The Stone Cipher-192 (SC-192) : A Metamorphic Cipher: Magdy Saeb
The Stone Cipher-192 (SC-192) : A Metamorphic Cipher: Magdy Saeb
The Stone Cipher-192 (SC-192) : A Metamorphic Cipher: Magdy Saeb
Abstract: The Stone Cipher-192 is a metamorphic cipher that user key. The key stream is used to select the operation; thus
utilizes a variable word size and variable-size user’s key. In the providing a random however recoverable sequence of such
preprocessing stage, the user key is extended into a larger table or operations. A bit-balanced operation provides an output that
bit-level S-box using a specially developed one-way function. has the same number of ones and zeroes. These operations
However for added security, the user key is first encrypted using are XOR, INV, ROR and NOP. Respectively, these are,
the cipher encryption function with agreed-upon initial values. The
xoring a key bit with a plaintext bit, inverting a plaintext
generated table is used in a special configuration to considerably
bit, exchanging one plaintext bit with another one in a given
increase the substitution addressing space. Accordingly, we call
this table the S-orb. Four bit-balanced operations are pseudo- plaintext word using a rotation right operation and
randomly selected to generate the sequence of operations producing the plaintext bit without any change. In fact,
constituting the cipher. These operations are: XOR, INV, ROR, these four operations are the only bit-balanced logic
NOP for bitwise xor, invert, rotate right and no operation operations. In the next few sections, we discuss the design
respectively. The resulting key stream is used to generate the bits rationale, the structure of the cipher, the one-way function
required to select these operations. We show that the proposed employed to generate the sub-keys, the software and
cipher furnishes concepts of key-dependent pseudo random hardware implementations of the cipher, a comparison with
sequence of operations that even the cipher designer cannot a polymorphic cipher and a discussion of its security against
predict in advance. In this approach, the sub-keys act as program known and some probable cryptanalysis attacks. Finally, we
instructions not merely as a data source. Moreover, the provide a summary of results and our conclusions.
parameters used to generate the different S-orb words are likewise
key-dependent. We establish that the self-modifying proposed
cipher, based on the aforementioned key-dependencies, provides 2. Design Rationale
an algorithm metamorphism and adequate security with a simple It is a long-familiar fact that all ciphers, including block and
parallelizable structure. The ideas incorporated in the
development of this cipher may pave the way for key-driven stream ciphers, are emulating a one-time pad OTP.
encryption rather than merely using the key for sub-key However, for provable security, the key bits have to be used
generation. The cipher is adaptable to both hardware and only once for each encrypted plaintext bit. Obviously, with
software implementations. Potential applications include voice
present day technology this is not a practical solution.
and image encryption.
Alternatively, one resorts to computational complexity
Keywords: metamorphic, polymorphic, cipher, cryptography, security. In this case, the key bits will be used more than
filters, hash. once. Unfortunately, this will provide the cipher
cryptanalyst with the means to launch feasible statistical
1. Introduction attacks. To overcome these known attacks, we propose an
A metamorphic reaction takes place in a rock when various improvement in the nonlinearity-associated filtering of the
minerals go from amphibolites facies to some color schist plaintext bits. This can be achieved in various ways as
facies. Some of the minerals such as quartz may not take shown in [1]; however, the process can be further simplified
place in this reaction. The process in its essence follows and become appreciably faster and more riotously-secure if
certain rules; however the end result provides a pseudo
we parallelize all operations employed. We will establish
random distribution of the minerals in the rock or stone.
The metamorphic natural process results in thousands or that the proposed configuration can be further parallelized
even millions of different shapes of the rock or stone. This to enormously improve its security and throughput. One can
process has inspired us to design and implement a new imagine the algorithm as a pseudo random sequence of
metamorphic cipher that we call “Stone Cipher-192”. The operations that are totally key-dependent. Accordingly, we
internal sub-keys are generated using a combination of the presuppose that most known attacks will be very difficult to
encryption function itself and a 192-bit specially-designed
launch since there are no statistical clues left to the attacker.
one-way function. The idea of this cipher is to use four low
level operations that are all bit-balanced to encrypt the The algorithm utilized is randomly selected. Even the cipher
plaintext bit stream based on the expanded stream of the designer has no clear idea what is the sequence of bitwise
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7404 inst8
7404 AND3
inst18 inst10
shown below in Figure 1. It is constructed of two basic Figure 2. The basic crypto logic unit
functions; the encryption function and the sub-key
generation one-way hash function. The pseudo random
number generator is built using the same encryption
function and the one-way hash function in cascade. Two
large numbers (a, b) are used to iteratively generate the sub-
keys. The details of the substitution box or what we call the
S-orb can be found in [1]. The user key is first encrypted
then the encrypted key is used to generate the sub-keys.
