Tekla - Advanced Functions
Tekla - Advanced Functions
Tekla - Advanced Functions
Steel Detailing
Advanced functions
Productversion 13.1
Januari 2008
Construsoft BV www.construsoft.com
Hengelder 16 Tel. +31 316 340192
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Portions of this software:
2D DCM © 1989-2004 D-Cubed Limited. All rights reserved.
EPM toolkit © 1995-2004 EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights reserved.
XML parser © 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Project Data Control Library © 2006 - 2007 DlhSoft. All rights reserved.
DWGdirect, DGNdirect and OpenDWG Toolkit/Viewkit libraries © 1998-2005 Open
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3 Tekla Structures 13.1 Advanced functions ........................................... 1
3.1 Tekla Structures models........................................................................... 1
3.2 Exchanging Tekla Structures models......................................................... 4
Zip a Tekla Structures model........................................................... 4
Tekla Structures models on a CD-rom ............................................. 8
Check database........................................................................... 10
Correct database ......................................................................... 11
DWG/DXF, text files and reference-objects..................................... 12
Layout files and templates ............................................................ 13
Catalogs...................................................................................... 14
Ini files ........................................................................................ 15
Overlap in the numbering.............................................................. 15
Sending models to the Construsoft Help desk................................. 16
Creating a Back Up ...................................................................... 17
3.3 AutoConnection and AutoDefaults........................................................... 19
AutoDefaults................................................................................ 20
AutoConnection: manually ............................................................ 24
AutoConnection: automatically ...................................................... 25
Merging defaults .......................................................................... 29
3.4 Classifier .............................................................................................. 30
Classifier principle........................................................................ 30
“Phase” properties........................................................................ 32
“Profile” properties........................................................................ 35
“Material” properties ..................................................................... 39
"Supplier" properties..................................................................... 43
Exercise ...................................................................................... 51
Classifier for assembly- and cast unit drawings............................... 54
3.5 Creating toolbars, own pull-down menu’s and shortkeys ........................... 58
Toolbars...................................................................................... 58
Creating new toolbars................................................................... 59
Creating ’own’ pull-down menu’s ................................................... 66
Using shortkeys in Tekla Structures ............................................... 69
Copying toolbars and shortkeys..................................................... 73
3.6 Dimensioning Reference side ................................................................. 75
Several versions If you are working with several versions (e.g. Tekla Structures 12.1 or Tekla
Structures 13.1), you have to use orderly structure. A possible folder structure
can be:
This will prevent that models are opened in versions which they are not meant
Different versions When you work with different Tekla Structures versions en several customers, a
en several division like the picture below could be used:
A unique variable per customer can be used where is referred to a line, i.e.:
set XS_RUNPATH=C:\TeklaStructuresModels\Customer 1\13.1\
When a model is opened, the correct customer and version is selected.
Before you send the model, you can decrease the file size by deleting some
redundant files.
Step plan • Open the zipped file Modelname.zip.
• Select the files to be removed, go to Actions > Delete or press the
<Delete> button.
• When using the Actions > Delete option, enter the file extensions to
be removed, separated by a space character, possible redundant files
are: *.log, *.pdf, .*dwg, .*bak, *.history.
However, opening a drawing will be impossible, as the drawing files (*.dg) are
missing! When trying to open a drawing from the drawing list, an error will
Because none of the drawings in the drawing list can be opened, first you have to
delete the drawings in the list. After that, new drawings can be created. Note that
the new created drawing will be stored in the model folder, instead of the usual
‘drawing’-folder. This also counts for e.g. saved component- or view settings.
You have two create the sub folders attributes and drawings manually, if you
want to keep the initial structure intact!
Uncheck the Read only option. Then click <Apply> and <OK>. The following
dialog box appears:
Check database
A third-party model has always to be checked for errors and if all profiles are
present in the model. This command is located in menu Tools > Check Data-
The possible errors will be stored in the log file check_database.log in the model
folder and displayed on your screen, in the list, right click a line for the proper-
Correct database
This command is equal to the Check database command, but has possibility to
recover errors. It can be necessary to repeat the Correct database command until
all errors are gone. Check the result with the Check database command.
