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Thursday, 9 June, 2011

Part II

1:30 pm to 4:30 pm


Before you begin read these instructions carefully.

The examination paper is divided into two sections. Each question in Section II
carries twice the number of marks of each question in Section I. Candidates may
attempt at most six questions from Section I and any number of questions from
Section II.
Complete answers are preferred to fragments.
Write on one side of the paper only and begin each answer on a separate sheet.
Write legibly; otherwise you place yourself at a grave disadvantage.

At the end of the examination:

Tie up your answers in bundles, marked A, B, C, . . ., K according to the code letter
affixed to each question. Include in the same bundle all questions from Sections I
and II with the same code letter.
Attach a completed gold cover sheet to each bundle.
You must also complete a green master cover sheet listing all the questions you have
Every cover sheet must bear your examination number and desk number.

Gold cover sheet
Green master cover sheet

You may not start to read the questions

printed on the subsequent pages until
instructed to do so by the Invigilator.


Number Theory
(i) State Lagranges Theorem, and prove that, if p is an odd prime,
(p 1)! 1 mod p .

(ii) Still assuming p is an odd prime, prove that

32 52 (p 2)2 (1)



mod p .

Topics in Analysis
Let = {z C : z 6= 1, |Re(z)| + |Im(z)| = 1}.

(i) Prove that, for any C with |Re()| + |Im()| > 1 and any > 0, there exists a
complex polynomial p such that
sup |p(z) (z )1 | < .

(ii) Does there exist a sequence of polynomials pn such that pn (z) (z 1)1 for every
z ? Justify your answer.


Geometry and Groups

Define a Kleinian group.

Give an example of a Kleinian group that is a free group on two generators and
explain why it has this property.


Coding and Cryptography

What is the rank of a binary linear code C? What is the weight enumeration
polynomial WC of C?
Show that WC (1, 1) = 2r where r is the rank of C. Show that WC (s, t) = WC (t, s)
for all s and t if and only if WC (1, 0) = 1.
Find, with reasons, the weight enumeration polynomial of the repetition code of
length n, and of the simple parity check code of length n.

Part II, Paper 3


Statistical Modelling
Define a generalised linear model for a sample Y1 , . . . , Yn of independent random
variables. Define further the concept of the link function. Define the binomial regression
model with logistic and probit link functions. Which of these is the canonical link function?


Mathematical Biology
The dynamics of a directly transmitted microparasite can be modelled by the system

= bN XY bX ,
= XY (b + r)Y ,
= rY bZ ,

where b, and r are positive constants and X, Y and Z are respectively the numbers
of susceptible, infected and immune (i.e. infected by the parasite, but showing no further
symptoms of infection) individuals in a population of size N , independent of t, where
N = X + Y + Z.
Consider the possible steady states of these equations. Show that there is a threshold
population size Nc such that if N < Nc there is no steady state with the parasite
maintained in the population. Show that in this case the number of infected and immune
individuals decreases to zero for all possible initial conditions.
Show that for N > Nc there is a possible steady state with X = Xs < N and
Y = Ys > 0, and find expressions for Xs and Ys .
By linearising the equations for dX/dt and dY /dt about the steady state X = Xs
and Y = Ys , derive a quadratic equation for the possible growth or decay rate in terms of
Xs and Ys and hence show that the steady state is stable.

Part II, Paper 3



Dynamical Systems
For the map xn+1 = xn (1 x2n ), with > 0, show the following:

(i) If < 1, then the origin is the only fixed point and is stable.
(ii) If > 1, then the origin is unstable. There are two further fixed points which are
stable for 1 < < 2 and unstable for > 2.

(iii) If < 3 3/2, then xn has the same sign as the starting value x0 if |x0 | < 1.

(iv) If < 3, then |xn+1 | < 2 3/3 when |xn | < 2 3/3. Deduce that iterates starting
sufficiently close to the origin remain bounded, though they may change sign.
[Hint: For (iii) and (iv) a graphical representation may be helpful.]


Further Complex Methods

Explain the meaning of zj in the Weierstrass canonical product formula
f (0) Y
e zj .
f (z) = f (0) exp
f (0)

Show that


1 2 .

