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MGMT-591 Course Project

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Course Project > Milestones

Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action

04:57 AM MT

Research shows that people learn effectively when working on real problems grounded
in their own work experience. To this end, our Course Project is designed to incorporate
students' work experience into the learning process in this course.
The project is an opportunity to explore, in-depth, a topic related to the course
objectives (TCOs) that is of significance to you or your organization (current or former).

Members of the class are required to prepare an applied research paper, with a
minimum of 10 pages but not to exceed 15 pages in length (excluding cover page, table
of contents and appendices), on a specific issue related to leadership or organizational

Topic Selection

Select a specific organization of interest to you and identify a problem at the

firm related to organizational behavior (OB).


Think of yourself as an organizational consultant, and assume that a key

manager has requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of action to
resolve an actual organizational problem that will make a difference to the future
performance of the organization.


Identify which of course Terminal Course Objective(s) (TCO) are related to the
problem you identify.
Research Sources


All papers must have a minimum of six scholarly sources cited within the text
of the paper, and identified in the references section.


Additional research sources can be attached in a bibliography.

Review the following document for instructions on how to access and use
EBSCOhost for your research: EBSCOhost.
Paper Format


All papers should be single sided, double-spaced, using an 11- or 12-point font.


The length of the paper is to be between 10 and 15 pages, not counting cover
page, table of contents and appendices.


The first page should include the title of the work, student name, course number,
date, and professor name.


The second page should be a table of contents. It should, at a minimum, reflect

the seven items listed in the Grading Rubric.


Follow APA style for general format and citations (see APA Guidelines tutorial in
the Syllabus).


Paper sections must adhere to the guidelines below, and each section must be
labeled in the text.


Language should be clear, concise, and precise.


Tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with jargon.


Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct.


Report must be free of misspellings and typos.

Tables and Figures


All figures and tables must be referred to in your text before they appear on the


Figures and tables should appear on the same page as, or the page after,
the text that refers to them.


All figures and tables need captions. Captions go below figures and above
Quotations and Citations


Quotations and citations are crucial components of a research paper and must
be present.
Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas is plagiarism.


Refer to APA style guide for assistance with properly citing quoted and/or
borrowed materials and ideas.


Turnitin is used on all reports and projects. A report can be obtained for your
review prior to submitting your final work. Make sure that you are in compliance with the
University's 20/80 rule.



Familiarize yourself with course content and select an organization and

problem area to research.

Submit written Brief Proposal of Research containing the following:


A brief overview of the chosen organization and your role in it.


Preliminary problem statement in the form of a researchable



A brief narrative description of the organizational problem that you

would like to research and resolve.


Which Terminal Course Objective(s) your problem is related to.

Conduct library research on your topic.


Identify a minimum of six scholarly resources for your project.


All resources for the paper must come from the DeVry library and
must be of scholarly quality.


Use the librarians for assistance in accessing materials.


Review the "using EBSCO" tutorial.

Please Note: Articles found online (many on consulting company
websites, Internet magazines, or other blogs) will not be considered an
acceptable scholarly resource. Conduct your research through a library
where you can be assured that the sources are of scholarly quality.

Submit written Expanded Research Proposal containing the




Title page and Table of Contents.


Documentation of at least three initial scholarly sources from the



Expanded introduction to the organization.


Expanded description of your chosen problem.


Preliminary solution options (can be bullet points).



Preliminary analysis of leadership and organizational behavior

concepts addressed in the paper.
Continue to work on class project; seek professor help as required.

Submit completed project.

Project Outline
Your paper must include the following sections:
Title Page




Title of your applied research paper, course number and
title, professor, and date.
Provide an overview of the organization and your role in
it. Give enough information about the firm to acquaint an
unfamiliar person (no matter how famous the company).
Identify name, location, size, market segment (business
line), and a brief history. Identify the essential issues,
events, or actions to help frame the problem and
subsequent discussion points.




Identify and clearly state the problem (the leadership or

organizational behavior issue that you have selected to
research). The problem statement should be phrased in
terms of a researchable question. For example, if a work
group is not performing effectively, an effective problem
statement might be "How can group performance be
A well-formed problem statement has:






Focus: the problem should be well defined and

specific enough for the reader to gain a clear idea of the
OB topic area, and the direction of your study and


Structure: if the problem statement is sufficiently

focused, it will provide a basis for decisions about which
information to include and which to exclude from the
You must address at least six scholarly resources in
this section. How: approach this section as a mini "book
report" on each of the reference sources that significantly
informed your analysis and proposed solutions. Give the
reader an encapsulated review of what information you
found most relevant to your research. You may have
found conflicting opinions/theories related to your topic
area. Identify and discuss any such contrasts and/or
describe in detail significant agreement among your
sources. Your literature review should be separate and
distinct from your analysis section; it is a summation of
your research. The goal should be a paragraph containing
a minimum of three to five sentences per review.
Explore the problem in depth and with scholarly rigor.
Provide an identification and description of the root
causes of the problem/issue. Be sure not to address only
symptoms of your problem. Diagnose the problem and its




A critical element of this section is to apply leadership

and organization concepts and models from our text, from
class discussions, and from your literature review. Discuss
the concepts, ideas, or insights that are most valuable in
helping you make sense of the causes of the problem.
Support your analysis with reference to appropriate
research material.


