Save New Mexico Corrections

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Governor Martinez Administration and NM Legislature,

964 people have signed a petition on Action Network telling you to Save New Mexico Corrections!.
Here is the petition they signed:
Corrections Officers have one of the toughest jobs out there, and scientific studies back up
that fact._
New Mexico's State Corrections system is teetering on the edge of crisis. Corrections
employees need decisive action NOW from the Governor and Legislature to foster a safer,
well-run system. It's mission critical for our state government.
The NM Corrections system currently languishes under severe vacancy levels, with several
facilities operating with 40% vacancy rates. A result, Corrections Officers are working
maximum level (72) hours of mandatory overtime, weekly, at some facilities. This work
schedule prevents officers from having adequate time for recovery, self care, or their families.
Resulting fatigue, stress, and break-down of well-being, commonly referred to as corrections
fatigue is a major factor increasing the dangers of accidents or incidents at work.
NM Corrections Officer pay remains uncompetitive and below the median income level for
corrections officers (nationally and regionally). Low pay is a major factor preventing the
department from recruiting and retaining men and women into the career. The domino effects
created by heavy workloads and high vacancies are undermining the departments mission.
Through its Labor Management Committee, the New Mexico Corrections Department and
AFSCME have recognize all these life and death realities and agreed that addressing them
need to be an urgent priority.
AFSCME strongly calls upon Governor Martinez, her administration, and the NM Legislature
to tackle the issue of corrections fatigue by working with the union, and one another to
develop and implement concrete strategies and solutions addressing the crisis.
You can view each petition signer and the comments they left you below.
Thank you,
Miles Conway

1. Carl Callus (zip code: )

2. Jonathan Baca (zip code: 85364)
3. Cathy Lady (zip code: 88007)

4. Javier Smith (zip code: 88004 )

5. carla manfre (zip code: 87062)
6. Stephanie Alarcon-Lopez (zip code: 87020)
As a former correctional officer from Western New Mexico Correctional Facility I lived working
overtime everyday I had sixteen hour shifts because I was a rookie. That is why corrections has such
a high turnover rate. If the overtime was cut in half I would most likely go back to work. I hope you
take this into consideration and realize what a safety hazard it is to your state if employees.
7. Daniel Sparks (zip code: 87124)
8. Omar browning (zip code: 87020)
9. Aldo Arroyos (zip code: 87031)
10. Angel Campbell (zip code: 87740)
11. Adrianna Aragon (zip code: 87560)
12. Antonio D Aleman (zip code: 88024)
I just want to say that there are officers walking in to the facilities day in and day out. These officers
put their life in danger and do their jobs with the most high standards. We do our jobs with pride and
joy. We represent the department, a department that seems to be forgotten by the administration.
13. Jonathan Goodwin (zip code: 37013)
I am a former correctional officer of the greatest facility in the state of New Mexico, Central New
Mexico Correction Facility. AKA CNMCF, I was there for 4 years and not once did I receive a pay
raise, any kind of recognition for honorable service, or any reprieve from long hours or promotion
insentives. Ultimately I resigned and left the state. Had I received a raise or any hope of promotion I
would have stayed. I miss working there with my family, I call them family because when you spend
80% of your time at work and it just y'all versus 1800 inmates you become family. My family deserves
better than what they are getting you y'all have the power to give it to them. Please do the right thing.
14. Aaron Cole (zip code: 98501)
Please show respect for our officers.
15. Aaron Purto (zip code: 87112)
16. Aaron Dixon (zip code: 21756)
17. Anthony Baca (zip code: 87002)
I work medical at one of the state facilities and rely on the officers to provide protection to myself and
others around me, this cannot be done if they are not alert, if they are constantly working overtime
due to short staffing they will not be at their best no matter how hard they try to be, this can put me

and the officer in harms way

18. Kathy Abeita (zip code: 87105)
19. Andrea Villanueva (zip code: 87701)
20. Ruby Escalante (zip code: 88072)
21. Adrian Flores (zip code: 87701)
22. Adrian Chavez Sr. (zip code: 87102)
Curry County Adult Detention Center is a prime example of the dysfunctionality in this state.
23. Annette Gonzales (zip code: 87111)
Please take better care of your correction officers. They are doing a dangerous job and should be
taken care of and protected
24. Stacey Corey (zip code: 80731)
25. Adonica Seymour (zip code: 87020)
Please help our correctional officers. I am in a relationship with one and it is very rough on our family.
We barely get to see our officer. We also struggle with paying bills and making sure we have
groceries. We are always worried about him not coming home.
26. Adrian Martinez (zip code: 87507)
27. James Dunaway (zip code: 60803)
28. marty hathaway (zip code: 52241)
29. Angela Jones (zip code: 21229)
30. Ashley Jenkins (zip code: 31907)
31. adam ortiz (zip code: 87560)
I have been working at the penitentiary of New Mexico for 8 years now and in that time I have only
made $1.60 in raises. It is hard to make a living when we are not compensated for the work we do.
We deal with things that most people could not deal with on a daily basis. We put are lives on the line
every day.
32. Khaneekah Alexander (zip code: 21214)
33. Shaun Kuzakin (zip code: 99824)
Please support the men and women of Corrections in NM. Think of their safety and their families.

34. Annalyly Aleman (zip code: 78108)

35. aleshia vicente (zip code: 87020)
I'm sure or if any of legislation has or ever worked in corrections. Get it right for the people. Work for
days on end for low pay.
36. Alex Garcia (zip code: 87121)
37. Alexandria Madrid (zip code: 87111)
38. Alicia Cook (zip code: 88242)
My husband works for a county detention center making $16.24 an hour to risk his life every day. I
have looked at jobs for his exact position in other states and the pay they get here in New Mexico is a
lot lower than those in neighboring states. Just like I think police officers deserve a good, liveable
wage I also believe our corrections officers do as well. Creating competitive pay would not only force
the hand of county and city ran jails and detention centers to raise their wages to make these jobs
more desirable and create a safer work environment with a full staff on board. This shouldn't be a
choice for our government to increase the wages, it's a necessity. My husband is REQUIRED to work
18 hour shifts, back to back sometimes, making for 6 hours of sleep time, that's if we didn't live 30
minutes away. So in actuality he gets only 5 hours of sleep time which isn't enough for another 18
hour shift. All because they can't find enough people to work in the detention center. This is
unacceptable and dangerous! How can you expect them to protect themselves, their co workers, and
the public if they are barely able to drive to work, if they only got 4 hours of sleep because they chose
to take a shower.
39. Alisa Warner (zip code: 91932)
40. Alisha Thornton (zip code: 87020)
41. Anthony Alfero (zip code: 87p31)
42. Lisa AGUILAR (zip code: 92345)
I used to work for a corrections facility as an officer then a Sargeant and was promoted to a
lieutenant. It is a challenging career, and working too many hours can endanger their lives going to
work, during work and on the way home due to lack of rest and sleep. They have families and need to
spend quality time with them also. They deserve a pay raise, and the government needs to higher
other individuals in order to lower the wirking hours to only 8 hours. The overtime should be used in
emergencies situations only. Correctional Officers should be acknowledged more. They are men and
women risking their lives daily to keep criminals off the streets. Lisa Aguilar
43. Andreana Alvarez Diaz (zip code: 88072)
44. Linda Aragon (zip code: 87701)
45. alyssa chiwewe (zip code: 87105)

46. Mary Lou Montoya (zip code: 87105)

We need this
47. Amanda hinojosa (zip code: 87124)
48. amanda wolfe (zip code: 87021)
49. Amber Moats (zip code: 52644)
50. Anthony McCort (zip code: 87114)
51. Frank Navarrete (zip code: 87121)
52. Anastacia Griego (zip code: 87109)
53. Andrea Smith (zip code: 87106)
54. Andre Padilla (zip code: 87002)
55. Andrew Trujillo (zip code: 87121)
56. Angel Negron (zip code: 16314)
57. Angelina Quintana (zip code: 87120)
58. Angelique Martinez (zip code: 87522)
59. Angel Salazar (zip code: 87031)
This is not only affecting Correctional Officers but all Corrections Staff in NM.
60. Dirl Lee (zip code: 87020)
The governor the governor and her ministration need to realize that safety corrections staff and
inmates should be major concern.
61. Angelica Martinez (zip code: 87031)
62. Haley Ammons (zip code: 87002)
63. Anna Chavez (zip code: 87701)
64. Ann Mitchell (zip code: 85743)
65. Anthony Lobato (zip code: 87120)

66. Anthony Lovato (zip code: 87006)

67. antonio ortiz (zip code: 87104)
68. Rosanne Apodaca (zip code: 87021)
Better wages will result in more correctional officers. We are putting their lives on the line everyday.
The inmates know what is going on, it will not be long before they start retaliating because our prisons
are having to close down posts which affect them. When will someone listen to how dangerous a
correctional officers job is, hopefully when it is not to late...........
69. Michaeel Dannsa-Appiah (zip code: 20707)
Please be humane to the officers working in a high stress environment.
70. April Fraijo (zip code: 92591)
This is not fair or safe for New Mexico correctional officers. There is more man power needed and a
better system!
71. April Guerra (zip code: 88061)
72. April Garcia (zip code: 87120)
73. J Steven Archuleta (zip code: 87108)
they may do this down in the backwoods of that frayed lone star place from whence came.,,.
74. Adrian Vigil (zip code: 87020)
From a c/o himself pay is a huge factor no one wants to apply due to the wages to give us any reliefs
75. Arlene O'Kelley (zip code: 87121)
76. Jerome arroyos (zip code: 87507)
77. Teresa Arzapalo (zip code: 88001)
78. Ashley Gonzales (zip code: 87031)
79. Ana Silva (zip code: 87061)
80. Ashley Skorvanik (zip code: 87031)
My whole family works for the State of New Mexico including CYFD my cousin Jonathan Aragon is
also a county commissioner. We are all proud workers of the state and understand working overtime
and working hard. I work for medical at the prison and I see these men put in overtime every night
taking away time from their families and children. They put themselves in danger and get paid less
then McDonald's workers want to get paid or prisoners on parole working for the kitchen staff in Santa
Fe. I would hope that our state would put in effort to give the men the raise they deserve for protecting
OUR families from the drug addicts, killers, and rapists we wouldn't want standing in the grocery store

with our kids but yet the state hires for more than 15 an hour. These men deserve more.
81. Haley Hoover (zip code: 87048)
82. Antonio Tellez (zip code: 87002)
83. Audrey Poissot (zip code: 87031)
You're hurting my momma! Fix this!!!!
84. Augustine Gonzales (zip code: 87535)
85. Tim Danger (zip code: 55720)
86. Candace Acord (zip code: 52240)
87. yazmin izquierdo (zip code: 88260)
88. Bertha Jensen (zip code: [email protected])
89. Cherylann Farber (zip code: 87508)
90. Estevan Baca (zip code: 87031)
91. Jesus Andrade (zip code: 87031)
Governor Martinez I work at central New Mexico correction facility (CNMCF) I work 72 hour work
week at times I know we signed up for it but we need change please help us please help our officers
but most importantly our fellow New Mexicans
92. Patricia Henrie (zip code: 87747)
93. Bernice Alvarez (zip code: 87110)
94. Patricia Frietze Martinez (zip code: 88007)
I am disappointed in your decisions to ignore staffing levels and pay for Corrections staff! You of all
people know what we are dealing with after all you played a key role in sentencing for alot of these
Inmates. What is it going to take for you to give Corrections staff a decent raise? A tragedy like
95. Barbara Sandoval (zip code: 87002)
96. Barbara De La Cruz (zip code: 87031)
97. Cesar Barboza (zip code: 85131)
Better pay for those hard workings officers that risk their life everyday.

