Gamestar Lesson Pack

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Version 12.07.13


Version 12.03.08

With Generous Support From:

Copyright 2012 by E-line Media and The Institute of Play.

All Rights Reserved.

This Getting Started Teacher Pack will orient you to
the Gamestar Mechanic pedagogy and initial experience.
To view this PDF in its digital form:
This information and much more, including lessons
and content to fill over a semester, can be found online at:

1. Introduction
1.1 Who Plays Gamestar Mechanic?
1.2 Who Teaches with Gamestar Mechanic?
1.3 What is the Pedagogy Behind Gamestar Mechanic?
1.4 What Skills are Learned in Gamestar Mechanic?
1.5 Gamestar Mechanic is a Pathway to Programming
1.6 What are the Technical Requirements?

2. Approach to Teaching Gamestar

2.1 Role of Teachers and Mentors
2.2 How to Approach Teaching Gamestar

3. Orientation to Gamestar
3.1 Registration Screen

3.2 The Quests

3.2.1 Episodes and Missions
3.3 Workshop
3.3.1 Toolbox
3.3.2 Game Grid
3.3.3 Sprite Tray
3.3.4 Edit/Play Toggle
3.3.5 Tools
3.3.6 Level Settings
3.3.7 Game Settings
3.4 Game Alley
3.4.1 Viewing a Game in Game Alley
3.5 Sprites



Introductory Materials
Guide to the Gamestar Mechanic Quests
Creating Content for Classes
Classroom Setup
Premium Teacher Features


More Lessons
Sample Sequences to Dive Deeper into Game Design
Lessons on Game Design
Lessons using Games Design with Core Curriculum Subjects
Challenge Cards




Lesson 1: Terms and Concepts
Lesson 2: Core Design Elements
Lesson 3: Balance
Lesson 4: Design
Lesson 5: Playtest and Iterate
Check out the full Learning Guide online at:

Element Cards (For lesson 1)
Teachers Answer Key (For lesson 1)
Core Design Elements Reference Sheet (For lesson 2)
Challenge Cards (For lesson 4)
Playtester Feedback Worksheet (For lesson 5)



Gamestar Mechanic


Learning Guide Welcome

Gamestar Mechanic is a game-based digital learning platform designed to teach the

guiding principles of game design and systems thinking in a highly engaging and
creative environment.

The Gamestar Mechanic Learning Guide is a curriculum resource for educators, librarians, and parents who wish to use Gamestar Mechanic in formal or informal learning
settings. It provides rich game design content, as well as a set of sample lessons and
resources that can be used in conjunction with the Gamestar program.

The game and the accompanying Learning Guide are designed to

foster critical 21st century skills such as:
System thinking
Problem solving
Digital media literacies
Motivation for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) learning


The following introduction to the Gamestar Learning Guide describes the audience
of Gamestar Mechanic, both teachers and students, and the pedagogy that informs
the design of the game. We also outline the skills that Gamestar can cultivate, and
the technical requirements that you need to use Gamestar in your classroom.

1.1 Who Plays Gamestar Mechanic?

The target audience for Gamestar Mechanic is students in the 4th
to 9th grade range, but that segment is by no means restrictive.
It is designed to appeal to both boys and girls and does not assume
any prior game design or programming experience for the students.

1.2 Who Teaches with Gamestar Mechanic?

For educators seeking to build a curriculum around Gamestar
Mechanic, there are no requirements for previous study in
game design. The guide introduces all key concepts and their
external uses without the necessity for further reading. We have
provided an optional reading list for educators interested in
continuing their exploration of this emerging field, located
at the end of the Introduction section.
Gamestar Mechanic is suitable for use in a variety of formal and
informal learning environments across the following curriculum
areas: 21st Century Skills, STEM Learning, Digital Media, Art,
Science and Language Arts.
It has been designed to work in both formal and informal learning
environments including: schools, after-school programs, home
schools, libraries, community centers, tutoring centers, museums
and camps.


1.3 What is the Pedagogy Behind Gamestar Mechanic?

Gamestar Mechanic was designed with the understanding that game design is an activity that
allows learners to build technical, technological, artistic, cognitive, social, and linguistic skills
suitable for our current and future world.
The built-in curriculum in Gamestar Mechanic lets learners exercise these skills by creating games.
Knowing how to put together a successful game involves system-based thinking, problem solving,
collaboration, art, storytelling, and digital media literacy.
This Learning Guide offers a flexible curriculum based on prototyping and iteration, a key game
design methodology. Students work through multiple versions of any idea or solution, integrating
ongoing feedback into the learning process, and reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses
of their design solutions. The Learning Guide complements and expands upon the curriculum
developed in the game itself.
Across the curriculum shared by the Learning Guide and the game, students create playful systems
games, models, simulations, stories, etc. Doing so allows students to learn about the way systems
work and how they can be modified or changed. Through designing play, in a context they find
compelling and safe, students learn to think analytically and holistically, to experiment and test
out theories, and to consider other people as part of the systems they create and inhabit. Game
design serves as the pedagogy underlying this work.


