Understanding Map Results Winter 2016 For Teachers and Parents

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Understanding the MAP Results

Dear GWA-Dubai Parents,

The accompanying document is an overview of the MAP tests
feedback that were supplied to the school by NWEA. The
document covers a lot of information and it is important to
know how to read and use it appropriately.
GWA is a school that uses data to inform our instruction and
support student learning. The MAP tests are just one of many
pieces of data that help teachers understand and piece
together a picture of each students learning requirements.
MAP scores should never be accepted as the single
determination of a childs abilities, since any single test taken
is subject to environmental or emotional influences on how
well students perform during that moment in time. Additionally,
it is important to remember that scores are often an estimate of performance ability. We are not using the data to
assign a measurement of ability (grade) for each student; rather, the data gives teachers very specific information
about skills and content students have mastered, what students should be currently working on, and what their
future learning goals could be.
One score that you will see is the RIT (Rasch unIT), which is a scale for measuring academic growth. A students RIT
scores are determined through the adaptive nature of the testing that gets harder or easier depending on the
answers given. Once students consistently answer questions correctly 50% of the time at a certainly level, that is
where their RIT range score is. These scores align to NWEAs DesCartes Continuums that are divided into Reading,
Language Usage, and Math. Teachers will use these to help inform instructional skills and content that students
The results sheet you will receive gives the RIT range your child falls into for each subject area. Below these, you
will find the specific areas of each subject, along with a comparative analysis of your childs score against US
national test scores. As an additional comparison, below you will find the estimated RIT scores for how students at
other international schools performed on the same MAP tests. Averages are only published for international
schools in the Spring and Fall, so these are only estimates. For some, these may be a better comparison for your
child. If your child had taken a MAP test at GWA in the past, you will see your childs testing history. The purpose of
testing this Winter was threefold: 1) It allowed us to gather updated data on students, as well as data on our new
students, 2) it gave us key academic indicators to help design learning goals and inform teaching, and 3) it set
benchmarks to measure progress against from our past Fall test. It is important to note, scores shown in grade
levels are not what students are supposed to be getting in a grade, but only what students historically have
achieved. Remembering and understanding are the very basic levels of thinking, and we also look at how students
can take their thinking further by applying it to other situations, create new thinking, evaluate their thinking, and
analyse new things with their thinking. MAP testing cannot measure these endless ways students demonstrate
understanding that we observe daily in our classrooms. The test can, however, give us information on how we
can better meet your childs unique learning needs and further their learning journey.
Thank you,
The GWA MAP Team
PO Box 126260 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 373 6373 Fax: +971 4 3233176

Understanding the Student Progress Report

The average score for all students at
GWA from this grade who were tested
at the same time as your child.

Winter 2016 will be

displayed as W16

Blank, since it shows

data for Fall to Spring

The number in the middle is your child's

percentile rank - the percentage of students
in the most recent NWEA RIT Scale
Norms study that had a RIT score less than
or equal to your child's score. The numbers
on either side of the percentile rank define
the percentile range. If retested, your
child's percentile rank would be within this
range most of the time.


The middle number is the RIT score

your child received. The numbers on
either side of the RIT score define the
score range. If retested, your child would
score within the range most of the time.

The average score observed for students in the

most recent NWEA RIT Scale Norms study,
who were in the same grade and tested in the
same portion of the instructional year (e.g.
winter). These are against USA scores.

Student Scores at GWA (January)

Having the right data is a key component in making learning more individual to each child. This chart shows
the estimated mean score from each subject area, for all students who tested in January. You can compare
this to the middle number from the Student Score Range on the Student Progress Report to see how your
child compares to the 2015 international averages.




















PO Box 126260 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 4 373 6373 Fax: +971 4 3233176

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