98. barbara zachreson senick zachreson senick (zip code: 06457)

99. Rebecca Moreno (zip code: 91932)
These are our family members you are putting in harms way to protect criminals. The least you can
do is give them adequate staff to do their jobs, so that everyone remains safe. Officers & inmates
100. Hope Benavidez (zip code: 87144)
101. Ben Martinez (zip code: 87006)
Please do not brush this under the rug, I've have worked 13 years with these conditions and it getting
worse every year.
102. Ben Garcia (zip code: 87031)
103. Ben McEachern (zip code: 87105)
104. Bryan Giron (zip code: 87002)
105. Brenda Perez (zip code: 79922)
This is a very tough and stressful job. We need the corrections officer in the system. They need
some morale and welfare because their job is very important and the community depends on the
correction facilities and the correction officers.
106. Michael Gonzales (zip code: 87111)
107. kevin Richardson (zip code: 21216)
108. Richard Garcia (zip code: 87507)
109. Dustin Bingham (zip code: 87544)
110. Tequila Blake (zip code: 21218)
corrections is one of the toughest careers, therefore entering an institution with limited equipment and
staff puts 100s of lives at stake
111. Jessica Blanton (zip code: 87031)
112. Brittany Lucero (zip code: 87031)
113. Jonenne Owens (zip code: 87031)
We need help now!
114. Gerardo Rivera (zip code: 88012)

115. Robert Sanchez (zip code: 87701)

116. Bunny Archuleta (zip code: 87051)
You need to raise the pay for these men and women who put there lives on the line every day and
hardly see there families with all the damn overtime!!!!
117. Celesty Tsosie (zip code: [email protected])
118. Rianne Abeita (zip code: 87105)
119. Ricardo Rodriguez (zip code: [email protected])
why do we get treated in corrections like we don't matter?
120. Brandy Garrison (zip code: 79070)
121. Bryanna Morgan (zip code: 87114)
122. Brenda Watson (zip code: 87505-5755)
123. Brian Chavez (zip code: 87020)
Mrs. Martinez I'm going to quote something secretary Greg Marcentile said on the A&E program
Behind Bars: Rookie. " History will repeat itself" pertaining to the 1980 riot. Please help our officers
and their families before it's to late.
124. Brian Lucero (zip code: 87560)
125. Brian Davis (zip code: 87507)
126. Bianca Raymer (zip code: 87020)
To keep our state and public safe let's find a solution to this situation and give these c/os a break. I
worked as a c/o and know the difficulty with dealing with long hours while pregnant!
127. barbara terry (zip code: 77706)
128. Bradford Archibald (zip code: 95357)
129. Josue Rivera (zip code: 87109)
Same reason I left the department
130. chad buck (zip code: 87041)
131. Raul Marquez (zip code: 87124)

132. Ivan Vice (zip code: 87144)

133. Trisha Henderson (zip code: 87121)
134. ben yocco (zip code: 87109)
135. John Ruiz (zip code: 87108)
136. Caitlyn Ryan (zip code: 87107)
137. Christopher Follomon (zip code: 03063)
138. Camille Prevost (zip code: 87102)
Your attention to this matter is crucial. Thank you
139. Candace Ortega (zip code: 87745)
140. Candace Saavedra (zip code: 87121)
141. Christine Gemoets (zip code: 87031)
142. Christopher Aragon (zip code: 87031)
143. Carah Keller (zip code: 76550)
144. estefanie murguia (zip code: 88044)
145. james carter (zip code: 87031)
If you take care of your people they will take care of you we are all doing a job with the common goal
serving the people of nm. We all need to work together to meet that goal work with us and we will
work you
146. cassandra rodriguez (zip code: 88047)
147. cat United States (zip code: 90250)
148. Catherine Tafoya (zip code: 87701)
149. charles bielanski (zip code: 26726)
150. Carter Bundy (zip code: 87501)
151. CC Reilly (zip code: 87102)

152. Chris Bengtson (zip code: 56367)

153. Chris Drew (zip code: 87031)
154. eddie chism (zip code: 93535)
155. Cesar Castellanos (zip code: 87505)
156. Chris Romero (zip code: 87002)
157. Juan ruiz (zip code: 88001)
158. Charles Stewart (zip code: 99515)
159. Chase Berg (zip code: 76310)
160. Chasity Lucero (zip code: 87120)
Give the corrections deparent the pay they derserve. They house the worse of the worse that NM has
to offer. My husband was the man in uniform that was assaulted by an inmate recently charged with
murdering a police officer. His actions to keep himself, his coworkers, and all inmates safe has been
ongoing for 7 years. Give him gratitude in what he does and the pay him and his hardworking fellow
officers deserve.
161. Yvonne Mendoza (zip code: 88011)
162. hazel chavez (zip code: 87006)
163. Antonio Chavira (zip code: 87031)
164. Asja White (zip code: 87020)
165. April Tafoya (zip code: 87123)
166. Chena rowe Rowe (zip code: 92345)
167. Shawna Van Zuiden (zip code: 87124)
168. edgar Galvez (zip code: 78745)
169. Richard Chilelli (zip code: 87031)
Dear Gov. Martinez,
Please consider changing out the entire Corrections administration. It is by far the most questionable
administration to date. Wouldn't even know where to begin. Thank you

170. Daniel Gonzales (zip code: 87121)

171. Christina semenchuk (zip code: 87020)
172. Christopher Reece (zip code: 87144)
173. chris Marquez (zip code: 87105)
Help us
174. Christa Trujillo (zip code: 87121)
Dear Governor Martinez,
Please consider this letter and effort to work on the crisis at the NM Corrections facilities.
Thank you!
175. Christopher Salas (zip code: 87540)
Due to the long hours and short staff our facility has become unsafe. Our officers are exhausted
working 16 hour shifts four to five days a week. We are covering multiple positions to make the facility
run. This leaves areas unmanned. This is just asking for somebody to get hurt. Officers leave
constantly because of being far to overworked and under paid.
176. Christopher Sanchez (zip code: 87114)
177. Brenda Jaramillo (zip code: 87121)
178. Catherine Jojola (zip code: 87105)
179. Sebastian Curris (zip code: 87031)
Stop ignoring the facts and do something about it.
180. Tom Gammon (zip code: 87112)
181. Clayton Wright (zip code: 76309)
The staff to offender ratio in New Mexico does not meet statutory standards.
Pay and coverage are be low for staff needs.
This is a high stress job and like it.
182. Clorinda Baca (zip code: 87020)
183. Carissa Martinez (zip code: 87031)
Our CO's are not the bad guys here. They need to stop being treated like they are.
184. clyde skipper (zip code: 97305)
185. Christine Rarrick (zip code: 87114)

186. Trinidad Padilla (zip code: 87031 )

187. Magdiel Cobos (zip code: 87121)
188. Bryan Collins (zip code: 87114)
189. Brian Burch (zip code: 52403)
190. Connie Derr (zip code: 87048)
Gov. Martinez - Please prioritize the safety of our corrections officers. These officers are working
hours neither you nor I ever work and the work itself is dangerous and very necessary. They should
be paid a competitive wage, which in turn will help with recruitment, as well as retention of officers.
This critical issue demands your attention.
191. Nicholas Olguin (zip code: 87031)
I was a correctional officer at CNMCF for about 4 years. I left in 2013 due to being hired at BNSF
railway. While at the prison i also worked so much overtime i couldnt function most of the time, i
couldnt spend time with my family. Also it made my job more dangerous because i was not 100% able
to protect by brother or sister next to me. At the prison i was making 13 dollars an hour and 19.50
when i worked overtime now at bnsf i get payed 32 dollars an hour yes the job i do now is dangerous
but the prison was far worse. I am still friends with everyone still working there and i support they
need higher wages governer martinez put on a uniform and walk in there for a week i guarantee you
will have nightmares its sad how this issue was brought to your attention when i first started there,
when i left there, and still is. I know this letter will probably get no where since it does not benefit your
pockets governer martinez but it felt good to put in the effort.
192. Mary Gonzales (zip code: 87002)
I support improving the Correction Officers' situation, we don't want to lose them to someplace else.
193. Sherrie Cormier (zip code: 87002)
Get this fixed our family members are at risk!!!!
194. Valerie Martinez (zip code: 87701)
corrections is a tought job, need be on your toes, and aware , not just a body to cover the shift,
please have enough workers so they do not have to exhaust themselves and be in harms way, for
themselves and others,,this job you need to be alert and not over worked
195. casey padilla (zip code: 87110)
We need to maintain the staffing levels to insure proper public safety!
196. tamara hall (zip code: 87114)
Something is very wrong with the system when health care insurance premiums go up at the same
time corrections officers get a so-called "raise" and the end result is LESS take home pay!!!
197. Rachael Arbogast (zip code: 87031)

198. Ignacio Castillo (zip code: 87031)

199. joel turnbull (zip code: 87121)
200. Cynthia Chavez (zip code: 87031)
201. Cesar Really vas (zip code: 87144)
202. Jaclyn Lopez (zip code: 87552)
203. Thomas Harrell (zip code: 87031)
204. Crystal Armijo (zip code: 87031)
A change needs to happen and fast. Higher well deserved pay for these officers and better
staffing,unless you'd like to take their position with the same pay and hours. I think not Mrs. Martinez.
Anyone can see that it's not only the officers suffering in this thankless job, it's their families also.
205. Crystal Sena (zip code: 87031)
206. Carol Singletary (zip code: 88101)
207. Chuck Stout (zip code: 62044)
I love visiting New Mexico and I would love it all the more if you treated your workers fairly.
208. Cindy Anaya (zip code: 07028)
209. Shauneen Unis (zip code: 87105)
My husand puts his life on the line everyday so the public can feel safe. He also sacrifices alot of
family time to provide this service. Proper compensation is onlyright and fair!!!!!
210. Curtis Schattschneider (zip code: 87532)
211. lupita padilla (zip code: 87105)
212. Cynthia ARROSSA (zip code: 87020)
Please help save our dedicated employees and recruit more quality people to Corrections Thank you
213. deborah roldan (zip code: 96701)
214. David apodaca (zip code: 88004)
The pay is to low and it's back to 25 year retirement, ,,,, in 2-3 years snmcf,, u will have around 25
officers retirement from mostly supervisor

215. Dennis Duran (zip code: 87506)

216. David Henderson (zip code: 15243)
217. Lisa James-Henson (zip code: 21229)
218. Danica Christensen (zip code: 88012)
219. Danica Lawson (zip code: 87110)
220. Daniel Grant (zip code: 87031)
Governor please take a look at what we are going through and have a heart
221. Danielle Garcia (zip code: 87031)
222. Daniel saucedo (zip code: 87108)
223. Danielle Gomez (zip code: 87110)
224. Lisa Montoya (zip code: 87701)
225. Darryl Shrader (zip code: 87105)
226. William Price (zip code: 88007)
227. David Gonzales (zip code: 87109)
Our system needs change and staff need more pay to help the low staffing issues
228. Dawnn McCrea (zip code: 87031)
229. Daisy Zavala (zip code: 88005)
They go in to the facility not knowing how the day might be,dealing wwith rapist,murderers, etc. For
what they get paid you go risk your life like they do..... They have a family they need to come home
too in a daily basis
230. Dominic Baca (zip code: 87120)
Help the citizens that voted for you as well as the state employee that did
231. Darius Chapito (zip code: 87020)
232. Dennis Araujo (zip code: 87114)
take three days to work in a facility for 16 hrs. With no weapons, just you.