1.4 What Skills are Learned in Gamestar Mechanic?

Systems-Thinking: Students design and analyze dynamic systems, a characteristic activity in both
the media and in science today.
Interdisciplinary Thinking: Students solve problems that require them to seek out and synthesize
knowledge from different domains.They become intelligent and resourceful as they learn how to
find and use information in meaningful ways.
User-Centered Design: Students act as sociotechnical engineers, thinking about how people
interact with systems and how systems shape both competitive and collaborative social interaction.
Specialist Language: Students learn to use complex technical linguistic and symbolic elements
from a variety of domains, at a variety of different levels, for a variety of different purposes.
Meta-Level Reflection: Students learn to explicate and defend their ideas, describe issues and
interactions at a meta-level, create and test hypotheses, and reflect on the impact of their solutions
on others.

1.5 Gamestar Mechanic is a Pathway to Programming

Beyond their value as entertainment media, digital games and game modification are currently
key entry points for many young people into digital literacy, social communities, and tech-savvy
identities. Because of its emphasis on game design rather than computer programming, Gamestar
is a great starter tool for students wanting to learn to make games. Once they have mastered game
designs core concepts and vocabulary, it will be easy for them to move into programming-oriented
game design tools such as Game Maker, Stagecast Creator, or Scratch.

1.6 What are the Technical Requirements?

To use the Gamestar Mechanic program, there are certain technical prerequisites. Because the
software is web-based, the students must have access to at least one computer with Internet
access permission to contact the site.
The computer must also have the Flash 10 player installed, which can be
downloaded from If the Flash 10 player is not installed,
you will get a prompt to install it automatically upon visiting the front
page of the program.
No additional purchases or downloads are required.



2.1 Roles of Teachers and Mentors

Teachers using Gamestar Mechanic in the classroom
do not need to be experts in game design. The built-in
curriculum can be used to scaffold a class, with teachers
taking a role of guide and mentor.
The lessons in this Getting Started Pack are designed to
spur a range of interactions between students and
the game, and students and each other. Teachers should
serve as facilitators for student discussion, reflection,
and ideation.

Game design can also empower students

to teach each otherthe act of playing
and making games for each other moves
learning into a collaborative sphere.
Kids can show other students what they
discovered by playing and creating games,
giving them a chance to act as experts. We
recommend that educators try to support
students taking on these roles in the
classroom, serving as teachers and
mentors to their peers.



2.2 How to Approach Teaching Gamestar

This is a four-part overview of our recommended approach to teaching

Gamestar in the classroom:

The Getting Started section of this guide (page 17) presents five lessons
that follow this sequence. Each lesson takes about one hour to run in full.
For more information and lesson plans that dive deeper into game design,
go to:


This orientation is a guide to getting around Gamestar Mechanic as a site and game.
Gamestar Mechanic has three sections: The Quests, Workshop, and Game Alley.
The Quest is a single player storyline where students earn sprites,
the components that they use to make their games.
The Workshop is where students make their own game.
Game Alley is where students share games in an online community.

3.1 Registration Screen

Before using Gamestar Mechanic, you and your students will need to go through the registration process.



New users must go through a three-step registration process, the third of which is the receipt
of an email with an activation link to complete the registration process.

To register a large number of students:

1. Create an account for yourself at:
2. Create an institution at
3. Have your students create their own accounts using the link provided to you
during the institution setup.
If you sign up students using the link provided to you, they will not need to enter
an email address of their own.
If you want a Premium Teacher account, email: [email protected].


3.2 The Quests

The Quests section contains the story of Gamestar Mechanic.

Cast as a young aspiring game designer, the player is pulled
into an exciting tale of adventure and discovery.
In the Quests, mechanics learn about different
Sprites and their behavior, and upon finishing
each game, they are awarded Sprites to use
in their Toolbox.


3.2.1 Episodes and Missions

A Quest is divided into Episodes. Each
episode covers a lesson in game design,
taught over a number of Missions, in one
of three types: Play, Repair, and Build.
This sequence shows the player an element
of game design in action, then asks them
to fix a game and finally lets them build a
game around that topic.
An episode begins and ends with a comic
that sets the scene.

Play Missions require the user to successfully complete the play of a pre-designed game
by accomplishing the set objectives. Play Missions usually serve to introduce users to the
behavior of Sprites.
Repair Missions present the user with a game that is in some way broken and cannot be
successfully played. The user must deduce what is broken about the game and use the
Gamestar Mechanic console to place or remove objects. A set of requirements will be
presented that the repaired game must include, such as Place 10 enemies. The mission
is completed when the player has successfully played and accomplished the objectives
of the repaired game.
Build Missions present the user with a blank slate to build a new game on. A set of
requirements will be presented that the game must include, such as Place 10 enemies.
The mission is completed when the player has successfully played and accomplished the
objectives of their created game.


