Chemistry Important Questions

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Aldehyde,Ketone and Carboxylic acid - 6 Marks Questions

1. Write equations for the following named reactions:

a) Nucleophillic addition reaction.
b) clemensen reduction.
c) wolf kishner reduction.
d) aldol condensation.
e) crossed aldol condensation
f) cannizaro reaction.
g) Rosenmund's reduction.
h) kolbe's electrolysis
i) Stephen reaction.
j) Etard reaction.
k) decarboxylation.
l) acylation.
m) schotten baumann reaction.
n) Friediel craft's acylation.
o) esterification.
p) Gattermann- Koch reaction.
q) Hell Volhard Zelensky reaction.
2. Explain
a) Fehling's test
b) Tollen's reagent test with suitable examples.
3. Distinguish chemically between the following pairs of organic compounds:
a) Methanal and ethanal.
b) ethanal and propanone.
c) pentan-2-one and pentan-3-one.
d) aceto phenone and benzo phenone.

e) formic acid and acetic acid.

f) benzoic acid and ethyl benzoate.
g) phenol and benzoic acid.
h) ethanal and propanal.
i) propanal and diethyl ether.
j) benzaldehyde and acetophenone.
k) ethanal and propanone
4. Account for the following:
a) Aldehyde and ketone are polar in nature.
b) Aldehyde and ketones have higher boiling point than hydro carbons of comparable molar mass.
c) Aldehyde and ketones have lower boiling point than alcohols of comparable molar mass.
d) Ketone has higher boiling point than aldehyde of comparable molar mass.
e) Oxidation of primary alcohol to aldehyde is carried out using PCC as an oxidizing agent.
f) Rosenmund's reduction of acid chloride to aldehyde is carried out using quinoline and sulphur.
g) Aldehyde is more reactive than ketone towards nucleophile.
h) Butanone is less reactive than propanone.
i) 2,2,6-Tri methyl cyclo hexanone is less reactive towards nucleophile than cyclo hexanone.
j) Para nitro benzaldehyde is more reactive towards nucleophile than benzaldehyde.
k) Para methyl benzaldehyde is less reactive towards nucleophile than benzaldehyde.
m) Reaction of aldehyde with alcohol to give acetal is carried out in the presence of HCl(g).
n) Formaldehyde and benzaldehyde undergoes cannizaro reaction and not aldol condensation.
o) Acetaldehyde undergoes aldol condensation and not cannizaro reaction.
p) Aromatic aldehyde and ketones undergoes electrophillic substitution at meta position.
q) Carboxylic acid do not show the reactions of aldehyde and ketone though it has >C=O group.
r) Carboxylic acid has higher boilimg point than aldehyde, ketone and alcohol of comparable molar
s) In semi carbazide, only one NH2 group is involved in the formation of semi carbazone.
t) Aldehyde, ketone and carboxylic acid are soluble in water.

u) In oxidation of primary alcohol to carboxylic acid is not carried out using acidified potassium
v) Carboxylic acid is more acidic than alcohol.
w) Carboxylic acid is more acidic than phenol.
z) a chloro propanoic acid is more acidic than chloro propanoic acid.
aa) Acetic acid is less acidic than formic acid.
bb) Pure acid halide is prepared by the reaction of carboxylic acid with thionyl chloride.
cc) Carbon in carbonyl group of aldehyde and ketone acts as Lewis acid(electrophile) while oxygen
acts as Lewis base ( nucleophile).
dd) Benzoic acid does not undergo Friediel craft alkylation reaction.
5. How is
c) C6H5CHO prepared commercially? Mention two uses of each.
6. How is
c) C6H5COOH prepared commercially? Mention two uses of each.
7. Carry out the following conversions:
a) Ethanol to ethanal.
b) Methanol to methanal.
c) Propan-2-ol to propanone.
d) Methanal to
i) ethanol
ii) benzyl alcohol.
e) Ethanal to

