Green Roof Fact Sheet
Green Roof Fact Sheet
Green Roof Fact Sheet
Green Roofs?
Raising the roof! A sustainable an innovative design opportunity exists right above our heads-
green roofs. With space limited in urban areas what better place to green than the most unutilised
and wasted space in buildings, the rooftops under which we live and work. Sheffield's Green Roof
Forum has recognised the potential of growing vegetation on our roofs and has embarked on an
initiative to transform South Yorkshire's roofs into ecologically valuable habitats and public spaces.
What is a green roof?
A ‘green’ or ‘living’ roof is essentially the growing of
plants on our rooftops. The insulative properties of
soil and plants have been utilised by humans for
thousands of years, cooling buildings in Africa and
helping to retain heat in traditional buildings of North
Europe and Scandinavia. Modern green roof systems
combine a series of functioning layers which re-
create growing conditions across the roof. Green
roofs can be anything from a thin growing layer of
sedums and mosses to plants, shrubs water features
and even golf courses. However there are two
distinct approaches to roof greening: