Ashlyn C. Walden CV

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Ashlyn Walden: CV, P. 1!

Ashlyn C. Walden
Cameron 159
[email protected]

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Post Graduate Studies
Course: History of Education in the United States (Spring 2013)
Course: Critical Pedagogy (Summer 2013)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Post Graduate Studies
Course: Comparative Language Analysis for Teachers (2009)
Course: Studies in Literacy (2010)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Composition (2009)
Thesis: The Dialogue of Response: Teacher Commentary and Student Interpretation
Advisor: Dr. Tony Scott
Honors Diploma: Summa Cum Laude
Western Carolina University
Bachelor of Arts in English, Minor in Ancient and Medieval History (2007)
Honors Diploma: Magna Cum Laude
Current Research
University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Lake Norman High School
Project: Co-Constructing Authority in the Writing Classroom (Fall 2012/Spring 2013)
Co-Researcher: Mr. Bryan C. Walden
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Project: Beyond Strunk and White: Enhancing Metalinguistic Awareness (Spring 2012)
Advisor: Dr. Mark Hall
Readers: Dr. Rebecca Roeder, Dr. Pilar Blitvich, and Dr. Tony Scott
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Project: Reconfigured Worlds: Student Writerly Identity (Spring 2010)
Co-Researchers: Dr. Jan Riemen and Mrs. Tonya Wertz-Orbaugh
Composition Instructor/Lecturer (2009-Current), University of North Carolina at
Teaching courses at all composition levels for first-year writing
Design course curriculum including assignments and a syllabus
Explore a range of genres that challenge conventional use of texts in the
Engage students in a dialogue by discussing notions of education, revision, and
audience-appropriate writing

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Maintain a class blog to continue conversation concerning class assignments and

Teach a split composition course with English Language Learners and native
speakers of English

TIAA/CREF Writing Consultant (October 2010-June 2011), TIAA-CREF: One-on-one writing

instruction on a variety of company documents.
Design a large scale writing couching service for company employees
Develop individual writing goals for each client
Work closely with the director of Human Resources to assess other potential
writing instruction needs
Develop a portfolio of writing expectations for various reports
Meet weekly with clients to discuss their writing work
Teaching Assistant (2008-2009), University of North Carolina at Charlotte:
Taught two courses of first level composition and one course of Writing for the
Academic Community.
Designed a course curriculum including assignments and a syllabus
Explored various style-formatting in different disciplines (MLA, APA, Chicago)
Graduate Assistant (2007-2008), University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Worked as a
tutor in the Writing Resources Center.
Assisted students in various disciplines with styles appropriate for his/her major
Spoke about the writing center in other instructors classes through workshops
addressing revision, peer revising groups, and MLA/APA formatting
Addressed a variety of writing concerns with tutees ranging from grammar and
mechanics to content and organization

iPhone, iMac, iDentity: Navigating Technology, Writing, & Design in the Writing
Classroom. UWP Writing Studies Journal. (2016: Forthcoming.)
Literature in Todays Classroom. North Carolina English Teacher 64.2 (2008): 25-32.
Presentations at Conferences

The Dreaded Assignment Sheet. Conference: The Best Lessons. Johnson C. Smith
University. Charlotte: 2015.
Re-Envisioning Grammar Instruction: A Method of Socio-Cultural Inquiry. Conference:
Reenvision, Recreation, Reformation. Virginia Tech. Blacksburg: February 2012.
Divide the Power: Share the Benefits: Tutors and WRC Committee Work. North Carolina
Symposium on Teaching. North Carolina State University. Conference: ANon-Place to
Visit: Exploring The Employment Practices And Working Conditions That Affect Writing
Instructors. Raleigh: February 2012.
Learnin Yall Some Grammar: Metalinguistics and Grammar Instruction. North Carolina

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English Teachers Association. Wake Forest University. Conference: Finding Common

Ground. Winston-Salem: September 2011.
Dialogue in Motion: The Study of Talk in the Teaching and Learning of Writing. University
of North Carolina at Charlotte. Conference: Dialogue in Motion. Charlotte: January 2010.
Layers of Language: Untangling Narratives Racial and Gender Bias. University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. Conference: The Machine in the Garden 2.0. Charlotte: January 2009.
Blogs, Wikis, Websites: How Do You Choose What is Write for You? University of North
Carolina Writing Project Conference: Integrating Technology in the Teaching of
English/Language Arts. Charlotte: October 2008.
iStudent 2.0: A Writing Classroom for the Modern User. New Voices Conference: Georgia
State University. Atlanta: September 2008.
Rhetorical Forms: 300 and the Battle of Thermopylae. University of North Carolina Writing
Project Conference: Classroom Practice. Charlotte: August 2008.
Poe in the Rhetorical Classroom: Using Literature to Teach Conventions of Argument.
Conference: With Pen in Hand, Virginia Tech. Blacksburg: April 2008.
Crossing Boundaries in Interpretations of Poe. Crossing Boundaries, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte: January 2008.
Guest Lectures/Workshops
Re-Envisioning Grammar Instruction: A Method of Socio-Cultural Inquiry. Guest Speaker: Dr.
Cy Knoblauch & Ms. Debarati Duttas Class on The Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing.
Charlotte: September 2012.
Facilitating Informed Feedback in the Classroom to Support Inquiry Guided Learning. Panel
Facilitator/Speaker: CAC Summer Institute. Charlotte: May 2012.
Learnin Yall Some Grammar. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Guest Speaker: Dr.
Anthony Scotts Class on Teaching Composition. Charlotte: April 2011.
Researching Issues in Literacy and Learning: A Genre Approach. Engaging Students Through
Inquiry: Assignment Designs for Literacy Narratives, Ethnographies, and Genre Analyses,
University of North Carolina at Charlottes First Year Writing Series: November 2010.
Literature Reviews and Research Writing. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Guest
Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Mollers Class on Research Methods in Sociology. Charlotte: October
Navigating with Purpose: Developing Group Tutoring Practices. Western Carolina University.
Workshop: Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity. Cullowhee: September 2010.
Scholarship in Action: The Politics and Success in College. University of North Carolina at
Charlotte. Workshop: Delta Zeta Sorority. Charlotte: September 2010.
iGraduate: Packaging Yourself As A Competitive Applicant. Western Carolina University.
Workshop: Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity. Cullowhee: April 2010.

