Jig Angular Ajustavel

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Tablesaw Miter Jig

Are you ready for on-the-money miters? Here's the solution.

To build this jig, first place one miter-slot guide into each slot on your saw
table. Align the 1/2" plywood base on top of the guide, long edges
perpendicular to the miter slots. With the plywood resting on the tablesaw
surface, drill 5/32" shank holes through the plywood and into the guides just far
enough to mark their positions. Remove the plywood and guides and drill 7/64"
pilot holes through the guides. Reposition these pieces on the tablesaw, and
attach the guides with countersunk #8x1" brass wood screws. Drive the screws
about halfway through the guides, and lift the assembly off the table. Drive the
screws completely, and sand off their protruding tips. Again, place the jig onto
the tablesaw surface, turn on the saw, and cut a kerf about halfway across the
width of the plywood.
The key to this jig's accuracy is installing the miter fences precisely at 90. The
drawings below take you through the first two alignment steps. Use this process
to temporarily attach each fence with two #8x1" screws. Test the fences for accuracy by cutting four sample
pieces, each about 1" wide and 4" long. Hold them together with a rubberband and check for any gaps at the
miters. Adjust the position of the fences as necessary by tapping them with a hammer. Once you're satisfied that
the fences are in exactly the right positions, attach each of them with two #8x1" screws. Finally, to help hold your
workpieces steady against the fences during cuts, attach adhesive-backed 100-grit sandpaper to the fence faces
where shown in the photo above.

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