Afman10-100 Airmans Manual!!!

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1 June 2004






NOTICE: This publication is available digitally on the AFDPO WWW site at:

OPR: HQ AFCESA/CEXR (Mr John Thornton) Certified by: HQ USAF/ILE

(Maj Gen L. Dean Fox)
Pages: 262
Supersedes AFMAN 10-100, 1 August 1999 Distribution: F

This manual applies to active duty, reserve, national guard, emergency essential
civilian, and emergency essential contract personnel. It compiles war skill
tactics, techniques, and procedures from many sources into a pocket-sized, quick
reference guide. This manual implements AFPD 10-25 Full-Spectrum Threat
Response and incorporates provisions of AFMAN 10-2602 Nuclear, Biological,
Chemical, and Conventional (NBCC) Defense Operations and Standards, as
well as portions of AFH 32-4014, Vol 4, USAF Ability to Survive and Operate
Procedures in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Environment that is
rescinded upon publication of this manual.

This revision includes revised strategies and procedures for the way Aerospace
Expeditionary Forces (AEF) will prepare, fight, and operate on the NBCC
battlefield. Operational updates include changes in improvised explosive
devices, counter-chemical warfare operations, contamination avoidance
strategies, warning and notification signals/sirens, and the addition of the
M45 Land Warrior Chemical-Biological Mask. Informational updates
include embedded media journalists, self-aid buddy care, chemical protective
overgarments, mask wear and inspection, and the Split-MOPP concept. Two
new sections were added, Quick Reference and Critical Information Checklists,
to reinforce AEF knowledge and confidence, and to facilitate effective actions
under stressful situations.
This manual issued to: control number:

Rank _________________Name_______________________________________

Unit __________________Phone ______________________________________

tear out along perforation

AFMAN 10-100 Airmans Manual issued to: 1 June 2004

Rank _________________Name_______________________________________ control number:

Unit __________________Phone ______________________________________

Signature __________________________________________________________
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An Introduction
for Airmen
Every Air Force member is an expeditionary
Airman. That means you must stay ready to
deploy anywhere in the world on short notice.
This manual doesnt contain everything you
must know. It doesnt focus on the integrated
multiservice or multinational nature of combat
operations. It doesnt replace regulations or local
procedures youll need to follow. This manual
does, however, cover basic warfighting skills and
Today, theres nothing points of knowledge. Our intent is to help you
you could be doing with successfully complete the mission. The tasks
your lives that is any outlined in this manual apply at both deployed
more meaningful or any and home station locations. Keep the Airmans
more appreciated than Manual close, use it while training and exercising
what you are doing. Be for contingencies and deployments. Refer to it
proud! often... youll need it.

General John P. Jumper

Chief of Staff, USAF
ii AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Table of Contents

An Introduction for Airmen........................... i Section 3

Table of Contents ....................................... ii Employment

Section 1 Arrival at Deployment Location .................... 38

Staying Ready Arrival Actions .............................................. 40
The Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
Personal Affairs ............................................. 2 Threat....................................................... 42
Predeployment Maintenance Checklist ......... 4 Health Concerns During Deployment .......... 46
Mobility Bags ................................................. 5 Other Concerns ........................................... 48
Personal Bag ................................................. 6 Mental Health .............................................. 50
Host Nation Sensitivities ................................ 7 Deployable Shelters .................................... 51
Fire Safety ................................................... 52
Section 2
Deploy Expedient Firefighting .................................. 53
Waste Control .............................................. 55
Prepare for Deployment .............................. 10 Contaminated Waste Control
Team Integrity and Accountability................. 11 and Disposal ........................................... 56
Rules of Engagement (ROE) ....................... 12 Food Consumption ...................................... 58
Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) .................... 13 Resources Protection
Handling News Media .................................. 15 and Crime Prevention ............................. 59
OCONUS Legal Concerns ........................... 18 Passive Defense .......................................... 60
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) .......... 19 Expedient Hardening ................................... 62
Attack Warning Signals for Nuclear, Biological, Camouflage, Concealment,
Chemical, and Conventional Medium and Blackout ........................................... 63
and High Threat Areas ............................ 20 Defensive Fighting Position (DFP) .............. 65
Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) ......... 21 Contamination Avoidance
Battle Dress Overgarment (BDO) ................ 22 and NBC Pre-Attack Preparation ............ 67
Chemical Protective Overgarment (CPO) ... 24 Command and Control ................................ 70
Mission Oriented Protective Posture Field Communications ................................. 72
(MOPP) ................................................... 27 Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Measures .. 73
MOPP Options ............................................. 33 Be Suspicious .............................................. 74
Split-MOPP Concept ................................... 34 Terrorist Threats and Vehicles ..................... 75
Lifting and Carrying Safety .......................... 36 Pre-Attack Actions ....................................... 77
Additional Attack Preparations Under Nuclear Attack/Radioactive
Alarm Yellow ............................................ 80 Individual Protective Actions ................. 138
Nuclear and Biological Protection .............. 139
Section 4 Biological Agent Individual Protective
Fight Actions .................................................. 141
Integrated Base Defense (IBD) ................... 82 Biological Warfare and Biological
Terrorism ............................................... 142
Security Procedures .................................... 84
Operational Differences Between
Challenging Intruders .................................. 85
Chemical and Biological
Challenge and Password ............................. 88 Warfare Agents ..................................... 144
Handling Prisoners and Defectors ............... 89 Chemical Agent Individual Protective
Audible and Visual Warnings ....................... 91 Actions .................................................. 145
Attack Warning ............................................ 93 Nerve Agents ............................................. 145
Reporting an Attack ..................................... 95 Nerve Agent Antidote Injectors .................. 146
S-A-L-U-T-E ................................................. 95 Blister Agents ............................................. 148
Reactions to Flares ...................................... 97 Toxic Industrial Material (TIM) ................... 149
Vehicle and Equipment Protection, Shelter-In-Place ......................................... 150
Marking, and Decon ................................ 98 MCU-2 Series Protective Mask ................. 153
Convoy Procedures ................................... 100 M45 Land Warrior
Convoy Attack Procedures ........................ 100 Chemical-Biological Mask ..................... 162
Weapons SkillsRifle ................................. 102 Canisters and Filters .................................. 168
Care and Cleaning ..................................... 112 Mask Second Skin ..................................... 169
Weapons Decontamination ....................... 114 Drinking Through the Mask ....................... 171
Weapons SkillsPistol/M9 ......................... 117 Levels of Chemical Decontamination ........ 173
M291 Skin Decontamination Kit ................ 174
Section 5 M295 Individual Equipment
Survive Decontamination Kit .............................. 175
Alarm BlackAttack Is Over, Casualty Collection .................................... 176
Initiate Base Recovery .......................... 126 Casualty Care in an NBC Contaminated
Post-Attack Reconnaissance ..................... 126 Environment .......................................... 177
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) ................... 128 Basic Lifesaving Steps .............................. 177
Reporting Unexploded Ordnance .............. 131 Combating Heat Illness and Cold Injury .... 182
Contamination Control ............................... 132 Dehydration ............................................... 183
M8 Chemical Agent Detection Paper ......... 134 Heat Exhaustion ........................................ 183
M9 Chemical Agent Detection Heat Stroke ................................................ 185
Paper (Tape) ......................................... 137 Heat Injuries .............................................. 186

iii AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

iv AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Cold Injuries ............................................... 187 Acronyms and Definitions .......................... 220

Emergency Life-Saving Equipment ........... 188 Index ...................................................... 223
Handling Human Remains ......................... 189
Rights as a Prisoner of War ....................... 190
Code of Conduct ........................................ 193 EXTRA FEATURE:
Open back cover for
Section 6 access to critical items
Quick Reference
Critical Information
Phonetic Alphabet/Prowords ..................... 196 Checklist
Procedure Words (PROWORDS) .............. 197
Post Attack Actions .............................1
Wind Chill Chart ......................................... 199
UXO Survey ........................................2
Contamination Control Area
(CCA) Readiness .................................. 200 USAF Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
Contamination Control Area Recognition and Reporting Chart ...3
(CCA) Aircrew ....................................... 201 Nuclear Attack Radioactive
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) and Individual Protective Actions ..........8
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Nerve Agent Poisoning and Antidote 10
Hazard Markers ..................................... 202
Shelter In-Place Actions ...................13
Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and
Conventional (NBCC) Life Saving Steps ..............................17
Hazard Markers ..................................... 203 Shock ................................................18
10-Foot Rule (Chemical Warfare)............... 204
Tourniquet .........................................19
IED Reporting and Evacuation .................. 205
Abdominal Wound ............................20
MCU-2 Series Mask Inspection ................. 206
M45 Mask Inspection ................................. 208 Bleeding ............................................20
Serviceable Tag-Materiel, Common Injury Treatment ................21
DD Form 1574 ....................................... 212 Spinal/Neck/Head Injury ...................21
Control Tower Signals ................................ 213
Eye Injury ..........................................22
Battle Dress Overgarment (BDO) and
Chemical Protective Overgarment (CPO) Chest Wound ....................................22
Accessory Checklist .............................. 214 Fracture ............................................23
Quick MOPP............................................... 215 M16 Jammed ....................................24
Work Rest Cycles and Fluid
M9 Jammed ......................................25
Replacement Guidelines ....................... 216
Square Grid Matrix .................................... 217 Important Phone Numbers
and Quick Reference ...................26
Reading a Grid Map .................................. 218
Chemical Agent General Information.......... 219
Section 1

1 / Section 1 / Staying Ready AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

2 / Section 1 / Staying Ready AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Personal Affairs
Ref 10 United States Code (USC), Sec 1044, AFI 51-504
The military is a dangerous profession. You must keep your personal affairs in
order at all times. Avoid problems later by effectively managing your personal
matters BEFORE you deploy.

n Obtain a myPay Personal Identification Number
to access your military pay account (Leave and
Earning Statement, Pay Changes, Taxes, Thrift
Savings Plan) via the Defense Finance and
Accounting Service myPay website at
n Settle any Government Travel Card bills
n Upon notice of deployment consider establishing accrual travel
payments to help you pay your travel expenses while deployed. Contact
Finance or visit the Virtual MPF website at

Periodically review your legal documents and keep them up-to-date.
Marriage, divorce, births, deaths, and changes in wealth are significant events
that affect your legal interests.

WillLegal instrument everyone should

have that allows you to:
n Declare who should carry out (or
execute) the provisions of your will
n Dispose of your property after death
n Name guardians to raise your minor
children and manage any property you
leave to them

Life InsuranceYour life insurance

policy, including Servicemans Group
Life Insurance, pays money to named
beneficiaries upon your death. Its a
contract between you and your insurer.
Because of that, the provisions of your will
generally do not impact insurance payouts. You should discuss with legal
assistance providers the risks/dangers of designating by law distribution of
insurance proceeds, compared with specifically naming individuals. Make
sure your policy is the correct type and the value you need.

Power of Attorney (POA)Lets you designate someone else to perform

one or more legal acts on your behalf for a set period of time. POAs are
powerful documents. Make sure the people you choose to execute your POA
are trustworthy, have good common sense, and clearly understand what
you desire concerning the matters you ask them to conduct. No company or
agency is required to accept or honor any POA. Prior to deployment, check
with the company/agency with which your designee will be doing business,
and ensure the POA meets its needs. Three types of POAs are:

n Generala designee may do virtually anything you can legally do. This is
an extremely powerful document!
n Speciala designee may carry out only a specific matter such as sell a
vehicle, buy or sell real estate, or ship/store household goods.
n Health Carea designee may make health care decisions if youre unable
to do so because of injury, illness, or the effects of medication.

Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act

(USERRA)This law assists anyone, particularly reservists and guardsmen,
get their jobs back after deployment. USERRA also addresses issues such
as seniority, leave, pension plans, and continuing health care coverage for
members and dependents while deployed.

Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act (SSCRA)A comprehensive law that
provides protection of many different types to members while on active duty,
from capping interest rates on pre-service loans to postponing civil court cases.

TaxesYour activation and deployment to certain areas of the world may

greatly impact your federal and/or state income tax filing and refund. You may
be able to exclude your income earned during a deployment or you may be
entitled to an extension of the filing deadline.

3 / Section 1 / Staying Ready AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

4 / Section 1 / Staying Ready AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Predeployment Maintenance Checklist

General Health Care

Chaplain and religious Prescription medicine
concerns Dental care
Family support center Corrective lenses:
Child care center Clear
Family care certification Sunglasses
(AF Form 357) Protective mask
Emergency contact Immunizations
information Preventive/predeployment
Emergency data card health assessment
(DD Form 93) Force Health Managment
Real estate/rent (Public Health)
Voter registration Finance
Safe deposit box Installment loans
Restricted area badge Allotments
Weapons qualification Automatic payments
(AF Form 522) Investment portfolios
Government and flightline Tax and accounting
drivers license Government Travel Card
Keep a supply of extra
Legal personal checks on hand
Will / Living will
Life Insurance:
Servicemans Group Life
Private policy
Power of Attorney:
General Use as a reference
Medical/Special to help you stay prepared.
Mobility Bags
Depending on your specialty, duty station, and
deployment destination, youll be issued any
combination of the mobility bags listed here.

A-Bag, General SupportIncludes

basic items such as helmet, web
belt, body armor, sleeping bag,
canteen kit, mess kit, and other B-Bag, Cold WeatherIncludes
support items. basic items such as parka,
gloves, boots, socks, and other
cold weather items.

C-Bag, Chemical Defense

Includes chemical warfare defense
ensembles, protective mask,
mask filters, gloves, hoods, boots,
D-Bag, Aircrew Chemical Defense
detection papers, and other
chemical defense items. Includes specialized in-flight
protective equipment (coveralls and
mask, mask filters, blower, gloves,
hoods, boots, detection papers/kits,
and other chemical defense items.)

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6 / Section 1 / Staying Ready AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Personal Bag
Along with mobility bags, you must prepare a personal bag that contains
mission essential items you must take based on the most probable
deployment scenario. Since a Tactical Field Exchange may not be
operational at your deployed site, you should pack a 30 to 45 day supply of
personal consumable items to help you through your initial stay.

Here are some things your

unit will require you to pack
and some additional items
you may wish to take when
theyre authorized. Follow your
unit deployment checklist for
mandatory items and quantities.

n Uniform sets
n Civilian clothing
n Athletic clothing
n Cold/Wet weather gear
n Undergarments and socks
n Clothes hangers Prepare a personal bag.
n Waterproof bags
n Sunblock, lip balm, lotions, insect repellent
n Towels, washcloths, premoistened towelettes
n Mirror, comb/brush, toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, toothpicks, shampoo,
soap, razor, tissues, hygiene products
n Snacks, gum, candy, antacids, vitamins, aspirin, prescription medicines
n Extra prescription glasses and sunglasses
n Radio, audio player, alarm clock, wristwatch, flashlight, spare batteries,
camera, film
n Zipper bag with powdered laundry detergent (but laundry facilities may
not be immediately available)
n Religious material, magazines, crossword puzzles, photos, paperbacks,
study guides, stationary kit, address book
n Some emergency cash, a checkbook, and a credit card (Transport
aircraft can be diverted or break down en route... be prepared!)
Host Nation Sensitivities
Learn as much as you can about where youre going before you deployit
may be profoundly different than what youre accustomed to in the United
States. Also, dont be surprised if you learn that some of your rights,
freedoms, and customs arent recognized or are altogether unacceptable
in some global regions. You have a lot of things to remember, so when you
study the deployment region, consider these important issues.

n Religionnot all countries guarantee religious freedom and displaying

some religious icons may be offensive to our hosts
n Dress and Appearancewhat might seem acceptable in the US may be
offensive or even illegal somewhere else
n Literaturebeware of anything that might be construed as pornographic
material or illegal in certain regions
n Food Itemsmany countries stringently control what you can and cant
bring in, especially tobacco and alcohol
n Gender Specific Laws and Customswomen and men may not be
granted equal rights where youre going
n Social Customslearn the dos and donts of the host nation

Recent deployment regions.

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The US State Departments web site at is the single

best source to find answers to many questions you may have. Some other
good sources are your installation legal office, the Air Force Office of Special
Investigations (AFOSI), and Public Affairs. Research all of themremember,
youll be a guest of the host nation and your actions will directly reflect upon
the Air Force and the United States.
Section 2

9 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

10 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Prepare for Deployment

There are many things you can do to
prepare for a deployment even days,
weeks, and months before you may be
tasked to depart. Dont wait until the
final moment to prepare. Here are a
few of those actions you can do early:

Home Station or Prior to

n Review
- Force Protection Condition (FPCON) actions
- Deployment actions such as medical preparations, mobility bag issue,
- and personal requirements
- Attack Warning Signals
- Alarm Conditions
- Mission Oriented Protective Postures (MOPP)
- Individual protective actions
- Self-aid and buddy care actions
- Unit pre-conflict and attack actions checklists
n Carry or have immediate access to this manual
n Inspect your individual protective equipment (IPE),
paying particular attention to the mask. If you have
questions on mask serviceability, contact your local
CE Readiness Flight
n Verify you have your eyeglasses and protective
mask inserts
n Carry several permanent black markers in your IPE
n Complete protective mask fit test and mask
assessment for the mask youre issued

Here are some tips to follow once youre en route:

n Determine FPCON, Alarm Condition, and MOPP at each en route stop
n Carry your IPE on the aircraft or vessel if youre deploying to a NBCC
medium or high threat area
n Keep your IPE at hand during en route stops (when directed)
n Review this manual
Team Integrity
Ref AFI 10-403, AFI 10-215
Nearly every Air Force
member may be tasked
to deploy with very little
notice to support all types
of contingency operations
around the globe. Depending
on the operational need, you
may be tasked to deploy with your unit, in a small group, or alone.

If you deploy in a group, youll form up in deployment chalks that are

traditionally associated with an aircraft mission number. Usually, youll
first assemble at your unit then shuttle with your group to a personnel
deployment function (PDF.) PDFs offer you one last-chance opportunity
to ensure you have your affairs in order and your medical needs met
before you depart. Most PDFs provide representatives from finance, legal,
family support, medical, personnel, and the chaplains office to assist
you. During processing, AFOSI, medical, and weather will also brief you
on the latest information for your destination. Before leaving the PDF,
a troop commander (officer or
enlisted) will be assigned to your
chalk (this could be you). Its the
troop commanders responsibility
to hand carry a personnel and
equipment accountability kit for
that chalk to the deployed location.

Personnel deployment function briefing.

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12 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Rules of Engagement
Ref CJCSI 3121.01A
Command authorities issue ROE
that describe the circumstances
and limitations under which we can
start or continue military operations.
Youll find ROE incorporated in
almost every operations plan and
operational order. ROE tailored for each mission.

Commanders use ROE to ensure

operations follow national policy goals, mission requirements, and the rule of
law. You must understand, remember, and apply the Law of Armed Conflict
(LOAC) and ROE while performing your duties.
Individual self-defense
In armed conflict, the LOAC and ROE is the inherent right
specifically tailored for each mission or area to use all necessary
of responsibility provide guidance on the use means available and
of force. to take all appropriate
actions to defend
The purpose of the US standing ROE is to oneself and US
implement guidance on the application of force forces in ones vicinity
for mission accomplishment and the exercise of from a hostile act or
the inherent right and obligation of self-defense. demonstrated hostile

Understand that:
n ROE questions and concerns
should be properly elevated up the
chain of command for resolution
n Failure to comply with ROE may
be punishable under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice

Defense is an inherent right.

Law of Armed
Conflict (LOAC)
Ref CJSI 3121.01A, AFI 51-401
Every military member
must obey and follow
the LOAC. The
fundamental purposes
of LOAC are to prevent
unnecessary suffering
and the maintenance
of a well-disciplined
military force. LOAC
includes the Geneva and Every military member must follow LOAC.
Hague Conventions, other
treaties, and customary international law. LOAC must be followed during all
military operations. Failure to comply may be punishable under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. Here are some things to remember:

n Use the amount of force
required to complete your
mission and counter hostile
acts or hostile intent
n Fight those combatants
who are declared hostile.
Combatants are all persons
participating in military
operations or activities or
that pose an immediate
threat to you, your unit, or
other friendly forces
n Pull the trigger when
required... many people
are counting on you!

Use amount of force required.

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Do Not
n Harm enemy personnel
who surrender
n Kill or torture enemy
prisoners of war
n Attack noncombatants
who include civilians,
sick and wounded,
medical personnel,
Enemy Prisoners of War
(EPW), and chaplains Do not attack medical facilities.
n Attack diplomatic,
religious, and medical
facilities or equipment
n Attack persons,
vehicles, or buildings
marked with a Red
Cross, Red Crescent,
Red Star of David, or
other protected symbols
n Misuse a protected

n Collect and care for all
n Treat civilians and EPWs
humanely and with respect
n Respect private property and
n Report actual or suspected
LOAC violations to your
commander, staff judge
advocate, and/or OSI
Treat EPWs humanely.
Handling News Media
Ref AFI 35-101, Joint Pub 3-61, AFDD 2-5.4, AFI 71-101, Vol 1
Role of the Media
Access to information is critical for a healthy democratic system. The role
the media plays in this process is far too important to ignore. Senior AF
leaders recognize the need for public trust and support in all facets of military
operations. The military is accountable and responsible to the public for
performing its national defense mission. The news media are the principal
means of communicating information about the military to the general public.

Public opinion of a military operation is fragile.

Media reports can shape public opinion.
News stories shape the public agenda on issues.

Media Embeds
n The DoD embedded nearly 500 journalists during Operation IRAQI

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n Media provided a vital role in reporting the war in Iraq and helped
distinguish between Iraqi misinformation and what was actually happening
n Media embeds have become a routine part of military operations

Contact with Foreign

Nationals and Foreign
If you should ever have
contact with any host
nation local or third country
national and they attempt
to gather information
about military operations
or an organizational unit,
immediately report the
incident to the AFOSI. If a
Refer foreign news media to Public Affairs. local AFOSI detachment
isnt available, report the
incident up through your chain of command. If youre contacted by foreign
news media, refer them to your public affairs representative.

Public Affairs (PA) Role

n Inform people on USAF capabilities and
current issues
n PA professionals will most likely deploy
with or precede your unit and help you
prepare for an interview that reflects
your professionalism, knowledge, and

Members Role
n Learn to be proactive with the press, dont
fear or avoid them, and dont perceive
them as an obstacle
n Contact PA if you dont feel comfortable
answering media questions
n Never forget operations security (OPSEC)
guidelines and the need to protect
classified information Be proactive with the press.
The Interviewer and Audience
Before you meet with
n Learn as much as you can about your
a reporter, evaluate
interviewer and the intended audience
and plan each aspect
n Tailor your message accordingly
of your media
encounter with your
The Recordalways consider yourself on
public affairs advisor.
the record. Never say anything you wouldnt
want printed or broadcasted.
n Who will interview you,
and is this interviewer a
Languagespeak the publics language.
military correspondent
Avoid acronyms, jargon, or technical terms.
or local reporter?
n Whos the audience?
Argumentsnever become a passive
n Will other guests be
participant, and never argue with a reporter.
Stay calm and stick to your talking points
n Whats the subject?
and your message.
n What are you expected
to address?
Protect the Record
n What else on this issue
n Be sure to protect and, if necessary,
is in the news?
correct the record
n When is the interview?
n Avoid repeating any false data or
n When should you
negative statements
n When will it be
Honestyalways answer honestly.
published or aired?
n Dont use the clich no comment
n Where will the interview
n If you dont know the answer to a
take place?
question, tell them
n Where should you sit?
n If the answer is classified, say so
n Where should you
n Why do they want you?
n Why are they
interested in the
n How will the interview
be conducted?
n How long will it last and
is it live or taped?
Dont use the clich
no comment.

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Legal Concerns
Ref Uniform Code of Military Justice
Be a good US ambassador while serving
in foreign countries. Learn pertinent host
country laws and customs to avoid potential
trouble and misunderstanding.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice

(UCMJ)applies wherever US military
members are serving.

Government regulations and US

lawsapply no matter where you may be
stationed. Some of these include LOAC,
fiscal and tax laws, and various criminal
Learn host country laws and customs.
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)are
negotiated between the US government and foreign governments regarding
US military forces present in the foreign country.

Host Nation Laws

n Apply for local matters
n May be very different from US laws and customs
n Include tax and criminal laws
n May still apply to US military
members even when a SOFA

Consult your legal representative for

information concerning SOFA

The UCMJ applies wherever you serve.

Force Protection
Condition (FPCON)
Ref AFI 10-245
FPCONs describe progressive
levels of terrorist threats and
initiates pre-planned defensive
or mitigation actions. FPCON
declarations are normally provided
through your chain-of-command,
public address system, and other
available resources. Base alert warning system.

Condition Application Considerations

FPCON Applies when a general global threat of
Warrants a routine security posture.
NORMAL possible terrorist activity exists.

Applies when there is an increased

FPCON general threat of possible terrorist activity ALPHA measures must be capable of
ALPHA against personnel or facilities, the nature, being maintained indefinitely.
and extent of which are unpredictable.

Sustaining BRAVO measures for

Applies when an increased or more
FPCON a prolonged period may affect
predictable threat of terrorist activity
BRAVO operational capability and relations
with local authorities.

Applies when an incident occurs or

Implementation of CHARLIE measures
FPCON intelligence is received indicating some
will create hardship and affect the
CHARLIE form of terrorist action or targeting against
activities of the unit and its personnel.
personnel or facilities is likely.

Applies in the immediate area where a

Normally, this FPCON is declared as
terrorist attack has occurred or when
FPCON a localized condition. FPCON DELTA
intelligence has been received that
DELTA measures are not intended to be
terrorist action against a specific location
sustained for substantial periods.
or person is imminent.

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Attack Warning Signals for Nuclear, Biological

Chemical, and Conventional Medium
and High Threat Areas
Ref AFI 10-2501, AFMAN 10-2602, Conus AFVA 10-2510, AFVA 10-2511
Standardized attack warning signals are used to posture airbases for attacks,
warn of attacks in progress, initiate post-attack recovery actions, and return
the airbases to a wartime state of readiness. Although warning signals are
primarily designed to provide air, missile, artillery, and ground attack warning,
they may also be used to warn you if a covert attack with a chemical or
biological weapon is discovered. Alarm warning signal variations might be
used in some geographic regions. If they are, youll be notified what those
variations are before you depart your home station or when you arrive in
that region. For example, Alarm Blue is used instead of Alarm Red in South
Korea. Alarm Blue will be announced and blue flags will be displayed.
Individual Protective Equipment (IPE)
IPE is the minimum personal clothing and equipment needed to protect
wearers from most Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Conventional
hazards. Use buddy assistance for donning and doffing when available.

Overgarment (OG) n IPE for

n Battle dress overgarment (BDO) ground
n Chemical protective overgarment (CPO)/ operations
Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit (overgarment,
Technology (JSLIST, now referred to as CPO) field gear)
n Joint Firefighter Integrated Response Ensemble

n Field gear (web belt, n Second

canteen, M1 canteen skin (for
cap, helmet, load MCU-2
carrying equipment), Series
body armor (if issued) or M45

n Hood (used with n Gloves and glove

n C2 series canister BDO) inserts

n M8 and M9 Paper n Decontamination kits

n Overboots

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Battle Dress Overgarment (BDO)

Ref TO 14P3-1-141, TO 14P4-15-1
BDO Donning Procedures n Two-piece permeable
water-repellent suit
To provide maximum protection, all closures worn together as an
should be as tight fitting as practical. The overgarment (OG)
following donning order is provided as a guide. n Outer nylon/cotton
twill shell layer is
BDO Trousers water repellent
n Inspect n Inner layer is
n Loosen fasteners on charcoal-impregnated
leg and fly n Protective qualities
n Don trousers lost when washed
n Fasten fly snap n Mark day, month,
and zipper year OG is removed
n Adjust side pull straps from factory bag with
to provide snug fit permanent marker
around waist or use n BDO is authorized for
suspender loops and three days weartime
tie-up the trousers Don trousers. Secure legs. once removed from
n Secure leg of pants around boot factory bag and
Page 21 n A contaminated BDO
Quick must be exchanged
n Inspect Referen
ce within 24 hours
n Don coat, secure front zipper, Check
snaps, and sleeve as applicable
n Secure coat rear snaps to trousers
n Draw up waist cord tight and tie in a bow
WARNING: Women will remove hair
fasteners (hair clips, pins) and let
hair hang freely before donning mask.
When wearing overgarment, hair will
be neatly tucked inside jacket. Failure
to do so could result in an improper
mask fit resulting in illness or death.
Secure coat.
Green Vinyl Overboot (GVO) BVO.
Black Vinyl Overboot (BVO)
Multipurpose Lightweight Overboot (MULO)

Worn over combat/field boots, fully fastened,

with the upper portion worn underneath the
BDO trouser

Gloves BDO.

n Inspect
n Don inserts and protective gloves
n Don glove inserts with gauntlet under duty
uniform sleeves
n Don protective gloves with gauntlet over duty
uniform sleeves, but beneath OG sleeves Glove tops inside sleeves.

Additional Items BDO Doffing Procedures

for Completing BDO
Doffing BDO in an uncontaminated environment
is the reverse order of the donning procedures.
After contamination, doff BDO in a Contamination
n Field gear
Control Area (CCA). See pages 200 and 201 for
n M9 Paper (tape)
CCA and Aircrew CCA layouts.
n Identification
Use buddy checks when possible

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24 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Chemical Protective Overgarment (CPO) SEE

Ref TO 14P3-1-141 Page 21
n Two-piece permeable CPO Labels BDO/C ,
material garment Check
(coat and trousers) Coats and trousers have labels to
with an integral hood record when theyre removed from the factory
that is compatible bags and the number of times theyre washed.
with MCU-2 Series Preparation for a new garment
and M45 protective
masks. n Remove coat and trousers from factory
n Coat and trousers vacuum-sealed bags
packaging includes n Perform preventive maintenance checks
resealable bags n Mark label with date that garment was
n Store resealable removed from package
bags in trouser CPO Wash/Wear Life
pocket and retain for
n Wash/wear life for
training purposes, CPO
unlimited for CPO has 120-day
n Do not attempt to service life once removed
wash contaminated from factory sealed bag.
suits The wash/wear life for an
n Do not starch, uncontaminated CPO is
bleach, dry clean, six launderings or 45 days
or steam press any (whichever occurs first.)
items With a permanent marker,
n Do not attempt stain mark the laundry label after each wash.
removal on mission- Preparation for a used garment
ready items as it may
result in damage to n Remove CPO from resealable bags
clothing n Check wear date marked on label
n Perform preventive maintenance checks
Replace CPO
Use buddy checks
when possible Change the CPO within 24 hours after contact
with chemical agents.
Secure closures. Adjust waistband.