This command does not add profiles to the catalog, this always
has to be done manually.
Step plan Store the file in the Tekla Structures model folder. As soon as this file is added to
the model (in the example: Reference model) remove the path:
Ini files
If settings are used which differ from the default ones, also include these file set-
tings in the zipped model file. You can also hand the changes that have been
made to the default ini file.
Click an ID line in the log file, the corresponding profile in the model will high-
Creating a Back Up
Not only storing Tekla Structures model folders is important, also creating back-
ups of model folders and Tekla Structures settings is very important, such as:
• the folder in which the models are stored, i.e. TeklaStructuresMod-
els. Inhere are all models are stored or a sub folder, e.g. 13.1. Models
created in an older version are possible backed up already.
• the (modified) ini files, in case you work for several customers
Now change the column into a IPE300. Both the base plate as well as the bolt
pattern will change.
Double-click the Construsoft group. All component pages will appear. Double-
click page 5, that is the page which contains the base plate component, than dou-
ble-click component 1004.
The rule is displayed in the right side of the dialog box. In this example, the main
(primary) part must be an UNP profile. The size of the profile is irrelevant. So,
whether it is an UNP140 or UNP300, that does not matter. If the profile matches
the rule, Tekla Structures can enter the loop.
If you close the dialog box by pressing the cross-button, the changes made in the
dialog box will not be stored. After applying changes, always close the dialog
box with the <OK> button.
Click <OK> to close the dialog box. You will return to the previous dialog box,
AutoDefaults Setup.
Make that a tube column D<100 mm gets 2 bolts, tube column D100 - 200 needs
4 bolts and tube column D>200 needs 6 bolts.
First create 3 settings for base plate component1004. After that, define the Auto-
What if it also counts for seamless tubes? What to edit?
AutoConnection: manually
Position a HEA240 column and a IPE300 beam in the model, like described on
page 1. For component #144, load setting "AD" and apply the component to the
column-beam connection.
A decent connection will be created. When modifying the beam profile to a
IPE160 profile, the connection will change.
Also this feature is defined in AutoDefaults. Take a look at this setting.
In this way you can generate all connections in the model. When a modification
is needed. all connection will change automatically (if needed).
For more automate, another function is added: automatic AutoConnection
Just like in AutoDefaults, several groups can be created. Each group has 6
The connection mentioned in the previous paragraph is of type Beam to Column
(flange). The setting looks like:
By pressing the right mouse button on a rule (Edit Rule set), you can see the con-
dition for that rule.
Profile name Name of the profile, like BEAM, COLUMN, BRACING.
Profile type Based on the number of the predefined cross section.
Profile Names like IPE300, HE?140 en UNP*
Height The ‘h’ value in the profile catalog
Web thickness The ‘s’ value in the profile catalog
Flange thickness The ‘t’ in the profile catalog
Material Material of the profiles, set in the profiles’ properties
Flange width The ‘b’ value in the in the profile catalog
Several Force
Merging defaults
AutoDefaults are saved in file defaults.zxt. Several defaults.zxt files can be
merged. To do this:
• Create a folder named def1 and place the file defaults.zxt in this
• Rename the file to ‘defaults.txt.gz’. The can now be extracted with
• Extract the file to folder def1.
• The file defaults.zxt will appear in the folder.
• Do the same for the second defaults.zxt and create a folder named
• Open the defaults.txt in Wordpad. Merge the two defaults.txt in one
file. Remind that the names of the root are unique. See picture. The
text next to ROOT must be different!
• After merging, save the file and rename it to defaults.zxt
• Copy the file to the ‘attributes’ folder of your model, or to the folder
ts. Saving the file in the attributes folder first is the best option, in this
way you can test the file!
