Afc2105lesson Plan Template ltc4240-2

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Flower Power Through Number Sense Big Idea: Difference
Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
Students will show their understanding of how numbers can be represented in different ways by
creating a flower out of construction paper. The center of the flower will have the number they
are working with. Each petal surrounding the flower will be used for the students to represent
their number is different ways.
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
students to know.*
1. Visual Art: Art can help create and organize the written
forms and equations of numbers.
2. Literacy: Numbers can be counted in different ways and be
shown figuratively with illustrations.
3. Math: Although the way a number is represented can
change, the overall number remains the same. There are
different strategies that can be applied when working with

Grade Level*: 1st

Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

Essential Questions (1-2)*

1. What are different ways numbers can be represented?
2. How does the construction of a flower help facilitate
number sense?

Lesson Objectives/Goals: (Excellent resource at What

you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to . . .design a flower using construction paper to organize the differing representations
of a number.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to . . .apply the book, How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten to the lesson by using the book as
a resource when creating different representations of a number.
3. Math: The students will be able todraw/write and explain how one number can be expressed in different ways without
changing the value of the number.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


1. Visual Art (May use NAEA National standards):

VA: Cr2.1a: Explore uses of materials and tools to create works

Instructional Strategies (Teachers approach to helping students

achieve learning)
- Ask questions pertaining to numbers (ex: what is a
object you have at home that comes in 4s or has 4

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

of art or design.
VA: Cr12.ka: Use observation and investigation in preparation
for making a work of are.
VA: Cr11.ka: Engage collaboratively in exploration and
imaginative play with materials.
2. Literacy:
CA 3 1.5, 1.6: Read and follow a simple direction to perform a
CA 5 1.5, 1.7, 2.7: Identify, with assistance, simple messages
conveyed through oral and visual media
CA 3 1.5, 1.6: Identify and explain information in text, pictures,
title and charts
3. Math:
MA 5 1.0: read, write, and compare whole numbers less than
MA 1 1.6: compose or decompose whole numbers up to 20
using multiple strategies such as known facts, doubles and
close to doubles, tens, and one place value.
MA 1 1.0: represent/ model a given situation involving addition
and subtraction of whole numbers using pictures, objects, or

Content Areas Integrated*

1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Andy Warhol)
2. Literacy
3. Math

Brainstorm ides as a class of different ways to express
Provide access to the book, How Do Dinosaurs Count
to Ten as a resource to the students as they complete
their project.

Lesson Structure & Procedure(s) Sequence of events of the lesson

elements. (The before, during, and after the lesson, e.g.
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion ,please be
very specific, walk me through step by step of the What of what is
happening with a rationale as to WHY you are doing this):

1. The lesson will begin by the teacher reading the book, How
Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? The goal of reading this book is
to help introduce the topic of the lesson, number sense.
2. Next, the teacher will display Andy Warhols picture

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

Flowers to give the students an idea of what they will be
3. The teacher will explain the activity by showing an
example of a completed constructed flower.
4. After instructions have been explained, students will pick
sticks from a jar to determine what number their project will
be centered on. This is to ensure each student has a
different number and to randomize what number each
student gets.
5. Once each student has their number they will have time to
complete the construction of their flower using material and
colors of their choice.
6. Before filling out the petals of the flower with different
representations of their number, the class will have a
discussion brainstorming ideas of how numbers can be
expressed in different ways. The class brainstorming session
will help give students ideas when they complete the petals
of the flowers.
7. Following brainstorming students will work independently
on completing their project. The teacher will walk around
throughout work-time to gauge student engagement and
learning as well as answer questions.
8. After spending time working independently, the teacher
will facilitate a Think-Pair-Share. This will allow students to
share their work with their peers and share the different
methods they used to represent their numbers.
9. After the Think-Pair-Share students will spend time
finishing up their projects.
10. Students will have the opportunity to share their work
during a game of popcorn. Each student will share their
unique flower as wells as one of the ways they represented
their number.
11. To end the lesson the students will complete an exit slip

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 4

Opening (Gaining Attention, what will you show, or demonstrate)*:

I will begin the lesson by reading the book, How Do Dinosaurs
Count to Ten? This will provide an introduction of number
sense and how numbers can be counted and shown in
different ways. Following the reading I will display a photo of
Andy Warhols Flowers painting from 1970. This will provide
students with background knowledge of the flower they will be

Formative Assessment strategy: (how will you assess while the

learning is happening?)

reflecting on what they learned, found interesting, and any

questions they have. The exit slip will be helpful when
wrapping up the lesson the next day and to help the students
reflect on their learning.
12. The following day the class will start by the teacher going
over the students questions and clearing up any further
confusion. Finally, the students will partake in a whiteboard
assessment. This will allow the teacher to determine if the
students met grade level expectations and observe what they
learned from the integrated lesson.
Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set, how will student share what they

Students will sit in a circle on the carpet with their finished

flower and participate in a popcorn share. One student will
start by holding up their individually designed flower to the
other students and will share their number and one-way they
represented their number. After the first student has shared
he/she will popcorn to a different student to share by simply
calling out their name. This will continue until each student
has shared his or her work.
Summative Assessment strategy*:
As a summative assessment a whiteboard assessment will be
conducted. Students will have their own whiteboard and dry
erase marker. The teacher will verbally call out a number
and write it in the SmartBoard for students to see. The
students will use their whiteboard to draw or write a visual
representation of the given number. After every student is
finished they will hold up their whiteboards for the teacher to

Halfway through the lesson I will stop the students and

facilitate a Think-Pair-Share. This will give the students an
opportunity to talk with a partner about the assignment. They
can share how they constructed their flower and what makes it
unique as well as how they are using different methods to
represent their number. This will give students different ideas
on how to represent their number. This will be used as a
formative assessment as the teacher will walk around the
room listening to student conversations to asses the learning
at hand.
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 5

Students will need to understand the essence of a flower with petals to create the flower construction. Students must
understand the basic concept of adding and subtracting in order to represent a number in different ways.
Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
- The SmartBoard will be used to display Andy Warhols painting
- iPads can be used as an assistive technology device for 2 nd language learners to use as a translator
- Students with learning differences may have the option to complete the assignment using an ipad app to avoid
construction (apps allow students to draw using their fingers directly on the iPad to show their work).
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This lesson encourages divergent thinking because students must think critically to express a number in different written
forms. Students also must use problem-solving skills to create multiple ways to represent the same number.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
At the end of the lesson the students will complete an exit slip writing 3 things they learned, 2 things they found interesting,
and 1 question they still have. The following day we will have a class discussion on the questions students listed.
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.

To accommodate all diverse learners:

1. I will have premade flowers made for students who are unable or struggle with the construction
2. Non-verbal or students who lack communication skills do not have to verbally share their final product
3. Students who are visually impaired can verbally talk through the assignment with the teacher who will help construct the
4. I will provide written instructions of the assignment for any students with hearing impairments
5. Summative assessment can be given orally
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 6

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