
that turn simple objects into new vehicles of data collection and that also allow companies to
move increasingly into new types of service provision.
The proliferation of sensors connected via the Internet is known as the Internet of Things, and
the term captures the convergence of computing, the cloud, and new platforms such as
smartphones. This convergence has enormously disruptive effects on individuals and companies,
effects we discuss in the next chapter. But, like prior technological revolutions, it is also already
creating new classes of work, new types of value creation, and new platforms of
entrepreneurship and innovation.
CB Insights, for example, is a company that tracks trends in tech startups and venture capital
funding. Based on all this new activity, on softwares consumption of everything, CB Insights
has begun publishing periodic tables that track startup activity in several areas that either
didnt exist even a few years ago or were previously not seen as fruitful areas of
entrepreneurship. There are now periodic tables for health care, financial technology,
electronic payments, digital health, e-commerce, the Internet of Things, and even human
resources technology.59
The emerging Good Economy is not just about information technology and what it enables. The
United States is also in the early stages of reaping a windfall from shale gas and shale oil that
could satisfy most of the countrys energy needs for at least another century. Already, it is
estimated that the country has gained nearly $50 billion per year in total welfare from shale gas
alone since 2007.60 These benefits vary across the country, and most of the benefit has been for
industrial and retail consumers rather than producers, but there is no denying the total benefits.
Shale oil has probably been an even greater benefit, helping precipitate a dramatic fall in oil
prices in 2014 and 2015. This presumably helped consumers and business across the board,
especially in transportation. Thanks to shale oil, the United States has leapt back to the fore of
global oil production. The sustainability of that production, however, could depend on
production levels elsewhere in the world (particularly among OPEC countries). The shale oil
boom in the United States was helped by technological innovations but also high oil prices,
which made the economic calculus for shale oil positive. In early 2015, J.P. Morgan analyzed the
breakeven prices for various US regionssome, like parts of the Bakken formation in North
Dakota, can survive a sustained drop in oil prices. Others, including Eagle Ford in Texas, might
need higher oil prices for drilling to make sense.
Either way, the unlocking of US shale oil has sent an unexpected shock through global energy
production and consumption, and we count this among the features of the emerging Good
Economy, despite its short-term disruptive effects (defaults on loans or bonds that financed some
companies exploration when oil prices were much higher). We must also note that the carbon
implications of shale are mixed. On one hand, switching from coal to natural gas to generate
electricity leads to a reduction in emissions. On the other hand, cheap shale oil lessens the
pressure for any shift away from reliance on oil for things like gasoline. We will address this
topic in the next chapter.
For now, to summarize our sense of whats already here, we believe that information
technologyin its several manifestations from sensors to software, from the cloud to computing
capacityis disrupting and reshaping more and more aspects of American economic activity and
life. Why does this disruption and reshaping represent an emerging Good Economy? Because
these forces and trends are making our very mature economy more dynamic, innovative, and
productive. And these changes in turn raise our potential for growth. In the next chapter we will
ask the essential follow-on question: will this newly dynamic American economy allow broad
participation, higher mobility, and more equality? Or must it inevitably mean an intensification
Catherine Hausman and Ryan Kellogg, Welfare and Distributional Implications of Shale Gas, Brookings Papers
on Economic Activity, Spring 2015.
Christopher Mims, Forget the Cloud; the Fog is Techs Future, Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2014.
Kevin Kelly, The Three Breakthroughs that have Finally Unleashed AI on the World, Wired, November 2014.
James Bessen, Learning by Doing: The Real Connection between Innovation, Wages, and Wealth (Yale, 2015).
Second, the major thrust of the technology change-innovation-business formation circle will be
highly disruptive. New products, services, and methods of production will appear, transforming
large parts of the economy, creating new sectors, and establishing platforms for the creation and
growth of many firms across many sectors of the economy. Weve already seen disruptions in
media, journalism, most of manufacturing, the taxi business, and advertising. Disruption of the
financial sector is next, followed by the next manufacturing transformation, then quickly
followed by the further digitization of services we referred to earlier.
The disruption we are already seeing is very clearly a double-edged sword. Disruptive
innovations are the most important drivers of productivity growth, and improvements in living
standards, over the long run. Examples include electricity, indoor plumbing, the automobile, the
railroad, the airplane, computers, and air conditioning.
But almost by definition, disruptive innovations are impossible to forecast, hard for incumbent
firms to respond to, and therefore destroy many firms and jobs while creating others. They also
take many years, if not decades, for their full effects to work their way through the economy. It is
our strong sense that many Americans in the labor force or entering the labor market are not
prepared for these changes in the market. Accordingly, the need for an educational revolution
may be the biggest barrier facing the evolution in America of the next business system.64
Now, to go back to Steven Johnson and the adjacent possible. We believe that it is possible to
describe the Good Economy further than simply saying it will result from combinations of
technological change and will be disruptive. To be specific and obviously to speculate, we think
the Good Economy of the next twenty-five years will have the following six features.
(1) The Internet, the factory platform of the Good Economy, will rearrange firm boundaries.
The Internets first twenty years have already altered the economy. Its evolution over the next
twenty-five years will be the primary driver and shaper of the emerging new business system. It
will be even more the Internet of Things and it will function seamlessly with cloud computing
and mobile technologies. It will be the platform through which most businesses operate, and
most business functions are carried out. As such, boundaries between firms will be rearranged.
That is perhaps obvious, but it bears some consideration. Above, we cited William Baumols
division of labor between small, entrepreneurial firms and large, established companiesthe
former specialize in breakthrough innovations, while the latter take those breakthroughs and
improve on them incrementally through their scale and scope. In part, this division of labor has
been dictated by the lifecycle of technologies.65 Now, the Internet and cloud computing and
mobile devices are already creating a new symbiosis between entrepreneurial firms and
established corporations.
Since the dotcom bust and recession of 2001, the equity markets have enforced what Jay Ritter
has characterized as an eat or be eaten phenomenon. Particularly in information technology,
organic growth has been discounted and firms went for growth through acquisition or being
acquiredin part this explains the sluggish IPO market over the last fifteen years.66 Yet in just
the past few years, a new generation of technology firms has pursued the virtues of organic
growth. What is emerging is a new symbiosis: large companies such as Amazon, Microsoft,
Apple, Google, Salesforce, and Facebook have becomein one form or anotherthe new
infrastructure companies of the IT economy. There is some irony here as Amazon and Google
are both less than twenty-five years old, and Facebook is only a decade old. Yet these are the
companies building the new infrastructure of data centers and cloud-based servers that are
creating new arenas of competition and technological innovation: infrastructure-as-a-service, for
The new information technology infrastructure has become the backbone for a new generation of
entrepreneurs in the same way that past infrastructuresrailroads, electric grids, highways,
telecommunicationswere platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation. Large, integrated
companies wont disappear, but the nature of the value they create and how they compete and
cooperate with rivals and entrepreneurs is already shifting. According to Robert Cohen, senior
fellow at the Economic Strategy Institute, the adoption of these technologies has already become
mission critical for all firms.67
In some sectors, then, the advantages of scale have been reinforced. Elsewhere, such as in
finance, the combination of cloud computing and mobile applications (brought together by large
and small firms) is unbundling the integrated package of services that characterizes traditional
banking. Thus, in some sectors, the liabilities of scale are becoming more pronounced. These
divergent processes will continue for a number of years and the new landscape of aggregation
and disaggregation will not be settled for quite some time. In manufacturing, for example, 3-D
printing and the maturation of the maker movement will likely move from tinkering shops to
mainstream products, creating a new stream of value creation and specialization with all its
attendant consequences. Over the next few decades, the equity markets will reinforce this
changing calculus of scale and accord less reward, for example, to mergers and acquisitions.
(2) An entrepreneurial comeback
A high rate of business formation and change is critical to our construct of the Good Economy.
