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November 18, 2015

1. Introductions
2. Choose a facilitator and a recorder
3. Discuss the applicable question below and bullet-point your discussion (ideas, concerns, etc.)
4. List recommendations for supporting students in your committees area
5. List resources that would assist teachers and benefit students
6. List any pertinent questions remaining
7. Be as succinct as possible

Essential Question: What services do we need to put into place to provide specialized instruction
and support for students with disabilities to progress in the general curriculum?
Non-negotiable: Students must have access to the general curriculum, taught by licensed content area teachers in order to obtain
credits for graduation.

Guiding Questions


What specialized
instruction or
aids/supports can occur
in the regular
In some instances, a
student may need
specialized instruction
or supplementary
aids/supports outside of
the regular
environment. What
would this look like?


What specialized
instruction or



Simplify & clarify


Be familiar with the


Support student writing

Support student reading

Better mental health


cross categorical
instruction, including
mental health support,
PSG support workers.

Resources Needed

Questions Moving

Lap-top computers.
Extended time for
students to process.
Specific programs
geared towards
improving reading
skills/grade level.
Interventions like that
at all grade levels. i.e.
Read 180

How will the district help

students with mental
health issues?

*special ed. team

teacher needs to be in
the room the whole

*How do we train reg. ed

teachers to be on board
and accept that we are

Big changes that may

leave individual students

*Bring back a
topics/consumer math,
alg A/B class to learn the

*be familiar with the


How do we deal with

students who have
serious emotional and
behavioral issues where
a large classroom
environment may not
serve to best meet their

aids/supports can occur

in the regular
In some instances, a
student may need
specialized instruction
or supplementary
aids/supports outside of
the regular
environment? What
would this look like?


What specialized
instruction or
aids/supports can occur
in the regular
In some instances, a
student may need

basic skills, all students

are suffering.
*with modifications we
are padding things, so
are we dumbing down
things too much where
the rest of the class isnt
getting the full concepts;
are we meeting the
*need to have them
career/independent living
ready so offer those type
of math classes.
*have more team taught
upper level courses in the
11th & 12th grade
*study skills class needs
to be offered to learn the
*calculator skills/having
the appropriate
needed for the class.
*how much can you
modify math???
-If students math skills
are at 3rd grade or 8th
grade, how are we
supposed to work them in
their skill set?


-fear the special ed

teachers are going to be
responsible for providing
services for multiple
students in multiple
classrooms during the
same periods.
-huge safety concern for
our students during

-continue team teaching

model with the regular ed
and special ed teachers
in every science class.
-Do to safety reasons in
content, special ed
teachers there needs to
be one teacher and one
sp. ed. teacher per class.

* train us all to get an
alt. ed. license so we
can teach and keep
our self contained

in this together and all

students are included.
*The issue too is
teachers feel they have
to cover so much
material per our
standards, that they feel
they cant repeat, repeat
the material to get the
concepts done and they
have to move on.
*Where do you put
students who truly dont
understand the material
and fail, how do they
earn the credit for

-one special education

teacher at all times in
the same room
-curriculum that has
different reading/grade
levels along with
worksheets, reviews,
tests, etc. so sp. ed.

Will there be any PD for

regular education
teachers, moving
forward, in how to
educate and deal with
special education/needs
How much collaboration


specialized instruction
or supplementary
aids/supports outside of
the regular
environment? What
would this look like?

science labs.
- keeping the percentage
of special ed students at
or no more than 30%
of the total number of
- Reg. ed teachers and
parents have to be on
-scheduling of special ed
-common assessments
across all schools or are
3 different levels of
common assessments
going to be provided.

What specialized
instruction or
aids/supports can occur
in the regular

-Students dont have the

-Regular ed teachers
need to BE on board
-More literacy
-Books are not universal
and/or not enough for
each student
-Books are not written on
skill level of our students.
-Pace of regular ed
classes can be too fast.
-Students never get
caught up.
How will it work when the
present students need to
graduate? (with the selfcontained or different
classes that are not reg
-Balancing classes
General education
classes have high

In some instances, a
student may need
specialized instruction
or supplementary
aids/supports outside of
the regular
environment? What
would this look like?

