Foreignhires have limited tenure; local-hires enjoy security of tenure. Although foreign-hires
perform similar functions under the same working conditions as the local-hires,
foreign-hires are accorded certain benefits not granted to local-hires. These
benefits, such as housing, transportation, shipping costs, taxes, and home leave
travel allowance, are reasonably related to their status as foreign-hires, and justify
the exclusion of the former from the latter. To include foreign-hires in a bargaining
unit with local-hires would not assure either group the exercise of their respective
collective bargaining rights.
Receiving salaries less than their counterparts hired abroad, the local-hires of
private respondent School, mostly Filipinos, cry discrimination. We agree. That the
local-hires are paid more than their colleagues in other schools is, of course, beside
the point. The point is that employees should be given equal pay for work of equal
value. That is a principle long honored in this jurisdiction. That is a principle that
rests on fundamental notions of justice. That is the principle we uphold today.
Private respondent International School, Inc. (the School, for short), pursuant to
Presidential Decree 732, is a domestic educational institution established primarily
for dependents of foreign diplomatic personnel and other temporary residents. 1 To
enable the School to continue carrying out its educational program and improve its
standard of instruction, Section 2(c) of the same decree authorizes the School to
employ its own teaching and management personnel selected
either locally or abroad, from Philippine or other nationalities,
personnel being exempt from otherwise applicable laws
regulations attending their employment, except laws that have
or will be enacted for the protection of employees.
by it