Eportfolio Reflection Paper
Eportfolio Reflection Paper
Eportfolio Reflection Paper
POLS 1100
Eportfolio Reflection
POLS 1100
From my Government & Politics course I learned that politics is focused
around three main ideas. These ideas are that theres a state or group of people.
These people have interests. They all have some type of identity. Their identity may
be religious, country based, racial, gender based, or be some kind of affiliation with
something. These ideas had a lot to do with my criminal justice class. One thing
cops always look for when arresting someone is a motive or interest or what made
them do it? Were also learned about judges. Their purpose is to translate the
constitution and give appropriate sentences to those who are in violation of the laws
of the constitution. My criminal justice course focused more on the smaller
government institution. My politics class focused more a broad scope of all the
different government institutions and what they are there for.
There were mainly two of the salt lake community colleges goals this course
pushed me towards. They were that Students develop the knowledge and skills to
be civically engaged and Students develop the knowledge and skills to work with
others in a professional and constructive manner This course helped develop
knowledge and skills to be civically engaged by helping me understand our political
system and how it works. It helped understand that politics is about power. It also
helped me develop knowledge and skills to work with others in a professional and
constructive manner by teaching me about the social contract each government
has. The social contract has a lot more to do with our lives than the citizens and
government. When we deal with others often times we establish our own social
contract as friends or coworkers. It helped me understand in the business area of
life when someone does something for you they expect something back in return
otherwise you will be over thrown. They will establish a social contract elsewhere.
Before I took this course I though these political candidates just running for
fame or they were after the benefits acquired by being involved. They were after
the benefits but the main benefit they were after was power. When they are elected
they are given power that determines how the lives of America people are going to
be lived. Many of the laws passed by these people are helpful. Some are not helpful.
The activities that changed my outlook on politics the most were the lectures in
class. The everything the teacher was talking about was based on the power the
people had that were in different parts of the government. Overall this class was a
very enjoyable experience. I learned a lot. Thank You Professor Gutaj!
Elden Cannon
POLS 1100
Eportfolio Reflection
The main thing I remember is.