Identify at least three potential workable solutions to your

problem, and identify the pros and cons of each
alternative solution and its high-level implementation
Identify your preferred solution and describe exactly what
should be done and how it should be done, including by
whom, with whom, and in what sequence. Always
explain your thinking behind your final solution
set. It's important to be clear about why a particular
alternative (solution) was chosen, as opposed to others.





Think about this assignment and write a well-thought-out

reflective statement about how this assignment influenced
your personal, academic, and professional leadership and
managerial development.
You must use no fewer than six library resources outside
of your textbook.
All references must be cited in two places: within the
body of your paper and on a separate reference list.
Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately.
Cite all sources using APA format.
Please note that citing an author's work within your text
documents your research, identifies the source for
readers, and enables readers to locate the source of
information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of
the paper. To use the ideas or words of another person
without crediting the source is plagiarism. Plagiarism in




its purest form involves copying passages either verbatim

or nearly verbatim, with no direct acknowledgment of the
source. The most common form of plagiarism is to
paraphrase information from your source material.
Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the obligation to
provide proper identification of source data. The best way
to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or
conclusions that not your own are given proper
acknowledgment in your text.


Grading Rubrics

Page and
Table of

ion (10

Failed to

60+% - D

70+% - C

Good 80+%
- B 128143

90+% - A

Pages not

Title but
no TOC.

Title and
TOC. (3)

Title and
TOC but
Table w/o
numbers. (4)

Title of your
paper. Your
name, course
number and
and date,
TOC. (5)

is not
apparent. (0)

n is vague,

n reflects

Contains a
focus and

has a sharp,


Failed to

60+% - D
, or lacks a
focus. (6)

70+% - C

Good 80+%
- B 128143

n to
reader to
context. (7)

detail to set
the stage for
the analysis
but may

90+% - A


t (15

No problem
apparent. (0)

is vague;
does not
agree with
title of
paper. (9)

mostly as
of the

Presented as
a disguised
solution. (13)

Focused and
concise. (15)

e Review


review of
only one
does not
analysis of
problem in

Provides a
review of
only two to
does not
topic areas
germane to
analysis of
does not
cite some

Provides a
review of the
six research
reference to
insights or
from many
of the
readings that
applicable to
the problem.

Discusses the
ideas, or
insights that
have the
most value
for helping
make sense
of problem;
excellent use
of citations;
exceeds all
defined in
the syllabus
for the
project. (40)


Failed to

60+% - D

70+% - C

Good 80+%
- B 128143

90+% - A


No analysis
evident or
presents a
e, or
analysis of
or response
to the
problem. (0)

may lack
structure or
Does not
Clear lack
evidence to
ions and

Presents an
analysis of
May not
ly. Lack of
evidence to
ions and

Presents a
analysis of
that response
and sensible

Presents a
analysis of
the stated
that response
with wellchosen
examples and
supported by
the literature.


ation not
included. (0)

The choice
is not
linked to

only a
that may or

Solution or
ions linked to
the analysis.

Solution or
ions logically
flow from
the analysis.


Failed to

60+% - D

70+% - C

Good 80+%
- B 128143

90+% - A


may not be
by the



n (10

offered. (0)

y effort at
from the
. (6)

One key
lesson; no
offered. (7)

Good faith
effort in
the lessons
from the
insights are
included. (8)

insights on
how the

es (10

Few or no
listed. (0)

t format.

A few
listed. (7)

Well chosen
used; minor
errors. (8)

Well chosen
used; follows
format for
listing; no
errors. (10)

NOTE: Points will be deducted for grammar, syntax, and/or punctuation

errors. Failure to cite sources properly or using incorrect protocol when citing
sources and listing references is cause for point reduction. Failure to cite
sources will result in submission for academic integrity review.

