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Navasota Narwhals Choral Departmen T Choral Handbook

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Table of Contents


Letter from the Director

a. A brief welcome to Navasota High school and our choral program

2. Program Philosophy
a. A depiction of both the expectation and goals for the entire program.
The list ranges from expansive to general teaching goals and choir
objectives the program wishes to accomplish prior the end of the school

3. Program Overview
a. At Navasota, classes are in block format, and the table depicts not only
the schedule of the day, but also when certain choirs meet.

4. Calendar
a. Important Dates

5. Code of Conduct

a. Note: there are explicit expectations for participation both in concerts

and UIL
b. Expectations
c. Additional Rehearsal Policy
d. Concert Attendance
e. Potential Conflicts
f. UIL Eligibility

6. Grading Policy
7. Student Leadership
a. Description of positions

8. Finances

Tees & Tuxes & Frocks
Choir Trip
Trip Payment Plan

9. Forms

Student Information Page

Uniform Order Form
Student Leadership Application
Booster Club Application
Emergency/Medical Form
Acknowledgement Form

Dear Navasota High School Choir Member and Parent,

Welcome to the Navasota High School Choir! The Navasota
choir has already established itself as an excellent choral program and
we are confident that you, and/or your child, will enjoy being a part of
this tradition that continues to grow. It is with your efforts that we
will continue to succeed. As a member, you will develop traits such as
responsibility, dedication, self-discipline, social interaction skills,
confidence, leadership, commitment, and teamworknot to mention
musical skills. With such growth in store, we cannot wait to begin our
The Navasota High School Choral Department has
approximately 200 singers, divided amongst 5 choirs. Currently,
these choirs are made up of:

Concert Women and Men, comprised of beginning female

singers and male singers, respectively.
Intermediate Mixed, comprised of both intermediate female
and male singers.
Varsity Mixed, comprised of both women and men with
exceptional musical skills and experience.
Jazz/Pop, a smaller ensemble comprised of very musically
exceptional junior and senior students.
Please examine this packet carefully. It contains valuable
information regarding choir activities, uniform requirements,
fundraising information, expectations, calendar, ect. Please note of
important forms that may require your signature. Students will
receive a grade of 100 points if all forms, supplies, and money are
turned in or before the stated due dates. Attached is the concert
schedule. Please put concert dates on your family calendars early to
avoid later conflicts. There are several concerts that students must
attend because concerts are considered curricular activities. If you
have any questions regarding our activities, please do not hesitate to
reach me.
I look forward to a great year as we continue to build upon the
successes of the Navasota High School Choral Program.
Aimee Adams,
Head Director
A Days

B Days


1 Bell (8:28)
Tardy Bell (8:35)
1st Period (8:3510:05)
2nd Period (10:1011:45)
3rd Period (11:502:05)
4th Period (2:103:45)

Mens Choir

Womens Choir

Jazz/Pop Show

Jazz/Pop Show

Conference Period

Conference Period

Varsity Mixed Choir

Intermediate Mixed

Program Overview

As indicted in the bell schedule, the above-mentioned choirs are the five choirs
offered here at Hillview High School. Below are the descriptions of each choir:
Cantate Vir (Mens Choir) and Bella Musica (Womens Choir)

Cantate Vir and Bella Musica are un-auditioned groups comprised of

freshman through senior students who are experiencing membership in
choir for the first time. These groups meet during separate class periods.
Lyricus (Intermediate Mixed Choir)
Lyricus is an auditioned group comprised of freshman and sophomore
men & women with past singing experience, a high level of sightreading skill, and an outstanding academic record.
Melodious (Varsity Mixed Choir)
Melodious is an auditioned choir comprised of freshman through senior
men and women with past singing experience, a high level of sight-reading skill,
and an outstanding academic record. **Several outside-of- class
rehearsals will be required to adequately prepare for performances.

