Shri Sukta

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The text seems to contain the Shri Sukta hymn from the Rigveda with Sanskrit commentary. It discusses goddess Lakshmi and mentions several Indian languages.

The text is a transliteration and commentary of the Shri Sukta hymn from the Rigveda, which praises goddess Lakshmi.

Several Indian languages are mentioned including Sanskrit, Devanagari, Bengali, Gujarati, Gurumukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu.

P D F | D e v a na g a r i | B e ng a li | G u j a r a t i | G u r u m u k hi | K a nna d a | M a la y a la m | O r iy a | T a m il | T e lu g u

| R o m a n | I T R A N S | O t he r s | P D F |



.. shrI sUkta (Rigveda) ..

.. s hrI s Uk t a ( Ri g veda ) ..

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Enc o ded a nd pr o o f r ea d by Av i na s h S a tha y e, S hr ee,

Ana nt U pa dhy a y u l a , S u nder Ha tta nga di

% Text title
% File name
% itxtitle
% engtitle

: shrIsUkta
: s-sukta-accent.itx
: shrIsUktam (RigvedIyaM sasvaram)
: shrIsUkta (Rigveda)

% Category

: sUkta

% Location

: doc_veda

% Sublocation

: veda

% SubDeity

: lakShmI

% Texttype

: svara

% Author

: Rigveda

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% Language
% Subject

: Sanskrit
: philosophy/hinduism/religion

% Transliterated by
% Proofread by

: sohum at (Avinash Sathaye), Anant Upadhyayula

: Avinash, Anant, Sunder Hattangadi sunderh at, NA

% Description-comments : shrI sUkta extracted out of Khilas, and the book Mantrapushpam
% Indexextra
% Latest update

: (meaning 1 Rigveda Khilani 22.6)

: January 26, 1998, October 26, 2011

% Send corrections to : [email protected]

% Site access


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Last Updated on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 05:13:04 GMT

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