Fonts Used

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Fonts Used

Pre-Production - the Font used for pre productions work is 'Arial size 12 and title size
14'. The reason we chose Arial as our font for all of our work is so it would give a
professional look to our work. It also makes us look more organise and presentable.
The reason we chose size 12 is so it keeps consistency to all our work keeping us
organised and presentable.
Logo- the font used for the company logo is 'Metropolis'. Metropolis is influenced by
the industrial movements of the 1920's. The text only comes in capital letter making it
a more stand out logo attracting our target audiences and other distributors. The font
also gives a simple but bold and eye catching look giving us a chance to be creative
with the font in how we want the font to look.
Production (film) - the font used as credits and the title for our film was 'Bebas neue'.
The reason we chose Bebas neue was because it gave a simple but bold and
intimidating look which plays as part in the atmosphere created in the film. The font
also gives a sophisticated look which gives the branding of our film a good image.
Ancillary Task

Film poster the Fonts used for the film poster was
SF Movie poster was used for the quote from the Film review; the font was the
same as font used for the quote in the film review. Keeping a consistency
between different media texts.
Bebas Neue kept the consistency for the font used in the film. In the film we
see the title which matchs the style of font used in the poster
Steel Tong was used for credit on the bottom of the poster. This goes with the
conventions of a film poster as it is popular font used giving the poster a
professional look

Film Reviews Font used for the film review was

SF Movie Poster was used as for the time of the film review and also
verdict. This was chosen as it has a bold, sleek feel which give the
review a professional look. It the text is also very compact meaning it is
space saving which is needed on a film review.
Calibri was used as the main text for the article. The font is easy to
read at a small size which is key as it allows space to be maximized
without any compromises. It also has a simple sophisticated look giving
the film review a profession finish

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