CPO Donning Procedures

To provide maximum protection, all closures

should be as tight fitting as practical. The
Don trousers.
following donning order is provided as a guide.

CPO Trousers

Don the trousers by placing the legs into the

trousers and pulling them up. Then:
n Close the slide fastener (front zipper) and
fasten the two fly opening snaps
n Pull the suspenders over the shoulders and
fasten the snap couplers (plastic clips)
n Adjust the suspenders for the proper inseam
and leg length
n Adjust the waistband hook-and-pile fastener
tapes for a snug fit
Adjust suspenders.

Multipurpose Lightweight Overboot (MULO)

Don MULOs over the combat boots and adjust

and secure the strap-and-buckle fasteners. Pull
the trouser legs over the MULOs and secure
the two hook-and-pile fastener tapes on each
ankle so that they fit snugly around the boot. If
the MULO is not available, use the black vinyl
Secure legs. overboot (BVO.)

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26 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

CPO Coat
Don the coat by placing the arms into the sleeves
and pulling on the coat. Then:
n Close the slide fastener (zipper) and the front
closure flap up as far as the chest
n Pull the bottom of the coat down over the
trousers and adjust the waist for a snug fit using
the waist drawcord
Secure closures. n Secure the coat-retention loop. Bend over,
reach between your legs and grasp the loop
on the back of the garment coat. Pull on the
loop so that the bottom of the garment coat fits
snugly over garment trousers. Bring the loop
forward between your legs. Place the loop over
the webbing strip at the bottom of the coat

NOTE: Secure the coats retention-cord loop in

the manner previously described when directed to
immediately assume MOPP Level 4. When directed
to perform MOPP Level 1 or 2, pull the coats waist
cord through the front of the coat and tie it in a bow
Retention cord.
n Fasten the snap on the webbing strip to keep
the coats retention-cord loop in place. Re-tie
the coats retention-cord, if needed. This may
result in some discomfort in the crotch area

Additional items for completing CPO donning:

n Field gear
n M9 Paper (tape)
Webbing strip. n Identification marking

CPO Doffing Procedures

Doffing CPO in an uncontaminated environment is

the reverse order of the donning procedures. After
Waist drawcord. contamination, doff CPO in a CCA.
Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP)
Ref AFI 10-2501, AFMAN 10-2602, AFVA 10-2512, TO 14P3-1-141, TO 14P3-1-181
MOPP, like standardized attack warning signals, quickly increases or decreases
personal protection against nuclear, biological, chemical, and conventional
threats. The senior commander controls MOPP levels for the airbase.
Subordinate commanders may, however, be granted authority to reduce MOPP
levels or employ MOPP options for people under their control. Field gear
(A-Bag) includes helmet, web belt, canteen, and body armor (if issued.) IPE
includes chemical defense ensemble (C-Bag and D-bag) and field gear.

MOPP Level 0

Available for immediate donning Marking

n Individual protective equipment (IPE) Print USAF, rank, first and last
Carried name with a permanent marker
on duct tape. Attach tape to:
n Protective mask with C2 series canister n helmet (front and rear)
or filter elements and hood installed n protective hood (horizontally
n Field gear worn when directed above the eyelens in the front and
in the approximate middle of the
n Aircrewprotective mask/hood with back of the hood)
C2 series canister n jacket (over wearers right
Primary use breast)
n Pre-Attack
n During periods of increased alert
when the enemy has a nuclear,
biological, or chemical (NBC)
offensive capability
n There is no indication of
NBC use in the immediate

NOTE: Other US Services

have an additional MOPP Level
called MOPP READY. The
USAF has no equivalent, but
USAF personnel will assume
MOPP Level 0 if MOPP
READY is declared during joint
Groundcrew Aircrew

27 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

28 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

MOPP Level 1

n Overgarment and field gear
Carried Aircrew
n Overboots, protective mask and
n Aircrewoverboots, protective
mask/hood, and gloves
Primary use
n Pre-Attack
n During periods of increased alert
when an NBC attack could occur
with little or no warning
n When NBC contamination is
present or suspected and higher
levels of protection are not


M9 M9



MOPP Level 2
n Overgarment, overboots and field gear
n Protective mask and gloves
n Aircrewprotective mask/hood, and gloves
Primary use
n Pre-Attack or Post-Attack
n During periods of increased alert when an NBC attack could occur
with little or no warning
n When NBC contamination is present or suspected and higher levels
of protection are not required


Aircrew CPO

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30 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

MOPP Level 3
n Overgarment, protective mask, hood, overboots, no MOPP
and field gear Level 3.
n Aircrewovergarment, protective mask/hood Fire protection
Carried personnel follow
UCC instructions on
n Gloves MOPP Level.
n Aircrewoverboots, gloves, and field gear
Primary use
n Pre-Attack or Post-Attack
n During periods of increased alert when an NBC attack could occur
with little or no warning
n When NBC contamination is present or suspected and higher levels
of protection are not required


Aircrew CPO
MOPP Level 4
n Overgarment, protective
mask, hood, gloves, Aircrew
overboots, and field gear
n Aircrewovergarment,
mask/hood, gloves,
overboots, overcape (new)
n Aircrewfield gear
Primary use
n Post-Attack
n When an NBC attack is
imminent or in progress
n When NBC contamination
is present or suspected
or the highest level of
protection is required


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Additional Information For All MOPP Levels

n IPE includes the groundcrew/aircrew chemical ensemble and field
gear. Carry M8 and M9 Paper, the M291 and M295 decontamination
kits, and nerve agent antidotes in MOPPs 1-4. Refer to AFI 10-2501,
Full Spectrum Threat Response Planning and Operations for IPE
components and basis of issue
n Depending on the threat and mission, MOPP levels may vary within
different areas of the airbase and operating location
n Refer to AFMAN 10-2602, Nuclear Biological, Chemical and
Conventional (NBCC) Defense Operations and Standards, for options to
the MOPP levels and tactics, techniques and procedures to optimize the
use of MOPP levels and alarm conditions.
n Wear field gear and personal body armor (if issued) when outdoors or
when directed
n Specialized clothing, such as rain and cold weather gear, is worn as the
outside layer of clothing over groundcrew chemical ensemble
MOPP Options
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
To accomplish some missions, the senior
commander may need to authorize certain
MOPP options to reduce the heat burden on
those affected people. MOPP options might
similarly be authorized when threats do not
require full body protection. The commander has
three MOPP options:

Mask-Only Optionwear your protective mask

Mask only option.
only without the hood. Wear your battle dress
uniform or flight suit with sleeves rolled down. Use the mask-only option after post-
attack reconnaissance is complete. If an attack warning is announced and youre
wearing the mask-only option, assume the directed MOPP level.

No Battle Dress Uniform or Flight Suit Optiondo not wear your BDU
or flight suit under your overgarment. However, do not use this option if youre
reusing previously contaminated IPE.

Ventilation Optionyou may open your overgarment jacket

to increase ventilation and reduce thermal build-up. This option
is automatically revoked with each MOPP level increase,
unless specifically reauthorized by the commander.

Ventilation option.

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34 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Split-MOPP Concept
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
This tactic divides the airbase into
multiple sectors or control zones
and assigns threat-based protective
actions and MOPP for each area thats
independent from one another. It provides
commanders with the flexibility to respond
to threats in specific areas and continue
operations within areas unaffected by the
incident or at lower risk from the threat.
Your Unit Control Center (UCC) controls your movement between one sector
and another. Ensure you understand what alarm condition and MOPP level
applies before entering a sector or zone.

Example of how a base can be divided into zones (A-F).


l n
ca tio
e mi ina
ch ntam

Follow UCC instructions for movement between zones.

Call UCC before leaving or entering zones.

Zone transition point signs Before entering a dirty zone:

include: n Assume required MOPP
n Zone designator n Have full canteen
n Zone MOPP Level n Have M8 Paper
n Time/date posted n Have decon kits
n Individual actions
Before returning into a clean
Zone transition point supplies zone:
often include: n Get UCC authorization
n M8 and M9 Paper n Check self/assets for
n Potable water contamination
n Decon kits n Operationally decon self/assets
n Glove and boot decon troughs n Mark contaminated assets

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36 / Section 2 / Deploy AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Lifting and Carrying Safety Lifting

Ref AFH 36-2218, Vol 1, Vol 2
Before you begin, remove all jewelry, wear work
gloves, steel-toed boots, and use proper lifting
and handling techniques. Use two or more
people to lift heavy and bulky objects and use a Position your feet.
forklift to position very heavy items.

Team Lifting
n Check the object for slivers, sharp edges,
and rough or slippery surfaces
n Keep fingers away from pinch and shear
Crouch close to the load.
n Dont carry a load that obstructs the view of
where youre going
n Clear your travel path
n Make whole body turns and crouch down
to lower the objectdont turn at the waist to
change direction or to put an object down
n When you carry objects up or down
- Use a helper as a guide
Lift materials with a full palm grip.
- Move a couple small safe loads
over one large unsafe load
- Adjust loads for maximum visibility

Keep back as straight as

Team lifting increases safety.
possible... start movement.
Section 3

37 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

38 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Arrival at Deployment
Arrival actions include in-processing, status
briefings, and palletized mobility bag retrieval.
If youre first to arrive at a bare base, status
briefings may be delayed until initial beddown
actions are complete. Review functional
checklists that pertain to your particular specialty.

Briefingsgenerally include local alarm signals and warning systems,

FPCON, MOPP, sector or zone operations, Contamination Control Area
locations, shelters and bunkers, local phone numbers, billeting and feeding,
EOD, EOR, fire safety, intelligence, rules of engagement, health threats/
medical, and unique local information.

Base Operating Supportvaries with deployment strength and mission.

A main operating base support will have a full range of services. Support will
be limitedespecially during the early days after arrival.

Personnel Supportwill be available at most deployed locations.

Financeservice is sometimes limited to cashing checks and answering

pay inquiriesmay not be able to process military pay changes. Complete
financial affairs actions before
you deploy!

Chaplain Serviceresponsible
for religious activities, worship
services, pastoral counseling,
work area visitation, and
pastoral and religious rites.
Chaplains and chaplain
assistants form Religious
Support Teams (RSTs) and they
normally deploy with you.

Chaplains provide a wide range of services.

Medical and Dental SupportVaries with deployment strength and
mission. Support ranges from self-aid/buddy care and preventative medicine
to treatment of minor medical and surgical problems (colds, diarrhea, and
cuts) to fully-equipped expeditionary hospitals.

Legal Servicesif available, contact the judge advocate (JA)

representative for claims. If claims cannot be processed, keep receipts,
photos, statements, etc., to substantiate loss. File all claims upon return to
home station. You have two years from date of loss to file military claims.

Legal DefenseDefense services are available if you become the subject

of a criminal investigation or other disciplinary action. Contact the ADC
directly or, if not available, through the judge
advocate, first sergeant, or commander.

Servicesprovides food, water, billeting,

recreation and fitness, field laundry, mortuary
affairs, and field exchanges.

Supplyprovides IPE bulk storage and replaces

Laundry support. exhausted supplies to individuals, teams, and
contamination control area operators through
the consolidated mobility bag control center.

Communicationsservices will vary.

Expect minimal services during early weeks
of deployment (especially at bare base) and
improved services and evolving communications
support throughout build-up.
Food service.
services will vary.

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40 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Arrival Actions
Use this list as a reminder of what to do upon
arrivalyour arrival briefing may satisfy many of
these items.

n Determine FPCON, Attack Warning Signals,

Alarm Condition, MOPP, sector/zone layout
n Recover pallet loaded mobility bags (if not
Annotate canister information.
hand-carried) and inspect contents
n Be alert for and report suspicious individuals/
activities to AFOSI or Security Forces
n When Directed
- Retrieve operational overgarment from
vapor bag
- Place identification tape on IPE
- Mark tape on IPE with personal information
- Place M9 Paper (Tape) on overgarment Prepare IPE for use.
(see page 28)
- Place operational C2 canister on mask
- Place second skin and hood (as applicable) on mask
- Wear field gear and personal body armor (if issued)
- Remove contact lenses (if worn) wear protective mask spectacles
- Keep nerve agent antidotes at hand (when issued)
n Hydration
- Sanitize your canteen and mask drinking tube with
0.5% bleach solution (1 part 5% bleach to 10 parts water.) Page
- Fill canteen with approved drinking water and keep it full Q uic
Refere k
- Ensure M1 canteen cap is functional F
Repla luid
with protective tab attached c
Guid ement
- Store personal bottled water at work
area and billeting quarters
n Review local threats (including criminal) and
attack reporting procedures
n Review unexploded ordnance (UXO) hazard
charts, marking procedures, location(s) of
mined areas
n Review fire safety, alarms, alarm locations,
reporting, evacuation Keep canteen full.
n Review smoking area rules
n Review tent heater operation
n Review medical warnings, advisories,
sick call and casualty collection procedures
n Annotate local contact information and locations:
- Personal weapon(s) and ammunition
- Shelter, bunker, nearest evacuation area(s)
- Unit control center (UCC)
- Unit first-aid kits
Know where bunkers are.
- Unit firefighting equipment
- Casualty collection point(s)
- Unit and base resupply point
- Survival Recovery Center (SRC)
- Fire reporting alarm/phone number
- Medical treatment facility
- Contamination control area(s) (CCA)
- Contaminated waste disposal point
- AFOSI Follow MOPP Levels.
- Security Forces
- Sector/zone transition points
n US services and coalition forces (familiarize yourself with their uniforms)
n Attend spin-up or NBCC defense familiarization training as directed.
- NBCC task qualification training
- Post-attack reconnaissance
- UCC, SRC, CCA operations
- Shelter or collective protection
- Contamination control
- Contamination avoidance and
control measures
- Nerve agent antidotes
- Hardening and dispersal
Conduct preventive maintenance checks.
- Driver training (flightline, blackout)
- Combat skills
n Inspect and conduct preventive maintenance checks and services on
protective maskcarry a copy of mask fit and mask assessment and fill
out DD Form 1574 documentation in mask carrier

41 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

42 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

The Improvised Explosive

Device (IED) Threat
Ref TO 60A-1-1-22, 60A-1-1-4, AFI 91-201
Terrorist attacks are a threat at home just as
they are abroad and the terrorist weapon of
choice is the homemade bomb or IED. During
contingencies the threat is normally greater.
In recent operations, IEDs have been used
The IEDin various formsis the
against US forces with deadly effect. As the weapon of choice by terrorists.
name implies, these
are homemade explosive itemsand the design and
complexity are limited only by the ingenuity of the
builder. Safety is paramount with any IED. IEDs are
made from whatever materials are easily obtainable
and can take almost any form. IEDs might be hidden or
not easily recognized.
You May Be A Target Page 20
IED using gas and propane.
Never lower your guard. Constantly Referen
maintain situational awarenessknow IED
where you are and remain alert for all types of and
entrapment situations. IEDs can be planted to Evacua
stir your curiosity and lure you within their lethal
explosive range. There have been instances
of bombers causing an explosion just to draw
in the curious, the would-be rescuers and first
respondersand then detonating a second
device. If there is one IED, there may be more in A battery and car alarm system
the area. used as a remote control detonator.

How They Work

Time Delay or Command Detonated. An IED
can function at a preset time or be detonated
remotely using a hand held transmitter/receiver.
Remote control devices of every sort can be
used (e.g., car alarms, door bells, garage door
openers, or cell phones). Clock, batteries, and explosives
from a time-delay IED.
Booby-Traps. An IED can also
be triggered mechanically if
you disturb it. This is commonly
known as a booby trap. IEDs
can be built so that any force
or movement such as tugging,
lifting, turning a doorknob (any
normal day-to-day function) will
detonate it.
Small IEDs found
How Theyre Used in a cardboard box
In the workplace, IEDs can be and a soda can.
contained in or made to look
like ordinary itemsa common item
such as a backpack, a discarded
box, or a soda can.

In outside areas, in addition to

smaller items, IEDs have been
camouflaged as trashcans, cement Pipe bomb.
blocks, flower containers, pieces of
curbing, and crates. IED disguised
as a backpack.

Remote control receiver hidden

in plaster.

IED camouflaged as a
cement block.

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44 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

In a convoy ambush,
IEDs can be used
to disable a vehicle,
followed-up with a
secondary attack. If
youre the target of an
IED attack (in a convoy
or otherwise), DO NOT
drop your guardstay on
high alert, maintain 360o
security, and be ready to
defend yourself against a
follow-up ambush and be
observant for other IEDs Hidden 155 mm projectile.
designed to attack dismounted Airmen or responding forces. Know your rules
of engagementwork as a team.

Roadside IEDs can be concealed in very

innovative ways. Watch for:
n Potholes covered with dirt or freshly
paved areas
n Camouflaging devices such as bags
along side or in the roadway
n Dead animal carcasses, or bits of
a car wreck thats strewn across a
n An obvious IED in the opena
decoyto slow or stop convoys

The Car-bomb
comes in all shapes and sizes from
donkey carts to simple passenger cars
and ambulances, to delivery trucks.
An attack may even involve multiple
Explosive hidden beneath burlap.
vehicles. Possible indicators of a car
bomb or Large Vehicle IED are:
n An auto rides low on the springs or
resting low in the rear
n Large boxes, crates,
bags, or containers in
plain view
n A control box, switch,
or circuitry on the
front seat/floor near
the driver
n An acrid smelling
smoke coming from
Explosive charge in a the trunk or passenger
compact car. compartment
n Curious fuel-like
(diesel or kerosene)
odors from the
trunk or passenger

The Suicide/Homicide Bomber is

another form of IED threat. There is
no stereotypical suicide bomber. Bulky
clothing, and nervous appearance
may be clues, but the best defense is
vigilance in performing your duties.

Use Common Sense. If possible,

make observations regarding what you
think might be suspicious and use the
4Rs of UXO reporting (see page 128 and
205). Stick to your first instinct. DO NOT
second-guess yourself, and do not be
embarrassed to ask the experts for help.
Suicide vest.

45 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

46 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Tropical Desert Arctic

Health Concerns During Deployment

Many foreign countries have environments that you have to experience to
fully understand. Medical threats from heat, cold, water, food, disease, poor
sanitation, and pollutants are real. Remember, in the history of warfare, more
people are lost to disease than to conflict.

n Heat can be incapacitating or deadly
n Drink water before you get thirsty.
Consume 1/2 quart per hour during
moderate work in temperatures over 82F
n Avoid caffeine (cola, coffee) as it increases
water loss and promotes
n Follow appropriate work/ Page 21
rest cycles 6,
n Your IPE increases your Referen
need to hydrate Wor k/R ,
n If urinating, thats a good e st
Drink before you get thirsty. sign youre hydrated

n Cold can cause serious injury or death
n Wear the proper cold weather gear and
layer your clothing for added warmth
n Limit the amount of time you must spend
n Watch for signs of frostnip, frostbite, and
Cold can cause injury or death. n Eat all meals to maintain energy
Food and Water
n Local food and water can cause serious
illness and may contain parasites
n DO NOT eat local foods or drink any
water, including bottled water and ice,
until approved by US military medical

Drink only approved water.

Personal Hygiene
Diseases are a major concern. Good personal
hygiene helps prevent illnesses, fights off infections,
helps maintain good morale, and supports good
general health. Proper field hygiene requires constant
attention. To help prevent disease...
n Wash your hands frequently
n Practice good oral hygiene
n Maintain clean, dry clothing
n Change your socks daily
n Use foot powder to prevent fungal infections Change socks daily.
n Bathe only in approved water and as often
as practical
n Wash where you perspire if a shower
is unavailable
n If you think you have
a sexually transmitted
disease, seek medical

Practice good oral hygiene.

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48 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

n Insects may transmit life-threatening diseases
n Use insect repellent, such as DEET on
exposed skin
n Pretreat uniform with permethrin. Spray
application offers protection for 6 months or 10
washes. The kit application offers protection Use insect repellant.
for the life of the uniform unless its drycleaned. Read all directions
before use.
n Sleep under a bed net treated with permethrintuck bed
netting under the mattress all the way around Watch out for
n DEET and permethrin re-supply can be obtained ticks and fleas.
through your deployment supply channels
n Obtain anti-malarials, if required, from medical
personnel and take as instructed

Other Concerns
Be sure to shake out your bedroll and boots,
you never know what you might find.
Scorpion Camel spider
n Avoid contact with ALL animalsmany species
can transmit rabies and other diseases
n DO NOT keep local animals as pets or mascots
n If bitten or scratched by any animal, wash the
wound with soap and water and seek medical
attention immediately!

Avoid contact with

all animals.
Rivers, Lakes, Swamps, Canals
n Waterways may contain obstacles or parasites
that can penetrate unprotected skin and cause
serious illness
n Avoid stagnant water and open sewersthey
attract mosquitoes and other disease vectors
n DO NOT swim or bathe in rivers, lakes,
swamps, or canals
n If you must wade, avoid direct contact
between your skin and the water if possible


Stagnant water can

contain parasites.


Cottonmouth (water moccasin).


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Mental Health
Taking care of yourself is the most
effective way to manage stress. The key
components to self-maintenance are
basic: get sufficient sleep, eat a healthy
and balanced diet, and participate in a
regular exercise program. Take advantage
Talk with a chaplain.
of leisure activities during non-duty hours.
Its good for you and your units moraleyou may enjoy the
experience and contribute to everyone elses well-being.

Keep in touch with your family and friends. Reassure
them that youre well and you have a good attitude
about what youre doing. This will make you feel better
and minimize the worry and concern that your family
and friends back home have for you.

Avoid Unnecessary Stress

How you live when youre deployed directly affects your
Stay in touch. physical and mental well-being. Stress left unchecked
can degrade your health and performance. If you feel
stress building, seek relief by talking to your buddies, your supervisor, a
chaplain, or a medical counselor.

Participate and stay active. Enjoy your time off.

Deployable Shelters
Ref TO 35E5-6-1, TO 35E5-6-11
The Air Force relies on lightweight deployable
shelters to meet its expeditionary warfighting role.
Used primarily for lodging, recreation, medical,
administration, and workcenters, theyre also often
Small Shelter System (SSS).
used as latrines, medical facilities, and shower/shave
units. These self-contained shelters incorporate
electrical service for lighting and outlets. They also
incorporate provisions for heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning. The two most common shelters are the
Alaska Small Shelter System and the Tent, Extendable,
Modular, Personnel.

Alaska Small Shelter System (SSS)

The SSS is a lightweight aluminum framed structure thats covered with
heavyweight vinyl fabric and is supported by an aluminum skeletal frame.
When assembled, it measures approximately 20 ft x 32 ft, and covers around
650 square ft.

Tent, Extendable, Modular, Personnel (TEMPER)

The TEMPER is a modular soft-walled structure covered with a synthetic
material fabric and is supported by an aluminum frame. Each module section
measures 8 ft x 20 ft. However, the most
common configuration combines four modules
together to form a 20 ft x 32 ft unit that covers
around 650 square ft.

WARNING: A tent that becomes

contaminated with a liquid chemical
agent may pose a toxic vapor
hazard for unprotected personnel. TEMPER tent.
Decontaminating the
tent is practically

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Fire Safety
Ref AFPAM 10-219, AFI 32-2001, AFOSH Std 91 - 501
Unfamiliar environments, crowded accommodations,
a high operations tempo (OPTEMPO) and
carelessness can adversely affect fire safety. The
key to fire-safe mission execution is fire prevention
make it part of your daily routine.

General Fire Prevention

n Smoke only in designated
smoking areas
n Use proper receptacles for
discarding smoking materials
n Practice good housekeeping
in personal and storage areas
n Set up a fire alerting system
n Use carbon monoxide
detectors, if available, when
heating equipment may produce carbon
monoxide vapors
n Test smoke detectors often
n Know fire escape plans and participate in
unit fire drills
n Keep pathways to emergency exits clear
n Know your assembly location
n Know the location and operation of fire extinguishers
n Ensure fire extinguishers are operational and installed near exits and
hazardous operations areas
n Only use approved undamaged
electrical cords and appliances
n Clear self-help projects through
Civil Engineering

Practice good housekeeping.

Fire Precautions Within Tent City
n No smoking inside any tents
n Preposition emergency water supplies
and firefighting equipment
n Use only approved tent lighting and
electrical kits
n Check with fire prevention specialists
before you use any type of heat
generating sources
n Keep combustible materials away from Only use approved lighting.
heat sources
n Flammable items used as tent partitions increase fire
loads and fire intensity
n Ensure all tent exits are not blocked or tied shut
n Keep access roads to tents clear for fire vehicles

Dont overload
Expedient Firefighting receptacles.
Ref AFMAN 10-219, AFI 32-2001
If youre faced with a fire, efficient reporting, evacuation, and
quick extinguishing will significantly reduce the loss of critical
resources. Become familiar with fire reporting procedures
and be ready to perform expedient firefighting tasks as an
auxiliary firefighter.

Know where extinguishers

are stored.

P Pull the pin

A Aim nozzle at base of fire
S Squeeze handle
S Sweep side-to-side

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Firefighting Agent Resources

n Dry Chemical Extinguisher: ABC
rating (all fires except metals)
n Dry Powder Extinguisher: D rating
(metal and metal-alloy fires)
ordinary combustibles flammable liquids n Halon Flightline Extinguisher:
BC rating (petroleum fuels and
electrical)used for aircraft and
related equipment only
n Water
n Sand
electrical equipment combustible metals

Fire Reporting
n Sound the alarm
- Yell FIRE, FIRE, FIRE or as directed locally
- Use fire alarm, triangle, air horn
- Report all emergencies even
if the fire goes out
n Notify the fire department and report
- Name and rank
- Location of fire
- Nature and status of emergency
Direct firefighters to fire.
- Status of personnel
n Evacuate the area and account for personnel,
try to evacuate upwind from any fire
n Extinguish small fires (trash can size), if possible
n Direct firefighters to the fire

General Firefighting
n Fight small fires with available firefighting
n Always maintain an escape route
n Separate fuel sources from ignition sources
- Shut off fuel and gas valves
- Shut off electrical equipment
n Munitions involved in a fire are unpredictable Your NBC protective mask
n Wildland fires can generate intense heat and wont protect you in smoke filled
move rapidly environments.
Tent City Firefightingdepending
on the camp layout and environmental
conditions, fires can rapidly spread if your
initial attempts to extinguish them fail.
Timely reporting and evacuation are critical.
Life, safety, and tent evacuation is a prime
n Focus on preventing the spread of fire
- Get well ahead of the fire to make
a stand Never enter a burning tent.
- Wet tents down
- Cut supports and let tents collapse
A tent can completely
n Cut the power to tent city
burn in just 2-3 minutes
n Never enter a burning tent

Waste Control
Ref AFI 32-7080
Large amounts of solid waste can be
generated during a deployment. Proper
sanitation practices help to inhibit the spread
of disease and it controls disease carrying
vectors such as insects and rodents. Because
Proper sanitation inhibits disease.
accumulated waste provides a breeding
ground for these vectors, aggressively strive to maintain a healthy living and
work environment. If youre authorized to burn waste, do it in a CE approved
area. Diesel fuel is preferred over gasoline to start fires because its higher
flash point increases your safety when igniting.

Human Waste
During a deployment, you may use bathrooms ranging
from a straddle-trench to highly engineered systems.
Always wash your hands after using the bathroom.

Depending on your deployed site population, you
could see different methods of trash and garbage
control that range from burning and burying techniques to full-service host

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nation trash collection contracts. Dont allow trash to accumulate, and place
trash in sturdy containerspreferably those with a secure cover.

Dry combustible waste may be burned on-site when landfills are nonexistent
or if theyre too far away for timely disposal. If you must burn, make sure the
smoke wont interfere with base operations. Burn
only in a fire service approved open pit or metal
containers such as 55-gallon drums.
n Food leftovers and trash in your work areas
and defensive fighting positions invite rodents
and insects
n Use waste collection pointsminimize the
chance of disease and bacteria in your areas
of operation
Open pit burning may be

Contaminated Waste
Control and Disposal
Ref AFH 10-222V4, AFMAN 10-2602
Chemical and biological attacks can generate
significant quantities of contaminated waste.
Contaminated items will include IPE and
field gear, contaminated M8 and M9 Paper,
Properly dispose of contaminated waste.
M291 and M295 decon kit components,
contamination avoidance covers and bulk plastics, and personal equipment.
The waste that accumulates at waste disposal points, contamination control
areas, and at cargo transload sites must be collected and properly disposed
to limit hazards.

Depending on the type and quantity of contaminated material, waste

accumulation areas themselves could increase local hazards and require
increased protective measures within the areas. In addition, the airbase is
responsible for limiting, to the greatest extent possible, post-conflict cleanup
and restoration actions. Effective actions to identify, control, and mark waste
will reduce problems with waste accumulation and disposal.
Unit Contaminated Waste
Collection Pointsestablish
work center, facility, and base-wide
contaminated waste collection points
during the pre-attack phase. Collect and
dispose non-reusable contaminated items
in designated areas. Use plastic bags, trash cans,
barrels, or empty munitions cans for contaminated
Mark contaminated waste waste storage. Trash barrels with multiple layers of
receptacles. plastic bags are easy to obtain and simplify waste
removal. Appropriately mark contaminated waste
using NBC Marking set markers or their equivalents.

Collection points should be at least 10 feet away

and downwind from facilities, bunkers, fighting
positions, or Contamination Control Areas.
Clearly identify the collection point and prepare
contaminated marking signs in advance to mark
containers after use. Be prepared to relocate the
collection point when the wind direction changes.
Units must periodically move their contaminated Site collection points downwind
waste to installation contaminated waste disposal area. from facilities.

Installation Contaminated Waste Disposal Areathe airbase

consolidates contaminated waste from unit waste collection points and
stores it at one or more waste disposal areas. There are three primary ways
of handling large amounts of contaminated waste: open storage, burying,
or burning. Open storage is the method of choice followed by burning. Bury
contaminated material only as a last resort.

