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Agenda of The 112th Regular Session
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Agenda of The 112th Regular Session
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17th City Council of Cagayan de Oro City
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Agenda of the 112th Regular Session
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Agenda of The 112th Regular Session
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T2TH REGULAR SESSION OF THE I7™ Cry Counc. fowaAY, DECEMBER O7, 2015 AT 2:30 PW. CITY CoUNCIL SesGION HALL “erty co counen, es a)Republicof me lippines CHTY OF CAGAYANDE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL December 04,2015 ‘THE HONORABLE MEMBERS carvcouen (CaanvAn On Cry Gemtemenen: Plas ifrmed 112 Regular Season of the 17" City Council af Cagin de Oro wl be on Monday, December 07, 2015s 230 PM, he Sesion Mal ‘Thankyou ery mc. Cannan Be OROCEY HON, CABSARTAN £.ACENAS Simvicrntnoe cam Sora HON. LOURDES CANDY R.DARINBANG HON, RAMON TABOR Cineunenes ‘ervenurchon HON, 28400. 0CON HON. NADYA EMANO-FLIPE pecrcini reneuneton HON ANNIE. DABAL HON TEODULFOR LNA IR, HON, EDISAM.DAHINO HON. LEON D.MGAN, fevoencnn Crvesunse HON. ROGER G. ABADI HON DOMPTHLOC.ACENAS. JR. HON, PANTER PAIO HON. ENRICO. SALCEDO Gincaesce ‘Smccuncuoe HON. ALDEN D-BACAL HON. ALEXANDER S.DACER eiveauneat ‘om councten HON, ADRIAN L BARB HON. PRESIDENT b ELIPE meses Gan foune MON. YAN Lancto, cin Courcnanc hae Men Bane asset‘OF THE 112 REGULAR SESSION OF THE 17” CITY COUNGIL (SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD) OF CAGAYAN DE ORO ON MONDAY, 07 DECEMBER 2015 Order of Business A. CALLTO ORDER BY {ONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDING OFFIC: 1B. _ INVOCATION ty COUNCILOR LOURDES CANDY R. DARIMBANG . SINGING OF THE LUPANG HINIRANG D, ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF CUORUM BY THE ‘COUNCIL SECRETARY READING, CORRECTIONS, IF ANY, AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS REGULAR SESSION ON DECEMBER 1, 2015 ISEE APPENDDX "A F, SPECIAL REPORTS: AGENDA PROPER IL] A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-323 ~ retuming to the Barangay Council of Canitoan, this city, ts Barangay Ordinance No. 2015-001, Series of 2015, covering its Armuh Budget for Calendar Year 2015, with the information that Said ordinance Is in order and therefore the same may be given ferce and effect as Of the date fied for its effectivity B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-324 ~ retuming to the Barangay Council of Dansolihon its Barangay Ordinance No. 2 series of 2015, covering its ‘Supplemental Budget No. | for Calendar Year 2015, with the information that Said Ordinances are in order and thereiore the same may be given force and effect as of the date fixed for thelr effectivity, C._PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-325 ~ resuming to the Barangay Council of Kauswagan Its Barangay Ordinance No. 2 series of 2035, covering ts Supplemental Budget No. | for Calendar Year 2015, with the information that said Ordinances ave in order and therefore the same may be given force and effect as of the date fixed for their effeciviy. BD. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-326 ~ reruming to Council of Indahag, this Cry, its Ordinance No. 08 Supplemental Budget No. 2 for Calendar Year 2015, wit fe Barangay ies of 2015, covering its 1 information that saidOrdinance is in order and therefore the same may be gven force and effect as of he dave fixed for bs effectivity. [Ste APPENDOX"B") aH mr om 6 Ciy Bat ee “etn So tS ye Gina 23201 See 2013 Srey Con “eho 2015 9 Bn Domsoe ‘Gra eat 19, ay ae aa 03 rf 7015, Borst comumer Sonn Courses rane - coneron tin ta tae camcioenaneine we RV + comueron La Rss : ceuenon bene 8 : hocy enn Sa Vat cumeennibonesn ee et 12) PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO, 2015-327 ~ accrediting the Mindanao Tribal Judiciary Counc Inc. for purposes of its membership inthe Local Special Bodies. pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-70 and Anicle 64, Rule XM of the Rules and Reguatinns Implementing the 1991 Local Government Code, or funding its project from the City or other sources as required under the COA stclat related thereto. isee aPpeNoOK"c" ‘man of Tatra Ei in elton 0.2015 nate coon eatf ran ya tof na nay et Rw ae, Mites Maing Fant Soe “are ase Seto fo naga 40 “omisronee come osc SShuureren eto cones . oucuoelen aoe Gomme Boe + CommetcnLate oR Couacn ane Coie CcanauinAoa tee FOr ‘eagatencountens rc Mee 13.) PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO, 2015-123 — approving the application of Tohndort Ventures Corporation, represented uy Mr. Ruperto M. Villaganas ir, Operation in-Charge NorthMin, for alteration of plan of portion of the Montiewa Subdivision tocated at Uppet Balulang, this City, by transferring the location of the parks and playground to another area which in effect increasing the nurnber of lots from 592 to 600, covering an area of 75,166 square meters; and for this purpose, amending Ordinance No. 2996-2035. [SEE APPENDIX") ‘ema nine! dD 4.2015 hom FOO ‘eration alert sin rma 2896-2015 ao41 154 ane mate ie Santor ‘comme senso 2 Common Soe Lee IE cms aos Dice 8 ‘Cana aeca Be Hr 1 Govt Ries ‘meron eos Te Out canonce Aon frm ch : canenteAaens bem Moat PROPOSED MOTION NO. 2015-124 ~ approving the application of Cagayan de fo Sports Arena, represented by Cockpit Manager Gregorio C. Daloyoc, for a ‘Special Permit to hold a Three (3) Stag / Thiee (2) Cock Cambo Derby at the said arena on December 23, 2015, from 10:00 am. to 1,00 a.m. ofthe following day. SEE APPENDOX rani Siero tome Lato Gn Due ‘cane Sos Sn ce 6 Aster Ccameton oma Ba, Ove : ‘counennnascaoners Dac, Mower PROPOSED MOTION NO. 22259-2015 --to approve on second and final reading Proposed Ordinance No, 2015-109 ~ "Regulating Septage Desludging, Transport, ‘Treatment and Disposal, Providing Penalty Thereo! And For Other Purposes" [SEE AFPENDIN"E”) Tie Approved on Fr Ring irene 9, 2015 Deantoni rota fe Seale 2 Couura crime Seraron ‘coun D0n a OW + Camere cue Rin Comcnon en Tn CainRepublic ofthe Philippines City of Cagayan de Oro OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Ga ss 74 SOs ‘MINUTES OF THE 111% REGULAR SESSION OF THE 17 CITY COUNCIL {SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD) OF CAGAYAN DE ORO, ON MONDAY, 01 DECEMBER 2015 In view ofthe absence of both the rogular Presiding Officer and Presiding Offer Protec, and pursuant fo the proisions of the House Rules, the members of the Body unaniroushy flected Councor Teodula © Lao, [as the Prsiing Officer for this session, who then called te session to order at 3:10 Pa ‘The members resent were the following Fit isi City Councilor EDNA M. DAHINO ~Ciy Counc ROGER G. ABADAY, Assispr Mincxy FLOOR LEARER + Giy Courcilor DANTE B. PAI Gy Courilr ADRIAN. BARBA, Mwy FLOOR LEAPER ~ City Councllr ALDEN D. BACAL Second ise: City Ceuraloc NADYA EMANO- ELIPE * Giy Council TEODULFO E, LAO, TR, Nine FLock Lanes City Counaloe LEON DU M. GAN. IR, ASSSTA MIDE FuooR LEAD ~ Gity Council: DOMETILO C. ACENAS, IR. Ci) Gounsior PRESIDENT D, ELIPE ExOffcs Member Gi Counclor YAN LAM LIM, (Prieto Np Mga Barangay) sn ~Gity Vice Mayor CAESAR TAN E. ACENAS. Fit De "Oty Councilor LOURDES CANDY R, DARIMBANG = Gy Counce ZALDY 0. OCON. © City Councilor ANNIE ¥. DABA Second Disa = Cty Councor AMONG, TABOR, PestoNG OMCER PROTEMPORE * Giy Councilor ENRICO D. SALCEDO. ~ ity Councilor ALEXANDER S. DACER alter determining that a quorum existed. the Cty Coun proceeded todo business A. ONMINUTES OF THE 110" REGULAR SESSION ON NOVEMBER 25, 2015 MOTION No, 22297-2015, [MOTION TO DISPENSE WITH THE READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE 110" REGULAR SESSION ON [NOVEMBER 23, 2015 AND TO CONSIDER THE FURNISHING OF THE COMES THEREOF TO EACH MEMBER AS THe READING SELF Moved by Councilor Advan L,Batoa. duly sxconded by Councilors President D. Elie, Edna M. Dahino & Dante 8, Fao, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED.Republic ofthe Philippines ity of Cagayan de Cro SS OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL {ee 70540085 A 57S HS MOTION No, 22298-2015 MOTION 70 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE 10™ REGULAR SESSION ON NOVEMBER 23, 015 Moved by Councilor Adan L. Baa, duly seconded by Councilors Dante B.Pajo & Ena M. Dahino, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, 3, SPECIAL REPORTS: |. Councilor Alden D, Bacal reported about the road accident invoWing his car and expressed clemay ver the way trafic leer and enforcers Implement the sys talc laws, rules and regulations, among other things [Acoontaken: The cepa and all the reactions thereof were refered to the Convnttess on [ubbe Unies and on Police, Fre and Pubhe Safety to oily Look into the rater, inuiting for the purpose the concerned tall oftces and offas of ‘concerned agencies | Counelor President D. Elie reported about the haulingtranspor of documents rom 2 cetain {iy Hl eeparenest on the night when the DILG-10 was implementing the Order of the Ombudsman dsmissing the Cry Mayor fom the sence and plopored iat the same Be Lnvestigated by the Sargguian, in aid of legislation, considering that one ofits duties i 12 “Trove a ehanizm ed spprogriat funds therefor, to ensure te slety and protection of all jy govenmment propery, pubic documents, of records such as thase relating 19 property inventory, land onnership. records of bits, manages, deaths, assessments, taxafion, accounts, pusness Permit, aed such other records and documents of publ Ingres in the ‘tices and departments ofthe ety government” [Sec 458 (18) ot FA T80, Action whens The Body adopted Resolution No, 12202-2015, CON NINUTES OF THE 111 REGULAR SESSION ON DECEMBER 01, 2015, Avis juncur.Cauno an Lam Li tut fe Sesion Hal ORDINANCE NO. 13046-2015 [AN ORDINANCE APPROFSINTING THE JM. OF €7521.N0 FROM THE ITEM “PERSONAL SERVICES: [SALARY SAVINGS (SANITARY INSPECTOR IITEM NO. 1del FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1-11, 2015" IN ‘WE 2015 ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITV HEALTH OFFICE TD BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE SALARY DIFFERENTIAL OF WE: JNCTA.C. ADAIAR, FORMER NURSE ll OF THE SAID OFFICE, WHO WAS GRANTED SALARY INCREASE FROM SALARY GRADE 17 TO SALARY GRADE 18, PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 12932-2015 Moved by Councilor Dante B, Pio, dy seconded by CounclorsFresiéent D. pe & Edna M. Datno, UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. MOTION NS. 23296-2015 IMGTION TO DISPENSE WITH THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO, 13016-2015 Moved by Counc Adtian L. Barba, duly seconded by the Cauncer Preidett. DA se, LUNAWIMOUSLY CARRIED,Republic of the Philippines ity of Cagayan de Oro OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (ei 8 57.400 57405, 850208 ‘ORDINANCE NO. 13017-2015 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING ONE (I) GRADE SALARY INCREASE FHOM GRADE 21 TO GRADE 22 TO DR. GERVACIAM. KIONISALA, Mb, MELACA-OFTICER i OF THE JR BORA GENERAL HOSPYTAL THIS Cy WHOSE COMPULSORY RETIREMENT TOOK EFFECT LAST OCTOBER 2, 2015, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2, ARTICLE 13 OF RA. 1305. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE MAGNA CARTA OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS Moses 94 Counclla: Dante B, Palo, diy seconded by Councllrs President D. Elpe & Edna Mt Dahing, UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. ‘MOTION NO: 22500-2015 [MOTION 70 DJSPENSE WITH THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 13017-2015 Move! by Couretor Adan Bao, ly cacondn by Gnucllor resident D, Elbe & Edna M. Dahing, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ‘ORDINANCE NO. 13018-2015 {AN ORDINANCE REALIGNING THE SUM OF P 100,000.00 FROM THE ITEM "MOE. CONSULTANCY SERVICES IN THE 2015 ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY LEGAL OFFICE TO AUGMENT THE TEM TRAVELING. EXPENSES" UNDER THE MOOE OF THE SAID OFFICE Moved by Counslor Pesdent 0. Ele, duly seconded by Councilor Dante B. Faia UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, 201 ‘MOTION NO. 235 [MOTION TO DISPENSE WITH THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO, 13018-2015 Moved by Councilor Adan L. Baba, duly ssconded bythe Counclors Edna M, Dahino, Dante £8. Poo & President D.Elpe, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, ‘At ths jusctre, Coun Ya Lami tard 2 Sesion al ‘ORDINANCE NO. 13019-2015 [AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I, SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 10022-2006, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE CACAYAN DE ORD CIV STOIAIDS PREVENTION AND CONTROL ORDINANCE OF 2006, COVERING THE COMPOSITION OF THE CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY MULT?-SECTORAL STDINDS ‘CUNGL CREATED THEREIN Moved! by Council Dante 8. ajo, duly seconded by Counclor Edna M, Dshino, LUNAR MOUSLY APPROVED, MOTION NO. 22507-2015 MOTION 70 DISPENSE WTH HE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO, 13019-2015 “Moved by Countlr asian L. Barbs, dy seconded! by the Coundlors Edna M, Dahino & Dante B.Pajo, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, MOTION NO. 22505-2015 MOTION TO INCWUDE IN TODAS REGILAR AGENDA THE FOLLOWING AS ITEM:Repub of be Phtiprines City of Cagayan de Oro ae OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL e774 435 I 1b) PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 2015-522 — constituting the City Counel as the Committe ofthe ole to onset an investigation ina of legsation. onthe ineident regarding he arene ot iocuments outside the ity Hall premises on the right of November 12,2015 when the personel Df the Department of the Into and Local Goreme Rewatal Ofice No. [0 implemented the (Order ofthe Office ofthe Ombudsman demssing Mayor Oscar S. Moreno from the ace and for fis purpea= edectng Counslor Baran G. Tabor as chalman thereof Progonent Canalo Preitent Bie Moved by Cours Adtlan L Barba, duly seconded by Counciors Darte 8. Pao & President D. Ege, UNANMGUSLY CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO, 13262-2015 [RESOLLTION CONSTITUTING THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE COMMITTEE OF THE witOtE 10 CONDUCT [AN INVESTIGATION, IN AID OF LEGISLATION, ON THE INCIDENT FEGAADING THE. TRANSPORT OF DOCUMENTS OUTSIDE THE CITY HALL PREMISES ON THE NIGHT OF NOVEMBER I2. 2015 WHEN THE PERSONNEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT-REGIONAL OFFICE NO. 10 PLEMENTED THE ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN DISMISSING NAVOR OSCAR ‘5, MORENG FROM THE OFFICE AND FOR THIS PURPOSE ELECTING COUNCILOR RAMON G, TABOR AS (CHAIRMAN THEREOF Proponent; = Cour Pes lip Moved by Counc tesdentD. Eline, dul seconded by Coundlors Alden D. Bacal & Ea M, Dahino, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, MOTION To DISPENSE WITH THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF RESOLAITION NO. (2202-2015 Mone by Counts Alan L Barba, duly seconded by Counclor Alden 0. Bacal & Edna M, Dino, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, ‘MOTION NO. 22505-2015 MOTION TO ADIOURN THE 111 REGULAR SESSION OF THE 17% cy COUNCIL (SANGGUNIANG: PaNLUNCSDD| OF CAGAWAN DE ORO HELD ON DECEMBER OF. 2015 Moved by Councilor Adan L Barbs, sevealy seconded by the members present, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ‘he session adloumed at 420 PM. [hereby certiytothe comectnes f the foregoing Minutes, ARTURO'S. DESAN MIGUEL (CHV COUN SECRETARY Altested as conect: ‘TEODULFO E. LAO, IR (Grr Counce Presionic OrnczR , HoRepublic ofthe Philippines rTY oF CaGavAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (2 (57 aS Ik ORDINANCENO, 19016-2015 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF #752110 FROM THE ITEM “PERSONAL SERVICES, SALARY SAVINGS SANITARY INSPECTOR IVITEM NO. 186) FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY“, 2015" INTHE 2018 ANNUAL BUDGET OF TH CITY HEALTH OFFICE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR THE ‘PAYMENT OF THE SALARY DIFFERENTIAL OF Ms. JOVITA C. ADAJAR, FORMER NURSE II OF ‘THE SAID OFFICE, WHO WAS GRANTED YALARY INCRFASE FROM SALARY GRADE 17 TO SALARY (GRADE 18, PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. [2322015 [HE IT ORDAINED by the Ciy Cova! (Songguniane PeluagsX) ofthe Gis of Cagayan Oro in session sexed a= SECTION 1. « The sum of €7,52.0 is hereby appropriated ffm the lem “Peron Series: Slay ‘Savings (Sanitary Taspectwtes No. 16 forthe eco Jontary-I1, 2013" tte 2015 Anaual Budget of he Gy Heath Office be made avalible for he payers of he aay dient of Ms Joi C. Asa, rer [Nurse Il of thes ufc, saad slay crease om Salary Ge 7 to Solty Grae 1, pursuant (Ordinance No. 129822013 SECTION 2. This Ordnance sal ak ee pon is approval UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, TP Dice (ky Casncor Esa M. Dating ty Counc Rage Abaty ‘Gs Counc Dust B Po Gey Coane Aden Ba Gy Conner Aden D, Bea Ppjasee iy Coan Noayakrane Blige -Ciy Caurllor Todo Lae ‘Gy Ceorelioe Leoe Da Gur Je “City Conele Deel Anas J iy Council President D.Bge ‘uc ofthe Seem «Cit Counsor Yan Lam Li Pret Lis Ne Mg Bangs) ‘Aegat ~ Cty Viee Major Casa i. Aca inet icy Coane Lourdes Can R Dasiohang_- Cty Counce 2 ©. Gey Ceaneae Annie Daee pice “Cay Caco Ramon G Tabor iy Counce EoD. Sot ‘diy Caunelor Alene: Duser [ENACTED this_I day of December 2015 jn the Cty of Caria Se Oro ‘bet ceri to he comecnes of the forego Onnence. ARLE S DEAN MIGUEL, TC Counen SecasTaRr Avesta aul ences TTHODULFO = LAO, JR. ‘cr Counenion Passion Orrick Approved: OSCARS, MORENO ‘Grvstavon aes DIONNIE. GERSANA sustain EIT ADvANISTRATOR "ACTING CITY ABMINGHEATORRepubli ofthe Philippines Crrvor Cacavan DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL. (Oa Ts NT Tas ‘ORDINANCE No, 150772935 ‘AN ORDINANCE GRANTING ONE (1) GRADE SALARY INCREASE FROM GRADE 21 TO GRADE 22TO DR. GERVACIAM. KIONISALA, MD, MEDICAL OFFICER I OF THEJR BORJA GENERAL HOSPITAL, ‘THIS CITY, WHOSE COMPULSORY RETIREMENT TOOK EFFECT LAST OCTOBER 22015, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2, ARTICLE 13 OF RA 705, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE MAGNA CARTA (OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS. BE TT ORDAINED by the City Ceanst (Suageuntng Panlungsod) ofthe City of Cxtayen de Oro ln session ssetsbled the, SECTION 1, There sale granted oe (1) grade slay Incese from Grade 21 29 Grade 2210 De Gervaca M. Kiniala, MD, Medial Offer if ofthe TR Bera General Hopp this City, whove compulsory ‘rearement took fer a October 22015, purest Seva 2 Arie 3 of B.A, 7305, otherwise nn ‘Magne Gaia of Publis Heats Workers. SECTION 2. Tis Ordiace shal ake effec pois appro. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Pres FP Die iy Couey Etna M. Daina ‘hy Councor Roger GAbaday Gly Courier Dente. Pao (Cy Cmca Ase. Barbe “Giy Cosnel Aen Bees piece {Guy Counce Nudix Bane Bipe Cty Coenen Teal Fag J (Gayrunct Leon DuM- Gan, fr. ~CiyCabncer Dame Ces, Gy Coulee PaidensD. Ege (Qutofte Sean Hal - Cy Counctr Yan Lam iy (Pree Lig Ny Mg Baran) Absent: ey Viee Mayor Caer fin heen Dirk ty Caunsoe Louies Candy 8 Dasibang - City Counc 2ady 0. Oran *Giy Counce Arae¥. Dab 2 Dieses GhyCaunlr Ramon 6. Tabor = iy Connor Eon D. Slade ‘Cy Cnr Meee ater [ENACTED thi" ay of Deseaber 2015 nthe City of Cagayan de Oro. Thee cv othe comecrnes te eegiag Ordinance ARTURO SDE SAN MIGUEL ‘Gry CouNGH SeHETARY ‘Auweted as utyensit TEODULFOR.LAO.TR. ‘rr couerzae PuSioG Orn (OSCARS. MORENO Creston Arwst DIONSTE. GERSANA, Asse PTY ADMENEETIATOR ACTING CITY ADNENISTRATOR‘Republic ofthe Philippines CITY oF CacA¥ANDEORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (cr aK aT ss A ‘ORDINANCE NO. 130182015 AN ORDINANCE REALIGNING THE SUM OF Pl0a90000 FROM ITEM “MOOE: CONSULTANCY ‘SERVICES INTHE 2015 ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY LEGAL OFFICE TO AUGMENT THEITEM “TRAVEL LING EXPENSES" UNDER MOOE OF THE SAID OFFICE BETD ORDAINED by the Cigy Council Sungruniang Psnfangsod of the City of Cagnyan de Oro in session asl ha: SECTION 1. « The sam of #1000000) i hereby realigned from the item “WOE: Cenaltacy ‘Secies"in the 2015 Aun Budget ofthe Cy Legal Otic to supment te tem: “Teveling Expenses” under {BeMOOK ofthe said ec SECTION 2.