Berks County 4-h Horse Council Model Horse Show Packet 2016
Berks County 4-h Horse Council Model Horse Show Packet 2016
Berks County 4-h Horse Council Model Horse Show Packet 2016
Entry Fees:
Registered and paid prior to April 9th, 2016
Open Division $45 NAN cards will be placed for First and Second Place in all NAMHSA approved classes
Novice Division $20 Novice classes are not NAN qualifying
Entries arriving with a postmark after April 1st, 2016 will be charged a $10 late fee.
Entries may NOT be made by e-mail and we cannot accept Paypal for entry fees.
4-H members (18 years old and younger) will receive a 50% discount on their entry fees.
All entries are entitled to a of an 8 ft table. Showers may purchase an additional of a table for $10.
Registration is limited to the space we have available and will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. You may enter day of show,
but we do reserve the right to refuse an entry once the tables we have available are filled.
If you are entering after April 9th, 2016- it is recommended that you call or e-mail ahead to see if there will be space available for day
of the show entries. However, calling to say you will be coming on the day of the show does NOT reserve you a table. These will be
handed out on a first-come, first-serve basis on show day (if there are any left at that point). We have a limited number of tables and
once they are full we will refuse further entries. This particularly applies to day of show entries as we dont want to see you drive to
the show hall only to be turned away.
All entrants must check in upon arrival at the front table. Unloading will be allowed through the main front doors as well as the
second and fourth sets of side doors. Once you have unloaded, you MUST move your vehicle immediately.
You are responsible for the behavior of any children in your care.
No animals allowed on the show grounds, except for seeing-eye dogs.
If your horse is shown lying down, please be on hand to turn them over for the judge or risk disqualification.
4. We are NOT responsible for any lost or stolen items. This includes model horses. In the event that a model is missing,we
will make an announcement and it is expected that you check your belongings for the missing item.
5. Tags will not be provided. You must supply your own. They should have the horses name and owners name on one side and
the horses breed and gender on the other side; foals should also have an age on their tags along with their breed and gender.
When the horse is placed on the table, the breed and gender side must be facing up or the horse will be at risk for
disqualification from the class. If tags have additional information on them (i.e. numbers from one of the regional numbering
systems) that is fine.
Time Limits:
There is no time limit, but please be respectful of time and try to have your equids ready prior to its class.
Once a class is closed, all competitors must clear away from the entry ring. If your equid is being shown laying, please be on hand to
turn it over for judging.
The judge has the right to close a class if the competitor is taking too much time setting up their entry.
Class Restrictions:
2 horses per performance class and 3 horses per halter class.
Halter horses may show in only ONE class and Performance horses may show in only ONE seat.
For Open Division Only: If you would like to enter more horses above the limit, a $1 donation per horse to the Berks County 4-H
Horse Council is requested. The $1 donation should be left next to your horse on the show table, once the horse has been entered into
its class.
Division Definitions:
Novice- For competitors who have won fewer than two Grand Championships and/or 18 and younger. Showers are limited to OF
horses only. CM horses may only be shown in the specified fun classes. Novices may not enter in any other division. They are to show
their own horses. This means that those horses may not be shown in the Open division as well. Novices are to place and set up their
own horses and displays with as little help as possible.
OF- Factory produced horses in any materials
CM (Custom)- Use of any material that has been modified from the factory OF condition of the horse.
Artist Resin- For all artist resin horses or original sculptures.
OF Mini- Horses in the Stablemate/Chips or Paddock Pal/Little Bit/Pebbles Scales OR similar. OF minis may be shown ONLY in this
CM/AR Mini- see CM and AR rules above.
OF China- All factory finish china horses. These horses may show ONLY in this division.
CM China- see CM rules above (this includes custom glazes)
Fantasy - For NAMHSA/NAN qualifying purposes, a "unicorn" is defined as an equine with a single horn attached at or near the
forehead. A "pegasus" is defined as an equine with wings attached at or near the shoulders. Wings can be of any type found in nature,
and will not be limited to bird-like only. Eligible animals will basically be equine in nature, with an equine head, neck, body, and legs.
