Heal Your Mind To Heal Your Heart
Heal Your Mind To Heal Your Heart
Heal Your Mind To Heal Your Heart
A study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine has indicated that once anxiety and
depression sets in, youve unleashed the possibility that youll develop heart
disease in the future.
We all know some of the factors that contribute to heart disease primarily
genetics and our poor food consumption (or lack of healthy foods in our diets).
But most people never consider sheer stress and anxiety as a source of actual
damage to their bodys heart.
One thing doctors know is that a large number of patients visits to the doctor are
due to chronic stress. It can take a toll on your body, causing fatigue, panic
attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more.
What happens when you get stressed is that your body experiences a fight or
flight reaction. Your adrenaline gets pumping and you tense up. Your heart rate
soars. Fat gets released into your blood because its used to give you a jolt of
energy. Even your blood clots easier.
This wouldnt be a problem for your heart if it happened once in awhile, but for
many individuals, depression and anxiety is a never-ending problem. Your heart
needs rest and relaxation.
It shouldnt always be battling increased blood pressure, a barrage of cholesterol,
and rapid heart beat. What will happen is that your heart might start beating
abnormally more often than not. Your arties can thicken, too setting you up for
a heart attack or stroke.
Struggling in a relationship
Being sued
Think about how youve physically felt lately. Stress is evident in our minds, but
sometimes we overlook the physical effect until its too late. If youre burdened by
an unhealthy amount of stress, you might notice a few common stress signs
early on.
Your jaw might hurt in the morning. This is a sign youre clenching your jaw or
grinding your teeth at night. You might also suffer from headaches and feel stiff in
your neck area.
As stress really takes a toll on your body, symptoms get more serious. You might
have dizzy spells, insomnia, feelings of panic attacks where your heart is racing,
youre sweating and you feel nauseous.
Implement good sleep hygiene. That means youre protecting your heart by
getting plenty of Zs at night. You cant function properly and handle stress
gracefully when youre running on empty.
Just as not getting plenty of sleep can be a problem, it can also be a problem if
you get too much sleep. Thats a sign of depression, so if you cant get out of bed
and face the day, it might be time to call the doctor and set up an appointment for
professional help.
Eliminate any stress that you can. That might include:
Community commitments
Start replacing bad habits with good habits. Things like nutrition may not sound
like it affects stress levels (and in turn heart health), but it does. When you feel
like your energy is drained because youve crashed from a sugar high, and
youre not tired it makes you unable to handle stress as well.
Engage in specific stress relief measures. For some, it might be:
Deep breathing
Tai Chi
Learn how to say no to other peoples demands. You might have people from
your personal life, from your childs school, from your church, or from work trying
to get you to take on more responsibilities. If you need less stress, dont be afraid
to say no.
If anger is your primary reaction, then you need to focus on anger management
so that you can control your reactions to the daily stress that you undergo. And
let go of any grudges youve been holding against other people because it only
wears you down physically and emotionally.
Smile. Research shows that smiling actually improves your stress handling
abilities but not just any smile will do. It needs to be a full smile where your
eyes and the muscles around the mouth actually change shape.
Find ways to laugh a lot. Whether its through a funny show on TV or a date night
out to a live comedy club, laughter can help people physically and emotionally.
When you laugh, the lining of your blood vessels dilates and improves blood flow.
Finding ways to manage your stress wont just ensure that your heart is
protected. Its going to give you a better quality of life, which will improve your
relationships, too.