Blues Lessons
Blues Lessons
Blues Lessons
1. Students will listen to a recording of 4, 5, and 9 and follow
along by holding up the numbers of the roots during the first
verse. They will then sing the letter name of the roots in the key
of C.
2. Students will review what they learned about the 20s and 30s in
the last rotation, and will watch a short video about the Great
Depression and connect the new knowledge to their understanding of
the time period and the blues.
3. Students will review and practice the walking bassline on their real
piano apps individually and then as a class at various tempos while the
teacher monitors their progress and udnerstanding.
4. Students will listen to Good Morning Blues performed by Leadbelly
before singing along with a track.
5. Students will sing along with the recording of Hound Dog, by Elvis
and then perform the bassline on their iPads along with the track.
6. If there is time, students will listen to a recording of Big Mama
Thornton performing the same song, Hound Dog in a style that is
more blues than rock and roll.
Assessment is formative in this lesson, continuous and throughout,
asking students to vocalize connections that they are making between
history and music, and assessing their understanding visually and
aurally as they learn and practice the bassline. Constant monitoring
happens while students have their iPads, walking around during
independent practice time and leading while listening for unison
playing at other times. 1
This lesson will continue into a blues composition unit later in this
rotation, where students will compose their own blues lyrics and
perform them in their own blues bands comprised of digital
1. Students will listen for lyric form in Long Road to Travel by Lonnie
Johnson and answer the prompts.
2. Students will sing Good Morning Blues to review and internalize
the melody for writing lyrics.
3. Students will use blackboard on their iPads to independently watch
videos and respond to questions about the Great Depression and the
Black Blizzard.
4. Once students completed the video questions, they will write their
own blues lyrics
Assessment is formative in this lesson, continuous and throughout,
asking students to write connections that they are making between
history and music, and assessing their understanding visually by
walking around the room and observing student work. Constant
monitoring happens while students have their iPads, walking around
during independent work time and answering questions about blues
This lesson will continue into a blues composition unit later in this
rotation, where students will perform their own blues blues bands
comprised of digital instruments.
3. Students will rehearse their parts for their band as a class along with
a backing track while the teacher monitors and checks accuracy and
understanding in parts.
4. Students will rehearse their blues bands in their groups and have a
complete rehearsal of their blues along with the backing track.
Assessment is formative in this lesson, continuous and throughout,
assessing their understanding visually and aurally by walking around
the room and observing student work. Constant monitoring happens
while students have their iPads, walking around during independent
work time and answering questions about their blues bands.
This lesson will continue into a blues composition unit on the final day
in this rotation, where students will perform their own blues blues
bands comprised of digital instruments.
2. Students will rehearse their parts for their band as a class along with
a backing track while the teacher monitors and checks accuracy and
understanding in parts.
4. Students will rehearse their blues bands in their groups briefly and
have a complete rehearsal of their blues along with the backing track.
5. Students will perform their blues bands and listen respectfully to
their peers performing.
Summative assessment is used during the performances as the
teacher grades groups effectiveness according the corresponding
rubric. Formative assessment is continuous and throughout, assessing
their understanding visually and aurally by walking around the room
and observing student work. Constant monitoring happens while
students have their iPads, walking around during independent work
time and answering questions about their blues bands.
The group negotiation skills required for this performance, along with
the musical skills required to perform as a group will continue to
develop as students create and perform individually and in groups
throughout the year.