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Tuxford Basic Conditions Statementv2 211215

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Basic Conditions Statement

Basic Conditions Statement

Tuxford Neighbourhood

Basic Conditions Statement

Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3
What is the Neighbourhood Plan?....................................................................... 3
What is the Basic Conditions Statement? ........................................................... 3

Key Statements ................................................................................................... 3

Conformity with National Policy ........................................................................... 5

Contribute to the Achievement of Sustainable Development ............................ 11

Conformity with Strategic Local Policy .............................................................. 12

Compatibility with EU Obligations ..................................................................... 16

Useful Documents ............................................................................................. 17

Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 17

Basic Conditions Statement

1 Introduction
What is the Neighbourhood Plan?

The Tuxford Neighbourhood Development Plan hereafter Tuxford Neighbourhood

Plan (TNP) and has been prepared in accordance with the Town & Country Planning
Act 1990, the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Localism Act 2011, the
Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and Directive 2001/42/EC on
Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Plan establishes a vision of the future of
the Town and sets out how that vision will be realised through planning and controlling
land use and development change.


The Plan relates to planning matters (the use and development of land) and has been
prepared in accordance with the statutory requirements and processes set out in the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and the
Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012.

What is the Basic Conditions Statement?


This Basic Conditions Statement has been prepared to accompany the Tuxford
Neighbourhood Plan. Paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning
Act 1990 requires that Neighbourhood Development Plans must meet the following
basic conditions:


have appropriate regard to national policies and advice contained in the

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF);
contribute to the achievement of sustainable development;
be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the
development plan for the area of the local planning authority, in this case
Bassetlaw District Councils 2009 Core Strategy
meet the relevant EU obligations.

This document will outline how the Tuxford Neighbourhood Plan meets all of the above
basic conditions.

2 Key Statements

The Plan area covers the parish of Tuxford and Tuxford Town Council is the qualifying
body responsible for the preparation of this Neighbourhood Plan. The Tuxford
Neighbourhood Plan expresses policies that relate to the development and use of land
only within the neighbourhood area.


The neighbourhood area is contiguous with the Town boundary as shown on the map
accompanying the neighbourhood designation application. For clarity the Plan area is
shown at Figure 1.

Basic Conditions Statement


The Tuxford Neighbourhood Development Plan covers the period from 2015 to 2028
and is aligned with Bassetlaw District Councils Core Strategy which also runs to 2028.


The Plan proposals do not deal with County matters (mineral extraction and waste
development), nationally significant infrastructure or any other matters set out in
Section 61K of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as excluded development.


The Tuxford Neighbourhood Development Plan does not relate to more than one
neighbourhood area. It is solely related to the area of Tuxford parish as designated by
Bassetlaw District Council in April 2012.


There are no other neighbourhood plans in place for the Tuxford neighbourhood area.


The Pre Submission Draft Tuxford Neighbourhood Plan was made available for
consultation in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations
from 27th July until the 18th September 2015. Some minor amendments have been
made to the document based on the comments received and these are summarised
in the document entitled Consultation Statement.

Figure 1: Tuxford Neighbourhood Area

Basic Conditions Statement

3 Conformity with National Policy

Tuxford Neighbourhood Plan is required to have appropriate regard to national

planning policy. This is principally provided in the National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) published in March 2012. The NPPF provides a framework within which local
communities can produce neighbourhood development plans for their area and sets
out how planning should help achieve sustainable development (see paragraphs
below relating to achieving sustainable development).


Sections 183-185 of the NPPF refers to Neighbourhood Plans requiring them to have
regard to the policies in the NPPF and to be in general conformity with the strategic
policies of the Local Plan. The Localism Act explains that this is the adopted
Development Plan.


This sections demonstrates that the Tuxford Neighbourhood Plan has regard to
relevant policies within the NPPF in relation to:

Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes

Supporting a prosperous local economy

Requiring good design

Promoting healthy communities

Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

Conserving and enhancing the historic environment


The Tuxford NP contains a Vision and Objectives. The objectives are summarised in
Table 1 alongside the NPPF goals they seek to address.


Table 2 provides a summary of how each of the development management policies

conforms specifically with the NPPF.