The airbase

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Food Consumption
Ref AFI 48-116
Meals Ready to Eat will be your primary food source
until arrangements can be made to provide hot meals.
Services will provide hot meals as soon as possible
using the Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen and
unitized group ration (UGR.)

UGRs include paper and utensil

products. However, there may be
times when you may still need to
Services will provide hot use your mess kit to eat. A clean
meals ASAP.
mess kit helps prevent food borne
illnesses. If you use the mess kit, follow the posted mess
kit cleaning process. Always wash your hands before you
consume food.

Scrape leftover food into trash can. Prewash in first can of soapy water.
Thoroughly wash in second can of
soapy water.
Sanitize in fourth
can of sanitizing
at least 30 seconds.
Air dry before
packing up.

Rinse in third can of clear water.

Resources Protection and
Crime Prevention
Ref AFI 31-101
Although Air Force installations overall
enjoy a lower crime rate than that of other
communities, crime still occurs at deployed
locations. A situational awareness of whats
Dont display large amounts of cash. going on and knowing how to protect
resources and ones self goes a long way
in preventing crime and maintaining mission readiness. General concerns
n Secure all equipment and property when unattendedparticularly
sensitive items such as small arms, ammunition,
computers, and bulk explosives
n Avoid showing large sums of money
n Permanently mark all government property,
especially highly pilferable items, and provide
adequate storage for them
n Have accurate and up-to-date inventory controls
and sign out highly pilferable items on an AF
Form 1297/Temporary Issue Receipt Secure high value items.
n Establish accountability procedures to control lock combinations, keys,
locks, and containers
n Secure all personal property the best way possible
n Stay in groups, even on base, and dont
lower your guard with people you dont
n Promptly report confirmed incidents to
Security Forces or AFOSI

Keep lockers locked.

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Passive Defense
Ref: AFMAN 10-2602
Passive defense are measures you
take to lessen damage from enemy
attack. Most measures are typically
quickly executed, inexpensive, and
require minimum manpower and
Expedient berms protect assets.
Hardened Structure (rarely available)
n Allows occupants, systems, and support infrastructure to operate during
and after attacks
n May include a collective protection system
n Typically constructed below ground level and under rock or concrete
n Provides substantial protection against direct attacks with chemical,
biological, and conventional weapon threats
n Protects against small arms fire
n Protects against most collateral effects of nuclear weapons (blast, heat,
fallout, radiation, electromagnetic pulse)

Hardened structures may include collective protection systems.

n Allows occupants,
systems, and
infrastructure to
survive attacks and
continue to operate Semi-hardened bunker, without collective protection.
immediately following attacks
n May include a collective protection system
n Typically constructed at or below ground level
n Provides protection against the collateral effects (blast, heat,
fragmentation, shock, and contamination) of attacks with chemical,
biological, and conventional weapon threats
n Protects against small arms fire
n Protects against some collateral effects of nuclear weapons (blast, heat,
fallout, radiation, electromagnetic pulse)

Splinter Protected
n Allows occupants to survive attacks and limits damage to systems,
supporting infrastructure, and resources
n May include collective protection system
n Limits collateral effects (blast, heat, fragmentation, and shock) of
conventional weapon attacks
n Provides limited protection against small arms fire
n Provides limited protection against collateral effects (blast, heat, fallout,
radiation, electromagnetic pulse) of nuclear weapons

for splinter

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Expedient Hardening
Ref AFPAM 10-219 Vol 2, AFMAN 10-2602
Sandbagging provides expedient hardening to protect
resources from conventional weapons affects. Sandbags
can be built into freestanding barriers. In Chem/Bio
threat areas, to reduce the chemical contact hazard
duration, use burlap bags in lieu of plastic bags (when
available) as chemical agents will sorb more rapidly into
burlap bags than plastic materials. Check with the base
civil engineer before commencing any sandbag effort. Earth berms may be
your only protection until a sandbagging plan is approved.

Sandbag Wall Construction

n Turn sandbags inside-out
so stitching is not exposed
n Fill bags three-fourths full
with earth or a dry soil-
cement mixture
n Tuck in bottom corners stretchers headers
after theyre filled
n Place tied-off ends and
side seams away from the
n Lay the first course as a
n Build the wall with elevation
alternating stretchers
n Position sandbags so the
layers have the same pitch
as the base
n Stack sandbag at a slope
ratio of 1:4 or 1:5
n Create L-shaped ingress/
egress points
n The top row should be
Build a side slope
placed as a header of 1:4 or 1:5 to
prevent collapse
Camouflage, Concealment,
and Blackout
Ref AFPAM 10-219, Vol 2, AFMAN 10-2602
Camouflage, concealment, and blackout
primarily applies to conventional aircraft and
ground force enemy attack.

Camouflage Netsbreaks up outline

of covered assets. In Chem/Bio threat
areas, resist using camouflage nets as much as possible. Chemical agents
rapidly sorb into net surfaces and cause an extended chemical hazard.
Be extremely careful around contaminated camouflage nets and wear the
appropriate MOPP gear.

Dispersalspread critical assets out to maximize

their survival. Take advantage of natural cover.
Distribute and hide critical resources outside of
the effective range of shoulder-fired weapons that
enemy ground forces may possess and not along the
perimeter. When possible, disperse assets in or near
the work area theyll support.
Dont bunch up assets.
Ideally, each dispersal site should have at least two
entry/exit routes on concrete or asphalt (if possible, due to rapid chemical
agent sorption rates on these surfaces.) Dont bunch vehicles up into one
area. Disperse more than just vehicles. Also disperse equipment, tires, and
other critical supplies. In medium and high NBCC threat areas, disperse with
overhead cover and use reinforced facilities
when available. Effective dispersal lessens
the odds of contamination and damage.

Blackouta method to limit nighttime

illumination of areas, facilities, and vehicles.
Turning off interior and exterior lights,
covering doors and windows, and creating
cats eyes on vehicle running lights are
forms of blackout.
Cats eye headlights.

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Limitationsexcept for an enemys

real-time satellite surveillance capability,
camouflage, concealment, and blackout
countermeasures are ineffective against
low tech Tactical Ballistic Missiles and
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and high
tech threat missile systems and global
positioning system guided weapons.
Camouflage, concealment, and blackout
Airfield blackout may be necessary.
efforts, however, are valuable strategies
against penetrating ground force attacks and many intelligence gathering

Noisethe enemy is listeningkeep it down

n Practice noise discipline continuously
n Talking, coughing, sneezing, and sniffing can reveal your position
especially at night
n Bumping walls, tapping fingers, rattling paper, or shuffling your feet can
also give your position away
n Noise can help identify an enemythe noise an enemy makes can give
them away

Litteryou may attract more than the enemy if you litter

n Eliminate litterits a nuisance and it can reveal your presence

Light DisciplineGiven a chance, an enemy

will watch you day and night. At night, there
might be times when youll need flashlights or
chemical light sticks to do your job. Thats ok, but
dont unnecessarily draw attention to yourself by
leaving a flashlight on or exposing chemical light
sticks when theyre not needed. Learn how to
Keep light to a minimum.
safely move around at night using natural light. At
entry control points, dont silhouette sentries with
lights or cause them to lose their night vision by shining a light directly in their
eyes. It could take several minutes or longer for their eyes to readjust back to
low light.
During a post-attack phase when
M8 Paper is pre-positioned, only use
a white light to read the paper at night.
Using a flashlight with a colored lens or
using chemical light sticks could cause
you to miss color changes on the detector
paper and make you think that chemical
contamination is not present when the
opposite might be true!
Read M8 Paper only with white light.

Defensive Fighting
Position (DFP)
Ref AFMAN 10-2602, AFH 10-222V14
Hasty and fighting DFPs provide all-
around cover from enemy fire and allows
defenders to observe and repel enemy
Use overhead cover to inhibit contamination. forces. In Chem/Bio threat areas, DFPs
present dangerous environments due to the interaction between chemical
agents and many materials used in DFP construction. Reduced airflow, the
inability for defenders to leave a contaminated area, and the close proximity
of the occupants respiratory tract to the contaminated surface (inches
instead of feet) all provide survival challenges.

DFP Constructionto inhibit falling chemical droplets from entering,

build DFPs with two-foot overhangs above the observation ports unless
it interferes with weapon firing. Also,
build small L-shaped entrances to inhibit
contamination intrusion. If youre given
wind the option, use unpainted concrete for
DFP construction as that allows chemical
agents to absorb faster than any other
likely construction material. Floor
construction similarly makes a difference
to DFP occupants during the post attack
environment, so consider chemical agent
L-shaped entrances inhibit contamination. interaction with floor surfaces.

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DFP Camouflageuse exterior latex paint to

create camouflage patterns. Latex lets liquid
agents rapidly sorb below the surface and
minimizes the contact hazard period. Unless
required for tactical operations, dont use
camouflage nets near DFPs since chemical
hazards will exist for an extended period.

Hasty DFPs Hasty DFP.

n Temporary-provides partial protection from enemy fire
n Select position that provides ample frontal coverage
n Should be a small depression or hole that is at least 18 inches deep

Fighting DFPs
n Constructionbuild for two people with unrestricted observation and
enemy engagement ports
n Position to provide frontal cover to engage the enemy without exposing
n Construct 6 feet long (1.8 m), 3 feet wide (0.9 m), and arm-pit deep
n Build grenade sumps one entrenching tool wide and deep at both ends
n Provide at least 18 inches (0.5 m) of dirt overhead. Use adequate
amount of stringers to support the weight
n Camouflage with natural and artificial foliage to conceal occupants
n Check camouflage dailyview it from 40 yards (36 m) in frontits good if
you cant easily spot it
n Foliage that you might have
utilized to camouflage your
position must be changed as
soon as it starts to standout from
foliage of the surrounding area

for two

Cut-away DFP.
Contamination Avoidance and
NBC Pre-Attack Preparation
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
In Chemical Warfare Threat Areas,
contamination avoidance is the key to
prevent assets from becoming contaminated. Move vehicles beneath
Place assets beneath an overhead cover when theyre overhead cover.
not in use. If overhead cover is unavailable, wrap or cover
assets with at least one layer of barrier material such as repellent plastic
sheets, canvas, tarpaulins, or specialized NBC protective covers (if available.)
Wind can cause havoc on contamination avoidance
covers. Ensure all barrier material is tightly secured
around assets stored outdoors and roll excess
material beneath the asset.

Two Cover Layers

use two cover layers
Protect palletized cargo.
when possible so the
exposed cover, along with
any contamination, can
be easily removed, safely
discarded, and replaced.
Discard contaminated barrier
material and M8 paper in
your unit contaminated waste
Secure barrier material. Roll
excess material beneath asset, collection point. Periodically Cover outside assets
away from contaminants. take accumulated trash to the beneath two barrier layers.
installation contaminated
waste disposal area. Place M8 Paper on the exposed
horizontal layer of barrier material and dont forget to
mark and date its time of placement.

Protect Facilitiesclose all facility windows, turn off

ventilation systems (or close outside air intakeHeating, Keep doors closed.
Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), respirators,
air compressors, etc.) at the time of attack, and implement single-entry
procedures. Pre-plan specific actions when attack threats increase. Add these
actions to your work center operational checklists.

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Boot and glove decon.

Limit Contamination Spreadcreate, place, and use boot and

glove decontamination troughs at entries to shelters, work centers,
large frame aircraft doors, hatches, loading ramps, and around
work areas. Fill the troughs with a 5% chlorine solution (household
bleach), and replace the solution every 48 hours or after 400
people have used it (whichever comes first), or as directed.

Chemical Agent Detection-pre-position M8 Paper

throughout your work area on flat horizontal surfaces that are likely to
become contaminated during a chemical attack. Avoid surfaces that
could reach temperatures above 125o F as the dye will deteriorate
quickly. Place M8 Paper so it can be easily seen during post-attack
surveys. Mark time and date on M8 Paper.

Pre-position M8 Paper on flat horizontal surfaces.

Contingency OperationsAir Mobility Command will move strategic
airlift cargo regardless of the chemical or biological environment at the
deployment site. Contamination avoidance is the key to air mobility
movement. If youre deploying to a NBCC threat area, triple-wrap each
pallet and affix M8 Paper on the outside and on each internal layer of the
barrier material. The technique is to place one barrier layer below the
cargo net and two over the top. If a pallet should become contaminated,
discard and replace the outer layer. Contaminated pallet netting presents
a residual vapor hazard, it cant be decontaminated, and must be treated
as contaminated waste. When youve completed pallet build-up and
protection, it should look much like this example:


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and Control
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Effective command and
control is essential to
mission accomplishment
and base survivability. You
may notice some command
and control differences
at your deployed location
compared to your home
stationfor example your
home base may have a wing operations center (WOC) and the deployed
location may have an expeditionary operations center (EOC) but, theyre the
same thing. Here, well use the term WOC.

Wing Operations Center (WOC)the top

echelon of airbase operations led by the senior Air
Force commander.
n Primary focus is flight operations, airbase
security, and airbase support
n Focal point for resource allocation, mission
tasking, status reporting, and decision making
n Battle staff includes senior officers
from the medical, mission support,
operations, and maintenance groups
n Senior officers representing major
tenants or host-nation forces may be
n Directs FPCON, MOPP, and alarm
signal changes

Survival Recovery Center (SRC)the

nerve center for airbase ground operations and attack protection and
recovery operations. It recommends courses of action and executes pre-
planned and WOC-directed actions.
Unit Control Centers (UCC)focal points for unit command and control
n Directs and monitors unit contamination control and dispersal actions
n Rapidly provides alarm condition and MOPP Level changes to unit
n Directs and monitors unit pre-, trans-, and post-attack actions
n Directs unit personnel movement through base Split-MOPP sectors or
n Monitors unit shelter operations and works closely with shelter managers
n Collects vehicles and equipment contamination status reports, logs and
upchannels information
n Remains in contact with alternate control center (if assigned)
n Tracks locations of all known contamination and unexploded ordnance
that may affect units mission
n Warns unit personnel of hazards and directs their movements accordingly

Lines of Communication

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Ref AFI 31-302
Communication is essential to
mission accomplishment. If you
encounter unfamiliar equipment,
your communications function
will instruct you on its use.
Local area networks and email
may also be availablefollow
the established guidelines when
using these capabilities.

Communications Security (COMSEC)

n Non-secure phone, radio, and
computer network systems are subject
to monitoring
n Never discuss sensitive or classified
information over non-secure systems
n Never talk around, paraphrase, or use
code words to disguise sensitive or
classified information
n Always use secure systems to discuss Observe COMSEC.
sensitive or classified information

Telephone Bomb Threats

If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone, obtain
and retain as much information about the call and caller
as possible. Use the AF Form 440, Bomb Threat Aid, if
available or take notes during the call. Try to keep the
caller on the phone as long as possible. Do not hang up
the phone after the caller ends the phone call. Immediately
report the incident to Security Forces and follow their
Force Protection Measures
Ref DoD 0-2000.12H, JS Guide 5260, AFI 10-245
Terrorists dont discriminate! If youre an American,
youre a potential terrorist target. Follow these key
steps to lessen your threat.

Keep a Low Profile

n Your dress, conduct, and mannerisms should not
attract attention
n Make an effort to blend in
n Avoid publicity, large crowds, demonstrations, and
civil disturbances

Stay Unpredictable
n Vary your route, time, and mode of travel
n Vary where and when you go
n Vary your appearance
n Let others know where youre going and when
you plan to return
Vary your routes.
Be Alert
n Watch for anything suspicious
n Do not release personal information
n If you believe youre being followed, go to a predetermined safe area
n Immediately report any suspicious incidents to Security Forces and AFOSI
n Carry important phone numbers, i.e. US embassy, security forces, UCC,
EOD, etc.

If You Are Taken Hostage

The chances of you being taken hostage are very remote. But should it
happen, remember your personal conduct can influence your treatment. If
youre taken hostage there are three important rules to follow:
n Analyze the problem so as to not aggravate the situation
n Make educated decisions to keep the situation from worsening
n Maintain discipline to remain on the best terms with your captors

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Be Suspicious
Ref AFMAN, 32-4022
Hate is a profound feeling that
makes some people do terrible and
irrational things. Because youre a
US military member, there are some
very dangerous people in this world
who hate you and hate what you
stand for. So, be suspicious, but
not reckless! Improvised explosive device.

Hostile governments and terrorists often use improvised explosive

devices (IED) to destroy their targets or to generate mass hysteria. Only the
imagination and the talent of the builder limit IED construction techniques
there is no standard identification chart that will tell you what the next IED
will look like. Become familiar with workcenter surroundings. Keep your
workcenter neat and organized so its easy to spot anything that may seem
out of place or unknown. Get to know your coworkers so you can more
easily spot people who dont belong in your area. Rely upon your training
and sometimes your gut feeling if you discover an item you suspect might
be an IED. React as if you discover a UXO by following the 4Rs-Recognize,
Record, Retreat, and Report (see page 128.) Never risk your life by moving
or opening an IED to get a better description.

Suicide bombers are a real threat

as well! As with IEDs, there is no
standard identification or description
that will tell you who the next suicide
bomber will be, what theyll look like,
or how theyll act. Suicide bombers
have already targeted public areas
overseas where Americans and other
foreigners congregate. Be security conscious
and know the off-limits and areas of concern.
Challenge or report unknown people around
your work area. If you get a bad feeling about
something, many times theres a reasontell your
coworkers when you think something doesnt
feel right. Follow your training and
your instinct when uncomfortable
situations arise.

Its normal to have feelings of

uneasiness after you arrive at your
deployment location. But, dont become
consumed by fear. Slowly adjust to
your new surroundings, learn all you
can from more experienced people,
and follow your training.
New surroundings can feel uneasy.

Terrorist Threats
and Vehicles
Ref Force Protection Battlelab Vehicle
Bomb Mitigation Guide
There are no typical vehicles
associated with vehicle
bombs. Terrorists are
imaginative and cunning and
will go to great lengths to kill
you and further their cause.
With vehicles, they easily
blend into their surroundings
and dont need to rely on
the cover of darkness to
Terrorists use all types of vehicles.
strike. Watch for unusual
and creative approaches a
terrorist might use to slip through a cordon or past a checkpointperhaps
using an emergency response vehicle (i.e. ambulance) following an
incident, to deliver a bomb. To engage this effort, a terrorist may even create
the incident to lure first-responders to the scene then entrap and attack
them with explosive devices. Watch for suspicious behavior or refusal to
obey orders. Know your rules of engagement. If youre one who responds to
emergencies, stay on high-alert while youre performing your duties.

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76 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Vehicle Search ProceduresIf youre tasked to do a vehicle search,

youre not only looking for the big bomb but for any type of weapon,
improvised explosive device, or explosives. Ask the vehicle driver to open all
compartments, doors, the hood, and trunk (if applicable.) Look for things that
dont belong there or things that appear out of place. For example, in a dirty
engine compartment, be suspicious of shiny new wires or a box or carton you
find stored behind the vehicles grille. If you find anything suspicious, follow
your local reporting procedures. Even if everything appears to be in order,
you can still consider a vehicle as suspicious if the driver refuses to open
any compartment (e.g. hood, trunk, passenger doors, glove box, or even a
package.) If this happens, heighten your vigilance and immediately notify
your supervisor or Security Forces and request help. If a previously searched
vehicle has been left unattended in an unsecure environment, another vehicle
search should be conducted. This also applies when receiving a rental car.

n Dash board
n Engine compartment

n Behind/under front and
rear bumper
n Behind grill
under seats, glove box, n Wheel well and tires
and all compartments n Door panels and interior
n Undercarriage
n Spare tire
n Fuel tank
n Cargo area
Pre-Attack Actions
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Alarm Greennormal
condition of readiness in
wartime. Attack is not probable
and there is no active threat of attack
at present. However, local procedures may vary.

As Directed
n Perform pre-attack preparations
n Remove contact lenses and wear protective
mask eyeglasses
n Wear field gear and personal body armor
n Inspect IPE and assume MOPP 0 No active attack threat.
n Implement contamination avoidance actions
n Implement contamination detection actions
n Protect facilities, equipment, aircraft, vehicles
- Close windows, doors, hatches, and access panels
- Pre-position M8 Paper throughout work areas and on exposed
- assetsmark time and date of placement
- Store assets beneath overhead cover, inside shelters, within -
revetments, or similar structure
- Cover exposed assets with contamination avoidance materialdouble
wrap where practical
n Implement hardening and dispersal actions
n Know immediate and
operational decon actions
n Know post-attack
reconnaissance (PAR)
n Know Split-MOPP zone or
sector operation procedures
n Know local alarm signals and
n Keep supervisor and UCC
informed of progress
n Remain vigilant for possible
Prepare equipment for use.

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78 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Reverting Back to Pre-Attack... Alarm Green

following Alarm Red or BlackNBCC hazards
(damage, UXO, and NBC contamination) may be
present. However, theyre not an operational risk for
people in MOPP 0 outside of marked hazard areas.
n Perform pre-attack preparations, recovery
actions, and stay alert for hazards
n Verify NBCC and other hazard markers remain
visible day and night
n Verify UCC receipt of hazard, UXO, damage, and
casualty reports
Prepare equipment.

n Replace exhausted supplies and

contamination avoidance material (CCA,
decon, firefighting, self-aid and buddy care
(SABC), water, shelter supplies)
n Replace contaminated M8 and M9 Paper
(Tape)mark time and date of placement
n Discard used decon kits and detection paper
as contaminated waste
n Inform UCC of contaminated waste
n Casualty care
- Decontaminate casualty as necessary
- Verify zone or sector hazards Watch for hazards.
along travel route
- Return casualtys weapon and ammunition
to armory
- Keep IPE with casualty

Continue pre-
attack actions.
Alarm Yellowattack
probable in less than
30 minutes. Focus
upon final protection
and contamination
avoidance measures
to mitigate attack
effects. Commanders
may direct mission-
essential tasks or Listen for warnings.
functions to continue.
n Notify others within the immediate area and over communications
n Remain in shelter, go to shelter, or seek protection with overhead cover
n Do buddy checks to verify correct IPE wear
n Quickly and safely terminate routine or non-critical operations
n Protect and cover assets
n Park vehicles indoors or under cover
n Close doors, windows, vents, hatches, openings
n Shut off HVAC systems
n MOPP Implementation:
- If you are currently in MOPP 0 or MOPP 1, implement MOPP 2
- or as directed
- If you are currently in MOPP 3,
MOPP 4, or the MASK ONLY
option, remain in that MOPP
and stay masked unless otherwise

Shut off HVAC.

Assume MOPP
as directed.

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80 / Section 3 / Employment AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

Additional Attack Preparations

Under Alarm Yellow
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
A hardened aircraft shelter (HAS) provides optimum
protection for aircraft, vehicles, and equipment. Use extreme
caution when you drive a vehicle into a HAS that contains
aircraft or equipment. Once inside, close the HAS doors. If
theres no room for your vehicle inside a HAS, park near the
side of the shelter, cover your vehicle with contamination
avoidance material, and run inside.
Aircrews should be transported in covered vehicles.
Passengers should don the appropriate MOPP while the
driver heads toward the squad-operations facility for shelter.
Running aircraft may be ordered to launch-to-survive or told
to return to a HAS, shut down, and seal the HAS doors.

DO NOT cover refueling vehicles or liquid oxygen and liquid

nitrogen equipment with plastic barrier materials. Plastic
sheets can accumulate static electricity and discharge sparks
at any timeparticularly during removal.

With munitions handling equipment, if you must choose

between protecting a bomb trailers cargo surface or the
tongue, protect the cargo surface. Also, if space exists, drive
forklifts into igloos, shut them off, and close the igloo doors.

Military working dog (MWD) patrols should go to the nearest

collective protection shelter or nearest protection with
overhead cover. For missile attacks, put the MWD inside a
vehicle, cargo aircraft, or other area that avoids agent fallout.
Handlers and dogs should remain sheltered until you hear
MOPP 0, 1, 2, or directed otherwise.

Services personnel should disperse food assets into fixed or

hardened shelters, or refrigeration units. Cover the units with
plastic and seal their openings with tape.
Section 4

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 82 / Section 4 / Fight

Integrated Base
Defense (IBD)
IBD provides full dimensional
protection for people and assets.
It provides the framework for a
fully integrated base defense that
ensures our forces can pursue
the defeat of any adversary or
control of any situation across
the threat and conflict spectrum. Most importantly, you and every Airman
play an extremely vital role as a sensor and potential defender in the Force
Protection (FP) and IBD battlespace.
Capabilities essential to IBD
FP battlespace covers airbases,
detached sites, transient forces and
convoys. IBD battlespace begins with
the flightline, protection level (PL)
resources (i.e. critical USAF resources
that are designated a separate level of
protection), and cantonment areas. It
expands out to, and beyond, the base
perimeter. IBD battlespace dominance
can be achieved through interacting
capabilities channeled through an
integrated command and control

These interacting measures aid in the Air Forces ability to See First,
Understand First, and ultimately, Act First.

See First
n Relentless Intelligence and Information
CaptureGather, collate and disseminate
effectively, information on defense related
activity within and beyond the IBD battlespace
Gather information.
n Detect and Identify ThreatsAnalyze collated
information and deduce likely threats.
Maintain a reconnaissance, intelligence,
surveillance and target acquisition capability
n Predict Threat Course of Actions (COA)Use
planning tools to process information and
deductions and arrive at likely threat COAs

Understand First
n Identify VulnerabilitiesCritically assess the effectiveness of the defense
that is in place. Aggressively examine the integrity of the defense, know
the weaknesses that exist and plan accordingly
n Know and Manage RisksWhere the burden of a shortfall exists in the
defense, ensure that it is carried unobtrusively
and in a manner that minimizes the risk to assets
in priority order. To minimize risk, manage any
shortfall commensurate with the emerging
situation and changes in defense resources

Act First
n Determine OptionsIdentify broad COAs open
to IBD defenders to meet the perceived threat. Analyze information.
Consider each COA against the defense mission
n Decide FirstTaking into account the advantages and disadvantages of
each COA, the decision must be a logical result of the analysis process.
The absence of ideal conditions, such as when defense forces are
undermanned, does not preclude the selection of the best COA in the
prevailing circumstances
n Act to Remove ThreatAction to remove
a threat could be the initiating of a lethal
or non-lethal engagement at a time and
place of the Air Forces choosing. Equally,
amending the defense posture and thereby
rendering ineffective an adversarys
preferred line of attack, constitutes acting to
remove a threat
Remove threat.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 84 / Section 4 / Fight

Security Procedures
Ref AFI 10-403, AFMAN 91-201, AFMAN 10-2602
A cordon protects people, equipment, and
classified material during major incidents,
and its normally marked off with rope, tape,
and appropriate signs. Where no toxic or
explosive materials are involved, its size
A cordon protects people.
is dictated by the affected area and the
area disaster response force teams need
to conduct unhindered operations. Security
Forces personnel may direct non-security
force personnel to act as cordon sentries. If
youre needed to work as a cordon sentry,
strictly follow your instructions. Some
situations that may warrant a cordon are:
n Discovery of unexploded ordnance
n Bomb threat/suspicious package
Block cordon entrances.
n Damage caused by a natural disaster
n Major accidents
n Contaminated areas following an enemy
Cordon Sentries
n Secure their assigned posts on the cordon
perimeterprevent access to incident site
n Direct arriving people to report to the entry
control point
n Report the names of anyone who evacuates the
cordon at your post to the On Scene Commander
n Do not enter the cordon area or leave your post
until properly relieved

Passing Through Entry Control Points

n Control entry into installations, controlled Report evacuees to OSC.
and restricted areas, Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives
(CBRNE) incidents, and major incidents
n Entry Authority Lists are checked to gain
access to controlled and restricted areas
n Be prepared to show your
identification card
n You and your belongings may
be searched
n Your vehicle may be searched
n Know the local MOPP entry control
procedures, sign/countersign, or
chem code

Entry control point.

Challenging Intruders
Ref AFMAN 31-222
Intruders can be aggressive or passive, male
or female, adult or child, and can show up at
any location, at any time. Be continually vigilant.
Challenge all intruders. Treat all individuals or
groups as hostile whether weapons are present
or not. Challenge an individual, but always
Be continually vigilant. maintain proper cover and concealment while
doing so. NOTE: Cover and concealment means
to place yourself out of harms way by concealing your location and being in
a protective position in case you are fired upon. Challenges are divided into
two areas: individuals or groups.

Challenge Steps
n Upon hearing or seeing a group or lone
person approach, command the group
or person to Halt just loud enough to
be heard. Shouting the command can
give away your position. Note: Learn
the word halt in the language of the
country you are currently in.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 86 / Section 4 / Fight

If challenging a vehicle, DO NOT

stand directly in the path of the
vehicle to get it to stopif the vehicle
flees, note the direction of travel,
and immediately report the incident
to your UCC or Security Forces
n When the group or person stops,
command, Who goes there?
n The challenged person should
respond with their Rank, Name, Who goes there?
and Unit
n After the person identifies him or
herself, command Advance To Be
Recognized! Note: If in a group,
command only one person forward
n When the person comes within 10
feet, command Halt and issue the
Challenge Word or Sign, just loud
enough to be heard without being Advance to be recognized.
heard by others
n If the person responds with the
correct Password or Countersign,
let the person pass. Note: If in
a group, that person you called
forward must then identify the
members of that group as they pass
n If the person fails to stop or answer
at anytime during the challenge, Turn away from sound of my voice and drop
immediately notify your UCC and slowly to your knees.
Security Forces
n Command the unidentified person
or group to Halt! again
n Once theyve stopped, command
the person or group to Turn Away
From The Sound of My Voice!
Note: If they fail to heed your
commands, follow the Rules of
Engagement established for your
Area of Responsibility.
n Notify your UCC and SF control
center of your situation by using the
S-A-L-U-T-E report (see page 95)
and your location.
n Follow UCC instructions Note: If
a weapon(s) is visible, instruct
the person or group to place their
weapon(s) on the ground and move
six to eight steps forward (away
from you)
n Command the person or group to Lie down on stomach.
Drop Slowly To Your Knees and
Lie Down on Your Stomach!
Note: Separate each person from
a group before you place them
on the ground.
Remember to
keep them in a
position where
you can observe
them until help
n Command the
person or group Move arms away from body and spread your feet.
to Move Your Arms Away From
Your Body and Spread Your Feet
n Remain vigilant over the person or
group until responding forces arrive
n Continually scan the entire area for
other intruders

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 88 / Section 4 / Fight

Challenge and Password

Sign/Countersignwords or numbers
can be used as the sign and countersign.
For example, if the words of the day are
Blue Cards and the challenge word is
Blue, the correct response is Cards. The
number of the day must be between two
and 10, so if the number of the day is 7
and you say 3, the correct corresponding
number would be 4 making the sum of 7.