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Category: MGMT 591

Posted on February 20, 2014

MGMT 591 Leadership and

Organizational Behavior Week 7
Project Leadership and Organizational
Behavior in Action Paper
Categories:Management, MGMT 591

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Project

Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Project
Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Project
Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Project

Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Project
Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
Course Project: Leadership and Organizational Behavior in
Members of the class are required to prepare an applied
research paper, with a minimum of 10 pages but not to exceed
12 pages in length (excluding cover page and appendices), on a
specific issue related to leadership or organizational
Topic Selection
1.Select a specific organization of interest to you and
identify a problem at the firm related to organizational
behavior (OB).
2.Think of yourself as an organizational consultant and assume
that a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and
recommended course of action to resolve an actual
organizational problem that will make a difference to the
future performance of the organization.
3.Identify which of our TCOs or specific topics in the
syllabus are related to the problem you identify.
Research Sources
1.All papers must have a minimum of six scholarly sources
cited within the text of the paper and identified in the
references section.
2.Additional research sources can be attached in a
3.Review the following document for instructions on how to
access and use EBSCOhost for your research: EBSCOhost.
Paper Format
1.All papers should be single sided, double-spaced, using a

11- or 12-point font.

2.Length of the paper to be between 10 and 12 pages, not
counting cover page and appendices.
3.The first page should include the title of the work, student
name, address, telephone and e-mail address, course number,
date, and instructor name.
4.Follow APA style for general format and citations.
5.Paper sections must adhere to the guidelines below and each
section must be labeled in the text.
6.Language should be clear, concise, and precise.
7.Tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with
8.Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct.
9.Report must be free of misspellings and typos.
Tables and Figures
1.All figures and tables must be referred to in your text
before they appear on the page. a.Figures and tables should
appear on the same page as or the page after the text that
refers to them.
2.All figures and tables need captions. Captions go below
figures and above tables.
Quotations and Citations
1.Quotations and citations are crucial components of a
research paper and must be present.
2.Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas
is plagiarism.
3.Refer to APA style guide for assistance with properly citing
quoted and/or borrowed materials and ideas.
1 Familiarize yourself with course content and select an
organization and problem area to research.
Submit written project proposal containing the following:
1.A brief overview of the chosen organization and your role in

2.Preliminary problem statement in the form of a researchable

3.A brief narrative description of the organizational problem
that you would like to research and resolve
4.Which TCO or textbook topic your problem is related to
Conduct library research on your topic.
1.Identify a minimum of six scholarly resources for your
2.All resources for the paper must come from the DeVry library
and must be of scholarly quality.
3.Use the librarians for assistance in accessing materials.
4.Review the using EBSCO tutorial.
Please Note: Articles found online (many on consulting company
websites, Internet magazines, or other blogs) will not be
considered an acceptable scholarly resource. Conduct your
research through a library where you can be assured that the
sources are of scholarly quality.
4Submit written project outline containing the following:
1.Documentation of at least three initial scholarly sources
from the library
2.Expanded introduction to the organization
3.Expanded description of your chosen problem
4.Preliminary solution options (bulleted)
5.Preliminary analysis of leadership and organizational
behavior concepts addressed in the paper
57Continue to work on class project; seek instructor help as
Submit completed project.
Your paper must include the following sections:
Title Page

Title of your applied research paper, e-mail address, course

number and title, instructor, and date.
Provide an overview of the organization and your role in it.
Give enough information about the firm to acquaint an
unfamiliar person (no matter how famous the company). Identify
name, location, size, market segment (business line), and a
brief history. Identify the essential issues, events, or
actions to help frame the problem and subsequent discussion
Problem Statement
Identify and clearly state the problem (the leadership or
organizational behavior issue that you have selected to
The problem statement should be phrased in terms of a
researchable question. For example, if a work group is not
performing effectively, an effective problem statement might
be How can group performance be improved?
A well-formed problem statement has:
1.Focus the problem should be well defined and specific
enough for the reader to gain a clear idea of the OB topic
area and the direction of your study and research.
2.Structure if the problem statement is sufficiently
focused, it will provide a basis for decisions about which
information to include and which to exclude from the paper.
Literature Review
You must address at least six scholarly resources in this
section. Approach this section as a mini book report on each
of the reference sources that significantly informed your
analysis and proposed solutions. Give the reader an
encapsulated review of what information you found most
relevant to your research. You may have found conflicting
opinions/theories related to your topic area. Identify and
discuss any such contrasts and/or describe in detail

significant agreement among your sources. Your literature

review should be separate and distinct from your analysis
section; it is a summation of your research.
Explore the problem in depth and with scholarly rigor.
Provide an identification and description of the root causes
of the problem/issue. Be sure not to address only symptoms of
your problem. Diagnose the problem and its origins.
A critical element of this section is to apply leadership and
organization concepts and models from our text, from class
discussions, and from your literature review. Discuss the
concepts, ideas, or insights that are most valuable in helping
you make sense of the causes of the problem. Support your
analysis with reference to appropriate research material.
Identify at least three potential workable solutions to your
problem and identify the pros and cons of each alternative
solution and its high-level implementation steps.
Identify your preferred solution and describe exactly what
should be done and how it should be done, including by whom,
with whom, and in what sequence. Always explain your thinking
behind your final solution set. Its important to be clear
about why a particular alternative (solution) was chosen, as
opposed to others.
Think about this assignment and write a well-thought-out
reflective statement about how this assignment influenced your
personal, academic, and professional leadership and managerial

