Save New Mexico Corrections
Save New Mexico Corrections
Save New Mexico Corrections
964 people have signed a petition on Action Network telling you to Save New Mexico Corrections!.
Here is the petition they signed:
Corrections Officers have one of the toughest jobs out there, and scientific studies back up
that fact._
New Mexico's State Corrections system is teetering on the edge of crisis. Corrections
employees need decisive action NOW from the Governor and Legislature to foster a safer,
well-run system. It's mission critical for our state government.
The NM Corrections system currently languishes under severe vacancy levels, with several
facilities operating with 40% vacancy rates. A result, Corrections Officers are working
maximum level (72) hours of mandatory overtime, weekly, at some facilities. This work
schedule prevents officers from having adequate time for recovery, self care, or their families.
Resulting fatigue, stress, and break-down of well-being, commonly referred to as corrections
fatigue is a major factor increasing the dangers of accidents or incidents at work.
NM Corrections Officer pay remains uncompetitive and below the median income level for
corrections officers (nationally and regionally). Low pay is a major factor preventing the
department from recruiting and retaining men and women into the career. The domino effects
created by heavy workloads and high vacancies are undermining the departments mission.
Through its Labor Management Committee, the New Mexico Corrections Department and
AFSCME have recognize all these life and death realities and agreed that addressing them
need to be an urgent priority.
AFSCME strongly calls upon Governor Martinez, her administration, and the NM Legislature
to tackle the issue of corrections fatigue by working with the union, and one another to
develop and implement concrete strategies and solutions addressing the crisis.
You can view each petition signer and the comments they left you below.
Thank you,
Miles Conway
with our kids but yet the state hires for more than 15 an hour. These men deserve more.
81. Haley Hoover (zip code: 87048)
82. Antonio Tellez (zip code: 87002)
83. Audrey Poissot (zip code: 87031)
You're hurting my momma! Fix this!!!!
84. Augustine Gonzales (zip code: 87535)
85. Tim Danger (zip code: 55720)
86. Candace Acord (zip code: 52240)
87. yazmin izquierdo (zip code: 88260)
88. Bertha Jensen (zip code: [email protected])
89. Cherylann Farber (zip code: 87508)
90. Estevan Baca (zip code: 87031)
91. Jesus Andrade (zip code: 87031)
Governor Martinez I work at central New Mexico correction facility (CNMCF) I work 72 hour work
week at times I know we signed up for it but we need change please help us please help our officers
but most importantly our fellow New Mexicans
92. Patricia Henrie (zip code: 87747)
93. Bernice Alvarez (zip code: 87110)
94. Patricia Frietze Martinez (zip code: 88007)
I am disappointed in your decisions to ignore staffing levels and pay for Corrections staff! You of all
people know what we are dealing with after all you played a key role in sentencing for alot of these
Inmates. What is it going to take for you to give Corrections staff a decent raise? A tragedy like
95. Barbara Sandoval (zip code: 87002)
96. Barbara De La Cruz (zip code: 87031)
97. Cesar Barboza (zip code: 85131)
Better pay for those hard workings officers that risk their life everyday.
trouble sleeping. The least we can do is pay them well for their sacrifice.
371. hector gallegos jr (zip code: 87121)
372. Henry Anguiano (zip code: 87144)
373. renee padilla (zip code: 87031)
374. Hillary Kanikaynar (zip code: 87124)
375. Robert Dukes (zip code: 21222)
376. Heather Owsley (zip code: 87120)
377. Mike hohman (zip code: 87023)
378. Jason Saldivar (zip code: 79714)
379. Carl Martinez (zip code: 87701)
380. Roy Barrett (zip code: 87105)
381. Euila Nunez (zip code: 87007)
382. Brett Garner (zip code: 87031)
383. Lilly Rodriguez (zip code: 88001)
384. edward reagan (zip code: 21740)
385. Isabele Rodriguez (zip code: 97913)
386. Ivy Woolfolk (zip code: 87507)
387. Tuu Tupelu (zip code: 89107)
The low pay is probably your biggest issue. I live in Las Vegas Nevada and put serious thought into
moving to Las Cruces to work at southern New Mexico correctional facility because my father worked
there for many many years. Currently I work part time for Clark County juvenile detention services
and my hourly rate is the same as your PO and CO Pay rate. The safety of employees should be a
top priority, maybe the state of New Mexico should use "PTH" part-time hourly employees That are
properly trained to help fill-in!!!