i) propan-2-ol
ii) acetone.
f) Acetone to
i) tert butyl alcohol
ii) 2-Methyl prop-1-ene.
g) Benzaldehyde to
i) a- hydroxy phenyl acetic acid
ii) 3-phenyl propan-1-ol
iii) 1- phenyl ethanol.
iv) benzyl alcohol and sodium benzoate.
v) cinnamaldehyde.
vi) 1,3-Diphenyl prop- 2-en-1-one
vii) benzo phenone
viii) m-nitro benzaldehyde
ix) benzal acetophenone.
h) Butan-1-ol to butanal.
i) Cyclo hex-2-en-1-ol to cyclo hex-2-en 1-one.
j) Pentan-3-en-2-ol to pent-3-en-2-one.
k) But-2-ene to ethanal
l) Para nitro toluene to para nitro benzaldehyde.
m) Ethanal to butan-2-one.
n) Ethanal to butane- 1,3- diol.
o) Ethanal to but-2-enal
p) Ethanal to but-2-enoic acid.
q) Ethanal to butan-1-ol
r) Ethanal to butanoic acid.
s) Propanone to propene.
t) Propanal to butanone.

u) Ethanal to 2-hydroxy butanal.

v) Benzaldehyde to benzo phenone.
w) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde.
x) Propanoic acid to propenoic acid.
y) Benzene to m-nitro aceto phenone.
z) Bromo benzene to 1-phenyl ethanol.
aa) Benzoic acid to m- nitro benzoic acid.
bb) Benzoic acid to benzyl amine.
cc) Para nitro benzoic acid to para nitro aniline.
dd) Hexanoic acid to hexane nitrle.
ee) Hexanoic acid to 1-amino pentane.
ff) Hept-1-ene to heptanal
gg) Hept-1-ene to hexanal.
hh) Hept-1-ene to heptanoic acid.
ii) Hept-1-ene to hexanoic acid.
jj) Ethene to ethanal.
kk) Propene to acetone.
ll) 2, 3- dimethyl but-2-ene to acetone.
mm) Ethanal to lactic acid.
nn) Ethanal to ethane.
oo) Ethanal to Ethanoic acid.
pp) Acetone to 4-hydroxy-4-methyl pentan-2-one.
qq) Benzaldehyde to benzyl alcohol and sodium benzoate.
rr) Methanal to methanol and sodium methanoate.
ss) Toluene to benzaldehyde.
tt) Ethyl benzene to benzoic acid.
uu) But-2-ene to ethanoic acid.

v v) Ethane nitrle to ethanoic acid.

ww) Methyl magnesium bromide to ethanoic acid.
xx) Para methyl aceto phenone to benzene-1,4- dicarboxylic acid.
yy) Cyclo hexene to hexane-1,6-dicarboxylic acid.
zz) Ethanoic acid to ethanol.
aaa) Propanoic acid to a- chloro propanoic acid.
bbb) Methanol to Ethanoic acid.
ccc) Benzoic acid to m-nitro benzoic acid.
ddd) Benzoic acid to m-bromo benzoic acid.
eee) Acetyl chloride to acetaldehyde.
fff) Benzoyl chloride to benzaldehyde.
mmm) Benzene to aceto phenone.
nnn) Benzene to benzo phenone.
ooo) Ethanoic acid to ethanoyl chloride.
sss) Ethanoic acid to ethanoic anhydride.
ttt) Ethanoic acid to ethyl ethanoate.
a) Ethanoic acid to ethanamine.
b) Hexane nitrle to 1-amino pentane.
c) Benzoic acid to benzo phenone.
d) Benzoic acid to
i) aceto phenone.
ii) benzaldehyde
iii) benzophenone
e) Benzene to methyl benzoate.
f) Benzene to m- nitro benzoic acid.
g) Benzene to p- nitro benzoic acid.
h) Benzene to p- nitro benzaldehyde.
i) Benzene to phenyl acetic acid.

j) Ethanoyl chloride to propanone.

k) Benzene to benzaldehyde
l) Ethane nitrile to
i) ethanal
ii) propanal
m) vinyl cyanide to prop2-enal
n) p-fluoro toluene to p-fluoro benzaldehyde.
o) cyclo hexanol to cycloheanone.
p) Hexan-1-ol to hexanal
q) Butan-1-ol to butanoic acid.
r) Benzyl alcohol to phenyl ethanoic acid.
s) 3-nitro bromo benzene to 3-nitro benzoic acid
t) 4- methyl acetophenone to benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid.
u) Butanal to butanoic acid.
v) Ethyl butanoate to ethanoic acid.
w) cyclo hexane to Hexane-1,6-dicarboxylic acid.
x) Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid to pthalimide
8. Explain the mechanism of the following reaction:

9. An organic compound A(C8H8O) gives orange red precipitate with 2,4-DNP reagent. It responds to
iodoform test. It does not respond to Tollens reagent test. It does not decolorise bromine water. A on
oxidation using CrO3 give B. Identify the compounds and write thw equations of the reactions
10. An organic compound C9H10O forms 2,4-DNP derivative, reduces Tollens reagent and Undergoes
cannizaro reaction. On vigorous oxidation it gives Benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. Identify the
11. An organic compound contain 69.77% C and 11.63% H and the remaining O. Molecular mass of
the compound is 86 u. It does not reduce Tollens reagent, gives positive iodoform test and respond to
sodium bisulphate test. On oxidation it gives acetic acid and propanoic acid. Give the structure of the
organic compound.
12. Arrange the following in the increasing order of property mentioned:

a) Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Di-tert-butyl ketone, Methyl tert-butyl ketone( reactivity with HCN)
b) 2-Bromo butanoic acid, 3-Bromo butanoic acid, Butanoic acid, 3-Methyl propanoic acid (acid
c) Benzoic acid, 4-Nitro benzoic acid, 3,4-Dinitro benzoic acid, 4-Methoxy benzoic acid (acid strength)
d) Ethanal, Propanal, Propanone, Butanone( increasing order of reactivity towards nucleophile)
e) Benzaldehyde, p-Tolualdehyde, p-Nitro benzaldehyde, Acetophenone(increasing order of reactivity
towards nucleophile)
f) Butanal, Butanol, Ethoxy ethane and Butane (increasing order of boilimg point)
13. Complete each synthesis by giving missing starting material, reactant or product.

Dil NaOH
i) NaBH4 ii) H+


ii) Zn / H2O

14. Which acid of each pair would you expect to be stronger?

a) Ethanoicacid and fluoro ethanoic acid
b) Fluoro ethanoic acid and chloro ethanoic acid
c) 4- Fluoro butanoic acid and 3-Fluoro butanoic acid
d) p-Trifluoro benzoic acid and p- Methyl benzoic acid.
15. Arrange the following in the increasing order of boiling point: Ethanal, Ethanol, Ethoxy ethane and
16. Predict the product formed when cyclohexanecarbaldehyde reacts with
a) PhMgBr+H3O+
b) Tollensreagent
c) Semicarbazide and weak acid
d) excess ethanol and acid.
e) Zinc amalgam and dilute HCl
17. Give the products of the following reactions:

d) C6H5COCH3 + C2H55NH2
e) C6H6+C2H5COCl
Anhydr. AlCl3 / CS2
f) (C6H5CH2)2Cd + 2 CH3COCl
g) CH3- C=CH

18. Identify the compounds A,B,C and D in the following reactions:

i) O3 ii) Zn / H2O

NaOH/aq ethanol
C+ H2O

i) O3 ii) Zn / H2O
Amines - 4 Marks Questions
1. Give one example each of the following named reactions:
a) Sand meyer reaction
b) Gabriel pthalimide synthesis.
C) Coupling reaction
d) Diazotisation reaction.
e) Gatterman reaction
f) Hoffmann bromamide reaction
2. Explain the following tests with suitable examples:
a) Carbylamine test
b) Hinsberg test.
3. Account for the following:
a) Methyl chloride reacts with AgNO2 to give nitro methane as a major product where as it gives nitrito
methane as a major product with KNO2
b) C-N bond in aniline is shorter than in aliphatic amines.
c) In ammonalysis of halo alkane , primary amine is the only product when large excess of ammonia
is used while quaternary ammonium salt is the only product when halo alkane is in excess.
d) Primary and sec amines have higher boiling point than tert amine.
e) Amines have lower boiling point than alcohol of comparable molar mass.
f) Amines are soluble in water. Solubility of amines p.amines>sec amines>tert amines

g) Amines are less soluble in water than alcohol.