Bonus Missions are either Play Missions, Repair Missions or
Build Missions and do not need to be completed to continue
in the Quest.
After each mission, story or bonus, is completed, the player is
rewarded with sprites and other rewards such as backgrounds
and music to use in their Toolbox.


3.3 Workshop
The Workshop is where players
design games with their Toolbox
and Sprites. Each player starts
with a default set of Sprites and
earns more as he/she advances
through the Quest. Players also
have Template Games that include
sets of Sprites that come with the

Edit/Play Toggle

3.3.1 Toolbox


Sprite Tray

The Toolbox is the free-form game

creation area of Gamestar Mechanic,
where users can build new games
from scratch. The Toolbox has four
components: Game Grid, Sprite Tray,
Tools, and Settings.

3.3.2 Game Grid

Game Grid

The Game Grid is the work area where

players create their own games.



3.3.3 Sprite Tray

There are two main sections in the Sprite Tray:
At the top of the Sprite Tray, Levels in the current game are
displayed. The player can move freely between levels to edit them.
Clicking and dragging the level name to a new position within the
window allows players to reorder the levels in their game.

The Sprite Tray also contains all of the players Sprites.

Sprites are the essential building blocks of Gamestar Mechanic
games. As players proceed through the Quests (in-game curriculum), they are awarded new Sprites to use in their games.
Once a player has earned a Sprite, it can be used an unlimited
number of times.

Earned sprites appear in their Work Area inventory. The more

advanced a player is, the more Sprites they will have to build
games with.




Edit/Play Toggle

3.3.4 Edit/Play Toggle

The Edit/Play Toggle switch at the top of the Sprite Tray
controls the behavior of the console.
In Edit mode, the game is not playingeverything
stands still.
In Play mode, the mechanic can test that their game is
working as intended.
We recommend encouraging designers to test their
games frequently.

Editor Tools

3.3.5 Tools
When the Arrow button is selected, designers can drag Sprites out of their Inventory to the grid, as well as pick up and drop sprites that have been placed.
The Wrench button allows designers to change the parameters of the Sprites they
have placed. Each Sprite has an individual set of parameters that govern its behavior.
These parameters include things like movement speed, damage, point value, etc.
The Eyedropper button allows designers to copy Sprites that are placed on the grid.
This is especially useful when the designer has changed the parameters of the Sprite
with the Wrench tool, because using the Eyedropper will create a clone of the Sprite
with the changed parameters. This makes it easy to duplicate customized Sprites.
The X button allows designers to delete Sprites placed on the playfield. This action
is permanent.



3.3.6 Level Settings

Every game is composed of one or more Levels.
A level is a self-contained unit of gameplay with
a defined goal. Think of this window as defining
the world that the game takes place in. The
Level Settings are used to control the overall
qualities of the game space, including the perspective of the camera and the size of the level.
Users can choose and adjust a variety of parameters that define this space. The first three fields
in the Level Settings window allow the user to
create a name for the level, write text that is displayed when a player begins playing the level,
and write text that is displayed when players
complete it.
Multiple Screen means the game screen will
move with the player, revealing previously
unseen areas as they move towards the edges.
Choosing Multiple Screen opens up a submenu
that lets users determine the total size of the
playing field, up to a grid of 10 screens wide
by 10 screens tall.

The Perspective of a Level indicates whether

the Player is viewing the play field from either
a top-down or platformer perspective. In the
platformer perspective, the player controls an
avatar that jumps from platform to platform.
In top-down perspective, the player controls
an avatar seen from above, which can move
in all four directions.
Choosing platformer perspective opens
up a Gravity submenu. Gravity determines
the amount of downward force placed on
moving Sprites in the game. Increasing
the gravity increases the speed at which
objects fall, decreasing it allows avatar
sprites to jump higher and fly.

Edge Bounding determines how the edges

of the playfield behave. Some edges can stop
the players motion or allow the player to pass
freely. In platformer perspective, if the player
falls off of the edge of the screen, they will
automatically lose the game.
Background and Music let the user choose
from background art and musical themes (or
silence) that will play during the level. Players start with a few of these and earn more
throughout the Quests. To see where in the
Quests the backgrounds and music are
earned, go to the Quest Guide:

Single Screen means the game is restricted

to the size of one visible game screen
a 16 x 12 grid of Sprites. We recommend starting out with this setting, as it can help focus
new game designers.
Choosing single screen opens up a Wraparound submenu. Wraparound means
that when the player leaves one edge of
the playfield, her avatar will reappear at
the opposite edge.



3.3.7 Game Settings

Designers use Game Settings to write the text that
players will see. This includes: the Game Name; the
Game Intro text which appears when the game is
first opened; the Game Win Message that appears
at the end of a game.
There are two other settings here which are good for
teaching writing skills. The Goals and Rules is a text
area where players can write what their game is about,
and it is good for communicating the metaphor of a
creative game.
The Tips and Tricks is a good place for designers to
think about what their players need to know, and to
practice didactic writing skills.

