Question 5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?
Question 5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?
Question 5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?
your audience?
Through my usage of bright, bold colours and sans serif typeface I have created a house style
and brand identity that will appeal to my target audience through connotations of youth, and
ensuring it will stand out on a shop shelf. Stuart Halls reception theory suggests that to
create an affective and appropriate piece of media, the producer has encode various codes,
conventions, signs and elements of representation in a way that an audience can easily
understand (decode) the meaning, if this is not well put in place, then the meaning of these
signs can be read in a negotiated or oppositional way. To ensure that I avoided this, I used
various methods of collecting data and taking psychographic and demographic questions I
gathered my audiences interests and hobbies, as well as personality traits, so that I could
gather the appropriate genre and stories that
I would include within my magazine. From
this, I knew that my audience had
a high affiliation with social media,
so ensured to include social media
links and a QR code offering free
downloadable content, to not only strengthen
the brand loyalty,
but to increase
through consumers.
The stories that
throughout my
magazine appeal to
their various
hobbies (social
issues, fashion,
festivals & gigs), as
well as an article
solely run by the
audience themselves so they are able to feel a
part of the community that is Roots. My usage of handwriting like font (GRRRL POWER)
replicates not only the genre convention of indie music, but when paired with the direct
address of eye contact, they are able to imagine that this is their handwriting, and again, feel
even more of a part of the Roots community. The obscuration of background across both my
DPS and main image juxtaposed with my cover star who falls into the same demographics
(age and gender) as my TA further aids this, as they able to imagine her in any location, much
like my TA span across all of the UK. Considering this, and as my cover star is a successful
musician, my TA will want to be like her and look up to her, and thus will be enticed to buy
the magazine further.