New firms are important because disruptive innovations are often, and most likely,
commercialized by new or young firms that have no vested interest in the status quo.68 Think of
more new firms as more shots on goal or swings at the bat: with more tries, the more likely it
is that some of them will turn out to be the truly disruptive game-changers the economy will
need if annual productivity growth is to reach a level allowing a sustained 3 percent annual rate
of economic growth.
Xiaohui Gao, Jay R. Ritter, and Zhongyan Zhn, Where Have All the IPOs Gone? Working Paper, November
Personal communication with authors.
Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Nicholas Bloom, and William R. Kerr, Innovation, Reallocation and Growth,
National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 18993, April 2013.
Likewise, a pickup in the startup rate will be essential if the US economy is going to generate
sufficient jobs to remain at full employment (well get to the critical subject of what kind of jobs
in a moment). Until the Great Recession, young firms were responsible for virtually all of the net
job creation (hires minus departures, voluntary and involuntary) in the United States since
1980.69 One reason for the relatively slow rebound in employment during this recovery is the
post-2008 drop in the absolute number of startups, from just over 561,000 in 2006 to fewer than
400,000 in 2010. Even three years later, in 2013, business creation had barely risen from the
recessionary nadir, and actually fell again, albeit slightly, from 2012 to 2013.70
We contend that the United States is on the cusp of another entrepreneurial boom. For one thing,
over the next twenty years, the millennial generation will enter the peak entrepreneurial years of
their thirties and forties. The average age of business founders in the United States is right
around forty and, should this hold, we should expect an increase in business creation from sheer
numbers of potential entrepreneurs.71 Further, it strains credulity to believe that rapid
technological changein robotics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, the blockchain, and
so onwill not lead to an increase in entrepreneurship. Its possible, of course, that
entrepreneurial opportunities in some areas will draw potential founders away from other areas
thus leading to no net increase in entrepreneurshipbut the abundance of opportunities and the
structural changes underway in the American labor market raise the likelihood of an overall
increase in entrepreneurship.
(3) Manufacturing once again reshapes the economy
A central development of the emerging new business system is that labor costs in
manufacturingall manufacturing, including the manufacture of many servicesare
declining toward zero. Driven by rapid technological change, direct production labor is rapidly
becoming an insignificant cost factor in manufacturing. If a task can be routinized into a list and
a set of procedureswhich is essentially what has happened steadily since the advent of the
production line itselfthen it will be.72 At the same time, the direct economies of scale in
manufacturing are diminishing.
Paradoxically, these developments are almost entirely positive things for the Good Economy in
America. Why?
First, because weve already lost most of our manufacturing labor, this trend wont hurt us.
Today, manufacturing employees are about 9 percent of the total American workforce after an
almost constant trend decline over forty years from a peak of about 30 percent. And most, if not
Ryan Decker, John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda, The Role of Entrepreneurship in US Job
Creation and Economic Dynamism, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2014.
Data on business creation can be found in the Business Dynamics Statistics of the United States Census Bureau, at
Daniel F. Spulber and Dane Stangler, The Age of the Entrepreneur: Demographics and Entrepreneurship, Paper
prepared for Innovation for Jobs Summit, March 2014,
See, e.g., Dongya Koh, Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis, and Yu Zheng, Labor Share Decline and the Capitalization of
Intellectual Property Products, Working Paper, April 2015.
all of these workers, are in very high capital investment, high value-added jobs requiring very
high, very specific skills. They are not endangered. We suspect that our economy is now at the
perigee of the manufacturing employment downward trend.
Second, this technological trend means that global comparative advantage in manufacturing is
shifting: from economies such as China or India with huge surpluses of very low-cost labor, to
economies more like Americas with far better business environments, traditions of innovation
and startups, tolerance for risk taking, and enthusiastic attitudes toward small and medium-sized
Several consequences of these shifts are likely. The manufacturing of many products will be
profitable in America again. Competition will not be solely or importantly based on the costs of
direct labor. The availability of independent capital will be critical. Small and medium-sized
companies will be much more important within the ecology of American business. The intensity
of change in the new manufacturing will be much greaterthere will be more startups, and more
failures. Manufacturing will increase as a share of GDP, but not as a share of total employment.
This same technological trend will affect services as much as manufacturing but over a longer
period. A large part of the labor costs of servicesand this is more true as services become more
sophisticatedwill be subject to the same pressures we clearly already see in manufacturing.
(4) New platforms take over
As economies, industries, and work have changed, the organization of markets, workers, and
skills have always also necessarily changed. As the commercial economy of Europe began to
self-organize in the early Middle Ages, trade fairs were a central institution. Later, guilds were
crucial in the organization of work and skills. Labor unions and chambers of commerce grew in
parallel with the rise of our industrial economy.
The same thing will happen again. We cannot know the precise shape of the new platforms, but
we can make some early guesses at the roles they will carry out, and perhaps at early prototype
We believe that these new platforms will meet three changed needs. First, they will offer new
means of marketing and selling goods and services. Second, they will provide ways for workers
at all levels to know about new assignments, to qualify for and schedule assignments, to collect
payments and to meet such needs as insurance, pensions, child care, and elder care. And third,
they will offer career management services. These latter two roleswhich for decades we have
assumed were simply aspects of what major (and minor) companies didwill split off as
companies virtually everywhere go out of the business of managing workers and work. All of
these new platforms will use the Internet as a fundamental part of organizing the new economy.
There is no linear path along which the platforms of the Good Economy will evolve. What we
emphasize here is that the profoundly different nature of jobs and work in the emerging Good
Economy will require profoundly different platforms for organizing work and careers.
the relationship between a manufacturer and a crucial component supplier is almost always
characterized by an intensive flow of information going both ways, and most of this information
is never written down anywhere.
These knowledge-intensive specialization complexes will work best when the players are near
each other, when suppliers, designers, marketers, sales people, logistics specialists, and
information system designers can meet often and informally. These complexes will, inevitably,
be located in metropolitan areas. Our cities, therefore, are the basic platforms for the emerging
complexes of specialization.
In the coming decades, competitive advantage for the enterprise, for the particular specialization,
for the city or mega-region that houses a particular cluster, and for the United States will stem
fundamentally from the quality of the platform as a whole. And this means that the quality of
very local governance, of infrastructure, and of education will be crucial determinants of
competitive advantage or disadvantage. The city or mega-region will not simply be the home for
these clusters. The quality of how our cities or mega-regions function will come to be an
independent factor either detracting from or adding to frontier-expanding economic growth.
(6) The gig economy takes off
As the Good Economy and this new business system emerge, the nature of jobs, work, and
careers will change substantially. In our view, what is ending is the inevitability of the fortyhours per week, five days a week, long-term job. This organization of work has been the
centerpiece of our industrial economy for one hundred years. Certainly, this way of organizing
work will continue to be an important aspect of our economy for millions of men and women for
some time. But it wont be the centerpiece of the Good Economy and it wont represent what is
happening at the margin of change of our economy. One clear sign of this is that major
companies throughout our economy are eliminating jobs as rapidly as possible.
It is our judgment that while jobs of this traditional nature may remain, it would be unwise for
most men and women to plan their lives assuming that they will find and keep a traditional job
for all of their lives. Getting our collective heads around such a fundamental change as the
organization of work will be one of the more important conceptual hurdles we face.
But work and the necessity to make ones way through life and earn a living arent going
away. So what will begin to take the place of the job? Three phenomena will become more
important: part-time assignments; portfolio careers; and more pervasive entrepreneurship. To
First, it is highly likely that for many people work will increasingly consist of short-term
assignments and a career will be composed of a bundle of such assignments over a lifetime.
Today, this is known as the gig economy.
Second, we think it is also likely that many people will be carrying more than one of these shortterm assignments at any given time. Not everyone will want to manage a portfolio of
assignments but many will see this as a way of making the most of their talents and of raising
their incomes.
Finally, we think an element of entrepreneurship will be a more important aspect of all work. We
mean this in the following ways.
If the rote, predictable, slow-to-change job is going away, then everyone has to plan for work
that is not rote, less predictable, and more rapidly changing. This means that everyone will have
to be much more responsible for their own careers. In particular, everyone will have to think
much more constantly about the next assignment, the skills required for that assignment, and the
education and credentials required to gain those skills and provide evidence to others that you
possess them.
But if individuals have to be more entrepreneurial in planning their lives, there will also be many
more possibilities at all levels of work for defining even what is now seen as low value-added
work in more value-added ways. Specifically, in the vast sector of individual and household
services, we think the combination of human skills, new technology, and knowledge will provide
enormous scope for individual ingenuity and innovation in defining ways of adding value and
income to what have always been considered low-level jobs.
In some parts of the economy, especially creative sectors, this evolution is already quite far
along: musicians, artists, writers, and those associated with them have over the past decade
gained extensive experience in assembling portfolios of jobs and utilizing new platforms like
YouTube to advance their work.74
Adam Davidson, creator of NPRs Planet Money, calls this the Hollywood model, in which
teams of individuals come together in a largely self-organizing fashion to work on specific
projects. In Davidsons telling, this mode of workwhich has characterized Hollywood for
many yearsis already making its way across other parts of the economy. Platforms like
TaskRabbit, Zaarly, Thumbtack, Upwork, and many others have arisen over the past several
years to serve the demand for such gig-based work but also hasten its growth. In the next
chapter, we will discuss some of the concerns generated by the gig economy. For many people,
though, the gig economy allows more flexibility, potentially greater rewards, and the ability to
make a direct impact through their work.
Some observers see any shift away from full-time, secure employment as disastrous for workers
and the economy. We have built an entire business system around the notion of stable jobs and
full-time, W-2 employment. Anything short of thatsuch as 1099 contract-based employment
would be a raw deal for most Americans. The Uberization of American employment threatens
low-wage work and augurs a future of turning the world into a Home Depot parking lot.75
Certainly, there are concerns with any shift away from the employment system that characterized
Steven Johnson, The Creative Apocalypse that Wasnt, New York Times Magazine, August 19, 2015.
Jerry Davis, Capital markets and job creation in the 21st century, Brookings Institution, Center for Effective
Public Management, December 2015.
most of the twentieth century and thus has characterized most Americans work experience. But,
considering the realities of low-wage work in the sectors that Uberization purportedly
threatens, movement toward task-based on-demand work could actually improve the lot of
workers. Low-wage employers such as restaurants and retailers currently limit the availability
and predictability of work for their employees, shutting many employees out of full-time work,
or using the thirty-hours-per-week threshold enshrined in employment law as a way to avoid
providing benefits. By contrast, Uber and TaskRabbit and other on-demand services allow
workers more leeway to control the hours they work and the duties they fulfill.
The choice, as technology entrepreneur and writer Tim OReilly has starkly put it, is not between
good W-2 employment and bad 1099 employment, but between a scenario of continuous
partial employment based on fixed but unpredictable schedules and employee surveillance (the
current world of low-wage service work for millions of Americans), or a scenario of independent
contractors with the tools in their hands to map demand, respond to demand, and work hours
they determine.76 These are two types of employment, two types of transparency, and two types
of technology use both have their benefits and shortcomings, but we shouldnt prejudice the
choice based on what the old business system looked like.
The combination of high rates of technological change, the disaggregation of old business
systems, and the Internet as the basic platform of the new economy will provide much more
scope for entrepreneurial actions. Work in the Good Economy can be even better and more
fulfilling for most men and women than it was at the heyday of the twentieth century economy.
But we also want to express a caveat. The emerging Good Economy will ask more of
individualsmore attention to anticipating the next gig, and more focus on the skills required for
that next gig. Everyone will have to be their own entrepreneur.
The Rise of the Artisanal Economy
Larry Katz, one of Americas most influential labor economists, has used the term the artisanal
economy, to describe how he sees the future economy. One of us has used the term mass
specialization. Both are efforts to describe an economy that has not yet emerged; both, we
believe, are accurate.
Together they describe an economy composed of a significantly higher proportion of smaller
companies; many of them close to virtual companies almost entirely mediated via the Internet. It
could be an economy in which the driving force is an extremely high level of business startups,
driven by the high rates of technological change we believe are occurring and will continue.
The two descriptors are intended to assert where economic value will come from in the Good
Economy. We see a continual process of specialization in which individuals using the new
technologies create highly specialized goods and services at wide ranges of prices. The use of the
word artisanal does not imply that Americans will turn to cute little crafts. We see an end to
the factory system that characterized the economy of much of the twentieth century.
Tim OReilly, Workers in a World of Continuous Partial Employment, The WTF Economy, Medium, August
31, 2015,
For a deeper exploration, see Peter Marsh, The New Industrial Revolution: Consumers, Globalization, and the
End of Mass Production (Yale, 2012).
This new artisanal, mass-specializing economy will not look the same everywhere, and wont
happen all at once. We are a very large country with an immense economy. We will inevitably
have almost any combination of human capability, technology, and specialized products and
services imaginable. In some sectors where existing incumbents have close to monopoly power,
the changes will be slower. But those differences arent relevant to the argument. Over the next
twenty-five years, these changes will be inexorable and pervasive.
As we will suggest in the next chapter, there is much to be done to usher in these changes and
create circumstances under which ordinary Americans, not just an elite, can grasp what we
believe will be great opportunities.
John G. Fernald and Charles I. Jones, The Future of U.S. Economic Growth, American Economic Review
(104)5, May 2014.
Lawrence F. Katz and Robert A. Margo, Technical Change and the Relative Demand for Skilled Labor: The
United States in Historical Perspective, in Leah Platt Boustan, Carola Frydman, and Robert A. Margo (eds.),
Human Capital in History: The American Record (Chicago, 2014) 48.
Across 200 years, technological change has consistently altered the mix of American
employment but one thing has been constant: the so-called hollowing out of the labor force has
characterized each period of change. In the nineteenth century, the twentieth century, and today,
technology is eliminating middle-skilled jobs but creating more high-skilled and low-skilled
jobs. The new low-skilled jobs created by technological change become the new middleskilled jobs of the next era, joined by entirely new high-skilled work: In both centuries, the
diffusion of new capital goods altered the assignment of workers to tasks. Some of these
reallocations displaced skilled labor, while others did the opposite. On net in both centuries,
technical change has tended to increase the relative demand for educated labor.80
In other words, there is always technological change, there is always adjustment pain from the
change, and there is always more demand for skilled and educated workers as a result.81 As they
push out the technological frontier, Americans respond by altering and upgrading their skills.
Thats one way to sum up the sweep of American history.
Importantly, the process of adjustment is not automatic. Americans have engaged in a continuous
process of institutional innovation that helped the country adapt to technological change. In the
early twentieth century, the biggest institutional innovation was the high school movement,
which spread a standardized general curriculum that trained Americans to work in the factories
and offices of the new industrial economy. In the mid-twentieth century, the biggest institutional
innovation was the creation of the welfare state, which established a safety net underneath
American workers and encouraged the build-out of the industrial economy. In the last quarter of
the twentieth century, it was the democratization of higher education, as more Americans went to
college in response to the higher demand for skills generated by technological change.
Put this way, its not hard to see why Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz portrayed this dynamic as a
race between education and technological change.82 Today, we might characterize the next
three decades as a similar race between a pessimistic and optimistic future. The headwinds and
challenges identified by Robert Gordon are powerfully undeniable and are racing us toward a
pessimistic, low-growth economic future. The tailwinds of the emerging Good Economy are
keeping pace, racing us toward an optimistic, high-growth economic future.
This race is being played out through four major forces shaping the American future:
Political Dynamism
Lawrence F. Katz and Robert A. Margo, Technical Change and the Relative Demand for Skilled Labor,, 48.