Figure 5. Operation of MDP-192 one-way function [13] The combination of the encryption function and the one-way
hash function is used to generate the sub-keys. The cipher
A 1024-bit block size, with cascaded xor operations and
designer has to select which one should precede the other.
deliberate asymmetry in the design structure, is used to
provide higher security with negligible increase in execution Based on the work by Maurer and Massey [15] where they
time. The design of new hashes should follow, we believe, have proved that a cascade of two ciphers is as strong as its
an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary paradigm. first cipher. Therefore, we have adjudicated to start with the
Consequently, changes to the original structure are kept to a encryption function. The one-way hash function is then used
minimum to utilize the confidence previously gained with recursively to generate the sub-keys based on two large
SHA-1 and its predecessors MD4[14] and MD5. However,
numbers that are derived from the user key. In this case, the
the main improvements included in MDP-192[13] are: The
increased size of the hash; that is 192 bits compared to 128 encryption function requires some initial agreed-upon vector
and 160 bits for the MD-5 and SHA-1 schemes. The security value (IV), [16], [17], [18] to complete the encryption
bits have been increased from 64 and 80 to 96 bits. The process. This IV can be regarded as a long-term key or even
message block size is increased to 1024 bits providing faster a group-key that can be changed on a regular basis or when
execution times. The message words in the different rounds a member leaves the group. The combination of the
are not only permuted but computed by xor and addition
encryption function and the one-way function are used as
with the previous message words. This renders it harder for
local changes to be confined to a few bits. In other words, the required pseudo random number generator PRG. It is
individual message bits influence the computations at a worth pointing out that the design of the cipher intentionally
large number of places. This, in turn, provides faster allows the change of the one-way hash if successfully
avalanche effect and added security. Moreover, adding two attacked.
nonlinear functions and one of the variables to compute
another variable, not only eliminates the possibility of
certain attacks but also provides faster data diffusion. The 6. The Algorithm
fifth improvement is based on processing the message
blocks employing six variables rather than four or five The algorithm can be formally described as shown in the
variables. This contributes to better security and faster next few lines.
avalanche effect. We have introduced a deliberate
asymmetry in the procedure structure to impede potential Algorithm: STONEMETAMORPHIC
and some future attacks. The xor and addition operations do
INPUT: Plain text message P, User Key K, Block Size B
not cause appreciable execution delays for today’s
processors. Nevertheless, the number of rotation operations, OUTPUT: Cipher Text C
in each branch, has been optimized to provide fast Algorithm body:
avalanche with minimum overall execution delays. To verify
the security of this hash function, we discuss the following Begin
simple theorem [13]: Begin key schedule
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Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2009
Function ENCRYPT
1. Read next message bit;
2. Read next key bit from sub-key;
3. Read selection bits from sub-key;
4. Read rotation selection bits from sub-key;
5. Use selection & rotation bits to select and perform
Figure 6. The proposed parallel configuration
operation: XOR, INV, ROR, NOP;
6. Perform the encryption operation using plaintext bit and A representative code of the Verilog file used to FPGA-
sub-key bit to get a cipher bit; implement the CLU is given by:
7. Store the resulting cipher bit; module metamorph (p1,k1,s0,s1,p2,c1);
End; input p1,k1,s0,s1,p2;
output c1;
As seen from the above formal description of the algorithm, xor(a1,p1,k1);
it simply consists of a series of pseudo random calls of the
assign b1= ~p1;
encryption function. However, each call will trigger a and(f1,b1,s0,~s1);
different bitwise operation. The simplicity of this algorithm and(g1,p2,~s0,s1);
readily lends itself to parallelism. This parallelism can be and(h1,p1,s0,s1);
achieved using today’s superscalar multi-threading or(c1,e1,f1,g1,h1);
capabilities or multiple data paths on a specialized hardware endmodule
such as FPGA with their contemporary vast gate count.