- Tas Ordinioe sal ake eft upon ite apotor ‘UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. PD Gey Cour das ML Daina ey Councilor Rog: Rey ‘Gy Counce Dante Pa. (Guy Ceaneor Aden Bats “Gis Cale Alden D. Bet P°Dinrce “Gry Cguncor Nady Srane Bing City Caursor Tests La, Gi Caunalor Lear DUB Gan Jt “Gry Sameer Doel C, Aces J ~ Gy Coe Presden:D. Bge ‘ue Sy Se Yin a i en Li Bog) ~ ine Mayor Cas an Ams Dirt ‘iy Counce Louies Candy 8 Paribas - City Cxansilee Za 0. Oso iy Cauca Anne. Dase 2 Dis ‘Gy Gnsnsor Ramon G Tabor City Counter Baio D. Sado ‘Gey Ceansne Alegre S Dacre ENACTED chs 1" day of Decenbe 205 othe City of Cosy de Oro rey ceri he comers ofthe foreoing Ordinance ‘ARTUROS.DESAN MIGUEL (Cire CouNGL SESE nese dly enacted TEODULFOE 1A0,IR. ‘erry Oouneion PASH OF ‘Aperore SCARS, MORENO GivMavor Arent DIONNIEP.GEKSANA AsastaN HY ADMAISTRATOR IAeTING OY ADMINISTRATOR,Republic of the Philippines Cary oF Caca¥an De ORD OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL rans rash can 7m 40,8208 ORDINANCE NO. 1315-2015, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IL, SECTION $ OF ORDINANCE NO. L626, OTHERWISE, KNOWN AS THE CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY STDIAIDS PREVENTION AND CONTROL ORDINANCE ‘OF 10, COVERING THE COMPOSITION OF THE CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY MULTISECTORAL SSTDJAIDS COUNCIL CREATED THEREIN ‘Obra, BILG Meneratdim Cicslar No. 201329 9a Stengenng Lec Responses Towa More estive and Stislaeé Respoae o HIV and AIDS, enscs ah leo wont wiser to promote laden syne) tenon LGU and arousal, ‘Cortera he se MC provides tees uk open af act AIDS Cote ‘Coen Ordinance No. 100222006, ethene kena athe Cagayan de Oro City STDIAIDS Prevention sn Control Orainance 02, under Arie, Secon Wess presen rhe compton ofthe Guar de Oro (Gey HIVIANDS Coun (Opes con iment rpeeon ae memtertip ofthe oes ADS Cote a nein ‘the DILG mith eta of eee oritace Seo thegne DE 1T ORDAINED bythe Ciry Coun (Singpunang Pasta) of Cagayan de Or in won uly sszembled tat SECTION 1 Sstin 5 under Arce Hof Orance No, 1022206 tere knows a he Capen de ‘Oca Gi STDIANDS Preven and Cott Orden of 208s ery ede e540 lon KKK “SECTION 4. -Composiin, The Cue shal be compat of he owing ‘es Daigaion | Menbennip | CoE Tegner Thaigenae Ferma — [Vata 1) Sener Page — Sa Te amine Chaemae on Henin | Vice Chairperson Pe ne iy Has omer ee Fema — [ak Gig Soa! Were ae —— [Weber Pome [vai ei ea DIEGO ioe Fama — [Vou pol geen Hee fens 2 Siprnendet epee yee, <— "a Spine Mee ensneat | Ver | BY Oe acne oma Sepmlaton Pepe Ling Menter eminent | Voting aav Gee Rapa yoy wae tog Paith-Based Organization 3 Yeu Tem Renewal ad Rescate os ‘Neve Nous see rweningermerbngwit | 3¥ei Tem sie | vanag euro fear by Gere | Sib ‘business sector of academe Nee Term Renewal. Voting | oat sat oo SeRepublic othe Philippines CCEYOF Cagavaw D# O20 OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (UH ak HF 7 5 4 2088 “A scenanenerepreenaive my be desgatd by cach member fhe Cotas wn cS ofthe sence il epee the data eetigs avis ote Coun.” SECTION 5. This Onin shall ke eer spn ie prea UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. P Dire -CisyCouncor Edna M, Dabiso Cy Coe Raper G. Abeer Gy Cooney Dante B.Pa. Giy Cunsee Adrian Bato Gry Counce Ades DBs Diner Cy Cauncor Ney ano: Blige Ciry Cour Teale F. Lao J “Cy Cauncllor Leon DM Ga, ~ Ge Counter PreiatD.Ege Ext Member ~Ciy Cau Yan Lan Li esi Lge Ne My Boangey) Gy Crane Dame Cena J Absent “ity Vice Mayor Coe Tan B Ace Dit iy Counce Lourdes Canay RDarimbang_- City Couns Zl 0, 0con GinyOaumeor Annie Dabs ¥ Dievet ‘Gy Canc Rann. ator Ci otnon Ease Stade ‘Gey Coane Sender § Daer [ENAGTED this 1" day of December 2015 nthe Ci af Caran de Ore 1 hero corto the comes of the foregoing Ordinance ARTURO S.DE SAN MIGUEL ‘Cry owner Secserany Ase a ly az ‘TEODULFOE.LA0,7R, (Gry coetion Presb Ore Aoproed OSCAR'S. MORENO Chron Avene DIONNAEP. GERSANA Asasrans OY ADUNSTHATOR "Acring iv ADMONSTRATORRepublic of the Philippines CIES OF CALABAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Guiocuwens pancunasoo) sunster Marten: Proposed Resolution seturning fo the Barangay Council of Canitoan, this city, its Barangay Ordinance No. 2015-001, Series of 2015, covering its ‘Annual Budget for Calendar Year 2085, with the information that said ordinance in order and therefore the same may be given force and effect as of the date fixed for its effectivity aespctlrefrad to the COMMITEE UN LAWS AND RULES, she fern conmiaasont fir Ha, reestigasn report and recommen ADTLROS. DE SAN suELEE ‘COmAITEE LAUT AND BECOMMUNEATION tau of Meang Be Daye TAR eam uae, DON. NADYAL EMANG BUDE timéc HEN DEON CUM, GAN,Republic ohne Prunes CITY OF CAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Ccemmiictinn Number 82846 Date 1282018 ‘Revsvte —estamine fem 80 a in pabGE 08 CY 2015 oF anager caeTEHN Respectfully efeced to OMDIEFTEE ON HARANGAY AFFAIRS. hehe camnicaton fo ery, tention, report and/or rcermendaton, COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION flores ASR Pures he a lo, ton yan ann Hos, nomen HON. DANTE n, PALO. HON. HDA. DAIINO ‘atMerte na teraRepublic af the Pilippines ‘Ci of Capnyes de Oro OFFICE OF THE CITY BUDGET OFFICER November 24,2015 ‘The Honorable Members Cay Comal Cagayan de Oro City GenlemensLadies: acute hecin Aa Budget CY 2015 a Barangay Canton ihn, [Esiated Income of P 9.945,845.00 95 against Expenditures of ame amour, ‘Atabed isthe duly accomplished Technical Review Analysis Sheet, for Yur consideration, Thank you Very way yours, ATTY. PERCY G. SALAZAR, City Budget Offices a ‘Se erarostr ormTECHNICAL REVIEW ANALYSIS SHEET ‘SU. Barangay Cantoan ‘oe abie Ant Be nea Fond “The bug ae stent compe walt euetany equrments ard pane ton ak embod nde Loca ‘covert ode aa aget moran No.8 eae yO 20% Recorinart rab en Meo. ary. Pency elon LON. mance CoMMITTEE Gv Buiget ier wm 1 guesike, Pa. arty, BLOT, CPA afer 9 Apounisn ony Pay Depatrar, Mi by we au nscminy oF ayy. per G/ALARAR Enon ono 5 Bond Pm Ban ea) Paminn‘TECHNICAL REVIEW ANALYSIS SHEET LSU: arangny Cantoar oy 20%8 ema Bugler Fund “Approo. toma By Objet of Expoeares Amount ‘hy Busget OMe Specie Fndnge 0 Remeron 1 ne ovata rescues fo Aproptaton JP aes | Ta aprons dot anoeea eae For appro ce saiagoaeaane 54800 ‘raters Bone * 2. Aepoptaons er Pagel Sense lp 467azs400 | To Peon Sevens ciimtonceesiracenctmnacss. | Fer Agee 2PFeaa Anne! Regu nce scaly ‘estes rt en ous Ginaginenantpecedng (CY2019) P 7.8700«0 08 Sst terest Lega maton rs)" 432587200 bmasstagreraa! fr Ps ‘erazsco0 Rats inaezocance w No 82 of Moca datos 4 Waves Pa(caan GAUSS eave Genet)“ 08409 tea 5, 2012 (Ufo ad ropetoat een) Neths sitio amtaten| ssszreseoo Sit Aloe o(Defeeng) ‘a0 3, Bos Development ne 1160958600. | Aspropton or 20% Daten Fun no Forage Sanco sina ‘401758000 ‘pooainsecturce ih S287 US Gost ‘e3soe00 [robert y DEM DLS et Memarardum Pv Sapa ‘isos 00, ecient” 2011 eae of 29° eta fp 12 2091 4 Resovea Far _ASSonggning Kaban (See 2204.60) 27028500 | Aperptons fe he Sanguniang Kabataan Tornoe 2a name (aon og) sozgas00 Snes purse ih) 1A TH. 2 Toner! ‘asae80) Aout copies ea6800 Arprpion proved complance. wi 1, LORRAE-Colamy and (ae 528) soqez0 | See 24g oF. se amended by Se 21 For pero G Toten tenn egieesaues 903264800 Rane toi S exineret ‘5602.00 Amour Aepoptes ‘e400 Proven rbaic sees a ao prone 5. sation sue Bes, IRpoFRA 760400) and or apr Feat Nitin Secession Bee 2 ttt Nos cad Joy O22 ns Lagi Sree, ©. Sher Appaptors [natn cass, dbunanent of apsoptons ‘ant 6 er Opa Exseronnes 200520200 [neve aunt arlaaly nde a Crp Oty eaurner ‘mi00090 ] “aescusing ard aug das opus Infasture Pets one 1.70800 |Comeieneto a exsing ius, sntatve Non omeeszara Pret Sener angsiObsenatens “eesti ie espa ofrt suse Republic of the Philippines “ : Se eneBget RCSINRCS. MN OD ‘Barangay CANITOAN \ OFACE OF THE SANCOUWANG BNANGAN A crn | Mo\liTes OF THE SESSION OF CANTOR CCANITOAN BARANGAY HALL, CANITOAN, CAGATAN DE ORO CITY ON NOVENIER 11,2015. Present ‘eanay Chaar JOSUAA TABOCLAON Sarg XapwaGUILERED. 00}40N ‘Sega apanad FABUATA WACABOOAOD BargayKogawse JONATHAN. GALA roa KGpowed MESTERLEE 8. SOMENAN ugeyappant ESSAS, ANTE, ‘as fap TERRY. TASMENG Sear Yopems, NOEL A TABOCUON RESOLUTION NO, 15-082 ‘Series 2015 resented for conslderation is the Annusl Budget of the Barangay CANITOAN for the period January Di, 2015 to December 31, 2015 in the sui NINE MILUON NINE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE THOUSAND FIGHT HUNDRED FORTY FIVE PESOS ONLY (© 9,945,345.00). NOW THEREFORE, on motion af Kagawad Terry V. Tumaneng duly seconded by xogawal Fabiana # Macabodbod RESOLVED, as it Ig hereby resoived, to enact the Following, Appropriation, ‘oraimance, to wi APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NO. 2015-001 ‘Series of 2015 APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 01, 2015 TO DECEMBER 31,7035. fe st enacted by the Savigguniang Barangay of CANITOAN that the Barangay ‘Annual Budget covering the period from January 01, 2015 tp December 24, 205 ‘with "total estimated income of NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE “THOUSRasD RIGHT HUNDRED FORTY FIVE PESOS ONLY (f 9,945.846.00) a5 against {otal appropriation in the amount of NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE ‘THOUSAND EIGHT WINDRED FORTY FIVE PESOS ONLY (? 9,945,845.00) 15 hereby. approved, summarized as follows: Available Resources: 1 Income Reaf Property Tax-Dut Component 798,700.00, ‘Rea] Property Tax Equal Sharing 409,000.00, Business Taxes & Licenses ‘tgae Taxes Community Tax —sEw Sand & Gravel 360,000-00- Miscellaneous-ternal Revenue Allotment (1RA) ‘O17, 980.00 Government Service Fees & Otaer Charges (AFS1) —~“72'005.00" Government Business Operations Grants “Clty Ald Tor BOP aaa Gi) Aid for Barangay Police 70,000.00" oimersiSpecy) 2, Total Income P 9,945.845.00 Appendix 8 [Page 10 |wma | Gi REVIEWED | A Curent Opertins Sel PURSUANT To TCPROMSONS OF FEEL APTN. 750 1 Personal Servi Dy ATG. HE SANGSERUANG 2ANUNGSOD onerana eee 2.186.606 00 Yea! End Bo0ue SRT two.se50 oot Ens BE EA oo 55,000.00 onerara‘Suppon Stat = SS SS ape e000 gba Contains 1330055 ‘vacation af Sick Lanve Berets 75.050.00| tha Persoane Bert FEIN Fetal Pas7e.254.00, 2 Maint. & Other Operating Expenses Tetoprove Expensas Repair &Martonance Land Trangprt Equment Repair & Mainananae-Ofoe Egupment fie Sugpes Exponesa (ine Supplies Expenses Say. Pale tre Suppes Expetene Ceca ‘ecountaso Fome Expenses ‘nung Servicos ‘Water Expenses lctoty pens ‘ring ts Scholarship Expenses IrawanceReneuranee Premiums ‘Memberanip Dune & Cony, 19 Organizations: ‘Ggangmea Barangay Fusl, Olan LubrcartsExperaoe (ter Mat & Operating xo to Senor Czene 120 or isbled Parsons cultural ard Atle Expenses ‘Ger Maint. 