You must use no fewer than six library resources outside your
All references must be cited in two places: within the body of
your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references
judiciously and cite them accurately. Cite all sources using
APA format.
For getting the instant digital download answer, Please click
on the PURCHASE link below to get MGMT 591 Leadership and
Organizational Behavior Week 7 Project Leadership and
Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
For instant digital download of the above solution or
tutorial, please click on the below link and make an instant
purchase. You will be guided to the PAYPAL Standard payment
page wherein you can pay and you will receive an email
immediately with a download link.
In case you find any problem in getting the download link or
downloading the tutorial, please send us an email on
[email protected]

Posted on February 16, 2014

MGMT 591 Leadership and

Organizational Behavior week 8 Final
Exam_set 1 set 2 Answer
Categories:Management, MGMT 591

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week 8 Final

Exam_set 1 and set 2 Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week 8 Final
Exam_set 1 set 2 Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week 8 Final
Exam_set 1 set 2 Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week 8 Final
Exam_set 1 set 2 Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week 8 Final
Exam_set 1 set 2 Answer
Set 1 Questions
Week 8 : Final Exam and Looking Ahead Final Exam
Page 1
Question 1. 1. (TCOs A & B) What is organizational learning?
Why is it important for firms to emphasize organizational
learning? (Points : 10)
Question 2. 2. (TCO D) Please define self-managing teams and
identify three of the five tasks a true self-managing team is
responsible for. (Points : 10)
Question 3. 3. (TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples
of four of the five indirect conflict management strategies.
(Points : 10)
Question 4. 4. (TCO G) There are four forms of personal power.
Please identify and explain any three of the four. (Points :
Question 5. 5. (TCO E, F) Explain how interpersonal conflict
occurs and give two example of substantive conflict, and two
examples of emotional interpersonal conflict. (Points : 10)

Page: 1 2
Week 8 : Final Exam and Looking Ahead Final Exam
Page 2
Question 1. 1. (TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with
500 employees. The CEO of the company has recently learned,
based on employee surveys, that the employees are not very
happy with the company. In fact, the CEO is starting to
believe that this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing
slower sales and a recent budget crisis which threatens to
shut down the company in 3 years if it is not fixed.
You are a consultant and the CEO has asked you to visit the
company for a week and analyze what might be going wrong. Here
are your notes from the week:
(1) Attended Manager 1s staff meeting. He has 200 employees
working under him. Manager 1 talked about the recent budget
problems that Faxco is having. He said, Its not like we
didnt know this was coming. The company makes a junky product
compared to our competitors and half the time, I think the
manufacturing department is cutting corners. Overheard
Manager 1 tell an employee, I dont blame anyone if they are
looking for work elsewhere.
(2) Overheard three employees talking after Manager 1s staff
meeting. Employees are upset about the idea that the
manufacturing department might be cutting corners and creating
junky products. The company advertises its products as having
the finest quality and durability.
(3) Attended Manager 2s staff meeting. He runs the Tech
Department and has 20 employees. He was very upset with the
Marketing Department. He stated, Someone over in Marketing
reported to the CEO that a computer technician from this
department was rude to them. I did not even ask who it was
that was supposedly being rude. I know were all techies in
this department together and we dont behave that way. He

also read an email from a customer who said that someone from
the tech department was rude. His response was, All these
customers do is complain. Its us versus them apparently, so
we have to watch out.
In light of what you learned in MGMT591, about Diversity, Job
Satisfaction and Attitudes, please write up a neatly organized
analysis for the CEO. (Points : 45)
Question 2. 2. (TCO E) Neff Incorporated is a small business
with 100 employees and 4 managers.
Susan and Bob work are co-workers at Neff Incorporated. Ever
since they were both assigned to work on Project X, they have
been arguing about how to meet the goals of that project.
On Monday they get into a very loud argument about Project X,
in the cafeteria during lunch break. Manager 1 is told about
the argument and he sends out an email which says: Greetings
everyone. I heard that there may have been a small
disagreement in the cafeteria at lunchtime. I just want you
all to know that I appreciate the good work you are all doing
on Project X. I know that everyone here really gets along even
though a little workplace stress can sometimes build up. It is
good that we have such a warm, friendly group of employees
working here at Neff Incorporated.
On Tuesday, Susan and Bob get into another argument about
Project X at lunchtime. Manager 2 decides that she will deal
with the situation this time. She sends them an email stating:
Susan and Bob, you have both worked here at Neff for 5 years
and you have worked on many projects together. I know you are
both passionate about our mission and goals here at Neff. I
also know that you sometimes disagree with each other on how
to meet those goals, but we need to look at the big picture.
You are both on the same team and both working towards the
same goals. Please do not let small disagreements get in the
way of this.
On Wednesday, Susan and Bob get into a third argument about
Project X, in the cafeteria again. Manager 3 decides he is
going to handle the situation this time. He sends them an
email stating, Susan and Bob, if you cannot get along and
maintain professionalism here at Neff Incorporated, I will

