Malachi Z York - Nibiru and The Annunaqi Fact or Fiction
Malachi Z York - Nibiru and The Annunaqi Fact or Fiction
Malachi Z York - Nibiru and The Annunaqi Fact or Fiction
However, now scientists are now only charting Nibiru in its orbit, but
they are also picking up radar signals from what they call alien life
forms. So now they are telling the public about it and that is YOUR
confirmation that it does exist. NOW I GUESS YOU CAN TRUST
Four years ago when the Ansaaru Allah Community became known
as The Holy Tabernacle Ministries or simply The Nubian Nation,
and I started to release a whole new set of pamphlets called scrolls, I
mentioned to my congregation to watch the media and watch the other
Nubian leaders. They all followed me, they pretend they dont, they
wait to see what I have to say. And again the moment I began talking
about the Annunaqi or Nibiru, its now all of a sudden all over the
media and many Nubian leaders are talking about it.
What is so said is, something that I came to realize a long time ago,
that you only accept information from Europeans or pale Arabs. If this
information is not being said by some pale Arab, they you dont
believe it. If its not being said by a Caucasian, then you dont believe
it. If its not on NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN or being broadcasted or
smeared across the media, then you dont believe it. All of these facets
are controlled.
You dont see anything on television (Tell Lies Visually) other than
what they want you to see. You dont hear anything on the radio that
they dont want you to hear. You never question these people or
research what they are saying. You just accept what they tell you as
However, I, Dr. Malachi Z. York, being the one raised for you from
amongst you, your own messenger, came giving you information
about everything under and now above the sun. Yet, you will question
me endlessly. This is because you need the Caucasians stamp of
approval. Thus, you will never be able to think on your own. You
Nubians are literally out of your minds!! That is why I am here; Sent
The Motherplane
Which many of us see in the sky today is not so much a wheel as one
may think such terms, but rather a place made like a wheel. The Like
of this wheel-like plane was never seen before. You cannot build one
like it and get the same results. And The present wheel-shaped
plane known as the mother of planes, is one half mile by half mile
saucer and oval shaped. Thats why most people call them discs or
Think, most people say that the crafts they see came from outer space.
In an atmosphere such as outer space where there is no air, why would
there be crafts constructed with wings or saucer shaped. This one way
that you can determine whether crafts are made on Earth or from
outer space. This is called aerodynamics.
Ques: What is aerodynamics?
Ans: Aerodynamics is the study of the flow of air and other gases
and of the forces acting on bodies moving through gases.
Aerodynamics is a combination of the word Aero meaning air,
atmosphere taken from the Greek word Aer which means Air and
the word dynamic meaning Of relating to energy or to objects in
motion, taken from the Greek word Dunasthai which means To be
able, powerful, strong, able.
Aerodynamic forces act on airplanes, and any other objects that
move through the air. Make note that spacecrafts, such as the shuttles
that are sent up to other planets, do not involve aerodynamics because
there is no air in space to produce aerodynamic forces. Only its flight
through the Earths atmosphere involves aerodynamics.
Now if the UFOs that people are seeing everyday are from outer
space, where it consists of no air, then why are they shaped to fly
through the Earths atmosphere, an atmosphere that has air? Because
they are made right here on Earth.
They say that in Genesis 3:8 when Adam and Eve heard the voice of
God in the garden, it was coming from an U.F.O and in their picture
of Adam and Eve being banished from the garden, a craft is shown in
Newspaper Article
Minister Louis Farrakhan is quoted as saying, Aliens took me to visit
the MothershipI really dont care if you think Im a nut. Min.
Louis Farrakhan spoke about this encounter at the Union Temple
Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. to a crowd of 2,000 people.
Ques: What are the opinions of the leading bible scholars?
Ans: Biblical scholars know of a place or thing that their Bible
promises them called The Holy City, The New Jerusalem, that is
spoken of 5 times in the New Testament. It is the main theme of the
Book of Revelation. They are not sure if the New Jerusalem is a
Heavenly abode or an Earthly abode or exactly what it is.
(Ezekiel 1:16). They will never tell you that the Wheel within a
wheel was an actual craft. In Ezekiel 40: 2-3,5, it describes the New
Jerusalem that is also talked about in Revelation 21:10, 15-17.
Ezekiel was sent to the Israelites, who were exiled to Babylon. Many
of Ezekiels messages were concentrated around the seven years
before the destruction of Jerusalem and their temple. Ezekiels most
prominent vision was that of the four living creatures and the
Mothership. Many of the prophecies that were made in the book of
Revelation were already done in the prophetical books of Ezekiel,
Daniel, Joel, and Zechariah (Refer to Revelation, Edition #216)
The following is a list of the similarities between the book of Ezekiel
and Revelation.
Ezekiel 1:5-12
Revelation 4:6-8
Revelation 15:2
Revelation 4:2-3
Revelation 4:6-8
Revelation 10:9-10
Revelation 18:7
9-11, 15-19, 23
Revelation 20:8
Revelation 21:10,
15, 16-17
Revelation 22:1
Revelation 22:2
Ezekiels wheel is not the only story that they cant explain in the Old
Testament. They try to avoid information that is recorded right in the
Old Testament in which they profess to believe in.
They try to avoid explain that in Genesis 5:24, Enoch whose Angelic
name is Adafa says God took him where it say and I quote: And
Enoch walked with God: And he was not; For God took him.
limits him to space and time, which gives him a composition and
Ques: How do you explain God being in the physical form like
Ans: If human beings claim in their scriptures that humans are created
in the image and after the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26), then his
composition, form, and personification must be human-like. This is
the very word use in the scriptures for the fashion which is Suwar
taken from Al Musawwir The fashioner, the 13th attribute of
In the Torah, Genesis 1:27 and God (Eloheem) created man (Adam) in
his [Own image]. Now look at Genesis 2:7 and the Lord (Yahweh)
God (Eloheem) formed Yawtsar Man (Adam). In the Aramic
(Hebrew) the word Yawtsar means To form, fashion, frame
There are many other meanings in the Koran that confirms that it is a
confirmation of the Torah (Koran 10:94). It reads and I quote If you
are in doubt about what you find in the Koran go back to the
scripture before it Which the Koran 3:3 says It is he that is sent
down step by step in truth the book confirming what went before it,
and he sent down the Torah (Law) and the injiyl (Gospel) of
You may ask what is your point? My point is that unless youre going
to yell at this point because this point doesnt agree with your point,
that the Torah is tampered with, then you will have to accept that
Allah in the Koran, Yahweh and Eloheem in the Torah, and Thehos
or Kurios of the New Testament all have a human form, image or
likeness, as found in what you would call His own words.
Thus, being He (God) is a Him, youve given him a gender and
that in itself is a confession of a sexual persuasion; Meaning He
heavens and the Earth. You create the limitations or should I say, the
Allah of the Koran is letting you know that he is also in the ALL.
The same thing is done in the Bible in Matthew 23:22 where it says
and I quote: He that swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of
God, and by him who sitteth thereon. The word being used here for
throne is the Greek word Thronos and it means Throne, seat. The
word Bayma is also used for seat in Matthew 27:19 and means
Judgement seat, throne. The word cathedral is from the Greek
word for seat which is simply Kathedra (Matthew 23:2) with El
added to give you cathedral The seat of El.
So in order for Allah to be on a throne (Koran 2:255), a material
thing, he would have to be matter something that occupies space
and can be perceived by one or more senses; A physical body, a
physical substance or something that has mass and exists as a solid,
liquid, or gas. In order for Allah to be in Jenna (Koran 18:31, Koran
19:60), which is a garden, he would have to be physical and in order
for Allah to have 99 attributes, renders him a limited being, simply
because the 99 attributes are related to the 99 natural elements, which
are related to the physical world, Earth. And just having 99 gives you
a limited number or 100 its still a limited number. It is less names
than the Hindu God Siva who has more than 1,000 names. I would
like to list them, but there are too many. The ALL is ALL so it has
infinite names.
Ques: How would giving Allah attributes make him limited?
wouldnt that do just the opposite, raise him above limitations?
Ans: No, it would not. Giving Allah attributes is just the opposite. It
takes away from the omnipotence and makes him a physical being
and physical beings have what? Exactly physical limitations.
possible that he could be titled the greatest because he is the only one
Mike Tyson
Or like Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player in the world. If
Michael Jordan had not been in heavy competition with other
basketball players he could not have obtained the title The greatest.
Do you overstand what I am saying to you?
Michael Jordan
If there were only one God, there would be no need for a Koran
because the whole purpose of the Koran is to reveal to you to worship
one God or you will be punished. Why does Allah have to keep
reiterating I am alone, I have no partners.? Why is it necessary if
there is no other God equal in power to him? This is another
confession that Allah is not the only God as you have been taught to
Think about it. Would a God who is in control have a counterpart in
Koran 53:19 as Allat which is as The Goddess Lat? A Goddess
that can be found in poetry before the Koran. So this Goddess was
established before Muhammad and before he received the Koran. A
God who has daughters? A God who has sons? This cannot be The
all because The all wouldnt yield any physical sons or daughters.
You can say that Allah is all it simply depends on what point of view
you are looking from.
So this being that you all want to claim as God is a God who has
limitations. The very fact that the Koran claims Allah has daughters
means in someones mind the possibility whether they be right or
Also Koran 2:22 literally says that when Allah finished his duties on
Earth he took residence in the heavens and made it a firm structure.
Els Holy Quraan 87:22 (Original order)
Persian Arabic Script
Now, getting back to my point, Enoch, the only other place in the
Bible where Enoch pops up is in the New Testament which Jews do
not read or believe in. So you ask them to tell you, where was Enoch
taken to?, How did he get there?, Where did these Gods come from
who took him and did they appear to him in a physical form? They
wont even address the Book of Enoch.
Portions of the Book of Enoch have been published by different
authors such as Dr. Donald P. Coverdell, Th.D. In his book The
Mystery Clouds, page 33, where it says and I quote: Enoch
chapters 1-5 announces a last judgement. It claims that the divine
God will leave his heavenly abode to appear on Earth with this
Angelic host.
Again, the so-called Hebrews will ignore this although it is written
right in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Now that you know I didnt just make
this all up, you can find the Book of Enoch in its entirety in Chapter
11 of The Holy Tablets, El Lowha El Qudus. The prophet Elijah was
taken up into the heavens, bodily.
2 Kings 2:11
Modern Hebrew Script
son of Gabriel and Mary
They never address exactly what this Holy City is (Revelation 21:34). If they do, they give explanations such as the following:
According to Ryrie Study Bible:
Bible. The Jews had the Pharisees who sat at the base of the mountain
and made their own book of laws called the Talmud and the Mishnah.
The Talmud condoned male chauvinism, as well as paedophilia. Many
of the Jews of today dont even know about the contents of the
The Christians set up several councils of Nicea. They too, removed
books from the New Testament. Christians will go out of their way to
hide the book of Barnabas because it tells you that Jesus was not
really crucified.
Sun newspaper
Now that more of the Dead Sea Scrolls are being discovered, they
want to write them off like they dont exist. The Dead Sea Scrolls of
the Qumran caves, were discovered in 1947 A.D. and are the oldest
surviving records of the Old Testament. There is information about
extra-terrestrial involvements that are written in the Dead Sea Scrolls
that they dont want to explain. The money hungry ones of them, are
selling pieces of the Dead Sea Scrolls for profit.
Everybody knows that there is some craft or city that is somewhere
out there. They all try to ignore Zecharia Sitchins findings, and
others who have published books such as: Maurice Chetlain,
Alexander Heidel, Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Dr. Donald P. Coverdell,
Th.D. And Eric Von Daniken to name a few.
I have been saying for 20 years now that there are other planets that
exist in this solar system as well as on the other side of the sun.
Needless to say, everybody thought I was crazy. Now, NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is saying that there
are more than nine planets and with the use of time machines, they
can travel to other parts of the universe.
Its no coincidence that soon after I first spoke about a planet ship
called Nibiru, there were findings all over the media of how satellites
are picking up radar signals from something that is the size of Jupiter
coming into the Earths atmosphere. This information was
broadcasted on the sci-fi channel during 1995 A.D. and is referred to
as Rylo 7 by some scientist.
The most recent discovery is the sighting of two new planets that
sustains life and is 40 light years away which is close according to
space time. One of the planets is located orbiting the stars 70 virginis,
in the Virgo constellation and the other 47 Ursae Majoris, a star within
the big dipper.
Both of the planets, as scientist are calling them, each are about the
size of the sun. They know that is too large to enter the Earths
atmosphere. SOUNDS FAMILIAR????
And it doesnt stop
there. In an issue of
Sun Magazine dated
February 20, 1996
A.D. in an article
titled World to
end in year 2000 It
speaks about a star
that is going to
destroy the Earth in
the year 2000 A.D.
the paper states
that It will not
actually hit the
Earth, but it will
come close enough to pull the planet Earth out of its orbit. It also
says, The worlds government has been secretly working with the
White House and a special task force of Elite NASA scientist to deflect
the runaway star, which has been code named Wormwood. They
say that Wormwood is about 5 times larger than Earth, and it will
cause hell on Earth.
According to them, Its gravitational pull alone will cause incredible
storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. They say American and
Russian military scientist are working desperately to build an arsenal
of monster nuclear missiles in hopes to blast wormwood away back
into outer space from their moon base.
They are talking about Nibiru. So for those of you who think that I am
just making things up, you are wrong. Everything that I have been
telling you is being told to you every day. You just dont want to
except it coming from me. DONT BELIEVE ME, CHECK IT
Also, is an issue of Weekly world news dated February 13, 1996,
an article entitled Doomsday comet speeding toward Earth.
It also says Scientist secretly met with Bill Clinton in the oval office
and that the President is not only gravely concerned, he has already
authorized the emergency expenditure of 2.6 billion that the pentagon
and NASA will need to modify land based weapons for use in space.
They are going to try their best to shoot at or detour its course.
Ques: Are there any other groups of people who know about
Ans: Yes. The Sumerians of thousands of years ago knew about the
solar system and the amount of planets that circled the sun. It was not
always 9 as many people believed. The carving that is located at a
museum in East Berlin, Germany called the Vorderasiastische
Atbeilung of the state museum depicts a group of 11 globes encircling
a large star or sun which is clearly the solar system.
Ques: What is Nibiru?
Ans: Nibiru means Planet of the crossing or Planet that crosses
the skies. It comes from the ashuric/syriac (Arabic) word nabara
which means Raised, elevated. And is a derivative of the Aramic
(Hebrew) word nabresh which means To give light, to shine.
Nibiru is a movable throne also called Markabah (Mer-Ka-Ba).
According to the Hans Wehr Dictionary, on page 938, nabara
To raise, elevate; To go up with the voice, sing in a high-pitched
voice; To stress, emphasize, accentuate; To shout, yell, scream
According to the Lanes Arabic-English dictionary on page 2757,
nabara means:
Raised, or elevated, a thing: Raising of the voice
As you can see, Nibiru is not a word that I just made up. If you would
do your research before you say that its not true, you would know
that. Nibiru stems from the aramic (Hebrew) word nabresh and the
ashuric/syriac word nabara which leads back to the ancient
The Annunaqi
In the Old Testament they are referred to as angels or in the Hebrew
language, Eloheem. They were there in the begging of creation in
Genesis 1:1 where it says and I quote:
Genesis 1:1
Also in Genesis 1:26 it says and I quote:
son of Terah and Nuwna
Prior to their arrival, Yahweh stopped off to see Abraham and told him
that they were going to destroy Sodom (Genesis 18:33). Now, lets
take a look at this quote word for word.
Els Holy Torah, Genesis 18:33
Modern Hebrew script
Thats what this quote says in the original Hebrew and I dont want to
make it sound confusing, I just wanted to put each word in so you
could see what it says: And Yahuwa Yaw-Lak (Went his way), as
Ash-Er (Soon) as he had Kaw-Law (Left) Daw-Bar (Speaking) with
Ab-Raw-Hawm (Abraham): And Ab-Raw-Hawm (Abraham) Shoob
(Returned) to his Maw-Qome (Place).
Its right there. Yahweh had to have feet that were attached to his legs
in order to walk and he had to have a larynx and the functions of a
larynx is to produce sound, in order to speak, all of which are physical
Koran 23:33 also gives the implication that angels are merely
physical beings just like you. When you read this verse it says and I
quote (In part): He is no more than a man like yourselves: He
eats of that which ye eat, and drink of what ye drink.
Els Holy Quraan 74:33 (Original order)
Persian Arabic script
daughter of Imhotep and Rashaa
Now, in the books of Exodus it speaks of Moses talking with God
(Exodus 3:4) and seeing God or another place such as when Elijah
and Moses appeared to Jesus and three of his disciples, Peter, James
and John in Matthew 17:3. Throughout the Old Testament, Yahweh,
the head God of the children of Israel, Appeared to different
people in several places, Exodus 6:3, 1 Samuel 3:21, 1 Kings 3:5, 1
Kings 9:2, 2 Chronicles 3:1, 2 Chronicles 7:12.
Now lets get back to the story of Lot. Lot also calls these angels
Men. If you go further down in this chapter of Genesis 19 to Verse
10 it says and I quote: But the men put forth their hand and pulled
Lot into the house to them and shut the door. Again referring to the
Angels as men, Enowsh. The first time that the word Enos
(Enowsh which is the same word) is used in the Bible is referring to a
man names Enowsh who was the first mortal man, in Genesis 4:26
and from then on the word Enowsh was hidden in the English
translation under the word man. Also Adam is hidden under the word
man in your Bible.
This time when they are referring to the angels who came to Lot, they
say they have hands, Yad Hand, hand of man. In order for them to
be able to pull him into the house they would have to be in physical
form. Not to mention that they had feet, reh-gel meaning Foot, leg
that Lot wanted to wash in Genesis 19:2. They have mouths and
digestive systems to eat in Genesis 19:3, and bodies to lay down on,
in Genesis 19:4. These beings that you keep referring to in the Bible
as angels are nothing more than beings who come to Earth for
whatever reason, to perform whatever task. These beings that you are
calling angels are simply extra-terrestrials. Call me what youd like,
The problem is that people are trying to sell you physical or unseen
things, so that they can give you a blind hope for religion. You see
blind and unseen work together. This has to be done because people
are turning away from the church and Christianity because they are
waking up to the truth. Christianity is dying, Nubians and Orientals
are giving them back their religion. So lots of money is being spend to
make you think a 2,000 year old religion can really help you in 1996
A.D. There is nothing that a 2,000 year old religion can do for you
today if it hasnt done anything for your ancestors who came here
over 3,000 years ago. A 2,000 year old dead man cant do anything for
you. Christian leaders and propagators are starting to see that you all
are realizing that we are our own Gods. And its frightening them.
them any kinds of names you just accept what they say. There are
different kinds of extraterrestrial beings. Some look like humans
others look like insects and others are indescribable. Now that Ive
been talking about extraterrestrials, it is all over the media. This has
happened to me since I began teaching. I would say something or
write information in my books, then soon enough it is the main topic
in the news.
Now I said that 666 is a fake number used to hide zig zag zig because
the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet would be Zayin and you would
get ZZZ or Zayin, Zayin which is now the 7th letter, but originally
was the 6th letter which is now the letter waw. So you would have W
W W or waw, waw, waw. And the Hebrew abjab of waw is
equivalent to the number 7 which is the ancient ashuric Arabic
number 6. The Arabic letter waw is nothing but the number 6 upside
down. The sixth letter waw which is equivalent to the Arabic number
7 or the seventh letter Zayin which is also equivalent to the Arabic
number 7, the Arabic number 7 is nothing more than the Hebrew
number 6. They simply switched them around to deceive you. You can
best believe that soon they will try to use this information also. The
Leviathan 666 (The spell of Kingu) is being released with more
predictions and is as dynamic as ever. Along with part 3 referred to as
The year 2,000 and what to expect. I predict that the year 2,000
A.D. would be the end of the world. By that I mean, the end of the
Devils rule, his 6,000 years are up. You can see his rule coming down
all around him. When I first said it 30 years ago, I looked crazy but
now everyone is saying it.
I was basing this on the alignment of the planets in this solar system.
In the year 2,000 A.D. all the planets will line up on May 5, 2000
A.D. and the planets could be drawn towards the sun. This could
cause a star holocaust. This could be the end of life on your planet. I
predicted this as far back as 1970 A.D. Now in the 1990s, it is all
over the media like never before. A man named Richard W. Noone,
wrote a book entitled 5/5/2000 in 1982 A.D., predicting the end of
the world. Everything that I have said is now coming to pass and its
no coincidence that the whole world is lining up to what I am saying.
All the religious teachers, different sects of Muslims, different
denominations of Christians, all of the Hebrew Israelites, etc. Are
taking bits and pieces of my doctrine and using it as if they are saying
something new. You have people like Minister Louis Farrakhan
quoting everything I say. Ask him why he is quoting everything I say
if Im so wrong? Or people like Dr. Valentine, Dr. Blair, and the likes
are talking about melanin, or UFOS which I later changed to IFO
(Identified flying object) and everybody picked that up too. As a
Muslim I spoke about these things. I spoke about the Enuma Elish,
the Gilgamesh Epics, and the tablets that were written and recorded
long before the Bible and the Koran.
Everything that I said years ago is confirming itself. Now all these
things are becoming a reality to you. Because it is begging to happen
to you. But still ill be called a nut and with the Holy Tablets that was
revealed to me for you, they are going to foolishly turn away from it.
The Middle Path