Basic Conditions Statement

Table 1: Summary of NP Objectives with NPPF Goal
NP Objective
To maintain and enhance the built heritage of the town
Future housing growth to meet local needs


Relevant NPPF Goal

Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes

To ensure development is sensitively located (to enhance the Requiring good design
attributes of Tuxford) and is designed to be sympathetic to local
styles and materials
New development should integrate with the existing and should
relate positively in form and function in particular with respect to
materials, style and connections where it will adjoin the existing
Development should create an environment that makes it attractive Building a strong competitive economy
for micro, small and medium sized businesses and shops to locate
and flourish in the town and should particularly encourage proposals Supporting a prosperous rural economy
that create a more vibrant evening economy.
Ensuring the vitality of town centres
To ensure easy access to the countryside and to protect, enhance Conserving and enhancing the natural environment.
and extend open spaces and cycling and walking routes.
Promoting healthy communities
To encourage consultation with the community early in the planning Promoting healthy communities
application process so local people can inform the design, location
or layout of a scheme before a planning application is submitted.
By delivering better informed planning decisions this
objectives addresses helps to achieve sustainable

Basic Conditions Statement

Table 2: Assessment of how each policy in the Tuxford NP conforms to the NPPF
Policy No.

Policy Title

Sustainable Development


Pre Application Community Consultation


Design Principles for New Development




Ref Commentary

Adjoining 56,57,58,59,

Defines the overall approach to development

where growth must bring forward a balance of
uses to meet local need. Embraces the core
principle of planning being a creative exercise
in finding ways to enhance the places where
people live whilst also accepting more
Although Bassetlaw District Council have
consultation they cannot legally require it (apart
from major infrastructure projects). This Policy
takes its context from the NPPF (which postdates the Core Strategy). The NPPF promotes
the principle that LPAs should involve all
sections of the community in planning
decisions. Policy 2 seeks to encourage
consultation with the community before an
application is submitted.
Sets out design standards expected on all new
development, the importance of reinforcing
local distinctiveness and the integration of new
development with the existing. Requires
reference to the Tuxford Place Analysis that
sets out design parameters for potential sites.
Continues the principles of policy 3 relating to
high quality design but makes it particularly
specific to development adjoining the town.
Requires reference to the Tuxford Place

Basic Conditions Statement

Policy No.

Policy Title



Ref Commentary

Conservation Area

the 126,131

Housing Type

47, 50

Infill Development

47, 56, 57, 58

Strengthening the Retail Centre


Improving Access to the Countryside



Community Facilities

69, 70

Analysis that sets out design parameters for

potential sites.
Places great importance on the protection and
enhancement of the heritage assets in the Plan
area the Conservation Area and identifies
Reads Building for renovation.
Supports the provision of a mix of housing to
meet local need, in this case including smaller
dwellings. The policy also encourages housing
for older people to be located near amenities
Extends previous themes regarding good
design and housing type on infill and
redevelopment sites. Seeks to get high design
quality and to encourage the use of infill sites
near amenities for smaller dwellings suitable
for older people and/or starter homes
Supports the expansion of the retail offer within
the Local Centre Boundary and encourages
shop front design that will enhance the vitality
of the town. Promotes specific uses outside the
Local Centre Boundary (reflecting the lack of a
village hall and limited caf/restaurant
Seeks to ensure that walking or cycling access
to the countryside is improved and that the
limited network of paths is extended to
encourage easier access to the countryside.
A key part of ensuring Tuxford Town continues
to be a strong rural community is to ensure the
area is equipped with those buildings that

Basic Conditions Statement

Policy No.

Policy Title



Town Centre Parking


Residential Parking on New Development 39, 56


Supporting Local Business

Ref Commentary

23, 40

19, 20, 42, 43

enable social interaction. This policy

recognises the need to secure the rebuilding of
the village hall and seeks to encourage the
bringing forward of a viable scheme.
This policy supports the principle of promoting
a competitive Town Centre environment in the
NPPF. Retailers are concerned that limited
parking capacity is putting people off shopping
in the town and the Town Council have already
partnered with a local working mens club to
provide public access to a car park near the
shops. The Town Council will seek further
opportunities to extend car parking where
Policy 11 also seeks to provide improved
quality parking.
Policy 12 accords with the NPPFs reference to
setting local parking standards, reflecting the
rural location of Tuxford and also good design.
The policy is justified based on previous
developments where parking has not been well
integrated into the layout of the scheme.
Policy 13 promotes the expansion of
employment sites within the Plan area and
encourages a more flexible approach allowing
small scale business uses adjoining the town
subject to other planning requirements
regarding not harming the setting of the
Conservation Area etc.
Policy 13 encourages the extension of superfast broadband recognising that future

Basic Conditions Statement

Policy No.

Policy Title


Ref Commentary
business growth at home as well as on
employment sites will increasingly depend on
access to this technology.


