Official Rules
Official Rules
Official Rules
2.0 Equipment
2.01 The WIFFLE Brand baseball size ball will be the official ball used by the CWL.
2.02 Any hollow plastic bat approved by the CWL may be used. Approved bats include the WIFFLE Brand yellow bat, Easton
brand plastic bats, Junkball bats, screwball bats, plastic nerf bats and Moonshot bats. Teams bringing their own bats will need
their bats approved prior to the teams first game.
2.03 Teams are not required to wear uniforms in League games or tournaments but it is recommended. We ask teams to choose a
designated color at least.
2.04 Metal cleats are prohibited. Molded cleats are allowed outdoors. Only turf/tennis shoes are permitted inside.
2.05 Game balls will be unaltered and the CWL will provide all balls for play.
2.06 Balls are to be discarded if they have a large crack on them. A CWL will determine if the ball needs to be removed from
2.07 Players are not to touch or adjust the K-zone. A CWL Official will do so if necessary.
2.08 Bats may be taped up to 12 inches from the knob of the handle. Bats may not have excessive tape thickness. A CWL
Official will determine if a bat is taped excessively.
2.09 All balls that are in use must be placed in the bucket behind the pitching rubber but within the pitchers circle.
the ball. If they do touch the ball first the ball will be ruled dead and each runner is awarded two bases. So basically it would
result in a ground rule double.
4.02 Players must stay within the fence line as in rule 5.01 when attempting to catch a ball in foul territory. Players must keep
two feet in play when attempting to make a catch.
4.03 Any ball that has been thrown and hits a fan or object that is not in the field of play will be ruled a dead ball. Each runner
moves up one base.
4.04 Balls may not be left in or near the base line. If there happen to be balls in the baseline area the team batting needs to clear
the ball(s). The CWL will try to keep all unused balls out of the playing field.
4.05 Balls that are overthrown that hit the net behind the K-zone are still live.
4.06 If the case were to occur where a batted ball in flight was hit off the bucket that is behind the pitcher and went into foul
territory, the ball would be foul. A ground ball that hits off the bucket would be foul if it rolls into foul territory before crossing
the base.
5.11 Bunting is not allowed. This will be ruled a dead ball and the batter will be ruled out. Batters must take a full swing. Slap
hitting and bunting will not be allowed even if the ball goes beyond the foul ball arc.
5.12 Peg-outs are allowed. To record a peg out the throw must hit the runner in flight. If the ball hits the ground then hits the
runner, the runner is safe and the play is still live. If the runner is hit in the head while in a consistent running position, they are
safe. This means that the runner will be out if they duck, slide, or any other movement that involves the head changing levels.
This will be at the discretion of the official. Once a base runner is pegged the play is over. Other base runners do not advance
once a base runner has been pegged. If the base runners are at least halfway to the next base, they will be awarded that base. If a
peg attempt misses the runner, the play is still live. If the player is hit, the play is stopped. Exclusion rule: If a player pegs a base
runner and it bounces off and hits another base runner before the ball hits the ground, both runners are ruled out. The ball is still
live in the case of a tag out in which the player is tagged out and not pegged out. A tag where the defensive player tags the runner
but drops the ball is ruled an out and the ball is still live. If runner knocks ball out of defensive players possession then the ball is
dead. Defensive player has to make an obvious peg attempt for an out for the ball to be ruled dead.
5.13 If a player pegs a player and the base runner is ruled safe such as if the base runner gets to the base before hit with the ball,
the ball is still live.
5.14 During a peg, if a baserunner catches the ball, they are still out.
5.15 When the batter is due up to bat is on base, an available player must take his place to run the bases while the batter takes
his/her turn at bat.
5.16 A ground ball that rolls past the fence boundary is a live ball. This rule is only in effect when there is no fence. When there is
a fence, a ball that rolls under the fence or goes through the fence will result in a ground rule double.
5.17 If bases are loaded and a ground ball is hit, a defensive player may throw to plate to get a force out by hitting the strike zone.
If the player hits the strike zone, the play is dead. If the ball misses, it is still live. If the player misses the kzone and hits an
object besides the net behind the k-zone the ball is dead and each base runner advances one base.
5.18 The batter may not interfere with the pitch wile in flight such as catching the pitch. This will be ruled as an automatic strike
no matter where the pitch is located unless it occurs in the slow pitch division.
5.19 When attempting to get an out the tie goes to the fielder, not the base runner.
5.20 A pitcher may not possess more than one ball when pitching. The pitcher may only possess the ball he/she is pitching. On
the first offense the pitcher will be given a warning. On each following offense the play will be ruled an illegal pitch which will
be ruled a ball. The call will be made once the pitcher toes the rubber. A pitcher may not put balls in their opposite pitching hand,
in their pockets, or anywhere else on them.
5.21 If by chance the ball shatters, the play is redone. If the ball just caves in, the play is still live.
5.22 Any pitch that hits a batters hand that is holding the bat without swinging will be ruled a ball. If the batter swings and the
ball hits their hand or wrist and goes into fair territory, it is a live play.
5.23 When a player is in fair territory and touches a ball that is in the air that is foul, the ball is foul. This is a baseball rule but
this rule reinforces that fact.
5.24 Base runners may tag on foul ball fly balls. This is also a baseball rule.
5.25 In fast pitch, Pitchers are permitted to throw 2 warm up pitches at the start of each inning. New pitchers entering the game
may throw 5 warm up pitches. The starting pitcher is permitted to throw 5 at the start of the game as well.
5.26 The CWL official will make the ruling on Infield flys. This rule will be followed as in baseball where it must be a routine
play for the fielder within the infield or very shallow outfield. This will be at the officials discretion.
