Instalasi Cartoweb 3.5 Di Window
Instalasi Cartoweb 3.5 Di Window
Instalasi Cartoweb 3.5 Di Window
1. Download sourcecodenya di kemudian ekstrac
t aplikasi, misal di C:\ms4w\apps\ (C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3)
2. Buat alias untuk manjalankan cartoweb3 (diarahkan pada direktori tempat file
client.php berada), misalkan sebagai berikut :
Alias /cartoweb3 "/ms4w/apps/cartoweb3/htdocs/"
<Directory "/ms4w/apps/cartoweb3/htdocs/">
AllowOverride None
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
3. Optional : If you are using the demo, you need to have Gettext support instal
led, You can get a version of Gettext for Windows
there Also set the
path to the Gettext binary in your PATH environment variable.
" C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;" (tanpa tanda kutip). The example above
is true if the Gettext binaries are installed in C:\Program
Files\GnuWin32\bin. This is needed by the po2mo.php script to merge and
compile the languages translation files.
4. Install cartoweb dengan mode dos
a. Buka cmd dari menu run, kemudian ketik :
C:\>cd C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3
C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3>php -n cw3setup.php --install --base-url
ocalhost/cartoweb3 --profile production
Removing htdocs/info.php
Creating directories
Setting permissions
Copying .ini.dist files into .ini (if not existing)
Copying/linking resources into htdocs
Copied <files>.in into <files> for projects: all
Launching makemaps script for projects: all
Launching po2mo script for projects: all
Installation finished...
b. Restart webserver (apache) dgn klik dua kali file C:\ms4w\apache-restart.bat
c. Jika ingin menjalankan aplikasi demo, maka harus download data terlebih dahul
u dari
Setelah selesai di download maka ekstract data di C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3
setelah install data dengan perintah :
C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3>php -n cw3setup.php --install-demo-data
the demoPlugins project uses plugins that work with databases. Consequen
tly some databases settings and configuration are required.
We describe here how to install these databases and how to use cw3setup.
- buat database postgis, dengan nama "demo_plugins"
- isi database dengan data yang tersedia, caranya :
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>shp2pgsql -I C:\ms4w\apps\ca
rtoweb3\projects\demoCW3\server_conf\demoCW3\data\aerofacp.shp airport > airport
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>psql -d demo_plugins -f airp
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>shp2pgsql -I C:\ms4w\apps\ca
rtoweb3\projects\demoCW3\server_conf\demoCW3\data\builtupa.shp agglo > agglo.sql
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>psql -d demo_plugins -f aggl
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>shp2pgsql -I C:\ms4w\apps\ca
rtoweb3\projects\demoCW3\server_conf\demoCW3\data\polbnda.shp district > distric
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>psql -d demo_plugins -f dist
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>shp2pgsql -I C:\ms4w\apps\ca
rtoweb3\projects\demoCW3\server_conf\demoCW3\data\mispopp.shp town > town.sql
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>psql -d demo_plugins -f town
d. Install demo plugins (cw3setup.php Options)
Edit file cartoweb3/projects/demoPlugins/ dan sesuaikan D
B_HOST,DB_LOCATE_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWD and DB_PORT. Kemudian install demo dgn
perintah sebagai berikut :
C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3>php -n cw3setup.php --install --project demoPlugi
ns --config-from-file projects/demoPlugins/ --base-url
alhost/cartoweb3 --profile production
Creating directories
Setting permissions
Copying .ini.dist files into .ini (if not existing)
Copying/linking resources into htdocs
Copied <files>.in into <files> for projects: demoPlugins
Launching makemaps script for projects: demoPlugins
Launching po2mo script for projects: demoPlugins
Installation finished...
5. Buka aplikasi cartoweb dengna url -->
6. Selesai