See also Amar Bhid, The Demise of US Dynamism is Vastly ExaggeratedBut Not All is Well, Working
Paper, Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, January 2015,
Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, The Race Between Education and Technology (Belknap, Harvard, 2008).
These forces are probably obvious (when have demographics not been a social and economic
force?), and theyre the same forces examined by Gordon and Tyler Cowen and others. Gordon
and Cowen are much more pessimistic than we. But before discussing how certain institutional
innovations and adaptations can lead to a brighter future, lets dive deeper into each of these four
forces and their implications for which future wins the race.
The United States is experiencing several major demographic trends at once. Overall, we are an
aging country, driven principally by longer lifespans and the movement of the baby boom
generation into its sixties and seventies. At the same time, American population growth has in
general slowed, with a falling fertility rate among both native-born and immigrant Americans.
The Great Recession slowed immigration into the United States, particularly from Mexico, and
as the traditional source countries for American immigrants also experience slow population
growth, the migration calculus may change.83 At the same time, the country is in the midst of a
diversity explosion that is rapidly changing the character of the populationthe young and
large millennial generation is much more diverse than the aging baby boom generation.84 This is
opening up some potentially serious cultural and generational gaps.85
An aging, slow-growing but diversifying country with bright generational lines presents a very
different context for the education-technology race than the prior two centuries. Demographic
change will challenge social insurance programs, employment law, and other areas, but also
present new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. It thus demands new institutional
innovations; we cannot rely on our existing education, labor market, and policy institutions for
successful adaptation and adjustment.
We are in a race between a future in which we do not adapt to demographic changes or perceive
them only as liabilities, and a future wherein we turn demographic trends into opportunities for
innovation and growth. We have the ability to determine the winner of this race.
Earlier, we discussed some of todays most exciting areas of technological change, from the
spread of smartphones to the rise of cloud computing and the Internet of Things. Other observers
also talk about the creative disruption from the sharing economy and new online services.86
The level of anxiety about technological unemployment speaks to the impact that technology
will continue to exert in the near future.
Today, this technological disruption is closely associated with exciting startups like Uber and
TaskRabbit and a surge of venture capital and angel investments into them. Additionally, new
sectors like mobile applications are identified with entrepreneurship. Paradoxically, however,
See, e.g., Philip Auerswald and Joon Yun, Depopulation: An Investors Guide to Value in the Twenty-First
Century (Palo Alto Institute, 2014).
William H. Frey, Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America (Brookings, 2015).
Paul Taylor, The Next America: Boomers, Millennials, and the Looming Generational Showdown (Public Affairs,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Creative Disruption, April 2015.
there are some indications that, at this stage in the information technology revolution, incumbent
companies are becoming more entrenched and even better protected against competition than
smaller and younger companies.
We spoke earlier about a new type of symbiosis between old and young companies. For overall
economic dynamism, this kind of structure mattersby structure we mean the mix of enterprises
that make up the economy. Some countries have economies dominated by large, old incumbent
firms. Others have lots of smaller companies but with little growth.87 Historically, the United
States has enjoyed a productive balance, with a steady pace of new business creation, a minority
of fast-growing firms, and large, established yet productive corporations. Comparing the United
States to other countries, we find that the United States tends to have more employment in larger
companies than other countries, but also enjoys a sizeable contributionin jobs and
innovationfrom young, high-growth firms. And virtually all net growth in jobs comes from
smaller, younger, fast-growing firms.
This dynamic has underwritten productivity growth for decades, but it has changed over the past
two decades. Indeed, there is now robust evidence, from multiple data sources using a variety of
indicators, of a pervasive decline in U.S. business dynamism over the last several decades.88
The rate of business entry has fallencreating a startup deficitand the share of employment
accounted for by Americas oldest and largest corporations has risen.89 Even more worrisome,
the skewness of Americas economic structurewith a small number of young, high-growth
firms driving most of the countrys job creationseems to have flattened, especially since the
year 2000, and including in the high-tech sector.90 Even in new sectors that are closely identified
with entrepreneurs, such as mobile apps, there appears to be some incumbent bias.91
For economic dynamism to rebound, these recent changes in economic structure cannot continue.
Yet we believe that they are partly a function of technological change and, as such, are a
phenomenon of transition to a more entrepreneurial economy. As technology diffuses beyond the
initial bang of invention to deployment, and as more individuals and businesses across sectors
See, e.g., Flavino Calvino, Chiara Criscuolo, and Carlo Menon, Cross-Country Evidence on Start-Up Dynamics,
OECD Science, Technology, and Industry Working Papers, 2015/06 (2015). See also the paper by Criscuolo in this
Ryan A. Decker, John Haltiwanger, Ron S. Jarmin, and Javier Miranda, Where Has All the Skewness Gone? The
Decline in High-Growth (Young) Firms in the U.S., National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper
21776, December 2015.
See Ian Hathaway and Robert E. Litan, Declining Business Dynamism in the United States: A Look at States and
Metros, Brookings Institution, May 5, 2014,; and Hathaway and Litan, Declining Business Dynamism: Its for Real, Brookings
Institution, May 22, 2104.
Kauffman Foundation, Toward Americas New Entrepreneurial Growth Agenda, State of Entrepreneurship,
February 2014,
Timothy F. Bresnahan, Jason P. Davis, and Pai-Ling Yin, Economic Value Creation in Mobile Applications, in
Adam B. Jaffe and Benjamin F. Jones (eds.), The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy
(Chicago and NBER, 2015).
experiment and learn how to use, say, the Internet of Things, for value creation, we expect to see
a corresponding increase in entrepreneurship.
The forces of demography and technology also carry major implications for education and skills.
The high school movement arose and spread as a response to new skill demands and the
increasing automation of agricultural work that, until then, had employed most Americans.
People often deride the current structure of the educational system as industrialand it is, for
good reason. Our current K-12 system was, quite literally, created to prepare people for an
industrial economy.92 And, just as an "industrial" educational system was required by a newly
emerging industrial economy, a new educational system is now necessary to help Americans
adapt and thrive in a changing economy.
The current structure does not fit an aging and diversifying population, which simultaneously
calls for more lifetime learning opportunities and more experimentation with delivery models.
The changing nature of work demands new skills and it puts individuals much closer to market
transparencywhen an app or on-demand service can immediately measure the economic utility
or value you have created (or destroyed), that calls for a different set of skills than when youre
receiving internal feedback within a large corporation. And technological change, in accordance
with historical patterns, is creating new skill opportunities.
We are in a race between a future in which technology creates mass unemployment and further
stratification, and a future in which technology generates further abundance and broad-based
innovation. The winner of this race is not foreordained, and is up to us.
Climate Risk
For the most part, debates about climate change have not figured at all into macroeconomic
debates. Yet the effects of a changing climate are increasingly becoming economic. More
scientists are studying, and finding, links between global climate change and local weather
extremes, such as droughts and heat waves.93 In turn, these effects are being linked to economic
effects in the form of lower agricultural output, lost jobs, mortality, and lost productivity. If these
costs begin to look at all significant they will have to be included in macroeconomic models.
Moreover, we will probably not simply see the adjustment of the climate to a new stable
condition. The new Paris Accord was a significant global agreement but at bestif the voluntary
plans of 180 nations are metit only slows down the increase of greenhouse gas emissions. And
as long as greenhouse gas emissions keep growing, the economic effects and costs will continue
to grow. This is the reason why many climate scientists support the Paris Accord and
simultaneously believe privately that the accords goal of holding future temperature increases to
no more than two degrees Celsius is no longer possible.
Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, The Race Between Education and Technology (Belknap, Harvard, 2008).
Is it global warming or just the weather? The Economist, May 9, 2015,
This is why we now believe it essential that all of our measures of macroeconomic progress
always include a climate risk indicator. The contemporary economic policy debates focus on a
number of dire macroeconomic possibilities: another Great Recession, vast technological
unemployment or underemployment; or the end of growth as examples. We doubt if any of these
possibilities involve as much risk as the risk of climate disaster we are now running in blissful or
willful ignorance.