-Have the books that are

at grade level for all
students. We cant even
get books in spanish for
ELL students to help
them translate the
content material.
-Regular education
teachers will HAVE to be
on board for the whole
process to work for all
-Special Behavioral
supports for students that
may include hood up,
head phones, designed
to keep the student in the
classroom, not pulled out.
Students need more
mental health support.
(Chronic standardized
testing is hurting our
student population and

teachers do not have

to make all of the
modifications needed
to service all sp. ed.

time are we going to

have with the reg. ed
teachers to make the
modifications needed?

3D maps.

Middle school has to

also be brought on
How are present IEPs
going to be written since
we are changing the
program for next year?
Do we write the IEP until
June when school ends
or do we do it the full
year and call another
IEP meeting at the end
and/or beginning of the
school year?
How do we get the
students up to the
appropriate grade level
for them to succeed?
What happens if an IEP
calls for a student to
have earphones and the
regular ed teacher
doesnt allow it, how is
this going to be

Teaching materials for

lower skill levels, that
are easier versions of
the same curriculum.
Do they exist?
Common planning
time for gen ed/spec
ed teachers to
Physical locations in
our high schools need
to be upgraded.
Classroom sizes for
appropriate numbers
of students to
adequately have their
needs met.
Potential close
proximity of nearby
classrooms for

numbers of students, the

classes that are team
taught are even bigger,
with a large percentage
of students with special
needs, ELL, etc the
higher kids are bored, the
lower kids are struggling
to keep up.

causing test anxiety)

Safety in classes behavioral - special ed regular ed in the same
classrooms may not work

Classroom space are too

small for 2 teachers to
work with 30+ numbers in
the classroom. Is the
district going to look at
class sizes of 40 because
there are 2 teachers?

breaking up students
when needed.
Team taught classes
through senior year
courses must be
available, not just at
the 9th & 10th grade
level: Economics,
Sociology, Psychology,
Government, World
History, RUSH;
especially with the
addition of the
requirement for the
new graduation
required citizenship
tests beginning in

Teaching one subject

instead of four different
core classes. Too
confusing and difficult.


What specialized
instruction or
aids/supports can occur
in the regular
In some instances, a
student may need
specialized instruction
or supplementary
aids/supports outside of

-smaller classes 20
-more one on one
-access to resource room
-Are there any schools
with documented data for
this model?

develop soft skills

common planning time
what is the special ed
ratio w regular ed?

Physical safe space

for private dressing. #1
issue for students with
high levels of anxiety
is not being able to
dress in front of others.
True assistance in the
locker rooms. Staffed
all hour. Many
students struggle with
properly locking locks.

Are classroom numbers
going to be smaller
since there will be
inclusion classes?

the regular
environment? What
would this look like?

In what ways can this

service support
involvement in the
general curriculum?

Student items get

stolen every day. Sped
students get bullied in
the locker room.
Model for Resource time
should be devoted to
caseload students and
supporting them
(following them to
academics). Perhaps
teams of teachers (like 3
or 4) that work together
to create a cohort.

Behavioral support
Resource Room with two
special ed. teachers
present at all time.
Academic resource room
per grade level per

Physical space
Technology - the same
types that are in their
IEPs/also tech used in
gen. ed. i.e.
chromebooks, iPads

Behavioral and Resource

support simultaneously

Can this new model be

viewed at other schools
in the state where this is
Is resource time going to
take away from their
career focused
How will this fit into the
academy model for HS
Can we structure an Alt.
Ed. certification cohort
within the district?


How can this help

students in the general
What are barriers to
using computer
programs for credit?
When should a student
be able to use
instruction as a means
to earn credit?
When/where would this

Very High Reading level

for courses makes it
difficult in English.
Very few passing in
algebra or any of the
maths, Geometry is at
the CP level.

Class for Credit deficient

SPED students for
original credit.
USe in behavior classes
for students that cant
behave themselves in a
traditional art or elective.

Great for Health, PE, US

History and Government.
A lot

District pays for staff at

Concordia or UWM to get
Alt Ed Licenses.

