Intro To Light Lesson
Intro To Light Lesson
Intro To Light Lesson
Mrs. Drake
Second Grade
Light is All Around Us by Wendy Pfeffer
Cards with artificial and natural light objects and words on them
science journal
Prior Knowledge: Students will have limited prior knowledge on the
subject of light.
Lesson Beginning: The teacher should start off by showing them the
bulletin board and the mascot for the unit. Explain to the students that
everyday the mascot will tell them what they will be learning about.
The students will be given a science journal. The teacher will briefly
explain that this journal is their science journal for the next two weeks.
Just like real scientists, they too are keeping a journal to record all their
findings and write down their predictions, thoughts, and observations.
They will have to write down all the things they know about light
already and all the things they wish to learn about light.
The teacher will then show the students a KWL chart and tell them to
think about what they think they know about light and what they would
like to learn about light. After the students have thought about it the
teacher will tell the students to write their thoughts down on a post-it
and place it up on to the chart. The teacher will then call the students
to the carpet when they have finished.
The teacher will then introduce the book Light is All Around Us by
Wendy Pfeffer. The teacher will tell the students to pay attention to the
types of light shown in the story. Tell the student that there are
different types of light; natural light and artificial light. The teacher will
then ask the students to turn and talk with a partner for a few
moments to see if they know what natural and artifical mean. After a
few moments the teacher will call the students attention and ask a few
students to share what they thought and discussed with their partner.
The teacher will then read Light is All Around Us by Wendy Pfeffer.
Instructional Plan: After the teacher finishes the story the teacher
will tell the students to think back to see if they can remember a form
of natural light that was shown in the story. The teacher will then do
the same for artificial light. After the discussion and referring back to
the book for answer the teacher will tell the students that light comes
from a source and it can be natural or artificial. The teacher will tell the
students that a natural source is like the sun or the stars and that an
artificial source is like a lamp or a candle, stressing that artificial light is
light made by humans.
The teacher will then explain to the students they will be doing
an activity where they will have to determine whether the light source
is natural or artificial. The students will be broken up into pairs and
given two or three cards with a word or pictures of a light source on
them. The students will have the opportunity to then determine if they
are artificial or natural. Once they have thought over their answers
they will place their cards on the board either on the artificial side or
natural side. Once all the students have placed their cards on the
board the teacher will then go over the answers as a class.
After the students will be called back to their seats to work on a
page in their activity books about artificial and natural light sources.
The teacher will walk around and monitor the students as they are
Classroom Management: Students will be given instructions when
to move from their desk to the carpet. If the students are being
disruptive the teacher will stop and ring the chime. The teacher will
silently wait until everyone in the room is silent and paying attention.
The teacher will ask them how second graders should be acting. The
teacher will also ask the students the principle usually says when he
wants their attention.
Transitions: The students will be called to the carpet by tables and
back to their desks the same way.
Closure: The students will record in their science journals 2-3 things
they have learned from todays lesson.