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Green Roof Fact Sheet

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Greening Sheffield's The Green

Rooftops Roof Forum

Green Roofs?
Raising the roof! A sustainable an innovative design opportunity exists right above our heads-
green roofs. With space limited in urban areas what better place to green than the most unutilised
and wasted space in buildings, the rooftops under which we live and work. Sheffield's Green Roof
Forum has recognised the potential of growing vegetation on our roofs and has embarked on an
initiative to transform South Yorkshire's roofs into ecologically valuable habitats and public spaces.
What is a green roof?
A ‘green’ or ‘living’ roof is essentially the growing of
plants on our rooftops. The insulative properties of
soil and plants have been utilised by humans for
thousands of years, cooling buildings in Africa and
helping to retain heat in traditional buildings of North
Europe and Scandinavia. Modern green roof systems
combine a series of functioning layers which re-
create growing conditions across the roof. Green
roofs can be anything from a thin growing layer of
sedums and mosses to plants, shrubs water features
and even golf courses. However there are two
distinct approaches to roof greening:

Extensive green roofs- generally a shallow layer

(25-100mm) of substrate planted with low-growing
stress-tolerant grasses, mosses and alpine
species. These light-weight systems require little or Intensive green roofs- consists of a thick layer of
no maintenance, and do not impose any significant soil (150mm+) in which a variety of plants,
weight on the building structure. Rubble or wildlife vegetables, shrubs and trees can be grown. Such
roofs are another type of green roof emerging in roof gardens are often accessible and can even be
this expanding industry. Such roofs are specifically used for recreational facilities and public spaces.
designed to provide a valuable wildlife habitat and They provide a valuable habitat for wildlife but
replace the 'foot print' of the building on the roof require frequent maintenance, comparable to that in
using by products of the development process a normal garden, and place significant weight on the
such as crushed brick and top soil. building structure.

Are there many green roofs in the UK?

Green roofs remain a fresh and innovative form of
building design yet to be fully recognised by
developers and architects in this country. Given the
competitive life cycle costs of green roofs and their
numerous benefits to urban environments it is
astonishing that they are not more widespread in the
UK as they are in other parts of the world. Only in London have there been a significant number of green roof
developments, the most high-profile of which include Canary Wharf and Beddington Zero Emissions
Development (BedZED). Green roof examples across the rest of the country tend to be restricted to individual
dwellings, environmental centres and one-off commercial developments.
What are the benefits of having a Environmental
green roof? Reduces run-off by retaining up to 90% of
Economic Filters dust and pollution
May assist and speed up the process of gaining Provides a habitat for wildlife
planning permission Dampens noise levels entering and leaving
the building by up to 18dB and reduces
Insulates the building in winter and summer, reducing reflective noise by 3dB
heating and cooling costs Insulates and cools the building reducing
Extends the life expectancy of the roof membrane energy expenditure and carbon emissions
May add to the property value Reduces the urban heat island effect
Reduces the drainage infrastructure and water storage
requirements on site Social
Re-uses aggregates that would otherwise have to be Provides a public amenity of value to local
removed from new build sites residents and workers
Can score highly in environmental building rating Raises the green credentials of the occupier
schemes Improves the view from surrounding buildings
by providing an aesthetic green space.
Environmental benefits
What are the components of a green roof system? contribute towards improved
quality of life
In order for plants to grow on our roof
tops natural environmental conditions
have to be re-created. This can easily Will my roof leak?
be done by the installation of a series In actual fact the
of functioning layers which, while substrate, vegetation and
retaining the necessary water to various other components
support the plants, allow excess protect the roof surface
water to drain off and protect the roof from harmful UV and other
surface from plant roots and weather extremes,
mechanical damage. This diagram is increasing its lifespan 2-3
of a typical extensive green roof fold.
system (supplied by Sarnafil)

Can a green roof be grown on any What are the maintenance

pitch of roof? Green roofs can be grown on requirements? Extensive green roofs are
any pitch of roof even vertical walls; however roofs designed to be self maintaining and therefore only
of greater than 9.5º generally have specific design require the equivalent upkeep of a conventional
requirements. On roofs of up to 35º this can be roof provided that the building owner is satisfied
achieved with the installation of a series of cross with the natural habitat that develops.
batons or grids which have to be more closely
spaced the steeper the roof.
How much does a green roof cost? The
installation of an extensive green roof is generally
considered to double the cost of waterproofing and
insulating a roof. The costs of extensive green roof
systems, excluding insulation and waterproofing
tend to range from £20-70m².

To find out more about green roofs and the Green

Roof Forum visit www.groundwork-sheffield.org.uk
The founder members of the Green Roof Forum include:

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