8 Operating 2x-Mesleal Assistance Otter Mair. & Operaing Exp GAD Pegyam ‘oer Mast. & Operating ExD-LCPC ‘er Malt & Operating Expenses to Incigent ‘Over Mai. & Operating Excenses General Series Orso" re 000, "otal eer 3 Non-Ofce Expenitur ‘50 LORRWE (Calamity Fund) 409.4200 30% Guic Respoose Fund Ps48.985.00 70% of LORE Ania ae sea: Tetat Pome Improvement Evacuation Cone _P_109, Instat of Fe Ryans 0 9.80 ‘Slockpng f ther Base Emergency ‘Supple Repair of Hand Held Rass & Base mara ‘Tots Breakout40% Sk Fund- Youth Development Program 999,285.00 reakaown LenortipTaiing!Yoxth Camp Program ‘Sec Cus & Spits Oevagment ural Graig Project Parenase FCO. urehabe of DSLR Camera ‘Purchata at Sound Sytem wi Complete Accessories “otal 20% Develpment Fund sreakaown: Consrastor/Rehebitton o Wi Psyose Hl p_es2.so0c0 rslaton & Maintenance of Seat Lghing Sytem 100 600.00 Fehabtiston of Day Care Geers BE sm000- Uretngad Development Projet 00 0000 Fira Greening Prec 100,900.00 ‘ohaoitaton cf Local Roads os see. Cenarion st Orange Stam 725,900 Total “Prfaos HET Pasay B. Capital Outay ; ne | Sy at i scossscetsflga REVDEWED gue NR! rast ©, NonoMienSeecet Poet | * 245 245.00, “ofa! Budgetary Appropriations. ‘Te Appropriation Ordnance shall take eet on January 0}, 2015 RESOLVED FURTHER, Submit Rasaluon wine sped budget as emai ‘ne Aopen Once the Sanpquiang Farnese APPROVED Rovner 1,258, nary cy oregaa Reslvon h, 1.04 embasng Asproprion Ona No. 15:00, thse of 20 neh approved the Barangay Anal ape pn Janay 0%, 2015p Deon 5) 20\scheaergoy Canary of Cagayan d= Or, iy ated ye Sargouriang Sanger Ievegiarsesuon aga Baan Hl on Nebr, 2015 ATTESTED: —~ farangay SorataryRepublic of the Philippines (IBY OF CAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CTY COUNCIL {SaxGQUNANG PanLUNGSO0) Comm, We. Received by: From Sunseer MATTER: Proposed Resolution returning to the herein Barangay Councils Chait respective Barangay Ordinances, covering their Supplemental Budget No. 1 for Calendar Year 205, wth the information that said Ordinances are in order and therefore the same may be given force and effect as of the date fixed for their effectivity, to wit: % Ordinance No. 2 series of 2015) of Barangay Dansolihon mnee No, 2 series of 2015, of Barangay Kauswagan Aksipcfilly fered to the COMMENTER ON LAWS AND BULES, ¢ frsincommaniation fr stay, snessigation, report and ecommendtion. SDE Sun tout ‘05 coo Sey COMMITTEE DEPORT AND DECOMMENDATION. ‘hats Mering. Dee Ss Bote, Bo coe ton eal po rAn0e sicctime — Ponanenft-elnoa / mir rennaslenano cise snes nomcerenecavcanRepublic ofthe Phippnes CITY OF CAGAYAN DE ORO QFFIGE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Commision Number 0826-16 Date ‘202088 Subjece sueruzvewra, auo0e# | For 201 Bor aARancny auowAsAN C20 Respsfy ened to COMMITTEE ON BARANGAY AFFAIRS ehesda commicton forty weston, reper ator recommendation FORTHE CITY ICRA anruro S/n san miu. ‘COWMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION Dueotnony Avec Rit Ac a A puss a 4 ow. val Lancant nox, ponrni.o ¢) Nanas sn. cotiman “7 Vou Cran ON. DANE M. PAO NON. DNA H. DANINO ‘wiMerter ra enter Sraonber ExOfGo Merb Appentix B [Page 24 |orriceoF $e. ‘The Honorable Members City Council Cagayan de Oro City Gentlemen!Ladies: Respectfilly forwarding the herein Supplemental Budget No. 1 CY 2018 of Barangay Kausvngan with sn Pstimued income uf P 3,493,!9600 a. against Expenditures of same amount Attached is the duly accomplished Technical Review Analysis Sheet, for your ‘consiesalon Trask you, ‘very tnily yous, LI so ATTY, PEI City Badger Offer ™ a “a.nuaddy | 8 puaddy] a abeg ‘TECHNICAL REVIEW ANALYSIS SHEET su: Barangay Kavswagan 2015 plement Bist Gone Fund General Findings Obsonatns “Th aysigot has subtrtiny comping wih a th uae reaureriene and Gener ans ae arose unde ee CCovermest Cade ard Loca Bupa Morvan No 68 ag uy 720% Raconnandng vera ston Meson \ Aa
2373500 |Tasteopeetons agro ected wtaincane Fer pow tes Toa Apsptone Ero) Unsepopited Gane ip Appr lx Parson Sees fe wstaane | raaiPescatceneardicraeced tn cetemieien | fe spp (hinge emreceans (C2013) 3aTSAB7 sot ter eal iaton Wt PS) fesoerige © Aree sented PS Biase oo ates hacosine w No 82 fC No 6 dates {Wovea PS(eath GAMES Lone sarem 23634000 tay 2012 Uno anspropetonte ppt) 2 Net set oimsaten sso ‘Buh Alora aera) ‘guenee oe Devempment Fund arent 20% Oecpnen Fund aoe Fornepont Simon ha 08790000 ‘odes nacre a Se 267 LSE 8 a meeot fra20000 = mplmenid by OBI ILS Jor eres © Amour Aeprogrites 182000 Suan 201 1S 299 aed hot 13201, esorea For 1 Sanagnarg Habla (Se. 390160) Armpistons er ine Sanogniang Kabat Forte 2 eal ome (Gen Fa) 0992500 ins puss oe SE) oR TE S tomshee ‘rosa dnt Aponte oaes00 Averotten proved compance wth 8. LORRI atin Fura Sac 32418) = [S232 of USD asarenaea by Sac 21 oF Forse ‘Staal est revere egoalsnunces 9,708 82800 Rano sar O samecce Feseei co hmout errand esac Prove tte eens ae a mowens ene Sees urs Se2 17) 1 RA 160(UG5) an Fer popioe Feat & Nuon Sarvs inaon Geo 291 of CB Nae nd Jly02 2092, net Aepronraons [rtn acon siaitennt of aperopnatons Tah 8 tne, Ont scent ragis20 czannon | "aha mien narnia ara tots! Culay Easement : earn nd ang ee 8 epen lnstace Poets : Snes 1 Jecmsancese using awe aonetve Nex-ofieespei Poet ase nae a ah epee (Geral Fningeesonatos:Regul of ne Philpines ‘ty ef Cagayan de Oro raneny Dansothon OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY AINUTES OF THE SESSION CF BARANGAY BANSCLHON HELD AT BARANGAY HALL ON vest 10,2015 eatery Chawmen guneRe ‘renga Kogatad ARNOLD LABADAN NAEALASAN ‘ovaraivKaqvias “FRANCO R. MONTAND eatngoy Xapanne CASTOR WAGOWAD ‘eoreoy Kegread VIVANT ARAWAS Seng Kaawd JUDO CULAR ‘eunaneAaginad | PEDEPPAURAN feeurgay Kepgeed “GILBERT 8.BASLOTE — 2eS0UFTONNO.17 secs or 20s Peete x cone =e Support Boe No. ofthe arengay Careline petea november 2018 lo Oscar, 018 nie camel 2IN7E500 neo HERREORS, onan Haga Cae Lip iy acts Rains RESOLVED, sit erat ens, chat Melaboning Aprpaton rans, sPeegeauesON ORONANCE NO. 2 ‘SERS OF 2016 sors, MPPROPRITIG FONDS FOR THE PERIOD FROM NOMEN 207870 DECEMBER 3, eitoneci by tne Sangguniang Barangay oSarargay Dandotton ah Suppereral Biogt No 1 o2ving he pata Pom Novemvel 1, 207s Oeamat 3, 2a18 wey eal esinated cone oP [ai 36 gb panel els apneten fe amount P 99579900 ey SON RESO ED EURTUER, tum ape othe Regen wih he abrved butt a embed he nga Grvanata ne Sangunang Pancapuos rev APPROVED NOVEMBER 20% \ nmty cary mathe fegang Rescuer No 17_ ames Aeontnin Ordnance No.2 tah serie of 201 who approved he Bearonysunplomeral Budge Hot fhe parbs over! 218 ‘eearin 1.2018 o erargey Carson ci of Pagar de re, wae sly ences Wy te Sangurang ayaroay 2 rogue sea no Sars Sarengy Dahon e Newbe see ~ ATYESTED:Republic of the Philippines (BY CF CAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (eaNcauNANe poNNC=0) Stuurex MArvEE: Proposed Resolution retu : Indahag, this City, its Supplemental Budget No, 2 for Calendar Year 2015, with the information that said Ordinance is in order and therefore the same may be given force and effect. as of the date fixed for its effe Sysscfly refed 20 te OOMMINTEE ON LAWS AND BULES, se Seren commision for st, sven, sparta rcommendaion. ADAUROS. PESAN MIGUEL COMMITTEE FEDODT AND DECOMMENDATION. "Dateof Neetng: Pees, Dai cfsimue WON EARN. FAECR veechumest HOM, ADRIAN. HARA nic WON: NADYA EMANG-TEIEE Soe HON LEON DUAL GANRepub oth Pilipinas CIT OF CAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ‘Sengpining Penungsod Conmanicaion Nobex 0838418 Dae ‘sens Reciver, —— daesaine Subject sunriaMenraL No 2 Fon CY 201 OF RAMMHCAY EAD, CEO asprsflteeres to COMMITTEE ON RAMANGAY AFFAIRS. ‘he hes commanicion for sy, invetigaien spot nd of rcomiend SARC anrvny® pe su) mc, Cafes ee COMMITTEE REPORT AND i oaton Dieta aoe CSS eh ass wos ay on sos noma ahaa ov nate 0 sox. say. an hd Mover ~ ExOfico Member issewrne. Appendix B_ | Page2oRepublic of the Philipines Cay of Cagayan de Oro OFFICE OF THE CITY BUDGET OFFICER “Tye Honoetble Members City Counc Capayan de Oro City Gentlemen/Ladies: Respectfully forwarding the herein Suppiemena) Budget No.2 CY 2015 of Barangay Indahag with an Estimated Incors of P $14,940,86.00 a8 against Expenditures cf same aout, ‘Auached isthe duly accomplished Technical Review Analysis Shet, for your consideration. Thank you ‘Very uly yous, ATTY. PERCY G, SALAZAR iy Badge Giese Appentix B Page‘TECHNICAL REVIEW ANALYSIS SHEET {UGU: Barangay Indanag ‘¥naiseutantl Bulge 2 Gone Fund ‘The puget sustantaly compe mn budgetary aqurones ana geal tstens as erode nde Be Loss ovement Coge and La But ereranlu Ne Bib Jy 1, 2014 Recermenengfavrae stan eee, TTY 2660 6 SALAZAR LOCAL FINANCE COMMITTEE: yan no Oe enti eS \ eTTYCaRDA bY a. ELOT, Cm, sy Apsounare ATTY, DEREY 0, SALAZAR ENGR. ISRO. EORIA_- aeTECINICAL REVI ANALYSS SHEET UU: Barangsynashag 205 superna No? ner Fars -Aoqten tons By Objet Expentroe Amount hy ausget Oe Specie Finan co0 tecommsston 1 Wet orale eaves er pprasraton [> eras | Tor apvoncion a not excon income Foran Me a apm eats Urshoropras eae a 2. beeper or Paral Sanicss l> scares | rot reo seroes cic notencend tne ssi imitation | For Appa Tor Rae ce ay urge extprecsing (CY 2013) 356112836 SetetwrentLapainnatontr?S)—” 2arBet800 © bait motor or Sieast620 ates acraanew! No 82 0f 186 Ne. SB dtee 4 Waves Scam SAVES eove Gent) “8009 "Ma 5.2018 (unter sn prpgronae opseston) fe Hts eatjeta maton 240328800, S Sti owen were sana 9. Sos Oennetans 7 Penepeon 2% Deter Fnaia Fo hepa 2 Sos era e499 90 rinsed O80 DIL on Mera ' broine spepraag Fase ro BO een 3 et Bot 035, 2 Sangpunang Kecatsan (Sec 229 LGC) Avprions for 8 Sangguniang Yantaan For Apr Statice Gan Pa ‘20492000, ‘Saver pura fhe eto) oR ee 5 Tox paar feesz200 6 Amount appa eeassen0 Arpoorion prided 9 compare wi 1 Conn Cotman ru = |e s2e ot LGC ae sensoe by Ser 2 of Fe Popov Stanton momar npeaceauees 4 Ac4az0m Rano ton b Suthers! asi Anoie Sopris Sami Provison fo bage svics ae eo prove 8 sane Seven Pusat Set 17) RA 760 LC) ana Foe Aosta ‘etl ei Series, Arison Benes aohnees