Deduce that

cot(z) =

z 2 n2


Classical Dynamics
The Lagrangian for a heavy symmetric top is
L = I1 2 + 2 sin2 + I3 + cos M gl cos .

State Noethers Theorem. Hence, or otherwise, find two conserved quantities linear
in momenta, and a third conserved quantity quadratic in momenta.
Writing = cos , deduce that obeys an equation of the form
2 = F () ,
where F () is cubic in . [You need not determine the explicit form of F ().]

Part II, Paper 3

10E Cosmology
For an ideal gas of fermions of mass m in volume V , and at temperature T and
chemical potential , the number density n and kinetic energy E are given by
(p)(p)p2 dp ,
(p) p2 dp ,
E= 3 V
n= 3
where gs is the spin-degeneracy factor, h is Plancks constant, (p) = c p2 + m2 c2 is the
single-particle energy as a function of the momentum p, and

(p) = exp



where k is Boltzmanns constant.

(i) Sketch the function n
(p) at zero temperature, explaining why n
(p) = 0 for p > pF
(the Fermi momentum). Find an expression for n at zero temperature as a function
of pF .
Assuming that a typical fermion is ultra-relativistic (pc mc2 ) even at zero
temperature, obtain an estimate of the energy density E/V as a function of pF ,
and hence show that
E hc n4/3 V
in the ultra-relativistic limit at zero temperature.
(ii) A white dwarf star of radius R has total mass M = 4
3 mp np R , where mp is the
proton mass and np the average proton number density. On the assumption that the
stars degenerate electrons are ultra-relativistic, so that () applies with n replaced
by the average electron number density ne , deduce the following estimate for the
stars internal kinetic energy:

Ekin hc




By comparing this with the total gravitational potential energy, briefly discuss the
consequences for white dwarf stability.

Part II, Paper 3



Number Theory
Let (s) be the Riemann zeta function, and put s = + it with , t R.

(i) If > 1, prove that

(s) =

(1 ps )1 ,

where the product is taken over all primes p.

(ii) Assuming that, for > 1, we have
(s) =


prove that (s)


n(ns (n + 1)s ) ,

has an analytic continuation to the half plane > 0.

Part II, Paper 3

12F Topics in Analysis

Let f : [0, 1] R be continuous and let n be a positive integer. For g : [0, 1] R
a continuous function, write kf gkL = supx[0,1] |f (x) g(x)|.
(i) Let p be a polynomial of degree at most n with the property that there are (n + 2)
distinct points x1 , x2 , . . . , xn+2 [0, 1] with x1 < x2 < . . . < xn+2 such that
f (xj ) p(xj ) = (1)j kf pkL
for each j = 1, 2, . . . , n + 2. Prove that
kf pkL 6 kf qkL
for every polynomial q of degree at most n.
(ii) Prove that there exists a polynomial p of degree at most n such that
kf pkL 6 kf qkL
for every polynomial q of degree at most n.
[If you deduce this from a more general result about abstract normed spaces, you
must prove that result.]
(iii) Let Y = {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn+2 } be any set of (n + 2) distinct points in [0, 1].
(a) For j = 1, 2, . . . , n + 2, let
rj (x) =


k=1, k6=j

x yk
yj yk

t(x) = n+2
j=1 f (yj )rj (x) and r(x) =
j=1 (1) rj (x). Explain why there is
a unique number R such that the degree of the polynomial t r is at
most n.
(b) Let kf gkL (Y ) = supxY |f (x) g(x)|. Deduce from part (a) that there
exists a polynomial p of degree at most n such that
kf pkL (Y ) 6 kf qkL (Y )
for every polynomial q of degree at most n.

Part II, Paper 3


13B Mathematical Biology

The number density of a population of amoebae is n(x, t). The amoebae exhibit
chemotaxis and are attracted to high concentrations of a chemical which has concentration
a(x, t). The equations governing n and a are
= n(n20 n2 ) + 2 n ((n)na) ,
= n a + D2 a ,
where the constants n0 , , , and D are all positive.
(i) Give a biological interpretation of each term in these equations and discuss the sign
of (n).
(ii) Show that there is a non-trivial (i.e. a 6= 0, n 6= 0) steady-state solution for n and
a, independent of x, and show further that it is stable to small disturbances that
are also independent of x.
(iii) Consider small spatially varying disturbances to the steady state, with spatial
structure such that 2 = k2 , where is any disturbance quantity. Show
that if such disturbances also satisfy /t = p, where p is a constant, then p
satisfies a quadratic equation, to be derived. By considering the conditions required
for p = 0 to be a possible solution of this quadratic equation, or otherwise, deduce
that instability is possible if
0 n0 > 2n20 D + + 2(2Dn20 )1/2 ,
where 0 = (n0 ).
(iv) Explain briefly how your conclusions might change if an additional geometric
constraint implied that k2 > k02 , where k0 is a given constant.