Chemical Codesused to positively

identify people who wear protective
masks or who are in MOPP 4. These
Sign/countersign. SEE
codes are a constant changing list of Page 21
numbers and letters developed into a square grid matrix to 7,
necessitate a different response to the possible combinations Referen
of challenge codes. This is a very secure method, but the most Square Ge,
difficult to operate. Matrix

Duress Wordscan be any unusual word that is not normally used

in the course of routine conversation, like giraffe or scarecrow. It can
be inserted into the conversation in order to communicate stealthily
that a person is under some form of duress. For
example How are you today, Sgt Giraffe?, Have
you seen a giraffe lately? Security Forces publish
duress words on a periodic basis.

How are you

today, Sgt Giraffe?
Have you seen a
giraffe lately?
Handling Prisoners
and Defectors
Ref Geneva Convention, AFI 31-304 (I)
Taking enemy prisoners of war (EPW)
and defectors can happen at any
time. When it does, immediately notify
your unit control center and request
Security Forces to take custody. In the
meantime, search, segregate, silence,
speed to the rear, safeguard, and tag
your detainees.
Search all EPWs.

n Immediately search the EPW with an armed colleague monitoring
n Look for anything that could be used as a weapon or an escape aid
n Thoroughly search for items of potential intelligence value
n Allow prisoners to keep uniforms and any protective clothing (e.g., bad
weather and IPE gear)

n Separate defectors, deserters, and EPWs
(male and female)
n Separate military and civilians
n Separate military into subgroups
- Officers
- Enlisted

Separate EPWs. Allow EPWs to keep uniforms.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 90 / Section 4 / Fight

n Limit communication
between EPWs as much
as possible
n If you dont understand
the language, dont allow
n Record anything the EPW
says and send it up the
chain of command

Speed to the Rear

n Contact your UCC
as soon as possible
n Much of the intelligence
EPW sensory deprivation.
received from the EPW is
n Practice EPW sensory
n Protect EPWs from local nationals
n Protect EPWs from friendly and allied forces
n Protect EPWs from NBCC attacks
n Protect yourself and others from EPWs

n Complete an EPW tag if available for each detainee, weapon, and piece
of equipment
n If not, use any source available
n At a minimum you should include:
- Date/time of capture
- Capturing unit/branch
- Place of capture
- Circumstances surrounding capture

Complete an EPW tag.

Audible and Visual Warnings
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Commanders continually assess existing
and potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the
OPTEMPO when balancing how to protect people
and accomplish mission objectives. They use:
n Alarm warning signals
n MOPP levels
n MOPP variations
n Split-MOPP
n Shelter strategies

All of these will be ineffective unless you

understand what they are, what they mean, and how to react. Installation
warning systems vary based upon:
n Size of the base
n Number of assigned personnel
n Base layout
n How long the base has been in operation

Well established bases may have:

n A public address system
n Electronic signs
n Flags
n Cable television and computer network systems
n Tactical radios and/or land/mobile radios
n Cell phones, pagers, and an AM/FM radio broadcast system

Most deployment bases and sites,

however, will be limited to a primary
and secondary public address/siren
system and a land mobile radio
system for audible communication,
and simple flags and signs for visual

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 91 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 92 / Section 4 / Fight

The command post normally operates the primary base warning/siren

system while assigned and attached units maintain visual warning indicators
throughout the base and at geographically separated units. Places you may
see these warning flags include:
n Entry control points
n Flag poles
n Vehicles
n Shelters and workcenters
n Split-MOPP transition points
n Geographically separated units
n Maintenance areas and facilities
Note: Security Forces and Fire Protection often provide back-up audible
alarms when primary systems fail and will often display alarm condition flags
on their vehicles throughout operations.

A public address alarm signal announcement generally identifies the:

n Announcer
n Alarm signal
n MOPP Level
n Appropriate warning siren/bugle/sounds

As an example, a missile attack warning may sound something like:

This is the base command post, Alarm Red (Alarm Blue in Korea)
Missile Attack, FPCON Charlie, MOPP Level 4, Take Cover, (they
may repeat this warning) then sound a wavering tone siren.

Unit control centers will also make radio announcements throughout their
radio networks.

Learn what to listen for and where to observe visual

indicators at your base!
Attack Warning
Ref AFMAN 10-2602, AFVA 10-2511
If an attack warning is given, and you dont know what type of
attack will or has occurred, quickly follow the protective actions
for a missile attack. Always wear your helmet and body armor
(if issued.) Also, always try to cover your face and ears during an attack.

Alarm Red/Alarm BlueAttack by air or missile is

imminent or in progress
n Audible wavering tone siren
n Visual red flags (Blue in Korea)
Your location is under missile attack, aircraft attack,
or an attack will begin within minutes. Assume
MOPP 4 or as directed by the commander.

Alarm Red/Alarm Blue, Ground AttackAttack

by ground force is imminent or in-progress
n Audible bugle
Listen for announcements.
n Visual red flags
(blue in Korea)
Your location is under attack by a ground force, or
an attack will begin within minutesassume MOPP
Level 4 or as directed by the commander. For a
small arms attack, take a defensive position behind
Bugle call means ground attack.
cover. Prepare to defend yourself, your area, and
watch out for Security Forces or other friendly forces to prevent fratricide. For
a mortar or rocket attack, immediately shout Incoming and lay down in the
prone positionideally in a low lying area. If better cover is available nearby,
move to that safer position between incoming rounds and avoid gathering in
large groups. If you witness where mortars or rockets are fired/launched, notify
Security Forces as soon as possible. Use the S-A-L-U-T-E format (see page
95) to report enemy activity and support Security Forces where possible.

Trans-Attack Procedures in NBC Threat Areas

n Immediately report observed attacks or enemy force sightings to your
UCC or work center
n Defend yourself under ROEcoordinate actions with others in your area

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 93 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 94 / Section 4 / Fight

n Use buddy checks to verify proper IPE wear

assist other personnel with donning
n Assist the injured if possible, otherwise, remain
in position and under cover until alarm change
n For missile attack warning, seek the best
available protection (building, bunker.) If
unavailable, find overhead cover
- Remain inside vehicles/equipment
(windows up, doors closed, and engine off), Use buddy checks.
and don IPE
n If youre attacked without warning, don mask,
move to closest protection, and don remaining
IPE. Seek overhead cover (rain gear, poncho,
tarps, or plastic.)
n When attack warning sounds or notification
is received, vehicle and equipment operators
should drive to the best available protection Assume directed MOPP.
(building, aircraft shelter, bunker, or hangar) while
passengers don IPE
n Drive vehicles and equipment into or under shelter if possible
n Keep shelters closed. Shelter teams or senior personnel in each shelter
should ensure shelter doors remain closed as much as possible to limit
infiltration of contamination, and control personnel entering
and exiting the shelter
n Keep shelterees away from exterior walls
n Desks and interior rooms provide additional protection inside
unhardened facilities

Seek overhead cover.

Keep away from exterior walls.

Reporting an Attack
Ref AFH 31-302
Use the S-A-L-U-T-E report as a quick and effective way
to communicate ground enemy attack information up the
chain of command.

Report Area Information to Report

Size The number of persons and vehicles seen or the size of an object
Activity Description of enemy activity (assaulting, fleeing, observing)
Location Where the enemy was sighted (grid coordinate or reference point)
Unit Distinctive signs, symbols, or identification on people, vehicles, aircraft, or
weapons (numbers, patches, or clothing type)
Time Time the activity is observed
Equipment Equipment and vehicles associated with the activity

Example of a S-A-L-U-T-E Report: Six enemy soldiers, running away

from the command post, heading towards the flightline. Uniforms solid green
fatiguespossibly Republic Guards. Time was 0230 hours. Equipment
AK-47 rifles, backpacks and gas mask being carried.

Use the most expedient means necessary/possible for the urgency you place
on the information you have to up channel. If your report needs to get to the
commander NOW, use any means available!

n Messengermost secure-most time consuming

n Wire/telephonemore secure than radio-not mobile and may be
n Radiofast and mobile-least secure. However, a secure radio lessens
the possibility of being monitored and should always be used over an
open net all equipment/vehicles associated with the activity

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 95 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 96 / Section 4 / Fight

Radio Discipline
n Think before you push-to-talk
n Be brief. The radio is not a phone
n Speak clearly into the microphone and use
proper call signs
n Protect your radio
n Conduct radio checks
n Always be aware of OPSEC for radios,
phones, discussions and computers
n Periodically check physical condition and Practice radio discipline.
battery connections
n Know your unit radio manager
n DO NOT hang anything from antenna

OPSEC is Everyones Job... DO NOT:

n Use ranks and names of supervisors or commanders
n Broadcast social security account numbers, phone, or credit card
n Discuss classified information
n Disclose specific locations
n Use profanity
Page 19
Proced ,
(Prowo Speak clearly.

Dont discuss classified information. OPSEC is everyones job.

Reactions to Flares
Both friendly and opposition forces rely on
nighttime illumination to conduct military
operations. US forces often use high-tech night
vision devices to see without using illumination
flares, but strategically placed ground flares
with triggering devices are sometimes used
in areas where its difficult to monitor certain
terrain even with the use of night vision devices.
Unsophisticated opposing forces usually are not as
well equipped as US forcesthey dont have night
vision devices and may rely heavily on low-tech
aerial flares to harass friendly forces, illuminate
Dont watch flares.
targets, or for signaling purposes. If you spot an
aerial or ground flare at night, follow these common procedures to maximize
your protection and safety:

n Remain stationary and assume the prone positiondont move.

n Report flare activity to your unit

control center

n Dont look toward a burning flare

protect your night vision by closing
or covering one eye (preferably your
shooting eye) while observing with
the other. Close both eyes if you can

n Wait until the flare(s) is completely Notify control center.

burned out before moving

n Your eyes may take up to 30

minutes to readjust to darkness after
exposure to light

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 98 / Section 4 / Fight

Vehicle and
Marking, and
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
When attack warning
occurs, drive your vehicle to
Seek overhead cover and close facility doors.
your designated shelter or seek
cover beneath the best available overhead protection. Turn-off the engine,
close hatches and doors, install protective covers, and pre-position M8
Paper on horizontal surfaces. Equipment operators should likewise shut-
down equipment, close access doors and panels, install protective covers,
and pre-position M8 Paper. Take cover!

After the attack (when youre released) check the pre-positioned M8

Paper for contamination. If contaminated, remove the barrier material and
dispose as contaminated waste. Notify your UCC of the contamination
status. Check the asset again with M8 Paper. If contaminated with a liquid
chemical agent, operationally decontaminate the asset within 1 hour from
the time of contamination.
Non porous surfaces (i.e.
glass, unpainted metal)
wont let liquid chemical
agents quickly penetrate
the surfacethat represents
the most dangerous area
on a contaminated surface.
Use M295 decon kits and
decon surfaces that must be
continuously touched. A 5%
chlorine bleach solution can
augment the decontamination
process (if available).
Remove contaminated barriers.
Theres no operational method of
decontaminating textiles (canvas storage
covers, seatbelts, webbing, carpet) once
theyve become contaminated with a liquid
chemical agent. Place barrier material over
these items or replace them if possible.

Contaminated vehicles and equipment

Cant decon textiles. are not unserviceabledont abandon or
stop protecting them if they were previously
contaminated. If you wear the right IPE and follow appropriate measures,
you can continue to use contaminated vehicles and equipment.

Mark vehicles and

equipment with the
appropriate NBC hazard
marker (or equivalent)
to show they were
contaminated. For vehicles,
place the marker in the SEE
Page 20
lower center portion of Mark vehicles. Quick
the windshield. Annotate NBC
ce ,

the AF Form 1800-series operators Hazard

Follow procedures when using form when the marker is placed.
contaminated vehicle. Equipment operators should use the
appropriate inspection form outlined in
the equipment technical data. Include the date and time of contamination,
the agent type, and the location of the contamination on the vehicle. If the
inspection form is not available or itself becomes contaminated, provide
the same information, along with the vehicle registration or equipment
identification numbers to your UCC.

Vehicle operators and passengers should place barrier materials on

seats if they or seat areas are (or were previously) contaminated. Body heat
and pressure (from sitting) increases the potential for liquid chemical agents
to penetrate the overgarment. Also, consider covering steering wheels with
barrier materialthis is especially important for vehicles with open cabs or
driver compartments.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 99 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 100 / Section 4 / Fight

Convoy Procedures
Ref AFJMAN 24-306
If you must travel in a vehicle convoy,
pay close attention to the predeparture
convoy briefing thats applicable to both
drivers and riders.

n Be qualified to operate the vehicle
n Inspect your vehicle every 24 hours
n Annotate AF Form 1800, Operators Inspection
Guide and Trouble Report
n Ensure your vehicle is properly equipped
- Check for spare tires, tire changing
equipment, first aid kit, flashlight, fire
extinguisher, etc.
n Guard vehicle anytime convoy has stopped

Drivers and Riders Must Know:

n Primary and alternate travel routes,
checkpoints, and timelines
Vehicles are force multipliers. n Everyone must be alert to possible threats
or hazards during the entire convoy and be
prepared to defend against them
n Order of movement
n What to do during road blocks and breakdowns
n Speed limits
n Distance and intervals

Convoy Attack Procedures

Air Attack
n Sound a series of short blasts on the
vehicle horn
n Pull vehicle off the road, maintain intervals
n Seek cover away from the vehicles
n Notify UCCgive time, location, and
activity using S-A-L-U-T-E
n Remain under cover until All Clear Watch vehicle interval spacing.
Ambush (IED, Rockets, Mortars, Small Arms)
n Take an alternate route
n Notify UCCgive time, location, and
activity using S-A-L-U-T-E
n Speed up and drive out of the kill zone or
halt convoy
n Dismount and return fire as a last resort
n Assemble and move out of the area
n Assemble at a safe distance
NOTE: See page 42 for IED threats.

Vehicle Break Down

Watch for ambush. n Repair the vehicle, if possible
n If irreparable, tow it if possible
n If towing isnt possible, call for a wrecker
n If convoy must leave, two people must remain in defensive posture
n Ensure personnel left behind have equipment, food, water,
communications, and currency
n If vehicle may fall into enemy hands, destroy or disable it

n Lead vehicle notifies convoy
n All vehicles stop
n Disperse in a defensive posture
n Assess the roadblock
n Watch for booby-traps or
n Look for IEDs made to look like
roadside garbage or debris
n Report the location and nature
of the roadblock to UCC
n If roadblock can be moved or
Go around roadblocks.
breached, do so immediately
n If the roadblock cant be moved
or breached, switch to an alternate route

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 101 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 102 / Section 4 / Fight

Weapons SkillsRifle
Ref TO 11W3-5-5-41, AFMAN 31-229, TO 11W3-5-5-24
You must be able to competently handle your
assigned weapon. Prior training, along with
this information, will keep you ready if you
must fulfill your force protection role.

Weapon Safety
n Never point your weapon at anyone or
anything youre not willing to shoot
n Consider all weapons as loaded
n Clear all weapons during issue and
turn-in at a designated safe place or as
instructed by superiors
n Keep your finger off the trigger until
youre prepared to engage your
n Dont shoot anything you cant
positively identify
n Know whats behind your target
n Keep weapon on safe until ready
to shoot

Dont shoot at anything you cant identify.

Keep weapon on
safe until ready to
M16A2 Characteristics

n Maximum rates of fire: n Maximum range, 3938 yds

- Semiautomatic, 45 rpm (3600 m)
- Automatic (3-round burst), n Maximum effective ranges:
90 rpm - Point target, 602 yds (550 m)
- Sustained,12 to 15 rpm - Area target, 875 yds (800 m)

M4 Carbine Characteristics

n Maximum rates of fire: n Maximum range, 3938 yds

- Semiautomatic, 45 rpm (3600 m)
- Automatic (3-round burst), n Maximum effective ranges:
90 rpm - Point target, 550 yds (500 m)
- Sustained, 12 to 15 rpm - Area target, 660 yds (600 m)

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 104 / Section 4 / Fight

Clearing Procedures

1 Attempt to place
weapon on Safe

2 Remove magazine
from weapon by
pressing magazine
release button
3a Lock bolt to rear.
Visually inspect
chamber and
receiver area for
live rounds or

3b If bolt is in forward position, push in on

BOTTOM of bolt release, then pull charging
handle all the way to rear. After bolt has
been locked back, ensure charging handle is
placed fully forward

4 Check to make sure

weapon is on safe
1 Clear weapon
2 Send bolt
3 Remove sling
4 Remove
Bolt Carrier Group
(may use
buddy system)
5 Separate upper
and lower
Upper Receiver
6 Remove
bolt carrier
group and
a Pull back
handle and bolt
b Remove
bolt carrier,
then charging Lower Receiver
handle Group
handle to hold
small parts
c Remove firing pin retaining pin
d Remove firing pin from the rear of the bolt carrier
e Push bolt and carrier group together, rotate cam pin 1/4 turn, then lift
out of the bolt carrier
f Remove bolt assembly from carrier
g Press the rear of the extractor relieving spring pressure and press out
extractor pin
h Remove extractor and spring (do not separate spring from extractor
7 Remove buffer and action spring

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 106 / Section 4 / Fight

Function Check
n Start with a CLEARED WEAPON, bolt forward, on SAFE
n Pull the trigger
n Weapon should not dry fire (hammer should not fall)
n Place on SEMI and pull the trigger
n Weapon should dry fire (hammer falls)
n Hold the trigger to the rear and charge the weapon
n Release trigger slowly (you should hear an audible click)
n Repeat semi test five times
n Place the weapon on BURST and pull the trigger
n Weapon should dry fire (hammer falls)
n Hold the trigger to the rear and release the weapon charging handle
three times
n Release the trigger. Pull the trigger and hammer should fall
M16A2 and M4 Carbine Ammunition
n M855 Ball with green tip
n M856 Tracer with orange tip
These are the standard rounds for the M16A2 and
M4 Carbine.

Loading Procedures
n Visually inspect rifle to ensure
weapon is on safe and no
ammunition is present in
chamber or receiver
n Send bolt forward by slapping
bolt release on left side of
n Insert magazine
Insert magazine.
Firing the Weapon
n Pull charging handle fully to the rear and
release (allow bolt to slam forward)
n Place weapon to Semi
n Aim and shoot

Reloading Procedures
n Remove empty
Know whats behind your target. n Insert new magazine
n Slap bolt release
to allow bolt to go
n Continue to fire

Unloading Procedures Insert new magazine.

n Remove magazine
n Ensure weapon is on safe
n Lock bolt to rear
n Visually inspect chamber and receiver area

Remove empty magazine.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 108 / Section 4 / Fight

Immediate Action Procedures (SPORTS)

If the weapon fails to fire:
S Slap upward on bottom of magazine to ensure magazine is fully seated
P Pull charging handle to rear
O Observe to see if a round or cartridge casing was ejected and chamber
and receiver area are clear (if chamber or receiver is not clear, proceed
to remedial action)
R Release charging handle (allow bolt to slam forward)
T Tap forward assist button to ensure bolt is fully forward
S Shoot

Remedial Action Procedures

If immediate action does not
correct problem, or an obstruction
is found during immediate action:
n Clear weapon
n Check again for jammed
cartridge case Note: inspect
closely, a ruptured cartridge
case can be difficult to see
n If cartridge case is detected,
use a cleaning rod to remove
n Reload weapon
n Select Semi Pull charging handle.
n Fire

Shove rod into barrel to clear jammed cartridge.

Fundamentals of Shooting and Firing
n Establish steady firing position
n Establish GOOD stock weld (face should be in firm
contact with stock of weapon.) Ensure tip of nose is no
further than two fingers width behind charging handle to
establish proper eye relief
n Align sights (sight adjustment alignment)
n Align sights on target (sight picture)
n Place no more than first pad of finger on
n Hold your breath
n With steady, increasing pressure, pull
trigger to rear
n After weapon recoils, realign sights and
start fundamentals process again (do not break stock weld)
n Remember to be consistent with face placement, sight alignment, sight
picture, and breadth control. Be as motionless as possible while pushing
trigger to rear

Good sight picture.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 110 / Section 4 / Fight

M16A2 Sight Adjustment Alignment

n Front sight adjustments are used to make

elevation changes
n To adjust the front sight, use the tip of an
ammunition round to depress the
detent then rotate the sight clockwise to raise
the bullet path or counter clockwise to lower
the bullet path
n One click = 3/8 inch (0.9 cm) at 82 ft (25 m) or
1 3/8 inch (3.5 cm) at 328 ft (100 m)

front sight

rear sight,
elevation rear sight, windage

n Rear sight adjustments are used to make changes in the right and
left movement (windage) of the bullet and elevation or range distance
n Windage correction is one click = 1/8 inch (0.3 cm) at 82 ft (25 m) or
1/2 inch (1.25 cm) at 328 ft (100 m)
n Elevation correction is one click = 1/4 inch (0.7 cm) at 82 ft (25 m) or
1 inch (2.8 cm) at 328 ft (100 m). Elevation adjustment on the rear
sight is to adjust for proper target distance
Mechanically Zeroing the M16A2

Mechanically zeroing your weapon is only necessary when the weapon

zero is questionable, the weapon is newly assigned to you, or the weapon
sights have been serviced.

Adjust Adjust the elevation knob (3)

the front counterclockwise, as viewed
sight post from above, until the rear sight
(1) up or assembly (4) rests flush with
down until the carrying handle and the 8/3
the base marking
of the front is
sight post aligned
is flush with with
the front the
sight post index
housing (2) line

Position the apertures (5)

so the unmarked aperture is up and the
0-200 meter aperture is down. Rotate the
windage knob (6) to align the index mark
on the 0-200 meter aperture with the long
center index line on the rear sight assembly

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 111 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 112 / Section 4 / Fight

Care and Cleaning

Cleaning Equipment
The ideal cleaning kit consists of:
n Handle section, three-rod sections, swab holder, and
n Bore, chamber, small arms cleaning brush (nylon
bristle toothbrush), and pipe cleaners
n Cleaner, Lubricate Preservative (CLP), 12-oz bottle
n Other authorized cleaning equipment:
- Cleaning compound, rifle bore, (RBC)
- Dry cleaning solvent, (SD).
- Lubricating oil weapons (semi-fluid LSA)
- Lubricating oil, arctic weapons (LAW)
- Under all but the coldest arctic conditions, LSA and CLP are the
lubricants to use in temperatures above -10F (-23C)
- LAW is used when temperatures range below -10F (-23C)
Dont use any two lubricants at the same timeclean the weapon thoroughly
before changing lubricants. Also, wear eye protection when cleaning your
Cleaning the Weapon

1 First clean, inspect, and lubricate the

upper receiver and barrel assembly

2 Next clean, inspect, and

lubricate the charging
handle and bolt carrier

3 Clean, inspect,
and lubricate
the lower
receiver and

4 Finally clean, inspect,

and lubricate the

5 Now that the weapon is clean it can be assembled in the reverse order
of disassembly

Field Expedient Cleaning

n Clear weapon
n Clean bolt carrier
n Clean barrel
Note: Required daily when in a field environment.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 114 / Section 4 / Fight

Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Operational and Thorough
n Operationally
decontaminate Chem/Bio
contaminated weapons
within minutes after
(if possible)
n Use M291 or M295 decon Operational decon.
n Use water-soaked rags to remove decon powder residue
n To thoroughly decontaminate, disassemble and soak or
submerge in 5% chlorine solution for the duration identified
by NBCD-Cell controllers
n Always wear gloves when cleaning
or handling previously contaminated
n Decontaminate cleaning tools
(cleaning rods and brushes) with a
5% chlorine solution
n Dispose of used weapons cleaning materials as
contaminated waste

Contaminated Weapons Handling in

Armories or Closed Spaces
If not thoroughly decontaminated, previously
contaminated weapons may become vapor hazards
to unmasked people within closed or unventilated
areas. When a previously contaminated weapon
is not needed for immediate use, double-wrap in a
plastic bag and mark the bag. The bag will reduce
the residual hazard and prevent exposure to low-
level Chem/Bio vapors.
Use vapor barriers.
Weapons Destruction
If necessary, weapons must be destroyed to prevent enemy use. The
commander will give the destruct order (if that time comes.) Weapons
destruction methods include:
n Mechanicalaxe, pick, sledgehammer, or crowbardo not use this
method to destroy munitions
n Burninggasoline, diesel, JP-4, oil, incendiary grenades, cutting torches,
n Gunfireartillery, machine-guns or rifles
n Demolitionrequires suitable explosives or ammunition
n Disposalbury in the ground or dump weapons in streams or marshes
(you can also disassemble and scatter the parts over a wide area)
n Destroy the same part on all weapons

Destroy the same part on all weapons.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 115 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 116 / Section 4 / Fight


#2 pencil works best

Weapons SkillsPistol/M9
Ref TO 11W3-3-5-1, AFMAN 31-229
You must be able to competently
handle your assigned weapon. Prior
training, along with this information,
will keep you ready if you must use
your weapon.

Weapon Safety
n Never point your weapon at anyone or anything youre not willing to
n Consider all weapons as loaded
n Clear all weapons each time you handle them
n Keep your finger off the trigger until youre prepared to engage your
n Dont shoot anything you cant positively identify
n Know whats behind your target
n Keep weapon on safe until ready to use

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 117 / Section 4 / Fight

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 118 / Section 4 / Fight

n Weapon will fire both single and double action.
Safety feature includes a manual decocking
lever and firing pin block
n Maximum effective range is 55 yd (50 m) with a
maximum range of 1.1 miles (1800 m)
firing pin block
spring guide
n Slide assembly consists of
the decocking lever, firing recoil spring
pin, extractor, barrel, firing
pin block, locking block,
and sights
n Receiver assembly slide
consists of disassembly
button and lever, slide
stop, trigger, magazine
catch assembly/release
slide assembly
button, grips, hammer, and
lanyard loop
n Magazine assembly
consists of the floor plate,
magazine spring, follower,
and magazine tube

magazine assembly

receiver assembly

Types of Ammunition
n M882 Ball
124-grain jacketed bullet,
basic cartridge for field use
n No tracer round is
authorized for use in the M9
Clearing Procedures

1 Holding the pistol in 3 Grasp the slide

the right hand, move with the left hand,
the decocking cupping the left
lever DOWN to the hand over the
SAFE position ejection port

2 Press the magazine

release button and
remove the magazine

5 Catch the ejected

round in the left
palm and lock the
4 Next, rotate the slide to the rear
weapon slightly to the 6 Visually inspect
right while pushing the chamber and
the slide to the receiver area to
rear ensure there is no
ammunition present

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 120 / Section 4 / Fight

Disassembly (Fieldstrip)
n Clear the weapon and then allow the slide to go forward
n Hold pistol in right hand with muzzle slightly elevated
n Press in on the disassembly lever and hold
n Rotate the disassembly lever down until it stops
n Pull slide and barrel assembly forward and remove from the receiver
use caution when separating recoil spring and guide as theyre under
spring tension and can cause injury
n Lift and remove the barrel and locking block assembly from the slide

Function Check
n Clear the weapon
n Release the slide and insert an empty
n Retract the slide, once the slide moves all
the way to the rear, the magazine follower
should hold the slide to the rear
n Remove the magazine
n Ensure the decocking lever is down,
release the slide forward (hammer should
fall fully forward)
n Press/release the trigger (firing pin block
should move up and down)
n Move decocking lever UP to FIRE position
n Press the trigger (weapon should dry fire
double action)
n Press the trigger and hold to rear
n Retract and release slide
n Release the trigger
(you should hear
audible click and
hammer should not
fall forward)
n Press trigger to
check single action
(hammer should fall)

Destruction of Weapons
Follow same methods as rifle destruction (see page 115).

Loading Procedures
n Visually inspect pistol to ensure
decocking/safety lever is in safe
position (down)
n Insert magazine
n Send slide forward by depressing
slide stop
n Place weapon on fire

n Remove empty
n Insert new
n Release slide
n Fire

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 122 / Section 4 / Fight

Immediate Action
If the weapon fails to
n Ensure decocking
/safety lever is in
the fire position
n Smack upward
on bottom of magazine to ensure it is
fully seated
n Rack the slide to the rear and release
n Fire

Remedial Action Procedures

If immediate action procedures do not
correct problem:
n Remove magazine
n Eject chambered round
n Insert new magazine
n Rack slide to rear and release to
chamber new round
n Attempt to fire
n If pistol still does not fire, replace
Fundamentals of
Pistol Shooting
n Establish firm hand shake grip
(ensure no part of hand is above
tang of weapon)
n Push shooting hand towards target,
non-shooting hand pulls back
towards shooter tang of weapon
n Raise sights to eye level and align
n Place aligned sights on target
n Place first pad of finger on trigger
n Hold breath
n With steady, increasing pressure, pull
trigger to rear
n After weapon recoils realign
sights and apply fundamentals for
subsequent shots
n Remember to be consistent with sight alignment, sight picture, and
breath control. Be as motionless as possible while pulling trigger to rear

Good sight picture.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 124 / Section 4 / Fight


#2 pencil works best

Section 5

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 125 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 126 / Section 5 / Survive

Alarm BlackAttack Is Over,

Initiate Base Recovery
Ref AFMAN 10-2602, AFVA 10-2511
n Audible steady tone siren
n Visual Black Flags
n Assume MOPP 4 or as directed by the commander
n NBCC hazards (facility damage, UXO, NBC
contamination) are likely to be present but may not yet
be marked or reported
n Perform self-aid and buddy care (SABC),
and perform immediate decontamination (if
n Base specialized and unit Post-Attack
Reconnaissance (PAR) teams begin surveys
when directed by the commander
n Commanders will release mission critical
personnel in phases Perform SABC.

