List of Experiments: University of Mumbai, Mechanical Engineering (Third and Final Year) Revised Course (Rev-2012)

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Engine Testing and Performance: Measurement of Break Horse Power,

Indicated Power, Fuel Consumption, Air flow, BMEP, Performance

characteristic of SI and CI Engines, Effect of load and Speed on mechanical,
indicated thermal, break thermal and volumetric efficiencies, Heat balance
Exhaust Emissions: Exhaust gas analysis and methods, necessity,
constituents, Air pollution due to engine exhaust, Pollution control devices
and EURO, BHARAT standards
Fuels: SI and CI engine fuels, Rating of fuels, Non conventional fuels:
CNG, LPG, Bio-fuels, Hydrogen, Alcohol etc
Alternative Potential Engines: Stratified charge engine, Wankel engine,
Free-piston engine, Stirling engine, VCR engine, Dual fuel engines, Multi
fuel engines
Modern Trends in I C Engines





List of Experiments
Part A:

Study of physical systems in terms of constructional details and functions


2 Stroke and 4 Stroke Engines

Ignition system.
Fuel injection system.

Part B: Students shall perform at least 5 experiments from the list


Morse Test on petrol engine.

Speed Test on petrol or/and diesel engine.
Load Test on diesel engine (engines).
Heat Balance test on diesel or petrol engines.
Experimental determination of Air fuel ratio and volumetric efficiency of the
6] Exhaust Gas/Smoke analysis of S.I./ C.I. engines
7] Effect of Supercharging on Performance Characteristics of an engine

Term Work
Term work shall consist of minimum 6 experiments from the list out of which 4 must be
actual trials on IC Engines and 1 case study/report (in group of not more than 3 students) on
latest trends/developments in IC Engines
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments) :
15 marks
Case Study/Report :
05 marks
Attendance (Theory and Practical) : 05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term work.

Internal Assessment
Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 40% of curriculum) and the other is either a class test (on minimum 70% of
curriculum) or assignment on live problems or course project.

University of Mumbai, Mechanical Engineering (Third and Final Year) Revised Course (Rev-2012)


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