Harmonia (Jazz and Pop Show Choir)

Harmonia is a group of freshman through senior men and women that specialize
in popular literature and choreography. This ensemble is active throughout the
year with many performances in the community. ***Membership in
Harmonia requires an audition as well as being a member of


Freshman Auditions
Jazz/Pop Show Auditions
Region Auditions
Fall Concert (All Choirs)
Region Concert
Musical Auditions
Pre-Area Auditions
Holiday Pop Show


Holiday Concert (All Choirs)

Area Auditions
Solo and Ensemble
UIL Concert
State Solo and Ensemble
Spring Concert (All Choirs)
Spring Pop Show Concert

Code of Conduct


Classroom Expectations
If you have self-discipline, you will not need external discipline. A
disciplined person is one who does what is right in the absence of
instruction or authority. Making music is fun but requires hard work.
Outstanding choirs are the result of efficient rehearsals where the
standard for behavior is high. Each singer is responsible for
contributing to the success of each rehearsal.
Only through mature, self-disciplined efforts of each singer can
individual and group potential be realized.
Classroom Rules
1. Choir students will conduct themselves properly at all times
a. Displays of profanity, temper, or flagrant violations of rules
will not be tolerated.
b. Any behavior which is not representative of good
citizenship in choir may result in the students dismissal
from the choir activity and/or program.
c. Students will exhibit above average conduct in all classes
and activities school-wide.
d. Choir students will be courteous and respectful to others.
2. Choir students will sing and listen to the best of their ability, at all
3. Choir students will be on time.
a. This includes, but is not limited to, rehearsal, sectionals,
and performances.
4. Choir students bring all required materials to choir.
a. This includes: choir folder, music, sight-reading materials,
and a pencil.
5. Choir room, and its storage areas, will be maintained in a neat and
orderly fashion.
6. Choir students will not deface choir equipment or facilities.
7. Choir students will not chew gum, eat food, bring drinks and snacks
into the choir room without specified permission from the director.

8. Choir students will not talk in rehearsal, unless specified from the
9. Any original copies of music, sight-reading books, warm-up books,
uniforms, or any other materials checked out to/were used by
students are the responsibility of the students. Fees will be assessed
for materials that are damaged or lost.
Choir students will use the facilities before or after class.
Choir students will be respectful, and keep hands, feets,
and objects to one self.
Attendance Policies
Unlike other academic classes, it is impossible to "make up" activities
that occur in a choir rehearsal. Unexcused absences from the class will
not be tolerated. Unexcused absences will have a negative impact on a
student's grade.
Additional Rehearsals/Activities
Students will be given adequate notice of all additional rehearsals and
activities outside of the regular class period. These rehearsals and
activities are course requirements and are vital to the success of the
choral program. Every effort will be made to minimize the amount of
out-of-class time required. Therefore unexcused absences from these
activities will be treated in the same manner as an unexcused absence
from class and will affect the student's grade.
Work is not an excused absence. **In the event of a conflict with
another scheduled school activity, it is the responsibility of the
student to notify the sponsors of the activities. The sponsors
will then determine the student's obligation.
Concert Attendance
Concerts are the ultimate evaluation of many weeks of preparation and
class work. An unexcused absence from a concert will lower the
student's grade considerably. Absences and tardies will be
excused for cases of medical emergency or death in the family
only if we receive written notification from a parent/ guardian.
With out this, the absence remains unexcused. Students are held
responsible for keeping up with the dates and times of scheduled

Occasionally, a sports event will fall on the same night as a choir

concert. In this event, every effort will be made to see that the student
is able to do both. Students are expected to keep up with their
schedules and it is the students responsibility to let the choir director
and their coach know about any conflicts well in advance. Not much

can be done the day of a given conflict. Bear in mind that failing a cocurricular event could make you ineligible for an extracurricular event.

Work is NOT an excuse. The dates of each required concert

are given well in advance to ensure that each family can arrange their
calendars and situations so that the student and their family will be in

Transportation problems are unacceptable reasons for missing

choir concerts. Talk to Ms. Adams or Mr. Jackson or the other students
in your class if you need a ride.

Illnesses can be excused if a doctors note and a note from the

parent are provided.
Concert Etiquette
Choir students will exhibit proper concert behavior during all
performances in order to reflect positively on Navasota choir program.
The following rules will be followed at all performances:
1. Talking is prohibited.
2. Do not leave your seat, unless for unforeseen emergencies.
3. Support your fellow choir members with appropriate applause.
4. When moving between performing on stage, to seating in the
audience, choir members will move in quiet, single-file lines.
5. Enjoy the concert.
6. Stay for the entire concert, unless excused in advance by the choir
7. Applaud only after the conduct has lowered his/her arms.
Consequences will be determined based on severity of the occurrence,
and given in the following ways:
1. Warning/conference with the student
2. Conference with parent
3. Lunch detention
4. Alternate assignment
5. Lowered choir grades
6. Participation in enjoyment trips revoked
7. Privileges revoked
8. Office referral
9. Removal from program
According to UIL rules, a student must be eligible to participate in UIL
concert and sight-reading contest. All students are expected to
participate in the Pre-UIL concert on March 6. After the concert, any
student who is not eligible as of March 6 will be pulled from the choir
until that students choir returns from contest. Those students who are
eligible to go to UIL will continue to prepare and will participate in the