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4 Cs: Commentary, Culture, and Classroom Conversation. University of North Carolina at

Charlotte. Guest Speaker: Dr. Anthony Scotts Class on Teaching Composition. Charlotte:
March 2010.

Associate Editor UWP Writing Studies Journal (Summer 2015-Current) University of

North Carolina at Charlotte.
Developing reader-responder criteria
Reviewed potential submissions for consideration
Created resources for associated workshops
Developing submission guidelines for journal publications
Contact person between readers and contributors for double-blind review
Interim Director of the Writing Resources Center (June 2011-June 2012) University of North
Carolina at Charlotte.
Assist in the design and implementation of English 4400/5400: Theory & Practice of
Tutoring Writing
Consult with the English Department Graduate Coordinator on the appointment of
Graduate Assistants in the WRC
Hire, supervise, observe, and evaluate tutors
Appoint and supervise experienced mentor tutors to help train novice tutors
Design and implement tutor orientation and training prior to each fall semester
Maintain WRC satellite offices in Atkins Library, Center for Graduate Life, and
College of Heath and Human Services; add new satellites as funding is available
Manage resources and budget, in consultation with the Chair of English and the WRC
Budget Administrator
Hold weekly office hours to consult with WRC staff and clients
Facilitate bi-weekly professional development meetings for tutors
Consult with the Rhetoric & Writing Committee on WRC administration
Report on the WRC to the Rhetoric & Writing Committee, the Chair of English, and
other university administrators and stakeholders
Design and implement WRC assessment
Identify and pursue internal and external funding opportunities
Assistant Director of the Writing Resources Center (July 2009-June 2011) University of North
Carolina at Charlotte.
Co-facilitate the Theory and Practice of Tutoring course for novice writing
Develop new workshops for classes as the needs of the student body changes
Act as a resource for writing assistants concerning the day to day working of the
Assist in leading weekly staff meetings to discuss tutoring sessions and introduce
tutors to the scholarship surrounding writing center work
Redesign and present workshops to promote the writing center which include
MLA/APA style formatting, and revision
Maintain and update the centers website, making sure the material is userfriendly
Act as a spokesperson for incoming students and faculty members at orientations
Manage schedule of WRC appointments, and weekly referrals
National Writing Project Teacher Consultant (July 2008-May 2009), University of North

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Carolina at Charlotte:
Conducted professional development workshops for literacy and learning in KCollege
Mentored incoming teacher consultants through the training process during the
summer session
Helped develop presentations for Writing Project Conferences
Assistant to the Directors of the National Writing Project (July 2008-May 2009), University of
North Carolina at Charlotte.
Developed flyers to send out to school systems regarding educational
Maintained and updated website for UNCCs Writing Project
Answered queries regarding workshops
English Graduate Student Association Secretary (August 2008-May 2009), University of North
Carolina at Charlotte.
Planned professional English conference
Corresponded with current and incoming graduate students about social and
funding opportunities
Acted as liaison between graduate students and faculty concerning EGSA
business and fundraising
Maintained and updated EGSA website with minutes from meetings and
upcoming events
Faculty Advisor for Kappa Phi Chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority (September 2010-Present),
University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Plan professional development workshops for members of the sorority
Provide a scholarship initiative for collegiate members
Meet regularly with the scholarship chair to discuss scholarship action plans for
members behind in their studies
Scholarship Advisor for Theta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity (September
2009-Present), Western Carolina University.
Designed a conference for all Greek organizations regarding applying to graduate
school, curriculum vitae development, and personal statements
Plan professional development workshops for members of the Fraternity
Assist the scholarship officer with developing action plans for members falling
behind in their studies
Meet monthly with the chapters executive council concerning the development
and maintenance of high academic and professional standards
Loch Walker Writing Competition, 2nd Place Graduate Student Division, May 2009.
Loch Walker Writing Competition, 1st Place Graduate Student Division, May 2008.
Professional Organizations
English Graduate Student Association, Professional Club
Sigma Tau Delta, English Honorary
Order of Omega, Greek Honorary
Phi Kappa Phi, Interdisciplinary Honorary

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