To believe that the 2 degree limit is achievable requires one to believe in the possibility of
cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent by 2050, a goal possible only if all carbon-fired
electricity-generating plants are shut down and the vast majority of conventional cars around the
world are replaced by full-blown electric cars. This possibility is beyond remote. Therefore the
probabilities are that we will see during the next twenty-five yearsprecisely as the Good
Economy is developinga climate and temperature trajectory toward a point well above the 2
degree Celsius limit.
But to what point? Moderate pessimism regarding the likelihood of extreme measures limiting
emission increases, let alone measures reducing emissions, would suggest we are now onand
will stay ona greenhouse gas emission track running past a level of 700 parts per million
(ppm) by 2100 unless the world takes immediate and substantial steps to cut manmade CO2
output. The moderately pessimistic scenario entails a 66 percent probability of a global
temperature increase between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius over the next century. That doesn't
seem like much but it would create a higher global temperature than the world has seen in three
million years and, as Wagner and Weitzman emphasize: This alone would be a profound, earthas-we-know-it altering change.94
Thats the direction in which were headed. But any general statement about the average or
median increase in global temperature to expect doesnt account for the fact any such increase
will not be experienced in an average way. Mathematically, as the possible median temperature
increase rises, the possibilities of what are called tail risks rise disproportionately. Then,
chances of ocean level rises, extreme storms, droughts, and major forest fires are much greater as
global temperatures rise even beyond the current unrealistically low targets. And as we write
this, the newest analyses of Antarctic ice suggests it is melting at a far faster rate than expected,
threatening a much faster rise in sea levels than expected.
In short, the true climate risk problem lies in what are called fat-tail risksthese exist at the
very edge of a distribution, and are risks that one would normally discount. But, the odds of fattail risks rise when the median value of the distribution rises: what happens at the very
extremesthe tails of the distributionmay dwarf all else. Taking this kind of risk seriously
and then calculating probabilities lead Wagner and Weitzman to conclude there is a 10 percent
chance that global temperatures would be 6 degrees Celsius or 11 degrees Fahrenheit higher.
This is, in Wagner and Weitzmans words, a blind planetary gamble.95
Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman, Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet
(Princeton, 2015).
Wagner and Weitzman, Climate Shock.
We would rather not see the world take a blind planetary gamble, nor do we believe that most
Americans, or citizens of the world, when confronted with the realities, would want to take such
a gamble either. We also think that 10 percent probability risks cannot be discounted; they are
precisely the kinds of events that people in the private sector, whether in business or in their
personal life, insure against all the time. Nations adopt insurance policies for their citizens on
essentially the same theory and having insurance to protect against bad outcomes in life should
not be controversial or partisan.96
We are in a race between a future in which climate change continues unabated and causes
economic and social disruptions, and a future in which climate change is managed through
adaptation, innovation, and governance. We can choose the winner of this race.
Political Dynamism
This major force, of course, also comes along with a tagline: or the lack thereof. Its no secret to
anyone that political dynamism has been noticeable mostly by its absence in Washington over
the past decade. (Some people might extend the period of absence back even further.)
Polarization between the two parties has reached unforeseen levels and it often seems like little
of consequence gets done at the federal level.97 In his last State of the Union address in January
2016, President Obama stated that increased political polarization and rancor was one of his few
As a result, many observers have thrown their hands up and turned instead to the states and
cities. The metropolitan revolution in terms of economic activity has prompted some to call for
mayors to rule the world.98
Its true that cities and metros are the seat of many of the trends we have highlighted: they are
the frontlines of demographic and technological change. In a world of instant electronic
communication, physical proximity and urban networks matter more than ever. Cities are
particularly important for the new business system we see emerging with high rates of
entrepreneurship, intense dynamism, and a high need for new learning institutions (see below).
Cities and metros also happen to be the places where entrepreneurs face many barriers, whether
that is the cost of space (office and housing) or entry barriers (such as licensing, permitting, etc.).
Cities offer the promise of being the new imaginarium described by Edmund Phelps, but
allowing them to fulfill that role will require changes in the legal relationship between cities,
Highly regarded jurist and prolific author Richard Posner recognized this over a decade ago in his book,
Catastrophe: Risk and Response (Oxford, 2004).
For polarization data, see, where University of Georgia
political scientist Keith Poole maintains a collection of his data and graphs. See also Christopher Hare, Keith T.
Poole, and Howard Rosenthal, Polarization in Congress has risen sharply. Where is it going next? Washington
Post, February 13, 2014,
Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradley, The Metropolitan Revolution: How Cities and Metros are Fixing Our Broken
Politics and Fragile Economy (Brookings, 2013); Benjamin R. Barber, If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional
Nations, Rising Cities (Yale, 2013).
states, and the federal government. It will require new legal institutions at the city and regional
level to improve and enhance local political dynamism. We discuss these below.
Nevertheless, the federal government will and must retain an important role in economic
dynamism, the corollary of which is political dynamism. Lee Drutman of the New America
Foundation writes that political dynamism is found in:
A political environment that is fluid and open, where barriers to entry are comparatively
low. This is an environment in which policy entrepreneursthe key drivers of policy
changeare likely to thrive and engage in innovative acts of creative policy
destruction that clear away old rules that unfairly protect and benefit previous economic
winnersthe rent seeking policies so destructive to economic growth and innovation
and entrepreneurship. Just as with economics, political rules that decrease barriers to
entry and increase competition also incentivize new ideas, stimulating creative thinking
and innovation. Political dynamism is the product of rules that allow a certain degree of
fluidity, enough for new entrants and new ideas to gain traction.99
It should be apparent from this definition how closely intertwined political and economic
dynamism are: economic rent seeking begets political stasis begets economic stasis and so on.100
By their nature, larger, older, and more established companies tend to favor the status quoafter
all, they are the creators and beneficiaries of that status quo. They are highly bureaucratic, often
resembling governments every bit as much as market-facing private sector businesses. They are
intensely political, both internally and externally. They provide most of the fuel for
Washingtons enormous lobbying industry. Only the largest companies are able to support
dedicated Washington offices or to engage independent lobbying firms. The job of those
manning these offices and firms is naturally to be ever vigilant against possible policy
innovations and change, which might harm their companies or clients.
Yet the absence of political dynamism in Washington also reflects something else, something
that must be addressed for the United States to realize the Good Economy. There has been an
almost complete loss of fiscal freedom at the federal level.101 In the aftermath of the Great
Recession and the trillion-dollar stimulus package, outrage at federal deficits fueled the rise of
the Tea Party and set the stage for annual fights over the debt ceiling and government funding.
Relative to GDP, the growth of federal debt has tailed offfor now and possibly for the next
decadebut remains near seventy-year highs. While the likely flattening of the debt-to-GDP
ratio over the next decade may have taken some pressures off lawmakers in the short-term, the
long-term growth of the debt-to-GDP ratio driven by the inexorably rising costs of entitlement
programs for baby boom retirees, if not eventually addressed, threatens the realization of the
Good Economy.102
Lee Drutman, Political Dynamism, Working Paper, New America, March 2015.
Steven M. Teles, The Scourge of Upward Distribution, National Affairs, Fall 2015.
C. Eugene Steuerle, Dead Men Ruling: How to Restore Fiscal Freedom and Rescue Our Future (Century
Foundation, 2014).
Rudolph G. Penner, The Changing Nature of the Long-Term Federal Budget Problem, Business Economics,
July 2015.
Moreover, the rising costs of the two largest entitlementsMedicare and Social Securityare
crowding out what little is left of federal discretionary spending programs to meet the challenges
that the Good Economy will require to be met: more investment in education, basic science, and
a new, cleaner infrastructure. Eventually, the gridlock in Washington must change for the Good
Economy to come about, although more effective and less polarized government at the local
level can make things easier.
