Philosophy Paper Revised

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Anya Stroup
My Teaching Philosophy
I have wanted to be a teacher since tenth grade. I have the desire to be a teacher because I
love working with children. I love seeing them light up and get excited once they grasp a
concept. It fills my heart with pride to know that I played a role in opening the students eyes to
something new and unfamiliar to them and then see them master it.
Classroom Management
In my view the purpose of education is to provide students with the skills and
knowledge they will need to be successful and productive citizens. This is done by
educating them in how to read, write, do math, think critically, be creative, and help them
to gain confidence in themselves and not be afraid of making mistakes. In the words of
Rita Pierson Every child deserves a champion an adult who will never give up on
them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that
they can possibly be.
Classroom environment plays a critical role in students learning. Students cannot
be productive unless the environment around them is safe and stable. This is done by the
teacher being consistent and having a structured classroom. From what I have
experienced during internship and residency, classroom management is always the most
difficult skill to master. Since no student is the same, the way the classroom is managed
will work with some and then may need to be adjusted or changed with the next group.
But no matter what method is used I believe that as long as the classroom is managed

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with positive reinforcement the students and the teacher will be successful at what they
Student Learning
The role of the teacher is to present the different content that comes from TEKS in
a creative manner. The teacher needs to know the way her/his students learn and present the
information in the way that best suits the students differentiated learning styles. Knowing which
students learn hands on, visually, or who are auditory learners will guide on how a lesson is
presented. There needs to be a balance of when the teacher is directly teaching the students and
when the students guide their own learning. In a developmentally appropriate manner the teacher
should act as a facilitator and let the students learn on their own or in groups while being nearby
to provide assistance when needed. Scaffolding is the way that teachers can help students reach
the next level.
Todays classroom is a culturally diverse place. Being aware of the diverse cultures that
the students come from and the different language barriers those cultures may create will help the
teacher find accommodation to make those students learning beneficial to them.
Role of the Teacher
My role as a teacher is to be a bridge to the community which is done through the
relationships created with the parents of the students. This is done by keeping the parents up to
date on what is going on in the classroom and the school, and getting them involved. Having a
sense of community in the school is important as well. Being a team player is an essential part of
what makes a teacher successful.

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Technology in the classroom

The ways students learn evolve with each generation. Technology plays a big part in
students lives today and it will continue to do so. The teachers role in educational renewal and
reform is to recognize this and to support the technology movement in schools, and to petition
for up to date materials so that the students can learn how to use the modern technology, and gain
the skills that are required to be successful. One way that I would like to incorporate the use of
technology is through an activity called write the room. The student uses an iPad or tablet which
has a QR code scanner app on it to go around the room and solve different problems by scanning
the code on the teacher made equations. The student records their answer on a recording sheet
and then can scan the QR code provided on the recording sheet next to the problem to self-check
their answer. This can be done with any subject. This is an engaging activity that helps students
who are kinesthetic learners and need to move around.
The influence of the teacher is a lasting one. If it is a positive influence, then the students
will have a hunger to learn, but a negative influence can hinder the students ability to learn and
reach their full potential. As Haim Ginott said Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on
them makes an impression.

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