have no choice but to terminate you both. Consider this your

written warning. These loud arguments in public must stop
On Thursday, Susan finds that a small cup of water has spilled
on her desk. She thinks it may have been Bob who did it but
she is not sure. She quietly tells Manager 4 about the
situation. Manager 4 asks Susan and Bob to come into her
office. She says, Ok, I understand that on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday of this week you two had loud arguments in the
cafeteria about Project X. Lets talk this through in an
orderly and respectful fashion. Im handing you both a sheet
of paper. Please list your disagreements about the Project and
we will deal with them one by one. Lets get this resolved
Please list and discuss the conflict management strategies
that are at play in this situation. Please state whether you
think each of the strategies used by the managers here were
appropriate and used in the proper order. Please defend your
answer based on your analysis of the situation.
(Points : 45)
Question 3. 3. (TCO F) Eagle Standard Inc., (ESI) a major
engineering firm, specializes in designing aircraft parts for
government contracts. ESI employs project managers and 42
engineers who are divided into project groups of 6-7 members.
The majority of project team leaders have spent time in France
and Britain learning new technology.
The Eagle 6 Project Team, consisting of six engineers, is
developing new equipment for a jet fighter. The project has
been ongoing for 18 months, and all six engineers have been
with this project group since its inception, working together
on all of these projects. Eagle 6 works well together.
However, the Eagle 6 team has the most technical project, and
its engineers have been working too much overtime. The Senior
project manager, Bruce Chalnick, interviewed and hired a new
engineer to help out: Richard Hue. Richard has good
qualifications and seems to be knowledgeable and motivated.
The work is challenging and gives him the opportunity to
showcase his computer skills and engineering knowledge. Two

weeks in, he quickly became a contributing member of the team,

showing initiative and the willingness to work overtime and
weekends to research possible solutions to potential problems.
Richard was particularly adept with the computer system and
Bruce is ecstatic about his new hire. Richard is a loner, on
and off the job. He is from Country X, a small island with a
high power-distance culture; all of the other members of the
team were born and raised in the USA.
After three months, Richards learning curve had just about
peaked, and he began to suggest new ways of doing things. He
offered to mentor the other engineers but each time he was
rebuffed. He then went to Bruce Chalnick and asked for another
part of the program to work on. At that point a senior member
of Eagle 6, Tim Flossner, met with Bruce to discuss Richard.
Tim stated he was speaking for the rest of the team, and said
Richard is stuck up and arrogant. Tim said he and the other
team members felt Richard flaunts his education and knowledge,
and none of them like him. In fact, they cant stand him.
Bruce told Tim that Richard thinks that the rest of the team
are slackers who talk about bowling and sports instead of
working. Richard thinks he is disliked because hes from
Country X.
Bruce WANTS to keep everyone in the company, and more
importantly within the team, so how should Bruce handle this
problem? Detail what he should do by applying at least two
conflict management methods to enhance group and team
performance. Include roles and decision making in your
(Points : 45)
Question 4. 4. (TCO D) Identify the five stages of team
development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a
specific example from your own experience to highlight one of
the stages. (Points : 45)
Set 2 Questions
TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four
emotional intelligence competencies that contribute to

understanding ourselves and others within the organizational

behavior environment. (Points : 10)
1. (TCOs A & B) What is organizational learning? Why is it
important for firms to emphasize organizational learning?
(Points : 10)
2.(TCO D) Define the concept of social loafing. Why does
social loafing occur? Give an example of social loafing and a
suggestion for how to prevent it.(Points:20)
3.(TCO A, B) An organization is a collection of people working
together within a given structure and culture to achieve a
common purpose. Identify and describe the three components
that assist the organization in meeting its goals and list any
three of the five components of job satisfaction that
contribute to a company meeting these goals.(Points:10)
4.(TCO D) Please define self-managing teams and identify three
of the five tasks for which a true self- managing team is
Part B
1 .(TCO H, I, J) The senior executive team at
AllGoodThings.com, after a strategy review session with the
Board of Directors, has decided that its time to invest some
time and capital in improving the corporate culture. The
company has rebounded from a near calamity two years ago, and
while it was a great scramble, the company survived and is in
the strongest position ever. They knew that the culture had
been strained by the episode and wanted sincerely to work to
bring things back to normal. With the assistance of local HR
offices, a case was made to the employee population that
certain aspects of their current culture might have suffered
over the past few years and that it was time to think about
change. They announced that they would be undergoing an
organizational culture review and that everyones opinion was
valued. A whopping 79% of the employees participated in the