Goat-based or half-equine creatures will not be eligible. The head and body must remain equine in form. Hooves can be equine or
cloven, tails can be of any type, and extra hair, scales, feathers, or other textures on the head and/or body are permitted, so long as the
head and body are still equine in form. Bodies may be skeletal in nature as long as the skeleton portrayed is equine in form. Sculptures
can be realistically colored or decorators. The base equine can be any equine--horse, pony, donkey, mule, zebra--of any breed type,
with no stated preference given to one type over the other.
For Performance- Championships will be decided by callbacks of all first and second place horses. Please bring any additional
performance ribbons that those horses have won as well, since the Championships will be decided based on what ribbons were won.
For Halter- Championships will be decided by callbacks of all first place horses. We will NOT be bringing back second place horses
for these championships.
Grand Championships will be decided by callbacks of all champion and reserve champion horses. It is the exhibitors responsibility
to keep these horses on hand for their callbacks.
Open Division:
RING 1 OF Performance (8:30 am)
Classes with an * requires a card explaining what the horse is doing, Class #6 is required to have a doll, Class #7 is required to state the movement
and level
1. Harness
7. Dressage*
13. Western Stockwork*
2. Park/Saddleseat
8. Other English Performance*
14. Western Trail (Arena/Natural)
3. Other Performance*
9. Hunter/Jumper/Cross-Country*
15. Western Games*
4. Arabian/Indian Costume*
10. English Trail (Arena or Natural)*
16. Western Pleasure
5. Other Costume*
11. English Pleasure
6. Grooming and Showmanship
12. Other Western Performance*
Champion/Reserve Champion OF Performance
RING 4 CM/AR Performance (8:30 am)
Classes with an * requires a card explaining what the horse is doing, Class #6 is required to have a doll, Class #7 is required to state the movement
and level
1. Harness
7. Dressage*
13. Western Stockwork*
2. Park/Saddleseat
8. Other English Performance*
14. Western Trail (Arena/Natural)
3. Other Performance*
9. Hunter/Jumper/Cross-Country*
15. Western Games*
4. Arabian/Indian Costume*
10. English Trail (Arena or Natural)*
16. Western Pleasure
5. Other Costume*
11. English Pleasure
6. Grooming and Showmanship
12. Other Western Performance*
Champion/Reserve Champion CM/AR Performance
RING 2: OF Mini Halter (NEW START TIME 8:30 am)
1. Light Breeds
5. Sport and Carriage Breeds
9. Mixed/Grade Breeds
2. Spanish Breeds
6. Pony Breeds
10. Other Pure Breeds
3. Gaited Breeds
7. Draft Breeds
11. Decorators/Woodgrains
4. Stock Breeds
8. Long Ears/Exotics
12. Foals- ALL Breeds
Champion/Reserve Champion Mini Halter
13. Fantasy
RING 2: CM/AR Mini Halter (Will begin after OF Mini Halter)
1. Light Breeds
5. Sport and Carriage Breeds
9. Mixed/Grade Breeds
2. Spanish Breeds
6. Pony Breeds
10. Other Pure Breeds
3. Gaited Breeds
7. Draft Breeds
11. Decorators/Woodgrains
4. Stock Breeds
8. Long Ears/Exotics
12. Foals- ALL Breeds
Champion/Reserve Champion Mini Halter
13. Fantasy
RING 3: OF China Halter (NEW START TIME 8:30 am)
1. Light Breeds
5. Sport and Carriage Breeds
8. Long Ears/ Exotics
2. Spanish Breeds
6. Pony Breeds
9. Mixed/grade Breeds
3. Gaited Breeds
7. Draft Breeds
10. Other Pure Breeds
4. Stock Breeds
Champion/Reserve Champion China Halter
RING 3: CM Glaze China Halter (Will begin after OF China Halter)