3.4 Game Alley

Once games are published, they appear
in Game Alley for other Mechanics and
visitors to the site to play.
At the top of the Game Alley screen is the
Featured Challenge, which spotlights a
design challenge that designers can take
to demonstrate their design skills within
a carefully chosen set of design goals.



The Search Bar lets players look for games by title or by

user name. The screen also displays categories of games
such as Featured, Popular or New.
The Channels are curated collections of games around
the theme.

3.4.1 Viewing a Game in Game Alley

Game Alley is also where players can review or comment on each
others games and provide helpful critical feedback as part of the
iterative design process. These reviews have both Ratings and
simple Review Headings to guide feedback.
Players can share a game by linking the game, emailing it,
embedding it in another website, or marking it as a favorite.
Sharing a game will make that game available even to people
who are not logged in to Gamestar Mechanic. Players can show
their games to their parents and friends, even if they dont have
Gamestar Mechanic accounts.
Reviews and comments are moderated. Kids will
inevitably make inappropriate comments on each
others games.
The flag button will allow you to report unacceptable
comments to us.



3.5 Sprites

Sprites are the components

that you can place on the
work area. Use the wrench
tool to change the settings
of a sprite: speed, health,
movement patterns, etc.

Sprites are divided into five basic groups:

Avatar Sprites are the objects in the game that are under direct control
by the player. Only one Avatar may be placed in the playing area at a time.
When the game is played, the arrow keys on the keyboard and the Space
bar control the Avatar. Left-handed students can use the WASD keys to
control Avatars as well.
Enemy Sprites are objects that exist to hinder the players progress by
causing damage to the Avatar. Enemies come in a variety of types, and
each one has a number of settings that determine its behavior.
Block Sprites are used for creating the environment of games. They do
not move once they are placed in the playing area. Most blocks are used
to create terrain for the player to exploremazes to sneak through, platforms to jump on, and obstacles to hide behind.
Item Sprites are objects that the Avatar can collect and is rewarded by.
They can modify the behavior of the Avatar by granting it new abilities,
as well as modifying System sprites. For instance, when you pick up the
time bonus you will earn extra time to complete the level.
System Sprites control aspects of the game, including monitoring the
winning conditions for each Level. They are not physical objects in the
Play Area, but rather sit above the game space and monitor what is going on inside, providing feedback to players on their play. For example,
the point counter keeps track of the players collected points.





Online Learning Guide Resources

Check out Gamestar Mechanics Online Learning Guide

to find more information on teaching with Gamestar,
lesson plans, and activities.
The Online Learning Guide:
Provides material for a semester-long curriculum, offering 30 lessons
that dive deeper into game design.
Has 24 lessons on using game design with core curriculum subjects.
Contains Sample Sequences that divide the lessons into categories
of Game Design, Art and Storytelling, and STEM.

We recommend that you first complete the five

Getting Started Lessons in this guide, and then
move on to the Sample Sequence that best
suits your class.
The chart below provides more information
on what you can find in the Online Learning

Introductory Materials


Guide to the Gamestar Quests

The Gamestar Mechanic Quest is an adventure

game with a rich story told through motion
comics and games which students play, fix, and
build. The episodes of the adventure follow the
pedagogy described in the Getting Started
Lesson Sequence.
Your students are going to play through the quest
as a single-player game and to earn tools for building their own games. The online Quest Guide for
teachers provides a summary of what you earn
through the Quest, what students will learn about
game design, and the storyline.


Here we provide criteria on what constitutes an

effective design process, and criteria for good
games. We also provide methods to help you
assess your students, or have your students
assess themselves.



Online Learning Guide Resources

Creating Content for Classes

This is a list of methods teachers and facilitators

can use to create content for group activities
using Gamestar Mechanic and strategies for
fostering a design community.
Classroom Setup

Here are some tips on establishing group

work in Gamestar Mechanic.
Premium Teacher Features

Here are explanations of three features that

help you manage your class included in Premium Teacher accounts: Student Tracking,
My Class, and Stats.

This section provides more lessons that dive deeper into game design.
More Lessons


Sample Sequences to Dive Deeper into Game Design

These sequences are divided into different disciplines:

game design, art and storytelling, and STEM topics.
Choose the sequence that is most appropriate for
your class.
Lessons on Game Design

This section includes over 20 lessons on game design.

Because these lessons dive into game design in detail,
we recommend that you first cover lessons 1 to 5 in this
Getting Started Teacher Pack before moving on to
these lessons on game design.
Lessons Using Game Design with
Core Curriculum Subjects

These lessons showcase ways of connecting

traditional academic content to game creation.
Principles of game design are connected to lessons
on math, science, literature, social studies, and art.


Online Learning Guide Resources

More Challenge Cards


Challenge Cards create a series of jumping off points

for students in the creation of games. The cards can
be photocopied and cut out to create decks for use
in the classroom. Four challenge cards have already
been provided for you in this Getting Started Teacher
Pack (see Lesson 4), but you can find many more online!


