Advent of A National Hero
Advent of A National Hero
Advent of A National Hero
Rizals Parents
- Rizal was the 7th of the
11 children of Francisco
Mercado and Teodora
Alfonso Realonda
- The heros father was
born on May 11, 1818,
studied Latin and
Philosophy at the College
of San Jose in Manila
- He died on Jan. 5, 1898
at the age of 80
- Rizal affectionately
called him a model of
2. Paciano (1851-1930)
older brother and
confidant of Jose,
joined the Philippine
Revolution of Rizals
death, had 2 children
by his mistress
(Severina Decena)
3. Narcisa (1852-1939)her pet name was Sisa,
married Antonio Lopez
4. Olimpia (1855-1887)Ypia was her
nickname, married
Silvestre Ubaldo
8. Concepcion (1862-1865)
Her pet name was Concha,
died of sickness at the
age of 3, her death was
Rizals first sorrow in life
9. Josefa (1865-1945) Her
pet name was Panggoy,
died an old maid at the
age of 80
10. Trinidad (1868-1951)
Trining was her pet name,
also died as maid at the
age of 83
11. Soledad (1870-1929)
Her nick name was
Choleng, married
Pantaleon Quintero
- Sibling relationship
among the Rizal
Children was
affectionately cordial
- As a little boy, Rizal
used to play games
with his sisters
- As he grew to
manhood, he always
called them Donya
or Senyora
- Rizals relation with
his only brother
Paciano, who was 10
years older, was
more than that of
younger to older
- Throughout his
life, Rizal
respected him
and greatly
valued his
sagacious advice
- He immortalized
him in his first
novel Noli as the
wise Pilosopo