1. Light Breeds
5. Sport and Carriage Breeds
8. Long Ears/ Exotics
2. Spanish Breeds
6. Pony Breeds
9. Mixed/grade Breeds
3. Gaited Breeds
7. Draft Breeds
10. Other Pure Breeds
4. Stock Breeds
Champion/Reserve Champion China Halter
RING 2: OF Halter (NEW START TIME Will begin after CM/AR Mini Halter)
1. Breyer Arabian
12. Other Gaited Breeds (including Pasos)
24. Breyer Warmblood/Sport Horse
2. Other Arabian
13. Breyer Quarter Horse
25. Other Warmblood/Sport Horse
3. Breyer Part Arabian
14. Other Quarter Horse
26. Carriage Breeds
36. Pre 1980 Decorators
4. Other Part Arabian
15. Breyer Paint
27. UK Pony
37. Post 1980 Decorators
5. Breyer Morgan
16. Other Paint
28. American Pony
38. Woodgrains
6. Other Morgan
17. Breyer Appaloosa
29. Other Pony Breeds
39. Foals Class # 1-20
7. Other Light Breed
18. Other Appaloosa
30. Clydesdale/Shire
40. Foals Class # 21-38
8. Andalusian/Lusitano
19. Breyer Mustang/Other Stock
31. Belgian/Percheron
41. Fantasy
9. Other Spanish Breeds
20. Other Mustang/Other Stock
32. Other Draft Breeds
10. American Saddlebred
21. Breyer Thoroughbred
33. Long Ears/Exotics
11. Tennessee Walking
22. Other Thoroughbred
34. Mixed/Grade Breeds
Horse/ Missouri Fox Trotter
23. Standardbred
35. Other Pure Breeds
Champion/Reserve Champion OF Halter
Fun Classes
Other Animals
Famous Horse
Collectors Class
Anything Goes (must be G rated)
Novice Division:
Ring 5: Start time 9 am
Any class with a* after it requires a card describing what the horse is doing. Class #2 and #3 require a pattern.
1. English Pleasure/Huntseat
2. Hunter/Jumper/Cross-Country*
3. Dressage*
4. English Trail*
5. Other English*
6. Western Pleasure
7. Western Games*
8. Western Trail*
9. Stockwork/Cattlework
18. Arabian
19. Part Arabian
20. Morgan
21. Other Light
22. American Saddlebred
23. Tennessee Walking Horse/Missouri
Fox Trotter
24. Other Gaited
25. Andalusian
26. Other Spanish Breeds
27. Clydesdale/Shire
28. Other Draft Breeds
29. Quarter Horse
30. Paint
31. Appaloosa
45. Foals Class (#17-29)
32. Mustang
46. Foals Class (#30-41)
33. Thoroughbred/Standbred
47. Fantasy
34. Warmblood
35. Other Sport Horse
36. UK Pony Breeds
37. US Pony Breeds
38. Other Pony Breeds
39. Miniature Breeds
40. Carriage Breeds
41. Mixed/Half/Grade
42. Other Breeds
43. Donkey/Mule/Exotics
44. Decorator Horses (does not include fantasy horses)
Champion/Reserve Champion Halter
Grand Champion/Reserve Grand Champion Novice
Novice descriptions:
Therapeutic Riding class must follow the guidelines in the 4H Rule Book for real horses. This means that if the rider
needs two assistants, then two models must be assisting the model rider, as well as a halter and a bridle on the model.
Fantasy Horses - Includes Pegasus, Unicorns, and similar mythical beasts does not include decorator colored horses.
Grooming and Showmanship class can include a horse that was used in another Performance class. One entry only.
Horse is required to have a halter or a bridle.
Decorator Horses horses in any non-realistic color.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: __________________ E-mail: _____________________________
Please list any special toe tag information that you use showing number, initials etc. (for
purposes of reporting show results only will NOT be shared with judges)
Emergency Contact Information:
Name: _________________
Phone Number: __
Open Division ($45)
Novice Division ($20)
OF Halter
CM Halter
OF Mini Halter
CM Mini Halter
Artist Resin Halter
OF China Halter
CM China Halter