Calculation Statement for Agitator of Project 231320
1, Calculation Statement for 1Skw Agitator
‘As we have known the length, width and height of each mud tank, choose the Max.
mud compartment to calculate the effectiveness of its agitator; If the calculation
result is qualified , the agitator also can reach agitating function in the mud
‘compartment with smaller volume.
Choose mud —compartment’s length = is_-——«L=6028mm=19.7ft,
W(width)=1964mm=6.43ft, H(height)=2630mm=8.3ft
Working volume:
Vi Lx Wx(He1) *7.481
=19.7%6.43x(8.3-1) «7.481
= 6917.7 gal
Because the tank depth is more than 6 ft, so don’t adopt plane impeller, please
adopt angle impeller. Find out or choose accurate impeller diameter from impeller
displacement list to make the turnover rate value within recommended using range.
Choose one impeller displacement initial value to make D close to Vand increase the
accuracy of chosen impeller displacement.
Working volume for square or rectangular
knowing dimensional values for length (L), width (W),
feet for gallons, in meters for liters):
For gallons:
ks is calculated by
ind height (H: in
V,=L x W(H -1) x 7.481
For liters:
V, = Lx WH —0.3) x 1000.
The working volume for round tanks with flat bottoms is:
For gallons:
= m(H — 1) x 7.481
For liters:
(H —0.3) x 1000.Under this condition, compare or refer the table 10.2 Drilling Fluids
Processing Handbook) to acquire to displacement valve(at 60Hz) closed to the
displacement (7284gal) of 40in impeller.
TOR= V/Dx60
Table 10.2
60-Hz Impeller Displacement D Values
Flat Canted Contour
in Mm ‘gpm lpm ‘gpm lpm ‘gpm Jom
20 508 1051 3978 909 3441 NA NA
4 610 194t 7347 1645 6226 NA NA
28 TI 2839 10746 2468 o34t S861 22185
32 813 4635 17543 3764 14247 NA NA
34 864 N/A NA NA 8790 33270
Bor dle eas s402 204879180 38746
38 «965.—=7342—=«27789 34324008 «106080136
40 1016, 8411 31836 27570 NA NA
42 1067, N/A NA NA NA 13940 52762
44 Ts 11300 42771 9928 37577 NA NA
45 1143, N/A NA NA 16812 63633
48 1219 14401 54508, 12512 20020 73776
52 1321 18630 T0515 16100 24852 94063
54 1372 NA NIA NIA 27602 104875
56 NA NA NA NA 30353 114887
60 NA NA NA NA 36567 138404
64 1626 NA NA NA NA 43533 16d771
Compare or refer to table10.1 (Drilling Fluids Processing Handbook) for the
reference value of typical turnover rate value to make sure that this turnover rate 57s
can meet operating requirement,
Suspension, Agitation, and Mixing of Drilling Fuids 229
Table 10.1
Typical Turnover Rate Values, in seconds
Impeller Type Removal ~— Addition -—Suction-—_—Rescrve Pill
Canted/flat 30-75 50-78 65-85 30-80 40-65‘After ensuring the impeller with enough turnover rate, find out the impeller
diameter size from table 10.3 (Drilling Fluids Processing Handbook) and choose the
closest Max. value. Under the condition that if not know the drilling fluid density ,
base on the 201b/gal (density is 2.4g/em®) fluid to calculate the power of agitator, that
is 1SHP corresponding with 42in impeller.
232 Drilling Huids Processing tandbook
Table 10.3
Power Requirements for Canted Impellers per Fluid Density
__lmpeller Diameter _
16 ppg 12 ppg 8.3 ppg
20 ppg
Power (2.40 SG) (1.9286) (1.44 SG) (1.00 $6) %
KWee neem angeme. cine con eon a
07 2 56 6126 66 (9 74 a
2S 66 28 1 30 16 32 sl a
ee ee) Wy Bs GS 3d 8G
S732) ae as Ba) ae 7
ee ee ee
JS SI 84 yee 08 4a NO ah AT
AIO At 107 = aS Adhd 151 130
Oe re
186 4914
By finding out from this table, ensure that the impeller diameter is 40in, electrical
motor power is ISHP. Because the impeller angle, impeller width of the impeller
‘manufactured by our company are different from the others manufactured by other
company, so our company provide the agitator with 15kw electrical motor and 40 in
impeller for the bigger size mud compartment of this project to ensure that the agitator
can reach reasonable working status and suitable agitating function.2. 7.Skw agitator calculation instruction
Given the length, width and height of each mud tank, and using the max. mud
compartment to calculate the efficiency of agitator, if the efficiency is acquired on this
condition, the mud compartments with smaller volume can also achieve their agitating
Length of mud compartment L=3678mm=12ft. width W=1964mm=6.43ft.
height H=2630mm=8.3it
Working volume:
V.=LxW(H-1) x7.481
= 12x6.43%(8.3-1) «7.481
=4213.8 gal
Because the depth of tank is greater than 6ft, so we should use angle impeller
instead of flat impeller. Choose the accurate diameter of impeller from the table of
displacement of impeller, thus to make the rotation rate within the suggested usage
range. Choose one initial value of impeller displacement, thus to allow D approach V.
to increase the accuracy.