contest. Those students who are not eligible to go will be given an

alternate assignment until their choir returns from contest. The
assignment will consist of theory worksheets and a written report. The
students will be responsible for turning in 4 worksheets at the end of
every class and turning in their written report the day before their choir
goes to contest. 10 points will be deducted from the students grade
for every day any assignment is late. Please understand that this is not
a punishment for those students who are not eligible to go to contest.
Rather, any student that is pulled from the choir because of their
grades in another class will still be provided with an opportunity to
learn and keep their grade up in choir.

Chaperone Application Form

First, as the director of XXX High School, Id like to thank you for your interest in
chaperoning this years choral trip to Orlando, Florida. Just a few things to keep in mind,
however, when choral groups travel, parent chaperones are often chosen to work on trips.
If interested in being considered as a chaperone, please complete the application form on
the other side of this letter. Please understand that we may receive many applications and
can accept as many as needed.
The following criteria and guidelines have been established by the Choir Directors:
Criteria/Process for selecting chaperones:
The Choir Director and the Associate Choir Director will select chaperones.
One chaperone slot is reserved for a XXX Dean and/or Administrator.
One slot may be reserved for a XXX nurse.
The chaperones must be current members of the XXX Booster Club.
Parent chaperones will be chosen based on service to the Booster Club, previous
chaperone experience, and other special skills (i.e. health professional).
The demographics of the tour group will be taken into consideration (i.e.
male/female ratio).
If a Stevenson nurse does not accompany the trip, at least one chaperone should
have a medical background or First Aid experience.
A chaperones first and only responsibility is to the choral trip and students on the
trip. If other family members choose to meet the trip group at the trip destination, they
must stay in separate accommodations.
Stevenson High School reserves the right to do background checks on applicants
selected to chaperone.
Guidelines for Chaperones:
Chaperones must attend all mandatory parent meetings and mandatory chaperone
A XXX High School Handbook of rules, a Chaperone Duty Assignment list, and a
description of responsibilities will be given to each chaperone.
Chaperones will pay for their own meals on long-term (overnight) trips.
Transportation and accommodations, when needed, will be provided.
A chaperone will be assigned responsibility for the first aid kit and student medical
On overnight trips, all chaperones will have assignments during the overnight
With the above guidelines established, if you are still interested in being a
Chaperone or Lead Chaperone (responsible for Medical Forms, Maintaining Master
Schedule, Directors Assistant and Liaison), please fill out the following form.

PARENT NAME: __________________________________________________

HOME PHONE: ____________________
E-MAIL: _____________________
CELL PHONE: ________________________ Parent T-Shirt Size
Are you CPR/First aid certified?
card with your application.

Yes or

No If so, please mail in a copy of your

Have you ever been found guilty of, plead no contest to, or been convicted of, paid a fine
for, served probation for, or served any type of sentence for, any crime or offense other
than a minor traffic violation or juvenile offense? Yes or
No If yes, please give
details on the back of this form.
1. I am applying to chaperone as (check one): ______Lead Chaperone or ________Team
Which choir would you like to chaperone?
Boys or Girls
2. Why are you interested in being a chaperone?
3. Please describe any previous volunteer experience.
4. Please list the skills you have that will aid in chaperoning a group of children or teens.
Situational Questions:
5. If your group has some free time in between choir practices/performances and they are
in need of some structured activities what would you do?
6. How would you handle a situation where the kids you are chaperoning are not
following your directions?
7. How would you handle a situation where a child/teen you are chaperoning informs you
a peer has brought alcohol or cigarettes with them?

8. Please tell us anything else about yourself that would be beneficial to the chaperone
I certify that all information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge. I
consent to obtaining a Letter of Clearance from a local law enforcement agency or
supplying a current fingerprint clearance card, and that XXX High School reserves the
right to submit a background check. I understand that all omissions or misstatements may
result in termination of my volunteer work.
Applicant Signature____________________________________________
Print Name___________________________________________________

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