This document lists 13 references for machine design and elements. The references include books on topics like design of machine elements, machine design, mechanical engineering design, and fundamentals of machine elements. The books are published by various publishers including Tata McGraw Hill, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall India, and Mir Publication.
This document lists 13 references for machine design and elements. The references include books on topics like design of machine elements, machine design, mechanical engineering design, and fundamentals of machine elements. The books are published by various publishers including Tata McGraw Hill, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall India, and Mir Publication.
This document lists 13 references for machine design and elements. The references include books on topics like design of machine elements, machine design, mechanical engineering design, and fundamentals of machine elements. The books are published by various publishers including Tata McGraw Hill, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall India, and Mir Publication.
This document lists 13 references for machine design and elements. The references include books on topics like design of machine elements, machine design, mechanical engineering design, and fundamentals of machine elements. The books are published by various publishers including Tata McGraw Hill, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall India, and Mir Publication.
1. Design of machine elements -- V. B. Bhandari. Tara Mc-Graw Hill Pub.
2. Design of machine elements -- Sharma,Purohil. Prentice Hall India Pub. 3. Machine Design - An Integrated Approach -- Robert L. Norton PearsonEducation. 4. Machine Design - Pandya & Shah- Charotar PI/blishing. 5. Mechanical Engineering Design - J. E. Shigley - McGraw Hill 6. Recommended Data Books - PSG, K. Mahadevan 7. Machine Design - Reshetov - Mir Publication 8. Machine Design - Black Adams-Mcgraw Hill 9. Fundamentals of Machine Elements - Hawrock, Jacobson Mcgraw Hill 10. Machine Design - Patel, Pandya, Sikh, Vol. - I & II, C. 11. Jamnadas& Co. Educational & Law Publishers 12. Design of Machine Elements - V.M. Faires 13. Design of Machine Elements - Spotts.
University of Mumbai, Mechanical Engineering (Third and Final Year) Revised Course (Rev-2012)