Lego Technic 8888 Idea Book (Expert Builder)

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Ettee Coie mm Here's a new challenge for the Expert Builder! THE LEGO® EXPERT BUILDER IDEA BOOK Now that you have started to collect Expert Builder Sets ‘youve practiced building with precise tectnical elements. ‘You know how to combine axles and gear wheels: you've built pistons that move up and down like the real thing; you've Used gears and ratchets to move and steer yaur madels Now yau're ready for anew challenge - a whole book a! ideas for new models that you can build with the elements from your Expert Builder collection . ‘This book contains ideas and plans lara helicopter. an airplane, cfanes, cars, robots, farm machinery and mare, There are detalled building instructions for 11 different models plus ideas if for even more. Since you may not have every element pictured 7 in these models, you can test your skill as an Expert Builder by combining the elements from your LEGO collection in new ways. Here are some building hints that should be helpful BUILDING HINTS 1. the = jesigned So thal the models pictured are “easier” jinning and become increasingly more difficult asthe co progresses. 2. YOu ean find the detaited instructions for the models in the photograpiis by following the colored line that will lead you in trom the photograph to the first construction step. These etaied lasiructions are divided inte individual construction i numbered starting with number one. red in the construction, do have lo duplicate as closely sible the unit ore ction that is pictured. This way, you'll learn to Use the elements {rom your collection to create ew functions and new censtructions, 4. If astep inthe instruction seems difficult to understand itofien helps to look at the earlier and later stages, you build, test and adjust all moving parts, such’as gear wheels and axles; to run freely and easily. This will assure that your finished model will funclion smoothly. Now youlre ready to build a whole new range of Expert Builder models. So happy building - - you've got hours of challenge and fun ahead. NEW EXPERT BUILDER PARTS PACKS - - Seven, brand new supplementary sets, each containing unique building elements, Such as gears, piston heads and special girder beams, are now available through the mail! For complete information abeut these. sels and other accessory items, including our new LEGO® Storage Case, write to Susan Williams/Consumer Services Dept, 596 Taylor Hoad, Enfield, CT 06082 censor (SSosisseviewe Lita’ = as SECTS 0s 54 = BO '‘poelig wBbelignli'a®a® Fal 18 19 i Pe SEY my \ va "3 a 82 iI} 7

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