Gamestar Mechanic


Intro to the Five Getting-Started Lessons

The following five lessons serve as an introduction to Gamestar

Mechanic and to game design in general.
These five lessons can be taught as a stand-alone course, or as an introduction
to a larger course on game design.
Lesson 1: Terms and Concepts
Lesson 2: Core Design Elements
Lesson 3: Balance
Lesson 4: Design
Lesson 5: Playtest and Iterate

After completing these five lessons, students will be able to:

Correctly use terms and concepts to describe aspects of game design
Identify and define the five elements of game design
Design balanced games that are both fun and challenging
Playtest and effectively give feedback each others games
Iterate on their games incorporating feedback

For a full course that provides content that dives deeper into game
design, visit the Online Learning Guide at:
The Online Learning Guide supplies the introductory lessons that are in this pack,
as well as lessons and activities that provide more than enough content for an entire
semester on game design.


LESSON 1: Terms and Concepts


LOCATION: Computer Lab

At the end of this lesson

students will be able to:

Gamestar Episodes related

to this lesson:

Acquire and apply concepts about

the elements of a game.

First Quest - Episodes 1 and 2

Whats On For Today?

1 Set-up (5 minutes)

Through the play and analysis of Gamestar

Mechanic, students will learn the names
and concepts behind the basic elements
of a game.

1. Explain to students that they will be playing

Gamestar Mechanic, a game that will teach
them how to design games. The first step to
becoming a game designer is playing games!

Students will complete a matching game that

connects the images in Gamestar to the terms
used to describe the game.

2. In the computer lab, have the students log-in

to Gamestar Mechanic.

Materials Included:
Element Cards, pictures and descriptions.
(one set per group)

Element Card Answer Key

* The above materials can be found under the
Printable Materials section of this Getting
Started Teacher Pack on page 32.

Total Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes


LESSON 1: Terms and Concepts


LOCATION: Computer Lab

2 Play - Gamestar Mechanic (30 mins)

4 Discuss (15 minutes)

1. Allow students to play through the first

Gamestar Mechanic quest, episodes 1 and 2.

1. Ask students if there are any terms that are

unclear and elicit definitions.

They can play individually or in partners.

If they play in partners, make sure they take
turns playing the games.

Some terms that are more difficult to define

may be: scrolling space, wraparound space,
unbounded space, environmental vs.
damage block.

Encourage the students to help each other

and ask each other questions if they have
trouble with a level.

New words may be: avatar, frag counter.

2. After 30 minutes, have students finish up.

If they did not finish episodes 1 and 2,
encourage them to finish after class or
for homework.

5 Circle Up (5 minutes)
1. Ask the students: how was your first
experience with Gamestar Mechanic?

3 Play - Element Card Game (15 mins)

2. What part of the game was most fun?

Most difficult?
Encourage students to use the new terms
they learned from the Element Cards while
discussing their experience.

1. Divide students into groups of 3 or 4.

Hand each group a set of element cards
(both pictures and names).

How did it go?

Were students able to identify some of
the key terms describing the system
of a game?

2. Tell the groups to match the image to its

correct title. (You can choose to make this
activity into a race and declare the group who
first matches all the cards correctly the winner).

Were students able to complete

the Element Card Matching

3. Check their answers with the Element Card

Answer Key.


LESSON 2: Core Design Elements


LOCATION: Computer Lab

At the end of this lesson

students will be able to:

Gamestar Episodes
Related to this lesson:

Recognize games as
dynamic systems.

First Quest - Episodes 3 and 4

Whats On For Today?

1 Warm-up (10 minutes)

1. In the Gamestar quest, direct the students
to the introduction of Episode 3. The introduction of each lesson is the comics that
precede the lesson.

To understand games as systems, students

must be familiar with the elements of a system.
Students will discuss the Core Design Elements
sheet, identifying examples for each element
from Gamestar Mechanic.

2. Have the students read the comics, then

ask them for the five elements of game
design that were mentioned (mechanics,
space, goals, rules, and components).

Students will explore a game system by editing

the Change the Element template game.

Materials Included:

3. Hand out the Core Design Elements

worksheet. Tell students to keep this
worksheet with them for reference.

Core Design Elements reference sheet

(Make a copy for each student)

* The above reference sheet can be found under

2 Play (30 minutes)

the Printable Materials section of this Getting

Started Teacher Pack on page 47.

1. Have students play through Episodes 3

and 4 of Gamestar Mechanic.


2. After 30 minutes, have students finish up.

If they did not finish all of Episodes 3 and 4,
they can finish after class or for homework.

Total Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes


LESSON 2: Core Design Elements


LOCATION: Computer Lab

For example, a student may alter the goal of

the game by adding or taking away points.
They may alter the components of the game
by changing the avatar or the enemies. They
may alter the space of the game by changing
a top-down game into a platformer.

3 Edit (30 minutes)

1. Send students to their Workshop in Gamestar
Mechanic. At the bottom of the Workshop
screen you will find Template Games. Have
students click Get a Copy under the Change
the Element template game. This will open
up the Change the Element template game
in the students game editor.

* To find out more about how to use the game editor,

see this guides Orientation to Gamestar section on

page 7.