Part II, Paper 3

14C Dynamical Systems

Explain what is meant by a steady-state bifurcation of a fixed point x0 () of a
dynamical system x = f (x, ) in Rn , where is a real parameter.
Consider the system in x > 0, y > 0, with > 0,
x = x(1 y 2 x2 ) ,
y = y( y x2 ) .

(i) Show that both the fixed point (0, ) and the fixed point (1, 0) have a steady-state
bifurcation when = 1.
(ii) By finding the first approximation to the extended centre manifold, construct the
normal form near the bifurcation point (1, 0) when is close to unity, and show
that there is a transcritical bifurcation there. Explain why the symmetries of the
equations mean that the bifurcation at (0, 1) must be of pitchfork type.
(iii) Show that two fixed points with x, y > 0 exist in the range 1 < < 5/4. Show that
the solution with y < 1/2 is stable. Identify the bifurcation that occurs at = 5/4.
(iv) Draw a sketch of the values of y at the fixed points as functions of , indicating the
bifurcation points and the regions where each branch is stable. [Detailed calculations
are not required.]

Part II, Paper 3



15E Cosmology
An expanding universe with scale factor a(t) is filled with (pressure-free) cold
dark matter (CDM) of average mass density (t). In the Zeldovich approximation to
gravitational clumping, the perturbed position r(q, t) of a CDM particle with unperturbed
comoving position q is given by
r(q, t) = a(t)[q + (q, t)] ,


where is the comoving displacement.

(i) Explain why the conservation of CDM particles implies that
(r, t) d3 r = a3 (t) d3 q ,
where (r, t) is the CDM mass density. Use (1) to verify that
d3 q = a3 [1 q ]d3 r, and hence deduce that the fractional density perturbation
is, to first order,

= q .

Use this result to integrate the Poisson equation 2 = 4G

for the gravitational
potential . Then use the particle equation of motion r = to deduce a
second-order differential equation for , and hence that

= 0.
[You may assume that 2 = 4G
implies = (4G/3)
r and that the
pressure-free acceleration equation is a
= (4G/3)
(ii) A flat matter-dominated universe with background density = (6Gt2 )1 has scale
factor a(t) = (t/t0 )2/3 . The universe is filled with a pressure-free homogeneous
(non-clumping) fluid of mass density H (t), as well as cold dark matter of mass
density C (r, t).
Assuming that the Zeldovich perturbation equation in this case is as in (2) but
with replaced by C , i.e. that

C = 0 ,
seek power-law solutions t to find growing and decaying modes with

1 25 24 H ,
where H = H /

Given that matter domination starts (t = teq ) at a redshift z 105 , and given an
initial perturbation (teq ) 105 , show that H = 2/3 yields a model that is not
compatible with the large-scale structure observed today.

Part II, Paper 3


16H Logic and Set Theory

State and prove the Upward L
owenheimSkolem Theorem.
[You may assume the Compactness Theorem, provided that you state it clearly.]
A total ordering (X, <) is called dense if for any x < y there exists z with x < z < y.
Show that a dense total ordering (on more than one point) cannot be a well-ordering.
For each of the following theories, either give axioms, in the language of posets,
for the theory or prove carefully that the theory is not axiomatisable in the language of
(i) The theory of dense total orderings.
(ii) The theory of countable dense total orderings.
(iii) The theory of uncountable dense total orderings.
(iv) The theory of well-orderings.

17F Graph Theory

Define the Tur
an graph Tr (n).
otherwise, find ex(K3 ; n).

State and prove Tur

ans theorem.

Hence, or

Let G be a bipartite graph with n vertices in each class. Let k be an integer,

1 6 k 6 n, and assume e(G) > (k 1)n. Show that G contains a set of k independent
[Hint: Suppose G contains a set D of a independent edges but no set of a + 1
independent edges. Let U be the set of vertices of the edges in D and let F be the set of
edges in G with precisely one vertex in U ; consider |F |.]
Hence, or otherwise, show that if H is a triangle-free tripartite graph with n vertices
in each class then e(H) 6 2n2 .

18H Galois Theory

Let n > 1 and K = Q(n ) be the cyclotomic field generated by the nth roots of

unity. Let a Q with a 6= 0, and consider F = K( n a).

(i) State, without proof, the theorem which determines Gal(K/Q).
(ii) Show that F/Q is a Galois extension and that Gal(F/Q) is soluble. [When using
facts about general Galois extensions and their generators, you should state them
(iii) When n = p is prime, list all possible degrees [F : Q], with justification.

Part II, Paper 3




Representation Theory
Define the character IndG
H of a finite group G which is induced by a character
of a subgroup H of G.
State and prove the Frobenius reciprocity formula for the characters of H and
of G.
Now suppose that H has index 2 in G. An irreducible character of H and an
irreducible character of G are said to be related if
H , iG = h, ResH iH > 0.

Show that each of degree d is either monogamous in the sense that it is related to
one (of degree 2d), or bigamous in the sense that it is related to precisely two distinct
characters 1 , 2 (of degree d). Show that each is related to one bigamous , or to two
monogamous characters 1 , 2 (of the same degree).
Write down the degrees of the complex irreducible characters of the alternating
group A5 . Find the degrees of the irreducible characters of a group G containing A5 as a
subgroup of index 2, distinguishing two possible cases.

20H Algebraic Topology

Let K and L be (finite) simplicial complexes. Explain carefully what is meant by
a simplicial approximation to a continuous map f : |K| |L|. Indicate briefly how the
cartesian product |K| |L| may be triangulated.
Two simplicial maps g, h : K L are said to be contiguous if, for each simplex
of K, there exists a simplex of L such that both g() and h() are faces of . Show
(i) any two simplicial approximations to a given map f : |K| |L| are contiguous;
(ii) if g and h are contiguous, then they induce homotopic maps |K| |L|;
(iii) if f and g are homotopic maps |K| |L|, then for some subdivision K (n) of K
there exists a sequence (h1 , h2 , . . . , hm ) of simplicial maps K (n) L such that h1
is a simplicial approximation to f , hm is a simplicial approximation to g and each
pair (hi , hi+1 ) is contiguous.

Part II, Paper 3


21G Linear Analysis

Let H be a complex Hilbert space with orthonormal basis (en )
n= . Let T : H H
be a bounded linear operator. What is meant by the spectrum (T ) of T ?
Define T by setting T (en ) = en1 + en+1 for n Z. Show that T has a unique
extension to a bounded, self-adjoint linear operator on H. Determine the norm kT k.
Exhibit, with proof, an element of (T ).
Show that T has no eigenvectors. Is T compact?
[General results from spectral theory may be used without proof. You may also use the
fact that if a sequence (xn ) satisfies a linear recurrence xn = xn1 + xn+1 with R,
|| 6 2, 6= 0, then it has the form xn = An sin(1 n + 2 ) or xn = (A + nB)n , where
A, B, R and 0 6 1 < , |2 | 6 /2.]

22G Riemann Surfaces

State the Classical Monodromy Theorem for analytic continuations in subdomains
of the plane.
Let n, r be positive integers with r > 1 and set h(z) = z n 1. By removing n
semi-infinite rays from C, find a subdomain U C on which an analytic function h1/r
may be defined, justifying this assertion. Describe briefly a gluing procedure which will
produce the Riemann surface R for the complete analytic function h1/r .
Let Z denote the set of nth roots of unity and assume that the natural analytic
C ,
covering map : R C \ Z extends to an analytic map of Riemann surfaces

where R is a compactification of R and C denotes the extended complex plane. Show

has precisely n branch points if and only if r divides n.

23H Algebraic Geometry

Let X be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0.
(i) Let D be a divisor on X.
Define L(D), and show dim L(D) 6 deg D + 1.