sates 102200 ‘a tegaace Services, le 6 hss Aeepatone [natin aces, ssbusemarts ct aproiaions nt Ge’ Ops Exenatece 00122000 | aags6a72 [Shalt sunt avtay fins ae a ‘capslouay equpmen - Sen.oona0 | “Seesning ert auatng es Brapestons, one Non oeseecl Pret ‘cone a Fangs teens: [comptenveto a ein ws, mine Tubs stagione na be he espaay he ara.Repubteo the Pitppnes (ly of Cagayan ae Oro ‘Serangay Intake OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY INUTES OF THE SESSION OF SARANGAY INDAHAG HELD AT BARANGAY AL. On NOVEMBER 4 sons, aanaay Ontimen barangay Kagawa Mary Ben E Nanbstac Baerga Kapow erargayKegmwae Sten ca Barangay Kagawa BermgoyYagowo = serge eaten Manin Ns — ecrgeyKegowod Rete PBibia any Sty _Dana U Apes Pose orange Kapow! RESOLUTION NO. 055, ‘SERES OF 218 rascal crater ithe Surpaneril Budget No, ff he Barangay nag fr he sevea NOVEMBER to oomanr 3, 20's Nhe met PBS NOW THEREFORE, onmstin cKapnwed RansjneP Babin cay scooby Kage Ooty RESOLVED, es hry raced trate fosewngAptromrition Orda, ow APPROPRIATION ORDNANCE NO, 03 ‘SERES OF IIIS [APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PERIGD FROM NOVEMBER 4 TO DECEMBER 31,2016 Beit anste by he Sangationg Buargn/ of BarergeyIdsag nate Supplement get NO. vere tm put tas Novae a Gosh, °5 wih tl seg nsame Sr O14, 940 8 ae Sgt appepsaone fe amour Pa a6 haan seeove RESOLVED FURTHER. ea oni of ie Reston wh he aproved ug ak erbogedin He -oprpraten Orinanon 9b Sergio Pasties eve sboRED NOVEMBER 4,205, ners caty tat he roping Rasokiion No. OS entocieg Aoprasiitn Odrance No.2 bah senes of 201, wc approved fe Barrgsy Surpomerial Bagot Noa fe Oe pened NoverDe! 10 Decor 3), 2018 Braga ns, hy Cony, Fae uy cod by We Sarai artesreD,Republic of the Phitippines erGY OF CAGAWAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (GaxECUNAI PaRLUNGSO0) Comm, No.: ‘Received by: From: Date: SURIECK MATTER: Proposed Resolution accrediting the Mindanao Tribal Judiciary Council, Inc., for purposes of its membership in the Local Special Bodies, pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-70 and Article 64, Rule XIII of the Rules and Regulations Implementing the 199: Local Government Code, or funding its project from the City or other Sources as required under the COA’ circular related thereto Rectifier to the COMMATTER ON LAWS AND EULES, th fren commumeaton for stud, ngtion pur and acommendstion ADTUROS. DE SAN MELEE Oe cana Sey COMMITTEE REDODT AND EECOMMENDATION, Date of Mieing: Dee, 21SRepub ore Priippings + CITY OF GAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Comisticaion Nunibes 8ORAS Date vwnras Recere; —dtesamine Subject sercAmoN ron ACEREDTATON GF MIOANAG TIAL AOA COUMERL HO Respect efecedo COMMIFTER ON —CULFURAL COMMUNITIES ‘he erin communion for sy, vernon, reper and/or recommen, Fou THE cry vigg MavOR & COMMITTEE REPOR can HON. ADAIAN 1 OARRA 0 JANIE ¥. aa, HON. ALDEN 0. MAE Arete arene WON. DOMETILO C. ACENAS J.GEayweann /3) CrTY PLANNING AND November 28, 205 Mr, ARTURO S, DE SAN MIGUEL Secretary ‘Sangguniang Panlungsed Cagayan de Oro City Sir | am forwarding herewith the application of MINDANAG TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC.” for accreitation ard selection of their Teprosentatve (0 the l0%al specat odes afer finding tt has compted with all the administrative requirements that would qualfy the Gvl society orgarizaion for endersemect to the City Counel “Thank you very much. ery truty yours, t \ ENGR. SbRO|E. BORIA b- Cty Paming and Den CoordinateRepublicf he Philippines OFFICE Ge THE SUPPREME TRIBAL JUSTICE ‘MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. COMPANY ESB NO. CNIOISSIEAG November 27, 2015 HON. CAESAR IAN E. ACENAS Ciy-Vice Mayor Cagayan de Oro City ‘THRU: Cty Planning and Development Coordi Cagayan de Ore city City Hall, Cagayan de Oro Cty Dear Hon, Acenas: ‘As erequiste, may we eainestly request for an INDORSEMENT 10 the Otfice Of the City Council, Cagayan de Oro City, for purposes of sbiaining Govemment ‘cceditation of the MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC.,pursuart ro DILG Memorandum Crew No. 2013-70 and Amicle 64, Rule Xi of the rules and lations implementing the 1991 Local Governmer Code. In suppon of thie agplication are the following administrative requirement, to Duly accomplished Application Form for Accreditation erfcate of Registration SEC, Regen LC; Articles of Incorporation SEC, Regan 10 stitution and By-Laws Ust of officers and Members, Certified by the Secretary and Concur the Supreme Trea justice: 8, Curent Financial Statement and Balance sheet ‘Accomplishment, Minutes of Meeting nd Track of Record Jo.Daly Accomplished Nomination Form: 11-Barengay Certification, Office of Barangay Coun, Barangay 40 2 Ceri Copies of Artendance of Meetings and Assembly, and 15.Persona Data, ‘hank you very much for gluing this eater your kind consideration Appendix | “sy ANGI av aN AL SENDS GFTOCET, ADS TO VICTORY RAGLAND DDVROMNENTRepublic ofthe Philippines OFFICE JF THE SUPPREME TRIB:.«. JUSTICE MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. ‘COMPANY REG. SEC NO. cN201552840, ‘OFFICE: CARESCA COMPOUND BARANGAY 40, CAGATAN DE ORO CTY Gal Non. 87246), Fa5236667% (9085051870 sown Ls aacrice vp Sar covtmt ano EAPOWEANENT wT RED ia wolmoUs ROMS Wasco RESOLUTION NO. 04-2015 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DATU LOLONG DENCIO S. LIPIAHAN, SR., SUPREME TRIBAL JUSTICE/DUNGKOAN TA MINDANAO, TO REPRESENT THE MINDANAO ‘TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL BEFORE THE CITY GOVERNMENT OF CAGAYAN DE ORO AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES FOR PURPOSES OF OBTAINING GOVERNMENT ACCREDITATION, PURSUANT TO DILG MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO, 2013-70 AND ARTICLE 64, RULE XIll OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IMPLEMENTING THE 1991 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, ‘Whereas, the MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, is a Council that governs the Weiten and Unwritten Laws of our Ancestors that ext since ume immemorial as stipulated under Republic Act No, 8371, Otherwise known as “The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997" (IPRA LAW. Which defines the Customary Laws a8 2 body of wetter and/or unwsien. rule, usages, customs ancl practices traditionally and continually recognized, accepted and observed by respective CCS; WHEREAS, the Mindanao Tribal judiciary Cou Is interested £0 apply as member inthe Local Bodies f lor oer sources as required there WHEREAS, among basic principles and objectives ofthe council isthe following hleve the socio-economic development, ‘5 guaranteed by the Constitution and Republic Act 8 ‘Alms to uniy the communis, fcitate ard enhance the quali af if, foster thelr sell fovemance and teach and educate on the application of customary ls and practices, Fpadership, racial, national, economie, politcal, and religious so that they can serve the ea owmen with denty, honesty and siacerty; ous Fenples, Indigenous Cukural Communities and their roperty rights within ancestral domains generelly belonging to ICSI, so 38 to ensure their economic, social, cultural, welare and development, and natural resources, by not allowing themselves to be deprved and treated as squamers of thee oun la 2) Fim stable and sustainable selt-governed cultural communities, highly respected and empowered Tribal Community that have sufficient food and lve with comtort and modlshnessigracelstle, that free from oppressions and discriminations through a successful eftrepreneur, employirant an high sence of natlocaism. to lve in huntity ace hyRepuicf te Philippines OFFICE VF THE SUPPREME TRIBA.. JUSTICE, MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. COMPANY REE, SEC ND. €N201532840 ‘OFFICE: CAFESCA COMPOUND, BARANGAY 40, CAGAVAN OF OF0 CITY Gul non Or 20275se. 05350560816 OmeNISTeT Taving respect forall and a sense of oneness with each other and thelr Creat others r among WHEREAS, the Mindanao Tibal judiciary Counei is desirous to make tem active partes of the NCIP by educating the IPSACCS, regarding Republic Act 8371 specifically on the sel-governance, Jn a quasi government, peace and Order set up of the government by the cou of elders, wich Is totally independent, but an existing government partner into @ peace and order counct, working hand inhang wit due government in administration, butler in nature and exloing arm ofthe peace and ferder council WHEREAS, the Mindanao Tribal Judiciary Council is ikewise wanting 10 strengthen and ‘enforce free and ptiat informed consent of tribel communities concemed with regards t0 the tization, exploitation of naturel or before any program oF project be Implemented or any inauity oh Indigenous knowledge system and practices, tzcltionselther material and not-materal culture to be ‘extracted within the ancestral domain Wherefore, on motion by Datu Kasihongan Oscar ©, Linaac ane duly Secorited by and Data ‘Sandigan Rossel G, Oxandez, Sr, be it Resolved, as itis hereby resolved, to authorize, as it hereby authorizes, DATU LOLONG DENGIOS, LpI\OR, GR, SUREME TRIBAL IUSTCEAINOKGAN Th MINDANA, TD REEVESENT THE MINDANAO TRIBAL IMDICIAR? COUNCH, BEFORE THE CITY GOVERMENT OF CAGAYAN DE ORO AND OTHER COVERNNENT AGENCIES FOR TURPOSES OF OBTAINING GOVERNMENT ACCREDITATION, PURSUANT TO BILE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2013-70 AND ARTICLE RULE Xi OF ‘HE RULES AND REGULATIONS IMFLEMENTING THE 1991 LOCAL ‘Governenr CoE RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward copy of thls Resolution to Honovable Caesar lan E. Avena, ‘Cty Mice Mayor and the members of the City Counc, Cagayan de Oro, for their information and consideration thereto, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. PRESENT: ‘SUPREME DATU LOLONG 01 PIANIAN, SE ‘SUPREME TRIBAL UST SKOAN TA MINDANAO KEZFER, TALUGAN TA TAGOLOAN, [RIOAONOM TAES, HiSA9IS ORFENTALSUCIONON/CAGHKAN DE ORO. SUPREME DATU NAMIAUG ERNESTO M. LANTONG DEPUTY SUPREME TRIBAL JUSTICE KEEPER, TALUGAN TA PULANG! DOBPUTY SUPREME TRIBAL JUSTICE;DUNGKONN TA WINDANIO [MANOBO TRIBES, DAVAO ORIENTAL AND PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON (ace) Appendix _| Page 35Republic of the Philippines OFFICE oF THE SUPPREME TRIBA. JUSTICE MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. [COMPANY