4 Circle Up (5 minutes)

2. Have students play the Change the Element

game. Then begin a discussion on finding
examples within the Change the Element
game for each of the five elements.

1. How was the experience of changing an

element in a game? How was the game
different than before the element was

Ask the students questions like:

What did you do in the game?
(mechanics: jumping, collecting)

2. Make sure to focus on the question, If one

element changes, do the others change too?
How? Ask students for examples from their
experiences. Draw them to the concept that
games are dynamic systems and that all elements work together to form the system.

How do you win the game? (goal)

What are the rules of the game?
Describe the game space.
(open, narrow pathways, maze-like)
What do you use to play the game?
(components: enemies, points, blocks)
3. Write a list of their answers on the board,
dividing them into categories based on
the five elements of game design.
4. After students played the Change the Element game, have them choose one element
of game design and alter it in this template
game. Students can do this individually or
in pairs. If they work in pairs, two students
can share one computer.

How did it go?

Did the students understand the
concept of a dynamic system, or a
system that changes based on the
relationship of components?


LESSON 3: Balance

LOCATION: Computer Lab

At the end of this lesson

students will be able to:

Gamestar Episode related

to this lesson:

Identify the balance of fun

and challenge in games.

First Quest - Episodes 5

Whats On For Today?

1 Warm-up (10 minutes)

For a game to be fun, it must also be challenging. In this lesson, students will balance the
elements of a game in Gamestar Mechanic.

Materials Needed:
Projector and laptop or smartboard.

1. A game is balanced when it is easy to play,
but difficult to win.

Total Time: 1 hour

2. Direct students in Gamestar Mechanic

to the introduction to Episode 5.
Have students read the comics about
What happens when a game is not balanced?
What does balance mean in a game?
(The balance of all five elements of game
design, and the balance between fun and
* Examples of an unbalanced games in Gamestar have

too many enemies, or not enough time to complete

the game. The game may take too long to complete,
and it may feel boring. The avatar may move too fast
or too slow in its particular game space.


LESSON 3: Balance

LOCATION: Computer Lab

2 Play and Build (45 minutes)

3 Circle Up (5 minutes)
1. Ask students to think about their favorite
games (digital or non-digital) and what kind
of challenges they have. How are the games
both fun and challenging?
2. Ask students to share the challenges in his or
her favorite game and explain how the game
is balanced.

1. Have students play through Episode 5.

The last mission in Episode is a build mission.
Here students have the opportunity to make
a game for the first time. Encourage students
to think about the concept of a balanced
game as they create their first game.
2. Encourage students to play each others
games once they are created and give
Is the game challenging? Is it fun?
Are the five elements of game
design balanced in this game?

How did it go?

Were the students able to identify the
concept of balance in game design?


LESSON 4: Design

LOCATION: Computer Lab

At the end of this lesson

students will be able to:

Gamestar content related

to this lesson:

Design a balanced game in

Gamestar Mechanic.

Designing in the Workshop

Whats On For Today?

1 Warm-up (5 minutes)

Having acquired information on game

design elements and balance, students
now have the resources to design a fun
and challenging game.
Students will design their own games in
Gamestar Mechanic.

Materials Needed:
Challenge Cards Worksheet

(Copy and cut out the challenge cards

so each student gets one.)
1. Explain to the students that today they
will design their own games in Gamestar

* Challenge Cards can be found under the

Printable Materials section of this Getting

Started Teacher Pack on page 48.

2. Hand out one challenge card to each student.

Our challenge card worksheet includes four
challenge cards.


You may let the students choose which

challenge they want to do, or you can
assign them challenges.

Total Time: 50 minutes

You can also choose one challenge for

the whole class, and see how the students
design it differently.


LESSON 4: Design

LOCATION: Computer Lab

2 Design (35 minutes)

1. Have the students log in to Gamestar Mechanic
and tell them to go to the Workshop. Here they
can start designing their game based on the
challenge card.
2. As the students design their games, check
that they are focusing on the elements of
game design. Remind them that they want
fun, challenging games that give the players
a number of choices.
3. As they finish designing, encourage them to
play each others games.
(The next lesson will cover how to effectively
playtest and give feedback.)

How did it go?

Were the students able to design
a balanced game?


LESSON 5: Playtesting & Iteration


LOCATION: Computer Lab

At the end of this lesson

students will be able to:

Gamestar content related

to this lesson:

Playtest games and give

constructive feedback.
Iterate on their designs.

Playtesting each others games in

the Workshop or in Game Alley

designer can improve it based on the playtesters

feedback. Then, they playtest again, and continue
the cycle until the game is fun and balanced.

Whats On For Today?

Students will playtest each others games
and give effective feedback. Then they will
iterate on their designs.

2. Work with students to develop a list of rules

for giving feedback to each other. This list
might contain rules like be positive in your
language or give a specific example of an
aspect of the game you liked, or that frustrated
you. You might develop a list of starter phrases
your class can use when offering feedback.
For example:

Materials Included:
Playtester Feedback Worksheet

I thought you did a good job with/of ___.