(ii) Define the space of rational differentials 1k(X)/k .

If p is a point on X, and t a local parameter at p, show that 1k(X)/k = k(X)dt.
Use that equality to give a definition of vp () Z, for 1k(X)/k , p X. [You need
not show that your definition is independent of the choice of local parameter.]

Part II, Paper 3




Differential Geometry
For an oriented surface S in R3 , define the Gauss map, the second fundamental form
and the normal curvature in the direction w Tp S at a point p S.

Let k1 , . . . , km be normal curvatures at p in the directions v1 , . . . , vm , such that the

angle between vi and vi+1 is /m for each i = 1, . . . , m 1 (m > 2). Show that
k1 + . . . + km = mH ,
where H is the mean curvature of S at p.
What is a minimal surface? Show that if S is a minimal surface, then its Gauss
map N at each point p S satisfies
hdNp (w1 ), dNp (w2 )i = (p)hw1 , w2 i ,

for all w1 , w2 Tp S ,


where (p) R depends only on p. Conversely, if the identity () holds at each point in S,
must S be minimal? Justify your answer.

25K Probability and Measure

(i) State and prove Kolmogorovs zero-one law.
(ii) Let (E, E, ) be a finite measure space and suppose that (Bn )n>1 is a sequence of
events such that Bn+1 Bn for all n > 1. Show carefully that (Bn ) (B),
where B =
n=1 Bn .
(iii) Let (Xi )i>1 be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random
variables such that E(X12 ) = 2 < and E(X1 ) = 0. Let K > 0 and consider
the event An defined by
An =

>K ,

where Sn =


Xi .


Prove that there exists c > 0 such that for all n large enough, P(An ) > c. Any
result used in the proof must be stated clearly.
(iv) Prove using the results above that An occurs infinitely often, almost surely. Deduce
lim sup = ,
almost surely.

Part II, Paper 3



Applied Probability

(i) Define an inhomogeneous Poisson process with rate function (u).

(ii) Show that the number of arrivals in an inhomogeneous Poisson process during the
interval (0, t) has the Poisson distribution with mean

(u) du .

(iii) Suppose that = {(t), t > 0} is a non-negative real-valued random process.

Conditional on , let N = {N (t), t > 0} be an inhomogeneous Poisson process
with rate function (u). Such a process N is called a doubly-stochastic Poisson
process. Show that the variance of N (t) cannot be less than its mean.
(iv) Now consider the process M (t) obtained by deleting every odd-numbered point in
an ordinary Poisson process of rate . Check that
EM (t) =

2t + e2t 1

Var M (t) =

4t 8te2t e4t + 1

Deduce that M (t) is not a doubly-stochastic Poisson process.

Part II, Paper 3



27K Principles of Statistics

Random variables X1 , X2 , . . . are independent and identically distributed from the
exponential distribution E(), with density function
pX (x | ) = ex

(x > 0) ,

when the parameter takes value > 0. The following experiment is performed. First X1
is observed. Thereafter, if X1 = x1 , . . . , Xi = xi have been observed (i > 1), a coin having
probability (xi ) of landing heads is tossed, where : R (0, 1) is a known function and
the coin toss is independent of the Xs and previous tosses. If it lands heads, no further
observations are made; if tails, Xi+1 is observed.
Let N be the total number of Xs observed, and X := (X1 , . . . , XN ). Write down
the likelihood function for based on data X = (x1 , . . . , xn ), and identify a minimal
sufficient statistic. What does the likelihood principle have to say about inference from
this experiment?
Now consider the experiment that only records Y := XN . Show that the density
function of Y has the form
pY (y | ) = exp{a(y) k() y} .
Assuming the function a() is twice differentiable and that both pY (y | ) and pY (y | )/y
vanish at 0 and , show that a (Y ) is an unbiased estimator of , and find its variance.
Stating clearly any general results you use, deduce that
k () E {a (Y )} > 1 .

Part II, Paper 3


28K Optimization and Control

An observable scalar state variable evolves as xt+1 = xt + ut , t = 0, 1, . . . . Let
controls u0 , u1 , . . . be determined by a policy and define
Cs (, x0 ) =
(x2t + 2xt ut + 7u2t ) and Cs (x0 ) = inf Cs (, x0 ) .


Show that it is possible to express Cs (x0 ) in terms of s , which satisfies the recurrence
s =

6(1 + s1 )
7 + s1

s = 1, 2, . . . ,

with 0 = 0.
Deduce that C (x0 ) > 2x20 . [C (x0 ) is defined as lim Cs (x0 ).]

By considering the policy which takes ut = (1/3)(2/3)t x0 , t = 0, 1, . . . , show

that C (x0 ) = 2x20 .
Give an alternative description of in closed-loop form.


Stochastic Financial Models

First, what is a Brownian motion?

(i) The price St of an asset evolving in continuous time is represented as

St = S0 exp(Wt + t) ,
where W is a standard Brownian motion, and and are constants. If riskless
investment in a bank account returns a continuously-compounded rate of interest r,
derive a formula for the time-0 price of a European call option on the asset S with
strike K and expiry T . You may use any general results, but should state them
(ii) In the same financial market, consider now a derivative which pays

Y = exp T


log(Su ) du K


at time T . Find the time-0 price for this derivative. Show that it is less than the
price of the European call option which you derived in (i).

Part II, Paper 3



30A Partial Differential Equations

(a) State the local existence theorem of a classical solution of the Cauchy problem
a(x1 , x2 , u)

+ b(x1 , x2 , u)
= c(x1 , x2 , u) ,

u| = u0 ,
where is a smooth curve in R2 .
(b) Solve, by using the method of characteristics,
+ 4x2
= u2 ,
u(x1 , 2) = h ,


where h > 0 is a constant. What is the maximal domain of existence in which u is

a solution of the Cauchy problem?

31A Asymptotic Methods

I0 =

ex(z) dz ,

where (z) is a complex analytic function and C0 is a steepest descent contour from a
simple saddle point of (z) at z0 . Establish the following leading asymptotic approximation, for large real x:

ex(z0 ) .
I0 i

2 (z0 )x
Let n be a positive integer, and let
et 2n ln t dt ,

where C is a contour in the upper half t-plane connecting t = to t = , and ln t is

real on the positive t-axis with a branch cut along the negative t-axis. Using the method
of steepest descent, find the leading asymptotic approximation to I for large n.

Part II, Paper 3


32A Integrable Systems

Let U (, , ) and V (, , ) be matrix-valued functions. Consider the following
system of overdetermined linear partial differential equations:

= U ,

= V,

where is a column vector whose components depend on (, , ). Using the consistency

condition of this system, derive the associated zero curvature representation (ZCR)

V + [U, V ] = 0 ,


where [ , ] denotes the usual matrix commutator.

(i) Let


V =

cos i sin
i sin cos

Find a partial differential equation for = (, ) which is equivalent to the

ZCR ().
(ii) Assuming that U and V in () do not depend on t := , show that the trace of
(U V )p does not depend on x := + , where p is any positive integer. Use this
fact to construct a first integral of the ordinary differential equation
= sin ,

Part II, Paper 3

where = (x) .



33D Principles of Quantum Mechanics

The Pauli matrices = (x , y , z ) = (1 , 2 , 3 ), with

0 1
0 i
1 0
1 =
2 =
3 =
1 0
i 0
0 1
are used to represent angular momentum operators with respect to basis states | i and
| i corresponding to spin up and spin down along the z-axis. They satisfy
i j = ij + iijk k .
(i) How are | i and | i represented? How is the spin operator s related to and ~?
Check that the commutation relations between the spin operators are as desired.
Check that s2 acting on a spin one-half state has the correct eigenvalue.
What are the states obtained by applying sx , sy to the eigenstates | i and | i of
sz ?
(ii) Let V be the space of states for a spin one-half system. Consider a combination of
three such systems with states belonging to V (1) V (2) V (3) and spin operators
acting on each subsystem denoted by sx , sy with i = 1, 2, 3. Find the eigenvalues
of the operators
(2) (3)
x sy sy ,

of the state

(2) (3)
y sx sy ,

(2) (3)
y sy sx


(2) (3)
x sx sx

|i = | i1 | i2 | i3 | i1 | i2 | i3 .