REG. SEC NO. CN201932840 1B CAFESCA COMPOUND, BARANGAY £0, CAGAYAN DEORO CITY corona Noe CIBDTHSL 095296874 09305181 'BAE DIWiyMAMBUNYAG DSSOCATE TREACIUSTICE PANGABAGA HO DUNGKOAN TA MINDANAO HIGAONON TRIBES AGAYAN DE ORO CITY PARCABAGA HO BBUXIDNON AND Hi ASSOCIATE TRIBAL TUSTICE ANGABAGA HO DUNGKOAN TA MANOBO 7h DATU MANDAPUG? {ASSOCIATE TRIBAL, PANGABAGA HO DUNGKOAN TA MINDANAO HIGDON TRIBES, 7 DISTRICT-CAGAYAN DE ORO CY DATO MAGHUMUKOM SLEGFRED M. PADUA. ASSOCIATE TRIBAL USTICE. PANCABASA HO DUNGKOAN TA MINDANAO SIGAONON TRIBES. PROVINCE OF CAMIGUIN (PAGES) Appendix C_|Page 3 |Republi ofthe Philippines OFFICE UF THE SUPPREME TRIBA.. JUSTICE MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, IINC. ‘COMPANY #60. S£C.NO, C1201552810 (OFFICE: CAFESCA COMPOUND, BARANGAY €0, CXGATAN ‘al Nos 99804246) obazzsbedr 4 onGe308 1670 TIMUAY RoSITO C. AMBETIC ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE PANGABAGA HO DUNGKOAN TA MINDANAG SUBANEN ZAMBOANGA CITY “TIMGIRE WALTER 9.TIMOL ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE PANGABAGA HO DUNGKOAN TA MINDANAO SSUBANEN-GUTALAC, ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE ATU MASALIKDA EMMANUEL M. UYGUANGCO ASSOCIATE TRBAZISTICE PANGABAGA HOMpEONN TA MINDANAD HIGAONON TRIDES/ROGONGON, GAN AND LANAD AND MSANIS BCCIDENTAL ATU BATON-IWAMIG JOSEPH V. LINAAC, SR. ASSOCIATE TRIBAL I PANGABAGA HO HIGAONON TR YA MINDANAO - |CnY AND BUTUAN CTY FTRTIVES FROM LEGAL | STE TRIBAL JUSTICE: | THE LEGAL wa / ATU LIBRA ATTY. CANCIO Ni te bdr M. GoIBONE ASSOCIATE TRIBAL USTICE A? HIGAONON TRIBES, CAGAVAN DE Ong Xp REPRESENTATIVE TO THE LEGAL PAC CAGAAN DE CRO 9 REPRESENTATIVE Appendix _C¢ [Page 37Republic of the Philippines OFFICE UF THE SUPPREME TRIBA.. JUSTICE MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. counawrte sewn eesen Circ a i ora eharrmeeee ‘TWO Gj BAES REPRESENTATIVES FROM LEGAL | hue |AS ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTIC un its ‘a Reso LUSTICE IGAONGN TEES CAGAYAN DE ORO REPRESENTATIVE TO THE LEGAL. PROFESSION "SUGEME BAVLANG REPRESENTATIVES AS ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE | LP, atu alla Ng oBLab vacaPny ASSOCIATE TRL [UoTICE roAQNOAc TRIBES, Coca DE ORO [SUPREME SALA REDRESENTATVE DDATU"K" MoDESTO L, OLEVEROS ~~ ASSOCIATE TRIBAL USTICE ICAONGN TREES, BALNIOASAG SUPREME OAYLAW REPRESENTATIVE ATU AMPOAN PETENIO LEBANDA ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE HIGAONON TRIBES, BAUNGON SUPREME BAVLAN REPRESENTATNE, ‘BAYLAN AND DATUS/BAES REPRESENTATIVES IN EVERY DISTRICT/S, REGION'S, MUNICIPALITIES AS ____ ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE: ‘TIMUAY IAYPEE A. ATONG ASSOCIATE TRIBAL USTCE. ZAMBOANGA PININSULA,SUBANEN TRIBES, REGION 9, REPRESENTATIVE ATU UMBAD ELMER OBLAD YACAPI ASSOCIATE TRIBAL UST asONOW THEE SECON 1, oAMLAN REPRESENTATIVE (aces) {Appendix ¢_ [Page 3s |Republic ofthe Philippines OFFICE UF THE SUPPREME TRIBA~ JUSTICE, MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. ‘OMEANY REG, SEC NO. CN201552640, Cl | garoulovesecr e387 cuoma a rai er Svc aT [OTH MAMIKAKAVAN FERNANDO LID: ASSOCIATE TRIBAL IUSTICE 'MANOBO-BAGOBO ~TALAANDIG TRI, DATU MAKAHUSAY ALFONS ASSOCIATE TRIBAL WENCE HIGAONON TRIBES. ITV's BAYLAN CCAGAYAN DE ORO CITY ‘OATU BUBLYOG ERNESTO L, VENUS AASBOCUATE TRBAL JUSTICE (CHS DATU REPRESENT BABY ct ATU MAKABULIG AGUSTINE A. LIBANTA ASSOCIATE TRIBAL-WUSTICE HIGAONON TRIBES, PROVINCIAL BAYLAN REPRESENTATIVE PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON ‘DATU KUYAW HOBIN NA ASSOCIATE TRIBAL UST HIGAONON TRIBES, PROVINCIAL BAYLAN REPRESENTATIVE FROANCEOF MISAMIS OR ATU SALIGAN. FtON ASSOCIATE TRIAL JUS HIGAONON TRIBES, MUNICIPAL BAYLAN REPRESENTATIVE SALAY, MISANIS ORIENTA DATU MAG-UUMOL BONIFACIO E, ADAP ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE 'HIGAONOMTHIBES, MUNICIPAL DATU REPRESENTATIVE POL, MISAMIS ORIENTAL (PAGES) (Appendix Cj Page39 |Republic ofthe Philippines OFFICE UF THE SUPPREME TRIBA. JUSTICE, MINDANAO TRIBAL SUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. omen gS Or ecxoc oe em ONE (1) DATURA iccwiP= AS MS HCE ICC'SPS SUBANEN RED UNITED TRIBAL HIGHLANDERS AND DATUISM OF MINDANAO — DATU PALARAN 15h "BEBE" D. CASINO, JR. ‘ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE ICCS/PS HIGAONON REPRESENTATIVE MINDANAO THIBAL GOVERNANCE FOR SELF-DETERMINATION AND EMPOWERMENT, NC -BAE BALAGSULAT FILME A. JAYECTIN ‘ASSOCIATE TREAL JUSTICE ICCS/PPS HIGAONON REPRESENTATIVE INTEGRATED WHITE TRIBE BOLO BKTALLION, PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON ATU MAKABIIGB NELSON SALCEDO ‘ASSOGATE TRIBAL JUSTICE ICCS/PS HIGAONON REPRESENTATIVE ISCUDA, SUPREME COUNCIL OF DATUS BBAE KILALA PACITA INDAY PANES ASSOCATE TRIBAL [USTICE ICCSIPS REPRESENTATIVE HIGAONON "TRICAP. TRIBAL COMMUNITIES ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES [[GouNeIC OF DATUS ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIAT: —] | DATU IDAGATON [Ose PeprTo SERARH 2) ATW LALANON ALFREDO T. VELU2. 5) DATU ACRIERIN IRM, OMPOC 4) DATU MANINAAN ALMAR ONPOC, 5} ATU SUMILANG MARIO DELOS D, REYES 69) DATU PAGLONGA CLEMENTE ©. VELUZ 1_DATU MANUGO-ONON RODOLEO A. CLAPERO 8) DATU MAGAYAD TEODOSIO A. BACUS, SR 9) ATU KALAMBAGOHAN RICHARD V. LNAAC 1) DATU KAHILUMAN WILFREDO I, NAVARRO (ace D, ix [Page 40] , AppenRepublic ofthe Philippines OFFICE UF THE SUPPREME TRIBA~ JUSTICE, MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. ‘COMPANY REG. SEC NO. CN201532840 (OFFICE: CAFESCA COMPOUND. BAFANGAY 40, CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY GaN 9 zoe 22H Oe55 6 Sr ferune Ateneo EOFs Mie Ac OF 199 (SQUNGICOF ans ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIAT] AE Kiei-OWAN EDMHAV. DELVAILE 2} BAENAGSLSUATIMEUA A IOS 5) BAE SALAMIN LUDEM BRANDARES 4) BREKIALA DELIA. AGSIMON. 5} BAE KALALAGAN IMELDA A, LAUWO 41 BAE TINBANGAN MERIAM C, EERA 7) BAESIDLARANFLORAPAO “BHO 8) BAE AMIAN SHEREEN L UYGUANGCO BE BULANANON EMILY. LNAAC 10) BRE LINGI-ON ROSEN! G, BARBOSA 1) BAE KAGAYEA-AN ROSALINA L. VILLAMOR 12) BRE MAKAILAW MADELYNS. PALASOL ‘COUNCIL OF DATUS TECHNICAL WORKING SUPPORT ‘GROUP. ATU MASUGILON TEFREEY 7. UNAAC DDATU MAKABODSOD NELSON. SONER DAT) BALAYONG WILFREDO B, BARBOSA DDATU LACUYAN JOEL.C. BARBOSA, DDATU KAHILUMAN WILFREDO |. NAVARRO DDATU BATOGAN Il SAMSON D, BUENAFLOR DDATU MAMATIKAN MARLOU L. CARCOSA. DAT WMAYANG LUGANO P. DULANGON DDATU BATONWAHIG JOSEPH V. UNAAC, SR 10, DATU KALANBAGOHAN RICHARD. UNAAC. 2 ‘COUNCIL OF BAES TECHNICAL WORKING 5 Ty BAE MAALAMON MELANIE G, LINAAC 2) BME WHLOMO MARITESL. SONER 5) BAETAMOLAONGON CERLAC. SERAFIN 4) BAE MAUSWAGON HAYDEE P. LNAAC 5} BAEMAAGYAS GEMMAL PRAIES (6) BAE SABANGAAN JUNTA H. YACAPIN TL BAE MANDING-DING ENRIOUTA A SIMBAION 18) BAE DU-ONGAN EDUARDAS. DE LOS REYES 9) AE MANUINSA MANUELA D.OMPOC. 10) BAE SANDATA ZENAIDA MATUGAS EAGUIO 1) BAE MALINGCO ANGELINA E, MARQUEZ 12) BAEMAKATO-ON ESTERLITA E. CAPAPAS 18) 3RE TUMANOD FELPAE.RELATIVO 11) BAE NANGARANAN MARINA S, DERUTAS 15) BAE LANG-ILANG LOURDES, OBDAMEN aces) dix _C_| Page2 3 DEPUTY COUN, SEC Repu fhe Pilipinas OFFICE UF THE SUPPREME TRIBA.. JUSTIC MINDANAO TRIBAL JUDICIARY COUNCIL, INC. coe ee EEE ey on DATU ALIMAONG LLOYD. OPECIO DDATIS AGILA RHEE 0, ELMEDULAN, ATU KALAW SAUL ABEL 8. YACABN ATU BATO ROLAND G. SALUPER, 1 TUBIGIARY COUNCIL AUDITOR, | ues unaae | ober 2015 during the Orgarizatianal Meeting leld at CAFESCA, Mingango, Pilippines. forestated Resolution, iE ENRIQUEZ ROTORAS {BAL JUSTICE | AND MINGANAO TRIBAL ADMINISTRATOR nf paler sre naxsnan tlio re Se BOER vo i AERO DATU KAWILIHAN BENEDICTO M. DEL PUERTO ASSOCIATE TRIBAL JUSTICE REGIONAL TRIAL COUNCIL. REPRESENTATIVE [ASSISTANT COUNCIL SECRETARY. (aces) (Ropendi | Page 42Republic of the Philippines (CIGY OF CAGAWAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL GanocLMIANG PANLUNESOO) Proposed Osdinance approving the Johndorf Ventures Corporation, represented by Mr, Ruperto M. Villaganas Jr, Operation In-Charge NorthMin, for alteration of plan of a portion of the Montierra Subdivision located 2t Upper Batalang, this city, by transferring the location of the parks and Playground to another area which in effect increasing the numberof Tots from 502 is purpose, amending to 600 covering an area of 75,66 square meters, and for U ‘Ordinance No. 2996-2015 ‘apes fed 1 te SRMMARELEE ON LAWS AND BULES, the fron commas fr sty, neatgaion report anderen. ABTURO S. BE SAN MELEE Coy coal Se COMMITTEE EEEOET AND PECOMMENDATIEN Dateofaetiy, Seats —— lama HON jee echine HER ADELARL aA \ \ NN] ike, ALNAEYA MANO ETIEE sinic Hen LEENA aNRepuiscof me Pippnas CITY OF CAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ‘Sanggunang Pelungsod ala abeaoa ro aast te a CCommaticaton Number: 0961-15, Date sans Recaver —_Jeteaming Prom. e700 aie 2p Noo. pee. 4 2018, Ale mo eumnorene cows Rate THE Eon cocates nrateon ican es CY, COVE EAC TERED Respocfly efecto COMMITTEE ON. SURIUISION & LANDED HSFATH, the heren communion for sey, evextgton, epee sd tecarmendstinn. FORTHE CITY VICE MAYOR & PRESIDING OF NCH / AEM $, DR SAV MLE ity Council Secreta See. ‘Date of Meeting: Reneewel OG eee, Chaintan ‘oe Charan ‘Hoy. ADRIAN L.naTtna ‘MON. RAMON 6, FAHOR ‘tidenoer “ma Nemar ‘HON. DOMETID €. ACENAS 3A. eres ‘nd Nees Exotioe Wanbor has Manta pissenTne‘Cily of Copsyan de Oro 2" Endorsement December 04, 2015, Respectfully forwarded to Hon. Alexander S. Dacer Chairman, Committee on Subdivision and Landed Estate, Offce of the City Couneil, this City, the herein Plans {and supporting documents relative to the application for Alteration of Plan of Montierra Subdivision represented by Engr. Ruperto Villaganas, Jr. Operations-in- Charge, NorthMin, Jonndort Ventures Corporati, located at Upper Balulang, this City, covering, ‘an area 75,166.00 sq.m, recommending for approval City Planning & Dek t. Coordinator Appendix _D_ [Page 46Repti of he Philippines ottnce So ‘Cy of Cagayan 8 Or a CITY PLAIN and Rens DENELCPMENT OgP ICE wre ans ap No 2 ‘RECOMMENDATION FOR ALTERATION OF PLAN ‘APPLIGATIONNO_——— UNDER PO, 957 DATEWSSUED sEALTTTE [x] Susiiion 1) Bextor NAME OF APPLICANTTOEVECORERE “ADDRESS AND TEL Rupert, Vilaganas, J ‘nt 7, Joramor 2g. ‘Operator, NORM Moreis St, Cagayan de Ovo Cry ‘Shr Ventures Corporation eine. 8556578 NAME OF DEVELOPER: ‘ADORESS ANO TEL, ‘oir Vertres Corporation nt, eters Morola St, Cagayan de oro Cry | Foto ese es7e NANE GF PROECT | LOCATION AND AREA AFFECTED: Montra Subdision Upper Balana, Cagayan ge Ore Cay Read 23350 18 Pars 6 Playgrounds! Ganmunty Facies =5 960.06, | Seabee = a7.002 06 Commercial area =4 88870 “etal ates rea 75,166.00 99m, I RIGHT OVER LAD: Oar | Tete. Tar eo aooseoe EVALUATION OF FACTS: In assadance wih the implementing es and regulation of PD 957, pursuant the eon of RA‘7iso, ahersae kooum as Ye os Gatermen Code of 1948 peraning rove oF Zoning Ordinance 2008 and aor ted Cty Oraances ‘CONDITIONS: ‘onions stated hein form part of DECISION andar subj © motoring "Non-conptarce there fal be a cause‘er eanesionorlogal acon Perinent Provsione of PD 87, 1994 Coded Orsinance of he Cay Government Cagayan da ‘ray, Po 188m, 61 S218 and her mplemerting rubs and Pegulatons shal be compe with Lcenea o selforto ateted area's emporany suspen, ‘Sama shal be re appt a NLURE for resistin and tsuarce of ean os ‘Suomstheallored sundhbion phn to Surmau of tandaNatona Land tee for vesfeton ard spear, 7. Cerin sa stipulated inthe approved development emit shal fam part of he codon in the aeration planRepube of he Pitoptes Givat Cagayan se Oe Deportnant ot Fghoerng & Pe We ‘Oftee ona cy Bron December (2.2018 NCR 1080 6. 