233. ngelo Dixon (zip code: 96706)

234. Daniel Dore (zip code: 87121)
235. Debbie Gabaldon (zip code: 87002)
This is a must needed institution. We have enough people out of work struggling why would you do
this to more.
236. deborah williams (zip code: 21856)
237. Debra Lovato (zip code: 87002)
We need your support our officers lives are at risk everyday and they are tired. Keep our community
safe and our officers
238. Deborah Edeal (zip code: 88220)
These corrections officers are over worked and under paid. They deserve more respect than this.
239. Deborah Abeyta (zip code: 87006)
Please hire more correction officers. This situation can lead to a dangerous situation and put lives at
stake. What is the quality of your personal life when you have to work 72 hours a week? Please put
yourself in the correction officers shoes. Thak you.
240. Deidra Aviles (zip code: 87105)
241. Nydia De La Garza (zip code: 88044)
242. Shelby Delgarito (zip code: 87020)
243. Delilah Torrez (zip code: 88012)
244. Delilah DeAnda (zip code: 87031)
245. Demitria Gonzales (zip code: 87042)
246. Denise Portell (zip code: 87109)
247. Denisse Garcia (zip code: 87121)
248. Dennis Garcia (zip code: 87031)
249. Derrick Valencia (zip code: 87031)
250. Derrick Barela (zip code: 87031)

251. anthony devargas (zip code: 87020)

252. Tiffany martinez (zip code: 87020)
253. James Chavez (zip code: 87031)
I wake up worried everyday knowing that when I get to work I will not be safe we do not have the staff
to do our job the right way and on top of that I don't know if I will get to pick up my kids from school
because I will have to work mandatory overtime at that point I just pray that I can find someone who
will pick them up. We are dying just trying to make it on the pay it is like we have to scavenge to make
254. desiree sena (zip code: 87507)
Lets help make the Correction system safer for our officers so they can help make the Community
safer for the public.!
255. Daniel Gorman (zip code: 55084)
256. Donald Henry (zip code: 88203)
257. Diana Moreno (zip code: 91932)
258. Diane Malone (zip code: 88005)
259. diondra Flores (zip code: 87701)
260. Desiree Gallegos (zip code: 87031)
My husband is a Sergeant at the Los Lunas facility. He has been there 17 years and deserves to be
compensated for his hard work and dedication risking his life every day to keep our community safe.
261. Mary Serra (zip code: 16335)
Please do not let history be repeated by overworked employees.
262. Carrol Jaramillo (zip code: 87109)
263. Deborah K Martin (zip code: 87120)
Protect your officers and it can protect the public and private sectors including their families. Thank
264. Dorian Billy (zip code: 87020)
265. Damian Lucero (zip code: 87031)
Help us overworked underpayed and unappreciated individuals feel appreciated by the officials
governing us
266. Desiree Montoya (zip code: 87031)

Please change things.

267. Dominic Padilla (zip code: 97931)
268. Dominique Ambriz (zip code: 87002)
Need better working conditions and higher pay ASAP
269. Dominic Garley (zip code: 87401)
270. DonnaJo Grant (zip code: 87031)
271. dorian johnson (zip code: 21217)
272. dorin michael (zip code: 87120)
273. donette souter (zip code: 87105)
274. Jennette Christensen (zip code: 88001)
275. Danielle Padilla (zip code: 87002)
276. Daniela Wilson (zip code: 87144)
My daughter works in the correction system and they are understaffed, mandated to work overtime
when not rested enough to work an additional 8 hour shift. Not trained correctly to handle these
criminals and the official warden of the jail is more concerned of the inmates safety and happiness
than the correction officers.
277. Donna Sylvestre (zip code: 87002)
One of the major issues with the low pay is that NMCD does NOT get quality applicants to apply or
those that do take the New Mexico training and go to surrounding states. NMCD at one point had a
ACA accredited Academy that was 5th in the nation. The passing of the infamous Senate Bill 207 in
2009 also stops very qualified personnel from returning to any State, City or County employment
under penalty of loosing our hard earned pensions. This certainly limits a very qualified employee
pool from returning to serve agencies in areas where they cannot get otherwise qualified applicants.
There are people who thrive on quality work ethics and public service. The few highly publicized
cases were just that, very few, highly publicized and designed to make the new Governor (Gov
Martinez) look bad. In reality there are few retiree's who even want to come back to public service, but
those of us who want to continue in public service should not be penalized for our previous service.
Resend Senate Bill 207 passed in 2009 NOW. You would get some qualified retirees to return to
NMCD. Anything would be a help. Our training, experience and service is very hard to replace. Not
everyone can work in Corrections.
278. Greg Garcia (zip code: 88101 )
The corrections department is a mess and in 30+ years of working have never experienced the stress
and corruptness from management as I have in my 7 long years at probation/parole.

279. Daniel Saunders (zip code: 87316)

For this type of work we do an all the time we spend in our facilities we deserve a pay raise. We put
ourselves in a line of duty that no other well do. There are only a few of us do what we do for our
community. An our number goal is to go HOME SAFE.
280. Solis Daniel (zip code: 87506)
281. Daniel Williams (zip code: 87031)
Hi Governor Martinez. I've been employed with the department of corrections for 4 years now. I work
72 hours of overtime a week. I have a family that I only see in my days off. I'm constantly tired
because of the hours I work. I loyal to this department and would appreciate if u could address this
matter and just give us a little help with the salary so we can retain officers and keep the good officers
we have with the department. Thank you and have a good evening.
282. Diana Padilla (zip code: 87144)
283. Don Zavodny (zip code: 68528)
284. Efrain Acosta (zip code: 79932)
Love my job and everything about but we do deserve more pay for what we go through daily...i work at
Southern...this line says it all..This work schedule prevents officers from having adequate time for
recovery, self care, or their families.
285. Kalvin Easterling (zip code: 87031)
286. Esperanza Baca (zip code: 87552)
287. Phyllis Ebell (zip code: 87120)
Please keep our corrections officers safe.
288. Eddie Caumiant (zip code: 62220)
289. Eduardo Araiza (zip code: 88021)
290. Emilio Sandoval (zip code: 87031)
291. Eileen Chavez (zip code: 87533)
292. David Lamb (zip code: 87002)
293. Elina Schaffino (zip code: 87114)
294. Elisha Cooper (zip code: 87104)

295. Enrique Mejia (zip code: 87507)

296. Elaine Maes (zip code: 87121)
Start paying these men and women more for putting their lives on the line every single day and
working outrageous OT all the time with 72 hr work weeks!
297. emily Moore (zip code: 87120)
298. Emmitt Bland (zip code: 87031)
Why is the pay band going to be lowered after this year? Is that so the administration can avoid pay
increases? By lowering the median?
299. Emily Naranjo (zip code: 87031)
300. Lynelle Trujillo (zip code: 87031)
301. Esther Padilla (zip code: 87031)
I worked in the correctional facility and these men and women that have been chosen to protect us
from the convicts are working too many hours due to not enough incentives for new hires. It starts off
as a wonderful paying job until you realize for 4 days a week its mandated you work 16 hours a day
with your drive time and no time for any personal time or families. Lets get with it... I understand some
officers WANT overtime but lets hire and keep officers with pay so they do not HAVE to work so many
302. Era Sue Jones (zip code: 87506)
Governor Martinez and legislature. I personally agree with what the union spokesman has to say. I am
no longer an employee of corrections because I did not and still do not agree with how unethical the
administration is at Corrections in the State of NM.
From my time at PNM (2005 to 2014) I followed the so called CRED and I made darn sure that my
skills and my job duties allowed PNM the ability to become reaccedited through the Anerican
Correctional Association in 2012. In 2014 to 2015 I accepted a position at Central Office as an
Internal Auditor and traveling to ... other state and contracted facilities I witnessed a large amount of
information from fellow employees and co-workers. My questions to you are as followed:
How can a parolee, probationer be earning more money than our Correctional Officers? Plus policy
indicates that no financial transactions should take place (I witness people in the past being fired for
such but it occurs everyday at the training academy dining hall).
Why is the vacancy rate for COs at an all time low?
Why is it that Roswell, Southern NM Corecctional Facility, Central Office, NMCD Training Academy,
Corrections Industries can not pass an Anerican Correctional Association Audit? I have the answers
and all you need to do is ask and I shall speak. I ask you all to conduct your own walk through an
audit should be conducted. Especially in Food Service at PNM and the training academy.
There so many things that go on at corrections that shouldn't be going on. I sincerly hope that you will
take it to heart to listen to those that need to be listened to.
Thank you in advance for your tine,
Era Sue Jones
303. eric arias (zip code: 88012)

304. Ericka Romero (zip code: 87002)

305. Eric Schlotterer (zip code: 87144)
306. Eliana Santillan (zip code: 88012)
307. Elias Sandoval (zip code: 87031)
You know what needs to be done do it. Its about time you take care of your people that provide public
308. Esteban Gonzales (zip code: 87031)
I work at cnmcf. We are short staffed and underpayed. Would love to see more requirement.
309. Theresa Estrada (zip code: 87712)
310. Eva Abeyta (zip code: 87532)
311. ezekiel Davis (zip code: 87109)
312. Felicia Jaramillo (zip code: 87031)
I am a wife to a correctional officer that's been wotaking for the los lunas prison for a little over three
years. Fellow correctional officers who have just started less then a year ago are making more then
my husband. There is so much mandatory overtime that he never gets to see me or his two daughters
(2 years and 5 months). Something needs to happen to all these men and woman who get treated
like their jobs are so easy, because they truly have one of the toughest jobs out there.
313. Leo Miranda (zip code: 87120)
I'm retired now, but certainly understand, and have first hand experience of how short falls of being
under staffed can absolutely endanger fatigued staff, and the families that have to deal with the
absence of their family members. Enhanced benefits, and pay would most definitely attract more
interest thus fully staffing facilities, and allowing all to enrich their respective quality of life with their
families. Some are single parents who have to choose to continue to work for corrections, or go on
public assistance. Some have had to do both work in corrections, and rely on public assistance to
make ends meet. It's perfectly understandable that Corrections is not on any legislator's list of
priorities, but these concerns aren't something to continue to be ignored.
314. Manuel Hernandez (zip code: 88005)
315. Leslie Neice (zip code: 87111)
These correction officers need your help, asap XT
316. Freddy Rivera (zip code: 88201)
Please help restore our numbers, it is getting more and more dangerous for my COs to do their jobs.
Inmates see our lack of numbers and don't listen anymore, someone is gonna be hurt. We need
higher wages and the support of our Administration to get our numbers up. Please help Lt Freddy

Rivera one of your SORT Commanders

317. Kathi kurth (zip code: 87020)
318. Andrew Flores (zip code: 88119)
319. Flor Vargas (zip code: 88011)
They are officers as well and deserve the respect they deserve they risk their lives more than a cop
driving around town pulling people over and they get paid more get you system fixed stop babying all
these criminals and invest in your employees not the criminals
320. David W. Proffitt (zip code: 87002)
Don't you people remember the riot in Santa Fe at the state penitentiary? Maybe we should be
proactive? Just a thought!
321. Fernando Ramirez (zip code: 79911)
322. Franchesca Garcia (zip code: 87701)
323. Franki Caraveo (zip code: 87301)
324. Fred W Johnson (zip code: 87121)
Save NM Corrections
325. Jordin Cordova (zip code: 87031)
326. Terri Mora (zip code: 87121)
Make it happen! Where are your priorities? You are empowering the inmates, not the CO's! Let's get
something right for once!
327. Christopher Duffy (zip code: 21740)
328. gregory stiger (zip code: 16101)
329. Guadalupe Trevizo (zip code: 87102)
330. glenn russell (zip code: 52241)
331. Gabriel Martinez (zip code: 87124)
332. Jeremy Garley (zip code: 87031)
333. gary chavez (zip code: 87002)

334. Gayle Barajas (zip code: 87002)

335. Galterio Camara (zip code: 88021)
336. linda hogg (zip code: 87740)
337. GARY J. PARMELEE SR. (zip code: 34293)
338. Gerardo Ibarra (zip code: 88047)
Help them get what is needed
339. gerald firkus (zip code: 55783)
340. Gerard FLORES (zip code: 69101)
341. Gerald Fidler (zip code: 20152)
342. Ginny Taylor (zip code: 87144)
343. Gilbert Graue (zip code: 87124)
344. Gianna Williams (zip code: 90505)
345. Gilberto LOZANO (zip code: 87121)
We need help
346. Gina CDeBaca (zip code: 87102)
347. Giovani Miranda (zip code: 87508)
348. AMANDA JARAMILLO (zip code: 87031)
349. Margie Garley (zip code: 87112)
350. Guillermina Mejia (zip code: 08817)
351. glenard middleton (zip code: 21209)
352. Susan Gutierrez (zip code: 87107)
This needs to change
353. terry johnston (zip code: 87144)

354. Jeff Grabenstein (zip code: 21502)

355. brittany martinez (zip code: 87111)
356. Jonathan Farber (zip code: 87508)
357. Gerard Johnson (zip code: 21214)
358. Glenn Lisowy (zip code: 55038)
359. Alicia Hertera (zip code: 87020)
360. Denise Guillen (zip code: 88011)
361. Sharon Skelley (zip code: 21502)
362. Brenda Hochstein (zip code: 87123)
Think about those who protect your family from thugs
363. James Hakeman (zip code: 87108)
364. Cody Hall (zip code: 87031)
I have worked for the DOC for almost two years now. With all of this MANDATORY OVERTIME we are
forced too work has become overwhelming for most of us if not all of us. We lose out on so many
things with our family's. Some of us have children and we miss out on a lot of them growing up. We
don't get to make that special bond as parents with our children and they don't understand that we
have no choice but to be away from them and our families working 72 hours a week and some of us
only get about 4 to 5 hours of sleep each night. It becomes dangerous to not only the facility but to the
officers them self
365. Nikki White (zip code: 87124)
366. Jessica Rosenbarker (zip code: 87747)
367. harry henderson (zip code: 87124)
368. heather hanson (zip code: 55021)
369. Heather Franco (zip code: 88220)
370. Heather Cary (zip code: 87002)
As the wife of a retired correctional officer, I have seen first hand the amazing and loyal officers work
long hours and every holiday. They love their jobs and it costs them precious time with the family that
they can never get back. It also costs them their health. So many have high blood pressure and

trouble sleeping. The least we can do is pay them well for their sacrifice.
371. hector gallegos jr (zip code: 87121)
372. Henry Anguiano (zip code: 87144)
373. renee padilla (zip code: 87031)
374. Hillary Kanikaynar (zip code: 87124)
375. Robert Dukes (zip code: 21222)
376. Heather Owsley (zip code: 87120)
377. Mike hohman (zip code: 87023)
378. Jason Saldivar (zip code: 79714)
379. Carl Martinez (zip code: 87701)
380. Roy Barrett (zip code: 87105)
381. Euila Nunez (zip code: 87007)
382. Brett Garner (zip code: 87031)
383. Lilly Rodriguez (zip code: 88001)
384. edward reagan (zip code: 21740)
385. Isabele Rodriguez (zip code: 97913)
386. Ivy Woolfolk (zip code: 87507)
387. Tuu Tupelu (zip code: 89107)
The low pay is probably your biggest issue. I live in Las Vegas Nevada and put serious thought into
moving to Las Cruces to work at southern New Mexico correctional facility because my father worked
there for many many years. Currently I work part time for Clark County juvenile detention services
and my hourly rate is the same as your PO and CO Pay rate. The safety of employees should be a
top priority, maybe the state of New Mexico should use "PTH" part-time hourly employees That are
properly trained to help fill-in!!!
388. Brittany Schaefer (zip code: 80004)

389. Ralph Portwood (zip code: 60441)

390. Ivan Martinez (zip code: 88021)
391. Justin Russell (zip code: 87941)
392. Paul H Martinez (zip code: 87002)
393. Toby Trujillo (zip code: 87105)
394. Toby Trujillo (zip code: 87105)
Stop ignoring reality, listen to the men and women of our state, before the repeat of another 1980 riot.
One that I was envolved in, and pray never happens again.
395. Jacob Bradshaw (zip code: 87020 )
People at allsups are making the same out of money per hour as corrections officers with ten years
396. Jacob Prtiz (zip code: 87560)
397. Jacob Larrea (zip code: 79912)
398. James Adkins (zip code: 43344)
Please stop the unnecessary mandatory overtime.
399. Patrick Archuleta (zip code: 87507)
400. jaime ortega (zip code: 87031)
401. scott terrance (zip code: 21133)
402. Donn James (zip code: 62650)
403. J Thomas (zip code: 88012)
404. Janet Sanchez (zip code: 88012)
405. Jarison Jim (zip code: 87020)
406. Jasmine Telles (zip code: 79821)
407. jason moats (zip code: 52644)
make the funding to add more staff

408. Jason Garcia (zip code: 87031)

409. Jamie Turner (zip code: 87031)
410. Jordan Barkley (zip code: 20735)
411. Blanca Campos (zip code: 79928)
412. Jose Beltran (zip code: 91906)
Save this place, they need your help.
413. Jacqueline Bengfort (zip code: 87121)
414. Julius Chapo (zip code: 87323)
415. Jesus Saldivar (zip code: 88001)
416. Erica Martinez (zip code: 87120)
417. Jessica lebya (zip code: 87121)
418. Jennifer Velasquez (zip code: 89002)
419. Jennifer Vecchio (zip code: 32404)
Mandatory overtime is the main reason I left NM corrections.
420. Jennie Trujillo (zip code: 87035)
421. Jeremy McCabe (zip code: 87310)
Corrections is the most unrecognized backbone of Law Enforcement... They need our respect and
support... I am a former Sergeant with Western.. The hours were hard and stressing... Due to
personal issues I choice to leave and if I could go back I'd go in a heartbeat...
422. Jeremy Garcia (zip code: 87110)
423. Jennifer (zip code: 87749)
424. Claudia J. Rodriguez (zip code: 87002)
425. Jessica Garcia (zip code: 87031)
426. Jessica Griego (zip code: 87031)

427. jessica milliken (zip code: 85035)

428. Jessica Sandoval (zip code: 87121)
429. Jessica Franco (zip code: 87031)
Please pay the officers what their worth
430. Jesus Salinas (zip code: 88005)
431. andrew clawson (zip code: 87020)
I work in corrections and feel very strongly that it needs to stay due to the facttjatrhat is how my family
432. John Branch (zip code: 87041)
433. Joe Guzynski (zip code: 90017)
434. james howell (zip code: 15243)
435. Jeff Hughes (zip code: 17202)
436. jim lyman (zip code: 12211)
437. Jessica Rountree (zip code: 87740)
438. Jack Hughes (zip code: 21801)
439. Joan Kotanko (zip code: 12734)
440. Jaymi Chavez (zip code: 87740)
441. Jessica Lopez (zip code: 87035)
442. Joseph Pyjas (zip code: 14170)

443. jason Hanski (zip code: 89408)

444. Neely Hanski (zip code: 89408)
445. JOANNE PELS (zip code: 56484)

446. Jodie Sanchez (zip code: 87121)

447. Joe Chavez (zip code: 88005)
Correct this our it's our lives your employees your dealing with!!!!!
448. joseph fabiano (zip code: 06489)
449. Joe Gutierrez (zip code: 87020)
450. Joseph HENRRIQUEZ (zip code: 88012)
451. Joel Villarreal (zip code: 87110)
452. Joseph Miller (zip code: 54016)
You're not able to contribute in a good way with no sleep. Help these poor people.
453. joe williams (zip code: 87111)
454. Joey Gonzales (zip code: 87020)
Please consider this. We are under staffed. Most C/O'S don't get to see there families. They are
having to call in just to rest which isn't fair. We need to up the pay to keep who we have and recruit
who we need. Our jobs are dangerous enough without being tired or fatigued.
455. John Salmonson (zip code: 87112)
456. john hillyard (zip code: 55025)
457. John Rich (zip code: 87114)
458. JP Valdez (zip code: 87740)
459. Jocyln Gonzalez (zip code: 87109)
460. Jolene Jaramillo (zip code: 87031)
461. Joyce Medina (zip code: 87144)
Please please help.
462. Jonathan Garcia (zip code: 87031)
Working conditions are incredibly poor and underpaid for this type of work.
463. GERALD JONES (zip code: 50208)