More people with Alt

Ed licenses. Training
from odyssey. Access
to transcript info to
assign students.
Computer software
must be attainable for
students with special
needs. The current
Odyssey Ware is NOT
accessible because
the reading level is too
high. No assistance or
modifications are even
available to current
students who have
had to make up
classes during

How are we going to get

people to alt licenses
(What type of incentives
for becoming alt ed
certified can we get.
Step raise, )

summer or credit

What are the necessary

vocational/ transition
skills our students need
for success after HS?
How can vocational/
transition skills be
taught in the regular ed.
What are the needs in
this area to provide
vocational opportunities
for all students in
special education?

Soc. Skills

How can we provide

behavioral and social
support/instruction to
What supports can be
given when the regular
ed. environment
becomes too
overwhelming for these

- basic math
- communic
ation skills
- soft skills
- daily life
Through Career Cruising
students will be able to
determine areas of
interest for employment

basic skills resource

rooms for all core

Chrome books
A Up-to-date

How do we get the

resources to complete
the needs of the Special
Education Students?

At least bi-weekly Career

Cruising access.

Designated scheduling
bi-weekly through their
resource class

How do we schedule?

hands on skills
community based
vocational training.

Community leader dropin, into the classroom for

demonstrations of what a
day at work will be like.

Strong Community

Will there be an
opportunity for kids to
shadow jobs and
interview for jobs.

**Low Stimulation room

**E/BD room staffed by
two teachers at a time so
one can run around and
the other will be stationed
in the room
**case managers will
have to be floating
bridges teachers for
their caseload with
progress sheets
**special ed support
teachers need to be in
charge of modifying
**we need a team taught
teacher per reg ed
**class size needs to be
no more than 22**

**regular ed teachers
need to relinquish control
to the special ed teacher
so they can grade the
student per
**reg ed teachers need
training on the special ed
teacher being able to
modify and that it

Vocation Class needed

**Cree and other

factories around Racine
say they need basic
Social skills class
**service industry
pathway and

** elective classes
offered as support for
regular math and
english classes. so
they go to reg algebra
with a reg ed teacher
and then their next
class would be with a
special ed teacher to
do all the work they
just tried to do in reg
ed algebra (math

When will they get to

take more
electives then, if every
core subject has its own


In what ways can we

include students in the
general curriculum
and/or environment?
How can we still hold
high expectations for
these students?

with Case-Managers
**If homeroom moved to
5 days a week, could
special ed teachers have
their caseloads in
** elective classes for
credit called Math
Intervention and Reading
**social skills selfcontained classes for
elective credit
**we need LOWER level
general ed classes
(lowest level cant be
Biology and Algebra!)
**case-managers need a
** we need more social
workers and
psychologists at each
high school
**more opportunity for
Odyssey credit


Obviously it will depend

on each students
cognitive ability. We can
continue to place
students in electives like
art, PE, and maybe teamtaught Science classes.

Warn parents going into

the 18-21 year old
program that they may
not be getting a diploma
in 3 years. Maybe they
want to end services now
if a diploma is important
to the family.

We are fearful that if

students with CD do not

**measurement math
**alternative to diploma
certificate program**

Computers needed for

Create new electives.

What do we do about
the students who need
diplomas to get into
Shepards college or for
services? How can they
get these credits at their

Hire more assistants.

Ask Board of Education

get diplomas parents will

be outraged.
We need to make all
three of the job site
programs the same. 7th
and 8th hour for 10-12th
What happens to the
CDS program? How do
they include students
when they can be a
disruption to the general
education population?
Unique Learning
Systems only services
students with levels of
3rd grade. What do we
do with the students with
a higher reading level but
those too low for the
general education
curriculum of English and

There needs to be a
curriculum for students
higher than a 3rd grade
reading level but not high
enough functioning to be
in regular education high
school class.
We need to be
parents/guardians prior to
high schoolFor example, students
who function at a 2nd
grade level, will never
become medical doctors.

CD Teachers should have

CD students on their
caseloads. CD Teachers
who have caseload
students in only Team
Taught classes, do not
have any contact with
these students and dont
have opportunities to get
to know these students.

Technology and
Educational Assistants

to explore different types

of diploma.

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