30K {Cy Panning x Devicpment Cooetnate Shy Perning LOeeceman Ofte Suect Techies! fvayation 1: apiction for Asoratonct Plant MONTESEA SUBDIVISION ornate by er, RUDE, YRoganas in, Spsatoretn Chong, Nerin ohnoat Vente Comaton lecaton: Upper Balutng- Cagayan de Oo Cty Exclonre: plan ther wpporing document Remaris : eaten noted Allerton duo he folowing > none the eeston of faa etayzcund fom ono ef Sovthom pavnn 0 he ped ect > Incrocua number siecsiaetm 210 KO Dr AUISDETTOFTREARNG Gav ENGINES aN be [Rapenaie 9] Pase 25]“SATION FOR ALTERATION OF PP*1V ‘itl = sunhisn : ( Condominium/Townhouse Nore 17) 201 ate ‘THE CITY councIL (fee ofthe Cty Counc Cagayan de Oro ty - St; 1 connection with applicble laws of B.P 220 of PD 357 ard its implementing Standards, Rules and Regulation, a5 amended by Executive Order No. 648 dated 07 February 1981; 5 am _apiying for the alteration of Plan ofa Subdlvisen/Condomitium project with Development Permit No, SEED “having a total area of 75,188 square meters, containing 222, es ° | [Lf Peseregeto re ~ 1, 50 (6) copies of he pln showing the propose aeration duly ane and sealed by Licensed architec/Engineer; ‘etter sting the proposestreason fe the proposed atertonfconesiny ~ ‘Sworn statement tat the affected lets/units fo alteration have not been Sol wrtten conformity oF the dilly organized homeowners association or inthe absence therefore, majorty ofthe let/unit auyers; 7” 5. Cried ue copy fel oe feed ents ofthe oi Republic of the Pilppines $5 “Sasr oF tagaen Gu Oro SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN 0 efor me ths day of _ MOV 18 gn sn the cyorodnce of ges ean ART He NAT RNS Ce No. Lee ge cd ee ofRepublic of the Philippines (CIGY OF CARAWAN DE ORO (OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ‘GAncquNAns PAMNESOO) ‘sunster Martee: Proposed Ordinance approving the application of Cagayan de Oro Sports Arena, represented by Cockpit Manager Gregorio C. Daloyoc, for a special permit to hold a Three (3) Stag / Three (3) Cock Combo Derby at the said ‘arena on December23, 2015, from 10:00 a.m, to 100 a.m. ofthe following day. ‘Recflly efoto Se COMMUTER ON LAWS AND EULES, Ue fer commanttins for 06), vertgetion por ed ommendatn. APTURO 5. UE SAN MIGUEL D5 Gunton, COMMITTEE REPUET AND EFCONENDA ‘baw fauwing “ba Sate Chum HON: DAMP. FAECRepublcobth ines CITY OF CAGAYAN DE ORO OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Sargon Pak Comseucistion Number 92 Dae ‘zones Receree: —— daseamine From xapan oe Oe Sp ee anes -ReQue=tn® ros ore Pent ccustnanncnocnennSASSAATO HOLD AS spect eeced vo CMENERN/ ON GOUS NSEMENT the hetincomtnomicndon for td, nvxigstn, epest and/or esommendey COMMITEE REPORT AYD ppeommcsoron ‘HON. Doma €. ROENAS 5 Calan oe can Nox, ZaLny §. 060% HON. FxMICD D. saLcHDO fetus anayanber Ho. auccaxoun 6, DacER Shomer rOtico Member ExoBco dere pissensNeSs ‘OFnCE OFM Crey Vice MAYOR Vice Mayor's PRE {ipPROvril Dara: Novemarr20, 2018 ‘FROM: CAGAYANDE OROSPORTS ARENA Susser Marten 2 DERBY oN DECEMBER {CIAL PERMIT TO HOLD 3 STAG/3 COCK COMBO ENDED ACTION: REFER TO-THE COMMITTEE ON GAMES AND ANMUSEIUENT, SOI, Lepomis “CAGAYAN DE ORO SPORTS ARENA Gumameia Extension, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City To The Honorable Body ‘SengguniangPanglungsad Cagayan de Ore City Dear SirMadam, cieetingst ‘The management of Cagayan de Oro Sports Arena through the undersigned, respectfully request your honorable office for a special permit to hold a 3 STAG / 3 COCK COMBO DERBY on December 23, 2015, We pray and hope for favorable result on this matter. ‘Thank you and more power. God Bless Cagayan de Ore Gity. Respectfully yours, GREGORIO C, DALOYOG Cockpit ManagerRepublic of the Phiipeines revov eacavan DE ono OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Gonacine raentsc0) Recelved by: Date: suesecr Marten: Proposed Ordinance regulating septage dislilging, transport, {reatmtent and disposal, providing penalty thereof and for other purposes cl ford to te COMMITTEE ON LAWS AND EULES, te foi oman fora ‘musts pt a nemedaon Fon recrvveeavonsenectnccrnces AnrtEos pe savicutt COMMITEE ExCET AND EFCOUMENDATHEN Sugaany Yee ae sepeaonee ge Aaa, eae. oniHON. RAMON G. TABOR Chair, Committee on laws and Rules ‘THRU: MS. MARIA CARLA L. LICAYAN Legislative Staff Officer V Chief, Legislative Committees Division Cagayan de Oro City Dear tis. Licayan, ‘This is reply to your 1* Indorsement dated 5 October 2015 requesting 2 review and legal opinion on the proposed Ordinance regulating septage distudging,transpon, treatment and disposal, providing penalty thereof and for other purposes. ‘this regard, this Office finds the proposed. Ordinance to be valid and in legal order as it is in compliance and complimentary to existing national laws on the matter, as well as its enactment is pursuant to the Sangguniang Panlungsoc's mandate under the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA. 7180) to requiate the use of land, building and structures within the City and ensure the same are keptin a sanitary condition, 0 wit Sexton 458 (a) (4) (2) i) "Require that bulings and the premises thereof and any land within the ery be kent and maintained in a santary conalion, impose penattes for any violation theredt Upon falure to comply wi) said requirement, have teswork done ai ‘he expense of the owner, administrator oF tenant concemed; of equire the fling up of any Yand ar premises to @ grade necessary for proper sanitation” Appendix F | Page 55 |‘We observed that Section 9 of the proposed Ordinance tasked the CLENRO to prepare and formulate the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) concerning the application and interpretations of the proposed ordinance. On this note, we highly recommend that the IRR to be. draft should address the lack of specific provisions detailing the qualifications, accreditation and process of selection of the private entities which will be tasked to perform the disludging activities. The IRR. should also include the fees and expenses to be shouldered by the property ‘owners; the basis of the rates used; and the manner of how its going to be collected and paid. For your information and appropriate action. ~ DELEGENCIA (010 city Legal OfcPROPOSED ORDINANCE NO, 2015~. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SEPTAGE DESLUDGING, TRANSPORT, ‘TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL + PROVIDING PENALTY THEREOF; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council (Sanaa session that 1g Panlungsod) in ARTICLE 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1. TITLE - This Onfinance shall be known as the "Septage Management Ordinance.” SECTION 2. SCOPE AND COVERAGE - This Ordinance shall apply to all septage coming from the septic tanks of buildings and structures whether public or privately owned! residential, commercial, institutional or industrial, ‘except for'some high-end subdivisions and malls which have their own disposal ‘and treatment facility duty epproved and with Permit to Operate issued by EMB/DENR, SRCTION 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS - The words aff phrases used In this Ordinance shall mean as follows: me a) CBO - City Engineer's Office b) CHO ~ City Health Office ‘9, Gity Septage Managemen Program ~2 work program prepared by CCLENRO‘duly approved by the City mayor pertaining to Desludging, ‘Transport, Treatment and Disposal of Septage. ) CWMB ~ City Wastewater Management Board 2) CLENRO ~City Local Environment andi Natural Resources Olfice 1) Desludaer ~2 person or company duly accredited by the City Gavernment of Cagayan de Oro to engage in the desludging and transport of septage to the septage treatment facility. 