Basic Conditions Statement

4 Contribute to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

The NPPF has a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The NPPF

defines sustainable development has having three dimensions: economic, social and
environmental. The Tuxford NP recognises that this is a balancing act and the strategic
objectives of the Plan comprise a balance of social, economic and environmental
The social goals are to maintain a thriving community, recognising that the community
and its needs change over time. This Plan recognises that the distribution of
development in accordance with the principals in the Core Strategy 2011 means that
Tuxford is likely to get housing growth within the Town over the next 15 years.
However, the Neighbourhood Plan policies will ensure that major development in the
Plan area is designed to:
a) provide smaller dwellings (as identified in the SHMA 2014 and in the
consultation for this Plan) to meet local needs for housing for older people and
some starter homes,
b) encourages the provision of an additional community facility to meet the needs
of existing and future residents,
c) enhances the vitality of the Town, particularly promoting uses that will provide
activity in the evening.


The economic goals relate to the policies to support and where possible expand the
existing business base particularly on the existing industrial estates in the Town. There
is also an emphasis on supporting the Town as a focus for a range of facilities to
support the wider rural area.


The environmental goals are to protect the rural environment. This means ensuring
that all development takes into account the topography of the land around the town.
Development is expected to include high quality landscaping to minimise the impact
of new development on the rural setting of the town and where possible to seek
improved access to the countryside.


There is also an emphasis on protecting and enhancing the historic built environment
recognising that a large part of the town is a Conservation Area.


The Tuxford NP has been prepared on the basis that local people can inform planning
policy in their neighbourhood at the pre application stage. The Policies therefore aim
to enable development necessary to meet district requirements whilst protecting and
where possible enhancing the quality of life for local people.


Policy 1: Sustainable Development sets out the overarching approach of the Plan to
new development across Tuxford; the approach underpins the rest of the policies
ensuring the delivery of sustainable development over the long term.

Basic Conditions Statement

5 Conformity with Strategic Local Policy

The Tuxford NP has been prepared by the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group
in close collaboration with officers from Bassetlaw District Council. This has ensured
that the process of developing the policies in the Tuxford NP has been informed by
the Strategic Policies in the Core Strategy.


Table 3 provides a summary of how each of the Neighbourhood Plan policies are in
general conformity with the Strategic Policies of Bassetlaw District Council.


Basic Conditions Statement

Table 3: Assessment of how each policy in the Tuxford NP conforms to the Policies in Bassetlaws Core Strategy

Plan Policy No.

Policy Title

Core Strategy Policy



SO 1, SO5, SO7, SO8, The Core Strategy was written prior to the NPPF, however
SO10, CS6
sustainable development was at the heart of the planning
system prior to 2012 and the strategic objectives of the Core
Strategy show the same consideration with respect to the need
to balance the economic, social and environmental aspects of
development (that were later defined in the NPPF) from which
the NP Policy 1 was derived. Policy 1 is an overarching policy
(more detail is provided in section 4 above)
CS6 relates specifically to Tuxford and requires development to
strengthen the role of the Town as a Local Service Centre
providing housing, jobs and services. NP Policy 1 provides
more detail about what that means for Tuxford.
Pre Application
Although Bassetlaw District Council has always encouraged
pre application consultation they cannot legally require it (apart
from major infrastructure projects). This Policy takes its context
from the NPPF which post-dates the Core Strategy and seeks
to encourage consultation with the community before an
application is submitted.
SO7, DM4: Design and Policy 3 seeks to ensure that new development integrates with
for Character
the existing settlement, is built to the highest national standards
and that the provision enhances the character of the Town in
keeping with the key tenets of SO7 and DM4.
SO7, DM4 Design and Policy 4 considers the requirements that would make
Character DM9 Green development acceptable on the edge of Tuxford. It extends the
Infrastructure, Biodiversity principles of design and character in DM4, requirements
& Geodiversity
relating to protecting biodiversity and landscape character in

Basic Conditions Statement

Plan Policy No.

Policy Title

Core Strategy Policy


Protecting and SO9, DM8 The Historic

Enhancing the Environment

Housing Type


SO1, DM5 Housing Mix

Policy DM9 and the need to protect the setting of the

Conservation Area in DM8.
Policy 5 requires development to protect or enhance the
conservation area and encourages the renovation of listed
buildings at risk so long as this does not damage their heritage
attributes. This positive approach whilst ensuring heritage is
protected is in accordance with SO9 and DM8.
Policy 6 is the local expression of DM5 referencing local
housing need and requiring development to show how it meets
this need.
Policy 7 takes the key principles in the generic policies in the
Core Strategy and says how they should be applied to infill sites
in Tuxford.