464. Jonathan E Maldonado (zip code: 87031)

We really would appreciate it if you can please do what you can for us. Thank you Susan Martinez
465. Danielle Jordan (zip code: 87031)
466. Jorge Solis-Flores (zip code: 87144)
Being one of the most underpaid Corrections Officers in the United States is a slap in the face. Is our
work not needed? If not what will be done with the inamtes, who will watch the predators if we aren't
here? You should rethink on why you hate us. Maybe something personal? I don't know but you
should take your time and come put yourself in our shoes , and see if you can feed you family and pay
the bills with what we earn.
467. Joseph Broge (zip code: 55082)
Corrections Officers cannot maintain a safe environment when required to labor for extended hours in
an extremely high stress (and dangerous) environment.
468. Joshua Camiscioni (zip code: 88101)
469. Josh Anderson (zip code: 87123)
470. Joshua Sigala (zip code: 79935)
471. Jon-Michael Perea (zip code: 87031)
I have friends in corrections and considered going into it myself until I realized I'd basically be giving
up my life with little time to spend with my family under the current work hour requirements.
Something needs to be done.
472. Nicole Mares (zip code: 87740)
Support correction officers
473. John Pollard (zip code: 20011)
474. Juan Vergara (zip code: 87031)
475. James Roberts (zip code: 84096)
Coming from a very similar situation, I can assure you it is worth the money to keep your correctional
officers safe by keeping proper staffing patterns in your correctional facilities. Lets keep officers and
offenders safe.
476. John Montoya (zip code: 87560)
477. Jessica urbina (zip code: 87020)
We need change! Most defiantly a raise!!!!!!
478. Joshua Meager (zip code: 21502)

479. Joshua Sprunk (zip code: 87121)

We risk our lives everyday,show us that we matter
480. Jared Salas (zip code: 87031)
481. Juanita Flores (zip code: 87565)
Please help our men n woman
482. Julie Lopez (zip code: 87020)
Need to raise the pay for all corrections employees not just one certain groups. It takes every position
to run a facility correctly and every employee needs higher pay.
483. Justin Romero (zip code: 87007)
484. Justine Marquez (zip code: 87031)
485. jeff vars (zip code: 55076)
486. Micheal Murphy (zip code: 87108)
I loved my job and Co workers.. they deserve better.. more pay less hours,, more repect from the law
enforcement agencies, ,and most of all the pubilc. .support your loco correction department...
487. Keith Pallesen (zip code: 87112)
We need a raise
488. Art Maldonado (zip code: 88007)
489. keisha moore (zip code: 60652)
490. Karina Salazar (zip code: 75751)
491. Carolyn Huston (zip code: 87031)
492. kathleen bartling (zip code: 87042)
493. Kathy Gurule (zip code: 87031)
494. katy Martinez (zip code: 88021)
495. phoebe kahookaulana (zip code: 96817)
496. Kaylan Orton (zip code: 87031)
I know several officers in the prison. I hear that they are required to work almost 20 hours of overtime
in one week. This is not OK the officers suffer as well as their families. Please put a stop to this.

497. Jesus Jimenez (zip code: 80011)

We are left behind in pay and in safety. We are under appreciated, and always looking for a better job.
This isn't worth it for the pay and support we get.
498. Keith Brandon (zip code: 87120)
499. Katie Coakley (zip code: 22206)
Please do the right thing and help keep these public service workers safe!
500. Kelda Clough (zip code: 87114)
501. Kem Huelskamp (zip code: 87508)
I fear that our politicians won't here us until we have another riot!!! or another officer looses their life!
502. kenar Kenarov (zip code: 87114)
503. Kerrie Salazar (zip code: 87002)
504. Kristina Escamilla (zip code: 87110)
505. Katya Narvaiz (zip code: 87144)
506. Kimberly Valenzuela (zip code: 87714)
507. kimberly Taylor (zip code: 60443)
508. Fidel Coronado (zip code: 87113)
509. Ken Parras (zip code: 87031)
I retired from CNMCF almost 10-yrs ago and it appears nothing has change in regards to the safety of
the staff. There was always a shortage of c.o.s and alot of overtime due to this same problem.It is a
threat to the security of the institute and inmates, just like any law inforcement job lives are in danger
and it could cost the state a lot more in damages and loss of life (1980 riot in Santa Fe). So give
decisive action now before it is to late. thank you.
510. kevin kotanko (zip code: 21734)
511. Kelly Easterling (zip code: 87032)
512. Kelly Easterling (zip code: 87031)
My son works for the state facility in Los Luna's he is exhausted they are short staffed and everyday
someone is is quitting. They have no time for family and I am concerned for all there safety prisoners

know they are week and understaffed they need pay raises and normal work schedule one day
overtime is not bad but everyday that's insane. I am very concerned for my sons safety and my
nephews and all that work there. Higher pay will get people to sign on and serve proudly
513. Kristie pitts (zip code: 85143)
514. Duane Easterling (zip code: 87031)
Your killing our families
Better yet in Santa Fe you have a parole working as a cook making more money than the officers
themselves what a blow to there ego . Trying to figure out how a parole whom these guards were
watching even passed the background well he did not but officers are put through a battery of test
again another blow to there pride and ego they work hard and now 72 hours the guards look like
zombies even there days off they can not regain there sanity HELP NOW YOU ARE KILLING
WONDERFUL GUARDS and forcing them to choose sanity over there jobs and most are choosing
sanity and quitting .
515. Cody Dunning (zip code: 87020)
Give the money to the people that deserve it,the ones leaving their families home alone, running
themselves and lives into the ground for this state for pennies. No you give it to the person who was
QUITING our department. Good desicion.
516. Julianna Koob (zip code: 87106)
Please make our prisons safer by supporting our corrections officers. It's crucial to decreasing rape
and violence in prisons.
517. Kori Colbath (zip code: 87114)
Please please do something to help keep these amazing officers. They deserve to have a competitive
wage and not have to spend 16+ hours at work.
518. Kori Madrid (zip code: 87031)
519. Chris Norman (zip code: 88220)
Give the men and women of corrections the respect, a safe working environment and the pay they
deserve. Get rid of the marcantel and booker clowns they are creating unsafe working conditions and
making an embarrassment out of a noble profession. Their incompetent leadership is the reason I
resigned after 12 yrs of loyal dedicated service.
520. kristin Gallegos (zip code: 87020)
521. Kristin Bennett (zip code: 87111)
522. kim ritchey (zip code: 87031)
523. Giovanny Rivera (zip code: 87031)
524. kyle Perlich (zip code: 55318)

525. Krystle Salcido (zip code: 87020)

526. Krystle Esch (zip code: 87110)
527. kamala srikar (zip code: 20854)
528. Kimberly Valdez (zip code: 87031)
529. Karen Valentine (zip code: 19962)
530. douglas kyei (zip code: 21144)
We are 110% behind the new Mexico correctional officers and we know together we will win safe work
place practices for the staff.
531. Kyle Medeiros (zip code: 87031)
If your going to be tougher on crime you need more correctional officers! Make their pay competitive
with surrounding law enforcement!
532. Lesie Montoya (zip code: 87031)
533. cristina mendez (zip code: 87108)
534. Suzanne Schulz (zip code: 87002-8141)
535. Dellyne Bailon (zip code: 87111)
536. Carol Lamb (zip code: 81089)
537. Johnny Mccants (zip code: 88012)
538. Peter Laraia (zip code: 33852)
539. Luis Archuleta (zip code: 87533)
540. larissa baldonado (zip code: 87031)
541. Larry Gallegis (zip code: 87031)
Governor Martinez I am a 20 year veteran with the NMCD department.Both myself and family have
given our lives to this job. pay is the most important issue for all of us. I have given up many holidays
thanksgiving, christmas, birthdays to be here at work.Pay raises need to be given across the
order to hire and keep the staff that is already here we need hire wages. We are to the point that a 2
or 3% increase no longer cuts it. We don't sit behind a desk and a computer all day long. We sit
behind a fence that is covered in razor wire with nothing but a radio to keep you and the public safe
from murderers like Michael Astoria and Andrew romero. Governor I love my job and I love keeping

the public safe. I just love my family more! 72 hours a week mandatory. Governor how would you feel
if you were told on your husband's or kids birthday or Christmas that you could not go home. That you
will be working a double shift because the facility was to short. Now try being told that every day!!
542. Lauta Chavez (zip code: 88032)
543. LaVonne Gold (zip code: 87031)
544. linda Bland (zip code: 87031)
545. janet evaro (zip code: 88033)
546. lindsey darnell (zip code: 87002)
Please help my husband is a corrections officer and now more than ever I am terrified ever time he
goes to work he may not come home please help.
547. Laura Rain (zip code: 87121)
548. Alexis Tafoya (zip code: 87031)
I feel that they work so much to protect us and help out. They are putting their life in danger everyday
and to think not only 8 but 16 hours a day. I feel they need a chance to be heard and this would be
their chance.
549. Leeanns Olguin (zip code: 87020)
550. Lee Baca (zip code: 87569)
551. leighton vanderburgh (zip code: 06516)
552. Arlene Lukes (zip code: 87002)
553. Leona Chavez (zip code: 87031)
554. Samantha Garza (zip code: 87192)
555. Alexis Lopez (zip code: 87031)
It's time to give these men and women what they deserve. If you fail the people that protect your way
of life they will begin to fail you. Be grateful for the work that they do. Don't just expect it.
556. Lyz Foster (zip code: 87031)
557. Lisa Gutierrez (zip code: 87121)
558. Alicia Marquez (zip code: 87108)

559. Anna Koktan (zip code: 55318)

560. Tammie Gutierrez (zip code: 88001)
561. Loretta Pino Yazzie (zip code: 87110)
562. Nancy Trujillo (zip code: 87105)
563. Lillian saavedra (zip code: 87120)
564. Linda Sprunk (zip code: 87121)
Shame on you that you don't appreciate our men and women of Corrections their lives their pay and
their state of mind that's my son your abusing the prisoners have more of a life then the CO's.
565. Lindsey Selva (zip code: 87114)
566. Lynette Padilla (zip code: 87031)
567. Loyna Kamakeeaina (zip code: [email protected])
568. Marcos Pagan (zip code: 00601)
569. leonard loga (zip code: 14086)
570. Lloyd Cary (zip code: 87002)
It's sad how little the officers get paid to watch some of the worst and to put themselves in harms way
everyday working long hours away from their families and when they get time off they are exhausted
and they can barely afford to take there family out because of how little they make then after retiring
from this glorious state job they can't live on the retirement pay and enjoy there family again because
they have to work again. But Then again I don't think you have that, problem.
571. Leilani Foulk (zip code: 87068)
There are not many men and women who can do their job.. Please keep them safe, as they do their
572. Lorynn Guerrero (zip code: 88005)
Please tackle the issue of corrections fatigue by working with the union, and one another to develop
and implement concrete strategies and solutions addressing the crisis.
573. Lianne Lopez (zip code: 87113)
574. okafor patrick (zip code: 21061)
575. Bruce Falkner (zip code: 60651)

