Travelvisionboard 1
Travelvisionboard 1
Travelvisionboard 1
On a 22x28 poster/display board, you will create a
vision board
to showcase your
understanding of: travel in our globalized world; the ways in which language and
culture might serve as vehicles through which travel can be made more accessible,
enjoyable, profitable, etc.; how travel can be useful on a personal level as well as
serve to expand academic and professional horizons.
vision board
is a powerful visualization tool that you can use as inspiration for
your journey toward your ideal life. Some people refer to it as a dream
or an
. (Google vision board for more information/inspiration!)
Students will present their vision boards to the rest of the class.
This is an individual assignment. Each student is responsible for creating and
submitting his/her own travel vision board.
By using magazine and newspaper clippings, images printed from the internet, and
personal photos (if you so choose), create a vision board that
the places you have traveled to.
the destinations you would like to travel to.
the personal, academic, and professional reasons for going to these places.
how language and culture will help facilitate the travel process.
how and why travel is personally important to you.
This project is due on
Thursday, May 21st
. In-class presentations will begin on
Thursday and extend into Friday if necessary.
Bon effort !
Pas mal !
Pas encore...
to detail
. The project is
visually stunning
Students presentation is
, and shows
deep personal
. The student
quite profoundly
the significance of travel
in his/her personal,
academic, and
professional life.
Students presentation
is adequately
informative, and shows
a considerable amount
of personal reflection.
The student has
thought rather
profoundly about the
significance of travel in
his/her life.
presentation is
informative, and
shows some personal
reflection. The
student has thought
a bit about the
significance of travel
in his/her life.
presentation is not
descriptive or
informative, and
shows little to no
personal reflection.
The student has not
considered the
significance of travel
in his/her life.
/ 20
Performance Assessment Task Blueprint
Content Area and Grade Level:
French 2 -- 10th Grade
Student Objectives:
Students will be able to...
generate a list of places that they would like to travel to (and why) and show how language skills
might help to facilitate the process.
speak about travel in an informed and introspective manner.
illustrate some of the ways in which language/cultural studies might serve as an entre into the
world of travel.
analyze how travel can be enhanced by learning new languages and studying different cultures.
Task Overview:
Students will create a Travel Vision Board in which they showcase the places they have been to, the
destinations that they would like to travel to, and how language and culture in particular might serve as
vehicles through which travel might become more accessible, enjoyable, profitable, etc. They will then
present their vision board in front of the class (in French AND English) and talk about why they chose
certain images, how language and culture are personally important to them, and why intense
language/cultural study is a crucial prerequisite to successful travel.
For this assignment, I am assessing students ability to think about travel in both critical and introspective
ways. Through the vision board, students will be able to visually demonstrate understanding by selecting
images that are relevant to the themes and ideas that they have been exploring in the lessons on travel. In
order to complete this assignment, students will have to incorporate most of Blooms cognitive levels,
including: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, and creating. I believe this is the best
method to assess students achievement because it allows them to synthesize what they have learned,
produce a visual representation of their learning that is unique and individual to each learner, and share
their feelings, understandings, and travel desires with their classmates. It will appeal to visual, creative,
and kinesthetic learners and should adequately demonstrate students working understanding of content.
Using Data:
This assignment will show in very concrete ways how students are grappling with the notion of travel, how
they perceive language and culture in relationship to traveling, and the extent to which they consider the
practical implications of traveling both in personal and professional endeavors. Oftentimes, students are
not forced to think beyond the bubble that is their local community, and so this project will allow
students to situate themselves in a global context.
This assessment will show the levels to which students are engaged with the class material, how logical
their thinking is when it comes to traveling, and also certain trends in interests and shared travel
destinations which could serve to inform later instruction. Based on the presentations of their Travel
Vision Boards, I will be able to base instruction around the ideas and places that students find relevant
and interesting. Poor performance on this evaluation might indicate that students need to be exposed to
more of the benefits of traveling, or that they might need to spend more time thinking about the
importance of language in traveling pursuits.
Evaluation Criteria:
Students performance will be evaluated based on a rubric, which will measure their creativity,
organization, connection to content, thoughtfulness, and presentational abilities. This assessment overall
will be graded as a minor project but might serve as the catalyst to a larger, more in-depth semester-long