Sino-Soviet Relations
Sino-Soviet Relations
Sino-Soviet Relations
- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) proclaimed the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) on Beijing
on 1 October 1949
- Troubled history between China and Russia due to border; tension due to lost territories from
China to Russia, while struggling against Western domination.
- Failure of Manchu dynasty in China to resist Western domination ultimately led to its downfall
- New regime was in difficulty attempting to consolidate control throughout the whole country
- Unable to get the unequal treaties back form the West
- New Bolshevik regime: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - would give up all claims to the
former Tsarist empire outside Russia
- Seized Outer Mongolia; end of WWII: Soviets stripped $2 billion of equipment and machinery
from Manchuria
1950s: alliance pledging mutual support against American imperialism
- Relationship declined - border war in 1969; Mongolia China even sought closer relations with
the USA
- Only until the 1980s when the relationship began to improve again.
- Mao: Maoism
- Stalin: Stalinism
- Argued over continuing revolution
Political differences
- Mao believed that Stalin wanted a weaker China so that there could be Soviet dominance
- Potential rivals - Stalin mistrustful; did not want to spread Soviet commitments into Asia as war
in Europe post-WWII seemed likely
Korean War
- November 1950: the Red Army of the PRC invaded North Korea in an attempt to push back
American-led UN forces, which threatened to wipe out the North Koreans
- Over 1 million Chinese fought, over 700,000 casualties, including the son of Mao who was killed
- Had to pay for all weapons used ($1.35 billion) that the Soviets supplied to China
- Mao thought that Stalin wanted China to be weak so the USSR could dominate
- Stalin deliberately preventing an early armistice in order to exhaust the Chinese
After Stalins death, the USSR was ruled by Malenkov, Khrushchev and Bulganin
- Tensions eased as the USSR began to supply China with loans and technology 1953-56:
honeymoon period
Peaceful co-existence
- 1956: Khrushchev began calling for peaceful coexistence with the West - better relations with
the USA to avoid nuclear war
- Indirectly caused protests across Eastern Europe, as many believed that Khrushchev was
promising greater freedoms - Hungary Uprising (1956) violently crushed
- Mao angered by the failure of the USSR to control reactionary forces and allow protests
- Mao viewed peaceful-coexistence with the West as heresy, betrayal of the Marxist-Leninist
notion of the inevitability of war with Capitalism
- War with the capitalist world is inevitable - Marx
- continuing revolution with the West only way to keep communist alive and the only way to
ensure the victory of Communism
- By negotiating with the West on arms reductions in 1950s, Mao believed that the USSR was
becoming a revisionist - betrayer of Communism
- November 1957: special Meeting of World Communist Parties in Moscow: to celebrate the 40th
anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution to try and resolve differences between parties
- Despite approving a declaration that promised future co-operation, Mao made a series of
speeches that accused Khrushchev of being revisionist - straying away from the MarxistLeninist path
- Deng Xiaoping demolished USSR speaker Mikhail Suslov - world revolution only possible
through armed struggle
- War of words angered and humiliated Moscow
- Clear from the conference in 1957 that Mao was trying to challenge the Soviet Union for the
leadership of the international Communist movement
- Threat to the USSR - used the international movement to spread Soviet influence around the
- Deng again attacked the Soviet Union, saying that they were arrogant for only viewing
themselves as the only true Marxist-Leninists even accused Soviet technical advisors as
being spies
Taiwan Crisis
- USSR withdrew financial aid to Albania; China immediately sent technical and financial
- Mao attempting to prove that he is the leader of the Communist world; attacked their sphere
- attacked USSR for its adventurism in placing missiles on Cuba and its capitulationism
- What right have you to decide for us questions ivnvolign our very existence and our class
- Mao frustrated by attitude of USSR in sharing its nuclear weapons - only if USSR was in ctonrol
of its use
- Chinese developed their own nuclear weapons
- 59/6
Cultural Revolution
- Manchuria
- Hydrogen bomb
- 50 divisions along Chinese border
Vietnam war
- both sides tried to win support and influence over the Vietminh
- main champion against US imperialism
- Chinese influence
- Vietnam invaded Cambodia
- 17th February
- Chinese forced to withdraw
Invasion of Afghanistan
- Mujahideen fighters