Post-Attack Reconnaissance
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
n Remain in a shelter or under cover unless
otherwise directedmission essential personnel
outside only. Keep exposure to a minimum and
remember contamination avoidance
n When contamination is present and movement
is required, dont move between sectors or
zones without prior approvalfollow appropriate
contamination control procedures
n Check the prepositioned M8 Paper throughout
Check for contamination.
the immediate area for signs of contamination
n Check all detectors in your arealisten for
audible alarms
n Check for UXOs
n Report positive and negative findings to your UCC
n Negative detector readings dont necessarily equate to hazard-free assets;
liquids may have absorbed but low level vapors may still be present
n Replace prepositioned
contaminated M8 Paper with SEE
Post-Attack Damage
new papermark date and time Page 21
and Casualty
placed on the paper Quick Checklist Items
n Treat contaminated M8 Paper Grid M ce,
aps 1 Call your UCC or
as contaminated waste
n Avoid contact with objects and SRC representative
areas that may be contaminated and report:
n Use M291/M295 kits to operationally a Name/rank
decontaminate areas you must touch to b Unit
perform your mission (within the first hour of c Phone/radio net
contamination if possible) d Date/time/type of
n If double or triple layer sheets of barrier contamination
material covered contaminated assets, 2 Report the location
carefully remove the outer layer, of the incident:
and replace it as time permits a Facility/grid
n Treat contaminated barrier coordinates/other
material as contaminated waste relevant information
n If contamination is found in the b Report any known
area, identify assets as contaminated damage:
n Mark contaminated c Condition of area/
assets according facility/equipment/
to Air Force installation vehicles/assets
procedures 3 Report the number
n Place NBC marking kit of casualties:
signs or their approved a Dead = D
equivalents on all sides b Injured = I
of contaminated assets c Missing = M
n Mark and update signs Mark contaminated buildings. 4 Report casualty
at Chem/Bio zone disposition:
transition points once established a Evacuated to
n At night, use portable lights or chemical light Casualty Collection
sticks to call attention to markings, however, Point
use only white light to read M8 and b Applied first aid
SEE M9 Paper c Awaiting transport
Page 2 n-Follow 10-Foot Rule
Qu ic k
ce, procedures, if implemented
10-Foo or directed

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 127 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 128 / Section 5 / Survive

Unexploded Ordnance
Ref TO 60A-1-1-4, 60A-1-1-22, AFI 91-201, Vol 4, AFI 32-3001
UXOs are hazards that pose a risk of
causing injury or death! UXOs can be
conventional, chemical, biological, or any
combination thereof. UXOs can be missiles,
bombs, rockets, mines, or other devices
that range in size from very small to large. If SEE
Pages 2
you discover or suspect an object is a UXO, -7,
follow the 4RsRecognize, Record, UXO
Retreat, and Report. Sur vey
a nd
Repor t
n Identify the UXO as a hazard
n Remember features; size, shape, color, and
condition (intact or leaking)

n Mark it from where you are
n DO NOT move closermost UXO have a minimum
lethal radius of 300 ft (100 m), and a much Mark UXO.
greater danger radius
n Use the standard UXO or mine markers or whatever material available
n Ensure markings are visible in all directions and at night

Do not attempt to remove anything that is on or near a UXO

n Evacuate all personnel and equipment from the area
n Retreat the same way you entered or via a clear, well-traveled path
n If evacuation is impossible, isolate or barricade the area to restrict area

n If reporting by radio, transmit from a minimum safe distance of 25 ft
(8 m) for handheld or 100 ft (30 m) for vehicle radios or you could
detonate some UXOs
n Provide all pertinent
details: size, shape,
color, condition,
landmarks, grid

Modern ordnance
Follow UXO checklist.
is complex
and sensitive and can incorporate anti-
disturbance or anti-removal devices. Clearing
any UXO without proper training, tools,
and information could be LETHAL. DO NOT
Warn others. attempt to move or disturb these items.

Protective Measuresthree methods are used to protect people and

equipment: evacuate, isolate, and barricade

Evacuationupon identification of a UXO:

n Retire to a safe distance and enforce evacuation measures when
evacuation is possible
n Evacuate and use available cover to an initial distance of 300 feet for
munitions smaller than 5 inches in diameter, and 500 feet for munitions 5
to 10 inches in diameter
n 1,000 feet for 10 to
20 inches in diameter
and 1,500 feet for
munitions greater
than 20 inches
n Do not remain in the
immediate danger
area any longer than
necessary Pages 2
n Seek SRC Critical,
guidance via your UXO
Sur vey
UCC to determine and
Repor t
the appropriate ing
evacuation distances
for UXO present Stay out of craters.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 129 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 130 / Section 5 / Survive

Isolatesometimes, for mission-related, operational, or other reasons,

evacuation of people or equipment isnt possible or its impossible to leave
a particular area. In these situations, isolate the assets (people, equipment,
and operations) from UXO by establishing a safe area and limiting exposure.
Contact EOD if you must work in an area you suspect UXO or landmines
may be present.

Barricadelimits blast and fragmentation from an explosion

n Suppressive barricades are constructed around a UXO
to suppress an explosion, shock wave, and fragments
n Protective barricades are constructed around exposed
resources to shelter from overpressure and fragments
n Use natural protective barriers whenever possible
n If natural barricades are inadequate, construct artificial
n While building barricades, DO NOT disturb the UXO
and wear all appropriate protective equipment (to
include Kevlar helmets and personal body armor)
Small UXOgenerally less than 3 inches in diameter,
carefully construct a double-wall thickness of sandbags
within 3 to 4 ft around the UXO. Stack the sandbags to at
least 3 ft high and thick enough (minimum two sandbags
deep) to protect personnel and equipment from the blast
and fragmentation.

Medium UXOgenerally from 3 inches to 10 inches

in diameter, a wall thickness of four or five sandbags
within 5 to 7 ft should surround the UXO. Stack the
sandbags to a height of at least 5 ft to protect assets.
Large UXOover 10 inches in diameter
are generally too large to build effective
barricades around them. In these cases,
barricade the equipment and personnel
activity areas.

Reporting Unexploded Unexploded
Ordnance Ordnance
Checklist Items
UXO Spot Reportclearly identifies the
location of the UXO, briefly describes the 1 Call your UCC or
item, and provides the opportunity to include SRC to report
other significant information. a Unit
b Date/time
n The first-echelon report that is sent when 2 Report the location
an observer detects UXO and cordon size of
n Forward the UXO Spot Report to the Unit the UXO
Control Center or chain of command a Bldg number, grid
n Once the information is recorded, the coordinate, distance
report is sent or called in to the SRC from landmark or
EOD representative by the fastest means building, etc.
available b Explain how the UXO
is marked and the
Warningdo not transmit or key distance between the
radios within 8 meters (25 feet) of a UXO and the marker
UXO when using a handheld radio or 3 Report the Class or
within 30 meters (100 feet) of a UXO shape (i.e., Bravo 1
when using a vehicle radio. It may UXO)
cause a detonation. a See Critical section,
page 3, for UXO
4 Report any
identifying features
a For example, the
color, size, length,
and markings
5 Report the condition
25 ft of the UXO
a Is it leaking?
b Is it intact?
c Is it broken?
6 Report any
other significant
Dont transmit within 25 ft.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 131 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 132 / Section 5 / Survive

Contamination Control
Ref AFMAN 32-4005
In a chemical and/or biological
environment, contamination control is
essential to sustained operations. You
must remove contaminated IPE within
24 hours by processing through a
contamination control area (CCA.)

Collective Protection
NBC collective protection enhances Aircrew life support has its own aircrew CCA.
survival. Collective protection systems
provide overpressure, filtration, and controlled entry and exit, and a
contamination-free environment for relief from continuous wear of IPE.
Collective protection supports two mission sustainment areas that quickly
erode in an NBC environment; personnel rest and relief (breaks and
sleeping), and work relief (command and control, medical treatment,
MOPP recovery time after maximum work effort.) Transportable and
expedient collective protection measures are also used to augment existing
capabilities. Your unit shelter management teams are trained to operate
and maintain collective protection systems (where assigned.)

Temporary structure with collective protection.

Contamination Control Area (CCA)
A form of thorough decontamination
incorporates these features:
n Transportation drop off point
n Entrance and holding area
n Contact hazard area (CHA)
n Vapor hazard area (VHA)
n Mask decon and refurbishment area
n Toxic free area (TFA) where you can
operate without chemical protective
A CCA is a form of Pages 2
Trained CCA 00
thorough decon. and 201
assistants will usually Quick
help you process safely Referen
through the CCA. You CCA
can expedite your CCA s
processing experience by
closely listening to the CCA assistants
and doing exactly what they tell you to
do, and by reading and understanding
each processing step before you
perform that task.

Follow CCA procedures. Use the buddy system.

Watch out for problems that might arise in the CCA

processing area during high wind conditions.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 134 / Section 5 / Survive

M8 Chemical Agent Detection Paper

Ref TO 11H2-14-5-1

Detection Operational Limitations

n Detects G and V nerve agents n Use only white light to read

and H and L blister agents n M8 Paper will function in
n Provides a manual liquid snow, rain, and sleet, but not if
detection capability saturated with water
n Supplied in booklets of 25 n If M8 Paper is saturated with
perforated pages of paper water, it should be replaced
containing chemical agent n M8 Paper reaction is immediate
sensitive dyes at temperatures above 32F and
n Inspect prior to use. Discard slow to several minutes below
M8 Paper that shows signs of 32F
wetness, wrinkling, dirt, damage, n Dye will rapidly deteriorate at
or discoloration temperatures above 125F
n If M8 Paper is not pre-positioned, n Some items such as wasp spray
blot (do not rub or scrub) over and cleaning supplies may
nonporous surface like glass or produce false positives.
bare metal surfaces suspected
to be contaminated
n Mark date and time of placement

Positive M8 Paper Results

When liquid nerve or blister agents contact M8 Paper, a color change takes
place. Report color changes to your UCC.
Gold or Yellow G-series nerve

Pink or Red H- or L- series blister

Blue or Dark Green V-series nerve

Red-brown* GF nerve agent

*This positive indication is not presented on the color comparison chart inside the cover of the M8 packet.
WarningAlways wear protective gloves when touching the detector
paper. Do not place the detector paper in or near your mouth or skin.

Deposition pattern #1. see

Deposition pattern #2.

you see
Deposition pattern #3.

M8 Paper showing VX nerve contamination at approximately 250

microns, with three examples of various deposition patterns.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 136 / Section 5 / Survive

The average size of a VX-Nerve liquid droplet that reaches the ground
is expected to be 200-250 microns in sizeat the beginning detectable
threshold for the average eye to see, under optimum light levels. Now,
imagine reading M8 Paper results through your protective mask, during
darkness, with a flashlight, and under a high OPTEMPO! Knowing what to
look for will help you prepare for this difficult challenge.

200-250 micron drops will be difficult to see with the naked eye.
M9 Chemical Agent Detection Paper (Tape)
Ref TO 11H2-2-21

Intended Use Inspection

M9 Paper is worn on clothing or Inspection is a user responsibility.
attached to vehicles or equipment. Inspect shipping bag and dispenser. If
Preferred operating range is 32F to shipping bag is torn or open, discard
125F, with relative humidity up to roll. Check dispenser for shelf life date
100%. stamp and discard if shelf life has
expired. If dispenser is crushed, wet,
Sensitive Dyes
or cutting edge is missing, discard.
M9 Paper contains sensitive dyes Check paper for discoloration, tears,
that change color in the presence creases, or dirt. If paper comes apart
of liquid chemical agents (G- and V- from backing, discard.
series) and H and L blister agents.
Operational Life
Color Changes One year in temperate, tropic, and
Color changes identify agent desert regions. Two years, in frigid
presence, (Not Agent Type.) Liquid zones after removal from the shipping
agent positive indicators include: pink, bag. The shelf life of M9 Paper (Tape)
any shade of red, red-brown, and is 8 years from the manufacture date.
red-purple. Blue, yellow, green, gray, Operational Limitations
or black spots are not from a liquid n Temperatures above 125F
chemical agent. n Brake fluid, hydraulic fluid,
gasoline, aircraft, and
M9 automotive grease, and insect
repellents cause false responses
n M9 Paper does not provide rapid
results at temperatures below
M9 M9
32F, but will function

WarningAlways wear
protective gloves when
touching the detector paper.
Do not place the detector
M9 paper in or near your mouth
or skin.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 138 / Section 5 / Survive

Nuclear Attack/Radioactive Individual

Protective Actions
Ref AFMAN 10-2602

Initial Actions

n Store or remove flammable materials

from the populated shelter areas and
work centers
n If advanced warning of a detonation is
received, find shelter that provides the
greatest protection
n Use window barriers and shielding
to improve protection for buildings or
n Upon seeing the nuclear flash, seek
protection from the blast wave, heat,
and flying debris
n If a detonation occurs without warning,
immediately drop to the ground in a
prone position. Tightly cover your face
with both hands. Do not move until the
initial blast wave and any reflected blast
waves have passed
Follow-on Actions
n Remain within protected areas or
shelters until directed otherwise
n Perform damage assessment, self-aid
and buddy care, and reporting actions
n Decon yourself by brushing dust/fallout
off of your clothing or by blotting away
with adhesive tapeRinse exposed skin
n Limit radiation exposure by minimizing
time spent outside in contact with
fallout, and maximizing time in shelter
and distance from radiation
Nuclear and Biological
Ref AFMAN 32-4017, AFMAN 10-2602
Nuclear Concerns
The primary products of a nuclear
detonation are:
n Blast and shock
n Thermal radiation (heat)
n Nuclear radiation
Nuclear blast energy distribution.
n Ballistic debris for surface and shallow
sub-surface bursts

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

May cause widespread communications and/or electrical problems after a
nuclear detonation.

Types of Nuclear Radiation

Can affect you initially at the time of the burst, or delayed as fallout.
n Alphaharmful if internalized
n Betamay cause skin burns; harmful if internalized
n Gammadestroys living cells; harmful when exposed
n Neutronemitted only during detonation, but 20 times more harmful than

Radiation hazards.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 140 / Section 5 / Survive

Radiation Dispersal Device (RDD)is any device that causes the

purposeful dissemination of radioactive material across an area without a
nuclear detonation. An RDD could function as a terror weapon or terrain-
denial mechanism. One type of RDD could function by using conventional
explosives to blow-up and scatter radioactive source debris across a
relatively small area-also known as a dirty bomb.

Radiation Sickness
n Caused by radiation destroying cells within the body at a rate the body
cannot overcome
n Radiation sickness is not contagious
n Early symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and illness
n Subsequent symptoms, severe body fluid loss, internal hemorrhaging,
and diarrhea

Individual Decontamination
n Radioactive material cant be neutralizedit must be removed from
affected surfaces
n Brush dust from uniform and footwear
n Thoroughly wash dust from skin and body
n Avoid breathing dust by covering nose/mouth with dust mask,
handkerchief, or equivalent
n Limit time spent in fallout environment

Depleted Uranium (DU)

An extremely dense radioactive metal 40% less radioactive than natural
n DU presents a moderate hazard
n Minimize time near the radioactive source
n Maximize the distance between the source and yourself
Military uses include:
n Protective shielding in armored vehicles
n Munitions designed to penetrate heavy armor
n Aircraft counterbalances
n 30 mm Armor Piercing Incendiary (API) GAU-8 munitions
Biological Agent
Individual Protective Actions
Immunizations and Preventative
Keep your immunizations current.

Physical Health

Poor physical health reduces your bodys

ability to resist and fight infections.
Regular exercise and balanced meals
build and maintain your bodys natural
resistance to diseases.


Frequently washing with soap and water

prevents and eliminates most areas where
biological agents multiply. Protecting skin
cuts and abrasions also denies biological
agents additional pathways of entry into
your body.


Wash all fruits and vegetables before

eating and ensure that all foods are
thoroughly cooked. Additionally, drink only
from approved water sources, and only
use ice thats approved for consumption.

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Biological Warfare and

Biological Terrorism
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Biological agents include viruses, bacteria, fungi,
and toxins cultured from living organisms that
are developed to produce death or disease in
humans, animals, or plants. Biological agents
may be found as liquid droplets, aerosols, or
dry powders and can be adapted for use as a
terrorist weapon.

Advantages of Biological Agents as

Weapons: Keep immunizations up-to-date.
n Easy to obtain, inexpensive to produce
n Potential for high number of casualties
n Can overwhelm medical services and resources
n Threat of use, and use may create widespread panic

Routes of Infection:
n Skin
- Cuts
- Abrasions
- Mucous membranes (eye, nose, mouth)
n Gastrointestinal
- FoodPotentially significant route of delivery
- WaterCapacity to affect large numbers of people
n Respiratory
- Inhalation of spores, droplets, and aerosols
- Aerosols are an effective delivery method

What can be done?

n Awareness
n Individual and collective protection
n Detection and characterization
n Treatment
n Safe practices
Immunizations and Treatmentkeeping immunizations current is
paramount. In some cases, you may be issued a pretreatment based upon
the deployed region and the specific threat. If youre given a prevention or
treatment, like CiproTM for example for inhaled anthrax, you MUST NOT
deviate from taking your prescribed dose at the required interval until
directed otherwise.

Disease Incubation Symptoms Transmission Protection

Inhaled 2-6 days Flu-like symptoms Aerosol inhalation 3 of the 6
Anthrax Range: Respiratory distress No person- anthrax shots
2 days- (Anthrax infection of skin to-person could protect;
8 weeks sequence: Initial itching bump transmission CiproTM after
on skin, 1-3 cm painless ulcer, infected
dead skin tissue center; fever)

Botulism 12-72 Difficulty swallowing or Aerosol inhalation Personal

hours speaking Food ingestion hygiene to
Range: Weakness No person- protect;
2 hrs-8 Respiratory dysfunction to-person Antitoxins
days No sensory dysfunction transmission after infected
No fever
Plague 1-3 Sudden onset of fever, chills, Person-to-person Hygiene and
(pneumonic days by headache transmission in gloves, mask;
and bubonic) inhalation Pneumonic: cough, chest pain pneumonic forms Antibiotics after
Bubonic: painful lymph nodes infected

Tularemia 2-5 days Fever, cough, chest tightness, Inhalation of agents Respiratory
pneumonic Range: 1- painful and difficult respiration No person-to-person protection;
21 days transmission but Antibiotics
laboratory personnel longer than
at risk 7 days after

Smallpox 12-14 High fever and muscle pain; Person-to-person Hand wash,
days itching; abdominal pain; transmission immunization to
Range: delirium protect
7-17 days Rash on face, extremities, Respiratory
hands, feet; confused with protection
chickenpox which has less Treat symptoms
uniform rash after infected
Negative pressure
and surface

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 144 / Section 5 / Survive

Operational Differences Between Chemical

Warfare and Biological Warfare Agents
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Chemical and biological agents can be employed with equally deadly
effects. However, there are some distinct differences in their employment
and detection. One difference is the quantity of agent needed to generate a
widespread effect and the methods needed to carry-out their effective use. It
takes considerable effort to deliver a chemical weapon that holds a militarily
significant amount of agent needed to produce widespread coverage.
Bacteria, viruses, and biological toxins, on the other hand, can be delivered
with relative ease when compared to chemical agent delivery. This table
shows some of the differences:

Chemical Biological
Warfare Agent vs. Warfare Agent
Release Site of Quickly discovered, possible to cordon Difficult to identify, probably not possible
Weapon off contaminated/attack areas or useful to cordon off area of attack

Manifestation of Rapid, usually minutes to hours after Delayed, usually days to weeks after an
Symptoms an attack attack (except toxins)

Distribution of Downwind area near point of release Widely and rapidly spread, difficult to
Affected Patients track or predict

Signatures Easily observed (colored residue, dead Typically no characteristic signatures

foliage, pungent odor, dead insect and immediately after attack
animal life)

Medical Chemical antidotes Limited vaccines, antibodies, and/or

Countermeasures antitoxins and antivirals for some agents

Casualty After decontamination and/or Patient isolation/quarantine crucial if

Management and weathering, no further need for communicable disease is involved
Contamination protective measures or risk of further

During increased threats and in high threat areas, trained teams

continuously monitor bases with specialized detectors that can warn you
of the presence of chemical and biological warfare agents. Listen closely
for public address announcements and radio updates, and listen for alarms
from detectors that are spread throughout the base to provide you with an
early warning of attack.
Chemical Agent Nerve Agents
Individual Protective Actions
Characteristics Symptoms Protection
n Some may have n Pinpointing of n Take Pyridostigmine
a fruity smell or pupils and muscular Bromide tablets (P-
camphor odor, others twitching Tabs) as directed
may be odorless n Dimness of vision and NOTE: These are
n Most lethal of all runny nose effective against
agents n Tightness of chest Soman (GD) only
n Symptoms can be and difficulty in n Wear IPE (MOPP 4),
immediate; lethal breathing or as directed
within minutes. n Excessive sweating, n Practice
n Affects nervous drooling, nausea contamination
system and vomiting, and avoidance and
n May be inhaled, involuntary urination expedient
ingested, or absorbed and defecation decontamination
through the skin n Convulsions, coma, n Use nerve agent
n In vapor, solid, or death auto-injectors when
liquid form n Intermittent experiencing
n Antidotes may be cumulative exposures symptoms
effective even if given to very low amounts n Flush eyes and open
to a victim having can lead to the same wounds with water
advanced symptoms, ultimate effect as a and protect from
as long as the victim single exposure to further contamination
continues a higher n Use decon kits to
to breathe amount absorb agents on skin
n Seek medical
attention as soon as
possible after any
exposure or as soon
as symptoms appear

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 146 / Section 5 / Survive

Nerve Agent
Antidote Injectors safety caps
Ref AFH 36-2218
Use Auto-Injectors for
Nerve Agents ONLY! needle end
n Wear protective mask
n Remove one atropine injector Mark 1 kit.
(small injector) from a Mark 1 Kit
and remove safety cap
n Position injector against injection site, apply firm even pressure until
needle is triggered
n Hold injector firmly in place for 10 seconds
n Carefully remove injector and bend needle, attach to an OG pocket
n Remove the 2 PAM Chloride injector (large injector), remove safety cap,
and repeat the steps above

WARNING: If within 5-10 minutes after administration of the

first set of injectors, your heart beats very quickly and your
mouth becomes very dry, do not inject a second Mark 1 kit.

n If mild symptoms persist after 10 to 15 minutes, have a buddy administer

a second Mark 1 kit
n Seek medical help

Remove cap Inject antidote Pin to pocket

Mark 1 kits.
With Severe Symptoms
n Administer all three
Mark 1 kits followed by
the diazepam injector to
prevent convulsions. In Use buddy care.
cold weather, store kits
in an inside clothing
pocket to protect the antidote from
freezing. Do not wait between kits.

Warning: Do NOT use more than Diazepam injector.

three Mark 1 kits. The white injector,
diazepam, is to be used when there is
a presence of severe nerve agent poisoning symptoms, and
all three sets of the Mark 1 kits have been administered.
Never use your injectors on somebody else!

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 148 / Section 5 / Survive

Chemical Agent Blister Agents

Individual Protective Actions
Characteristics Symptoms Protection
n Designed more to n Symptoms may be n Wear IPE (MOPP 4),
incapacitate immediate or take or as directed
n Some also known as up to four hours to n Avoid contaminated
mustard agents appear surfaces if possible
n May smell like garlic n May cause stinging n Practice
or have a fishy/musty sensation upon contamination
odor contact avoidance and
n Employed in liquids, n Blisters any tissue it operations decon
or solids contacts n Decon skin with
n Destroys tissues, n Red, watering eyes M291/M295 decon
injures blood vessels, n Blurred vision kits
causes blisters n Light sensitivity n Seek medical
n Some violently irritate n Blindness attention as soon as
mucous membranes n Sweaty groin and possible after any
in eyes and nose armpits are more exposure or as soon
n Affects eyes, susceptible to blister as symptoms appear
respiratory tract, and agents
n May be lethal if
inhaled, ingested,
or through skin
n Incapacitation may
last for days or weeks
Toxic Industrial Material (TIM)
TIM hazards may be manufactured, stored, distributed, or transported
in close proximity to airbases. Most present a vapor (inhalation) hazard.
They may also reduce the oxygen concentration below that required to
support life.

Category Type of Material Primary Uses

Agriculture Insecticides, Agriculture, Vector

Herbicides, Fertilizers Control

Industrial Chemical and Manufacturing

Radiological Materials Processes, Cleaning,
Water Treatment

Production and Chemicals and Laboratories, Storage

Research Biological Materials Facilities

Radiological Nuclear Fuel, Medical Nuclear Power Plants,

Sources Medical Facilities,
Industrial Plants,


The most important action is

immediate evacuation outside the
hazards path (if feasible.) The
protective mask, ensemble,
and military standard
collective protection
filters are not designed to
provide protection from
TIMs. If evacuation is impractical,
implement shelter-in-place

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 150 / Section 5 / Survive

Ref HQ AFCESA Protective Actions Planning Guide for
Individuals and Facility Managers
Shelter-in-place isnt the answer to
every situation. However, it may be
the only short-term practical solution to
protect large populations in dormitories,
workcenters, and office complexes
following certain hazardous material
(HAZMAT) incidents. Shelter-in-place is
Seek cover.
most effective when occupants pre-plan
and practice contingency actions. Here are some shelter-in-place tips:

Outdoor Hazard While Youre Outside a Buildingan outdoor hazard

release may result from an accident during
storage, transport, fire, or the result of a
malicious act.
n Take cover
n Notify others
n Don available protective equipment
n Report the event
n Perform self-aid and buddy care as
n Seek nearest building or safest area
n Shelter-in-place until otherwise
directed Notify others, take cover.
n Follow shelter or facility manager instructions

Outdoor Hazard While Youre Inside a

Buildingto a very limited degree, buildings
act as natural filters. In some cases, shelter-
in-place can offer limited short-term protection
against airborne hazards that originate
outdoors. Purging a building after an airborne
hazard has passed can eliminate hazards that
have infiltrated the interior.
n Turn off HVAC and exhaust fan(s), fans,
and combustion heaters Turn off HVAC.
n Secure classified material
n Move to a central safe room
or area
n If directed, evacuate upwind
or crosswind
n Notify unit control center
n Upon return, purge and
ventilate buildings when
- Open operable windows
and doors
- Turn on smoke and
Stay indoors.
exhaust fans
- Turn on HVAC air
handlers and fans
Outdoor Hazard
While Youre Inside
an Expeditionary or
Temporary Structure
may include tents,
temporary buildings,
trailers, or portable
hard-wall shelters used
by military forces in
deployments. If the
analysis of hazardous
materials threat indicates Temporary structure.
an accidental or deliberate
release could occur without warning:
n Operate HVAC systems, including window units, in the closed or
recirculation mode at all times
n If a release warning is provided, follow the previous guidelines
n Aircrew (before or after taxiing) actions include closing hatches and
windows and using oxygen masks (if available)
n Passengers might evacuate aircraft as required by the situation

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Inside hazard while youre inside the

buildingan inside release could result from
an industrial chemical spill or biological or
radiological material release from supplies,
equipment, or mail (as in the case where a
contaminated letter affected a US post office.)
Buildings generally inhibit the exchange of
inside and outdoor air. An affected building
could remain unusable without a significant
rehabilitation effort. Many hazards produced by an inside release can be
much more severe than a similar release outdoors.
n Turn off HVAC, exhaust fan(s), fans, and combustion heaters
n Report the incident to the Fire Department or Security Forces
n Close and seal doors and windows to contain the hazard
n Secure classified material
n Evacuate upwind or crosswind
n Notify unit control center

Turn off HVAC.

MCU-2 Series
Protective Mask
Ref TO 14P4-15-1
With a serviceable C2A1 filter canister
installed, the MCU-2 Series is the first line of
defense for your face, eyes, and respiratory
tract from chemical and biological warfare
agents, radioactive dust particles, and riot
control agents (such as tear gas.)

Operational Considerations
n Do not over tighten the mask. Over
tightening may actually cause leaks
n Check the mask for leaks every time you
don it by performing a leak check
n Don the mask quicklyit should be donned
and sealed before you take another breath
n The mask is a filter respiratorit doesnt
supply or produce oxygen
n The mask is ineffective in environments with
insufficient oxygen to support life Second skin installed.
n The mask is ineffective
in industrial chemical environments such as ammonia
or chlorine spills, or within carbon monoxide
n Dont loosen the head harness straps for
comfort if you wear a hood over the outlet valve.
If loosened, you could become unprotected
against toxic agents or suffocate by carbon
n Dont remove your mask outdoors if you
become overheated in cold weather until your
head cools and any sweat has driedfrostbite
may result
n Use buddy checks when possible

Properly store mask inside carrier.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 154 / Section 5 / Survive

MCU-2 SeriesWith the filter canister installed,

head harness straps loose and inverted over
the front of the mask, and the outsert removed,
fit test the mask. Note: An unshaven face could
prohibit a mask seal.
Warning: Women should remove hair
clips, pins, etc., and let their hair hang
freely before donning mask.
n Hold the outlet valve assembly in palm
of one hand. Push hair back away from
hairline. Place mask on face forcing chin cup
very tightly against chin
Place chin in chin cup. n Keeping the hair out of the way, pull the
head harness over the head using the quick
don tabthe facepiece should come well up
on the forehead but shouldnt extend over
the hairline at any point
n Push mask as high on face as possible.
Look down at nose to ensure mask is
centered. Hold in this position with one hand
until temple straps are tightened
n Adjust temple straps using small jerking pulls
until the mask feels snug and both sides feel
the same
n Ensure the headpad or skullcap is centered
at the high point of
rear of head. Adjust if
Pull head harness over head.
n With both hands, run
a finger under each
temple tab front-
to-back to check
for snugness and
remove stray hair
from sealing area

Check for leaks.

n Grasp a neck strap in each hand and
tighten with small jerking motions
n Grasp a forehead strap in each hand and
tighten with small jerking motions
n Shake head quickly from side-to-side
and up-and-down. Adjust mask straps
as necessary
n The mask should be comfortable on the
face with no straps cutting or pinching
or so tight that the nosecup presses
painfully on the nose
n Ensure the canister is sealed. Cover
the canister inlet port and inhale until
the lens deflects, then hold your breath.
If lens stays deflected, this is a good
Tighten head harness. indication of a proper fit. If it doesnt,
readjust and recheck your mask until you
get a proper seal
n You can now remove the mask. Loosen
only the mask neck straps. Grasp mask
by outlet valve assembly and remove by
pulling down, outward, then up
n Shake or wipe out any accumulated
moisture before storage

Check seal.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 156 / Section 5 / Survive

Don MCU-2 Series Mask Without Hood

Attached or While Wearing CPONote:
Those who require vision correction should
already be wearing MAG-1 prescription
spectacles, or have an Advantage 1000 optical
insert installed in your mask (as applicable)
n Stop breathing and close your eyes
n Remove your helmet
n Open the mask carrier
n Grasp and remove the mask from the carrier
(dont grasp filter canister)
n Hold outlet valve assembly in palm of one
hand. Using free hand, push forehead hair
aside. Place mask on face, forcing chin-cup
tightly against chin
n Grasp tab and pull head harness over
your head centering the headpad at the
back of your headensure your ears are
between the temple and neck strapsmake
necessary strap adjustments for proper fit
n Block the outlet valve cover openings with
your hand and forcefully exhale so air
Remove mask from carrier. escapes past the edges of your facepiece
n Locate the filter canister, cover the inlet port,
and inhale. The lens should collapse and
stay collapsed while you hold your breath.
n If it does, the facepiece is sealed. If it
doesnt, make necessary adjustments and
n Open your eyes
and resume normal

Quickly don mask.

