Strategy Bank - Adhd Concentration and Impulsivity
Strategy Bank - Adhd Concentration and Impulsivity
Strategy Bank - Adhd Concentration and Impulsivity
During teacher-talk, allow the student to fiddle with a piece of blu-tac, rubber band,
squeeze ball or another chosen object (something quiet!) whilst maintaining eye
Give instructions simply and clearly. Make sure the student is looking at you first. Check
that he or she has understood them.
Limited Concentration
Ask the student to repeat instructions back to you. Try to ask them to show you what
they should be doing, rather than asking them to tell you.
During class discussions, proactively retune the student back into the lesson by
interspersing more challenging questions with simple questions addressed directly to
those who tend to drift off.
Rather than relying on a hands up if you can tell me routine during class discussion,
instead put all students names on cards and pick them at random. This pressure, when
used sensitively, can keep students focused who otherwise allow others to take leading
roles during class discussion.
Use a timer to help the student complete a task in a specified period of time.
Devise a private signal system to let the student know when they are off task.
Plan in settling time at the start of lessons. Ask for 2minutes of silence at the start whilst
they write down the title, learning objective etc. With groups in which you have a good
relationship, allow students to put their head in their hands or show a slow moving
picture slideshow (ideally relating to the lesson).
Give clear guidelines: I expect you to have produced at least three lines by ten past
ten; I will be asking you then to share these with your writing partner. Present as though
you assume they will complete it, not as a request to complete it.
Give regular updates on time remaining for tasks to ensure pace. Otherwise the student
is likely to drift off. A digital clock / watch will work more effectively than a standard
clock as there is a high prevalence of students with concentration difficulties not being
able to consistently tell the time on a standard clock.
Try to seat the student well away from areas other students need to walk through. Also
try to limit opportunity for them to roam around the classroom (such as handing out
books etc.)
Use visual prompts to remind students about the type of learning taking place. i.e. have
a picture of a student working on their own for quiet working tasks and a picture of
students with their hands up for class discussion tasks.
During longer tasks and longer periods of teacher-talk / Q&A, work in a movement
break with a clear parameter i.e. give them a specific errand (such asking them to
fetch stationary from next door) or allow them to go to the toilet (sometimes they will
request this as a way of self-managing their restlessness).
Establish a quiet place where the student can go to work should they become overly
excited or agitated.
Students will often engage in disruptive behaviour when they find a task too difficult and
become off-task, particularly during extended writing activities. Provide support in the
form of writing frames, word mats and prompts such as a display board with ideas for
Five things to do if you are stuck.
To reduce unstructured time in which impulsive behaviour is likely to occur, try to have
a set of familiar task types that students are familiar with (such as highlighting key words
in a text, word puzzles, number puzzles, cutting and sorting exercises, cloze procedure
etc.) which can be used at the start of lesson and at the end of lesson if there is time
remaining and possibly as a back-up should there be inappropriate behaviour and a
student needs to work elsewhere.
Aim for a ratio of three positive comments to one negative and teach student how to
reward themselves: You managed to concentrate on your work very well just then; give
yourself a pat on the back.
With a student who has fallen into a pattern of disruptive behaviour, try to work on stepby-step change by setting a clear behaviour target for two weeks (such as put our
hands up when we want to speak) and offering tangible rewards for meeting it. Then
move to another target, and so on.
Actively teach/use clear classroom routines, e.g. have all students hold an object when
it is their turn to talk.
Display classroom rules and routines for student to refer to. Illustrate them visually - for
example, use a traffic-light system to indicate whether students can talk or not, or
symbols for different noise levels (partner voices, group voices, classroom voice, outside
Remind the student of a rule, rather than telling them off - N, our rule is we put up our
hand to answer. Or make a point of praising a student who is keeping the rule-A, I like
the way you put your hand up when you knew the answer.
When correcting unacceptable behaviour, say what you want him or her to do, rather
than what you dont N., I want you to keep your hands on the table. instead of N,
stop bothering P.
Use language that labels the behaviour but not the student i.e. N, turn your volume
down please. rather than N, you are really noisy at the moment. Most students who
present with high-impulsivity will tend to switch off or respond with anger if they perceive
they are being picked on or got at yet again.
Use the language of choice, reminding pupils of the consequences of the various
behavioural choices open to them.
Some impulsive behaviour can be driven by n habit of trying to gain adult and peer
attention. One way to counter this is tactically ignore such behaviour and praise good
behaviour. A further strategy, if the disruption is escalating, is to isolate the student
temporarily and deny them the attention of others this, when managed carefully, can
act as a deterrent for inappropriate attention-seeking.