survey that they administered. Senior management had worked

with the consultants for a few months before the survey was
given and had determined their Ideal scores. The survey
confirmed their suspicions.
The table below provides you with the percentile scores from
the employee population, the ideal scores from management, and
the percentage point difference between managements ideal and
the actual results. The typical ideal score for companies is
also given as a reference point. The overall cultural grouping
for the individual cultural norms is also identified.
AllGoodThings.com Cultural Change Analysis Employee Results
Management Ideal Results Gap Typical Ideal Results
11 Achievement Constructive Styles 41.0% 50.0% 9 78.0%
12 Self-Actualization 34.0% 50.0% 16 82.0%
1 Humanistic-Encouraging 34.0% 40.0% 6 85.0%
2 Affiliative 38.0% 40.0% 2 71.0%
3 Approval Passive -Defensive Styles 56.0% 22.0% -34 27.0%
4 Conventional 55.0% 15.0% -40 18.0%
5 Dependent 46.0% 20.0% -26 24.0%
6 Avoidance 71.0% 27.0% -44 27.0%
7 Oppositional Aggressive Defensive Styles 63.0% 40.0% -23
8 Power 41.0% 41.0% 0 30.0%
9 Competitive 51.0% 52.0% 1 42.0%
10 Perfectionistic 63.0% 68.0% 5 25.0%
Referencing the information presented above, please analyze
the current culture at AllGoodThings.com.
Identify and describe the cultural aspects that management
cites as important and contrast them to the cultural
attributes that employees report as being expected. Also,
compare and contrast managements ideal results with the
typical ideal results.
Identify the most significant gaps between managements ideal
and the actual results.
What conclusions do you draw taking into account all of the
facts presented and your analysis?
Provide your recommendations for the nexttwo steps in the

AllGoodThings.com change process.

How would you prioritize and sequence the necessary change?
(Points : 40)
2.(TCO C) As a manager you are in a situation where a key
employee seems to have lost his excitement about the job. The
employees familiar positive tone and high energy approach to
the job and the workplace seem to be on the wane. You really
dont know what is going on with this person. But, you can try
to start to understand this employee by examining various
motivation theories. Use elements from each of Maslows
theory, Herzbergs Two-Factor theory, and Equity theory and
assemble your own motivation theory to help you to start
understanding this employee. Be sure to fully explain and
define all elements that you use in your new model of
motivation. Finally, compose a short case to demonstrate how
your motivation model can actually be applied.(Points:40)
3.(TCO G) The Michigan and Ohio State studies represent
seminal research on leadership theory. Both studies identified
two basic forms of leader behaviors. What were the
similarities in the findings from these two studies and what
was the significance of the research? (Points:30)
4.(TCO A, B) In order to meet organizational goals and
objectives management must comprehend organizational behavior
in relationship to the functions of management. List and
describe the management process functions and describe how the
five personality traits contribute to the management process.
5.(TCO E, F) Identify and discuss the stages of conflict
development. Based on news and events from around the world,
please give an example of a recent conflict you have read or
heard about and show how the conflict moved through the
developmental stages we learned about in this course.

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week 8 Final Exam_set 1 Answer
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Posted on February 12, 2014

MGMT 591 Leadership and

Organizational Behavior Case Study
The Forgotten Group
Categories:Management, MGMT 591

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The

Forgotten Group Member_Answer

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The

Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
Group Development
The stages of group development are forming, storming,
norming, performing, and adjourning stages. Forming happens
when the group members are at the stage of getting to know
each other. Storming occurs when each of the group members
tasks are defined
Problem Identification
Although, the primary problem in Christines group is the lack
of cooperation and involvement from Mike, this is caused by
secondary problems which are the lack of communication and the
lack of resources that would enable each team member to
perform their
Retrospective Evaluation
Two courses of action that can be taken to resolve the
problems in Christines group include adjusting the group
meeting schedules to a time when Mike would be available or

