7.17.5 Calculation of Short-Term Deflection: I I I I - M / M) (Z / D) (X/D) (B/B) I
7.17.5 Calculation of Short-Term Deflection: I I I I - M / M) (Z / D) (X/D) (B/B) I
7.17.5 Calculation of Short-Term Deflection: I I I I - M / M) (Z / D) (X/D) (B/B) I
of section equal to bf d.
; but I r I eff
1.2 - (M r / M )( z / d )( 1 x / d )( bw / b )
I gr
where Ir = moment of inertia of the cracked section,
Mr = cracking moment equal to (fcr Igr)/yt , where fcr is the modulus of
rupture of concrete, Igr is the moment of inertia of the gross section
about the centroidal axis neglecting the reinforcement, and yt is the
distance from centroidal axis of gross section, neglecting the
reinforcement, to extreme fibre in tension,
M = maximum moment under service loads,
z = lever arm,
x = depth of neutral axis,
d = effective depth,
bw = breadth of web, and
b = breadth of compression face.
For continuous beams, however, the values of Ir, Igr and Mr are to be
modified by the following equation:
X + X2
X e = k1 1
+ (1 - k1 ) X o
where Xe
= modified value of X,