Character, DM5 Housing
Mix, DM8 The Historic
SO4, CS6 Tuxford
CS6 promotes Tuxford as a retail centre and limits non town
the Retail Centre
centre uses. Policy 8 specifies the uses that would be
particularly encouraged in line with this approach particularly to
encourage more night time leisure activities. Policy 8 also
promotes the continued improvement of shop fronts in line with
SO8, SO10, DM9 Green SO8 and SO10 support the protection and enhancement of
Access to the Infrastructure
green infrastructure and encourage the growth of the GI
network, DM9 expects proposals to enhance GI, restore or
enhance biodiversity and respect landscape character. Policy 9
promotes the improvement and expansion of the existing
footpath and cycle ways that run through the Plan area. (This
approach is also supported by Policy 4 which requires
development adjoining the Town to extend walking routes into
the countryside and protect landscape character where

Basic Conditions Statement

Plan Policy No.




Policy Title

Core Strategy Policy


SO10, CS6 Tuxford


SO10 supports the provision of essential social infrastructure,

CS6 supports the provision of standalone community facilities
where need is proven. Policy 10 supports the provision of a
new village hall on the old site recognising that a town requires
places to enable people to meet to encourage friendship and
social cohesion
Centre CS6 Tuxford
CS6 supports proposals that will enable the Local Centre of
Tuxford to thrive. Policy 11 seeks to make better use of areas
for public car parking as a key part of supporting the retailers in
Sustainable DM13 requires proposals to be in accordance with local parking
Parking on New Transport
standards. Policy 12 sets out a criteria for considering additional
local factors like the rural location of Tuxford for providing more
unallocated parking. Policy 12 also encourages parking
provision to be addressed as part of the good design of a
scheme in accordance with BFL12 as set out in DM13.
CS6 Tuxford
CS6 promotes economic development proposals within the
Local Business
development boundary and the extension to Ollerton Road and
Lodge Lane employment sites.


Basic Conditions Statement

6 Compatibility with EU Obligations

Bassetlaw District Council considered that a Strategic Environmental Assessment was

not required because the Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have a significant impact
on the environment that had not been already assessed as part of the Sustainability
Appraisal for the Core Strategy. (See the SEA screening opinion at
https://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/everything-else/planningbuilding/neighbourhood-plans/Tuxford-neighbourhood-plan.aspx )


This document was submitted to Historic England, Natural England and the
Environment Agency who also agreed with this outcome.


The Neighbourhood Plan has regard to and is compatible with the fundamental rights
and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights. Whilst
an Equality Impact Assessment Report has not be specifically prepared, great care
has been taken throughout the preparation and drafting of this Plan to ensure that the
views of the whole community were embraced to avoid any unintentional negative
impacts on particular groups.


The main issues for planning are the right to family life and in preventing discrimination.
The Plan makes positive contributions, such as through seeking to provide housing to
meet local needs for older people and for young people wanting to buy their first home.
The population profile has revealed that there are not significant numbers of people
who do not have English as a first language and it has not been necessary to produce
consultation material in other languages.


The inclusive nature of the preparation of the Plan is a further benefit. The consultation,
(see below and in the Statement of Community involvement) has been inclusive, with
particular efforts made to seek input via questionnaires and at various events to
discuss the emerging policies with a range of local people of all ages.


The Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared with extensive input from the community
and stakeholders as set out in the accompanying Statement of Consultation. There
was extensive consultation and engagement early on in the process and later in
identifying issues and options. Finally, the draft Neighbourhood Plan has been
consulted on as required by Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General)
Regulations 2012, responses have been recorded and changes have been made as
per the schedule set out in the appendices to the Statement of Consultation. The
Statement of Consultation has been prepared by the Steering Group and meets the
requirements set out in Paragraph 15 (2) of the Regulations.


The Neighbourhood Plan is not in close enough proximity to any European designated
nature sites to warrant an Appropriate Assessment under the EU Habitats Regulations
so this has not been required by Bassetlaw District Council.


Basic Conditions Statement

7 Useful Documents
NPPF - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-planning-policyframework--2

Tuxford Neighbourhood Plan http://www.tuxfordneighbourhoodplan.org/ /

8 Conclusion

It is the view of the Tuxford Town Planning Group that the foregoing has shown that
the Basic Conditions as set out in Schedule 4B to the TCPA 1990 Act are considered
to be met by the Tuxford Neighbourhood Plan and all the policies therein.


The Plan has appropriate regard to the NPPF, will contribute to the achievement of
sustainable development, is in conformity with strategic policies contained in
Bassetlaw District Councils Local Plan and meets relevant EU obligations.


On that basis it is respectfully suggested to the Examiner that the Tuxford

Neighbourhood Plan complies with Paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B of the Act.


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