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Myd Bylaws 1-20-16

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Maui Young Democrats By-Laws

The name of the organization shall be the Maui Young
Democrats (hereinafter referred to in the by-laws as
The MYD shall strive to:

Stimulate, in young people, an active interest in

governmental affairs

Promote the involvement of young people in the political


Increase the political strength of young people

Educate young voters and people who will become

eligible to vote

Advocate the highest degree of justice, social welfare

and equal opportunity for Maui County and the state of
Hawaiis people

Advocate for the long term protection and restoration of

Mauis environmental resources


Membership Qualifications:Any resident of Maui no
younger than sixteen (16) years of age, and who have
not yet reached the age of thirty-six (36), who professes
and demonstrates allegiance to the principles of the
Democratic Party, shall be eligible for membership,
provided he or she is not registered as a member of
another political party. Section 2: Non-Discrimination:The
MYD, and any of its chapters shall not discriminate in

any manner on account of race, religion, color, national

origin, gender, or sexual orientation.
Section 3: Affiliations:The MYD shall be affiliated with the
Young Democrats of Hawaii and the Young Democrats of
America. Neither the Young Democrats of Hawaii nor the
Young Democrats of America shall be liable for the debts
or actions of the MYD.
Section 4: Liability:Members of the MYD shall not be
liable for the debts or actions of the organization, nor
shall MYD be liable for any unauthorized acts of any of
its officers unless so ratified by the MYD Executive
Section 1: Purpose and Time of Island Wide Convention:
The MYD shall assemble in an island wide convention
biennially, during election years, for the purpose of
guiding the island wide activities of the organization. In
doing so it shall formulate a MYD Legislative Platform,
adopt appropriate resolutions, consider amendments to
the bylaws and elect a new MYD Executive Committee;
the MYD convention and election of officers should take
place at least one prior to the Maui County Democratic
Party Convention so the new executive committee can
be introduced at the County Party function. The sitting
Treasurer shall produce an up-to-date financial
statement and the sitting Secretary shall produce a
signed copy of the minutes of the proceedings to the
newly elected Secretary, Treasurer and President within
ten days of the convention.

Section 2: Voting at the MYD Convention:


Each MYD member shall be allocated one delegate vote.


Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot unless agreed

to by unanimous consent.


If a candidate is running unopposed, he/she shall be duly

elected via acclamation.


Only MYD members shall be allowed to vote on MYD

Section 4: General Meetings:


The Executive Committee shall convene meetings of the

general membership at least once a quarter. Two-thirds
(2/3) of the Executive Committee is necessary quorum
for all meetings. All qualified members of MYD are
eligible to attend and encouraged to participate in
general membership meetings. Members may
participate in meetings by videoconference,
teleconference, or online conference.


Notice of a general meeting shall be given to the

membership of MYD by email or other suitable method
at least ten (10) days before a general meeting. The
Secretary shall send this notice.


Each member of the Executive Committee is assigned

one (1) vote and can vote on issues/projects that affect
MYD in-person, on teleconference, videoconference and
via email.
Section 1: Executive Committee:A. Officers. There shall
be the following officers of MYD: President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer and County Committee

B. Responsibilities of Officers. The following shall be the

responsibilities for each officer:

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the
organization and shall be responsible for the following:

Preside over all meetings;

Establish administrative procedures not otherwise

provided for by the Constitution or By-Laws of this

Act for and on behalf of MYD including handling media


Coordinate the agenda for each meeting of MYD;

Coordinate general membership correspondence;

Provide support to the EC as it relates to executing their


Shall maintain correspondence with national, state and

other local levels of Young Democratic organizations and
Democratic Party organizations; and
The Vice-President shall be responsible for the following:

Act as President Pro-Tempore in the absence of the


Assist the President;

Oversee all efforts in regards to recruitment;

Manage MYD social media handles (ie. Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, etc.);

Where the Presidents office becomes vacant, the VicePresident shall assume the President position and all
powers, duties, and responsibilities associated. The
position of the Vice-President shall then be vacant until
an election at the next General Membership meeting.

Plan and implement projects and programs based on

opportunities and community needs. Projects should
serve to build MYD organizational awareness, benefit the
community and shed positive light on MYD and its
membership. Potential projects and programs require a
detailed proposal outlining scope of work, goals,
logistical coordination and execution team. All proposals
must be reviewed and approved by the Executive
The Secretary shall be responsible for non-financial
records of MYD, including but not limited to:

Record and maintain accurate minutes of all chapter

meetings (both General Membershipand Executive
Committee meetings). The minutes shall then be
approved at the next meeting. The minutes will then be
certified by signature of both the President (or designee)
and the Secretary (or designee);

Maintain a binder with hard copies of the minutes of

every meeting and digital files via secured server. This
binder and the server login/password information shall
be transferred to the next duly elected Secretary at the
next MYD Island wide Convention;

Assist President with general membership


Notify members of each meeting and/or event; and

Maintain a contact list of the MYD membership; the list

should include name, phone number, email, mailing
address, birth date and social media handles;

Assist President in handling logistics related to planning

and executing general membership meetings and
events; and

Coordinate the development of issues-based platforms

representative of the views of MYD membership. Each
stance should be focused on current issues and events,
and be used as a basis for public outreach, collateral
material and for shaping county and state Democratic
Party platforms. All published MYD views are subject to
review by Executive Committee and approval by MYD

The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the
organization and keep accurate account of all financial
accounts and transactions of the organization. The
Treasurer shall be responsible for the following:

Oversee the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the

organization and ensure accordance with all federal,
state and local laws and regulations;

Coordinate the filing of any financial paperwork and

annual budget with the Treasurer of the Maui County


Maintain a binder/online record with the following items:

budget and expense report, balance sheet, receipts and
accompanying reimbursement forms, and any other
necessary financial matters;
C. Term of Office. The MYD Executive Committee shall
take office at the close of the Island wide Convention at
which they were elected and shall serve until the close
of the next convention, unless removed by the Executive
Committee for cause.


Vacancies. In the instance of a vacancy, a replacement

officer can be elected during the following chapter


Removal. Officers are subject to removal from office for

good cause by the Executive Committee.


Qualifications. Officers shall be registered members of

Section 2: Meetings of the Executive Committee:


Meetings. The first meeting of the MYD Executive

Committee shall be held immediately after, and at the
same place as, the MYD Island wide Convention. No
notice other than this reference need be given. The MYD
Executive Committee may determine the time and place
for the holding of additional regular meetings. Members
may participate in meetings by videoconference,
teleconference, or online conference.


Quorum. At any meeting of the MYD Executive

Committee, a 2/3 majority of officers shall constitute a


Reports. At each MYD general membership and

Executive Committee meeting, the Treasurer shall report
on the organization's finances.


Finances. The Executive Committee shall approve the

financial reports of the Treasurer.
These by-laws may be amended at any MYD Executive
Committee meeting. Adoption of amendments shall
require a 2/3 vote of seated members of the Executive


MYD may be dissolved at any time by majority vote of
the MYD Executive Committee. In event of such

All funds of MYD remaining after satisfaction of all

outstanding liabilities shall remain in trust, the trustees
of which shall be the last duly elected Executive

The last duly elected President, or his/her designee, shall

notify the President of the Young Democrats of Maui and
the President of the Democratic Party of Maui County in
writing of such dissolution.



Policy Statements: MYD may adopt formal policy

statements or resolutions as appropriate, (i.e. stances on
issues) via a majority vote by the MYD Executive
Committee. Such statements or resolutions may serve as
the basis for Letters to the Editors, campaign issues, and
legislative testimony. These statements and resolutions

shall be approved via a majority vote of the General

Membership at a meeting, on a conference call or
through email.

The Rules contained in the current edition of Roberts

Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the MYD in all
cases to which they are applicable and in which they are
not inconsistent with the charter and any special rules of
order the MYD may adopt.

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