LRN Project 6 1
LRN Project 6 1
LRN Project 6 1
Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?
Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?
Because I do not know exactly what days students will have books to return, I will just have
things ready so if students do bring books then I can put a quick activity on the board. I will use
my various ideas and depending on the age group and what we have been doing, I will put an idea
on the board or tell students, so they have something to do while other students are picking out
new books. I will use it so I can get the most educational time possible. Students know how to
pick out their own books now, so the other students can be doing a small educational task while
students pick out new books.
While a student or students are picking out new books, if the other students are on task
practicing a skill then I will know that I am appropriately implementing the new information.
The desired result is that less educational time is lost especially since I only see most of these
kids for 20-30 minutes. It should be sucessful as long as students know the expectations.
Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
I will need small activities or tasks for students to do. Some ideas include practicing their
spelling words by writing with chalk or picking 5 and writing them in playdough, having a variety
of activity sheets and allowing them to pick one of them, working with word families, writing
sentences, ect. Pinterest is a great resource along with the internet in general! My mentor also has a
lot of great ideas.
New Learning
New Questions
November 4
November 5
November 8
A student brought
For a couple of them, it Am I loosing more
back her book bag. I took almost the whole instructional time by
let the other students time for them to pick doing it this way
choose from a small what they wanted to
because students
selection of activities. do. I wont be able to have to select and
allow them to choose then clean up their
because it defeats the materials?
purpose of trying not to
lose instructional time.
Another Student
They were on task and
brought back his
it kept them busy. I will
book bag. My
have to remind them
students worked on a about the new
short vowel match
expectations for the
and color page that I first few days as they
gave to each of
are not used to it.
Journey to Excellence
ITS # 6 Self-Reflection
As I reflect on upon my work with ITS #6 Learning Project:
1. What happened during the observation? What did the students do? What
did I do?
I saw a student come in with his book bag, so I reminded the other students what they should do.
While the student was talking with me about his books and getting new books, the other students
worked independently on the short vowel page that I gave them. As soon as the student was done
putting up his stickers and getting new books, we began our lesson.