h) Basicity of amines in aqueous solution is sec amine>tert amine>p.amine.
i) Basicity of amines in vapor phase tert amine>sec amine>p.amine.
j) Aniline is a weaker base than aliphatic amine.
k) Electron repelling group at ortho and para position increases the basicity while electron with
drawing group at ortho and para position decreases the density of aniline.
l) Ammonalysis of halo alkane is carried out in the presence of a base.
m) Unlike alkylation of amines acylation stops after first styep.
n) Tert amines do not react with acid derivatives.
o) Aniline undergoes bromination even in the absence of halogen carrier.
p) Nitration of aniline gives 47% meta nitro aniline.
q) P-toluidine is more basic than aniline.
r) Amines are less acidic than alcohol.
s) Halo alkane reacts with KCN to give alkyl cyanide as a major product while it gives alkyl isocyanide
as a major product with AgCN.
t) Aniline do not undergo Friedel craft's reaction.
u) Aniline can't be prepared by Gabriel pthalimide synthesis.
v) ArN2X is more stable than RN2X at lower temperature.
w) Aniline is a weaker base than ammonia.
x) Order of basicity (C2H5)2NH>(C2H5)3N > C2H5NH2>NH3
y) Order of basicity (CH3)2NH>CH3NH2>(CH3)3N>NH3
Z) Bromination of aniline after acylation gives only para bromo aniline.
aa) Sandmeyer reaction is prefered over Gatterman reaction to prepare halo arenes from aniline.
bb) Ethyl amine is soluble in water but not aniline.
cc) Aqueous solution of methyl amine with ferric chloride solution gives brown precipitate of ferric
dd) Gabriel pthalimide synthesis is prefered to prepare primary amine.
ee) p-nitro aniline is less basic than aniline.
4. Carry out the following conversions:

a) Ethanoyl chloride to
i) ethanamine.
ii) N-methyl amino ethane.
b) Ethanoyl chloride methanamide
c) Methanamine to
i) N-methyl ethanamide.
ii) methyl iso cyanide.
d) Dimethyl amine to N,N dimethyl amine.
e) Ethane nitrle to
i) ethanoic acid.
ii) methyl ethanoate.
iii) acetone.
iv) ethanamine.
f) Benzo nitrile to
i) benzoic acid
ii) aniline
g) Aniline to
i) chloro benzene.
ii) bromo benzene.
iii) flouro benzene
iv) iodo benzene .
v) phenol
vi) benzene.
vii) benzoic acid.
viii) para hydroxyl azo benzene.
ix) para amino azo benzene.
x) Nitro benzene
xi) 1,3,5-tribromo benzene
xii) p-bromo aniline
xii) 2,4,6-tribromo aniline

xiii) benzyl alcohol

h) 4-nitro toluene to 2-bromo benzoic acid.
i) 3-methyl aniline to 3-nitro toluene.
j) Ethanoic acid to
a) ethanamine
b) methanamine
k) Methanol to ethanoic acid.
l) Ethanamine to methanamine
m) Methanamine to ethanamine.
n) Nitro methane to dimethyl amine.
o) Propanoic acid to ethanoic acid.
p) Ethanoic acid to propanoic acid.
q) Nitro benzene to benzoic acid.
r) Benzene to m-bromo phenol.
s) Benzoic acid to aniline.
t) Aniline to 2,4,6- tribromo fluorobenzene
u) Benzyl chloride to 2-phenyl ethanamine.
v) Chloro benzene to p-chloro aniline.
w) Benzamide to toluene
6. Distinguish chemically between
a) Methyl amine and aniline
b) methyl amine and dimethyl amine.
c) Aniline and benzyl amine
d) Aniline and N- methyl aniline.
e) dimethyl amine and trimethyl amine.
7. An organic compound
A on reaction with NaOH and Br2 gives
B. B on diazotization gives

C. C when warmed with water gives

D. D gives violet coloration with neutral ferric chloride solution. Identify the compounds and write the
equations of the reactions involved.
8. Give equation for the following reactions:
a) ethanolic NH3 with C2H5Cl
b) ammonalysis of benzyl chloride followed by reaction with 2 moles of methyl chloride.
c) sulphonation of aniline
d) reaction of aniline with acetic anhydride.
e) reaction of aniline with aqueous bromine.
9. Give the structure of A,B and C in the following reactions:
a) C2H5I



c) C2H5Br +KCN

d) C6H5NO2





b) C6H5N2Cl





HNO2, 273K




f) C6H5NO2



NaNO2+HCl, 273K

NaNO2+HCl, 273K


10. An organic compound A on heating with aqueous ammonia forms B. B on treatment with Br2 and
KOH gives C of molecular formula C6H7N. Give the structure of the compounds A,B and C. Write
IUPAC name of the each compound.
11. Give the equations of the reactions involved when aniline is reacted with

a) CHCl3+KOH
b) Conc sulphuric acid
c) aqueous bromine
d) acetic anhydride
12. Give the equation of the reaction involved when benzene diazonium chloride is treated with
a) H3PO2+ H2O
b) i) HBF4 followed by NaNO2 / Cu D
13. Arrange the following:
a) increasing order of pKb values- C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, C6H5NHCH3, C6H5NH2
b) increasing order of basic strength
(i) C6H5NH2, C6H5N(CH3)2, (C2H5)2NH,CH3NH2
(ii) Aniline, para nitro aniline, para toluidine
(iii) Aniline, N-Methyl aniline, benzyl amine
(iv) Aniline, methyl amine, dimethyl amine, trimethyl amine, benzyl amine
(iv) Aniline, ethyl amine, diethyl amine, triethyl amine.
c) decreasing order of basic strength in gas phase C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, (C2H5)3N, NH3
d) increasing order of boiling point- C2H5OH, (CH3)2NH,C2H5NH2
e) increasing order of solubility in water- Aniline, ethyl amine, Diethyl amine
14. Write the reaction of final alkylation product with excess of ethyl iodide in the presence of Sodium
carbonate solution.
15. Write the chemical reaction of aniline with benzoyl chloride and give the IUPAC name of the
product formed.

Biomolecules - 4 Marks Questions

1. Mention the function of carbohydrates in plants.
2. How are carbohydrates classified? Give one example each.
3. Fructose is a ketohexose but it is a reducing sugar. Why?
4. What are monosaccharides? Give two examples.

5. Write the equations of the reactions involved when glucose is reacted with
a) acetic anhydride
b) HI
c) Hydroxylamine
d) HCN
e) Br2(aq)
f) concentrated HNO3. Write the significance of each reaction.
6. Enumerate the reactions of glucose which can not be explained by open structures.
7. Draw the Howarth structures of
a) -D-(+) glucopyranose
b) -D-(+) glucopyranose
c) -D-(-) fructo furanose
d) -D-(-) fruco furanose
8. Draw the Howarth structure of
a) sucrose
b) maltose
c) lactose. Classify them as reducing or Non reducing sugar. Justify your answer.
9. Explain the terms
a) muta rotation
b) anomers.
10. Distinguish between
a) starch and cellulose
b) amylose and amylo pectin
c) starch and Glycogen.
11. Give the hydrolysis products of
a) sucrose
b) lactose
c) maltose.
d) DNA containing thymine
12. What is invert sugar? Why is it called so?
13. What are anomers? Draw the anomers of glucose. Are they enantiomers?
14. Classify the following as monosaccharides and disaccharides:
a) ribose
b) 2-Deoxy ribose
c) sucrose
d) galactose
e) lactose
f) maltose
g) fructose