Center head harness.
n CPO only:
- Pull hood over mask
- Close slide fastener
completely and secure
closure hook-and-pile
fastener tape up as far as
top of slide fastener
- Place edge of hood
around edge of mask and
secure hook-and-pile
fastener tape
- Snap barrel locks together
under chin. Squeeze
barrel lock ends
together. Pull both
drawcord ends at the
same time and slide barrel
locks up to hood to
maintain hood seal
around the mask
- Have another person
check hook seal around Pull hood over head.
mask to ensure hood is
positioned properly and
skin is not exposed. Some
discomfort may be
experienced in the neck
area of CPO coat due to
the close fitting in
the neck area
n Don your helmet and close
the carrier

Secure all closures.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 158 / Section 5 / Survive

Doff MCU-2 Series Mask Without

Hood Attached or While Wearing
Uncontaminated CPOWarning:
If youre contaminated or are in
a contaminated environment,
proceed to a CCA for mask
removal instructions.
n Remove your helmet
n If CPO is worn:
- On CPO jacket, unfasten barrel
locks, loosen hood drawcord, and
pull hood from head so that
the hood hangs behind neck and
n Loosen lower neck straps
n Grasp mask by outlet valve assembly
Loosen barrel locks.
and remove by pulling down, outward,
and up over your head
n Shake or wipe any moisture or frost
accumulations from inside of mask
n Properly stow mask in carrier
n Don your helmet

Open hood, pull back.

Remove mask, shake out moisture.

Install Hood on MCU-2 SeriesEnsure the hood is
serviceable, and then attach it to your mask for
instant use.
n Unfold hood and loosen neck cord
n Turn hood inside out
n Spread hood flat, with the face opening up
n Unfasten underarm straps and hood temple straps
n Place mask face down on hood and insert the
canister through face opening. Adjust mask neck
straps so ends are within one-inch of buckles
n Fasten hood temple straps over mask temple tabs
n Turn hood right side out
n Stretch hood face opening around top and sides
Inspect hood.
of mask lens
n Make sure hood covers top of the
outlet valve cover
n In moderate temperatures (30oF to
90oF) secure hood over voicemitter/
outlet valve assembly
n If hood is to be worn in a biological or
radiological environment, in extreme
temperatures (<30oF or >90oF), stretch
lower part of face open over outlet
valve portion of the assembly so that
the outlet valve cover is outside hood. Secure temple straps.
This procedure is not authorized in a chemical
n Raise back of hood up and over face of mask.
Reverse head harness over face of mask
n Fold sides of hood so that it crosses over the
outlet valve.
n Tuck underarm straps into V at outlet valve.
n Raise folded hood up to cover the eye lens
outsert and fit it snugly under the reversed head
harness. The hood material must not obstruct
the quick-don tab on the head harness
n Stow mask in carrier
Fold hood and stow mask.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 160 / Section 5 / Survive

Don MCU-2 Series with Hood Attached or

While Wearing BDONote: Those who require
vision correction should already be wearing MAG-1
prescription spectacles or have an Advantage 1000
optical insert installed in your mask as applicable
n Stop breathing and close your eyes
n Remove your helmet
n Open the mask carrier with one hand
n Grasp mask with the other hand and remove it
from the carrier (Dont grasp the filter canister)
n Put chin in chin cup very tightly. With your free Chin in chin cup.
hand push hair back away from hairline. Press
mask snugly against your face
n Grasp tab and pull head harness over your head.
Center the headpad (or skull cap) at the back
of your headensure your ears are between the
temple and neck straps
n Grasp a neck strap in each hand and tighten with
small jerking motions
n Block the outlet valve cover openings with your
hand and forcefully exhale so air escapes past
the edges of your facepiece Pull head harness over head
n Locate the filter canister, cover the inlet port, and and check seal.
inhale. The lens should collapse and stay
collapsed while you hold your breath
n If it does, the facepiece is sealed. If it
doesnt, make necessary adjustments and
n Open your eyes and resume normal
n Pull the hood up and over your head and
shouldersmake sure the cape is beneath the Pull hood over head, tighten
neck cord neck cord, and attach
underarm straps.
n Tighten neck cord until cord is snug around neck,
then secure the neck cord at base of the hood
n Pass straps under arms from the rear to front
and fasten the ends to the base of the hood
n Don your helmet and close carrier
Doff MCU-2 Series with Hood
Attached or While Wearing
Uncontaminated BDOWarning:
If youre contaminated or are in
a contaminated environment,
proceed to a CCA for mask removal
n Remove your helmet
n Unfasten underarm straps
n Loosen neck cord and underarm straps
n Pull back of cape forward over head
and leave hood suspended from front of
Loosen cords and straps. mask
n Loosen neck straps and grasp mask by
outlet valve assembly and remove by
pulling down, outward, and up
n Be careful of low temperatures and wind
chill factors in cold climates
n Shake or wipe any moisture or frost
accumulations from inside of hood or
n Reverse head harness over mask
n Stow mask and hood in carrier
n Don your helmet and close carrier

Pull hood over head.

Pull out and up on mask. Remove mask.

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M45 Land Warrior Chemical-

Biological Mask
Ref TM 3-4240-348-10, TO 14P4-18-1
With a serviceable C2A1 filter canister installed, the
M45 is the first line of defense for your face, eyes,
and respiratory tract from chemical and biological
warfare agents, radioactive dust particles, and riot
control agents (such as tear gas.)

Operational Considerations
n Only extra-small and large M45 masks are
issued to hard-to-fit USAF personnel
n Do not over tighten the mask. Over tightening may actually cause leaks
n Check the mask for leaks every time you don it by performing a leak
n Don the mask quicklyit should be donned and sealed before you take
another breath
n The mask is a filter respirator; it doesnt supply or produce oxygenAs
such, its ineffective in environments with insufficient
oxygen to support life
n The mask is ineffective in industrial chemical environments
such as ammonia or chlorine spills, or within carbon monoxide
n Dont loosen the head harness straps for comfort if you
wear a hood over the outlet valve. If loosened, you could
become unprotected against toxic agents or suffocate by
carbon dioxide
n Dont remove your mask outdoors if you become
overheated in cold weather until your head cools and any
sweat has driedfrostbite may result
n Use buddy checks when possible

M45 with second skin installed.

M45 FitWith the filter canister installed, head
harness straps loose and inverted over the front
of the mask, fit test the mask. Note: An unshaven
face could prohibit a mask seal.
n Hold the outlet valve assembly in palm of
one hand. Push hair back away from hairline,
put chin in chin pocket, and press the mask
snugly against your face.
n Keeping the hair out of the way, pull the head
harness over the head using the quick don
tabthe facepiece should come well up on Chin in chin cup.
the forehead
n Adjust forehead straps so mask facepiece
seats well up on your forehead, but not more
than one-half inch into your hairline and
within one inch of your ears
n Adjust temple and neck straps until the mask
feels snug and both sides feel the same and
dont cut into your ears
n Ensure your pupils are positioned above the
center of the eyelens Head harness over head.
n Ensure the nosecup seats comfortably on
your nose
n Ensure the canister is sealed. Cover the
canister inlet port and inhale until the mask
collapses, then hold your breath. If the mask
remains collapsed, this is a good indication of
a proper fit. If it doesnt, readjust and recheck
your mask until you get a proper seal
n You can now remove the mask. Loosen only
the mask neck straps. Grasp mask by outlet
valve assembly and remove by pulling down, Check mask seal.
outward, then up
n Shake or wipe out any accumulated moisture
before storage

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Don M45 Mask Without Hood Attached

or While Wearing CPO
n Stop breathing and close your eyes
n Remove your helmet
n If worn, take off your glasses
n Open the mask carrier
n Grasp and remove the mask from the carrier
(dont grasp filter canister)
n Press chin in chin pocket, push hair back away
from hairline, press mask snugly against your
n Grasp tab and pull head harness over your
head centering the headpad at the back of
your headensure your ears are between the
temple and neck straps Remove from carrier.
n Tighten both neck straps at the same timepull
each neck strap tab out approximately two
inches to seat the mask
n Block the outlet valve cover
openings with your hand
and forcefully exhale so air
escapes past the edges of
your facepiece
n Locate the filter canister,
cover the inlet port, and
inhale. The facepiece Tighten head harness.
should collapse against
your face and stay Chin in chin cup. Pull head
collapsed while you hold harness over head.
your breath.
n If it does, the facepiece is
sealed. If it doesnt, make
necessary adjustments and
n Open your eyes and
resume normal breathing

Mask centered on head. Perform leak test.

n If CPO is worn:
- Pull CPO hood over
- Close slide fastener
completely and
secure closure
fastener tape up as
far as top of slide Pull hood over head and secure.
- Place edge of hood around edge of mask and
secure hook-and-pile fastener tape
- Snap barrel locks together under chin.
Squeeze barrel lock ends together. Pull both
drawcord ends at the same time and slide
barrel locks up to hood to maintain hood seal
around the mask Close carrier.
- Have another person check hook seal around mask to ensure hood is
positioned properly and skin is not exposed. Some discomfort may
be experienced in the neck area of CPO coat due to the close fitting in
the neck area
n Don your helmet and close the carrier

Doff M45 Mask Without Hood

Attached or While Wearing
Uncontaminated CPOWarning:
If youre contaminated
or are in a contaminated
environment, proceed to a CCA
for mask removal instructions
n Remove your helmet
n If CPO is worn:
- On CPO jacket, unfasten barrel
Loosen hood fasteners.
locks, loosen hood drawcord,
and pull hood from head so that
the hood hangs behind neck
and shoulders
n Loosen lower neck straps

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n Grasp mask by outlet valve

assembly and remove by pulling
down, outward, and up over your
n Be careful of low temperatures and
wind chill factors in cold climates
n Shake or wipe any moisture or frost
accumulations from inside of mask
n Don your helmet and stow mask in
Pull hood over head. carrier

Remove and shake out moisture.

Pull mask out and up.

Install Hood on M45Ensure the hood is serviceable, and then attach it

to your mask for instant use.
n Remove the mask eyelens outserts
n Align hood eye ring openings with mask eye lenses and secure
n Replace eyelens outserts
n In moderate temperatures (30oF to 90oF) secure hood over voicemitter/
outlet valve assembly
n In extreme temperatures (<30oF or >90oF) secure hood to expose
voicemitter/outlet valve assembly
n Raise back of hood and head harness over front of mask to allow the
hood to hang inside-out
n Stow mask in carrier
Don M45 with Hood Attached or While Wearing BDO
n Stop breathing and close your eyes
n Remove your helmet
n Take off your glasses if worn
n Open the mask carrier with one hand
n Grasp mask with the other hand and remove it from the carrier (Dont
grasp the filter canister)
n Put chin in chin pocket, with your free hand push hair back away from
hairline. Press mask snugly against your face
n Grasp tab and pull head harness over your head. Center the headpad
at the back of your headensure your ears are between the temple and
neck straps
n Tighten both neck straps at the same timepull the neck strap tabs out
approximately two inches to seat mask
n Block the outlet valve cover openings with your hand and forcefully
exhale so air escapes past the edges of your facepiece
n Locate the filter canister, cover the inlet port, and inhale to collapse the
mask. The facepiece should stay collapsed while you hold your breath.
If it does, the facepiece is sealed. If it doesnt, check for hair or other
material between mask seal and the face. Make necessary adjustments
and repeat until a seal is attained
n Open your eyes and resume normal breathing
n Pull the hood up and over your head and shoulders
n Secure the hood closures and underarm straps
n Don your helmet and stow mask in carrier

Doff M45 with Hood Attached or While Wearing Uncontaminated

BDOWarning: If youre contaminated or are in a contaminated
environment, proceed to a CCA for mask removal instructions
n Remove your helmet
n Loosen hood fasteners and underarm straps
n Reach up beneath hood and loosen lower neck straps
n Grasp front of mask and pull mask forward then up and over your head
n Be careful of low temperatures and wind chill factors in cold climates
n Shake or wipe out any accumulated moisture before storage
n Raise back of hood and head harness over front of mask to allow the
hood to hang inside-out
n Don your helmet and stow mask in carrier

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Canisters and Filters

Ref TO 14P4-1-151, TO 14P4-15-1, TO 14P4-18-1
Warning: Filter canisters will not afford protection from
industrial chemicals, ammonia, or carbon monoxide, or in
areas with insufficient oxygen to support life.
A serviceable C2A1 filter canister installed on a serviceable M45 or
MCU-2 Series mask creates an effective first line of defense for your face,
eyes, and respiratory tract from chemical and biological warfare agents,
radioactive dust particles, and riot control agents (such as
tear gas.) You must install a serviceable canister on your
mask when the threat of attack is possible and prior to entry
into a toxic
chemical or
Replace Canisters and Filters biological
n When directed by higher agent
authority or theres clear environment.
indication of imminent use of
Chem/Bio agents
n Within fifteen days after any cross section
exposure to Chem/Bio agents
(except blood agents)
n As soon as it is safe to do so Service Life
when exposed to blood agents Once removed from the factory
n As soon as it is safe to do so sealed package:
when mechanically damaged n 52 weeksCold humid and
(i.e., breaks or cuts in material warm moderate climate
or edge of seal, a bent or split n 39 weeksHot dry climate
connector, etc.) n 10 weeksHot humid climate
n If filter has been immersed in
water or wetted in any way Document DD Form 1574
n If you experience excessive n Date canister removed from
breathing resistance (clogged the sealed package
filter/canister element will n Canister lot number
increase breathing resistance
but will not impair the ability of
the filter to remove agents)
Mask Second Skin
Ref TO 14P4-15-1, TM 3-4240-348-10, TO 14P4-18-1
In a chemical warfare environment, youre
protected by a combination of the agent-
resistant facepiece, second skin, and hood.
Although all three components protect you
against Chem/Bio agents in vapor form, the
second skin and hood provide increased
liquid agent protection against a penetrating
liquid agent. Its designed to interface with
the CPO and BDO suits. The second skin is made of agent resistant rubber
and fits over the facepiece of your mask. The second skin covers exposed
exterior portions of the masks facepiece.

n Ensure the second skin is installed on your mask prior to entry into a
potential chemical warfare environment
n Second skin cannot be changed in a contaminated environment
n Replace the second skin if it shows signs of cracks, tears, or splits
n Dont use second skin without the eyelens outsert(s) installed
n Avoid over stretching holes in the second skin. Use caution when pulling
second skin over flanges of outlet valve and side voicemitter ring
n Dont damage outlet valve disk while stretching second skin over the
outlet valve body
n When installing canister, make sure second skin does not get pulled
down inside the threaded area
n When using a sharp instrument to remove a contaminated second skin,
be careful to only cut the second skin and not the mask or straps

Second skin cannot be changed in a

contaminated environment.

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Second Skin Installation:

n Remove canister from facepiece
n Remove detachable microphone (if equipped)
n Remove eyelens outsert(s)
n Remove drink tube from receptacle
n Remove outlet valve cover
n Remove head harness temple straps from mask
n Orient second skin over mask
n Place second skin on top of mask
n Pull drink tube through lower center hole on
second skin Second skin.
n Stretch lower center hole over outlet
valve body position so its beneath
the drink tube
n Stretch second skin over side
voicemitter retaining ring (if installed)
n Stretch sides and top over lens
n Pull temple straps through slots
in second skin and reattach head
n Place thumbs at bottom of the front
voicemitter and work second skin
around retaining ring
n Adjust second skin as needed to
ensure as much mask is covered as Facepiece.
possible around voicemitter and inlet valve
n Reinstall eyelens outsert(s) ensuring second skin eyelens opening(s)
are covered
n Reinstall outlet valve cover and replace drink tube into receptacle
n Reinstall canister
n Reinstall detachable microphone (if equipped)
Drinking Through
the Mask
Ref TO 14P4-15-1, TM 3-4240-348-10, TO 14P4-18-1
Maintaining proper hydration and
rest discipline helps to offset the
adverse effects of thermal build-up,
dehydration, and associated stress
factors. To drink through your mask,
you must have a serviceable M1
canteen cap installed on your
canteen. Heres a way to drink while
youre wearing your mask.

WarningDo not connect

the drink tube to your canteen until all mating surfaces have
been checked and are free of contamination. First, decon your
canteen and masks drink tube with an M291 or M295 decon kit if
necessary. Take care not to break the mask seal while pressing
on the outlet valve cover or using the drinking system.
n Decontaminate
NOTE: Liquids the M1 canteen
other than cap and drink tube
water may coupling before
leve residue in use in suspected
tube. Sugars contaminated
in some environment
liquids can n If youre wearing a
block the tube hood, uncover the
and decay, outlet valve cover to
causing access the drink tube
illness. Only n Steady your mask
use water and remove the drink
unless tube coupling from
otherwise the outlet valve cover
approved. n Use buddy system
to drink if buddy
available Use buddy system.

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n Push on the outlet valve cover

and grasp the internal drink
tube between your teeth
n Remove your canteen from its
carrier and flip open the M1
cap lid
n Blow through the internal
drink tube while coupling the
external drink tube into the
M1 cap until it seats (you
should feel some resistance.
Carefully connect drinking tube.
If resistance is not felt, your
drinking system is leaking. Do not drink!
If system leaks, pinch and hold drink tube
and seek help.)
n If system is sealed, invert the canteen
above the voicemitter, and drink
n After several swallows, stop sucking and
return the canteen to the upright position.
Air should replace the water you drank
from the canteen through the drink tube.
If necessary, blow into the drink tube to
Invert canteen to drink.
return the canteen to its original shape.
Repeat the drinking procedure until finished.
n Water may leak into the mask if the drink tube slips out of your mouth
while the canteen is inverted.
n Disconnect the drink tube from the canteen by blowing into the drink
tube while twisting and pulling the coupling from the canteen
n Return the drink tube coupling back into its socket
n Close canteen lid
n Return canteen to carrier
n Replace hood over outlet valve cover (if necessary)
Immediate. Operational. Thorough.

Levels of Chemical Decontamination

Ref AFMAN 10-2602
Level Purpose Who What When How

Minimize casualties, Skin, personal

save lives, and help clothing and As soon as M291
Immediate limit contamination Individuals equipment, contamination is and
exposure and frequently touched suspected or detected M295
spread surfaces

Limit contamination
exposure and
spread, helps to Parts of essential
sustain operations Individuals, When operations M295
Operational by providing crews, teams, equipment, work require and resources and
temporary and, in units permit 5%
areas, vehicles, and
some cases, long- bleach
term relief from
wearing IPE
When required for
MOPP reduction;
Units or when operations,
Reduces or Personnel (CCA),
wings, with manning, and Contact
eliminates the need or without equipment, material,
Thorough resources permit; UCC for
for wearing IPE vehicles, aircraft,
external required for total guidance
work areas, terrain
support reconstitution and
return to unrestricted

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Skin Decontamination Kit
Ref TO 11D1-1-131

Operational Use
n Capable of decontaminating biological
and liquid agents from the surface of
M291 Packets
skin, clothing, masks, gloves, personal
equipment, and weapons
n Wallet-sized kit contains six
packaged pads containing nontoxic
n Proved to be more than 90% effective
in removing biological agents from the
skin M291 Pad
n Six pads sufficient for three personal
decontaminations M291/M295
n Operates in ranges from -50F to 120F
For Use
n Remove decon packet
n Inspect kit for loose black powder n Tear open packet and
n If no loose powder present, kit is remove decon pad/mitt
serviceable n Discard empty packet
n If powder detected, inspect packets for n Unfold decon pad/mitt
leaks n M291Insert fingers into
n Discard leaking packets loop
n Replace bad packets n M295Grasp non pad
n Reinsert packets into pouch; ensure side of decon mitt with
tear line is at bottom one gloved hand, insert
n Request additional kit if less than four decontaminated gloved
packets hand into mitt, tighten
n Use kit until all packets are used wristband on glove

Individual Equipment
Decontamination Kit n Decontaminate
Ref TO 11D1-3-11-1 individual equipment or
exposed skin by rubbing
Operational Use with pad/mitt
n M295Decontaminate
n For operational decon and/or self-aid/ gloved hand that was
buddy care holding equipment
n Accomplish decon prior to agent n Discard pad/mitt
sorption (seconds to minutes) n If more contamination is
n Used at ground crew CCAs to remove/ present, repeat decon
minimize contact transfer hazards with another mitt
n Used for immediate decon of mask,
OG, equipment
n Used to decon weapons and tools

M295 Decon Kit Components

n Carrying pouch containing four
individual decon packets
n Four packets sufficient for two M295 Packet.
complete individual equipment decon
n Contains four decon mitts filled with
decon powder
n Kit is expendable
n Discard packets and pouch after use
n Treat used mitts as contaminated
waste M295 Mitt.

n Keep decon powder out of eyes, cuts, and wounds
n Use water to wash powder out of eyes, cuts, and wounds
n Avoid inhalation of decon powder

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Ref AFH 36-2218 Vol 1, Vol 2, AFI 10-404
n Casualties are
usually moved to a
centralized, safe-point
for emergency treatment
and forwarding, if
Perform SABC.
n The casualty collection
point (CCP) is staffed
as needed by medical
and base personnel.
The CCPs mission is to
evaluate wounded for
return to duty, reinforce
Self-Aid & Buddy Care
(SABC) as needed to
stabilize casualties, and/
or transport wounded
to a deployed medical
facility for further care
n When moving casualties,
ensure that they are moved
Transport casualty to CCP.
feet first or according to SABC
n The CCP may be at the Expeditionary Medical Support Facility, tent,
building, an ambulance at a disaster site, or simply a spot on the
groundShelter is preferable, but not essential
n CCP location and use depends on the contingency operation, threat
situation, and available medical and support personnel
n You may be tasked to assist the medical staff at the CCP in casualty
care management
n Upon arrival at your deployed location, familiarize yourself with the
local casualty care protocols and locations
n Transport human remains to the mortuarynot the CCP
Casualty Care in a
NBC Contaminated
Ref AFMAN 10-2602
n Place mask on casualty
n Perform SABC measures
n Inject antidote if nerve agent
symptoms are presentuse
casualtys auto-injectors, not yours!
Use extreme care.
n Report casualty to UCCDO NOT
transmit personal information over unsecure net
n Decon casualty and their equipment with M295 or M291 kits
n Transport casualty to unit CCP
- Follow route directed by UCC for safe roads and
Split-MOPP operations
- Ambulances do not run during attacks

Basic Lifesaving Steps

Ref AFH 36-2218, Vol 1, Vol 2
Use extreme care when treating injuries in a contaminated environment
different rules may apply!
A Airway
Immediate Steps B Breathing
When a person is injured: C Circulation
n Establish an open Airway D Disability
(If possible neck injury, E Exposure
ensure airway opened using
the jaw thrust maneuver, do not turn head)
n Ensure Breathing
n Stop bleeding to support Circulation
n Prevent further Disability
- Immobilize neck injuries
- Place dressings over open wound
Head tilt, chin lift. - Splint obvious limb deformities
n Minimize further Exposure to adverse weather

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n Confusion
n Sweaty but cool skin
(clammy skin)
n Breathing shallow, labored,
and rapid
n Weak and rapid pulse
Treatment: Elevate lower extremities.
n Keep airway open
n If unconscious, place on side in recovery position and monitor airway
n Keep the person calm, warm, and comfortable
n Elevate lower extremities
n Seek medical attention immediately
n Do not give food or drink

Abdominal Wound
n If organs are outside body, gently pick
them up and place them on top of
abdomen... do not replace or push organs
into the body
n Cover exposed organs with moist clean
n Secure with bandages
Place organs on abdomen. n If legs are not fractured bend knees to
relieve pressure

Always check and treat for shock Secure with bandages.

n Obvious external bleeding
n Apply direct pressure with
hand; use a dressing if
Apply direct pressure.
n Elevate the extremity if no
fractures are suspected
n Use pressure points to
control bleeding
n Do NOT remove old
Pressure points.
n Add more dressing over old
if needed

Use pressure points to

control bleeding.

Used as the last resort to stop bleeding. Use to save life
at possible loss of limb.
1 Place one inch wide constricting band around arm or
leg to stop severe bleeding
2 DO NOT use wire or shoestrings
3 Place band 2-4 inches above injury if possible
4 Tighten band enough to stop bleeding and no more
5 Once in place do not loosen or remove
6 Leave tourniquet area exposed for quick visual
7 Mark time and letter T on casualtys forehead (ink
or blood) Use tourniquet as last resort.

RememberNever remove a tourniquet! Only medical

personnel may remove a tourniquet. Never use a tourniquet
unless there is danger to life.

Always check and treat for shock

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Eye Injury
n Obvious pain or injury
n DO NOT remove any impaled
n Dress around object to secure it
n Apply bandage lightly to BOTH
n Do not leave casualty
Cover both eyes.

Common Injuries
Ref AFH 36-2218, Vol 1, Vol 2
Chest Wound
n Sucking noise from chest
n Frothy red blood from wound
n Look for entry and exit wound
n Cover holes with airtight seal (tin
foil, ID card)
Make an airtight seal over wound. Tape down n Tape down three sides, leave
three sides. bottom uncovered
n Allow casualty to assume position
for easiest breathing, preferably on
affected side

Always check and treat for shock

n Deformity, bruising
n Tenderness over a specific part of body
n Swelling and discoloration
n DO NOT straighten limb
n If in doubt, splint injury-where they lie if possible
n Splint joints above and below injury
n Remove clothing from injured area
n Remove rings from fingers, if possible
Do not straighten limb.
n Check pulse below injury-away from heart to
determine if blood flow is restricted

Spinal/Neck/Head Injury
n Lack of feeling and/or control anywhere
below neck, drainage of fluid or blood
from ear, nose or mouth
n If conscious, caution casualty not to
n Continuously monitor and check airway
without turning head
Maintain immobilization until
completely secured. n Immobilize the head and neck

If Casualty Must Be Moved

n Use hard surface for litter (door, cut
lumber, other)
n Use as many people as needed to
place casualty on litter
n One person must immobilize the head
and neck
n Ensure casualties limbs are secured at
the chest and thigh regions
n Turn whole body together, as a unit

Do NOT Bend Spinal Cord or Rotate Head and Neck

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Combating Heat Illness and Cold Injury

Ref AFMAN 10-2602, AFP 48-151
Your ability to conduct an effective and sustained combat operation depends
largely on your ability to avoid heat illness and cold injury. Thermal storage
results from your ability to exchange heat between your body and the
ambient environment. Thermal related injury can result from a
notable rise or fall in your bodys core temperature. SEE
Page 21
Wor k/r ,

Youre most prone to heat stress when you wear a Chem/Bio protective
overgarment. Regulating thermal storage and fluid intake during
an increased OPTEMPO will maximize your ability to fulfill mission
requirements. (Water intoxication/over-hydration may mimic the
symptoms of heat illness, except high body temperature and dry mouth
are usually absent.)

To minimize heat stress and resist heat illness, follow your prescribed work/
rest cycle periods and hydration guidelines issued by your unit control center.

In addition to replenishing lost fluids from excessive sweating, its equally

important to increase your food intake to replenish vitamins, minerals,
sodium, and calories that are rapidly spent during combat operations.
Ref AFH 32-4005
n Dizzy
n Headache
n Dry mouth
n Skin turgor (skin remains elevated
when pinched)
n Provide water
Note: If youre urinating, and its light yellow,
thats a good indicator that youre hydrated.