576. morley hughes (zip code: 87124)

get off your worthless ass and give them the pay they deserve you get your pay now pay them
577. Caleb Martinez (zip code: 87031)
578. Julia lopez (zip code: 87021)
579. Loretta Romero (zip code: 87031)
580. Lori Lucero (zip code: 87031)
Please address this issue!
581. Lorraine trujillo (zip code: 87112)
582. Amanda Goodwin (zip code: 37174 )
My little brother works in the los ulnas correctional facility he is overworked working up wards of 4
overtimes a week you need to take care of these corrections officers.
583. Larry Trujillo (zip code: 87114)
Make a exception
Let all retirees have the option to return double dip
I'm retired and can't return due to the new law.
584. Laura Reyes (zip code: 20036)
585. Lee Saunders (zip code: 20036)
586. Richard Chavez (zip code: 87105)
I have seen first hand, preventable mistakes that could have resulted in a life lost at CNMCF due to
fatigue. This is out of hand!
587. Leroy Romero (zip code: 87740)
588. Leandra Trujillo (zip code: 87113)
Please consider this petition seriously. I would love to see my wife more here at home and know that
she is mentally safe from not having to work so much overtime all the time.
589. Mary Lucero (zip code: 8744)
590. David Luevano (zip code: 88001)
Mrs. Governor
Please fully staff all corrections position for the safety of our correction officers.
591. Luis Hernandez (zip code: 87121)

592. Lee Dudley (zip code: 87102)

Take care of the prison workers.
593. Rebecca Clawson (zip code: 87029)
594. Elizabeth Zawahri (zip code: 87123)
595. Amanda Prieto (zip code: 87124)
596. Manuel Jauregui (zip code: 87745)
597. anthony marquez (zip code: 79022)
598. Marisol Garcia (zip code: 87020)
599. Alexis Maese (zip code: 87002)
600. katrina maestas (zip code: 87002)
I'm currently a RN at CNMCF and these Correctional officers are working so hard you can see the
fatigue and from being so tired and overworked in there eyes. But yet they still come and do there job
amazing and keep me safe. Governor Martinez, I think you should open your eyes and see what
these officers are doing for our state, they need help they deserve help!!!
601. maryalice frailey (zip code: 87110)
602. Herman R. Gonzales (zip code: 87801)
603. Marcella Lucero (zip code: 87020)
Govenor Please take this seriously. Do we want another riot or major incident that can take a life of a
corrections staff or inmate. The riot that happened many years ago was because of some of the
same conditions we are now facing. I have worked corrections in this state for 30 years and have
never seen it this bad. Nor have I ever felt unsafe as I do now.
604. Makia Dorrah (zip code: 21244)
605. MANUEL MALDONADO (zip code: 88043)
606. Michelle McCarty (zip code: 87002)
607. Amanda Tafoya (zip code: 87031)
608. Mark Salazar (zip code: 87701)
As a former C.O. I am fully aware of how under appreciated and under paid Correctional Officers are
in this state!

609. Manuel A Gonzalez (zip code: 87124)

Someone needs to do something about this or will vote someone who can!
610. Henry Sandoval (zip code: 87002)
611. Marc Bryan (zip code: 87114)
612. Marc Barela (zip code: 87121)
613. Marcelo Cedillo (zip code: 87701)
614. Maria Sanchez (zip code: 87144)
615. Mariah Lucero (zip code: 87108)
616. Maria Romero (zip code: 87002)
Corrections need up dated equipment, the odds of inmates to officers is overwhelming. Do what's
617. Mariza Trevizo (zip code: 87102)
618. Mark Martinez (zip code: 87114)
619. Mark Martinez (zip code: 87114)
620. Roslyn Vigil (zip code: 87701)
621. Megan Roglin (zip code: 88124)
622. Daniel Marquez (zip code: 87020)
I worked for the Department of Corrections for 9 years. I did my share of 16 hour shits on a daily basis
it took a toll on myself and my family, it change me as a person and added alot of stress to my
marriage. Due to working long hours and low pay rate and lack of pay raises unfortunately I had to
seek better job opportunities to support my family and survive in this economy. I enjoyed working in
corrections that was the career I chose and loved, I didn't chose to live there though and neither did
my fellow officers. I believe something needs to be done to keep officers working in the Department of
623. Martin Bone (zip code: 87740)
624. Emily Martinez (zip code: 87002)
625. Dana Martinez (zip code: 8703)

626. Marvin Garcia (zip code: 87031)

627. Mary CdeBaca (zip code: 87508)
628. Mary Gallegos (zip code: 87020)
629. Monique Sandoval (zip code: 8702))
630. Ann-Marie Mathurine (zip code: 121207)
631. James Daniel (zip code: 87002)
632. matt huppert (zip code: 55066)
633. matthew lovato (zip code: 87023)
634. Michael Hernandez (zip code: 87031)
The state has to realize the severity of this crisis of understanding personnel in the provision system.
Watching their jobs as Corrections Officers on the reality show Behind Prison reveals the dangerous
environment these guards are in. These officers need to be paid in line with other pay grades in
competing states. I cannot fathom the physical overload on a body with so much mandated overtime.
To be understaffed 40 percent is ridiculous. Any agency that short staffed could not function correctly.
How does the state expect these correction officers to do anymore if any state agency was
understaffed? Please look into this serious matter and help these people out.
635. David McEachern (zip code: 87121)
636. An anonymous signer (zip code: 87021)
637. Media Afscme18 (zip code: 87110)
638. Megan Harrison (zip code: 87507)
This article is 100 right
639. Megan Eierman (zip code: 97232)
640. Melissa Benavidez (zip code: 88001)
641. Melissa Fidler (zip code: 20152)
642. John Mendoza (zip code: 87937)
643. Thomas Garcia (zip code: 87562)
I have been in corrections ten years. And this has never been fixed i have worked overtime the

entirety of my career. All i hope for is some relief soon.

644. Ruben Alvidrez (zip code: 79912)
645. Misty Garley (zip code: 87112)
Stop treating us like we don't exist. We are working in a he'll that you could only fear. And get Greg
Mercantile out of there. Gibbering ex cons is a slap in the face and you people put us in danger a little
more everyday. Listen!!!!!!
646. Mia Clark (zip code: 87144)
647. Mia Vann (zip code: 87121)
648. Maria Cereceres (zip code: 88047)
649. Michael Chavez (zip code: 87031)
650. Michael Garinger (zip code: 87020)
I am a retired Correctional Officer for almost 10 years now and I ask that something be done to assist
the Corrections Dept and its workers. I was with Corrections just under 20 years and I never thought
things would get this bad. I ask you to please help these people who do this often unnoticed and
thankless job. Thank you for your assistance in this matter!
651. michael raccio (zip code: 79022)
652. Michael Martinez (zip code: 87020)
653. Michelle Westerfeld (zip code: 87121)
You need to help these people before it gets any worst.
654. Michelle Lehman (zip code: 55946)
I support Corrections needs in New Mexico. Staff and fund these facilities!
655. Michelle Skigen (zip code: 88030)
Destroying infrastructure and public services for short-term profit is doing your families no real service
in the long run. Wake up.
656. Cynthia Valenzuela (zip code: 88048)
657. Mike Tuthill (zip code: 06459)
658. Frances Montoya (zip code: 87575)
659. Miles Conway (zip code: 87574)

660. Shannon Mills (zip code: 98229)

661. Mishay Chavez (zip code: 87106)
662. Ray Ann Garcia (zip code: 87020)
663. Ben Soto (zip code: 87107)
The issues that are afflicting the departmemt of corrections have a number of wide ranging
consequences both seen and unforseen for the whole state of New Mexico. This isnt just about
working conditions for correctional officers
664. Monica Martinez (zip code: 87701)
Keep these Officers safe while they provide a duty many people don't even want to do!
665. Mercedes Ingram (zip code: 87031)
Change is needed.
666. Matlene Bennett (zip code: 87031)
667. Melissa Mocadlo (zip code: 87114)
668. Melissa Martinez (zip code: 87124)
669. Yolanda Monroy (zip code: 87010)
670. Eva Montoya (zip code: 87031)
I believe if you give more pay you would keep your employees! 12 to 13 dollars an hour is not enough!
We have worn out employees! They don't even have a family life! It's so sad!
671. David Montoya (zip code: 87107)
672. Mary ann montoya (zip code: 87532)
673. duane montgomery (zip code: 62031)
you need to pay more to get more
674. Christina Morgan (zip code: 87021)
675. Allison Morris (zip code: 87021)
Im an ex correctional officer and still consider those I worked with still brothers and sisters in arms.
You must protect them. Their job is 10 times more dangerous then the cops on the street.
676. Lisa Marie Rodriguez (zip code: 87533)

677. flora martinez (zip code: 87124)

678. Apolonio Lucero (zip code: 87014)

679. Greg LaCroix (zip code: 21221)
680. Jonathan Rodarte (zip code: 87020)
681. David Miller (zip code: 87002)
682. Brenda Johnson (zip code: 97630)
683. Rosalinda Guzman (zip code: 92240)
684. Towanda Kearney (zip code: 21244)
685. Mike Sukal (zip code: 20855)
686. Myra Perez (zip code: 87103)
687. Andrea Slim (zip code: 87020)
688. Nallely Ruiz (zip code: 87031)
689. Nancy Frailey (zip code: 87110)
I feel like these hard working men and women, are in need of your up most respect and dedication of
the state that you claim to want to represent.
690. Oswaldo Noyola (zip code: 87105)
691. Nate Blanton (zip code: 87031)
692. Mary DeBerry (zip code: 87031)
693. Richard Neyssen (zip code: 56303)
694. nicole harrell (zip code: 88317)
Please help these men and women. I have worked on line beside them and their lives and safety are
worth looking into. Thank you for your time.
695. Sabrina Baca (zip code: 85364)

696. Damian Nunez (zip code: 87007)

697. Marta Nicolas (zip code: 11951)
698. Nicole Torres (zip code: 88081)
699. tanisha woods (zip code: 76549)
700. john nisbet (zip code: 06374)
701. Nicole Lange (zip code: 90260)
702. Nicole Espinoza (zip code: 87031)
It's time things change for these brave men and women. They deserve the respect and reconition just
like any other law enforcement. They go into one of the most evil of places protecting the public and
our community. There pay is so little for what they do and their sacrifice is great. They go face a
career not everyone can do. Some even pay with their lives. Time to support our Corrections Officers
and make them as safe as we possibly can. Thank you
703. Sandra Kelley (zip code: 85209)
704. Michele Putman (zip code: 85282)
705. Monique Martinez (zip code: 85369)
706. Vince Martines (zip code: 87105)
Please help keep New Mexicans safe.
707. Michelle Torres (zip code: 87112)
708. Omar Tewfik (zip code: 20009)
709. Veronica Williams (zip code: 77028)
710. Pablo Quezada (zip code: 88007)
711. Gill Mullins (zip code: 87006)
712. Debbie Burton (zip code: 87111)
713. Craig Hogan (zip code: 87111)
714. Matthew Padilla (zip code: 87002)