(Make a copy for each student)

One area I thought could be improved

was ___.

* The above worksheet can be found under the

Printable Materials section of this Getting
Started Teacher Pack on page 51.

The core mechanic was ___. It made it

fun to ___.
The visual design was ___ and it made me
think/feel ____.

Total Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes

3. Hand out the Playtester Feedback Worksheet

to each student and give them time to read
over the questions. Explain that these are
the questions they should think about when
they are playing each others games. After
they playtest, the designers and playtesters
will talk about these questions together.

1 Discuss (15 minutes)

1. After creating a game, game designers ask
players to test the game.
Introduce the idea that playtesters play an
important role in the game design process,
and that giving good feedback is the key to
helping others design amazing games.
* Did you know:

Playtesting happens many times during the game

design process. After a game is playtested, the


LESSON 5: Playtesting & Iteration


LOCATION: Computer Lab

2 Playtest (30 minutes)

If this is your last Gamestar class:

1. Group the class into pairs and have one

student be the Playtester and one be the

1. Before class is over, collect the names of

the games that the students have been
working on. These can be written on the
board, emailed to the students, or even
posted in a class blog.

2. Have the Presenter set up the game they

made in Lesson 4 and invite Playtesters to
play it. Tell the students that an effective
method in playtesting is for the presenters
simply to watch the playtesters play without
giving any comments or suggestions. This way
they will see what their game looks like
to someone who did not design it.

2. Direct the students to Game Alley and show

them the search function. Here they can
find their classmates games.
3. Show the students where to rate the
games fun and difficulty levels and to
leave a comment.

Encourage the groups to spend a few minutes

talking about the questions on the Playtester
Feedback worksheet after theyve played the

4. Encourage students to comment on their

classmates work. They can use some of
the constructive feedback they came up
with on the playtester feedback worksheet.

3. About 15 minutes in, have the Playtesters and

Presenters switch roles.

Students can also log in at home and leave

comments, build games, and play the quest.

3 Iterate (25 minutes)

If this is NOT your last Gamestar class:

1. After students have received feedback from

a playtesting session with their classmates,
instruct them to write a list of up to three
changes they would make to their game
based on the feedback they received.

Continue using Gamestar Mechanic with lessons

and activities that cover an entire semester of
game design, found online at:

2. Give them time to iterate on their design

and make the changes that they listed in
step 1.

How did it go?

3. Encourage students to ask for another round

of playtesting once they have made changes
to their game. They can have the same playtester as in the first round, or ask for someone

Were the students able to give

constructive feedback?
Were the students able to
successfully iterate on
their designs?

This activity should unfold as a casual iteration

and playtest workshop. Some students may
be iterating on their designs while others are


Gamestar Mechanic


Printable Materials

These materials correspond to the Getting Started Lessons.

Print and use them with your class.
Materials include:

Element Cards (Lesson 1)

Teachers Answer Key (Lesson 1)
Challenge Cards (Lesson 4)
Playtester Feedback Worksheet (Lesson 5)


Element Cards
Corresponds to Lesson 1

Element Card Introduction

The following cards correspond to the activity in Lesson 1. To use these cards
in the matching game presented in Lesson 1, print them out single-sided and
cut around the dotted lines so that students may match image to definition.
You may use these cards for other activities of your choice. For example, flash cards,
or to specify parameters of a game. To do so, print them out double-sided so that
the picture and the text are back to back.
These Element Cards include:

Component Cards
Space Cards
Mechanics Cards


Gamestar Element Card

Gamestar Element Card

A key that can open locks of the
same color.

Gamestar Element Card

A small item the Avatar can collect

to meet the win conditions of a
game or improve their score

Gamestar Element Card

A block that is used as a surface or

a wall.

Gamestar Element Card




Gamestar Element Card

When an active Goal Block is

touched the game is won. In some
games, however, the avatar sprite
must meet conditions before the
Goal Block is activated.

Goal Block


Environment Block


A block that hurts avatars on

contact and is used as a harmful
surface or wall.

An armed, opposing character that

deals damage and has a variety of
attack and movement patterns.


Damage Block







Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card

Gamestar Element Card


Frag Counter
Counts the number of destroyed
enemies and can be used as a

Gamestar Element Card


Particularly large, strong or difficult

armed, opposing character.

Gamestar Element Card


A lock that can only be opened by

keys of the same color.

The digital representation of a

physical person in a virtual world or






Gamestar Element Card

Counts the number of points

collected and can be used as a

Score Keeper


Gamestar Element Card

Counts seconds during gameplay.

The player either needs to win
before the time runs out or survive
for a certain amount of time.






Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card

Gamestar Element Card


Solving Mechanic
Players must solve puzzles in the
game, such as finding the correct
path or bringing the correct key to
a lock.

Gamestar Element Card

Racing Mechanic

Avatars can have a very fast speed,

and may seem to be racing.

Gamestar Element Card


Avatars can jump onto blocks and

over enemies.