We are in a race between a future in which lack of political dynamism reinforces declining
economic dynamism, and a future wherein renewed political dynamism at all levels supports the
emerging Good Economy. We can choose the winner of this race.
What Wins the Race?
Our analysis thus far has looked at the drivers of frontier-expanding growth, reasons for
economic pessimism, emerging trends that point toward the Good Economy, and major forces
that will shape the Good Economy. The Good Economy, we believe, is the adjacent possibleit
is emerging and developing, but will require intentional actions to open the doors to it. And, the
Good Economy is in a race for the future, a race with a low-growth, stratified, and stagnant
economy. If our analysis is even halfway correct, what kind of policy steps must be taken to win
the race between the two possible futures of the Good Economy and the end of growth?
Because of dislocations in the labor market created by technology and demographics, and the
resulting inequalities, policy needs to be more oriented toward encouraging work.
See, e.g., Raj Chetty, Behavioral Economics and Public Policy: A Pragmatic Perspective, American Economic
Review, May 2015.
First, its finally time to create a real startup visa, one that has low thresholds for
application and that brings in a wide range of immigrant entrepreneurs. They
will make jobs, not take jobs, for Americans.
Second, the H-1B visa should be amended to allow recipients to leave their
employer and either start new companies or join young companies.
Third, a new pathway for foreign students studying in the United States should
be created that similarly allows them to start new companies or join young
Regulation needs to be made to work for new entrants and young firms, not
incumbents. Barriers to entry must be lowered. The playing field between entrants and
incumbents needs to be leveled.
This can be accomplished either directly (by exempting young companies, rather than
small companies, from some regulations) or indirectly (by reducing incumbent
protection across the board).
A regulatory review process carried out by all levels of government should include
consideration of the impact on entry and reallocation. One way to clean out outdated
and counterproductive regulations is to appoint independent bodies of experts to
James Bailey and Diana Thomas, Regulating Away Competition: The Effect of Regulation on Entrepreneurship
and Employment, Mercatus Center, Working Paper, September 2015.
Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Nicholas Bloom, and William R. Kerr, Innovation, Reallocation and Growth,
National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 18993, April 2013.
Ryan Decker, John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda, The Role of Entrepreneurship in US Job
Creation and Economic Dynamism, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2014.
identify them, and then to have legislatures hold up or down votes on the entire
packages, much as the federal government has done with military base closures.107
A change in the nature of antitrust enforcement may also be needed. In many industries,
the dominance of incumbent companies appears to be supported by antitrust law to the
detriment of young companies. Organizations like the American Antitrust Institute have
been looking at how antitrust law can take the promotion of entrepreneurship into
consideration in antitrust enforcement.
Regulators should also adopt a presumption of permission toward institutional
innovations around Good Economy trends like gig work and labor market entry.
Experimentation at the state and city levels with different modes of regulation should
be encouraged and evaluated. For example, changing demographics may mean that
amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) are needed to assist
workers in their attempts to balance work and family.
Employment law may also need to be reconsidered. Currently, W-2 employment is
considered superior to any other type of arrangement, and federal laws around benefits
and health insurance reinforce this superiority. But, a dynamic economy that
encourages reallocation of resources across firms and geographies and a high rate of
labor market churn is not helped by policies that give preference to fixed employment
over other forms. Some people have suggested a new dependent contractor status to
capture those, like Uber drivers, who straddle the line between employee and
independent contractor. That may strengthen dynamism and mobility, but we should
also rethink our entire legal and policy approach to employment law and the incentives
it sets in place.
Last autumn, in 685 pages, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved
rules for whats known as retail crowdfunding. Three-and-a-half years after
Congressional authorization, the SEC removed the final barrier to a non-accredited
investor taking equity in companies through crowdfunding platforms. Part of the
explanation for the time and length it has taken is the SECs understandable concern
over fraud.108 Many expect that the SECs rules will themselves be too cumbersome to
allow retail or equity crowdfunding to fully flourish. While we have our own concerns
and doubts over the economic impact of crowdfunding, its ultimate fate should be
worked out in the market, not regulators hands. With appropriate levels of protection
for fraud, we hope the SEC allows crowdfunding to work and, if the new rules prove
too restrictive, liberalization should occur.
Michael Mandel and Diana J. Crew, Regulatory Improvement Commission, Progressive Policy Institute, May
And, fraud has already occurred within the equity crowdfunding space for accredited investors. JD Alois, The
First Investment Crowdfunding Fraud. What does this Mean for the Industry?, Crowdfund Insider, December 2,
country. They should be given freer reign to experiment with different approaches, but changes
are also needed in how local governments deal with things like housing and firm formation.
In 2011, the United Kingdom adopted something called City Deals as a way to
empower cities and their metropolitan areas to drive local economic development.109
In the United States, Bruce Katz has suggested Metro Deals, which would alter the
nature of federal funding to cities. Metropolitan areas would get more control over
federal money and the ability to tailor the use of that money to local needs and
Despite the challenges that continue to face federal regulation (discussed above), the
federal government has made enormous progress on engaging in rigorous cost-benefit
analysis of new regulations and a regulatory lookback that evaluates existing
regulations.110 States and cities, however, have no similar capacity. Because innovation
and entrepreneurship and technology can be significantly affected by state and local
regulation, we endorse an idea proposed by Edward Glaeser and Cass Sunstein for
states to create regulatory review commissions.111
Since many cities cannot afford their own regulatory review commissions, they should
be assisted in their regulatory review efforts by philanthropic efforts and a redesigned
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD, see below) to fund new types
of measurement and data collection that allow localities to compare themselves against
other cities. Something like the Doing Business indicators that the World Bank has
created at the global level would be ideal for American cities and metros.
Greater investment in infrastructure is also needed. Yet the federal government has
proven itself to be dysfunctional on this score and, in fact, threatens to disinvest in
infrastructure. Metros and regions should have the ability to create and finance their
own infrastructure banks, provided they also take measures to reduce the red tape that
slows infrastructure design and construction.112
The federal government can also help American cities and metros by adopting a new
mission for HUD. HUD should be the champion of the emerging Good Economy at the
city and regional level. It should assist with Metro Deals and regulatory review
commissions and help create the urban infrastructure banks.
Change also needs to occur with how local governments approach land use. A growing
number of experts has pointed to the paradox that our most productive placessuch as
San Francisco and Bostonhave much lower population growth than our least
productive places. The biggest reason is that restrictive land-use policy makes it
incredibly expensive to live in the highly productive places. Economic estimates for
what would happen if land use were liberalized in these places run into the billions of
dollars. But how to go about it while respecting the desires of local residents? Law
Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradley, The Metropolitan Revolution: How Cities and Metros are Fixing Our Broken
Politics and Fragile Economy (Brookings, 2013).
Edward Glaeser and Cass R. Sunstein, Regulatory Review for the States, National Affairs, Summer 2014.
Glaeser and Sunstein, Regulatory Review for the States.
Legal reform in this area has been tirelessly and effectively promoted by Phillip Howard. See this essay on the
website of the organization he chairs, Common Good:
professors Roderick Hills and David Schleicher have sensibly suggested that local
governments adopt annual zoning budgets that remove the disincentives for growth
and seek to balance the supply and demand of land for new construction.113 The goal
would be for more allowable growth at the local level, without running roughshod over
local interests.
Federal government
We have already discussed several areas where the federal government can take action or assist
states and cities in fostering the Good Economy. Three other areas should be addressed.
Deficits are now built into the system, yet without the means to pay for them. This is
unsustainable. That much is obvious to everyone. But, as Gene Steuerle has argued,
unsustainable deficits are a symptom, not a causein particular, they are a symptom of
falling fiscal freedom.114 The United States has apparently made the collective decision
to build in automatic (mandatory) spending increases for health care and retirement
programswe do not, however, have such mandatory increases for things like defense
and education. This distinction marks our national priorities. The country will be unable
to address new challenges and help foster the emergence of the Good Economy when a
rising share of the federal budget is tied up in these mandatory programs. Changing this
structure will be far from easyparticularly given demographic realitiesbut there is
no other option.