715. Ted Paez (zip code: 87114)

716. April Palomino (zip code: 87702)
717. Dolores Padilla (zip code: 87701)
There job is very dangerous.
718. Patricia Salazar (zip code: 87728)
719. Patricia Trujillo (zip code: 87020)
something needs to be done or you are going to lose valuable employees.
720. Paul j Martinez (zip code: 87060)
721. Paula Fisher (zip code: 87121)
Please allocate on-going monies for both Adult and Juvenile Correction Officers hiring in New Mexico.
This includes hire pay in years of experience.
722. Paula Vanderhee (zip code: 87109)
723. paul busch (zip code: 87144)
Hope it doesn't take another 6 years
724. perry berkowitz (zip code: 90291)
725. Todd Tucker (zip code: 98604)
726. Pecos Peralta (zip code: 87002)
727. percy donkor-zonu (zip code: 21213)
728. Felipie Prez (zip code: 88048)
729. shellda patino (zip code: 79088)
730. pete martinez (zip code: 87701)
731. philestina yazzie (zip code: 87020)
Please include NMWCF
732. Philip Orrell (zip code: 79602)
733. James Barger (zip code: 87120)

734. Pamela Jenkins (zip code: 20165)

735. Patricia Jojola (zip code: 87031)
736. Pedro Perez (zip code: 79821)
737. peter koeppe (zip code: 87114)
Give the raises!!!!!
738. Tim Herrera (zip code: 87021)
739. Luis Porter (zip code: 79938)
Let's save them
740. Terrie Chavez (zip code: 87031)
741. Debby Price (zip code: 79705)
I worked at central for 5 years as a nurse. The Correctional Officers worked long hours (16) and so 4
days a weeks. These men and women were tired most all of the time but did there jobs. I did not
always feel safe but knew that if something happened they would be there.
Please help them to have better hours of employment and time with there families.
Thank you, DEbby Price
742. Ruben Lovato (zip code: 87002)
This needs to be resolved before more people get hurt or killed!!!!!!!!
743. Patricia Lucero (zip code: 87031)
744. jim barbo (zip code: 55718)
745. Justin Quintana (zip code: 87501)
746. Robin Carr (zip code: 87067)
747. Rachael Hernandez (zip code: 88001)
748. Raecine (zip code: 87121)
749. Racine Rhoades (zip code: 87020)
750. Ramona Villanueva (zip code: 87035)
Classification Officers are over worked and underpaid, Pay scales are not correct new classification
officer making more than those who have been there 10 years this is not right. No wonder people

don't want to work where is the moral to give you all to your job when your own state has let you down
due to low pay wages. Yes we need a raise we are working hard for pennies. How do they expect us
to make it when we are only making pennies many American state employees are in debit and can't
get out because of low wages.
751. Ramona Rodriguez (zip code: 87112)
752. Richard Henderson (zip code: 87002)
753. Denny martinez (zip code: 87020)
754. Rachelle Toledo (zip code: 87124)
755. Raymond Madrid (zip code: 87102)
Don't take the safety of your community for granted Governor Martinez. Your dedicated officers are
also members of your community. If not now!? When????
756. Reuben Duran (zip code: 87507)
This job should be higher paid. Take a day and shadow them, then you'll see just how much they
deserve. Continue the corrections academy and get more employees in there
757. Robert Botts (zip code: 46123)
758. criscela ruiz (zip code: 87105)
759. Robert Dobbs (zip code: 87111)
Governor Martinez my son is very proud of the job he does as well as myself. But the hours he works
leaves very little time for his family. Please see it in your heart to give these workers the pay they
deserve. Thank you!
760. Gabriel J. Martinez (zip code: 87105)
Safe, Sound and Secure Prisons.
761. janet valles (zip code: 87002)
762. Reegan Walker-Perez (zip code: 88001)
763. Renee Vigil (zip code: 87120)
764. Renee Mollineda (zip code: 87031)
Please help!
765. Edgar renteria (zip code: 88012)
We are tired!

766. Jay Revels (zip code: 88021)

767. Steven Rhoades (zip code: 87020)
768. Richard DeBay (zip code: 98264)
769. Gordon Newberry (zip code: 43040)
If you care about state workers and the community you should take immediate action to correct this
crisi, or maybe you should try and go through what us corrections officers do. Walk a mile in our
770. Victoria Rios (zip code: 87124)
Please look into this matter. These are hard working individuals that are being asked to work more
with less. This is upsetting to know about this issue and yet nothing has be done.
771. chris rios (zip code: 87124)
772. vanessa rios (zip code: 87508)
State corrections is one of the lowest paid around the state. However Santa Fe houses the worst
offenders. We deal with these individuals 24 hours a day.
773. Rosie Rivera (zip code: 87560)
774. Rachel Gonzales (zip code: 87002)
775. Raymond Lee (zip code: 02889)
776. Richard Enriquez (zip code: 88012)
Please give us a raise, please help us keep the inmates in and the public safe.
777. Ron Lohr (zip code: 21530)
778. Rita Lucero (zip code: 87105)
779. Robert Hernandez (zip code: 88001)
780. Robert trombley (zip code: 87109)
781. Robert Eastman (zip code: 87031)
As a retired Correctional Officer Lieutenant, I can attest to the needs of the Officers to get their rest.
Please do not believe the number Secretary Marcantel gives you. They are numbers of Officers, but a
lot of those Officers have not worked the line in years. Ask for the true numbers of Officers filling
ONLY security posts. A lot of the Officers listed as having a post are working 8-4 jobs for the Admin.
Check the mailroom, Wardens Secretaries, records.

782. Robert Gallegos (zip code: 87004 )

The news letter says a lot in what's going on. We would appreciate all your help and support in
helping us to improve our wages. We feel that we all in DOC department that we are under paid
compared to surrounding states and in national average. We all continue to work long hours in a very
dangerous environment. Better wages means better recruitment.Your help in this matter is very
783. Robert Darnell (zip code: 87003)
Please help us Governor Martinez we need your help. We are looking to you as our leader to
recognize the crisis we are in. we continue to have incidents in on a more regular basis and more
sever and it will continue to get worse until it is unmanageable unless we address right now.
784. Robert Espinosa (zip code: 87031)
Please help us.
785. Robert Esquibel (zip code: 87110)
786. Robert Trujilli (zip code: 87031)
787. Roger Tafoya (zip code: 87701)
788. Robert Smead (zip code: 21223)
789. Laura Barnes (zip code: 87020)
I have worked in corrections for 15+ years; coming to NMCD was one of the best decisions I ever
made, however, working for the State of NM has opened my eyes, as to how bad the pay, moral, and
turnover rate is vs. working in the private sector. I watched the private sector give raises and improve
staff moral and retention, this is something I hope I can see the NMCD accomplish.
790. Lila Romero (zip code: 87121)
791. Ronnie Griego (zip code: 87121)
792. Veeonica Contreras (zip code: 87507)
793. ron thompson (zip code: 83617)
794. Cristobal Ronquillo (zip code: 88021)
795. Rose Montoya (zip code: 87560)
I am a correctional officers Wife and totally agree with every statement. My husband works extreme
hours, is always tired, and he very little time with his family. The pay does not reflect the dangerous
Woking conditions he walks into daily. Please help!!! Sincerely, a very worried wife...
796. Rose Carter (zip code: 87121)

797. Meredith Row (zip code: 87031)

798. Richard Ybarra (zip code: 88011)
To: Governor Martinez Administration and NM Legislature
Corrections Officers have one of the toughest jobs out there, and scientific studies back up that fact._
New Mexico's State Corrections system is teetering on the edge of crisis. Corrections employees
need decisive action NOW from the Governor and Legislature to foster a safer, well-run system. It's
mission critical for our state government.
The NM Corrections system currently languishes under severe vacancy levels, with several facilities
operating with 40% vacancy rates. A result, Corrections Officers are working maximum level (72)
hours of mandatory overtime, weekly, at some facilities. This work schedule prevents officers from
having adequate time for recovery, self care, or their families.
Resulting fatigue, stress, and break-down of well-being, commonly referred to as corrections fatigue
is a major factor increasing the dangers of accidents or incidents at work.
NM Corrections Officer pay remains uncompetitive and below the median income level for corrections
officers (nationally and regionally). Low pay is a major factor preventing the department from
recruiting and retaining men and women into the career. The domino effects created by heavy
workloads and high vacancies are undermining the departments mission.
Through its Labor Management Committee, the New Mexico Corrections Department and AFSCME
have recognize all these life and death realities and agreed that addressing them need to be an
urgent priority.
AFSCME strongly calls upon Governor Martinez, her administration, and the NM Legislature to tackle
the issue of corrections fatigue by working with the union, and one another to develop and implement
concrete strategies and solutions addressing the crisis.
799. Ray Sabatelli (zip code: 16002)
800. Ronald Shane (zip code: 87701)
Fix this problem now! My friends work there.
801. Robert Trujillo (zip code: 87105)
Take care of those who protect!!!
802. Ruben Moreno (zip code: 91932)
803. rudy garcia (zip code: 87121)
804. Rudy Ybarra (zip code: 88005)
805. Richard Ruiz (zip code: 87031)

806. Shauna Branch (zip code: 87041)

Please correctly fund the men and women who put their lives on the line everyday so that we can be
safe from criminals.
807. Shane Clark (zip code: 16314)
808. Elva Santos (zip code: 87114-3968)
Those who are responsible for guarding the criminals and keeping the citizens of our state, deserve
our thanks AND decent compensation for their work.
809. Charlie SalaIz (zip code: 88030)
810. Salvador Ulibarri (zip code: 87701)
811. Samantha Padilla (zip code: 87002)
I am a correctional officers wife, and at times I feel like a single parent. My husband and all of the
officers he works with put their lives on the line everyday. It's almost laughable the wage they start at.
We wonder why there is such a high turn over rate. You can work in the many call centers in the area
and get payed more than a correctional officer. How is that even logical. These men and women went
threw extensive training to do the job they do their saleries should reflect that. My husband leaves to
work at 130pm and most days works a double , so he will return home at 630 am. He then wakes up
and does it again. That gives him 6 hours of sleep . Most of the officers are forced four days a week,
so that means they will not see there families for four days. Please take time to consider the above.
Samantha Padilla
812. Samantha Cardenas (zip code: 87508)
813. Sami Abed (zip code: 87110)
814. samuel olekanma (zip code: 20721)
815. Sammy Bland (zip code: 87003)
816. Samuel Arzapalo (zip code: 88001)
817. Felicia Sanchez (zip code: 87120)
818. tracy hill (zip code: 61738)
819. ssrah Salas (zip code: 87002)
820. Saul Arzapalo (zip code: 88012)
We need to support our officers.
821. Stephanie Kempker (zip code: 52627)

822. neil lemaster (zip code: 52627)

