Name Name Age

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Field types

1 put these cells in the correct data type

Long date 12/10/1987

Short date Thursday 18 March 2010
Euro's with 4 decimals 456
Sounth African Rand with no decimals 425.54
Percentage 0.25


Sort this list in descending order Sort this table in Ascending order of age then desc

Name Name Age

Mark Mark 14
Frank Frank 17
Ella Ella 12
Denzel Denzel 14
Maria 14
Danny 13


Apply the following formulas:

Formula Input Output

Integer 10.2
Integer 10.5
Roundup 10.4
Rounddown 10.2

Formula Input
Sum 4 5 6
Sumif bigger than 4 4 5 6
Max 4 5 6
Min 4 5 6
Average 4 5 6
Count 4 5 6
Countif equal to 5 4 5 6


Product ID Company Code Company Name

14524 MT
48769 AE
48759 SY
957574 CE

Product ID Company Code Company Name

14524 MT
48769 AE
48759 SY
957574 CE

Page setup

Format page to landscape orientation

Add a margin of 0.5 inch to all sides
Footer Left = Date Right = School number
Header Centre = Your name
Fits onto on page tall by one page wide

Graphs / Charts

Make a bar chart from this table showing the age for each person Add label but make sure there is
Name Age Nationality
Mark 14 French
Frank 17 American
Ella 12 English
Denzel 14 French
Maria 14 English
Danny 13 Belgian

Make a pie chart from this table Pull out the french segment and m
Nationality People
French 14
American 17
English 12
Ascending order of age then descending order of Name



Company code Company origin Company Name

AE USA Apple
CE Taiwan Creative
MT USA Microsoft
SY Japan Sony

Company code AE CE MT
Company origin USA Taiwan USA
Company Name Apple Creative Microsoft
Add label but make sure there is no legend

Pull out the french segment and make sure that every segment has a value and that there is a legend

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