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Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2009
9. Comparison with Chameleon Polymorphic operations provides the metamorphic nature of the cipher.
Cipher This, in turn, hides most statistical traces that can be
utilized to launch these attacks. Each key has its own unique
“weaknesses” that will affect the new form of the algorithm
As seen from the given analysis and results, one can
utilized. Thus, different keys will produce completely
summarize the various characteristics of this cipher, when
different forms (meta-forms) of the cipher. Even the cipher
compared to Chameleon Polymorphic Cipher [Saeb09], as
designer cannot predict in advance what these forms are. It
can be easily shown that the probability of guessing the
Table 2: A comparison between Stone Metamorphic Cipher correct sequence of operations is of the order of , where
and Chameleon Polymorphic Cipher w is the word size and N is the number of rounds. That is
for, say, a word size of 8 bits, the probability of guessing this
Cipher Chameleon-192 Stone-192 word only is . For a block size of 64 bits, this
Characteristic Polymorphic Metamorphic
Cipher Cipher probability is . Consequently, statistical analysis is not
User key size Variable Variable adequate to link the plain text to the cipher text. With
Sub-keys 192-bit K, S(K) 192-bit K,
different user keys, we end up with a different “morph” of
S(K), S’(K)
Estimated 10 cycles/byte 6 cycles/byte the cipher; therefore, it is totally infeasible to launch attacks
maximum by varying keys or parts of the key. The only option left to
delay per byte the cryptanalyst is to attack the key itself. To thwart this
Estimated 9.1 cycles/byte 4.3 cycles/byte type of attacks, we have used the encryption function as a
average delay first stage in a cascade of the encryption function and the
per byte one-way function. Regarding the key collision probability, it
PRG One-way One-way
was shown in section 4 that the key collision probability is
(Sub-key Function cascaded with
Generation) the Encryption negligible when a 192-bit hash is applied. Moreover, the
Function cryptanalyst has a negligible probability of guessing the
Structural Sequential: Concurrent: correct form of the algorithm utilized. As was previously
Sel-1, ROT, Sel- XOR, ROT, discussed, the simple structure of the proposed cipher
0 INV, NOP provides a foundation for efficient software and hardware-
Number of Variable (key- Variable (key- based implementation. Depending on the word or the block
rounds dependent with dependent with
size required, it is relatively easy to parallelize the data path
minimum equal minimum equal
to 5 rounds) to 8 rounds) either using multi-threading on a superscalar processor or
Algorithm Yes No by cloning this path on the FPGA material. Undeniably,
Template (key changes (key selects using the same encryption process and sub-keys for each
operation operations) block is a disadvantage from a security point of view. Still,
parameters) this is exactly the same issue with block ciphers in general.
Parallelizable Yes Yes
The advantage obtained from such a configuration, similarly
( some (operations are
sequential selected to block ciphers, is saving memory and communication
operations) concurrently) bandwidth on the chip and the channel levels. The pseudo
Security Secure Improved random selection of operations and the key-dependent
Security (pseudo number of rotations provide a barrier against pattern leakage
random and block replay attacks. These attacks are quite frequent in
sequence of multi-media applications. Using ECB mode, when
operations and
encrypting images with conventional ciphers, a great deal of
more secure
PRG) the structure of the original image is preserved [3]. This
contributes to the problem of block replay. However, the
selective operations allow the cipher to encrypt images with
no traces of the original image. This is a major advantage of
10. Security Analysis
the Stone Metamorphic Cipher bit-level operations when
applied to multimedia files.
One claims that differential cryptanalysis, linear
cryptanalysis, Interpolation attack, partial key guessing
attacks, and side-channel attacks, barely apply in this
metamorphic cipher. The pseudo random selection of
6 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2009
1 0 1 0 0 XOR 1
We have presented a metamorphic cipher that is altogether
key-dependent. The four bit-balanced operations are pseudo- 1 0 1 0 1 INV 0
randomly selected. Known statistical attacks are barely
1 0 1 1 0 ROR 1
applicable to crypt-analyze this type of ciphers. The
proposed simple structure, based on the crypto logic unit 1 0 1 1 1 NOP 1
CLU, can be easily parallelized using multi-threading
1 1 0 0 0 XOR 0
superscalar processors or FPGA-based hardware
implementations. This presented CLU can be viewed as a 1 1 0 0 1 INV 0
nonlinearity-associated filtering of the data and key streams.
1 1 0 1 0 ROR 0
The PRG, constructed from a cascade of the encryption
function and the one-way hash function, provides the 1 1 0 1 1 NOP 1
required security against known key attacks. On the other
1 1 1 0 0 XOR 0
hand, it easily allows the replacement of the hash function if
successfully attacked. The cipher is well-adapted for use in 1 1 1 0 1 INV 0
multi-media applications. We trust that this approach will 1 1 1 1 0 ROR 1
pave the way for key-driven encryption rather than simply
using the key for sub-key generation. 1 1 1 1 1 NOP 1
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