The National Economic Council (NEC), Council of Economic Advisors (CEA),
Department of Commerce, and Small Business Administration (SBA) should alter their
missions to include monitoring growth at the economic frontier. Technological
disruptions, the changing nature of work, and the importance of new, young, and highgrowth companies should all be core elements of their revamped missions.
The bully pulpit of the President should make room for entrepreneurs. President
Obama, through programs like the Startup America Partnership and Global
Entrepreneurship Summit, has made entrepreneurship a national priority. Republicans
and Democrats on Capitol Hill have co-sponsored various versions of a Startup Act
on multiple occasions. Their continued attention to young companies, as well as a
greater understanding of the changing nature of work, will help focus on these trends.
Since the 1920s, the federal government has served as the primary statistical agency for
the country. Yet the statistics we primarily rely on todayincluding GDP and
productivitywere developed in a very different economic context. The Census
Bureau has made enormous strides in recent years in collecting and publishing more
detailed data, especially on American business. Additional funding for data and
statistics may seem to be the least likely thing for the Good Economy (and the least
sexy for Congressional consideration), but better data makes for better policy. We need
to improve the existing indicators (GDP, productivity), and generate more detailed,
Roderick M. Hills Jr. and David Schleicher, Balancing the Zoning Budget, New York University School of
Law, Public Law & Legal Theory Research Paper No. 11-19, April 2011. Schleicher has also suggested changes in
the voting rules of local governments that could accomplish the same ends. See David Schleicher, City
Unplanning, Yale Law Journal, May 2013.
Steuerle, Dead Men Ruling.
real-time, and localized data on economic dynamism, labor market churn, the nature of
work, learning, and other areas.
From Pell grants to the 401(k), the experience of consumers from youth to death remains
framed by the notion that institutions are sufficiently slow-changing and we are
sufficiently short-lived that we can invest (one-time only) in education at the front of our
lives to reap a reward that we ultimately enjoy at the end of life. Predictable and familiar
policy prescriptions follow.115
It has become conventional to say it, but few things matter more for national prosperity and the
realization of the Good Economy than educated and skilled workers. President Bill Clinton
perhaps put it best when he said, repeatedly: you earn what you learn. Yet weve arrived at a
moment when some fairly large-scale changes are needed in our approach to education, training,
and learning.
In 2017, the federal government will start spending more on interest payments than it does on
investments in children. Already today, per-person federal spending on the elderly is six times
higher than on children.116 Since the 1960s, the United States has made enormous progress in
improving the living standards, retirement security, and care for elderly citizens. Trends such as
longer lifespans and rising labor force participation among older workers have risen in tandem.
This has not been costless, as it has apparently come at the expense of spending on children. That
is partly understandable, of course: the elderly have much higher health-care requirements and
costs, and cannot rely on the care and support of parents.
Today, however, disparities in childhood are exacerbating the differential effects of
technological change. The Social Genome Project at the Brookings Institution has concluded (as
have others) that children of poor families have a much lower probability of later economic
success in life than children of middle-class families.117
More public and private investment is needed in interventions that have been proven
to work in closing those disparities. These interventionswhich include universal
preschool, sustained and targeted mentoring, home visits, and othershave been shown
to have high returns as measured by income and educational attainment.118 There is, to
be sure, much more work to be done on the efficacy of different types of early
childhood education but, without these investments, we are leaving millions of dollars
on the table in the form of wasted human capital.
Philip E. Auerswald, The Great Man-Machine Debate, Paper prepared for Kauffman Foundation, New
Entrepreneurial Growth conference, June 2015.
Steuerle, Dead Men Ruling.
Isabel V. Sawhill and Quentin Karpilow, How Much Could We Improve Childrens Life Chances by
Intervening Early and Often, Brookings Institution, Center on Children and Families, March 2015,
Sawhill and Karpilow, How Much Could We Improve Childrens Life Chances by Intervening Early and
The second learning priority should be lifelong learning. The existing educational
system is already under assault by entrepreneurs and new technologies that seek to
unbundle education and turn it into a series of mini-courses or stacks of credentials.
More innovation will be needed to expand these offerings across the age spectrum and
make them especially relevant for middle-aged workers. A new system of lifelong
learning will emerge through organizational competition and experimentation.
Community colleges, trade associations, credentialing and accreditation organizations,
corporations, and so on will all engage in this experimentation. The stance of
government here should be to open up the educational system to this competition and
knock down barriers that protect incumbents.
High schools must adaptthey are the critically important fulcrum between testingriddled elementary and middle school, and colleges and universities that are, for the
first time, required to justify their costs. We agree with many observers that a
resurrection of vocational education is needed to build more skills and pathways to
jobs.119 High schools, though, need to find ways to expose their students to more career
options and inform them about the changes (many of them exciting) taking place in the
labor market. A former colleague of ours, Sam Arbesman, has suggested that the senior
year of high school (which is educationally worthless in many places) be converted into
an exploratory year for students.
In one form or another, the United States needs to take out insurance, as it were, against the
potential damaging impacts of climate change. This need not be onerous or distortive, and it
could provide a net economic benefit. And, the reality of where we find ourselves is that there
seems to be little hope of limiting global carbon emissions in order to keep global temperatures
from rising by two degrees. While efforts should be made to limit emissions, the most feasible
course now is adaptation. But, we are hopeful: humans have always adapted to changes in
climate and weather. Indeed, the history of such adaptations provides considerable optimism
about the future responsiveness of the society to the important challenges of a climate that may
change in unknown ways [and] provides reasons for confidence and expectations for
creativity in that responsiveness.120
A price must be put on carbon, whether through a tax or some other equivalent
There should be new construction of seawalls around major cities along East and Gulf
coasts. This will cost billions of dollars, but will create construction jobs and save
money on disaster cleanup.
Along the coasts, flood insurance should be compulsory and, through local zoning laws,
construction near the ocean should be made more difficult. (We acknowledge that this
suggestion runs in direct contravention to our advocacy above for liberalized land-use
law in general.)
Robert Schwartz and Nancy Hoffman, Pathways to Upward Mobility, National Affairs, Summer 2015.
Gary D. Libecap and Richard H. Steckel, Climate Change: Adaptations in Historical Perspective, Gary D.
Libecap and Richard H. Steckel (eds.), The Economics of Climate Change: Adaptations Past and Present (Chicago,
entrepreneurs, and environment is binary: if you have all three, you get frontier-expanding
growth; if you dont, you dont. We believe this triad exists or can exist today.
Some very smart people disagree with us, and so does the canon of modern economics. They
may be right but we should recognize they are all arguing from different premises. When asked
what growth will be over the next decade, most economists interpret the question as how will
todays economy grow? We agree with their answer to that question: todays economy is mature
and sclerotic and cannot grow very rapidly. If an economist steeped in the agrarian pre-industrial
economy of England in 1750 had been asked the same question, he would have projected out the
trends of 1750. But we believe we are in the midst of a fundamental change to a different
economyone that can and will grow more rapidly.
Which brings us to our second themethe idea of a new and different system. We argue that big
economic change is not a matter of a couple of elements changing in isolation from each other.
But, rather of one systemof production, of work, of organization, of governance, and of
politicschanging to another. McCloskey was pointing this out when she argued that a major
factor in the kick-off of economic growth in the late eighteenth century was ideas.
And we believe that we are seeing a system change of a similar magnitude happening before our
eyes. We argue that the factory system that had characterized the modern economy for at least a
century is changing to a completely new system with new approaches to production, work,
organization, governance, and eventually politics.