5.27 If the batter foul tips a ball into the K-zone with 2 strikes, that is strike 3.
5.28 Once the pitcher has the ball inside the pitchers circle, runners can no longer advance. Basrunners that have made it
to/beyond the halfway mark must return to the previous base.
5.29 A force out may be made if the pitcher gains control of a live, batted ball that is hit within the pitchers circle. Should there be
more than one force on a play, the lead force shall be the first one affected, but should it not have been in time, subsequent forces
will be enforced in continuing lead order.
5.30 A fielder can make a force play at a base and throw the ball to another fielder in the pitchers circle to record a double play
before the batter reaches first base. The fielder may stride out to catch the ball as long as they have one foot in the pitchers circle.
5.31 If a runner is attempting to go home, the field may hit the Kzone to record an out. Refer to rule 4.18 for force plays. On nonforce plays, if the fielder hits the kzone before the runner reaches the half way line, the runner must return to the base they last
reached. If the runner is past the halfway line when the ball hits the kzone the runner will be ruled out. If the ball misses the
kzone the play is still live. If the ball hits the kzone the play is dead and all runners must stop advancing bases. If they are past the
halfway line in their respective baselines they will advance to that base but if they are not yet to the line they will return to the
base they last reached.
5.32 Foul ball arc-An arc from the first base line and third base line will be drawn 15 feet from home plate. This arc will be
treated as a foul line in the same manner as the first and third base foul lines. The ball must go past the arc to be a fair ball. Any
ball that does not reach the line will be ruled a foul ball.
5.33 Continuation of Rules 4.29-4.32 as quoted from the NWLA Tournament Rules
Once a player has obtained control of the ball in the circle, the play
shall be immediately dead and any runners between bases shall return or advance to the base they are
closest to at the time of the dead ball.
COMMENT: Runners on first and second. Batter grounds a ball to the fielder, who throws it to
the pitcher. The runner going from second to third is the lead force, but he gets to base before
the pitcher has the ball in the circle, so he is safe. The runner going from first to second is the
next lead force, and he doesnt not get to second before the pitcher gets the ball, so he is out.
The batterrunner is safe at first on a fielders choice. If the runner at third was past third base
when the pitcher caught the ball, the runner would be awarded the base they are closest to at
the time.
COMMENT: Again, the situation of a fly ball or line drive that is caught inside the pitchers circle
creates a unique situation in regards to this rule. If runners are on base, they may usually tag
and advance on a caught fly ball. However, in this situation, in which a player is already in the
pitchers circle when they catch the ball, runners may not advance, and are not awarded the next
base on the dead ball. Runners may not advance on a caught fly ball until the player has caught
the ball. And when the player catches the ball inside the pitchers circle, it is immediately dead,
and the runner is still on base. So they would not be able to advance. If they are off base,
and did not tag up they would return to the base.
Slow Pitch Specific Rules:
5.34 We have a Kzone designed for slow pitch to help accommodate the slower flight of the ball. An official has the power to
deem a pitch that hits the Kzone illegal if they believe the pitch had an unreasonable amount of lob. Balls will not be counted.
After 2 strikes the batter may only foul 2 pitches. The 3rd foul will be ruled an out.
5.35. Players are not to swing down at the ball. This will be at the discretion of the CWL official.
5.36 The ball must be thrown overhand. The pitch must have at least a small arc. The pitch does not have to be lobbed. If a pitch
is thrown too fast the official can declare the pitch illegal. The same goes for a pitch that has too much of a lob as stated in rule
5.34. Pitch velocity will be governed by a CWL Official.
5.37 Home runs are unlimited.
6.0 Officials
6.01 An CWL Representative will officiate each game. If a CWL is unable to officiate a game or does not have a good view of a
play that he/she is officiating, the teams may make the call.
6.02 Arguing with the official will not be tolerated. All who do not abide by this rule are subject to ejection. Ejections will not
result in a refund.
6.03 Even when games are recorded on video, video replay will not be used for making a ruling on the field.
7.0 Sportsmanship
7.01 Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. If a player is displaying unsportsmanlike conduct they will be subject to
ejection from the rest of the tournament. No refunds will be given for players ejected. Players ejected may be subject to
suspension from future CWL events.
10.0 Weather
10.01 In the event of excessive rain or wind, games may be canceled by a CWL Official. A CWL official will contact each teams
captain. It is the captains responsibility to contact his teammates. A makeup date will be announced on the website and the
captain will also be contacted about the makeup date of the game. In most cases games will not be postponed. We plan to play
every game when it is supposed to be played.
12.07 A runner cannot tag up until the ball has touched a defensive player.
12.08 If a defender throws the ball and it goes out of play, all runners are award one base.
12.09 If a batted ball rolls into an opening or goes through the net it is a ground rule double. If a defender knocks the ball into an
out of play area, each runner is awarded 2 bases from where they are when the ball is knocked out of play.
12.10 A batted ball off the fair territory wall caught by a defender will be ruled an out. Runners must tag once the defender
touches the ball even if it bounces off the wall multiple times. If the ball gets stuck it will be ruled a ground rule double and a
player cannot grab it from the wall for an out.
12.11 A batted ball off the top netting above the fence will be ruled a home run. This is the netting between the yellow taped
poles. A batted ball off the top netting that is not between the yellow taped area is a live/fair ball but not a home run.
12.12 A new inning cannot start with less than one minute left in the game unless the game is tied.
12.13 Once a player catches a fly ball (whether it hits the net/wall or not), they must peg, tag, or throw to a base in which a
baserunner is coming from in order to get the out on a runner that did not tag up. Throwing to the pitchers circle will not result in
an out unless the runner went beyond the halfway line. This also applies if a pitcher catches a fly ball within the circle and a
baserunner is off the base. They will not be ruled out.