388. Brittany Schaefer (zip code: 80004)
know they are week and understaffed they need pay raises and normal work schedule one day
overtime is not bad but everyday that's insane. I am very concerned for my sons safety and my
nephews and all that work there. Higher pay will get people to sign on and serve proudly
513. Kristie pitts (zip code: 85143)
514. Duane Easterling (zip code: 87031)
Your killing our families
Better yet in Santa Fe you have a parole working as a cook making more money than the officers
themselves what a blow to there ego . Trying to figure out how a parole whom these guards were
watching even passed the background well he did not but officers are put through a battery of test
again another blow to there pride and ego they work hard and now 72 hours the guards look like
zombies even there days off they can not regain there sanity HELP NOW YOU ARE KILLING
WONDERFUL GUARDS and forcing them to choose sanity over there jobs and most are choosing
sanity and quitting .
515. Cody Dunning (zip code: 87020)
Give the money to the people that deserve it,the ones leaving their families home alone, running
themselves and lives into the ground for this state for pennies. No you give it to the person who was
QUITING our department. Good desicion.
516. Julianna Koob (zip code: 87106)
Please make our prisons safer by supporting our corrections officers. It's crucial to decreasing rape
and violence in prisons.
517. Kori Colbath (zip code: 87114)
Please please do something to help keep these amazing officers. They deserve to have a competitive
wage and not have to spend 16+ hours at work.
518. Kori Madrid (zip code: 87031)
519. Chris Norman (zip code: 88220)
Give the men and women of corrections the respect, a safe working environment and the pay they
deserve. Get rid of the marcantel and booker clowns they are creating unsafe working conditions and
making an embarrassment out of a noble profession. Their incompetent leadership is the reason I
resigned after 12 yrs of loyal dedicated service.
520. kristin Gallegos (zip code: 87020)
521. Kristin Bennett (zip code: 87111)
522. kim ritchey (zip code: 87031)
523. Giovanny Rivera (zip code: 87031)
524. kyle Perlich (zip code: 55318)
the public safe. I just love my family more! 72 hours a week mandatory. Governor how would you feel
if you were told on your husband's or kids birthday or Christmas that you could not go home. That you
will be working a double shift because the facility was to short. Now try being told that every day!!
542. Lauta Chavez (zip code: 88032)
543. LaVonne Gold (zip code: 87031)
544. linda Bland (zip code: 87031)
545. janet evaro (zip code: 88033)
546. lindsey darnell (zip code: 87002)
Please help my husband is a corrections officer and now more than ever I am terrified ever time he
goes to work he may not come home please help.
547. Laura Rain (zip code: 87121)
548. Alexis Tafoya (zip code: 87031)
I feel that they work so much to protect us and help out. They are putting their life in danger everyday
and to think not only 8 but 16 hours a day. I feel they need a chance to be heard and this would be
their chance.
549. Leeanns Olguin (zip code: 87020)
550. Lee Baca (zip code: 87569)
551. leighton vanderburgh (zip code: 06516)
552. Arlene Lukes (zip code: 87002)
553. Leona Chavez (zip code: 87031)
554. Samantha Garza (zip code: 87192)
555. Alexis Lopez (zip code: 87031)
It's time to give these men and women what they deserve. If you fail the people that protect your way
of life they will begin to fail you. Be grateful for the work that they do. Don't just expect it.
556. Lyz Foster (zip code: 87031)
557. Lisa Gutierrez (zip code: 87121)
558. Alicia Marquez (zip code: 87108)
don't want to work where is the moral to give you all to your job when your own state has let you down
due to low pay wages. Yes we need a raise we are working hard for pennies. How do they expect us
to make it when we are only making pennies many American state employees are in debit and can't
get out because of low wages.
751. Ramona Rodriguez (zip code: 87112)
752. Richard Henderson (zip code: 87002)
753. Denny martinez (zip code: 87020)
754. Rachelle Toledo (zip code: 87124)
755. Raymond Madrid (zip code: 87102)
Don't take the safety of your community for granted Governor Martinez. Your dedicated officers are
also members of your community. If not now!? When????
756. Reuben Duran (zip code: 87507)
This job should be higher paid. Take a day and shadow them, then you'll see just how much they
deserve. Continue the corrections academy and get more employees in there
757. Robert Botts (zip code: 46123)
758. criscela ruiz (zip code: 87105)
759. Robert Dobbs (zip code: 87111)
Governor Martinez my son is very proud of the job he does as well as myself. But the hours he works
leaves very little time for his family. Please see it in your heart to give these workers the pay they
deserve. Thank you!
760. Gabriel J. Martinez (zip code: 87105)
Safe, Sound and Secure Prisons.
761. janet valles (zip code: 87002)
762. Reegan Walker-Perez (zip code: 88001)
763. Renee Vigil (zip code: 87120)
764. Renee Mollineda (zip code: 87031)
Please help!
765. Edgar renteria (zip code: 88012)
We are tired!