Controls Avatar health. The game

is lost when health reaches zero.


Jumping Mechanic


Health Meter


Gamestar Element Card

Avatars collect or pick up points or

other environmental items

Collecting Mechanic


Gamestar Element Card

Avatars can blast enemies.

Blasting Mechanic





Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card



Bounded Space
The game space is closed on the
sides so the sprites cannot leave or
fall out of the screen.

Gamestar Element Card

Avoiding Mechanic

Avatars can hide and avoid

enemies in parts of the game

Gamestar Element Card

Gamestar Element Card

Gamestar Element Card


Avatars have a slower speed.

Avatars explore the environment

usually in a maze or a big, scrolling


Walking Mechanic


Exploring Mechanic


Gamestar Element Card

The game space is open so that

sprites can leave or fall out of the

Unbounded Space


Gamestar Element Card

The game is presented in an

overhead view, or birds eye view,
as if the player was seeing the
game from above.

Top-down Perspective





Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Wraparound Space
The game space wraps around so
that when sprites exit off one side
of the screen, they appear on the
opposite side.

Gamestar Element Card

The view of the game is from the

side. Here, the player can see
sprites jumping.

Gamestar Element Card


Platformer Perspective


Gamestar Element Card

There are multiples screens in this

game space so an Avatar can move
horizontally or vertically through
different environments.

Scrolling Space






Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Gamestar Element Card


Teacher Answer Key



A block that hurts avatars on

contact and is used as a harmful
surface or wall.



Teacher Answer Key





A lock that can only be opened by

keys of the same color.



Counts seconds during

gameplay. The player either
needs to win before the time runs
out or survive for a certain
amount of time.


Frag Counter

Counts the number of destroyed

enemies and can be used as a


Score Keeper

Counts the number of points

collected and can be used as a


Health Meter

Controls Avatar health. The

game is lost when health reaches



Avatars can jump onto blocks and

Mechanic Card
over enemies.


Avatars can blast enemies.

Mechanic Card


Avatars can hide and avoid

enemies in parts of the game

Mechanic Card


Teacher Answer Key





Avatars collect or pick up points

Mechanic Card
or other environmental items.


Avatars explore the environment

Mechanic Card
usually in a maze or a big,
scrolling space.


Avatars have a slower speed.

Mechanic Card


Avatars have a very fast speed,

and may seems to be racing
against enemies.

Mechanic Card


Players must solve puzzles in the

game, such as finding the correct
Mechanic Card
path or bringing the correct key to
a lock.


The game is presented in an

overhead view, or birds eye view,
as if the player was seeing the
game from above.

Space Card


The view of the game is from the

side. Here, the player can see
sprites jumping.

Space Card


The game space is closed on the

sides so the sprites cannot leave
or fall out of the screen.

Space Card


Teacher Answer Key





The game space is open so that

sprites can leave or fall out of the

Space Card


The game space wraps around

so that when sprites exit off one
side of the screen, they appear on
the opposite side.

Space Card

There are multiples screens in

this game space so an Avatar can
Scrolling Space
move horizontally or vertically
through different environments.

Space Card


Core Design Elements

Gamestar Mechanic

Reference Sheet

The Elements of Game Design

These are the core elements that you can design.

These are the core elements that you can design.

Challenge Cards
Corresponds to Lesson 4

Challenge Card Introduction

The following cards correspond to the activity in Lesson 4. They can be printed
single-sided, the covers for the cards are optional.
These cards provide four challenges that students can refer to when making
a game.
For more challenge cards, visit Challenge Cards at:



Do Not Pass!

Create a game about your
neighborhood.Spaces in the real
world can be great inspiration for

Create a game with barriers and

obstacles that you have to get by
in order to win (or move to the
next level).

Think about who lives in your

neighborhood and how you would
represent them in a game. Ask
what is unique about my
neighborhood? Think about what
people like to do there, how they
move around, and the places
you like to go.

Creating puzzles for your player

to solve is a powerful way to
control progress through a game.
Creating complex enemy
movement patterns can create
obstacles too.

Gamestar Challenge

Gamestar Challenge

Sunrise to Sunset

Amazing Race
Create a game about an amazing

Create a game that starts in the

morning and ends at night.

Timers create pressure and mark

the beginning and end of a race.
Design a racecourse with a
challenging space (long, narrow,
or full of obstacles). Think about
making shortcuts and detours to
give racers some choice in where
they go.

Changes in the day can be

expressed through a change in
mechanic (do you do different
things in the morning than at
night?), the use of backgrounds,
music, or a sequence of

Gamestar Challenge

Gamestar Challenge








Playtester Feedback Worksheet

Student Worksheet

Playtester Name:

Name of Game playtested:

Feedback Questions:
1. What was the concept of the game? Was it clear? Why?

2. What were the core mechanics of the game? Did they fit well with the concept? Why?

3. How did the game space make you feel?

4. Are the five elements of game design balanced in this game? How?

5. What was challenging about the game?

6. What was fun about the game?

7. How could this game be improved?

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