823. Stevie Brown (zip code: 20036)
824. Nicole Ostrom (zip code: 85396)
825. SAMMY MARQUEZ (zip code: 87532)
826. SONTE DUCOTE (zip code: 20002)
827. Frank Perez (zip code: 88012)
828. Steve Fantauzzo (zip code: 20036)
Staffing levels are the key to safe prisons and only the front-line workers can really tell you how to
address critical problems. Work with their elected union to resolve urgent issues.
829. santanna tyler (zip code: 87020)
830. Stephanie Gonzalez (zip code: 87507)
I plead with you Governor Martinez, some of our hard working officers have been in rollover accidents
because of the long hours and mandatory overtime.
831. Shannon Stromei (zip code: 87031)
832. Shannon Blanchette (zip code: 06360)
833. Sharon Argenbright (zip code: 87505)
834. Shawn Ammons (zip code: 87023)
835. Shawn Martinez (zip code: 87701)
836. Shawn sparkman (zip code: 87002)
837. SHAYLYN PADILLA (zip code: 87002)
838. Shelisa Bravo (zip code: 87121)
839. sheryl ortiz (zip code: 87560)
840. Robert Bell (zip code: 79761)
841. Victoria Silva (zip code: 87801)

842. Mike Silva (zip code: 87060)

Please keep our correctional officers safe. More pay and less overtime...
843. Triston Slater (zip code: 87020)
844. Sheryl Sleeseman (zip code: 87002)
845. MECHELLE CARTER (zip code: 21228)
846. Chris Beltran (zip code: 92251)
847. Adetayo Dawodu (zip code: 20774)
He Mr Governor, Protect the public safety employees and pay them good.
848. Sonia Tellez (zip code: 53403)
849. Sonya Torrez (zip code: 87124)
850. Brian Ortega (zip code: 87745)
What about the PTSD factor for CO's as well! We need help!
851. Jesse Archuleya (zip code: 87113)
Raise Correctional Officers pay and hire more officers.
852. Sandra Perea (zip code: 87196)
853. Zachry Mitchekk (zip code: 19940)
854. Socorro Spratt (zip code: 87174)
Transition need to occur, starting with your secretary of corrections. Lives of staff are overworked ,
transport officers are driving all over the state with inmates , scheduled problems, I worked Dept of
Corrections in Ca.
855. Tom Spratt (zip code: 87004)
856. Scott Purto (zip code: 87112)
This needs to be taken serious, people that put their life on the line daily for the state of New Mexico
have had this pay issue brushed under the rug for way to long. Talk is cheap, the individuals that can
change this need to man up.....
857. Sreve Farrelly (zip code: 87144)
858. Steven Griego (zip code: 87120)

859. shelley Seeberg (zip code: 89120)

860. Samuel Slater (zip code: 87020)
861. STEPHAINE SANCHEZ (zip code: 87114)
862. Noe Pena (zip code: 87801)
863. Sandra Saavedra (zip code: 87701)
864. Stephanie Gallegos (zip code: 87566)
865. Stephanie Westerfeld (zip code: 87121)
866. Mark Stephen (zip code: 21209)
867. melissa morelli (zip code: 77515)
868. Steve Abeyta (zip code: 87021)
869. Steven Mull (zip code: 75763)
870. stevie brown (zip code: 22485)
871. Laura Padilla (zip code: 87031)
872. Kathryn Stolpestad (zip code: 87123)
873. Alex Jones (zip code: 87123)
874. Oakley Blasdel (zip code: 87107)
875. Susan Mullins (zip code: 87006)
I know this is grandson in law works a lot a whole lot of overtime not good....I know of two
young Coerections offers who took their own life due to the overtime and stress it causes. Please
make this a top priorty. I also have a son in prison and hear how upset the prison population is about
lock down so much from lack of officers. Thank you.
876. Tara Lamb (zip code: 87002)
877. Robert Cereceres (zip code: 79835)
Current Correctional Officer at Southern.

878. Samuel Reeder (zip code: 81082)

879. Marvin Fields, Jr (zip code: 21045)
880. Guadalupe Mendez (zip code: 87144)
881. Tiffany Johnson (zip code: 87123)
I'm a nurse at Central New Mexico Correctional Facility I partner and work day in and day out with so
many of the officers and I must say we have some truly amazing people working behind these walls.
Although the state is on the brink of losing a lot of them.. These men and women walk behind these
bars everyday risking their life's work so many hours losing families..I ask you take the time to look
into what can be done to fix the issues behind these walls this has got to stop change must come.
882. Theresa Garcia (zip code: 87031)
Please consider this petition as we have a son in Los Lunas corrections. We want him to be safe and
have more time with his family. Thanks!
883. Taide Mendez (zip code: 88012)
884. tammy jaramillo (zip code: 87105)
885. Tammy Munoz (zip code: 85043)
these men and women work very hard and put their lives at risk every day to keep us safe. They
deserve your help. One of these Officers is My Brother Lt. Richard L. Enriquez and many other
886. Tania Montez (zip code: 87031)
887. Selustriano Flores (zip code: 87020)
I was a former correctional officers from WNMCF I had even receive a letter for congratulations from
the governor's office on the job well done During my employment I was employed 10years and the
money and was not enough!! 10 years and only 15.65 an hour :/ and for all the hours I worked 40+ a
week not good for my family life I would love to go back!! To NMDC but!! Serious changes need to
888. Tanya Slater (zip code: 87020)
889. Teresa Moreno (zip code: 91932)
890. Morgan Christian (zip code: 87031)
Dear governor,
This is not a moral decision, this is not something trivial to the parlence of our tines like marijuana
legalization, this is people that are loyal state employees, please give them what they deserve. I see
echoes of the Santa fe riot, just saying.
Have a good, do the right thing!

891. Richard Salazar (zip code: 75801)

892. Theresa Rivera (zip code: 87560)
893. Margariat Ware (zip code: 87112)
894. Shawn Rosenbarker (zip code: 87747)
We need to have pay that is comparable to law enforcement and corrections in surrounding areas..
give people a reason to come to NM or stay here for employment.. we are underpaid and our
numbers are at an all time low at our facility. Safety and security minded for the public, officers, and
inmates alike.
895. Thomas Jones (zip code: 77340)
896. Thomas Ulibarri (zip code: 87015)
897. Leah Mowry (zip code: 87144)
898. linda tilghman (zip code: 21214)
899. Tilman Conway (zip code: 87574)
900. tim henderson (zip code: 55014)
901. Christina Romero (zip code: 87701)
902. Jonathan Varela (zip code: 87508)
903. Tisha Romero (zip code: 87113)
904. April Johnson (zip code: 87002)
905. Charles Owens (zip code: 87031)
My wife is a Lt. And I've seen first hand the "corrections fatigue" and what it has done to our family.
The crazy amount of overtime and unfair pay has put a tremendous amount of strain on her and our
family. Correction officers are vital and should be taken better care of! Stop burning them out.
906. CARL TOERSBIJNS (zip code: 85210)
Good Public Safety begins with Staff safety and a secure environment.
907. tomas romero (zip code: 87120)
908. Tomas Trujillo (zip code: 87020)
How can a person do His or Her job if they are overworked to the point if exhaustion?

909. Thomas Valdez (zip code: 87505)

910. Thomas Ortiz (zip code: 87109)
911. Tonya Louis (zip code: 87034)
912. Gene Garcia (zip code: 87031)
Please consider this petition as we are concerned about the correctional officers here in Los Lunas
NM. Please consider the danger that they have to work a mandatory 72 hour overtime. Thanks!
913. Andrea Arellano (zip code: 87031)
914. Tiffany Romero (zip code: 87031)
This situation needs to be changed.
915. Justin Trujillo (zip code: 7020)
Thousands of jobs,
916. Johnny Trujillo (zip code: 87740)
917. Johnny Trujillo (zip code: 87740)
918. Rebecca Sanchez (zip code: 87110)
I worked at the prison for two yrs n I witnessed what these correctional officers deal with day in and
day out... Support them!
919. Tim Woolery (zip code: 97306)
These people do an important and dangerous job protecting and keeping the public safe. Pay them
more and keep them safe~!
920. Linda Ellard (zip code: 79114)
I will not work a 72 hour work week.
921. Ubaldo Andrade (zip code: 87031)
We need change please
922. YVONNE SANCHEZ (zip code: 87112)
923. mike parmelee (zip code: 87108)
924. Edward Urtiaga (zip code: 87507)
925. Esperanza Valencia (zip code: 87031)

926. Vince Alvarado (zip code: 87106)

927. Amber Valverde (zip code: 87107 )
928. Vanessa Baca (zip code: 87035)
929. Vivian Vigil (zip code: 87552)
930. Velma Andrade (zip code: 87031)
Change is needed for our officers or something bad can happen to them
931. veronica castleberry (zip code: 87031)
932. David Verrett (zip code: 87114)
933. Vaness Griego (zip code: 87042)
934. Vickie Kennedy (zip code: 87002)
935. Victor Aldaz (zip code: 87021)
936. Victoria Callaway (zip code: 87020)
937. Viridiana Rivera (zip code: 88021)
938. Veronica Martinez (zip code: 87560)
939. Vanessa Martinez (zip code: 87121)
940. Von Treas (zip code: 17801)
941. Victor Perea (zip code: 87701)
Fatigue and stress are the major cause of accidents. Which is not safe for officers and inmates. May
lead to a major disaster like in 1980.
942. Fernando Vargas (zip code: 87120)
943. Rick Lesperance (zip code: 87105)
944. Walter Francis (zip code: 19810)
945. Kelly Olguin (zip code: 87020)

946. Wendy Bench (zip code: 87002)

Please help get funds to employ enough co's.
947. Christian Sanchez (zip code: 87112)
948. Chris Williams (zip code: 87002)
949. William Griffith (zip code: 88240)
Ms Martinez, I use to be a correctional officer but had to leave to pursue a better dinancial future for
my family. I worked at SNMCF for 4 years and enjoyed what I did. I enjoyed keeping the inmates safe
from each other and keeping the public safe. But with protecting their safety meant putting ours at
risk. I would go back and do it all over again if it was financially posible. Whatever you can do to help
my former brothers and sisters that still work corrections would mean the world to them and to me.
Thank you.
950. William Christensen (zip code: 88001)
We are not getting the numbers needed through recruitment. We cannot compete with less
dangerous jobs offering as much, or close to our pay.
951. Janet Williams (zip code: 87002)
952. Joseph Apodaca (zip code: 87020)
953. wendy pinske (zip code: 55021)
954. Loddy Montoya (zip code: 87042)
Please help me and my fellow officers to make a career out of this job by increasing our pay. I would
love to make a career out of this job and help our community if the pay was worth it. Thank you
955. William Martinez (zip code: 87120)
956. Danielle Wooten (zip code: 87120)
957. Xzavier Martinez (zip code: 85396)
958. John Ramsey (zip code: 87109)
959. Yvette Romero (zip code: 87062)
960. Zollie Rayner (zip code: 16117)
961. Zahira Carr (zip code: 87505)
962. Zinai Jimenez (zip code: 87002)

963. JanJan Trujillo (zip code: 87113)

964. pepe zamora (zip code: 87063)

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