We also believe, but havent argued explicitly, that you cant get one without the other. We
cant opt to have the benefits of the new growth, but keep the elements of the old system. What
you get instead is a thoroughly worse second best. In chapter 5, we discussed the race between
two futures: our current economic system will collapse to the New Feudalism scenario, a world
in which 80 percent of the population is marginalized unless our system changes. The New
Feudalism is what you get if the technological revolution which goes on no matter what we
dois superimposed on todays production, work, organization, and governance.
There hasnt been any debate over our views of economic systems or todays economic system
or the direction of system change we believe is coming. But this is because there has been almost
nothing else written that tries to present a system argument. As an example, McAfee and
Brynjolfsson argue for the importance of the technological change occurring now. We agree with
them but they do not extend their argument to the changes they would expect in the economic
system as a whole. As a rare exception we think that Tyler Cowens Average is Over is making a
systems argument and very clearly lays out the implications of ongoing technological change
superimposed on todays system. Our view is that Cowens world is very, very likely if our
current system does not change.
Our sense of the importance of system then brought us to our arguments regarding the changes
that were necessary for the Good Economy. We emphasized new companies, learning, and
There is an ongoing struggle between incumbents and potential new entrants, new companies:
this was best described by Clay Christensen in The Innovators Dilemma. Within companies
there is always a fight between the old products and the new. That fight occurs at a societal level
as well. New companies create the new jobs and carry out the truly profound innovation. But
older incumbents possess the power and use it to squash new entrants. If the incumbents win
over the next decades, then Cowens world is the outcome.
We argue that learning is equally important. The emerging new system we anticipate is different
and requires new capabilities and new skills. Moreover, the new system will itself see constant
change. If we dont invest more in children, build a system of lifelong learning, and reorient the
high school, many of our citizens will not be able to take advantage of the incredible
opportunities we believe the emerging new economic system will bring. There is a difficult but
ethically important policy switch that must be made here. Over the last eighty years, the major
domestic public policy has been to strengthen the economic position of Americas elderly. That
war has been won, but is still being fought. It is time, we argue, to shift to raising the ability of
the young, of our children and grandchildren, to seize the opportunities offered by the world we
see coming.
We also need to find ways to further unleash the economic power of Americas cities and metros
and regions. These are where most of our economic output comes from, and the Good Economy
is taking shape there. Building on the metropolitan revolution will require political changes at
the federal, state, and local levels.
Finally, lets discuss opportunity, security, and equity. We believe unhesitatingly that the system
we think could emerge is much more likely to offer more opportunity, to provide greater
security, and to result in much more equity than any other system we have seen described.
The new system provides more opportunity. It grows more rapidly, it creates more jobs and work
because it grows more rapidly, and it provides the learning necessary to seize the opportunity.
Remember: the incumbents providing all the secure good jobs that are so desired now are cutting
their numbers of employees as fast as possible.
The new system also provides more security than the current economic system can or will. It is
growing more rapidly and is therefore inherently more secure overall. It is also much more
dynamic, offering opportunities for entry, and change that exist less and less today. But
providing security will also require, as we argue, entirely new institutions to support women and
men as they develop their careers in the new economy. We believe these institutions are already
emerging. Economic dynamism is like riding a bicycle: stability is better attained at faster
Finally, what about equity? We start here with three assertions. First, the super-rich will still be
with us, no matter what. This is a period of vast economic change and these periods inevitably
reward some set of first movers. We dont care. Second, there is a considerable amount of rent
seeking in todays economy that widens inequality and artificially suppresses greater mobility.
And third, we believe that the real problem of equity is to be found in the bottom third of the
income and wealth distribution. The women and men caught there are for the most part victims
of transition and system failure. As David Autor has shown, information technology polarized
the labor market and a large number of previously stable middle-income jobs disappeared and
arent coming back. In addition, we as a nation have failed to develop the learning institutions
that would permit those of our citizenry caught in the bottom third or their kids to escape. We
believe that when means exist, as Isabel Sawhill has shown, to erase most of the gap between
poor and well-off kids, and we do not grab those means, then we all have allowed a profound
moral and ethical lapse.
As we have said, the problems of equity we see today are mostly issues of transition from one
economic system to another. We are confident that the changes we have noted and argued for
will diminish these problems. But what about the women and men caught there now? We should
raise the earned income tax credit and put in place an indexation of the program. We should
encourage job creation both by increasing incentives, (we have suggested wage supplements),
and decreasing disincentiveswe have raised the idea of ending payroll taxes and replacing
them with value-added taxes and a carbon tax.
A final word on these big issues of opportunity, security, and equity. As Bruce Springsteen sang,
its leaving and it aint coming back. No matter how much we liked the glorious thirty years
after World War II, they aint coming back. It is our responsibility to see the changes coming
without blinders and illusions and to create the new conditions for opportunity, security, and
equity that are suitable for the economic system that is emerging now.
Now lets turn to getting there, in a different sense than we asked the question in chapter 5. Then
we were interested in the policies; now we are interested in the politics.
Whats so hard about arguing for growth?
Lets recall Ben Friedman: There is often a grudging aspect to the recognition that achieving
superior growth is a top priority. As a result, especially when faster growth would require
sacrifice from entrenched constituencies with well-established interests, the political process
often fails to muster the determination to press forward.121
Growth in the Good Economy will mean system change. Yet thats what makes real growth
policy so difficult.
Such policy requires:
That we allow and encourage change to happenthis instantly raises the hackles of
incumbents, who own the Washington lobbying enterprise;
That we invest heavily in learning which, given the state of our national budget, will
involve reducing the growth of public funds to someone who wont like it;
That we change certain political and governance dynamics, which could mean taking
away power from those who currently have it.
These kinds of tradeoffs are probably what Friedman had in mind when he mentioned
entrenched constituencies and well-established interests. Given the likely strength of the
opposition to change and the dysfunction of our political system, normally one would conclude
game-over. Moreover, the two monopoly political parties are held hostage by their bases and do
not dare to move. But we think there are three factors that might help make change happen.
First, we are at one of the peak levels if not the peak level of dissatisfaction with the system.
That dissatisfaction shows itself first in the success of non-establishment, even bizarre,
presidential candidates in this years campaign. But after this experiment fails, the voter might be
ready for a positive vision. What kind of leader will put forward that kind of vision?
Second, weve provided a model for a future that does work. We believe that the only way one
can argue successfully for major change is to provide a clear view of the end result of the
Third, neither major political party has an agenda or vision that addresses the core issues of our
economy, or resembles even remotely our picture of the future and how to get there. We think,
paradoxically, it is this fact that makes change possible. The policies we suggest are on neither
partys agenda. We do not look to multiple massive government programs; we do not see where
we are as the fault of those who have done well in our society; we think that business and
business formation will determine if we get to the Good Economy; we want a shift of emphasis
to Americas grassroots; we believe that increased opportunity, security, and equity are a
necessary part of the Good Economy.
The ideological boundaries are beginning to shift toward a new mix of policies and a new vision
of America. Part of the progressive (ne liberal) movement is firmly wedded to a return to the
world of the 1950s; and part of the conservative movement believes that the return ought to go a
great deal further back than that. But more and more scholars and policy thinkers and mayors
and governors are considering policy alternatives that move in completely different directions
than the current conventional wisdoms of the two parties, and of current politics. Most polling of
millennials suggest a very different set of views. And there are now more voters who declare
themselves as independents than as the other two parties combined.
If the political hegemony of the two political partiesa hegemony which is just as much a factor
in blocking new thought and a new future as the corporate hegemony weve already decried
can be broken, we believe we will see a tsunami of new ideas. What looks impossible now will
become feasible, as leaders are willing to raise new ideas. In that environment, we think ours will
hold up well.
So there is an audience that wants something different. And there are potential leaders out there
who want to be different, who want to put forward real hope for the future. We hope this essay
will contribute toward a much-needed new political dialogue by that audience, conducted in a
civil fashion and with less of the vitriol that has come to characterize our national politics. We
hope that a few leaders consider our vision, adapt it, and start talking about it with that audience.