15. Explain glycosidic linkage with an example.

16. Explain the following with respect to protein
a) primary structure of protein
b) secondary Structure of protein
c) tert structure of protein
d) quaternary structure of protein
e) native state of protein
f) denaturation of protein
g) zwitter ion
17. Explain peptide linkage with an example.
18. Mention the type of bonding in
a) helix structure
b) sheet structure
c) cross links of polypeptide chain
d) DNA
19. Name the forces which stabilize secondary and tert structure of protein.
20. Distinguish between
a) helix and sheet structure
b) fibrous and globular protein.
c) primary and secondary structure of protein
d) nucleoside and nucleotide
21. Account for the following;
a) Amino acids are more soluble and has higher melting point than halo acids.
b) Amino acids behave like salts rather than amines or carboxylic acids
c) Amino acids are amphoteric
d) On electrolysis amino acids migrate towards cathode in acid solution and anode in alkaline
e) Mono amino mono carboxylic acid has two pk values.
f) Amino acids are optically active.
g) on boiling egg it becomes hard
22. Name and give the structure of amino acid which is optically inactive.
23. What are essential and non essential amino acids? Give two examples each.
24. What are enzymes? Explain the mechanism of enzyme catalysed reaction.
25. What are coenzymes? Give two examples.

26. What are vitamins? How are they classified?

27. Mention the sources of vitamin
a) A
b) C
c) D
d) E
e) K
f) B1
g) B2
h) B6
i) B12 . Name the diseases caused due to the deficiency of each vitamin.
28. Vitamin C can be taken regularly but not vitamin A Why?
29. What are nucleic acids? Mention the functions of nucleic acids.
30. Show the formation of a dinucleotide with an example.
31. Mention the differences between DNA and RNA.
32. Two strands of DNA are not identical but complementary. Explain this statement.
33. What are different types of RNA present in the cell.
34. Explain the terms
a) transcription
b) translation
35. What is the effect of denaturation of protein?
36. Where does the water present in egg go after boiling?
37. Base sequence in a DNA strand is ATTGCCA Give the base sequence
a) in its complementary strand
b) messenger RNA
38. When RNA is hydrolysed there is no relationship among the quantities of different base obtained.
What does this fact suggest about the structure of RNA?
39. Draw the structures of sugars present in DNA and RNA.
Polymers - 3 Marks Questions
1. Explain the terms
a) monomer
b) polymer
c) polymerization
2. What are homo polymers and co polymers? Give 2 examples each.

3. Arrange the following in the increasing order of molecular forces:

a) Nylon 66
b) polythene
c) Buna-S-rubber
4. How are polymers classified on the basis of their structure? Give 2 examples each.
5. What do you mean by addition and condensation polymers? Give 2 examples each.
6. What are
a) natural polymers
b) semi synthetic polymers
c) synthetic polymers? Give one example each.
7. What are biodegradable polymers? Give an example of biodegradable
a) polyester
b) poly amide.
8. What are poly esters? Give two examples.
9. What are poly amides? Give two examples.
10. Give differences between
a) thermoplastic and thermo setting plastic
b) Nylon 6 and Nylon 66
c) Novolac and Bakelite
d) Buna-S and Buna-N rubber.
11. Explain the mechanism of polymerization of ethene.
12. How is
a) Low density polythene
b) High density polythene prepared? Mention their properties and give two uses of each.
13. Name and give the structures of monomers of
a) polythene
b) poly propene
c) PVC
d) Poly acrylo nitrile
e) Teflon
f) Dacron ( Terelene)
g) Glyptal
h) Nylon 6
i) Bakelite
j) Nylon 66
k) Poly styrene
l) Natural rubber
m) Neoprene
n) Buna-N rubber

o) Buna-S-rubber
p) Novolac
14. Write the equation of the reaction involved in the preparation of
a) polythene
b) poly propene
c) PVC
d) Poly acrylo nitrile
e) Teflon
f) Dacron ( Terelene)
g) Glyptal
h) Nylon 6
i) Bakelite
j) Nylon 66
k) Poly styrene
l) Natural rubber
m) Neoprene
n) Buna-N rubber
o) Buna-S-rubber
p) Novolac
q) Nylon-2 Nylon-6
s) Melamine formaldehyde resin. Classify them as
i) addition or condensation polymer
ii) homo polymer or co polymer. Give two uses of each.
15. What do you mean by vulcanization of natural rubber? What is the purpose of vulcanization?
16. Draw the structure of natural rubber.
17. How does the presence of double bond influence the structure and reactivity of rubber?
18. Is


n homo polymer or co polymer?

19. Identify the monomer present in the polymer

(CO- (CH2)6-NH- (CH2)6-NH-)n

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