Working volume for square or rectangular tanks is calculated by
knowing dimensional values for length (L). width (W), and height (H; in
feet for gallons, in meters for liters):
For gallons:
V,=L x W(H -1)x 7.481
For liters:
= Lx W(H—0.3) x 1000,
The working volume for round tanks with flat bottoms is:
For gallons:
V, = 0(H —1) x 7.481
For liters:
V, = 9P(H—0.3) x 1000.‘Under this condition, compare with the table of “Drilling Fluids Processing
Handbook” \0.2, the displacement value of 60Hz approach to the displacement value
when the impeller is 36in (5402gal)..
Table 10.2
60-Hz Impeller Displacement D Values
Flat Canted Contour
in Man gpm lpm pm gpm Ipm
20 508 10st 3978, 344i NA NA
24 610 1941 7347 6226 N/A NA
28 m1 2839 «10746 9341 «S861 22185
32 813463517543 14247 N/A NA
34 864 N/A ONJA NIA 8790-33270
36 914 627323743 2047918034746
38 965 7342-27789 24008 1060440136
4010168431836 NIA NA
421067, sN/A NA N/A 1394052762
4418130042771 37577 NIA NA
45° «143 NIA N/A N/A 1681263633
48 1219 1440154508 1281247358 2002075776
52132118630 70S15 «1610060939 2485294n63
34 NA N/A NA N/A 27602104475
361422 NA NA NA NA 30353114887
60 «1524 NA NA NA NA 36567138404
64 «1626. NA NA NA NA 43533164771
Compare with the table of “Drilling Fluids Processing Handbook” 10.1, typical
reference value of rotation rate, when the rotation rate is 47s, it can satisfy the
Suspension, Agitation, and Mixing of Drilling Hluids
Table 10.1
Typical Turnover Rate Valves, in seconds
Impeller Type Removal ~— Addition Suction Reserve
‘Camted/flat 30-18 50-75 65-85 30-80
LIAfter having chosen the impeller which can generate sufficient rotation rate,
decide the impeller diameter from the table of “Drilling Fluids Processing
Handbook”, choose the max.value which approach the most, _ as the density of
drilling mad is unknown, use 201b/gal (density is 2.4g/em?) as standard value when
calculate agitator power, that is 10 HP when the impeller diameter is 37in.
232 Drilling Puids Processing Handbook
Table 10.3
Power Requirements for Canted Impellers per Fluid Density
Impeller Diometer
20 pra 16 ppg 12 ppg 8.3 peg
Power (2.40 SG) (1.9286) (1.44 SG) (1,00 $6)
hp Kw in om in cm in cm in em
1.0 07 22 56 24 61 26 66 29 4
2.0 S 26 66 28 7m 30 76 32 8
3.0 22 29 74 3 7 33 83 34 86
5.0 37 32 SI 34 86 36 a 38 97
ws 56 35 89 37 4 30 100, 42 107
10.0 2 37 94 40 102 B 109 46 WT
TSO toe cc Ate aU AS Ud AO 0S eS 190)
20.0 149 46 7 50 126
250 «186 «4928
Known from the table, when the impeller diameter is 37in, motor power is,
10HP, because the rotation rate is too small, the chance of forming eddy current and
air suction will increase, so we should decrease the impeller diameter thus to increase
rotation rate, in order to achieve perfect condition, we supply 7.5KW motor for the
agitator and the impeller diameter is 26in.
3, check 7.Skw agitator
Given: impeller diameter d-0.66m, mud density p=2400kg/m*, viscosity
ye-l5mPa's, max. mud compartment length L=3.67m, width W=1.96m, level max.
height H=2.2m, blade width b=0.15m, pitch angle 4=60°, blade Qty. Z=4, rotating
speed n=70:pm.
1. calculate Reynolds number Re00nd} _1000x2400x 70x 0.72"
H 15x60
Re= 1.910"
2. Calculate circular flow
Therein, K is slurry coefficient, according to “the solid control technology and
equipment of drilling fluid” P89 table 6-2, its value is 1.1.
Ny Re
Circular flow is
substitute the given data, get
Q, =0.28m*/s
3. Calculate rotation rate
rotation rate is the time required to move the all the fluid in the tank, its value is:
L-D-H _3.67x1,96x2.2
Q. 0.28
Because the impeller angle and blade width of our company is different from
other suppliers, so mud tank agitator with smaller volume should choose 7.5KW
motor, when the impeller diameter is 26 in, the agitator can gain perfect conditions
jpment Co.,LtdKF ZI1320 Gi ABH a
1, 1Skw fH
TWEAK 1K L=6028mm=19.7ft. HE W=1964mm=6.43ft. i H=2630mm=8.3ft
V\=LX WX (H-l) X7.481
=19.7X6.43 X(8.3-1) 7.481
=6917.7 gal