Worksheet 4
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 4
_____________________________ ________________
(3) (4)
Ms M. Cristina Page 1
Worksheet 4 Spreadsheets
3. Save your work as ‘Football Statistics’ on your pen drive / your folder.
4. Click next to Total Goals (in cell B13) and write the formula below:
= B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B6 + B7 + B8 + B9 + B10 + B11
Note: Functions can be more efficient to perform mathematical operations than formulae.
For example, for the above formula we could have used the function =SUM (B2: B11)
5. Click next to Average Score (in cell B14) and write the following function:
6. Now try to find the maximum and minimum goal scores. HINT… use the
following function formats:
= MAX ( _________ )
= MIN ( _________ )
Ms M. Cristina Page 2