Dizziness, headache.
Heat Exhaustion
Ref AFH 36-2218 V1, V2
Early Symptoms
n Dizziness/weakness
n Headache
n Dry Mouth
n Nausea
n Muscle Cramps
n Spasms, usually in muscles or arms
n Results from strenuous work or exercise
n Loss of salt in the body
n Normal body temperature

n Remove from work or training Give sips of water.
n Allow casualty to rest in shade
or cool area
n Provide sips of water
n If symptoms do not improve in 15-30 minutes, transport to medical facility
n If signs or symptoms worsen call ambulance (see immediate actions)

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Late Signs and Symptoms

n Weak and/or rapid pulse
n Confusion, unresponsive, or coma
n Loss of bowel or bladder control
n Convulsions
n Cramps in abdomen or limbs
n Pale face
n Dizziness/faintness/weakness
n Nausea or vomiting
n Profuse sweating or moist, cool skin
n Weak pulse
n Normal body temperature

n Treat for shock
n Lay person down in cool area
n Loosen/open clothing Nausea or vomiting.
n Cool body by sprinkling with cool water
or fanning (not to point of shivering)
n Give victim cool water to drink if
n Seek medical attention

Always check and treat for shock

Heat Stroke
Ref AFH 36-2218 V1, V2
n Headache
n Dizziness
n Red face/skin
n Hot, dry skin (no sweating)
n Strong, rapid pulse
n High body temperature (hot
to touch)

Immediate Actions
n Emergencycall 911/ local
number to request medical
assistance, or radio for
ambulance immediately for Give sips of water.
transport to the medical
treatment area. During combat,
transport victim to CCP via unit assets
n Lay person down in shade or cool area with feet
elevated, until help arrives
n Give sips of water if casualty is conscious
n If skin is hot and dry to touch, remove clothing;
pour water over person and fan. If casualty
begins shivering stop fanning process. When
Transport to CCP.
shivering stops resume fanning

n Lay person in cool area
n Loosen/open clothing
n Cool body by sprinkling with cool water or fanning (not to point of
n Give cool water to drink if consciousadd two teaspoons of salt to one
canteen if available
n Seek immediate medical attention
n Treat for shock

Always check and treat for shock

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 185 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 186 / Section 5 / Survive

Heat Injuries
Ref AFH 36-2218 V1, V2
n Burns may be from heat (thermal),
electrical, chemical, or radiation. Treatment
is based on depth, size, and severity
(termed degree of burn)
n Always treat for shock and seek medical

Thermal/Partial Thickness (First and

Second Degree) First degree burn.
n Skin reddens (sunburn-like), blisters,
n Stop the burning process
n Apply cool water to affected area
n DO NOT break blisters
n Apply clean dry dressing to affected area

Thermal/Full Thickness (Third Degree) Second degree.

n Charred or whitish looking skin
n May burn clear to the bone
n Burned area not painful but area around
burn very painful
n Stop the burning process
n Do not remove clothing adhered to burned
n Cover with or apply clean dry dressing to Third degree.
affected area

Electrical Burns
n Ensure power is off
n Look for entry and exit wound
n Treat burned area
Chemical Burns
n Flush with large amount of water
n Flush eyes for at least 20 minutes
n Brush off visible contaminates
n Keep phosphorous burns covered with a
wet dressing (prevents air from activating
the phosphorous)
n Fingers have a tendency to swell, ensure
that rings/jewelry are removed immediately
Flush eyes.

Cold Injuries
Ref AFH 36-2118 V1, V2
n Body is cold under clothing
n May appear confused
n May appear dead
n Move to a warm place
n Remove wet clothing
Wrap casualty in blanket.
n Put on warm clothes or wrap with dry blanket
n Do NOT rub body parts
n Do NOT give or consume alcohol

n Skin has white or waxy appearance
n Skin feels hard to touch
n Move to warm place
n Re-warm affected area in warm water SEE
104-108 F (40C) for 15-30 minutes Page 19
(NOT hot water) Referen
ce Slowly re-warm areas.
n Cover with several layers of clothing W ind C ,
n Do NOT rub affected area Char t
n Seek medical attention immediately

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 187 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 188 / Section 5 / Survive

Emergency Life-Saving Equipment

Ref AFH 36-2118 V1, V2
The key to self-aid and buddy care is improvising
when you dont have the equipment you need,
use the casualtys gear.

Shirts = Dressings/Bandages

Belts, Ties = Tourniquets, Bandages

Towels, Sheets =

Socks, Flight cap =


Sticks or Tree Limbs = Splints

Expedient equipment.
Handling Human
Ref AFI 34-242
Ensure that you treat human remains
with dignity. Use the buddy system to
transport human remains to a point
identified by Mortuary Affairs.

Protect Yourself First

n Wear gloves when handling remains
n DO NOT endanger yourself to retrieve
n Wear NBC protective gear if you suspect/
confirm the remains are contaminated
Protect yourself first.

Secure Available Identification

n DO NOT remove any
identification information from
remains (dog tags, ID cards)
n DO NOT remove any personal
effects from
remains (pictures,
jewelry, money) Treat with dignity.

DO NOT Transport to the

Casualty Collection Point
n Use available
transportation and pass
information up your chain
of command
Use available transportation.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 189 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 190 / Section 5 / Survive

Rights as a
Prisoner of War
Ref Geneva Conventions
As a member of a military force, you
must understand that you might be
captured by a hostile force and held
captive as a POW. However, the
Third Geneva Convention provides
special protections for you in the
event youre captured. Your ID card
is your Geneva Convention card. Do
not remove the computer chip from CAC ID during combatthe card doesnt
contain any information electronically thats not already shown in print.

The Convention States:

n If captured, you may be disarmed, searched,
and guarded but you must be humanely treated
without distinction based upon race, color,
gender, religious belief, or other arbitrary reason
n As a prisoner, you must not be humiliated or
degraded and must be protected against all acts
of violence, insults, public curiosity, and reprisals
of all kind
n All prisoners must be treated alike with
privileges only extended because of poor health,
advanced age, military rank, or professional
qualifications medical personnel and chaplains
are not considered
POWs and should
be allowed to tend
to fellow prisoners.
Gender-female POWs
must be provided any
special care required
by their gender
n POWs should be promptly,
safely, and humanely
evacuated from battle area
n When questioned, you must
give your name, age, rank,
and service number but you
do not have to give any other
information. Although you may
be questioned, you may not be
harmed, tortured, or threatened
in any way
n As soon as possible, but
not later than a week after
reaching a POW camp, you
must be allowed to send a
Capture Card
n This Geneva Convention
postcard informs your next-of-
kin of your whereabouts and
state of health
n Completion of this card
does not violate the Code of
n POWs, with the exception of POW capture card.
officers, may be forced to work
n You may never be forced to do military work or work that is dangerous,
unhealthy, or degrading
n You must be paid for all work performed
n Officers may voluntarily work
n NCOs can only be required to perform supervisory work

n The text of the Geneva Convention must be posted in each camp in a
language you and all other POWs understand
n You have the right to complain to representatives of a Protecting Power
(the neutral State responsible for safeguarding your interests) or to
delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 192 / Section 5 / Survive

n Military discipline continues in a POW camp and includes saluting high
ranking enemy officers and the camp commander, regardless of rank
n The Uniform Code of Military Justice applies to you while a prisoner
n You must obey the senior US POW regardless of service
n You are subject to the laws of the Detaining Power (enemy) for
offenses committed during captivity or before capture but not for having
fought against the enemy before capture
n If tried by the Detaining Power, you must be given notice of the
charges, provided counsel and an interpreter, and be allowed to call
witnesses in your defense
n If convicted, you still retain your rights as a POW

Geneva Conventions identity card.

Medical personnel and chaplains are non-combatants and have

certain rights as a result of their status. This card identifies such personnel.
In addition to carrying this card, they also wear a distinctive Geneva
Conventions armband.
The Code of Conduct
As a member of the US Armed Forces, you are protecting your nation. It is
your duty to oppose all enemies of the United States whether in combat or
as a captive in a prisoner of war (POW) facility. The Code of Conduct is a
guide for your proper behavior. This code is the result of the heroic lives,
experiences, and deeds of Americans from the Revolutionary War through
our more recent conflicts.

Code of Conduct
ARTICLE I I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my
country and our way of life. I am prepared to give up my
life in their defense.
ARTICLE II I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command,
I will never surrender the members of my command while
they still have the means to resist.
ARTICLE III If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means
available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others
to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors
from the enemy.
ARTICLE IV If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my
fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in
any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am
senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful
order of those appointed over me and will back them up in
every way.
ARTICLE V When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am
required to give name, rank, service number, and date of
birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost
of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements
disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their
ARTICLE VI I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for
freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the
principles which made my country free. I will trust in my
God and in the United States of America.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 193 / Section 5 / Survive

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 194 / Section 5 / Survive


Chief of Staff
Section 6

Access to most technical orders

and technical references used in
this manual can be found on the
AF Portal at

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 195 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 196 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Accurate communication is essential to effective communication.

Phonetic Alphabet / PROWORDS

Letter Word Number Word Pronunciation
1,000,000 MILLION (MIL YEN)
Radio Communications
Procedure Words (PROWORDS)
ACKNOWLEDGE ............Let me know you received and understood this
AFFIRMATIVE ................Yes; permission granted; or that is correct.
ALL AFTER......................Everything which follows.
BREAK*............................Indicates the separation of text from other
message portions.
DISREGARD ....................This transmission is in errordisregard it. NOTE:
Dont use this PROWORD to cancel completely
transmitted messages.
GO AHEAD ......................Proceed with your message.
I READ BACK .................The following is my response to your instructions
to read back.
I SAY AGAIN ...................I am reporting the transmission or portion
I SPELL ............................I shall spell the word phonetically.
NEGATIVE .......................No; permission is not granted; or that is not
OUT ...................................This is the end of my transmission to you and
no answer is required or expected. NOTE: This
PROWORD is always preceded by the users
call sign.
OVER* ..............................This is the end of my transmission and a
response is necessary. Go ahead and transmit
your response. NOTE: This PROWORD is
normally used only in tactical communications.
PREPARE TO COPY ......This lets the individual receiving your message
to prepare to take down the information you are
about to pass.
READ BACK* ..................Repeat all of the specified part of this message
back to me exactly as received.

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 198 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

RELAY TO (OR FOR).....Transmit this message to all addresses or to the

address designation immediately following this
ROGER .............................I have received your last transmission
SAY AGAIN .....................Repeat all or the following part of your last
transmission. NOTE: Never use the word
repeat. This term is used to place indirect
weapons fire onto the enemy.
STAND BY .......................Wait for further instructions or information.
THAT IS CORRECT .......You are correct or what you have transmitted is
THIS IS.............................The transmission is from whose call sign
immediately follows.
UNKNOWN STATION ...The call sign I am attempting to contact is
unknown. NOTE: Previously known as last
VERIFY.............................Confirm entire message (or portion indicated)
with the sender. If original message (or portion
indicated) is incorrect, send correct version.
Wait*.................................One must pause for a few seconds.
Wait-out* .........................Resume communications.
Wilco.................................Will comply.
Word after* .....................Word after.
Word before*..................Word before.

* For tactical radio transmissions only.


199 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Calm 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45
5 36 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 -11 -16 -22 -28 -34 -40 -46 -52 -57 -63
10 34 27 21 15 9 3 -4 -10 -16 -22 -28 -35 -41 -47 -53 -59 -66 -72
15 32 25 19 13 6 0 -7 -13 -19 -26 -32 -39 -45 -51 -58 -64 -71 -77
20 30 24 17 11 4 -2 -9 -15 -22 -29 -35 -42 -48 -55 -61 -68 -74 -81
25 29 23 16 9 3 -4 -11 -17 -24 -31 -37 -44 -51 -58 -64 -71 -78 -84
30 28 22 15 8 1 -5 -12 -19 -26 -33 -39 -46 -53 -60 -67 -73 -80 -87
35 28 21 14 7 0 -7 -14 -21 -27 -34 -41 -48 -55 -62 -69 -76 -82 -89
40 27 20 13 6 -1 -8 -15 -22 -29 -36 -43 -50 -57 -64 -71 -78 -84 -91
45 26 19 12 5 -2 -9 -16 -23 -30 -37 -44 -51 -58 -65 -72 -79 -86 -93
50 26 19 12 4 -3 -10 -17 -24 -31 -38 -45 -52 -60 -67 -74 -81 -88 -95

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004

55 25 18 11 4 -3 -11 -18 -25 -32 -39 -46 -54 -61 -68 -75 -82 -89 -97
60 25 17 10 3 -4 -11 -19 -26 -33 -40 -48 -55 -62 -69 -76 -84 -91 -98
AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 200 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Contamination Control Area

Contamination Control Area

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 201 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

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AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 204 / Section 6 / Quick Reference
AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 205 / Section 6 / Quick Reference
AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 206 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

MCU-2 Series Mask Inspection Ref 14P4-15-1


Facepiece Cracks, tears, or deterioration and Condemn Mask

separation between silicone, rubber, and
the metal parts.
Face seal Cracks or tears. Run finger over seal to Condemn Mask
inspect for nicks or surface irregularities.
Face seal must be soft, smooth, and
Forehead, Temple, and Neck Tabs Nicks or rips, along edges, or where Condemn Mask
buckles connect. Run a finger around
edges to check for discrepancies.
Buckles Bends, cracks or looseness where Condemn Mask
molded into the facepiece tabs. Pull on
head harness straps. Make sure the
buckles hold the strap tight.
Head Harness or Skull Cap Tears, surface dirt, or mildew. Pull straps Replace if straps are torn, broken, or
to make sure they have not lost their have lost their elasticity.
Side Voicemitter Retaining Ring Corrosion or looseness. Replace if corroded. Tighten if loose.
Side Voicemitter Dents, punctures, or cracks. The four Replace if dented, punctured, or
pins in the center face toward the cracked. Remove and correctly reinstall
outside of mask. if four pins are not facing outwards.
Side Voicemitter Gasket Cracks and cuts Install a new side voicemitter gasket,
if unserviceable, (e.g. cut, distorted or
Front Voicemitter Retaining Ring Tightness using the tips of two fingers on Repair mask
the flat part of the ring
WARNING: Do not attempt in any way to loosen front voicemitter ring during check for tightness.
Front Voicemitter Punctures or cracks. (Damaged Repair mask
microphone connector assembly
MCU-2 Series).
Outlet Valve Cover Cracks, rips and general cleanliness Replace if cracked, ripped or if it will not
inside and out. seat firmly on outlet valve body. Wipe
away any dirt or moisture on cover with
a soft, dry, clean clot
Outlet Valve Disc and Valve Disc Body Curls, nicks, rips, dirt or moisture. Turn Replace if curled, nicked, ripped, cannot
disc to make sure it is not stuck to valve be cleaned, or will not seat properly.
seat. Make sure outlet valve disc with Replace outlet valve disc with supportive
supportive screen has been installed. screen, if required. Wipe away any dirt
Push cover back on outlet valve. Make or moisture with a soft, dry, clean cloth.
sure cover is seated firmly.
Disbonding Lift nose cup from around flange of Condemn mask if disbonding has
the outlet valve assembly. Check for occurred.
disbonding of silicone facepiece to metal
outlet valve assembly.
Nosecup Cracks or cuts, and that it is seated in Condemn Mask if the nosecup is
outlet valve flange and securely held cracked, cut or loose at the voicemitter.
around the front voicemitter. If nosecup is not sealed around the
outlet valve flange, push the nosecup
back over the flange.
Valve Disc Inspect for proper installation of valve Replace valve discs that are curled,
seat or separation from the nosecup. or torn.
Make sure valve discs are not cut or torn.
Turn the disc with the tip of finger to make
sure disc are not stuck on valve seats.
External Drinking Tube Cracked, cut or deteriorated rubber. Replace
Dented or cracked coupling. Loose on
feed through pipe or at metal coupling.
Check for stuck valve by performing
drink tube leak check
Internal Drinking Tube Cracks, cuts, and to see if it is lose on Replace if cracked, cut or loose
the feed-through pipe
Drink Tube Assembly Perform drink tube leak test Replace if required
Inlet Valve Disc Curls or tears. Turn disc to make sure it is Replace if curled or torn, install valve
not stuck to valve seat. Make sure disc is disc behind valve disc retaining ring.
properly installed on Air Deflector Post
Lens Punctured lens. Stains or scratches that Condemn Mask
prevents normal vision. Any separation
between the mask lens and facepiece
Canister Cracks, dents, or holes around the Replace if cracked or dented on a seam,
seams, dirt clogging the air intake and dented deeper than a 1/4 inch, if it has
for damaged threads. Any signs of loose holes, threads are damaged, or air
particles in filter when shaken intake is clogged with dirt. Replace filter
if signs of loose particles are present.
Protective Hood More than 2 pinholes in any one panel. Replace hood
Rips, tears, or if rubber coating is sticky
or scuffed off

Carrier Cleanliness, damage, excessive wear, Repair if possible or replace

missing straps or fasteners

Waterproofing bag Damage Replace if required

Outsert Stains or scratches that prevents normal Replace the rubber strap if broken or
vision. Cracks, missing clips, or rubber missing.

Front Voicemitter/Micmitter Assembly Broken, missing, damaged, loose, Repair mask

corroded, dirty, etc.

Body, Inlet Valve Cracks, tears or deterioration, surface Clean if dirty, replace if worn or cracked.
irregularities and dirt

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 207 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 208 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

M45 Mask Inspection Ref 14P4-18-1

BEFORE USE Canister Check that canister is securely attached Filter canister cannot be securely
to facepiece. attached to the facepiece.
Mask Run finger under inner lip to make sure Inside surfaces are damaged or cannot
folded material doesnt stick together. be separated.
Internal Drink Tube and Microphone Check that internal drink tube and Internal drink tube or microphone
Assembly microphone assembly (if issued) are assembly are missing or loose
present and securely attached to outlet
valve housings.
Nosecup Assembly a. Check that nosecup is attached to a. Nosecup is pulled away from
front voicemitter and outlet valve voicemitter/outlet valve housing.
housing. b. Inside surfaces are damaged or
b. Run finger along inner lip of nosecup cannot be separated.
to ensure it is not sticking. c. Nosecup cannot be separated from
c. Check that nosecup is not stuck to facepiece.
inside of facepiece. d. Nosecup valve disks are missing or
d. Check that nosecup valve disks are not seated on valve of nosecup valve
present and seated on nosecup valve seats. Disks are stuck, curled, or torn.
seats, rotate discs to be sure they are
not stuck, curled, or torn.
Inlet Valve Assembly a. Fold back left side of nosecup to a. Inlet valve disk is missing or not
fully expose inlet valve assembly. positioned on the cage and post
Check that inlet valve disk is present assembly. Cage is cracked, missing or
and positions in the slot on the cage not positioned on inlet valve gasket.
and post assembly. Check cage for b. Inlet valve disk has cuts, tears, curls
cracks. or does not seal against inlet valve
b. Check inlet valve disk for tears and gasket.
curls. Make sure disk lies flat c. Inlet valve sticks.
c. Rotate inlet valve disk and cage and
post assembly with finger. Make sure
it lies flat and doesnt stick.
Vision Correction Inserts Ensure inserts are attached to facepiece Inserts will not attach to facepiece.
(if issued.)
Outserts Check that outserts are installed and Outserts are missing or will not attach
securely attached to facepiece. securely to facepiece.
Microphone Cable Check to see that microphone cable is Microphone cable cannot be attached
attached securely to the receptacle on securely to facepiece, or cable is cut or
the facepiece (if issued.) cracked.
Second Skin Check that second skin is present and Second skin is missing or installed
properly installed. incorrectly.
Outlet Valve Disk and a. Grasp tab, pull and stretch bottom a. Outlet valve disk is missing, curled,
Outlet Valve Cover portion of outlet valve cover over the distorted, or dirty.
barb. Check that outlet valve disk b. Outlet valve disk is sticking and
is present and not curled, distorted, cannot be rotated.
or dirty.
b. With finger, rotate outlet valve disk to
ensure it is not sticking. Replace outlet
valve cover.
External Drink Tube Check that external drink tube is present External drink tube is missing or loose.
and securely attached.
Waterproof Bag a. Check waterproof bag for cracks, a. Waterproof bag is torn, has holes, or
tears, holes or brittleness. is brittle.
b. Check that rubber bands are in bag b. Rubber bands are missing, or are
and are not sticky, broken or brittle. sticky, broken, or brittle.
AFTER USE Mask Don mask and check mask for leaks. Mask leaks



Canister a. Check canister intake for clogs. a. Canister intake is clogged.

b. Check canister replacement criteria. b. Canister is expired.

Microphone Cable a. Check microphone cable for cuts, a. Microphone cable is cut, cracked or
cracks and bent pins (if issued.) has bent pins.
b. Check that microphone cable is b. Microphone cable will not securely
attached to the receptacle in the attach to the facepiece.

Second Skin Inspect second skin for cracks, tears, Second skin is cracked, torn or split.
and splits.

External Drink Tube a. Check external drink tube for cuts, a. External drink tube is missing, or has
cracks or holes. cuts, cracks or holes.
b. Check external drink tube for tight b. External drink tube connection
connection to the outlet valve housing to outlet valve housing or quick
and quick disconnect coupling. disconnect coupling is loose.

Outlet Valve Disk a. Grasp tab, pull and lift bottom of outlet a. Outlet valve cover is cut, torn, or
and Outlet Valve Cover valve cover over barb. Check cover punctured.
for cuts, holes, and tears. b. Outlet valve disk is curled, sticking,
b. Check that outlet valve disk is seated punctured, dirty, distorted, torn, or will
and not curled, torn, dirty, punctured, not seat.
or distorted. Rotate disk to ensure it is c. Outlet valve disk or seat cannot be
not sticking. cleaned.
c. Wipe moisture from outlet valve and d. Outlet valve seat is nicked or cracked,
seat with cheesecloth. or disk will not seat properly.
d. Check outlet valve seat for dirt, nicks, e. Barb is cracked or broken.
or cracks. Smooth outlet valve disk so f. Outlet valve cover is cut, torn, has
it lies flat on seat. holes, or will not seat firmly over outlet
e. Check that barb is not broken or valve.
f. Wipe moisture and dirt from outlet
valve cover with cheesecloth and
check for cuts, tears or holes.
Reinstall cover.
WARNING: Do not use paper to remove moisture from outlet valve cover, outlet valve disk, or outlet valve seat.
Paper may break up and lodge in outlet valve area causing leakage.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 209 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 210 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

continued... M45 Mask Inspection Ref 14P4-18-1

AFTER USE Voicemitters Check front and side voicemitters for
dirt, cracks, punctures or obstructions.
Voicemitters are dirty or damaged.

Head Harness a. Check buckles for bends, cracks, a. Buckles are missing, broken, or will
or corrosion. Pull on head harness not hold straps.
straps to ensure buckles hold straps. b. Head harness will not hold mask
b. Put on facepiece and check head firmly against face.
harness for loss of elasticity. c. Head harness is dirty, cut, torn,
c. Check for dirt. Check each strap frayed, has missing parts or is
for cuts, tears, missing parts or deteriorated.
deterioration such as mildew or

Facepiece Inspect facepiece for dirt, holes, tears Mask has holes, tears, splits, or soft
and splits. Look closely at the inside of spots that allow air to enter.
the facepiece where it touches your skin.

Internal Drink Tube a. Check internal drink tube for cuts, a. Internal drink tube has cuts, cracks
cracks or holes. or holes.
b. Ensure that internal drink tube b. Internal drink tube is oriented so that
opening is oriented so you can drink you cannot grasp it with your mouth.
with the mask on.

Inlet Valve Assembly a. Fold back left side of nosecup to fully a. Inlet valve disk is missing or not
expose inlet valve assembly. Check positioned on the cage and post
that inlet valve disk is present and assembly.
properly positioned on cage and post b. Inlet valve disk has tears, curls, or
assembly. does not seat against inlet valve
b. Check inlet valve disk for tears, curls gasket.
or dirt. Make sure inlet valve disk c. Inlet valve disk sticks.
lies flat. d. Inlet valve cage and post is damaged
c. From outside the mask, blow on inlet or wont rotate freely.
valve disk to ensure it isnt sticking.
d. Check inlet valve cage and post
assembly for distortion.

Nosecup a. Check that nosecup is not pulled a. Nosecup is pulled away from back
away from back of outlet valve of outlet valve housing and front
housing and front voicemitter. voicemitter.
b. Check that nosecup and nosecup b. Nosecup is dirty, cracked, cut or has
valve seats are free of dirt. Check holes. Nosecup valve seats are dirty.
nosecup for cracks, cuts, tears and c. Nosecup valve disks are torn, missing,
holes. Look at inside of nosecup inner dirty, or stuck to nosecup.
lip where it touches your skin.
c. Rotate nosecup valve disks to ensure
they are not sticking. Check that valve
disks are not dirty, curled or torn.
Vision Correction Inserts Inspect vision correction inserts (if Loose, broken or missing lens or
issued) for loose or broken lenses, and frame. Insert frame disconnected from
frames that will not attach to facepiece. facepiece.

Outserts, Eyelens and Eyerings a. Remove outserts by grasping tab
and pulling away from mask. Check
outserts for cracks, scratches or
discoloration that affects vision.
b. Check eyelens for cracks, scratches,
dirt or stains that affect vision
c. Check eyerings for cracks. Install
a. Outserts are broken, distorted, or
b. Eyelenses are cracked, scratched or
stained enough to affect vision.
c. Eyerings are cracked.

outserts onto eyerings by snapping

front edge into place first.

Carrier a. Empty carrier and check for dirt, tears, a. Carrier is torn, seam stitching is loose,
holes or missing buckles, d-rings, or buckles, d-rings, straps, or strap
straps, strap hooks and hardware. hooks are missing.
Check seams for broken stitches. b. Carrier flap will not stay closed.
b. Ensure hook and pile fasteners hold
carrier flap securely. Stow your mask.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 211 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 212 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Serviceable Tag-Materiel, DD Form 1574

Masks will be cleaned

and inspected:
n Upon issue and every
six months after initial
issue date during
n Prior to deployment
Caniste and every seven days
Date ca lot #
TDA99M ister installed during contingency
Front n Before long term
n Stock number storage (30 days or
n Mask type more)
n Size n Prior to turn-in to
n Mask lot number supply
n Inspection activity n After completion
n Inspectors name of each training
and date contingency/exercise
n Fill-in remarks
section when
serviceable C2
series canister is
- Canister lot Rear
number n Date inspected
- Date canister n Inspected by
installed n Next inspection
- TDA99M or due date
JSMLT certified

Stock Numbers
MCU-2P Size MCU-2A/P Size M45
4240-01-497-7120 S 4240-01-284-3615
4240-01-497-7124 M 4240-01-284-3616 XS 4240-01-447-6989
4240-01-497-7128 L 4240-01-284-3617 L 4240-01-447-6988


steady green
cleared to land
cleared to cross
cleared for takeoff

flashing green
return for landing
not applicable
cleared to taxi

steady red
give way to aircraft

flashing red airport unsafe

clear runway
clear runway

flashing white
return to starting point on airport

red and green general warning signal
exercise extreme caution

AFVA 13-221, 1 November 2001 Distribution: F Prescribed by AFI 13-203

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 213 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 214 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Battle Dress Overgarment (BDO) and Chemical

Protective Overgarment (CPO) and Accessory
Inspection Checklist Ref TO 14P3-1-141
Caution: Do not remove overgarments (OG) from
factory vacuum-sealed bags specifically for inspection.
BDO/CPO Factory Bag a. General Cleanliness a. If dirty, wipe clean.
b. Holes or tears b. If present, inspect visible fabric
c. Loss of vacuum seal (puffy bag) under hole or tear for damage and
d. Labels cleanliness. If undamaged and clean,
seal hole or tear with high quality
adhesive tape (e.g. common duct
tape). When taping of the factory bag
is impractical, place the BDO in the
original factory bag, in a clear plastic
bag and seal with tape.
c. Tests have shown that loss of vacuum
seal alone does not impact OG
serviceability. Inspect for holes, tears,
etc., if found, repair.
d. Packages that have surveillance
information labels in danger of falling
off, remove the outer clear plastic bag
and using an indelible marker, clearly
print on the nylon foil package at a
minimum, the following information:
Contract number, last four digits of
NSN, manufacture date, surveillance
marking number and the garment
size. Reseal foil package in the outer
clear plastic bag.
Coat and Trouser a. Signs of wetting (i.e. stains, a. If present, condemn the item.
deterioration, etc.) Use for training or dispose of it
b. Holes or tears b. If present, Use for training or dispose
c. Cleanliness of it
d. Fasteners proper operation c. If dirty, wipe clean with a dry cloth
e. Shelf life manufactured date d. BDO with broken or torn fasteners
that cannot be secured, will be
condemned. Use for training or
dispose of it
e. If expired, condemn the BDO. Use for
training or dispose of it
Protective Gloves a. Factory bag cleanliness a. If dirty, wipe clean
b. Holes or tears b. If present, inspect glove material
c. Glove material dry rot, brittleness, c. If present, condemn the item. Use for
holes or tears training or dispose of it
d. Shelf life/manufacture date d. If expired, condemn the item. Use for
training or dispose of it
Glove Inserts a. Factory bag cleanliness a. If dirty, wipe clean
b. Holes or tears b. If present, inspect cotton material
c. Cotton material condition c. Dispose of inserts which are
damaged to the point where they cannot
be comfortably worn

Footwear cover a. Factory bag cleanliness a. If dirty, wipe clean.

b. Factory Bag holes or tears b. If present, inspect footwear cover
c. Footwear cover material dry rot, material and laces.
brittleness, holes or tears c. If present, condemn the item. Use for
d. Footwear cover material oily residue training or dispose of it.
(slimed overboot) on unopened/ d. If present, suspend the item. Submit
unused overboots a product deficiency report IAW AFTO
e. Laces and elastic fasteners (GVO/ 00-35D-54. DSCP will authorize one-
BVO) breaks for-one replacement.
f. Shelf life manufacture date e. Replace the laces or elastic fasteners.
f. If expired condemn the item. Use for
training or dispose of it.

Quick MOPP
MOPP Field Clothing Footwear Mask/ Handwear
Level Gear Hood

0 Worn Carried Carried Carried Carried

1 Worn Worn Carried Carried Carried
2 Worn Worn Worn Carried Carried
3 Worn Worn Worn Worn Carried
4 Worn Worn Worn Worn Worn

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 215 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 216 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Work Rest Cycles and Fluid Replacement Guidelines

Light (Easy) Work Moderate Work Hard (Heavy) Work

Heat WBGT1
Category Index (F) Work/ Water Intake3 Work/ Water Intake3 Work/ Water Intake3
Rest2 (Qt/Hour) Rest2 (Qt/Hour) Rest2 (Qt/Hour)

1 78-81.9 NL4 1/2 NL 3/4 40/20 3/4

50/ 30/30
2 82-84.9 NL 1/2 10min 3/4 1
40/ 30/
3 85-87.9 NL 3/4 3/4 1
20min 30min

4 88-89.9 NL 3/4 30/ 3/4 20/ 1

30min 40min

5 >90 50/ 1 20/ 1 10/ 1

10mm 40min 50min

1. If wearing MOPP Level 4, add 10F to Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). If wearing personal
body armor in humid climates, add 5F to WBGT.
2. Rest means minimal physical activity (sitting or standing), accomplished in shade if possible.
3. Caution: Daily fluid intake should not exceed 12 quarts. Hourly fluid intake should not exceed 1 quart.
The work/rest time and fluid replacement volumes will sustain performance and hydration for at least
4 hours of work in the specified work category. Individual water needs will vary = 1/4 quart hour.
4. NL = no limit to work time per hour.

