Hardcopy & Soft

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Name: ____________________________________ Grade 2 B/KB

Information Technology
Lesson 4- Hardcopy & Softcopy

_____, 2016

By the end of todays lesson: I can identify hardcopy & softcopy.

Hardcopy and softcopy are types of output. One output
device is the printer. The output that the printer gives us is
called hardcopy.

Hardcopy is information that

is printed on paper.

Another output device is the monitor. The output that the

monitor gives us is called softcopy.

Softcopy is information that

is shown on the monitor.


1.Output Devices gives us ______________________.


2.Output shown on the monitor is called __________________________.

3.Output that is printed on paper is called ___________________.
4.The ________ gives us softcopy.
5.The ____________ gives us hardcopy.
6.Hardcopy and Soft copy are __________

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