December Newsletter
December Newsletter
December Newsletter
Grade 3C
Important Dates
December 8 & 9 Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsals
December 9 &10 Christmas Concert Evening Performances
December 10 Christmas Concert 3C Parents Night
December 11 Scholastic Book Orders Due
December 16 Swimming (2:00 3:00)
December 18 Last Student Day
December 19th January 3rd Christmas Break
January 4 Classes Resume
Winter Clothing
Winter has arrived! With that, WES is implementing their winter
clothing policy that requires all students in grades K 5 to be
wearing toques, mittens, winter coats, snow pants and winter
boots outside for all recesses. If a student is not wearing all of the
above, they will be sent inside by the outside supervisor and their
homeroom teacher will be calling home to advise parents of our policy.
Inside Recesses
With cold weather possibilities, students should have some sort of
inside recess toy / activity to keep them occupied when temperatures
are too chilly to go outside and play. Students can bring items and
leave them in their lockers for days such as these.
Christmas Concert
There will be two performances of the grade 3 & 4 Christmas Concert
on December 9th and 10th. We are limited in space as far as our
audience is concerned. We would appreciate it if 3 Carnegie parents
could come out on the evening of the 10th. ALL students must be
there both nights so that each performance is equally successful. The
evening performances begin at 7:00pm. Students should be there no
earlier (or later) than 6:30pm. Parents are asked to pick their
child up after our performance, which is scheduled to end at
approximately 7:30pm. Please drop off and pick up your child at RF
Staples Drama Theatre. We will be meeting in the cafeteria adjacent
to the theatre. All students must get picked up after the performances.
We cannot send students to the parking lot unless accompanied by a
parent. PLEASE ensure you are prompt in picking up your child
following the performances.
All students are asked to dress is in their Sunday best. No specific or
special costumes are required.
Christmas Activities
The next few weeks will be very busy doing various Christmas
Activities within the classroom. Please note that on December 16th, all
grade 3 classes will be doing Christmas Crafts from 9:30am 11:45am.
Students should bring a grocery bag to bring these crafts home in that
day. Also, on December 18th, all grade 3s will be decorating a Candy
Christmas Tree. I will be providing each student with an ice cream
cone that they will turn upside down and decorate with Royal Icing and
candies. Each student is responsible to bring their own piece of
cardboard covered in tinfoil. The cardboard should measure
approximately 30cm x 30cm. Each student is also responsible for
bringing their own candies to decorate their tree with. Candies may
include, but are not limited to licorice, smarties, jujubes, etc. Please
bring candies that are smaller rather than larger in size.
Christmas Gifts
The grade 3s will be making a Christmas gift for their parents at
school. I am asking that EACH student bring in 3 cups of rice for their
project. If a student has parents living in separate homes and they
want to make a gift for both parents, please send 6 cups of rice.
Otherwise, all students will be making only 1 gift to take home. All
other supplies will be provided. Also, I am asking that students bring in
a medium sized gift bag to bring their gift home in.
Curriculum Updates
We are in the middle of our unit on addition and subtraction. Please
ensure that your child is practicing their basic math facts (addition and
subtraction) on a regular basis at home.
Language Arts
We are in the middle of our novel study James and the Giant Peach.
Students have been completing chapter summaries, comprehension
questions, and other activities related to our novel. In writing we have
been refining our paragraph writing skills. We are also working on using
transition words to make our sentences flow together.
Social Studies
We have just finished our unit on Peru and will be moving on to
exploring what life is like in Tunisia.
We have started our new unit on Hearing and Sound. Students are
learning to describe the nature of sound, and demonstrate methods for
producing and controlling sound.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on anything,
please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.
Miss Carnegie