Classifier principle
The classifier enables you to create different drawing styles.You can use the clas-
sifier to control the drawing properties for different types of model objects, for
• Different phases in separate colors
• Different parts in separate colors
• Different material grades in separate colors
Except colors, you can also apply this to the position of part marks for each sepa-
rate profile, phase and material grade.
The picture below shows an example how to use the classifier. The phases appear
in separate colors. Also the position of the part marks differs for each phase.
phase 3
phase 2
phase 1
phase 4
The classifier works by using a specific naming convention for saved properties.
We create them in steps. Once created, you can use them, of course, again and
again. It enables you to create drawings containing a specific style every time!
30 Classifier
The classifier uses the following properties:
• general arrangement drawing properties
• view filter properties
• object properties, for example; part, part mark, bolt and bolt
The classifier works by using a specific naming convention for saved properties
(see picture below).
Make sure that the names that you use for the properties match
to each other!
On the basis of several examples we will explain how the classifier works.
Classifier 31
“Phase” properties
You now learn how to create a drawing in which different phases appear in dif-
ferent colors.
4. Repeat the steps for all phases you want to define. In this example: phase 2,
phase 3 and phase 4. Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Do not click <Apply>, as this will apply the current filter to the
entire drawing and the Classifier will not work! Just click
32 Classifier
Always use view filters when you use the Drawing Classifier.
The Drawing Classifier does not recognize select filters!
6. Repeat these steps for all phases you want to define. In this example:
filter_phase_phase2, filter_phase_phase3 and filter_phase_phase4. Click
<Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Classifier 33
7. For all phases a specific color is defined. Of course it is possible to define
part mark property files for each phase, or to change the appearance. Follow
the steps we used for defining the part colors for each phase.
8. So now you can define the appearance and position of part mark property
files for each phase. In this example phase 1, 2, 3 and 4. Double-click on a
view and click on the button Part mark. Define the setting for phase 1.
Enter the name filter_phase_phase1 in the text box and click <Save as>.
(see picture below).
9. Repeat the steps for all phases you want to define. In this example:
filter_phase_phase2, filter_phase_phase3 and filter_phase_phase4. Click
<Cancel> to close the dialog box!
34 Classifier
Creating drawings
10. Go to > Properties > General arrangement drawing... Click the down
arrow in the Load text box and select the phase drawing properties you cre-
ated. Click <Load> (see picture below). Now create the general arrange-
ment drawing.
You will see that a drawing is created in which different phases appear in differ-
ent colors.
phase 3
phase 2
phase 1
phase 4
“Profile” properties
You now learn how to create a drawing in which different parts for each part
name appear in different colors. So all columns in a specific color, all beams in a
specific color.
Classifier 35
Define drawing properties
1. Go to > Properties > General arrangement drawing. Create a general
arrangement drawing property, enter the name “profile” in the text box and
click <Save as>.
36 Classifier
4. Repeat the steps for all profiles you want to define. In this example: beam,
bracing and tube. Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Classifier 37
6. Repeat the steps for all profiles you want to define. In this example:
filter_profile_tube, filter_profile_bracing and filter_profile_beam. Click
<Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Creating drawings
7. Go to > Properties > General arrangement drawing... Click the down
arrow in the <Load> text box and select the profile drawing properties you
created. Click <Load> (see picture below). Now create the general arrange-
ment drawing.
You will see that a drawing is created in which different types of profiles
appear in different colors.
38 Classifier
“Material” properties
You now learn how to create a drawing in which different types of material
grades appear in different colors.
Classifier 39
3. Open any drawing and double-click on a view. Click on the button Filter. In
the dialog box View filter properties go to the tab Parts, and in the filter
string text box next to Part Material enter “C20-25”. In the text box next to
the <Save as> button, enter “C20-25” and click <Save as>. (see picture
4. Repeat the steps for all material grades you want to define. In this example:
timber, S235JR. Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
40 Classifier
Creating drawing object property files
5. For each material grade you can define the corresponding color who appears
on a drawing. In this example C20-25, timber and S235JR. Double-click on
a view and click on the button Part. Define the setting for material grade
C20-25. Enter the name filter_material_C20-25 in the text box and click
<Save as>. (see picture below).