8) Environment ~means any water, water vapor, any land including land surface or subsurface, air, fish, wildlife, biota and all other naturel 1b) Contaminam ~any substance (including gases, liquids, solids, and miiero~ organisms) or energy (excluding noise}, ox heat ~ when discharged into water changes or is likely to change the physical, chemical or biohesical condition of water, ')Destudging ~ te process of removing accumulated sludge or septage from Appendix £ | Page S27the septic tank by pumping or any other mechanized means, ~ i) Operator ~a private person or corporation with juridical entity engaged fn the operation of 2 Septage Treatment Facility duly licensed by the DENR, DOH and the City Government of Cagayan de Oro. ik} Septage ~the combination of scum, sludge and liquid that accumulates in septic tanks, Septic Tank ~a watertight, multi~chambered receptacle that receives sewage from houses or other buildings and is designed to separste and store the solids and partially digest the organic matter in the sewage, 'm) Stabilization ~the process of treating septage of sludge to reduce athogen densities and veetor attraction to produce an organic material that may be applied to the land as a soils conditioner, 1) Treatment ~any method, technique or process designed to alter the physical, chemical of biological ane radiological character or compesition ‘of any waste or Wastewater to reduce or prevent pollution ©} Septage Management System ~ the desludsing, transport, sreatmient acct disposal of septage. SECTION 4. AUTHORITY - This Ordinance is enacted to compliment the provisions and specifications of the following laws’ a) The National Building Code of the Philippines t b) The Code on Sanitation of the Philippines Chapter RVUs ) The Plumbing Code of the Philippines . &) The Clean Water Act e) Local Government Code of the Philippines ~ Environment Services Section 4, Mater Distrhen Caw 90 108 SECTIONS: PURPOSE ~ This Ordinance is adopted to promote and protect ublic health and to provide for the administration and enforcement of the ‘Cagayan de Ore City Septage Management Program, The Program aims to ‘create and sustain a system in which all the septic tanks in the City are desludged ‘on a cegular basis (every 3-5 years), and the collected septage is properly tweated and disposed of in accordance with national laws. ARTICLE 2: ADMINISTRATION SECTION 6. CREATION ~ There shall be created a City Wastewater Management Board (CWMB) composed of representatives from various offices, ‘such 8 the CLENRO, City Health Office, City Legal Office, City Engineer's Office, Office of the Building Oficial, Cagayan de Oro Water District, private ‘water providers, non-governmental organizations, private sector compares and Tpnendix___[Page_58.w 98 8 100 101 102 103 304 205 108 107 103 108 103 10 un nz 3 1a 115 us 7 13. 11 120 32 122 128 124 125 328 127 128 129 130 38 132 183 134 135, 436 137 158 any other who shall be appointed by the Local Chief Executive. ‘Other persons may be invited to provide tec needed, advice to the CWMB as SECTION 7. FUNCTIONS ~ The CWMB shall have the folowing funetions and powers J. Submit the annual planning and implementing promotion campaign an, the Seplage Management Program and related initiatives of the City. 2. Rormulat ism adequate for the promotion of desludging and that all Septaze Management Systems (SMS) are in place for simooth ‘plementation of the program. This includes reviewing the operations and maintenance plans of the SMS. 3. Oversee the program to be implemsnted of the SMS on @ regular basis ta resolve any problems that may arise. 4. Receive and respond to complaints, suggestions end requests for exemptions and issue decisions. 8. Promote continuing research far the development snd enhancement of SECTION 8. The City Local Bavironment & Naturals Resources Office (CLENRO) will sdmindeter the City Septage Management Progfafs. This shall include: : at 2) Overseeing the operations uf the program dad montortas the performances of the Desludger that may be hired to perform septage collection oF treatment services,; b) Toserve anotice of non-conformance to the provisions of this \< >, Oidinguce io the owner, administrator or occupant ofthe resigentil or " comme fiabbuilding ifthe Desbuiaer reposts that 4 septic tank is not is inaccessible for desl erve notices of noa-conformance of i riod shall be set by 1 ry i -cupante and the CWMB, Once is resolved, the CWMB shall issue a Certificate of Complian SECTION 9, FORMULATION OF IMPLEMENTING RULES AND. REGULATIONS (RR) ~The SLENRO is tasked to prepare and formulate the Implementing Rules & Regulations concerning the application and interpretations of this ordinance and for the purpose of cagrying out the tespnnsbilities ‘delegated to him by law. CLENRO should incorporate or coordinate with City Health Office, City Public Services Office, COWD, Oifice of the City Building Official, ang City Engineer's Office in formulating tne IRR. Other persons may Appendix & Page 52133 140 an ae 443 ass 445 a8 Mar 148 149 150 3S 152 153 184 155 186 187 358 159 160 161 162 163 Ba 165 166 187 1658 383, 170 an 172 173 1% 175 176 im 178 173 180 181 also be invited to provide technical advice. ARTICLE 3: ACCESS AND IDENTIFICATION SECTION 10. RIGHT OF ENTRY ~ The CLENRO or its duly authorized representatives, bearing sroper identification, shall be permitted to enter all properties for the purpose of inspection or observation of any septic tank. The ‘CLENRO shall authorize the Desludger or its representatives to enter all properties for the purpose of desludging any septic tank in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 11, ACCESS - Property owners shall take appropriate actions ‘to ensure that the Deshaszerwill have access to inspect and desiudge any septic lank. If the septic tank is not accessible, itis the responsibility of the owner to open the septic tank cover so it can be desludgee. ARTICLE 4: BASELINE INFORMATION SECTION 12, SEPTIC TANK INFORMATION - The City Health Office and the Ofice ofthe City Building Official shall provide the CLENRO with baseline information on toilets and septic tanks per barangay. ARTICLE'S: NSPECTIN aND DESLUDGING NOTE SECTION 13, SERVICE AREAS - The City shall be dividéd into service areas, which will be desludged periodically. +(see Service Ares terminology) SECTION 14, DESLUDGING NOTICE - The Desludger, through the CLENRO, will notify septic tank owners twenty (20) days prior to the eshudging schéllite in coordination with their respective Sangguniang Barangay, ‘The deskudging schedule will be posted in each barangay fall, SECTION 15. PRESUMPTION OF NOTICE ~ Where the City alleges that there has been non-compliance with this Ordinance, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the owner received notice of the required action ifthe CLENRO fr the Desladger submits praot of the date and receipt of such notice. ARTICUE 6: DESLUDGING SECTION 16. DESLUDGING ~ Property owners shall allow the Desludger to desludge their septic tanks at least once every § years and shall fully ‘cooperate with the Desludger to carry out the desludging. The owner is responsible for opening the access port of their septic tank, Disludging exoensesshallbe shouldered by the owner. ~ SECTION 17. DESLUDGING PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT ~ 8) The Desludger shall prepare a work plan that shall include the procedure, ‘equipment and route 16 implement the City Septage Management Program. b) The Desludger shall submit monthly reports to the CLENRO that include a record of all septic tanks desludged, the volume of septage collected and treated, those that do not have septic tanks, and those that do nat nave water~Sealed toilets. The CLENRO will Keep a record of this information and cther data that may be deemed necesgary in the implementation of the Program. (© The CLENRO/CHO sha implement and enforce the rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Health in handling, transporting, treating and disposing of septage. This includes but is not limited to SECURING an ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION CLEARANCE (ESC) which is diecussed more thoroughly in the Operations Maral on the Rules and Regulations Governing Domestics Shudge and Septage set forth by the Department of Health ARTICLE 7: COMPLIANCE WITH THE REVISED PLUMBING CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES + we SECTION 18, NEW CONSTRUCTION ~ All newly consigitfed septic ‘eniks shall meet tbe design requirements contained in the Revised Plumbing Code of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines (PD 856: Chapter 17 Sec. 4) the DOtfice of the Building Official (OBO) together with the City Health Office (CHO shall enforce this provisions SECTION. HOLD STATUS = IU the Deslutger determines that there ie a problem in desludging, the CLENRO shall verify such problem arior fo the ‘gauance of Hold Status notice, The septic turk ownerf user shall be informed by the CLENRO. The septic tank owner / user shall institute mitigating measures within thirty (30) days alter which desludging will be scheduled. ARTICLE 8: PRETREATMENT SECTION 20. SEPTAGE KEPT|SEPARATE ~ It shall be the ‘esponsibility of septic tank owners to prevent Seplage from being exposed to, mixed with or contaminated by any type of hazardous waste, including excessive chemicals, oil and grease or they must install a pretreatment system so that septage is of domestic quality.225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235, 236 237 238, 239 240 2a 2a 243. 24d 245, 246 27 2B 249 250 251 252. 253 255 256 257 258, 259 260 261 262. 263, 264 ARTICLE 9: TRANSPORT SECTION 19, ROUTE AND SCHEDULE ~ The Desludger shall prepare # route and schedule and submit it to the CLENRO. A manifest system shall be incorporated in the contract between the City Government and the Desludger. ARTICLE 10: TREATMENT SECTION 20. SEPTAGE PROCESSING AND TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION - The Septage Treatment Facility shall utilize appropriate of preferably "Green Technology” and conform to the standards of the DENR and other concerned agencies, {All facilities must be designed by a Licensed Civil or Sanitary Engineer in 00d standing and shall meet all civil and sanitary requirements for a good design, ARTICLE LI! VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES SECTION 21: VIOLATION AND PENALTIES ~ Any persons who violates snv.pravsion of the Orcnance shall be gulty of misdemesnor and upon Conviction shall be punishee by a fine not to exceedsive thousand pesos {P 5,000.00) or by imprisonment for a period no to exceed sif(6) months, oF ‘wath ie and imprisonment, Prosecution ofa violatgn and pagtént of any hudament obtained does not preclude eomrliance with the terms and conditions| of tis Ordinance 1, «fhe offender, however, may opto pay the following administrative fines wit five (gays fom receipt of Note of Violation lee bythe CLENRO: 1, First Offense ~ PhP 1,500.00 2. Second Offense ~ PhP 3,000.00 3. Third Offense ~ PhP 5,000.00 ARTICLE 12: MISCBLLANEOUS SECTION 22: SEVERABILITY - In the event that any section, provision, clause or any of this ordinance is found to be ineffective or valid by 4 court of law, such finding shall not affect the validity af the remainder of thie Ordinance, Appendix F | Page G2 |265 [SECTION 23: EFFECTIVE DATE ~ This Ordinance shall take effect 15, 268 days following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation 3s provided 287 for by law Appentix | Page @3 |
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