(iii) Consider now whether these outcomes for measurements of particular combinations
of the operators sx , sy in the state |i could be reproduced by replacing the
spin operators with classical variables sx , sy which take values ~/2 according
to some probabilities. Assume that these variables are identical to the quantum
(1) (2) (3)
(1) (2) (3)
(1) (2) (3)
measurements of sx sy sy , sy sx sy , sy sy sx on |i. Show that classically
this implies a unique possibility for
x s
x s
x ,
and find its value.
State briefly how this result could be used to experimentally test quantum mechanics.

Part II, Paper 3


34E Applications of Quantum Mechanics

An electron of mass m moves in a D-dimensional periodic potential that satisfies
the periodicity condition
V (r + l) = V (r) l ,
where is a D-dimensional Bravais lattice.
eigenfunctions of the electron.

State Blochs theorem for the energy

For a one-dimensional potential V (x) such that V (x + a) = V (x), give a full account
of how the nearly free electron model leads to a band structure for the energy levels.
Explain briefly the idea of a Fermi surface and its r
ole in explaining the existence
of conductors and insulators.

35D Statistical Physics

A gas of non-interacting particles has energy-momentum relationship E = A(~k)
for some constants A and . Determine the density of states g(E) dE in a threedimensional volume V .
Explain why the chemical potential satisfies < 0 for the BoseEinstein
Show that an ideal quantum Bose gas with the energy-momentum relationship above
pV =


If the particles are bosons at fixed temperature T and chemical potential , write
down an expression for the number of particles that do not occupy the ground state. Use
this to determine the values of for which there exists a BoseEinstein condensate at
sufficiently low temperatures.
Discuss whether a gas of photons can undergo BoseEinstein condensation.

36C Electrodynamics
Explain how time-dependent distributions of electric charge (x, t) and current
j(x, t) can be combined into a four-vector j a (x) that obeys a j a = 0.
This current generates a four-vector potential Aa (x). Explain how to find Aa in the
gauge a Aa = 0.
A small circular loop of wire of radius r is centred at the origin. The unit vector
normal to the plane of the loop is n. A current Io sin t flows in the loop. Find the
three-vector potential A(x, t) to leading order in r/|x|.

Part II, Paper 3



37B Fluid Dynamics II

If Ai (xj ) is harmonic, i.e. if 2 Ai = 0, show that
ui = Ai xk



p = 2


satisfies the incompressibility condition and the Stokes equation. Show that the stress
tensor is

2 Ak
ij = 2 ij
xi xj
Consider the Stokes flow corresponding to

Ai = Vi 1

where Vi are the components of a constant vector V. Show that on the sphere r = a the
normal component of velocity vanishes and the surface traction ij xj /a is in the normal
direction. Hence deduce that the drag force on the sphere is given by
F = 4aV .

38B Waves
The dispersion relation in a stationary medium is given by = 0 (k), where 0 is
a known function. Show that, in the frame of reference where the medium has a uniform
velocity U, the dispersion relation is given by = 0 (k) U k.
An aircraft flies in a straight line with constant speed M c0 through air with sound
speed c0 . If M > 1 show that, in the reference frame of the aircraft, the steady waves lie
behind it on a cone of semi-angle sin1 (1/M ). Show further that the unsteady waves are
confined to the interior of the cone.
A small insect swims with constant velocity U = (U, 0) over the surface of a pool of
water. The resultant capillary waves have dispersion relation 2 = T |k|3 / on stationary
water, where T and are constants. Show that, in the reference frame of the insect, steady
waves have group velocity
cg = U ( 32 cos2 1, 32 cos sin ) ,
where k (cos , sin ). Deduce that the steady wavefield extends in all directions around
the insect.

Part II, Paper 3


39A Numerical Analysis

(i) The difference equation

2uin1 + ui+1
= uni + uni1 2uni + uni+1 ui1

where = t/(x)2 , is the basic equation used in the second-order Adams

Bashforth method and can be employed to approximate a solution of the diffusion
equation ut = uxx . Prove that, as t 0 with constant , the local error of the
method is O(t)2 .
(ii) By applying the Fourier stability test, show that the above method is stable if and
only if 6 1/4.
(iii) Define the leapfrog scheme to approximate the diffusion equation and prove that it
is unstable for every choice of > 0.


Part II, Paper 3

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