Work Intensities of Military Tasks

Light (Easy) Work Moderate Work Heavy (Hard) Work
n Weapons maintenance n Walking on loose sand at 2.5 n Walking on hard surface at
n Walking on hard surface at mph, with no load 3.5 mph, with >40 pound
2.5 mph, with <30 pound n Walking on hard surface at load
load 3.5 mph <40 pound load n Walking on loose sand at 2.5
n Marksmanship training n Calisthenics mph, with any load
n Tower operations n Patrolling n Armament crew
n Operations NCOs/officers n Individual movement n Heavy aircraft repair
n Pilot ground activities techniques such as low/high n Specialized teams such as
n Command post and unit crawl NBC reconnaissance, search
control center activities n Refueling and recovery, rapid runway
n Avionics shop repair, CCA, fire protection,
n Aircraft maintenance decontamination, medical,
n Unit post attack damage assessment and
reconnaissance repair, and EOD
Square Grid Matrix

Outside border letter/number combinations

identify anticipated response symbol

E2 or 2E.
Answer = T Given
D8 or 8D.
Answer = 8

Very secure method thats often used during

MOPP conditions when visual identity is

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 217 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 218 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Reading a Grid Map Ref AFJMAN 24-306

n Grid maps help you find

and report locations
n Grid maps contain
intersecting horizontal
and vertical lines that
form square box grids
n Grid numbers run
n Grid letters run
n The combined grid
number and letter is
the grid coordinate
n Grid maps are read
n This is grid
coordinate 2-B
n Identify grids using a
number and letter combination

(in that order)
n Write it as shown here or say grid
coordinate two, bravo
n For improved accuracy, grid
squares are further subdivided into
C 10 evenly spaced blocks
n This example shows grid
coordinate 2.2-B.5
n Write it as shown here or say grid

B coordinate two point two - bravo

point five

A NOTE: Sub-blocks may or may not be

marked on your map. If theyre not,
1 2 3 4 5
use your best judgment to identify the
coordinate you want to plot within a
grid square.
Chemical Warfare: Four Major Categories of
Agents Ref PACAF C-CW CONOPS Technical Report, Nov 2000
General Personal
Category Agent Symptoms Protection

Nerve and Blister agents present the most significant hazards to an airbase because of their high toxicity at
low-levels of exposure.

Nerve VX Designed to attack the nervous systemrunny MOPP-4 when

GA (Tabun) nose, tightness of the chest, breathing difficulty, operating in proximity
GB (Sarin) eye pain, dimness of vision, pinpointing of of either a liquid
GD (Soman) pupils, drooling, excessive sweating, nausea, or vapor hazard.
GF (Cylcosarin) vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, twitching of All clothing should
large muscle groups, headache, confusion, be immediately
drowsiness, involuntary defecation and urination, decontaminated after
cessation of breathing, loss of consciousness, coming into contact
coma and death. with liquid agent.

Blister H & HD Primary hazard is to incapacitate, but it can MOPP-4 when

(Distilled be lethal in high enough dosestearing, operating in proximity
Mustard) conjunctivitis, ulceration of exposed eye of either a liquid
L (Lewisite) surfaces, lung inflammation accompanied by or vapor hazard.
CX (Phosgene fluid accumulation in irritated tissues, impairment All clothing should
Oxime) of respiratory gas exchange, blistering action on be immediately
the skin. decontaminated after
coming into contact
with liquid agent.

Blood and Choking agents do not produce long-term threats to an air base. However, unprotected exposure
to high enough quantities of these agents can cause death.

Blood AC (Hydrogen Headache, dizziness, and nausea, which can MOPP-4 when
Cyanide) progress to coma, convulsions, and cessation operating in proximity
CK (Cyanogen of breathing. of either a liquid or
Chloride) vapor hazard.
SA (Arsine)

Choking CG Coughing, choking, and tightness of the chest as MOPP-4 when

(Phosgene) well as occasional nausea, vomiting, headache, operating in proximity
DP and tearing. Difficulty in breathing and a of either a liquid or
(Diphosgene) diminished lung oxygen exchange become vapor hazard.
evident as fluids accumulate in lungs.

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 219 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 220 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Acronyms and Definitions Used in This Manual

C ............................ Degrees Celsius (Temperature)

F ............................ Degrees Fahrenheit (Temperature)


< ............................. Less Than

= ............................. Equal To
> ............................. Greater Than
2-Pam Chloride ...... Pralidoxime (Nerve Agent Antidote)
4-Rs ....................... Recognize, Record, Retreat, Report
463L ....................... Type of Aircraft Cargo Pallet
AFOSI ..................... Air Force Office of Special Investigations (Also OSI)
Alarm Blue ............ Equivalent to Alarm Red in Korea
Ambulatory ........... Walk Under Own Power
Atropine................. Nerve Agent Antidote
BDO ........................ Battle Dress Overgarment
BDU ........................ Battle Dress Uniform
Bio .......................... Biological
BVO ........................ Black Vinyl Overboots
C2 Series ............... C2 Series Canister (Filter)
CAC ........................ Common Access Card (Military ID Card)
Camo...................... Camouflage
CB........................... Chemical, Biological
CBRN ..................... Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
CBRNE ................... Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high-yield
CCA ........................ Contamination Control Area
CCP ........................ Casualty Collection Point
CE ........................... Civil Engineer
CHA ........................ Contact Hazard Area
Chem/Bio ............... Chemical, Biological
COA ........................ Course of Action
COMSEC ................ Communications Security
CONOPS ................ Concept of Operations
CONUS ................... Continental United States (US Mainland)
CPO ........................ Chemical Protective Overgarment, previously called Joint
Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST)
DC........................... Defense Council
Decon .................... Decontaminate or Decontamination
De-energize ........... Shut-off
DEET ...................... N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (insect repellent)
DFP......................... Defensive Fighting Position
Diazepam .............. Nerve Agent Antidote
DoD ........................ Department of Defense
DU .......................... Depleted Uranium (Heavy Dense Radioactive Material)
EMP ........................ Electromagnetic Pulse (Nuclear Blast Effect)
EOC ........................ Expeditionary Operations Center
EOD ........................ Explosives Ordnance Disposal
EPW ........................ Enemy Prisoner of War
FDA......................... (United States) Food and Drug Administration
FPCON ................... Force Protection Condition
Ft, ft ....................... Foot or Feet
GTC ........................ Government Travel Card
GVO ........................ Green Vinyl Overboots
HAZMAT ................ Hazardous Material
Hr, hr ...................... Hour
HVAC ...................... Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
Hydrate .................. Drink or Add Liquid
IBD ......................... Integrated Base Defense
IED ......................... Improvised Explosive Device
In, in ....................... Inch or Inches
IPE .......................... Individual Protective Equipment
JA ........................... Judge Advocate
JFIRE ..................... Joint Firefighters Protective Overgarment
JSLIST ................... Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology now
called CPO
Km, km .................. Kilometer or Kilometers
LES ......................... Leave and Earnings Statement
LOAC ...................... Law of Armed Conflict
M, m ....................... Meter or Meters
M291 ...................... Skin Decontamination Kit
M295 ...................... Individual Equipment Decontamination Kit
M45 ........................ M45 Land Warrior Chemical-Biological Mask
M8 .......................... M8 Chemical Detector Paper
M9 .......................... M9 Chemical Detector Paper
Mark 1 kit .............. Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (NAAK)
MCU-2 Series ........ MCU-2P or MCU-2A/P Mask
Mi, mi ..................... Mile or Miles
Min, min ................. Minute or Minutes
MOPP Ready ......... Joint Service Term Equivalent to USAF MOPP Level 0
MOPP ..................... Mission Oriented Protective Posture
MPF ........................ Military Personnel Flight
MRE ........................ Meals Ready to Eat
MULO ..................... Multipurpose Lightweight Overboots
NAAK ..................... Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (Mark 1 kit)

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 221 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 222 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

NBC ........................ Nuclear, Biological, Chemical

NBCC ..................... Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Conventional
NBCD Cell.............. Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defense Cell
Nuc......................... Nuclear
OCONUS ................ Outside Continental United States (Overseas)
OG .......................... Overgarment
OPSEC ................... Operations Security
OPTEMPO .............. Operations Tempo (Sense of Urgency)
OSC ........................ On Scene Commander
OSI ......................... Office of Special Investigation (Also AFOSI)
PA ........................... Public Affairs
PAR ........................ Post-Attack Reconnaissance
Permethrin ............ Insect Repellent
PIN ......................... Personal Identification Number
PL ........................... Protection Level
POA ........................ Power of Attorney
POW ....................... Prisoner of War
PROWORDS ........... Procedure Words (Used for Radio Communication)
P-Tabs .................... Pyridostigmine Bromide (Nerve Agent Pretreatment for
Recon..................... Reconnaissance
ROE ........................ Rules of Engagement
RST ........................ Readiness Support Team or Religious Support Team
SABC ...................... Self Aid and Buddy Care
S-A-L-U-T-E ............ Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment
SF ........................... Security Forces
SOFA ...................... Status of Forces Agreement
Split-MOPP ............ Concept of Dividing Base into CB Zones or Sectors
SRC ........................ Survival Recovery Center
SSCRA ................... Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act
SSS......................... Small Shelter System
TFA ......................... Toxic Free Area
TIM ......................... Toxic Industrial Material
UCC ........................ Unit Control Center
UCMJ ..................... Uniform Code of Military Justice
UGR ........................ Unitized Group Ration
USERRA ................. Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights
UXO ........................ Unexploded Ordnance
WOC ....................... Wing Operations Center
Yd, yd ..................... Yard or Yards

AFOSI ..................................8,11,14, 16, 40, 41, Chaplain ...............................4, 11, 14, 38, 50,
59, 73, Critical 26 190, 192
Alarm Black ..........................126 Cold ...................................... 5, 6, 32, 39, 46, 112,
Alarm Blue............................20, 92, 93 147, 153, 161, 162,
Alarm Green .........................77, 78 166, 167, 168, 182,
Alarm Yellow.........................79, 80 187,
Alarm Red.............................20, 78, 92, 93 Communications...................39, 58, 71, 72, 79,
Ambush ................................44, 101 88, 90, 91, 95, 101,
Animals.................................44, 48, 142, 144 139, 196, 197, 198
Anthrax .................................143 COMSEC..............................72
Arrival Actions.......................38, 40 CONOPS..............................82
Atropine ...............................146, Critical 10, 11 Contaminated Waste ............41, 56, 57, 67, 69,
Auto-injector .........................145, 146 78, 98, 114, 127, 175
BDO...................................... 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, Contamination Avoidance.....41, 56, 67, 69, 77,
29, 30, 31, 160, 161, 78, 79, 80, 126, 145,
167, 169, 214 148
Biological .............................20, 21, 27, 32, 56, Convoy .................................44, 82, 100, 101
60, 61, 69, 84, 128, Cordon..................................75, 84, 131, 144
132, 139, 141, 142, CPO .....................................21, 22, 24, 25, 26,
144, 149, 152, 153, 29, 30, 31, 156, 157,
159, 162, 168, 174 158, 164, 165, 169,
Blackout................................41, 63, 64 214
Blister Agent ........................134, 137, 148 Decon ..................................21, 32, 35, 51, 56,
BVO .....................................23, 25, 215 68, 69, 77, 78, 98,
C2 Canister...........................21, 27, 40, 153, 154, 99, 114, 126, 127,
155, 156, 159, 160, 133, 138, 140, 143,
162, 163, 164, 167, 144, 145, 148, 171,
168, 169, 170, 207, 173, 174, 175, 216,
208, 209, 212 Critical 1, 9, 17
Camouflage ..........................43, 63, 64, 66 DEET....................................48
Cargo Pallet..........................38, 40, 58, 67, 69, Defectors ..............................89
Chem/Bio..............................62, 63, 65, 114, DFP .....................................65, 66
127, 168, 169, 182, Diazepam ............................147, Critical 12
Critical 1 Dispersal...............................41, 63, 71, 77, 80,
CCA .....................................23, 26, 41, 78, 132, 101, 140
133, 158, 161, 165, Drinking through Mask..........171
167, 173, 175, 216, DU ....................................... 140
CCP...................................... 176, 177, 185, 189, EOD...................................... 38, 73, 130, 216
Critical 1 ECP ...................................... 64, 84, 85
EPW ....................................14, 89, 90

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 223 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 224 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

Finance.................................2, 4, 11, 38 M295.....................................32, 56, 98, 114, 127,

Fire ....................................... 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 148, 171, 173, 174,
38, 40, 41, 52, 53, 175, 177
54, 55, 56, 60, 61, M45 Mask.............................21, 24, 162, 163,
63, 65, 66, 78, 92, 164, 165, 166, 167,
100, 150, 152, 216, 168, 208, 210, 212
Critical 1, 16, 26 M8......................................... 21, 32, 35, 56, 65,
Flags.....................................20, 91, 92, 93, 126 67, 68, 69, 77, 78,
Flares....................................97 98, 126, 127, 134,
FPCON.................................10, 19, 38, 40, 70, 135, 136, Critical 1
91, 92 M9 Pistol...............................117, 118, Critical 25
Geneva Convention..............13, 89, 190, 191, 192 M9 Paper (Tape)...................21, 23, 26, 28, 32,
Grid Map...............................95, 127, 129, 131, 35, 40, 56, 78, 127,
218 137
GVO...................................... 23, 215 Mark 1 Kit .............................146, 147, Critical 10,
HAZMAT ...............................150 11, 12,
Heat...................................... 33, 41, 46, 51, 52, Marking.................................23, 26, 27, 40, 57,
53, 54, 60, 61, 67, 98, 127, 128, 131,
99, 138, 139, 150, 214, Critical 2
152, 153, 162, 182, MCU-2 Series Mask .............21, 24, 153, 154,
183, 185, 186, 216, 156, 158, 159, 160,
Critical 8, 14, 16 161, 168, 206, 212
Human Remains...................176, 189 Media....................................15, 16, 17
HVAC....................................67, 79, 150, 151, Medical .................................4, 10, 11, 14, 38, 39,
152, Critical 14, 15, 41, 46, 47, 48, 50,
16 51, 70, 132, 142,
Hydration ..............................40, 46, 171, 182, 144, 145, 146, 148,
183, 216 149, 176, 178, 179,
Hygiene ...............................6, 47, 141, 143 183, 184, 185, 186,
IBD........................................ 82, 83 187, 190, 192, 216,
IED........................................ 42, 43, 44, 45, 74, Critical 12, 18, 19, 26
101 Mobility Bag..........................5, 6, 10, 38, 39, 40
Insects ..................................6, 48, 55, 56, 144 MOPP 0 ................................27, 77, 78, 79, 80
IPE........................................ 10, 21, 27, 32, 33, MOPP 1 ................................26, 28, 79
39, 40, 46, 56, 77, MOPP 2 ................................26, 29, 79, 80,
78, 79, 89, 94, 99, MOPP 3 ................................30, 79
132, 145, 148, 173 MOPP 4 ................................26, 31, 79, 88, 92,
JFIRE....................................21, 28, 29, 30, 31 93, 126, 145, 148,
JSLIST..................................21 216
Legal.....................................2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 18, 39 MOPP Options......................27, 32, 33
LOAC....................................12, 13, 14, 18 MULO ...................................23, 25
M16....................................... 103, 107, 110, 111,
Critical 24
NBC...................................... 10, 27, 28, 29, 30, 132, 138, 149, 150,
31, 32, 41, 54, 57, 151, 176, Critical 8,
63, 67, 69, 78, 90, 13, 14, 15 ,16, 26
93, 99, 114, 126, Smallpox...............................143
127, 132, 177, 189, Split-MOPP...........................34, 35, 71, 77, 91,
216 92, 177
Nerve Agent..........................32, 40, 41, 134, 135, SRC...................................... 41, 70, 127, 129,
136, 145, 146, 147, 131, Critical 3, 26
177, Critical 10, 11, SSS .....................................51
12 Supply...................................39, 48, 212
Nuclear .................................20, 21, 27, 32, 60, Take Cover ..........................92, 98, 150, Critical
61, 84, 138, 139, 13
140, 149, Critical 8, 9 TEMPER............................... 51
OPSEC.................................16, 96 Tent....................................... 41, 51, 53, 55, 176
Permethrin............................48 Terrorist.................................19, 42, 73, 74, 75,
Public Affairs.........................8, 16, 17 140, 142
Plague .................................143 TFA....................................... 133
POW.....................................190, 191, 192, 193 Threat ..................................10, 13, 19, 20, 27,
PROWORDS........................96, 196, 197 32, 33, 34, 38, 40,
Readiness.............................10, 20, 59, 77 42, 45, 46, 48, 60,
Recon ..................................33, 41, 77, 83, 125, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
126, 216, Critical 9 67, 69, 72, 73, 74,
Roadblock.............................101 75, 77, 82, 83, 84,
ROE...................................... 12, 93 91, 93, 100, 101,
SABC....................................41, 78, 126, 176, 142, 143, 151, 168,
177, Critical 1, 9, 13 176, 191
Safety ..................................36, 38, 40, 42, 52, TIM ....................................... 149
55, 97, 102, 117, UCC...................................... 30, 34, 35, 41, 71,
118, 121, 122, 146, 73, 77, 78, 86, 87,
Critical 10, 11. 25 90, 93, 98, 99, 100,
S-A-L-U-T-E..........................87, 93, 95, 100, 101, 101, 126, 127, 129,
Critical 1 131, 134, 173, 177,
Search .................................76, 89, 216 Critical 1, 2, 3, 14,
Security Forces.....................40, 41, 59, 72, 73, 16, 17, 26
76, 84, 86, 87, 88, UCMJ....................................18
89, 92, 93, 152, UXO...................................... 40, 45, 74, 78, 126,
Critical 16, 26 128, 129, 130, 131,
Second Skin .........................21, 40, 153, 162, Critical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
169, 170, 208, 209 6, 7
Services................................38, 39, 58, 80 Waste ..................................41, 55, 56, 57, 67,
Shelter ..................................38, 41, 51, 68, 71, 69, 78, 98, 114, 127,
77, 78, 79, 80, 91, 175
92, 94, 98, 126, 130,

AFMAN 10-100 / 1 June 2004 225 / Section 6 / Quick Reference

NOTES #2 pencil works best


#2 pencil works best

Critical Information
Post Attack Actions .............................1
UXO Survey ........................................2
USAF Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
Recognition and Reporting Chart ...3
Nuclear Attack Radioactive
Individual Protective Actions ..........8
Nerve Agent Poisoning and Antidote 10
Shelter In-Place Actions ...................13
Life Saving Steps ..............................17
Shock ................................................18
Tourniquet .........................................19
Abdominal Wound ............................20
Bleeding ............................................20
Common Injury Treatment ................21
Spinal/Neck/Head Injury ...................21
Eye Injury ..........................................22
Chest Wound ....................................22
Fracture ............................................23
M16 Jammed ....................................24
M9 Jammed ......................................25
Important Phone Numbers
and Quick Reference ...................26
Post-Attack Actions
n S-A-L-U-T-E (ground attack)
n SABC self/buddy
n Decon self/buddy
n Listen for Chem/Bio alarms
n Listen for people who need help
n Survey:
-Damage/fires -Facilities -Vehicles
-Equipment -Aircraft -Routes
-M8 Paper
n Survey area for UXOmark UXO
n Report to UCC
-UXO location(s) -Damage/fire(s)
-M8 Paper -Casualties
n Transport casualties to CCP
n Fight fires
n Maintain UCC contact
n Request help if needed
n Continue mission
Read M8 Paper with white light only!


die cut around tab
2 UXO Survey die cut around tab


UXO Survey
Follow UXO 4-Rs: Recognize, Record,
Retreat, Report

n Touch or attempt to extinguish
n Move closer
n Transmit handheld radio within 25 ft
n Transmit vehicle radio within 100 ft

n Approach from UPWIND or
n Recognize by CLASS, SHAPE, SIZE
n Mark UXO
n Mark or barricade approach routes
n Report to UCC when safe
USAF Unexploded
Ordnance (UXO)
and Reporting Chart

Report to UCC or SRC

n Location, cordon size, how UXO is
marked, and distance between
UXO and marker
n Class or shape (i.e. Bravo 1)
n UXO features
n UXO condition
(leaking? intact? broken?)
n Other information



die cut around tab
die cut around tab
UXO Chart

Class A:
Large Bombs

A1, Bomb, 3-8 ft

A2, bomb, 3-8 feet

A3, bomb, 3-8 feet

A4, bomb, 5-6 feet

Class B: Rockets, Missiles
B1, missile,
6-20 feet

B2, rocket,
6-20 feet
12 Inch Ruler

Class C: Projectiles,
C2 C3
C4 C6

C5 C7



UXO Chart
die cut around tab
die cut around tab
UXO Chart

C10 C11
C12 C13


Class D: Landmines
D2 D3

D6 D7

D4 D5

Class E:
Bomblets E1

E5 E6

E4 E10

E9 E12
E8 E7

Class F: Rocket Propelled

Grenades, Grenades

F4 F7



UXO Chart
die cut around tab
NUC Attack die cut around tab


Nuclear Attack
Radioactive Individual
Protective Actions
Advanced warning:
n Find shelter that provides greatest
n Use window barriers and shielding to
improve protection
n Upon seeing nuclear flash, seek
protection from blast wave, heat,
and flying debris

If a detonation occurs without warning:

n Drop to a prone position
n Cover eyes and face
n DO NOT move until initial and any
reflected blast waves pass
n Stay under cover until directed
n Perform SABC
n Perform post-attack recon when
n Decon yourself
- Brush dust/fallout off clothing
- Blot away with adhesive tape
- Rinse exposed skin
n Limit radiation exposure by using:
- Time
- Distance
- Shielding


NUC Attack
die cut around tab
die cut around tab
Nerve Agent

Nerve Agent
Poisoning and Antidote
Self Administer or Administer for
Casualty (Use casualtys antidote on
casualtynot yours!)
1. Don mask (place mask on casualty)
2. Observe for SYMPTOMS
n Dimming vision n sweating
n Pinpointed pupils n Runny nose
n Unconsciousness n Diarrhea
n Muscles twitching n Seizures

When Symptoms are Present:

1. Remove one Atropine injector
(Small Injector) from Mark-1 Kit

2. Remove safety cap

3. Place needle end of injector on
injector site
4. Press firmly until needle triggers
5. Hold In place for 10 seconds
6. Remove injector
7. Bend needle to form a hook
8. Hang injector from your or
casualtys pocket
9. Remove one 2-Pam Chloride
(large injector) from Mark-1 Kit

10. Remove safety cap

11. Repeat same steps as Atropine

WARNING: DO NOT inject second

Mark-1 Kit if within 5-10 minutes:
n Heart beats very quickly
n Mouth becomes dry


Nerve Agent 11
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die cut around tab
Nerve Agent

MILD SYMPTOMS: If mild symptoms

persist AFTER 10-15 MINUTES, inject
second Mark-1 Kit (use buddy) seek
medical help


THREE Mark-1 Kits followed by Diazepam
injector to prevent convulsionsDO NOT
WAIT between injecting Mark-1 Kits

WARNING: DO NOT use more than

three Mark-1 Kits. Use Diazepam ONLY
after all three Mark-1 Kits have been
Shelter In-Place Actions
Outdoor Hazard While Youre Outside
a Building
n Take cover
n Notify others
n Don protective equipment
n Report the hazard
n Perform SABC
n Seek nearest building or safest area
n Shelter-in-place until otherwise
n Follow shelter or facility manager

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14 Shelter die cut around tab


Outdoor Hazard While Youre

Inside a Building (same as outdoor
hazard while youre outside a building
n Turn off:
- Fans and exhaust fan(s)
- Combustion heaters
n Secure classified material
n Move to a central safe room or area
or evacuate upwind or crosswind
(if directed)
n Notify UCC after hazard passes
n Purge and ventilate buildings when
- Open windows
and doors
- Turn-on smoke
and exhaust fans
- Turn-on HVAC
air handlers
and fans
Outdoor Hazard While Youre Inside an
Expeditionary or Temporary Structure
n Operate HVAC systems including
window units in closed or recirculation
n If a release warning is provided,
follow previous guidelines

If youre aboard an aircraft:

n Aircrew actions (before or after
taxiing) include closing hatches,
windows, and using oxygen
masks (if available)
n Passengers might evacuate
aircraft as
required by

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die cut around tab
16 Shelter
Inside hazard while youre inside
the building (same as outdoor hazard
while youre outside a building plus...)
n Turn off:
- Fans and exhaust fan(s)
- Combustion heaters
n Report incident to Fire Services or
Security Forces
n Close and seal doors and windows
to contain hazard
n Secure classified material
n Evacuate upwind or crosswind
n Notify UCC
Life Saving Steps
Perform Self-Aid and Buddy Care
n Open Airway (possible neck injury,
use jaw thrust maneuver, DO NOT turn
n Ensure Breathing
n Support Circulation (stop
bleeding) immobilize neck injuries
n Prevent further Disability (place
dressings over open wounds and
splint obvious limb deformities)
n Minimize further Exposure to
adverse weather
For Chemical Environment Casualty
n Place mask on casualty
n Decon casualty as needed using
casualtys decon kits
n Report casualty to UCC
n Ambulances DO NOT run during/
following attacks
n Follow UCC instructions for transport
to CCP
n Watch for chemical agent symptoms
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Life Saving 17
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Shock Symptoms:
n Confusion
n Sweaty but cool skin (clammy skin)
n Shallow, labored-and-rapid breath
n Weak-rapid pulse

Shock Treatment:
n Keep airway open
n If unconscious, place on side in
recovery position, monitor airway
n Keep person calm, warm, and
n Elevate lower extremities
n Seek medical attention
n Do not give food or drink
WARNING: Never use a tourniquet
unless there is danger to life. Use
tourniquet only as last resort to stop
bleeding to save life at possible loss
of limb! Never remove a tourniquetit
must be removed by medical personnel
n Place one-inch wide constricting
band around arm or leg to stop
severe bleedingDO NOT use wire or
n Place band 2-4 inches above injury
if possible
n Tighten band enough to stop bleeding
no more than is necessary!
n Once in place do not loosen or remove
n Expose tourniquet area for quick visual
n Mark time and letter T on casualtys
forehead (ink or blood)


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20 Abdominal, die cut around tab


Abdominal Wound Treatment:

n If organs are outside body, gently
pick them up and place them on top
of abdomendo not replace or push
organs into body
n Cover exposed organs with moist
clean dressing
n Secure with bandages
n If legs are not fractured bend knees
to relieve pressure

Bleeding Treatment:
n Apply direct pressure with hand
(Use dressing if available)
n Elevate extremity if no fractures are
n Use pressure points to control bleeding
n DO NOT remove old dressing
n Add more dressing over old (if needed)
Common Injury Treatment
Spinal/Neck/Head Injury Symptoms:
n Lack of feeling and/or control anywhere
below neck, drainage of fluid or blood
from ear, nose, or mouth
n If conscious, caution casualty not to
n Continuously monitor and check
airway without turning casualtys head
n Immobilize head and neck
n If casualty must be moved:
- Use hard surface for litter
(door, cut lumber, other)
- Use as many people as needed to
place casualty on litter
- Immobilize head and neck
n Ensure casualtys limbs are secured
at chest and thigh regions
n Turn/rotate whole body as a unit
DO NOT Bend Spinal Cord
DO NOT Rotate Head and Neck


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die cut around tab
22 Common
Eye Injury Treatment:
n DO NOT remove impaled objects
n Secure objects with clean dressing
n Apply bandage lightly to BOTH eyes
n DO NOT leave casualty unattended

Chest Wound Symptoms:

n Sucking noise from chest
n Frothy red blood from wound
n Look for entry and exit wound
n Cover holes with airtight seal (tin
foil, ID card)
n Tape down seal on 3 sidesleave
bottom uncovered
n Let casualty assume position for
easiest breathing (preferably on
affected side)
Fracture Symptoms:
n Deformity, bruising
n Tenderness over specific part of body
n Swelling/discoloration
n DO NOT straighten limb
n If in doubt, splint injury where they lie
(if possible)
n Splint joints above and below injury
n Remove clothing from injured area
n Remove rings from fingers
(if possible)
n Check pulse below injuryaway
from heart to determine if blood flow is

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Injury 23
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24 M16
M16A2 Procedures:
(If the weapon fails to fire)
n Slap upward on bottom of magazine to
ensure magazine is fully seated
n Pull charging handle to rear
n Observe to see if a round or cartridge
casing was ejected and chamber/
receiver area are clear (proceed to
remedial action if chamber isnt clear)
n Release charging handle (allow bolt to
slam forward)
n Tap forward assist button to ensure
bolt is fully forward
n Shoot

M16A2 Remedial Action:

(If above actions do not correct problem, or
an obstruction is found)
n Clear weapon
n Check again for jammed cartridge
case. NOTE: Inspect closely... a
ruptured cartridge case can be difficult
to see
n If cartridge case is detected, use a
cleaning rod to remove
n Reload weapon
n Select Semi
n Fire

M9 Procedures:
(If weapon fails to fire)
n Ensure decocking /safety lever is in the
fire position (up)
n Smack upward on bottom of magazine
to ensure it is fully seated
n Rack the slide to the rear and release
n Fire

M9 Remedial Action Procedures:

(If above actions do not correct problem)
n Remove magazine
n Eject chambered round
n Insert new magazine
n Rack slide to rear and release to
chamber new round
n Attempt to fire
n If pistol still does not fire, replace

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PHONE die cut around tab


Important Phone Numbers and Quick Reference

Phone # Building #
Alternate UCC _______________________________________________________
WOC ______________________________________________________________
Command Post ______________________________________________________
Work Center ________________________________________________________
Security Forces ______________________________________________________
AFOSI _____________________________________________________________
Fire, 911 or different __________________________________________________
Casualty Collection Point_______________________________________________
Medical Clinic _______________________________________________________
My Shelter __________________________________________________________
Alternate Shelter _____________________________________________________
Billeting ____________________________________________________________
Bed # ______________________________________________________________
Radio Call SignsMy Call Sign: _________________________________________
Dining Facility: Phone # ________________ Bldg # ______________________
Operating Hours: Breakfast ___________________________________________
Lunch ______________________________________________
Dinner _____________________________________________
Midnight ____________________________________________

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