Week 3
Week 3
Week 3
the quality of patient care by assisting international health care organizations, public health
agencies, health ministries, and others evaluate, improve and demonstrate the quality of patient
care and enhance patient safety1. TJC accredits over 18,000 health care organizations and
programs in the U.S. A majority of state governments have come to recognize TJC accreditation
as a condition of licensure and the receipt of Medicaid reimbursement1. There are multiple
benefits of being accredited by TJC; these include enhancing the hospitals reputation of quality
patient care and for reimbursement purposes.
UPMC Cancer Centers pride themselves on being accredited by TJC. The image below shows
my specific center, Magee Womens Hospital holds an accredited status. This status is awarded to
a health care organization that is in compliance with all standards at the time of the onsite survey
or has successfully addressed requirements for improvement in an Evidence of Standards
Compliance within 45 or 60 days following the posting of the Accreditation Summary Findings