Npmafc Feb Min 2016

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North Penn Model A Ford Club

February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:34pm by President Phil Christ. There
were 31 members in attendance.
Treasurers Report - Phil Christ reported for Treasurer Ed Roth. Our end of
year (2015) balance was $3,157.54. Our balance as of the end of January is
$4,293.24. The increase is from collected dues of 56 members as of January
of 2016.
Ed White and Ray Bosler donated their winnings of $275.00 from the annual
holiday dinner to Shriners Hospital for Children.
Old Business - The minutes from our December meeting were read and
approved. Phil reported that 11 people did not renew membership this year.
All current NPMAFC members are also members of the national club MARC.
The Christmas party was discussed and everyone enjoyed the evening at the
Bay Pony Inn. It was suggested that in the future, no gifts should be food
There was some discussion regarding a NPMAFC car show,
possibly working with Gary Volpe on a show he sponsor's as a fund raiser.
Further discussion at next month's meeting.
The new membership roster was e-mailed to members this week. We will
continue to use the phone chain for members not using e-mail. Please check
your e-mail address noted in the roster for accuracy and contact Dick
Longcoy with necessary changes.
New Business - Isabel Longcoy is in the hospital. Annette Watson will mail
a get well card.
At our March monthly meeting Bob and Diane Hall will give a talk about
their recent visit to Cuba.
Ed Roth made arrangements with Green Lane Park for our annual picnicJune 11th; a vote will be taken at the March meeting.
A three day Lancaster trip was discussed for the end of May.
Ruth Ann Christ discussed our March 19th tour to the Mercer Museum
featuring a program "American Adventures Of Early Settlers" then touring
to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Lunch at the Shrine.
The Mercer Museum tickets are $11.00 each.
On February 27th we will tour to Worcester Historical Center, Allen's Store,
then to a local car collection and lunch at Park Place. Meet at the Worcester
School at 9am.
Our April tech session on front end alignment is targeted for the 16th. Carol
Allen will confirm the date. It was suggested we also have a ladies driving
course with the Model A's at an open parking area.

New member Jay Ogle was introduced. He purchased a 1930 coupe from
Frank Burke.
Dini Vigliano reported the need for more member
participation with monthly refreshments.
Ed Roth is updating our website with the refreshment list.
Beth Howard asked for volunteer's who may be interested in displaying
their cars for the Central Bucks High School Junior Prom. The theme is "The
Great Gatsby" scheduled for April 2nd., 6:30pm at Keenan Mercedes-Benz,
Gene Yeager discussed the MARC Drivers Award Program. See Gene if you
need more information or would like to sign up.
Tech Talk by Tom - Tom Hudecki gave a presentation on timing the Model
A and distributors.
50-50 Drawing- Won by Ray Sague.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm
Minutes prepared by Jim Reed, Secretary

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