The Scientific Revolution - Paradigm Shift

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The Scientific


What do you see?

What ELSE do you see?

What had to happen to

shift your perspective?



Paradigm Shift

Paradigm - Greek word for pattern

Normal Science - the standard paradigm
Anomalies = things that cannot be explained by normal science
Paradigm Shift = a new paradigm is created to account for anomalies

The Story of the Three Monks

Why are people sometimes threatened by paradigm shifts?

One of the biggest debates that defined

the Scientific Revolution was the debate
over whether the universe was
geocentric (with the earth at the center
of the universe), as was traditionally
believed, or heliocentric (with the earth
revolving around the sun).

A Paradigm Shift


For centuries, most people

had believed in the Ptolemaic
view of the universe.

Ptolemaic Model
Ptolemy taught that the Earth
was the center of the universe.
People felt this was common
sense, and the Geocentric
Theory was supported by the
It was not until some startling
discoveries caused Europeans to
change the way they viewed the
physical world.


But then, Copernicus

persuaded many scientists of
a heliocentric model.

Copernican Model
Copernicus made two
The universe is heliocentric, or
The Earth is merely one of several
planets revolving around the sun.
The Copernican conception of the
universe marked the start of modern
science and astronomy.

Whats the big deal?

Theologians had long taught that the
Garden of Eden was the center of all
creation, making the whole Universe
a stage for the story of the human
drama to unfold.

Looks like Ptolemys model!

Obvious to
the Eye
Note: that the only thing we
can all easily *see* orbiting,
without a telescope, is our own
Moon and it clearly goes
around the Earth!


Consider this verse: "He

sits upon the circle of the
earth" Isaiah 30
If Earth is Gods seat, then
it must be the center of
the Universe for how
could the center be
elsewhere than where
God sits?!


Most scholars rejected his

theory because it went against
Ptolemy, the Church, and
because it called for the Earth
to rotate on its axis.
Many scientists of the time
also felt that if Ptolemys
reasoning about the planets
was wrong, then the whole
system of human knowledge
could be wrong.

Copernicus had to be
out of his mind!


Galileo assembled the first telescope which allowed him to
see mountains on the moon and fiery spots on the sun.
He also observed four moons rotating around Jupiter
exactly the way Copernicus said the Earth rotated around
the sun.


Galileos discoveries caused an uproar. Other scholars came against him because like
Copernicus, Galileo was contradicting Ptolemy.
The Church came against Galileo because it claimed that the Earth was fixed and
When threatened with death before the Inquisition in 1633, Galileo recanted his
beliefs, even though he knew the Earth moved.
Galileo was put under house arrest, and was not allowed to publish his ideas.


Galileos discoveries caused an uproar. Other scholars came against him because like
Copernicus, Galileo was contradicting Ptolemy.
The Church came against Galileo because it claimed that the Earth was fixed and
When threatened with death before the Inquisition in 1633, Galileo recanted his
beliefs, even though he knew the Earth moved.
Galileo was put under house arrest, and was not allowed to publish his ideas.

Galileo also discovered that objects fall at the
same speed regardless of weight.

The Scientific Method

By the early 1600s, a new approach to science had
emerged, known as the Scientific Method.

Scientific Method painstaking method used to confirm findings

and to prove or disprove a hypothesis.
Scientists observed nature, made hypotheses, or
educated guesses, and then tested these hypotheses
through experiments.
Unlike earlier approaches, the scientific method did not rely
on the classical thinkers or the Church, but depended upon a
step-by-step process of observation and experimentation.

The Scientific Method

1. State the problem
2. Collect information
3. Form a hypothesis
4. Test the hypothesis
5. Record & analyze data
6. State a conclusion
7. Repeat steps 1 6
Scientists soon discovered that the movements of bodies in
nature closely followed what could be predicted by
The scientific method set Europe on the road to rapid
technological progress.

The Scientific Method


Sir Isaac Newton was an English scholar

who built upon the work of Copernicus
and Galileo.
Newton was the most influential scientist
of the Scientific Revolution.

He used math to prove the existence

of gravity - a force that kept planets in
their orbits around the sun, and also
caused objects to fall towards the earth.

The Scientific Method


Newton published his scientific ideas in

his book Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy.
He discovered laws of light and color,
and formulated the laws of motion:

A body at rest stays at rest

Acceleration is caused by force
For every action there is an equal
opposite reaction
He invented calculus: a method of
mathematical analysis.

The Scientific Method

According to a popular story, Newton
saw an apple fall from a tree, and
wondered if the force that pulled the
apple to the Earth also controlled the
movement of the planets. Newton
argued that nature followed laws.

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