6. Repeat the steps for all material grades you want to define. In this example:
filter_material_timber and filter_material_S235JR. Click <Cancel> to
close the dialog box!
Classifier 41
Creating drawings
7. Go to > Properties > General arrangement drawing... Click the down
arrow in the <Load> text box and select the material drawing properties
you created. Click <Load> (see picture below). Now create the general
arrangement drawing.
You will see that a drawing is created in which different types of material
grades appear in different colors.
42 Classifier
"Supplier" properties
You now learn how to create a GA drawing in which user-defined attributes are
used. In this case the user-defined attributes Steel supplier.
All parts with the user-defined attribute Steel supplier appear on the drawing in
Orange, also the Hidden lines and the Own hidden lines will be displayed.
Besides, all marks are displayed.
The other parts will appear on the drawing in White. The Hidden lines, the Own
hidden lines and the marks will not be displayed:
Classifier 43
Open the model Supplier, you can download the model from the Construsoft
This model contains parts in which the user-defined attributes on the tab
Supplier are set to, for example, Steel supplier or Glass supplier.
44 Classifier
8. Click on a steel part, in the column Value the digit 1 appears. You can filter
on this.
Classifier 45
9. Open any drawing and double-click on a view. Click on the button Filter. In
the dialog box View filter properties go to the tab User attributes and
define the setting. Save this setting steel in <Save as> as follows:
10. Repeat the steps if necessary for the other suppliers you want to define.
Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Do not click <Apply>, as this will apply the current filter to the
entire drawing and the Classifier will not work!
Always use view filters when you use the Drawing Classifier.
The Drawing Classifier does not recognize select filters!
46 Classifier
Creating drawing object property files
11. For user-defined attribute Steel supplier you can define the corresponding
color who appears on a drawing. Double-click on a view and click on the
button Part. Define the setting for steel. Enter the name
filter_steelsupplier_steel in the text box and click <Save as>. (see picture
12. Repeat the steps for the user-defined attribute values you want to define. In
this example: filter_timbersupplier_timber and filter_glasssupplier_glass.
Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Classifier 47
13. You can also define the part marks. Double-click on a view and click on the
button Part marks. Define the setting for steel. Enter the name
filter_steelsupplier_steel in the text box and click <Save as>. (see picture
14. Repeat the steps for other user-defined attribute values you want to define.
Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
48 Classifier
Classifier 49
Creating drawings
15. Go to > Properties > General arrangement drawing... Click the down
arrow in the <Load> text box and select the Steelsupplier drawing proper-
ties you created. Click <Load> (see picture below). Now create the general
arrangement drawing.
You will see that all parts with the user-defined attribute Steel supplier
appear on the drawing in Orange, also the Hidden lines, the Own hidden
lines and the marks are displayed.
50 Classifier
It may occur that an existing project needs some additions, for example an
awning. On a GA-drawing the following has to be set:
• Only for the awning, part marks have to be added, not for the
existing structure
• The parts of the existing structure are displayed as dotted lines,
the part lines of the awning are displayed as full lines.
For this exercise you can make use of model Hal_1. Create a GA drawing and
make use of a classifier setting:
Classifier 51
Step plan 1. Make sure the awning is in a unique phase in the model (e.g. phase2)
2. Open the phase manager
3. Select phase 2 and click <Objects by phase>, all parts who belong to the
awning will highlight in the model view
4. Click the icon Fit work area by parts in selected views or in the pull-down
menu go to View > Fit work area, The work area is now sized to the
Fitted work
Classifier 53
Classifier for assembly- and cast unit drawings
You can use the Drawing Classifier not only for general arrangement drawings,
but also for assembly- and cast unit drawings.
You now learn how to create an assembly drawing in which several welded parts
appear in different colors. These parts also appear with different part marks.