Christine was not an effective group leader because she was

not able to facilitate the group members contributions. For
example, she was not able to effectively ask Mike to
contribute his talents and skills to the groups work. She
also failed to
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click on the PURCHASE link below to get MGMT 591 Leadership
and Organizational Behavior Case Study The Forgotten Group
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tutorial, please click on the below link and make an instant
purchase. You will be guided to the PAYPAL Standard payment
page wherein you can pay and you will receive an email
immediately with a download link.
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downloading the tutorial, please send us an email on
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$15.00 Purchase

Posted on February 12, 2014

MGMT 591 Leadership and

Organizational Behavior week
3_Teamwork and Team Performance
Case Study Write-Up_Answer
Categories:Management, MGMT 591

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week

3_Teamwork and Team Performance Case Study Write-Up_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week
3_Teamwork and Team Performance Case Study Write-Up_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week
3_Teamwork and Team Performance Case Study Write-Up_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week
3_Teamwork and Team Performance Case Study Write-Up_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior week
3_Teamwork and Team Performance Case Study Write-Up_Answer
Week 3: Teamwork and Team Performance Case Study
The Case Study for this week is The Forgotten Group Member,
which appears on page W113 of the course text.
Each student is required to analyze this weeks case study and
submit a 23 page paper addressing the key questions
identified below. Remember that all case studies present both
too much and too little information. There may be information
presented that is not really relevant, and there may be scant
information about a key area. This analysis does require
interpretation of the information and there is not one right
answer. However, you must explain and defend any assumptions
you made andor conclusions resulting from your analysis with
citations from the text or from the case itself. There is no
need to research outside sources for this paper.
Your paper MUST include the following labeled sections:
Category Points Description
Part I: Group Development 15
Identify and summarize the stages of group development.
Reflecting on the case and textbook material, what stage is
the group at now? How could an understanding of the stages of

group development have assisted Christine in her leadership

role with this team?
Support your conclusion with evidence from the case and our
Part II: Problem Identification 30
Identify key problems.
Identify primary and secondary problems the group and/or
Christine are facing. Identify what Christine should have
understood about individual membership in teams in order to
have built group processes that were supportive of her
workgroups performance.
Do not necessarily limit yourself to only team theory here.
Plumb any concepts we have covered to date in class if you
feel they are relevant.
Part III: Retrospective Evaluation 40
Given that there is no one perfect solution for this
situation, identify, describe, and defend two possible
solutions to the primary problem(s).
Clearly identify and defend both courses of action. Identity
and discuss specific steps needed to implement your
selections. Support your selections with evidence from the
case, the text, and/or weekly discussion.
Remember that deciding on a course of action entails
envisioning and planning the steps to success. Be sure to
identify implementation steps for both possible solutions.
Almost every situation presented with relation to group
dynamics and behavior can have multiple avenues for remedy. It
is important to develop the ability to critically evaluate
more than one alternative and rationally identify pros and
cons of each.

Presenting pros and cons for the identified alternative

solutions in a table format within the paper is acceptable.
Part IV: Reflection 15 Discuss whether Christine was an
effective group leader in this case. Why or Why not?
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on the PURCHASE link below to get MGMT 591 Leadership and
Organizational Behavior week 3_Teamwork and Team Performance
Case Study Write-Up_Answer
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tutorial, please click on the below link and make an instant
purchase. You will be guided to the PAYPAL Standard payment
page wherein you can pay and you will receive an email
immediately with a download link.
In case you find any problem in getting the download link or
downloading the tutorial, please send us an email on
[email protected]

Posted on February 12, 2014

MGMT 591 Leadership and

Organizational Behavior Week 7
Course Project Leadership and
Organizational Behavior in Action

Categories:Management, MGMT 591

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Course

Project Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Course
Project Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Course
Project Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Course
Project Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 7 Course
Project Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
Course Project: Leadership and Organizational Behavior in
Members of the class are required to prepare an applied
research paper, with a minimum of 10 pages but not to exceed
12 pages in length (excluding cover page and appendices), on a
specific issue related to leadership or organizational
Topic Selection
1.Select a specific organization of interest to you and
identify a problem at the firm related to organizational
behavior (OB).
2.Think of yourself as an organizational consultant and assume
that a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and
recommended course of action to resolve an actual
organizational problem that will make a difference to the
future performance of the organization.
3.Identify which of our TCOs or specific topics in the
syllabus are related to the problem you identify.

Research Sources
1.All papers must have a minimum of six scholarly sources
cited within the text of the paper and identified in the
references section.
2.Additional research sources can be attached in a
3.Review the following document for instructions on how to
access and use EBSCOhost for your research: EBSCOhost.
Paper Format
1.All papers should be single sided, double-spaced, using a
11- or 12-point font.
2.Length of the paper to be between 10 and 12 pages, not
counting cover page and appendices.
3.The first page should include the title of the work, student
name, address, telephone and e-mail address, course number,
date, and instructor name.
4.Follow APA style for general format and citations.
5.Paper sections must adhere to the guidelines below and each
section must be labeled in the text.
6.Language should be clear, concise, and precise.
7.Tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with
8.Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct.
9.Report must be free of misspellings and typos.
Tables and Figures
1.All figures and tables must be referred to in your text
before they appear on the page. a.Figures and tables should
appear on the same page as or the page after the text that
refers to them.
2.All figures and tables need captions. Captions go below
figures and above tables.
Quotations and Citations
1.Quotations and citations are crucial components of a
research paper and must be present.
2.Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas

is plagiarism.
3.Refer to APA style guide for assistance with properly citing
quoted and/or borrowed materials and ideas.
1 Familiarize yourself with course content and select an
organization and problem area to research.
Submit written project proposal containing the following:
1.A brief overview of the chosen organization and your role in
2.Preliminary problem statement in the form of a researchable
3.A brief narrative description of the organizational problem
that you would like to research and resolve
4.Which TCO or textbook topic your problem is related to
Conduct library research on your topic.
1.Identify a minimum of six scholarly resources for your
2.All resources for the paper must come from the DeVry library
and must be of scholarly quality.
3.Use the librarians for assistance in accessing materials.
4.Review the using EBSCO tutorial.
Please Note: Articles found online (many on consulting company
websites, Internet magazines, or other blogs) will not be
considered an acceptable scholarly resource. Conduct your
research through a library where you can be assured that the
sources are of scholarly quality.
4Submit written project outline containing the following:
1.Documentation of at least three initial scholarly sources
from the library
2.Expanded introduction to the organization
3.Expanded description of your chosen problem
4.Preliminary solution options (bulleted)

5.Preliminary analysis of leadership and organizational

behavior concepts addressed in the paper
57Continue to work on class project; seek instructor help as
Submit completed project.
Your paper must include the following sections:
Title Page
Title of your applied research paper, e-mail address, course
number and title, instructor, and date.
Provide an overview of the organization and your role in it.
Give enough information about the firm to acquaint an
unfamiliar person (no matter how famous the company). Identify
name, location, size, market segment (business line), and a
brief history. Identify the essential issues, events, or
actions to help frame the problem and subsequent discussion
Problem Statement
Identify and clearly state the problem (the leadership or
organizational behavior issue that you have selected to
The problem statement should be phrased in terms of a
researchable question. For example, if a work group is not
performing effectively, an effective problem statement might
be How can group performance be improved?
A well-formed problem statement has:
1.Focus the problem should be well defined and specific
enough for the reader to gain a clear idea of the OB topic
area and the direction of your study and research.
2.Structure if the problem statement is sufficiently

focused, it will provide a basis for decisions about which

information to include and which to exclude from the paper.
Literature Review
You must address at least six scholarly resources in this
section. Approach this section as a mini book report on each
of the reference sources that significantly informed your
analysis and proposed solutions. Give the reader an
encapsulated review of what information you found most
relevant to your research. You may have found conflicting
opinions/theories related to your topic area. Identify and
discuss any such contrasts and/or describe in detail
significant agreement among your sources. Your literature
review should be separate and distinct from your analysis
section; it is a summation of your research.
Explore the problem in depth and with scholarly rigor.
Provide an identification and description of the root causes
of the problem/issue. Be sure not to address only symptoms of
your problem. Diagnose the problem and its origins.
A critical element of this section is to apply leadership and
organization concepts and models from our text, from class
discussions, and from your literature review. Discuss the
concepts, ideas, or insights that are most valuable in helping
you make sense of the causes of the problem. Support your
analysis with reference to appropriate research material.
Identify at least three potential workable solutions to your
problem and identify the pros and cons of each alternative
solution and its high-level implementation steps.
Identify your preferred solution and describe exactly what
should be done and how it should be done, including by whom,
with whom, and in what sequence. Always explain your thinking

behind your final solution set. Its important to be clear

about why a particular alternative (solution) was chosen, as
opposed to others.
Think about this assignment and write a well-thought-out
reflective statement about how this assignment influenced your
personal, academic, and professional leadership and managerial
You must use no fewer than six library resources outside your
All references must be cited in two places: within the body of
your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references
judiciously and cite them accurately. Cite all sources using
APA format.
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Organizational Behavior Week 7 Course Project Leadership and
Organizational Behavior in Action Paper
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tutorial, please click on the below link and make an instant
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In case you find any problem in getting the download link or
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Posted on September 14, 2013

MGMT 591 Leadership and

Organizational Behavior Case Study
The Forgotten Group
Categories:Management, MGMT 591

MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The

Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The
Forgotten Group Member_Answer
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