On the basis of an examples we will explain how the classifier works
54 Classifier
3. Open any drawing and double-click on a view. Click on the button Filter. In
the dialog box View filter properties go to the tab Parts and define the set-
ting. In the text box next to the <Save as> button, enter stiffener and click
<Save as>, see picture below:
4. Repeat the steps for all welded parts you want to define. In this example:
cleat and haunch. Click <Cancel> to close the dialog box!
Classifier 55
Creating drawing object property files
5. For each welded part you can define the corresponding color on the assem-
bly drawing. In this example stiffener, cleat and haunch. Go to > Properties
> Assembly drawing... > Part. Define the setting for stiffener. Enter the
name filter_beam_stiffener in the text box and click <Save as>. (see picture
6. Repeat the steps for all parts you want to define. In this example:
filter_beam_cleat and filter_beam_haunch. Click <Cancel> to close the
dialog box!
56 Classifier
Creating drawings
7. Go to > Properties > Assembly drawing... Click the down arrow in the
Load text box and select the beam drawing properties you created. Click
<Load> (see picture below). Now create the general arrangement drawing.
You will see that a drawing is created in which different welded parts appear
in different colors.
The Drawing Classifier can only be used for objects you can fil-
Classifier 57
3.5 Creating toolbars, own pull-down menu’s and
Several commands can be accessed through toolbar icons. This is the fastest way
of activating commands.
Some commands are not available in a default Tekla Structures toolbar. How-
ever, you can add commands to default toolbars, or you can create your own tool-
• Click <New>
• The list will now contain commands from the Inquire group only.
Make sure a toolbar is selected where the new command should be
added to. Select command Inquire assembly and double click it or
press the right-arrow button. The command will now be added to the
selected toolbar.
Right-arrow button for adding a command to a toolbar.
Left-arrow button for removing a command from a toolbar.
If multiple commands are added to a toolbar, you can reorder the commands
with the buttons opposite.
In front of each toolbar, an ‘eye’ is displayed. The appearance of this eye can
be with or without a cross. If the eye is not ‘crossed’, it means that the tool-
bar is visible in Tekla Structures. A ‘crossed-eye’ toolbar is invisible in
Tekla Structures. Toggle between visible and invisible state can be done by
checking/ unchecking the ‘Visible’ option.
• Select the components which you want to add to the toolbar. The cre-
ation of the 2nd or 3rd toolbar is in the same way.
• On the left side, select a command which you want to add to the new
pull-down menu
• Click the arrow button to add the command to the menu
• Repeat these steps untill all desired commands are added to the menu
• Close the dialog box
• Open and close a drawing, or restart Tekla Structures to have the
modifications carried through
Now, you will see a new menu is added to the environment. The menu is called
‘User’. Note: the name of this menu can not be changed.
You can even add a command for opening the Customize-dialog box.
The name of the pull-down menu is User. The name of this menu can not be
68 Creating toolbars, own pull-down menu’s and shortkeys
Using shortkeys in Tekla Structures
To access Tekla Structures commands more quickly, you can make use of short-
For example, for the Number objects > Full command, you can set the “n” char-
acter as shortkey.
Step plan • Go to Window > Toolbars > Customize or Tools > Customize
• In the left column of the dialog box, look up the Number objects >
Full command. (Use a filter for quick look up; in this case select
‘Tools’ from the Filter-listbox and enter the characters “num”. Only
commands which match these criteria will be shown in the list)
• Click the command Number objects > Full and press the “n” key.
• Reopen a model or restart Tekla Structures
• You will see that an “n” character is added to the Numbering com-
• When pressing the “n”-key, the Full numbering command is carried
Command Command
Command Command
Command Command
Command Command
Drawing Editor
Command Command
f Phasemanager t Xsnap
or according to line:
or according to line:
2. Open the folder “Send To” and go to File > New > Shortcut in the Windows
explorer in the pull-down menu. The following dialog box appears:
3. Click <Browse> and select the location that has to be added in the context-
menu “Send To” (drive:\TeklaStructures\version\environ-
ments\europe\firm\ts) and click <Next>. The following dialog box appears: